

    Every week we're bringing you five categories of news to shatter that awful awkward silence that plagues our conversations. Topics include Current International Events, Business Marketing and Finance, Streetwise, Tech and Entertainment, and "Are You Kidding Me?" ridiculous news. Geocentric is brought to you by your friends John Newman the Anthropology guru and Nate Long the PR guy.
    en-us17 Episodes

    Episodes (17)

    For the last time, SUBSCRIBE TO TAGSURFER!

    For the last time, SUBSCRIBE TO TAGSURFER!
    Ok, it's been 2 weeks since we told you this feed was gonna die and you still haven't subscribed to the new feed. Here's how you find it: On iTunes, search for TagSurfer and you'll find it there. If you subscribe by other means, go to our site at www.tagsurfer.com and subscribe from there. Seriously though, we're glad you're a loyal Geocentric fan but you need to become a loyal TagSurfer fan! Next week there won't be an update on this feed. Hope to see you soon!

    Episode 28 - TagSurfer

    Episode 28 - TagSurfer
    Episode 28 - TagSurfer! 1/1/2009. Happy New Year everyone! We are now in 2009, which is going to prove to be a most excellent year! We wish you all the best! With a new year comes some change at Geocentric... Today is a new day. From now on, we will no longer be known as Geocentric. We will be known as TagSurfer! To check out the new site that aggregates all of our content, go to www.tagsurfer.com. We're all surfers and beach bums now! On this show we'll tell you all about the new blog and podcast. We'll tell you what has changed and what has stayed the same. We're still bringing 5 topics to break the awkward silence! These are the new topic categories (starting next week): 1. Business & Communications 2. Political Buzz 3. Tech & Gadgets 4. The Good Life 5. Odds and Ends The podcast will still be hosted by your friends, Nate Long and John Newman. The blog contributor team will consist of: John Newman - Political Science & Anthropology Nate Long - Public Relations, Marketing & Travel Ethan Clark - Tech, Film & Advertising Patrick Newman - Music Managing and Theater Remember when we said, "we're totally better than Mashable!" Well, really we're just different. They're a machine. They have "all that's new on the web." We have some of what's new on the web. We just surf the stuff we think is cool and bring it to TagSurfer! But, for the sake of baiting, we'll say, "Mashable, watch out..." Check out the official TagSurfer website at www.TagSurfer.com, which now has the blog, the podcast, links to our Twitter page and even a way to contact each of us by email. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504 (same number as before). If you have an attachment to send, you can also shoot us an email at TagSurfer@inbox.com. Be sure to follow us on Twitter! Nate twitter.com/theprguy John - twitter.com/anthroscience Ethan - twitter.com/ethanwc Patrick - twitter.com/tricknewbie TagSurfer - twitter.com/tagsurfer TagSurfer is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 27 - A Geocentric Christmas Short

    Episode 27 - A Geocentric Christmas Short
    It's still the holidays and our co-hosts are separated by a great distance. However, committed as they are, they have disregarded their temporary lack of good equipment and recorded this quick episode just for you! In this episode Nate and John discuss the new plans for the Geocentric Podcast and Blog, and wish you a merry everything! Check out the official Geocentric website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter: Nate is @theprguy and John is @anthroscience. Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy. Merry Christmas!

    Episode 26 - John's Day Off

    Episode 26 - John's Day Off
    Episode 26 - John's Day Off 12/18/2008. Christmas is upon us and John will not be on the show because he is now the father of a baby girl named Kiley! We'll have to have her on the show sometime! Everyone be sure to send your congrats to John at geocentric@inbox.com and maybe we'll read a couple on the next show! Nate won't have to host the Geocentric podcast completely alone. One lucky fan of the show has been given the opportunity to join Nate for some very interesting commentary... Welcome Carol! This week, we have some fresh topics! The word "podcast", "podcaster" and "podcasting" are now official words in the Oxford English Dictionary. That means all of us podcasters (real word) are now legit! It's a great day for podcast civil rights! The first face transplant has been performed in the U.S. Check out the new site, GotSaga.com and tell the world your saga. We'll show you one entitled, "When insults had class." A teacher sells ads on his calculus tests? Before you hate, get the WHOLE story right here on the Geocentric podcast! This week's extras in the podcast: The Mockery of the Tech Byte Update with Ethan Clark The Weekly FAIL! Name that Tune by Carol Check out the official Geocentric website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter: Nate is @theprguy and John is @anthroscience. Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 25 - Spiders, Dogs, and David Beckham

    Episode 25 - Spiders, Dogs, and David Beckham
    Nate's about to graduate and John's about to have a kid! What can you do? Break the silence with these five topics! Streetwise: Learn about the ten most useless college degrees and classes and be sure to take one of them. Business, Finance & Marketing: Learn about the "askvertising" debate. Current International Events: A spider lost in space could destroy us all! Are You Kidding Me?!: A dog shoots a man while hunting -- who is hunting who now, Billy?! Tech & Entertainment: The healing pixie dust is back, a woman is given a windpipe created in a laboratory and new honeycomb tires stand up to bombs! This week's extras in the podcast: The Tech Byte Update with Ethan Clark The Weekly FAILs! That's right, FAILs with an "s" Discover New Music - New music by Melody Fall Check out the official Geocentric website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter: Nate is @theprguy and John is @anthroscience. Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 24 - Godfather FAIL!

    Episode 24 - Godfather FAIL!
    Episode 24 - Godfather FAIL! 12/4/2008. Break the silence with these five topics! Streetwise: We'll tell you about some cool gadgets that can help stop telemarketers. Business, Finance & Marketing: Harvard takes on the RIAA! Current International Events: Two clergymen get in a fight near Jesus' tomb. For real?! Are You Kidding Me?!: A German man mails himself right out jail! Tech & Entertainment: Fail clothes have scanners on them and link to websites and Facebook. This week's extras in the podcast: The Tech Byte Update with Ethan Clark Stump Cha-Cha The Weekly FAIL! New albums for the week of Tuesday, 12/2 Discover New Music - New music by The Philmont Check out the official Geocentric website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter: Nate is @theprguy and John is @anthroscience. Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 23 - Larry's Day Off

    Episode 23 - Larry's Day Off
    Episode 23 - Larry's Day Off 11/27/2008. Thanksgiving episode/afternoon delight. - David Letterman's top ten ways you know you ate to much for Thanksgiving! - Top Ten Thanksgiving Myths. This week's extras in the podcast: New albums for the week of Tuesday, 11/25 Discover New Music - New music by The Status Check out the official Geocentric website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter: Nate is @theprguy and John is @anthroscience. Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 22 - We're Totally Better Than Mashable

    Episode 22 - We're Totally Better Than Mashable
    Episode 22 - We're Totally Better Than Mashable 11/20/2008. Black Friday is coming, so when you're in line for that $300 laptop break the silence with these five topics! Streetwise: This Black Friday, own the night! Or the morning... We'll tell you some of the stores' ad leaks and introduce some great websites to keep you on the ball! Business, Finance & Marketing: YouTube vs. Hulu: Which one is advertisers' favorite and why? Current International Events: A British dude says he has a "sixth sense". Are You Kidding Me?!: A homeless man is ordered by a court to pay $101 million! Tech & Entertainment: Webgiftr is cool new way to organize your birthday or Christmas shopping. This week's extras in the podcast: The Tech Byte Update with Ethan Clark The Weekly FAIL! Discover New Music - New music by The Bigger Lights Check out the official Geocentric website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter: Nate is @theprguy and John is @anthroscience. Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 21 - Bloody Nate

    Episode 21 - Bloody Nate
    Episode 21 - Bloody Nate 11/13/2008. Break the silence with these topics! Business, Finance & Marketing: You're favorite Thomas Crown-like thief has been caught... Current International Events: Two of our favorite propagandists, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Vladimir Putin, are back at it! Plus, Putin becomes Geocentric's first "prune?" Are You Kidding Me?!: A fetchy fox breaks into a church and abuses its members! Tech & Entertainment: A rocker learns how to trap atoms in his guitar amp. Most excellent! Nerd! The MPAA is already lobbying to control President-Elect Obama in their quest to control the world. Don't give in, Barack! A new super-mini computer is released and promises to impress. This week's extras in the podcast: The Tech Byte Update with Ethan Clark The Weekly FAIL! Discover New Music - New music by Phone Calls From Home Check out the official Geocentric website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 20 - I'm Following You

    Episode 20 - I'm Following You
    Episode 20 - I'm Following You -11/6/2008. The first podcast of the month means another feature episode brought to you by Nate and John! This week, Nate and John have a feature episode all about social media and the role it played in the election. We'll discuss 8 major social media tools that have emerged as strong channels of influence since the 2004 election. 1) Twitter 2) Digg (and social bookmarking) 3) YouTube 4) The Huffington Post (and other newer political blogs) 5) Web mash-ups and web apps 6) Facebook 7) RSS 8) Smart phones This week's extras in the podcast: The Weekly FAIL The Tech Byte Update with Ethan Clark New album releases of the week Discover New Music - New music by Melody Fall Check out the official Geocentric website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 19 - Fetchy Nerd

    Episode 19 - Fetchy Nerd
    Episode 19 - Fetchy Nerd 10/30/2008. Brought to you by your best friends in the business! This week John and Nate are feeling a little under the weather. However there is no need to fear as this is barely noticeable (ha!) and our heroes of hostile takeover are dedicated to you! ...disheveled as they may be. Here's what's comin' up in the show today: Election Talk: How has technology changed our political climate? We run through the top 7 election influencers that weren't around back in '04. Business Finance and Marketing: ...We'll get back to you on that. Are You Kidding Me?! Some fetchy nerd proposes to his girlfriend by hacking her Chrono Trigger game. Did she say yes? You'll have to listen to find out. Tech and Entertainment: There's a serious problem in the world when hookup maps become available online. Besides, how do you know it's not some stalker just waiting to get a picture of you that he can upload into his computer which will then generate for him a naked image of you in 3D? Yes, that's for real. Anyway, if you've ever wanted to know what surfing the web in China was like, now you can. This Week's Extras in the Podcast: Stump Cha-Cha The Weekly Techbyte with Ethan Clark New Album Releases AND A NEW EXTRA!! The Weekly FAIL! Discover New Music - by Kid Down Check out the new Geocentric official website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 18 - What's Yo Flava?

    Episode 18 - What's Yo Flava?
    Episode 18 - What's Yo Flava? 10/23/2008. Comin' at cha (almost) live and di-rect, DRM-Free and breaking the awkward silence! This week, Nate and John bring you... Streetwise: Lost your camera? Check out an Orphan Pictures site and you might just get lucky and find it! Election Talk: We're gonna take you live to the Coffee Scene were the election is being decided by.... jelly beans. Current International Events: Is Stalin the Greatest Russian Ever to Live? Some Russians apparently think so... Are You Kidding Me?!: A woman chooses to go to jail over paying her Waffle House bill Plant Humiliation is banned in Switzerland A Terrorist proves that maybe he's the infidel when he gets stuck on the toilet with a bomb A Woman steals her daughter's identity in order to become a cheerleader Reba says she's a Reincarnated man! Tech & Entertainment: Pirate Bay Tricks Trackers, the RIAA and MediSentry Want a sweet way to carry that USB drive? Check out the skull ring thumb drive! ARRRR!!! And finally, we'll tell you about baggage that follows you around! This week's extras in the podcast: Geocentric gets two points on Stump Cha-Cha! The Tech Byte Update with Ethan Clark New album releases of the week Discover New Music - New music by This Providence Check out the new Geocentric official website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 17 - Are You Kidding Me?

    Episode 17 - Are You Kidding Me?
    Episode 17 - Are You Kidding Me? 10/16/2008. Break the silence with these five topics! Business, Finance & Marketing: We'll talk about a site that could show the music industry a thing or two about variable pricing for music. Current International Events: The RIAA bill was signed and we lost the battle, but have no fear, we will win the war! Iranian parliament votes in favor of a draft bill imposing the death penalty on men who leave Islam. Remember that Austrian far-right guy, Joerg Haider? Well he's dead. It's kind of sketchy how he died, but we won't miss him! North Korea is taken back off the terrorist list. Are You Kidding Me?!: The Bra Bandit has stolen 452 bras! Remember that woman who was stuck to her toilet? Well her "beau" won the lottery... TWICE! A man who caused damage at a waste water treatment plant in Wisconsin has decided to pick public humiliation over jail time to pay for his crime. What would you do? A PETA girl changes her name to CutoutDissection.com. I guess it makes sense coming from the people who told Ben & Jerry's to use human breast milk for their ice cream. A couple in Cambodia decides to end their marraige by sawing their house in half. A San Diego man is caught with a "bulge" of Lobsters in his pants. That's pretty wierd... We'll play the audio from a ridiculous story about a demonic/Islamic "hate doll" reported by Fox News. Huh?? Election Talk: Still undecided on who you're going to vote for in November? We'll give you the Top 10 Web tools for the election season so you can be informed and ready to vote! Tech & Entertainment: How would you like if it if when you checked into a hotel, you were handed an iPod touch? We'll tell you all the cool stuff it can do. Want to jam out to Rock Band with synchronized lighting and fog? Soon you will be able to! This week's extras in the podcast: Stump Cha-Cha The Tech Byte Update with Ethan Clark The Glass Booth New album releases of the week Discover New Music - New music by Houston Calls Check out the new Geocentric official website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 16 - What About Economy Goggles

    Episode 16 - What About Economy Goggles
    Episode 16 - What About Economy Goggles? 10/9/2008. Here's five ways you can break the awkward silence this week in your (potential) conversations! Business, Finance & Marketing: We'll give you some tips to beat the credit crunch and the Top Ten solutions for dealing with a personal credit crisis. Current International Events: Oil prices slip on global woes, what is OPEC's reaction? We'll tell you one more reason we need to gain independence from foreign oil. Are You Kidding Me?!: Amy Winehouse's nose is about to fall off due to drug use, cocaine dealers institute surcharges on their goods (what's next? a checked bag fee?), a bank robber fools cops on Craigslist with a clever decoy plot and finally Canadian Greyhound is in the news again, this time for a tuberculosis outbreak! Streetwise: Has human evolution Ended? One man thinks so and we'll give you his argument (actually, John just shoots him down). Tech & Entertainment: Ford introduces MyKey allowing parental controls that limit speed, volume level of music, and seat belt indicators. Google Goggles checks your soberness before you send an embarrassing email. And finally, the LoJack of laptops just made stealing your laptop a little less appealing to thieves. This week's extras in the podcast: New album release highlights for the weeks of Tuesday, Oct. 1 and Tuesday, Oct. 8 The weekly "Tech Byte Update with Ethan Clark" A new round of "Guess that Accent" A Stump Cha-Cha Polish Round Discover New Music - New music by Needtobreathe Check out the new Geocentric official website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 15- The Dark Side of the Music Industry: 5 BIG mistakes 10/3/2008

    Episode 15- The Dark Side of the Music Industry: 5 BIG mistakes 10/3/2008
    Episode 15 - The Dark Side of the Music Industry: 5 BIG mistakes 10/3/2008 We promised a feature podcast on the first Thursday of each month where we take one issue and go in depth with related issues and important facts. This week, we take on the Dark Side of the Music Industry: the RIAA and their bully arm, MediaSentry. It's time to reveal the consequences of their negative policies and stand up against them! Their five BIG mistakes: 1. How they're finding us... by invading our privacy illegally 2. Who they're targeting... mostly the poor (including a homeless man!) who can't afford legal fees and must accept bankrupting settlements 3. Why they're not popular... (even on Wall Street) they alienate and attack their own customers and ignore the wishes of their share/stockholders 4. What is their impact on the environment... Anti-Green practices harm the environment AND feed our addiction to oil 5. Who they're in bed with... politicians (on both sides of the aisle) who could care less that their constituents' tax dollars will go to waste Finally, we're going to tell you what we can do to stop this nonsense. We're going to show politicians that when they unite to give us bad legislation, we will unite to stop them. It's not about Democrats and Republicans or liberals and conservatives. It's about us, the people. Extras in this week's podcast: - The Tech Byte Update with Ethan Clark - Another intense round of Stump ChaCha - New anti-RIAA/DRM album of the week! - "Ruscue Me" is a free song by Run Kid Run. Check them out! Check out the new Geocentric official website, hosted by Magic Moments Entertainment at www.bringthemagic.com/geocentric. Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com, the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.

    Episode 14 - Military Photoshop Vol. II 9/25/2008

    Episode 14 - Military Photoshop Vol. II 9/25/2008
    Episode 14 - Military Photoshop Vol. II 9/25/2008. Thanks to all those who celebrated International Talk Like a Pirate Day with us in the last week's "Dead Men Tell No Tales" episode. We're still hearing about it! In the meantime, we have some good stuff for you in this week's Geocentric podcast! Streetwise: Are you sick of the dirty one-way news telling you nothing substantial about your candidate? We'll tell you how to cut the crap and get the real answers. Then, watch out scout! We'll give you a list of the 8 Worst Bosses to Work For. Are You Kidding Me?!: The U.S Army steps up to the plate in a photoshop contest with Iran... and strikes out. Tech & Entertainment: Minority Report comes true with a machine that detects your crime before you commit it. Plus, the military becomes telepathic and Google's got a new phone! Business, Finance & Marketing: For all you P2P Pirates out there! YARRR! Comcast isn't coming after you anymore. At least for now.... Current International Events: Israel unveils their new secret weapon: the Skunk Bomb. And the Japanese propose to build an elevator... to SPACE! Extras in this week's podcast: - Guess That Accent, Round 4 - The Tech Byte Update with Ethan Clark - A most fierce round of Stump ChaCha - New album updates of the week - New music by Punchline! Make sure to contact us with your comments by calling 206-337-1504. You can also shoot us an email at geocentric@inbox.com or leave us a comment on the MySpace (www.myspace.com/geocentricpodcast), the blog (geocentricpodcast.blogspot.com), or on the host website (geocentric.podomatic.com). Geocentric is brought to you by your friends, John Newman, the Anthropology guru and Nate Long, the PR guy.