
    Get The Hell Out of Your Life

    I aim to do three things: Empower, Encourage, and Inspire You. - Ron Meyers
    en-usRon Meyers167 Episodes

    Episodes (167)

    When you pursue your dreams with Jesus, you will discover yourself!

    When you pursue your dreams with Jesus, you will discover yourself!

    The world is coming at us a hundred miles an hour. We are bombarded with opinions about our role in the world. It is time we put our foot down and say, “No more, my dreams are to be followed, not buried in the future of regrets. God gave me a Destiny and by God I will discover it!”

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    Remember Me: End of Life as Seen Through The Eyes of a Hospice Chaplin

    Remember Me: End of Life as Seen Through The Eyes of a Hospice Chaplin

    Capturing the essence of hope and the tenacity of the human spirit isn't always easy, but when you witness the soaring flight of an eagle, something profound stirs within. That stirring is at the heart of our latest episode, where we're joined by hospice chaplain John Wenderline, who shares real-life stories from his book on end-of-life experiences. As we unravel the threads of spiritual care, the profound bonds between patient and chaplain, and the diverse tapestry of beliefs held by those in their final moments, we offer a poignant reflection on the impact of empathy, comfort, and the unwavering beacon of hope.

    The journey through the last chapters of life is often a road paved with complex emotions and lessons of love. This episode carefully navigates the tumultuous feelings of caregivers, the bittersweet farewells of passing, and the Christian perspective on the afterlife's promise of immediacy with the Lord. We extend a hand to those grappling with guilt, seeking solace, or simply needing a reminder of the power of continuous prayer and the practice of love as an action, as exemplified by Jesus. Our contemplative discourse aims to uplift and bring solace, recognizing the strength we derive from faith and each other in the most challenging of times.

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    Janet's Story:How God’s Amazing Grace Transformed The Deepest Pain to Shining Joy

    Janet's Story:How God’s Amazing Grace Transformed The Deepest Pain to Shining Joy

    When darkness seems to swallow all light, where do we turn for a glimmer of hope? Janet Perez Eckles, author of "Now I See," joins me, Ron Myers, to recount her extraordinary journey—from the depths of betrayal and the challenge of blindness to a life of joy and purpose through unwavering faith in Jesus Christ. Her story, a beacon of hope for many, interweaves with my own experiences of finding solace and strength in Jesus during the most heart-wrenching moments, such as the loss of my beloved son, Joe.

    The power of a transformed life takes center stage as we traverse Janet's path to spiritual awakening. From her hesitant steps into a Christian church to the restoration of her marriage and success as an interpreter, author, and speaker, her narrative highlights the life-altering impact of faith and grace. Together, we unpack the incredible strength found in daily communion with Jesus, encouraging listeners who may feel adrift or skeptical about their faith to discover the comfort and companionship of our ultimate confidant.

    As the episode unfolds, we extend a heartfelt invitation to embrace the freedom and confidence that comes from understanding our identity in Christ—a theme that resonates with me personally. It's a clarion call to awaken to the power vested in us by God and to live confidently in the divine purpose charted for each of us. Join us on this mission to share real stories of resilience and hope, and remember to cherish the simple, everyday joys that weave the fabric of a life anchored in faith and community.

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    Jennifer's Story: Picking Up The Pieces

    Jennifer's Story: Picking Up The Pieces

    Have you ever witnessed the sheer strength of the human spirit, capable of triumphing over the darkest depths of despair? That's the essence of Jennifer Emerson's harrowing yet uplifting narrative, which we unpack throughout our latest episode. Her raw testimony is not just about battling heroin and fentanyl addiction; it's about the resilience found in faith, the kind that brings a person back from the brink to a place of hope and purpose. As you listen to Jennifer's heart-rending journey, you'll be moved by her courage and the transformative power of her unwavering connection with Jesus.

    This conversation is more than just a story of overcoming addiction; it's a guide to recognizing the small, still voice of God in the midst of life's storms. Jennifer's lifelong relationship with Jesus shaped her path to recovery, demonstrating how imperfect beings are loved by God and are capable of profound change through His grace. Join us and find inspiration in Jennifer's testament to the belief that freedom is found in a personal plea for Jesus's help, not just external solutions.

    As you're enveloped by Jennifer's remarkable transformation, consider this an invitation to reflect on your own experiences with divine impact. We're calling on you, our listeners, to share your own testimonies of spiritual growth, change, and the love of Jesus. By doing so, you'll join a community of listeners who've found liberation and redemption in dedicating their hearts to Him. Our episode wraps up with resources for deepening your own faith journey and connecting with others who've walked similar paths. Let Jennifer's story of redemption be the beacon that guides you through your own struggles toward a brighter, hope-filled tomorrow.

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    Paul Peresich: Faithful With The Tiny Things

    Paul Peresich: Faithful With The Tiny Things

    Have you ever felt like a misfit on a quest to discover your true identity? Join me, Ron Meyers, and my guest Paul, a man whose life has been radically transformed, as we share tales of redemption and finding purpose through a powerful relationship with Jesus Christ. Our latest podcast episode is a testament to the incredible shifts that can occur when one embraces a daily commitment to God, not just within the walls of a church, but in the conversations and actions of our everyday lives. From my own journey out of substance abuse to Paul's escape from a chaotic past, we unfold the stories that showcase the might of faith in motion.

    This episode isn't merely a narrative; it's a celebration of acceptance and a recognition of the unique role each 'Misfit for Jesus' plays in the grand design. We explore the profound impact of small behavioral changes, the importance of a community that nurtures spiritual growth, and the act of repentance in maintaining a vital connection with the divine. It's an extension of hope and an invitation to join a family of believers who find solace in their shared experiences. As we sign off, remember, it's your stories of faith and redemption that continue to fuel our mission, so we eagerly await to hear how God has worked wonders in your life too.

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    Crispin Bennett: Fresh Start With Jesus

    Crispin Bennett: Fresh Start With Jesus

    Growing up in the Bible Belt taught me the stark difference between wearing Christianity on Sundays and truly walking with Jesus every single day. My guest and I peel back the layers of what it means to foster an intimate, ongoing relationship with our Savior, one that stretches far beyond the church doors and into the very fabric of our lives. We navigate through the idea of ecclesia, redefining church as a dynamic, purpose-driven community where believers uplift each other, even through the toughest times.

    This episode isn't just for those who sit in the pews; it's a call to anyone seeking hope, change, or a moment of comfort. Together with my guest, we reveal how humility and accessibility can revolutionize your faith, no matter where you stand in the church hierarchy. Join us as we extend a heartfelt prayer and discuss the vitality of a supportive community that champions spiritual growth, reminding each one of us of God's infinite love and the transformative power of a true relationship with Jesus.

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    Ken Leonard: In Harmony with Grief: A Story of Faithful Love and his Journey to Rediscover Life.

    Ken Leonard: In Harmony with Grief: A Story of Faithful Love and his Journey to Rediscover Life.

    When Ken first met Lorinda, little did he know that their shared devotion to music and faith would forge a bond powerful enough to illuminate their community. Our latest episode unveils Ken's emotional recount of their love story, deeply intertwined with worship music, and how together they nurtured a ministry that sang its way into the hearts of churchgoers and soldiers alike. As we listen to Ken's poignant memories, we honor Lorinda’s legacy—an anointed voice that became a symbol of hope and healing, an echo of her vibrant spirit that lives on.

    Faced with the profound loss of his wife to cancer, Ken opens up about the trial of their faith, a journey that led him to find solace and strength in the scripture, much like the Apostle Paul. This episode tenderly celebrates Lorenda's life, her passion for Jesus, and the joy she spread so generously. Through music-filled tributes and stories shared by those she touched, we're invited to witness the power of community and faith in the face of grief. Our hearts reach out to anyone navigating the loss of a soulmate, offering a prayer and a shared space of remembrance and hope.

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    Bill Downs: A Tale of Tragedy, Faith, and Forgiveness

    Bill Downs:  A Tale of Tragedy, Faith, and Forgiveness

    When Bill Downs from Saucier, Mississippi, opens up about the shattering loss from a drunk driving accident, the weight of his words carries a raw, transformative power. His compelling journey, marked by profound grief, anger at God, and eventual reconciliation with faith, is a testament to the human spirit's capacity to seek light amidst the darkest times. Joined by Dr. Andrew Farley, we explore the steadfastness of God's love and the path to healing that can begin with one pivotal moment of forgiveness.

    My own narrative intertwines with Bill's as we consider what it means to look at life through 'grace eyes' rather than 'religious eyes.' The transition from living in fear of condemnation to embracing the freedom and love offered by Jesus Christ is not just personal; it's a universal shift that can redefine your existence. Through my story, I invite you to reflect on the joy and liberation that come from laying down your burdens and opening your heart to the transformative power of grace.

    This episode isn't simply a collection of stories; it's a mosaic of hope, love, and the enduring presence of Jesus in our lives. Whether you're searching for meaning in the midst of loss, yearning to shed the shackles of religious expectations, or seeking a deeper, more authentic connection with your faith, our candid conversations aim to support and inspire. We encourage you to share your experiences, drawing strength from the resilience and love that bind us in our collective journey toward a life filled with purpose and divine guidance.

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    Striking Out Addiction A Major Leaguer's Journey to Grace

    Striking Out Addiction A Major Leaguer's Journey to Grace

    Join us as we sit side by side with Barry Lyons, a man whose story of triumph, downfall, and redemption is nothing short of a grand slam. Barry takes us through his journey from the diamond lights of major league baseball with the New York Mets to the dark nights of addiction. His candid recount of the high life that spiraled into substance abuse following his retirement and the wake of Hurricane Katrina is as humbling as it is powerful. His is a tale of a Christmas morning that marked rock bottom and the subsequent climb to recovery, fueled by renewed faith and a second chance at life.

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    In 2024: Jesus Take The Wheel

    In 2024: Jesus Take The Wheel

    "In my first episode of 2024, I will be sharing with you the significant experiences that have shaped my world. I will be highlighting the importance of faith in guiding one's pursuits. This episode is a testimony that it is never too late to follow your dreams and let Jesus lead you towards a life you never thought was possible."

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    Overcoming Loneliness and Finding Joy with Lauren Daigle

    Overcoming Loneliness and Finding Joy with Lauren Daigle

    Join us on an uplifting journey as the extraordinary Lauren Daigle shares her deeply personal experiences of battling loneliness and anxiety and how she learned to find joy in the face of great challenges. From her two-year confinement at home during high school to the global pause imposed by the pandemic, her story is a testament to the healing power of stillness and introspection. This episode invites you to explore your stories, confront your realities, and perhaps discover joy in unexpected corners. 

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    The Journey to Wholeness with Jesus as the Guide

    The Journey to Wholeness with Jesus as the Guide

    In our latest episode, I'll share a message of hope. It's a call to introspection and a challenge to make a choice in the coming year: Will we continue to lean on the faltering structures of humanity, or will we embrace the unwavering support of Jesus Christ?   It also includes personal anecdotes of hope and restoration and a special reading from my children's book, "Little Johnny and the Voice of Truth," to illustrate the life-changing impact of pursuing our dreams.  Prepare to be uplifted and encouraged as we journey together toward a future where our potential is fully realized through the love and guidance of Jesus Christ.

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    Behind the Nativity: A New Perspective on Jesus' Birth

    Behind the Nativity: A New Perspective on Jesus' Birth

    Imagine a scenario where Jesus was born in the spring, during lambing season, right in Bethlehem, renowned for its sacrificial lambs. We invite you on a journey into this intriguing narrative, a fresh perspective supported by biblical clues and Jewish traditions. Exploring this possibility, we dive into the mystery and symbolism of events that align the holy days of Israel, particularly Shavuot or Pentecost, with critical moments in Jesus' life. Our discourse encompasses the significance of the Hebrew calendar, the role of the moon and stars, and the involvement of the Magi in Jesus' birth story.

    Could the date of Jesus' birth mirror the completion of the tabernacle, symbolizing God’s dwelling with us? Our investigation into ancient texts such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, and a censored writing by the early church father, Hippolytus, sheds light on this possibility. We delve into the concept of the month of Nisan, a time associated with new beginnings and fulfillment of prophecies. We also examine the symbolism of the tabernacle, linking it with the nine-month gestation period of a child and the birth of the Messiah.

    Adding to the richness of our exploration, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn shares his profound insights in our conversation, highlighting the transformative power of embracing Jesus. Rabbi Cahn's stories of struggle and hope serve as a reminder of Jesus' profound love for us all. Join us, as we unravel the mysteries surrounding Jesus' birth, and trace the connections between his life, the Hebrew calendar, and holy days. Let's embark on this fascinating journey together, in our commitment to finding truth, gaining wisdom, and nurturing our faith.

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    Mitch Easily's Tussle with Mental Health: A Story of Triumph

    Mitch Easily's Tussle with Mental Health: A Story of Triumph

    Imagine being trapped in a dark tunnel with no apparent way out, only to find a glimmering light that guides you to freedom. That is Mitch Easily's story, a brave soul who confronted his mental health struggles head-on and emerged triumphant, all thanks to his unyielding faith in Jesus Christ. Mitch's journey through depression and anxiety, from a tender age, is a testament to the power of faith in transforming lives.

    Mitch's story is not unique. Many struggle with similar challenges, turning to addictive substances in a desperate bid to numb their pain. We share a poignant journey of addiction and the resulting downward spiral, but more importantly, we remind you that there is always hope for redemption. A tale of transformation and recovery stems from a profound faith in Jesus Christ, offering a level of fullness and quality of life unmatched by any other recovery method.

    In a world filled with despair and uncertainty, we need the reassurance of a guiding force more than ever. We discuss the power of encouragement, how it emboldens us to face and conquer our fears and challenges. Amidst the darkness, we find solace in the good news of Christmas, reminding us that a Savior has been born. Join us on this journey as we delve into the significance of daily trust in Jesus Christ, our Messiah and our Lord. It's an exploration of faith, hope, and resilience that promises to uplift and inspire.

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    Stephanie's Story; Power in a Pause

    Stephanie's Story; Power in a Pause

    Take a moment to stop, breathe, and tune in to our latest episode, featuring Stephanie Shaw, a successful real estate broker with an extraordinary story to tell. Stephanie opens up about how the sudden loss of her brother served as a wake-up call, dramatically shifting her focus from professional achievements to the relationships that truly matter. Her poignant journey reminds us all of the fleeting nature of time and the importance of not taking our loved ones for granted. 

    As Stephanie recounts the transformation of her life and priorities, she also shares how faith played a central role in her healing process. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of intentional time with Jesus and how it can lead to remarkable changes in our lives. We explore the themes of love, forgiveness, and the spirit of Jesus, underscored by personal stories of loss and recovery. This episode is a testament to the profound effect of opening our hearts to Jesus, enabling us to become the best versions of ourselves. Let's journey together into an enlightening conversation that encourages us to embrace our relationship with Jesus and let our light shine in a dark world.

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    Rediscovering Self Worth: Robbie D'Angelo's Inspiring Journey

    Rediscovering Self Worth: Robbie D'Angelo's Inspiring Journey

    Have you ever wondered how your deepest struggles could become your key to transformation? This week, we sit down with Robbie D'Angelo, a remarkable individual who overcame his battle with self-esteem, emotional eating, and the perilous search for external validation. Robbie, once a college football player, shares his candid journey, how he lurched from destructive coping mechanisms to a path of self-discovery, and how faith became his beacon in the darkest moments.

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    Rich Kemp: God Gave Me Salsa!

    Rich Kemp: God Gave Me Salsa!

    Ever battled with adversity, only to discover a prevailing faith and hope that changes everything? Prepare to be inspired by the uplifting journey of Rich Kemp, founder of Simple Salsa, as he shares with us how his faith and trust in God guided him to success. From a humble life in the medical field, venturing into construction, and eventually building a successful business, Rich's story is one of resilience and unshakeable belief, and He is one of Ron's Exhibitors in the Christmas City Gift Show!

    Rich's journey wasn't a smooth ride. But with the unwavering support from his wife Julie and a newfound realization of his need for Jesus Christ, he found his way. Tune in to hear how Rich learned to lean on his faith and patience, ask for help, and release control to God's guidance in his moments of doubt. His story emphasizes the power of humility and accepting that we can't do everything alone.

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    Sean's Story: A Mother's Journey to Resilience After Losing a Child to Suicide

    Sean's Story: A Mother's Journey to Resilience After Losing a Child to Suicide

    What do you do when your world crashes down in an instant? For Janice Morrissey, life took an unimaginable turn when she lost her son to suicide. Tune in to our heartfelt conversation as she shares the story of her son's unique spirit, his mental health struggles, and the fateful day that changed everything. Janice's journey of transforming her personal pain into a purpose is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

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    Bryant’s Story: Prove God Right

    Bryant’s Story: Prove God Right

    Join us as we step into the inspiring journey of Bryant Lavender, a pro footballer whose transformation is extraordinary. Lavender found peace and purpose through Jesus, putting to rest his fears and doubts. His story is a vibrant testament to the power of faith in overcoming life's trials. We invite you to tune in, let go of your fears, and immerse yourself in the hope and peace that only Jesus brings. 

    Ron then shares how no matter what we think about ourselves, with Jesus, we are a wonderful, incredible person with a destiny! With Jesus, no one is a lost cause.

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    A Prodigy's Fall and Rise

    A Prodigy's Fall and Rise

    Ever imagined how a child prodigy, on top of the world touring with rock groups, could end up in the pits of skid row? It's a fascinating tale of talent, choices, and divine intervention, all wrapped up in the journey of our guest, Bobby. A living testament of how our choices can shroud God's gifts in darkness, Bobby's life went spiraling downwards into sin. But, that's not where the story ends. Through the grace and truth of Jesus, Bobby rose, using his talents to increase in ministry and truth.

    Hold on, the ride isn't over yet. The next part of Bobby's journey is steeped in the power of identity and God's grace. Imagine experiencing life from the vantage point of a prodigy to the depths of skid row, only to finally find redemption and identity in Jesus. Bobby's life is a powerful narrative, reiterating that God's correction isn't rejection and how lost years can be restored. We'll explore the inspiring stories of how Bobby shared God's love and hope; it's a testament to resilience, faith, and limitless potential for redemption. So join us, as we delve into Bobby's life, his trials, triumphs, and transformation.

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