
    Get Uncomfortable

    Shae from Enlightened Athlete shares all of his  favorite mindset, workout, and nutrition strategies, practices to develop mental toughness, grit, and physical fitness so you can look at challenges in life as opportunities. Through conversations and interviews with people who overcame obstacles in life they break down how to welcome adversity into your life and use it to your advantage. You'll be ready and willing to build a community that pushes you to get uncomfortable everyday!

    en-usShae McMaster122 Episodes

    Episodes (122)

    Rethinking Education & Creating Tomorrow's Heroes at Apogee Omaha with Nissa Cohen

    Rethinking Education & Creating Tomorrow's Heroes at Apogee Omaha with Nissa Cohen

    Hello my Get Uncomfortable compadre! Thank you for tuning in again! We have a big one today with one our first return guests Nissa Cohen.

    Nissa and I had a great conversation about exploring alternatives to the traditional schooling model you and I are probably most familiar with.

    She came on the show to educate us all about Apogee Strong and what her and her husband Eric are doing by starting Apogee Omaha. Apogee is providing an alternative to the conveyor belt model of schooling.

    Creating competent, strong, independent thinking, creative problem solvers doesn't happen on accident and Apogee strong affiliated schools are taking that head on and providing structure to create the heroes of tomorrow.

    Enjoy the show!

    Links to learn more or support the mission:

    Making the Argument  episode link - The Public School Crisis with Matt Beaudreau

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

    Find Shae on Facebook HERE

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    Colin Stevens: Playing Full Out & Having Faith in Yourself

    Colin Stevens: Playing Full Out & Having Faith in Yourself

    What is up my beautiful Get Uncomfortable compadre!

    Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode that I know you will love. I am joined by coach,  author, speaker, father, husband, and entrepreneur Colin Stevens.

    Colin played D1 basketball and later became an NBA skills trainer working with top NBA recruits and hopefuls.

    I loved his take on allowing things to change as the plans change and being able to keep pressing forward in the face of challenges and setbacks which is what this show is all about!

    Find his books here, Make Your Mark & Coachable 

    Colin on Linkedin

    Colin on Instagram

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

    Find Shae on Facebook HERE

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    Adam Spillman: Beating Cancer After He was Given One Week to Live

    Adam Spillman: Beating Cancer After He was Given One Week to Live

    Hello my Get Uncomfortable compadre!

    If you're new to the show, welcome! I hope you enjoy the show today about cultivating healthy habits in your day to day life.

    If you find value in the show, learn something, get inspired, or laugh I ask that you leave us a rating and review to help grow the show.

    If you'd like to stay up to date with the show, subscribe to our newsletter HERE.

    On this week's episode we are joined by Adam Spillman.

    Adam is a radiant beam of positivity and authenticity while sharing his story of being diagnosed with testicular cancer and hearing that he had roughly a week to live with the current progression of his cancer.

    Listening to his story you will hear a tale of perseverance, positivity, determination, human connection, and hope.

    Adam is a perfect example of taking adversity in life and not letting it completely destroy you, he shares how he leaned on his wife and friends to help him through the most difficult time in his life and now he shares his story to help people understand that you can overcome so many obstacles in your life.

    I feel very blessed that I was able to sit down with Adam and hear his story in detail and glean so much insight from him.

    The threat of losing everything can really make you realize how good you actually have it in life.

    Adam's Instagram
    Adam's Website

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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    Turning the Intangible into Elite Performance with Shayamal Vallabhjee

    Turning the Intangible into Elite Performance with Shayamal Vallabhjee

    Hello my Get Uncomfortable compadre!

    If you're new to the show, welcome! I hope you enjoy the show today about cultivating healthy habits in your day to day life.

    If you find value in the show, learn something, get inspired, or laugh I ask that you leave us a rating and review to help grow the show.

    If you'd like to stay up to date with the show, subscribe to our newsletter HERE

    On today's episode I was lucky enough to it down with one of the worlds leading sports scientists, elite level coach, author, speaker and former monk, Shayamal Vallabhjee.

    This conversation was deep, insightful, and actionable.

    In my opinion Shayamal has a special talent of measuring the intangible aspects of performance instead of hoping they show up when needed. He has systems to track them, make them repeatable and use them for growth.

    We started off discussing spirituality and specifically some passages from the Bhagavad Gita and how it can help us all live life a little more free and less attached to the outcome.

    From there we went all over elite performance, mindset, psychology, and optimization of our lives.

    I know you will love this episode and learn some invaluable insights from the world class coach and human; Shayamal Vallabhjee.

    Connect with Shayamal on Instagram & Linkedin

    Be sure to check out his community Inside the Locker Room through the link in his Instagram bio.

    Shayamal's Book - Breathe, Believe, Balance 

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

    Find Shae on Facebook HERE

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    Living A Life You Want, Not One You've Been Conditioned For

    Living A Life You Want, Not One You've Been Conditioned For

    Hello my Get Uncomfortable compadre!

    If you're new to the show, welcome! I hope you enjoy the show today about cultivating healthy habits in your day to day life.

    If you do find value in the show, learn something, get inspired, or laugh I ask that you leave us a rating and review.

    I recently completely deleted my Instagram account, which may seem trivial and it actually feels stupid to even talk about it.

    This did cause me to realize how strongly I have been unconsciously conditioned to utilize these apps.

    In reality we all engage with people or systems that make us feel terrible but we keep coming back for more because we're gluttons for punishment apparently.

    I finally decided that is a game I don't want to play anymore and I'm not going to accept the deal they're giving me.

    Just because "everyone" is doing it, doesn't make it a beneficial relationship.

    If you've got something or someone that makes you feel like shit, cut it out of your sphere. Stop engaging with it or them because you're supposed to.

    Get outside and meditate, walk barefoot in the grass, spend time with family, and practice gratitude for all the great things you already have.

    If you'd like to stay up to date with the show, subscribe to our newsletter HERE

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

    Find Shae on Facebook HERE

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    Matthew Moran & Shae: The Secret for Better New Year's Resolutions

    Matthew Moran & Shae: The Secret for Better New Year's Resolutions

    Hello my Get Uncomfortable compadre!

    If you're new to the show, welcome! I hope you enjoy the show today about cultivating healthy habits in your day to day life.

    If you do find value in the show, learn something, get inspired, or laugh I ask that you leave us a rating and review.

    Today we have a special episode with the host of The Next Milestone Podcast; Matthew Moran. 

    Matthew reached out to me a few months ago as he started a podcast and we have been in touch ever since. He's on a journey of growth and development and stands for what we stand for at Get Uncomfortable. 

    We decided to join forces on this new years special episode to help you grow and crush 2024 in a truly meaningful way for you.

    We covered a lot of my background as well as why I think people often fail their resolutions so hopefully you don't end up making the same mistake. 

    Enjoy todays' episode!

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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    Marcus Aurelius on Getting Your Ass Out of Bed

    Marcus Aurelius on Getting Your Ass Out of Bed

    Hello my Get Uncomfortable compadre!

    If you're new to the show, welcome! I hope you enjoy the show today about cultivating healthy habits in your day to day life.

    If you do find value in the show, learn something, get inspired, or laugh I ask that you leave us a rating and review.

    A quick Friday episode about getting up out of bed to do your work when you don't want to. This comes from the amazing book Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor.

    I read the first passage of book five and it really is a great one to think and reflect on. What we are made to do, not what we want to do.

    You can get the Gregory Hays edition I spoke about in the episode here.

    I hope you enjoy this short form episode. Let me know what you think and if you'd like to see more of these.

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

    Find Shae on Facebook HERE

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    How Exercise Reduces Risk of Cancer & Increases Cancer Survival

    How Exercise Reduces Risk of Cancer & Increases Cancer Survival

    Hello my Get Uncomfortable compadre!

    If you're new to the show, welcome! I hope you enjoy the show today surrounding  cultivating healthy habits in your day to day life.

    If you do find value in the show, learn something, get inspired, or laugh I ask that you leave us a rating and review.

    Today I give a little update on how insane I've gone or thought I'd gone after our move to Florida and how we figured out that it's really just grief and a normal process we can allow to happen and give ourselves grace, easier said than done.

    On our recent instagram poll, the reduction in risk of cancer and how exercise plays a role took the trophy. So that's what we got into.

    0:45- 10:57 - How I though I'd gone insane, recognizing the grief we're felling and processing, and how I hope me relaying this experience can help if you're struggling now

    16:10- "Exercise snacks" (VILPA) & reduction in cancer mortality and cancer recurrence

    19:18- Lactate & it's role in energy production & neurotransmitter synthesis

    21:49 - shear force of blood flow from exercise destroying circulating cancer cells and reducing cancer recurrance & mortality.

    25:45- Ideas & forms of exercise for improved health for you to start your exercise routine.

    Here's a few studies I found about exercise and the effect of circulating tumor cells:




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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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    Becoming Fit After 40 with Dr. Anthony Balduzzi from The Fit Father Project

    Becoming Fit After 40 with Dr. Anthony Balduzzi from The Fit Father Project

    Hello my Get Uncomfortable compadre!

    If you're new to the show, welcome! I hope you enjoy the show today surrounding  cultivating healthy habits in your day to day life.

    If you do find value in the show, learn something, get inspired, or laugh I ask that you leave us a rating and review.

    This episode is jam packed with health and wellness information, so get a notebook ready!

    Dr. Balduzzi and I had a wide ranging discussion where we touched on dealing with the loss of a parent, his journey back to faith after, getting in sync with nature and setting our circadian rhythm, parents setting the standard for the children, light exposure, sunning testicles for increased testosterone, blood work to get done, meditation & so much more.

    I really enjoyed this conversation and I hope you do as well!

    Dr. Balduzzi hosts his own podcast called The Fit Father Project Podcast

    Check out Dr. Balduzzi's websites, The Fit Father project & The Fit Mother Project

    Dr. Balduzzi on YouTube

    The Fit Father Project Instagram

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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    The Triumphs of Young Men Come from Challenges not Coddling

    The Triumphs of Young Men Come from Challenges not Coddling

    Hello my Get Uncomfortable compadre!

    If you're new to the show, welcome! I hope you enjoy the show today surround cultivating more confidence in your day to day life.

    If you do find value in the show, learn something, get inspired, or laugh I ask that you leave us a rating and review. 

    When I was growing up I was bullied for many years, almost daily. It was a harrowing experience that helped shape me into the man I am today, and I wouldn't change a thing about it.

    It drove me to find the thing I still use to this day as solace from the chaos of life, the weight room.

    Once I found the weights I realized I could actually overcome the shit in my way. Lifting the weights, challenging myself to keep showing up, and fucking doing the work showed me what growth was.

     I gained confidence to stand up for myself, I understood discipline and commitment in a real way.

    The simple act of taking my training seriously led me to develop new friendships, ask for what I want in life, and have the persistence to get it.

    My hope is that all young men who are lost or confused or bullied, get the opportunity to be challenged physically to understand the mental benefits that come along with overcoming the challenge.

    For me it was the weight room and getting stronger. Building muscle and physical capability will work wonders for a young man full of doubt and fear.

    The skill of persistence is one that can be applied for the rest of their lives.

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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    Get Uncomfortable
    en-usNovember 16, 2023

    If You Feel Like Giving Up...

    If You Feel Like Giving Up...

    Hello my Get Uncomfortable compadre!

    If you're new to the show, welcome! I hope you enjoy the show today surround cultivating more confidence in your day to day life.

    If you do find value in the show, learn something, get inspired, or laugh I ask that you share the show in some capacity. Send it to a friend, share it on social media, or email it to someone you know would enjoy it or learn from it.

    I woke up the other day I wanted to give up on everything. I wanted to quit. I wanted to skip the gym. I didn't want to do shit to be honest. 

    I was ready to throw in the towel. 

    What I do when I feel this way is, wait until tomorrow.

    It's that simple sometimes. Want to quit or take the day off? 

    Fine, just do it tomorrow not today. Sometimes that's all it takes. I usually feel much better tomorrow. After sleep, after reevaluation. 

    Wait until tomorrow.

    You got this.

    Support the show

    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

    Find Shae on Facebook HERE

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    Choice not Chance (& A Triangle Breath Session)

    Choice not Chance (& A Triangle Breath Session)

    Hello my Get Uncomfortable compadre!

    If you're new to the show, welcome! I hope you enjoy the show today surround cultivating more confidence in your day to day life.

    If you do find value in the show, learn something, get inspired, or laugh I ask that you share the show in some capacity. Send it to a friend, share it on social media, or email it to someone you know would enjoy it or learn from it.

    Choice not chance.

    It means not leaving your life up to chance, it comes down to you making the choice to be great. To pursue excellence.  It's taking control of yourself and your life by the choices you make everyday.

    So confidence comes from being in the arena. It comes from experience and learning from failure. 

    You build confidence and self esteem by proving to yourself that you can get results in life. It's giving yourself direct evidence that you are capable and worthy of the things you want to achieve. 

    No one can give you that and most importantly don't let anyone take that away from you.

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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    Will You Choose Victimhood or Victory?!

    Will You Choose Victimhood or Victory?!

    I want to address the pervasive mindset of victimhood and what we can do about it. 

    Victim consciousness is sold as an idea the should be adopted and spread through culture. It breeds hopelessness and despair and nothing more. 

    Instead of feeling loss of control, no power over your life, and lack of creativity we can recognize that our actions, day in and day out, are the inputs that will lead to the outcomes we will have. 

    Your current standings are a direct result of your actions over the last 30, 60, or 90 days (maybe even longer) and we have the power to control what actions we take on a daily basis. 

    If we want to improve our situation, luckily we have the opportunity to do that by changing our daily actions. We have the power to improve. 

    We are not victims of external circumstances, we are the masters of our own fate. What a powerful place to come from each day.

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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    The Process I'll Be Using to Find More Flow Everyday

    The Process I'll Be Using to Find More Flow Everyday

    Hello my Get Uncomfortable compadre!

    If you're new to the show, welcome! I hope you enjoy the show today surround cultivating more intention in your day to day life.

    If you do find value in the show, learn something, get inspired, or laugh I ask that you share the show in some capacity. Send it to a friend, share it on social media, or email it to someone you know would enjoy it or learn from it.

    I have been ruminating on the idea of being more intentional in my day to day life, even in mundane tasks. How much more enjoyment or presence can I get out everyday?

    The answer is probably a shit load to put it bluntly. I often find myself going through the motions in many situations. Driving, eating, being at home, and exercising all fall into autopilot often.

    I decided to think a little more deeply on how I can make more flow states in my life through being intentional often. I plan to cultivate more intentionality purposefully in order to really get the most out of everyday.  I want to be involved and open to what shows up.

    The book I'm reading: Flow- The Psychology of Optimal Experience breaks down a process to help facilitate turning any activity into a flow opportunity.

    A) To set an overall goal and as many subgoals are as realistically feasible

    B) Find a way to measure progress in terms of the goals chosen

    C) Keep concentrating on what one is doing and keep making finer and finer distinctions in the challenges involved in the activity

    D) Develop the skills necessary to interact with the opportunities available

    E) Keep raising the stakes if the activity becomes boring

    I'm planning on applying this to things I normally wouldn't think to do, even something as simple as walking. 

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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    Burn the Fu*kin Boats and Let Your Results Show Who You Are

    Burn the Fu*kin Boats and Let Your Results Show Who You Are

    What's up Get Uncomfortable Compadre!

    If you would like to get a free Enlightened Athlete shirt you can do so by leaving a written review on apple podcasts, send it to me through email and I'll get your info and send you a FREE shirt.

    I just officially became a Floridian and we are getting settled in our new state of residence.

    As I begin a new journey or chapter in my life I've been reflecting on what it was that helped me achieve what I set out to do in Hastings.

    It's community. It's an attitude of no other options. It was the fact I burned the boats and gave myself no excuses, no plan B, only victory as the outcome.

    I wanted to impart some of the useful mindset shifts I've made over the years and some of the intentional work I've done that's led to me being able to surround myself with the right people.

    Here is the book I mentioned at the end of the episode- Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

    I hope you enjoy the show.

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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    All About Meditation: Why to Do It, How to Do It & A Guided Meditation Track for You

    All About Meditation: Why to Do It, How to Do It & A Guided Meditation Track for You

    What's up Get Uncomfortable Compadre!

    If you would like to get a free Enlightened Athlete shirt you can do so by leaving a written review on apple podcasts, send it to me through email and I'll get your info and send you a FREE shirt.

    Today's Episode is about one of my favorite activities. Meditation.  I even recorded a guided meditation  and added it to the end of this episode!

    There's a lot of preconceptions surrounding this practice and some people are too unsure how to begin. My hope with this podcast episode is to introduce you to the practice of meditation by bringing it to the light and demystifying this SUPER beneficial activity of self care.

    Topics covered:
     -What meditation actually is. (In my experience)
     -Different methods, variations, and practices
     -Results from scientific research of physical, cognitive, and emotional improvements from regular meditation
     -Apps, teachers, books, youtube videos, audio programs, and practices to help get you started

    Apps referred to:-Calm, Headspace, Insight Timer, Oak meditation App

    Jon Kabat-Zinn MBSR Program: The program I started with

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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    PJ Nestler | Director of Performance for XPT: The Power of Breath, Connection to Nature, & Community

    PJ Nestler | Director of Performance for XPT: The Power of Breath, Connection to Nature, & Community

    What's up Get Uncomfortable Compadre!

    If you would like to get a free Enlightened Athlete shirt you can do so by leaving a written review on apple podcasts, send it to me through email and I'll get your info and send you a FREE shirt.

    I had the opportunity to have a conversation with XPT's Director of Performance; PJ Nestler.

    PJ has been a high level strength & conditioning coach for elite athletes for the majority of his career. To say he understands living a high performance life would be an understatement.

    PJ now works with Laird Hamilton and his wife Gabby Reece as Director of performance at their company XPT as well as being the head of performance for Fitlab.

    XPT is where I took my performance breath work certification and couldn't believe the quality of the program. I learned so much about physiology and mechanics as it relates to breath and I kn ow you'll learn a ton from this episode.

    We got into the importance of a connection factor for a high performance life, the tactical games, breathing and breath work, pool training,  and breathing protocols that you can apply in your life to improve breathing efficiency.

    I hope you all enjoy the conversation as much as I did, Cheers!

    PJ's Instagram

    XPT website

    XPT Instagram

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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    Dave Wood | React or Respond to Stress? Navigating the "Gap" for Peak Performance

    Dave Wood | React or Respond to Stress? Navigating the "Gap" for Peak Performance

    If you haven't yet, I'd be forever grateful if you left us a rating or review to let others know that you love the show

    Dave wood works with high level athletes (Israel Adesanya, Kai Kara-France) , entrepreneurs, CEO's, and everyday people like you and me to teach the mechanisms of stress, how to regulate your nervous system, and how to stay calm under pressure (the name of his life changing workshops he runs in Piha, New Zealand)

    You will learn A LOT in today's episode that you can apply right away in your everyday life.

    From Dave's Website: 

    "Integrated training is all about identifying where you have imbalances in specific body systems that are often overlooked in traditional training methods. 

    Two of these systems which are often the least trained are the respiratory and nervous systems. As it turns out, these are essential when it comes to remaining calm, clear and focused under stress and pressure. 

    Integrated Training combines movement, breath-work, recovery, and mental resilience to super-charge performance and health. All wrapped in an environment that inspires and challenges you to thrive, not only in competitive environments, but in everyday life."

    Dave went DEEP on strategies and methods you can utilize today to start to train your body and mind to take control of stressors and how you respond to them instead of walking around in a reactive state.

    We got into the difference between controlled and uncontrolled stress, how to program your mindset to utilize setbacks and stress to your advantage, what the "gap" between stimulus and response is and how recognizing that will change your whole perspective on life and improve performance, mental health link with nature, ice baths, pillars of health, dealing with anxiety, procrastination, depression, avoidance and so much more.

    Enjoy the show!  

    Integrated Training Website

    Dave on LinkedIn

    Dave's Instagram-  Integrated Training

    Dave's Youtube Channel

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

    Find Shae on Facebook HERE

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    104: CRAZY Side Effects from 75HARD

    104: CRAZY Side Effects from 75HARD

    What's up Get Uncomfortable Compadre!

    If you would like to get a free Enlightened Athlete shirt you can do so by leaving a written review on apple podcasts, send it to me through email and I'll get your info and send you a FREE shirt.

    In this weeks show I wanted to tell you about some of the cray effects I've found from completing 75HARD a program from Andy Frisella, the president of 1st Phorm.

    If you would like to start the program, listen to episode 208 of Real AF.

    What I want you to take away from this show is, if you live your life at the highest the level you possibly can you will inspire others to do the same. THAT is how we can improve lives of ourselves and all those around us. Go out and live a great life!

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    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

    Find Shae on Facebook HERE

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    103: Get Better Results In the Gym Pt. 2 | Build Your Engine with Aerobic Endurance Programming

    103: Get Better Results In the Gym Pt. 2 | Build Your Engine with Aerobic Endurance Programming

    What's up Get Uncomfortable Compadre!

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    On todays episode we dive into the details surrounding aerobic endurance (cardio) training and programming.

    I touch on some common terms to help you understand what we're talking about, figuring out your maximal heart rate, sound program design variables, different types of training, how to structure a program and explain a sample program, and season or program organization. 

    It's a lot of information but all things that I believe will help you on your journey to becoming the healthiest version of you. 

    If you have any questions please feel free to reach out!

    Support the show

    Until next time, go get uncomfortable.

    Schedule a free strategy call with us at EnlightenedAthlete.com to learn how we can help you remotely with exercise & movement programs, stress management, breathwork, and nutrition coaching!

    Connect with us by shooting us an email at info@enlightenedathlete.com

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