
    Girls w/ Anxiety

    You know those types of friends that you can call and drop your deepest secrets on or your weirdest anxiety-ridden thoughts? We’re those types of friends. Hi, we’re Heike and Tessa aka Girls w/ Anxiety aka GWA. We aren’t doctors, medical professionals, or any of that jazz (therapy is amazing btw, you should go). We’re just two girls who don’t want other girls (or guys) to feel alone. We are here to be your friend. To let you know you’re not alone when you feel anxiety pulling at your heartstrings (and to talk about every other random thing that happens in life). We are a community… a thriving, loving, active community of people going through the same thing; we are girls with anxiety, here to give you the hug you need. #girlswanxiety
    enHeike & Tessa72 Episodes

    Episodes (72)

    Comparing Ourselves to Our Old Selves

    Comparing Ourselves to Our Old Selves

    In this week's episode, we chat about how we compare ourselves to our old selves. How easy it is to fall back into those habits that we think feel safe, comfortable, and familiar, when really A. there not invited anymore, and B. it can hold us back in so many ways.  We also chat about navigating through comparing ourselves to others, and if we focus on ourselves (easier said than done, we know) it's great to do your own thing and do you. Appreciate others’ work but love yourself for your ideas and who you are, because we think you're pretty great!

    Please subscribe, rate, and review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming, and Tessa @tessarooke

    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    OTG — Leaning Into Words and Taking Up Space

    OTG — Leaning Into Words and Taking Up Space

    In this episode, we’re on the go. Literally - OTG! This week, we invite you to experience a typical phone call or text conversation between your favorite GWA gals. Tessa with words and Heike with space.

    ***Side-note - Regretting You by Colleen Hoover is the book Tessa shared. But of course, in the truest OTG form,  she was cut off while driving those gorgeous Hawaiian roads. ***

    GWA on the fly ✨ Playlist

    Piecework Puzzle Playlist

    Please subscribe, rate, and review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming, and Tessa @tessarooke

    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA



    We are back, we are back, WE ARE BACK! After a much-needed (longer than we anticipated) step away from the pod, we are back baby, and feelin' refreshed and ready to chat with you all! There is a ton to fill you in and this episode is just the tip of the iceberg, so listen along while we dust off our mics and get back into the groove.

    Welcome to Season Two, Episode One, OMFG, WE'RE BACK!

    Please subscribe, rate, and review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming, and Tessa @tessarooke

    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Resting & Celebrating

    Resting & Celebrating

    In this episode of GWA, we discuss how important it is to take time for yourself during the holiday season and as the year comes to an end. To find ease, grace, and kindness for yourself and others during this time. To keep those boundaries strong when we feel obligated to attend all the holiday functions...here's a little secret, you don't have to go if you're not feeling up to it. Cheers to all for surviving another year we all deserve a round of applause! Remember to rest when you need it and to celebrate when you want! We will talk to you next year!

    Oh yeah, and Heike got engaged!!!

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    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Quigley Explains it All

    Quigley Explains it All

    In this episode of GWA, we had the lovely Quigley Goode on! She is a content creator, visual storyteller, educator, and founder of Soulcial Media, a wife, a mother,  a wearer of all hats. We covered all topics, you name it we talked about it. From anxiety and mental health to receiving positive and negative DM's on Instagram to being pregnant, giving birth, and finding your sex drive again. She might have even sung a little tune for us, you will just have to listen to find out. Quigley shared it all and we couldn't have been more grateful for having her own and lighting a fire under us to be our authentic selves. We hope you love this episode as much as we do and you get that little spark under you as well!

    Links below
    Follow Quigley Goode
    Instagram: @officiallyquigley
    Website: Officially Quigley
    Coaching Course: Soulcial Coaching Course
    TikTok: @officallyquigley

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming, and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Everything Will Work Out—Take a Step Back and Slowdown

    Everything Will Work Out—Take a Step Back and Slowdown

    In this episode of GWA,  Heike and Tessa talk about how easy it is to feel flustered when your plate is overflowing with to-dos.  When we put unwanted pressure on ourselves to get everything done all at once, but maybe just maybe if we step back and chill we can see that it's not the end of the world. Also, there is a discussion about how society and other people's opinions can start to trickle into our mindset and question our timeline. And you know what we say to that?! None of you're bleepin' business! Keep doing you and strutting down your own path, because in the end, everything will work out!

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    What GWA is Grateful for!

    What GWA is Grateful for!

    In this episode of GWA, we are getting sentimental y'all. We discuss how grateful we are for this community and how much you all mean to us. If it weren’t for you we would just be two anxious girls with mics talking to each other, and that’s okay too. Also, we share how we are grateful for ourselves and all the hard work we’ve put in to be our best selves! Remember, it’s okay to give yourself a little praise, you deserve it! 

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Girls w/ Anxiety
    enNovember 23, 2021

    Blame it on the Full Moon

    Blame it on the Full Moon

    In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa are chatting about how the full moon can affect them. Do you feel uneasy, not grounded, and anxious during the full moon? If you said yes to one or all of the above, you're not alone, us too! We share how sometimes we feel a little on edge when that big ol white rock is shining in all its glory in the sky. And we may not be full moon experts, but we have been around enough full moons in our day to share some tips to feel more grounded and like yourself and if all else fails, blame it on the full moon.

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Girls w/ Anxiety
    enNovember 16, 2021

    Therapy Sesh—Why Therapy is the New Normal

    Therapy Sesh—Why Therapy is the New Normal

    In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa share their personal journeys with therapy. We discuss our paths into therapy, a side note there is no right or wrong way. Why therapy is SO amazing and how going and speaking about it is totally normal! We get real about how therapy has helped us in so many ways, like healing and putting ourselves first. A huge shout out to our therapist and all the therapists out there! And remember, it's always always always okay too as for help! #therapyistheshit

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Girls w/ Anxiety
    enNovember 09, 2021

    Saying Yes to You & Self-Care—with Laura Abate

    Saying Yes to You & Self-Care—with Laura Abate

    In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa had the "Self-Care Queen" herself on, Laura Abate. She is passionate about reminding women to feel their best selves by slowing down and finding what truly lights them up. Laura shares that by reconnecting with your authentic self, saying yes to you, and taking time for self-care you can grow into your highest potential. Together we list all the reasons why we need to start putting our needs first and share some of the ways we like to take care of ourselves. Enjoy and remember, there is always time for you!

    Links below
    Follow Laura Abate
    Instagram: @oh.cocoon
    Care Package: The Oh Cocoon Self-Care Guide
    Website: Oh Cocoon
    Blog: Oh Cocoon Blog

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Girls w/ Anxiety
    enNovember 02, 2021

    Time Management and Schedule Anxiety

    Time Management and Schedule Anxiety

    In this episode of GWA, Heike, and Tessa are discussing time management and schedule anxiety. Who doesn’t get a little anxiety when it seems like there’s never enough hours in the day to get everything done!? Listen along as we talk about our love of lists, lists, and more lists. What keeps us on track with our time management and scheduling so we don't feel off-balanced. We even might share a pet peeve or two when it comes to time management. 

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Girls w/ Anxiety
    enOctober 26, 2021

    Travel Anxiety—The Baggage We Don't Mind Losing

    Travel Anxiety—The Baggage We Don't Mind Losing

    In this episode of GWA, Heike, and Tessa are discussing travel anxiety. Let's face it, as much as we love to travel and explore, that damn anxiety baggage likes to linger around. We discuss what makes us anxious before traveling, how we relax our nerves, and how we ground ourselves before, during, and after. We hope you enjoy! 

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Girls w/ Anxiety
    enOctober 19, 2021

    Period Party—Menstrual Cycle Coaching with Brittney Ellers

    Period Party—Menstrual Cycle Coaching with Brittney Ellers

    In this episode of GWA, Heike, and Tessa had the absolute pleasure of speaking with Brittney Ellers. She is a pelvic physical therapist, yoga instructor, mentor, and guide who has been through her own pelvic floor issues and continues to embody what it means to self-discover, sustain, find comfort and confidence in her pelvic space. Join us on an incredible journey with Brittney as she shares her wisdom on pelvic healthcare education and how important it is to celebrate being a woman through all phases of your cycle. The menstruation, the follicular, ovulation, and the luteal phase...we mean the beginning, the middle, and the end! Enjoy!

    Links below
    Follow Brittney Ellers
    Instagram: @b.ellers
    Website: Being Better
    Blog: Being Better 

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Girls w/ Anxiety
    enOctober 05, 2021

    Hangxiety—When You're Hungover but, Also Have Anxiety

    Hangxiety—When You're Hungover but, Also Have Anxiety

    In this episode of GWA, Heike, and Tessa are discussing when you have a little too much fun the night before, or in our case, a sip of alcohol, and your hangover is accompanied by anxiety. We are talking about Hangxiety, and yes it's a real word and, an oh-so-real feeling. We wish that we had some magic potion to share with you to keep the scary hangxiety away, but we are just here to share with you our very real hangxieties. Listen along and remember the next time you're faced with some hangxiety that you're not alone and no they aren't thinking what you said the night before... cheers. 

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Girls w/ Anxiety
    enSeptember 28, 2021

    Toxic Friendships— Breaking Up isn't Always Easy

    Toxic Friendships— Breaking Up isn't Always Easy

    In this episode of GWA, Heike, and Tessa are sharing their past experiences with friendships that ended up being toxic. It's not always easy to see those red flags while navigating your own voice, boundaries, and self-love. Listen along as we share what we have learned along the way, maybe you can gain some tools to help you navigate those toxic friendships, and to always remember, it's okay to put yourself first, because who else will! 

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review!

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Girls w/ Anxiety
    enSeptember 21, 2021

    Brain Dumping

    Brain Dumping

    In this episode of GWA, Heike, and Tessa are experiencing a major downpour of brain dump. We return after a week off, sad face. Did you miss us? Because we missed you! Also, one of us, unfortunately,  got covid...any guesses? Her name starts with a T and ends in an A. Thank goodness we’re back to our regular schedule, healthy, happy, and brain dump mode, enjoy!

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review! 

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Girls w/ Anxiety
    enSeptember 14, 2021

    Self-Discovery—with Itzy Canales

    Self-Discovery—with Itzy Canales

    In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa had the lovely Itzy Canales on! She is an Influencer, Digital Creator, Host of Grow with the Flow Podcast, and a Confidence Coach. We chat about her self-discovery journey that has led her to incredible opportunities with brands she has dreamt of working with, as well as being inspired to coach and empower WOC to reclaim their power and confidence. Itzy also shares that you must always keep pushing forward and that if you don't ask, the answer will always be no. Listen along and get inspired by this amazing woman, who leaves us with a ton of confidence to go after our dreams and to not wait around!

    Links below
    Follow Itzy Canales
    Instagram: @itzycanales
    1:1 Coaching with Itzy
    Podcasts: Grow with the Flow

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review! 

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    The Pressure We Put on Ourselves and How to Hold Ourselves Accountable

    The Pressure We Put on Ourselves and How to Hold Ourselves Accountable

    In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa discuss the pressures they put on themselves. How overwhelming it feels when these self-induced pressures hit them like a tidal wave, and how they wish to commit to holding themselves accountable. Listen along the way to learn some ideas, tools, and to A. Know you’re not alone if you put pressure on yourself too, and B. For some inspiring ways to overcome these ludicrous pressure waves.

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review! 

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    The Emotional Entrepreneur—with Scout Sobel

    The Emotional Entrepreneur—with Scout Sobel

    In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa had the ABSOLUTE pleasure of speaking with The Emotional Entrepreneur herself, Scout Sobel! She is the founder of Scout's Agency, co-host of the popular Okay Sis Podcast, the host of SCOUT Podcast, and now she can add author to her extensive list of accomplishments. We discussed her process of writing her debut book, The Emotional Entrepreneur, and the lessons she has learned along the way that fill the pages of her book. Also, that living with Bipolar Disorder would no longer hold her back, but help her succeed in business and grow her own empire. Holding herself accountable with contracts to herself,  allowing space for her anxiety when it arises and the drive and determination like no other, we just say this last thing, run don't walk...or don't wait to click, to purchase, The Emotional Entrepreneur, you can thank us later! xx GWA

    Links below
    Follow Scout Sobel
    Instagram: @scoutsobel
    Purchase The Emotional Entrepreneur here
    Podcasts: SCOUT, Okay Sis

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review! 

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    It's Officially Official—Tessa Rooke joins the GWA Family

    It's Officially Official—Tessa Rooke joins the GWA Family

    In this episode of GWA, Heike and Tessa make their cohosting relationship officially official! Listen along as we share a little back story on how Tessa joined the GWA family. Our first memories of us becoming fast friends and always being able to rely on one another during difficult times. We hope you are as excited as we are for this new chapter of GWA!

    Sign up for our GWA monthly newsletter here!

    Please subscribe, rate, review! 

    Follow us
    Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Tessa @tessarooke


    Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com

    xx GWA

    Girls w/ Anxiety
    enAugust 10, 2021