
    Girls With Guts

    Follow the gutsy gals each week as they invite a featured guest do a deep dive into a challenging chronic illness topic. Each episode will provide insider tips and inspire you with personal stories of healing and perseverance, encouraging you to stay strong no matter your daily challenges.
    enAlanna Martella & Nicole Dambro25 Episodes

    Episodes (25)

    Dr. Abby: Stress-Induced Hair Loss & Regrowth Tips

    Dr. Abby: Stress-Induced Hair Loss & Regrowth Tips

    Have you ever dealt with excessive hair shedding? Not just your standard "losing hair in the shower" type of hair shedding -- we're talking “hair coming out in clumps” type of hair shedding! It can not only be scary but can also take a major toll on your emotions. This week on the podcast, we speak with Dr. Abby Waldman, a dermatologist in Boston, Massachusetts, about Telogen Effluvium - a very common phenomenon of temporary hair loss which happens after some sort of stress, trauma or shock to the body. Not surprisingly, we have stories to share about experiencing Telogen Effluvium firsthand, following our surgeries! In addition, to sharing all things T.E., we'll also discuss remedies and therapies you can use to help regrow hair, and how to keep stressors at bay (because stress = hair loss!) If you’ve battled intense hair shedding or are in the middle of it right now, you absolutely won’t want to miss this episode!


    If you want to learn more about the podcast and the hosts, visit our website at https://www.girlswithgutspodcast.com.


    Follow us on social media!

    Instagram: @girlswithgutspodcast

    Twitter: @girlswithgutspodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/girlswithgutspodcast

    Dr. Abby’s Instagram: @abby.waldmanmd

    Alanna’s Instagram: @alannamartella

    Nicole’s Instagram: @thenikkidee


    Dr. Abby’s Website:https://physiciandirectory.brighamandwomens.org/details/12968/abigail-waldman-dermatology-boston

    Dr. Abby's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNI5Bp59r_SFle-ObBG3H4Q


    Britt Turpack: Active Tools for Managing Your Mental Health

    Britt Turpack: Active Tools for Managing Your Mental Health

    Have you noticed that whenever you feel bad physically, your mental health also tends to go in a downward spiral? That’s because there’s a direct correlation between physical and mental health.


    In today’s episode, the Girls With Guts are joined by Britt Turpack, a mental health advocate and speaker, who is a huge proponent of the importance of movement when it comes to mental health and feeling good. We discuss the correlation between mental and physical health and talk about ways you can get movement while recovering from a surgery or while battling a flare-up. We hear Britt's story of how she went from being homeless in L.A. (for a year!) to being a mental health beacon of light at NAMI Westside Los Angeles. She educates us on her mental health Endurance Cycle,  leads us through breathwork exercises you can do at home whenever you feel you need to slow down, shares free resources and much, much more!


    After hearing this episode, you'll be inspired to "get your coffee, get your day!"

    Don't miss out!


    If you want to learn more about the podcast and the hosts, visit our website at www.girlswithgutspodcast.com

    Follow us on social media!

    Instagram: @girlswithgutspodcast

    Twitter: @girlswithgutspodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/girlswithgutspodcast

    Alanna’s Instagram: @alannamartella

    Nicole’s Instagram: @thenikkidee


    Britt’s Instagram: @meetbritt

    Britt’s Website: https://meetbritt.com/

    Dr. Towfigh: Hernias & the Problem with "Bikini Medicine"

    Dr. Towfigh: Hernias & the Problem with "Bikini Medicine"

    Have you ever been blown off by doctors about pain or symptoms you are experiencing? If yes, this episode is for you! In this week’s chat, we welcome Nicole’s doctor, Dr. Shirin Towfigh, a Board-Certified General Surgeon at the Beverly Hills Hernia Center in Southern California. Dr. Towfigh isn’t only Nicole’s literal lifesaver, but she is also world-renowned for her treatment of hernias and hernia-related complications - and is sought out by patients across the globe for help when it comes to unknown abdominal pain.


    In this episode, we discuss how Dr. Towfigh was the first doctor to take Nicole’s symptoms seriously and how she discovered an intestinal issue as the underlying culprit. We also discuss why women continue to go under-diagnosed and over-medicated, signs and symptoms to look out for when it comes to hernias, and how you can properly assert yourself with to get the care you deserve! After all, you know your body more than anyone else – take a stand and let your voice be heard!


    If you want to learn more about the podcast and the hosts, visit our website at https://www.girlswithguts.com.


    Follow Us on Social Media!

    Instagram: @girlswithgutspodcast

    Twitter: @girlswithgutspodcast

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/girlswithgutspodcast

    Dr. Towfigh’s Instagram: @herniadoc

    Alanna’s Instagram: @alannamartella

    Nicole’s Instagram: @thenikkidee


    Other Resources:

    Beverly Hills Hernia Center


    NY Times Article -

    In Women, Hernias May Be Hidden Agony

    Books by Dr. Towfigh - 


    Press on Dr. Towfigh -


     Copyright 2021 Girls With Guts Podcast. All content is property of GWGP and requires explicit permission for use.

    Krista Deveau: Can I Wear a Bikini w/ an Ostomy?

    Krista Deveau: Can I Wear a Bikini w/ an Ostomy?
    Can I wear a bikini with an Ostomy? Can I take  a bath with an Ostomy? Can I be normal and accepted by my friends and colleagues?
    Ostomate Krista Deveau is here to tell you - YES YOU CAN! 
    A kindergarten teacher from Alberta, Canada, Krista is known on Instagram as a passionate Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and body positivity advocate. Krista was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2001, and over the next 20 years, underwent multiple bowel resections. She tried every medication to treat her illness - with little to no relief. Then, in April 2018, Krista had surgery to remove what was left of her diseased colon - and as a result, her stoma “Stella” was born. These days, Krista is living and thriving with a temporary ileostomy, sharing the reality of her daily life on Instagram through her profile, @my.gut.instinct. Even though her life with IBD and a ileostomy has been extremely difficult, she maintains a bright positive attitude and is grateful at the life she’s now able to lead. (Plus, she's CUTE and we love supporting her!)
    Where are our ostomates at?! What about this episode do you find very relatable or surprising? Do you tell your employer about the challenges you face with your chronic illness?

    If you want to learn more about the podcast and the hosts, visit their website at www.girlswithgutspodcast.com.

    Follow Us on Social Media!

    Instagram: @girlswithgutspodcast

    Twitter: @girlswithgutspodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/girlswithgutspodcast

    Krista Instagram: @my.gut.instinct

    Alanna Instagram: @alannamartella

    Nicole Instagram: @thenikkidee

    Krista's Resources:



     Copyright 2021 Girls With Guts Podcast. All content is property of GWGP and requires explicit permission for use.

    That One Time Alanna Died

    That One Time Alanna Died

    Welcome to the podcast everyone! In this first episode, Alanna and Nicole introduce themselves and explain their cross-country production experience before jumping into the nitty gritty. Alanna reveals her volvulus story - and how she died from it - and lived to thrive as a Cincinnati newswoman. Nicole reveals her more recent experience with a cecal volvulus and why it took her so long to get surgery. 

    If you want to learn more about the podcast and the hosts, visit their website at www.girlswithgutspodcast.com.

    Follow Us on Social Media!

    Instagram: @girlswithgutspodcast

    Twitter: @girlswithgutspodcast

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/girlswithgutspodcast

    Alanna Instagram: @alannamartella

    Nicole Instagram: @thenikkidee

    Copyright 2021 Girls With Guts Podcast. All content is property of GWGP and requires explicit permission for use.