
    Glorian Podcast

    Download free lectures about spirituality, religion, kabbalah, the Bible, Greek myth, Runes, astrology, alchemy, meditation, the Zohar, Tantra, sacred sexuality, and much more. A free public service from Glorian Publishing, a non-profit organization.
    enGlorian Publishing689 Episodes

    Episodes (689)

    Teleios Gnosis: The Path of Perfect Knowledge

    Teleios Gnosis: The Path of Perfect Knowledge

    Howbeit we speak wisdom [σοφία, sophia] among them that are perfect [τελείοις, teleios]… 1 Corinthians 2:6

    τέλειος (teleios):

    • that which is perfect
    • consummate human integrity and virtue
    • the realization of one’s ultimate purpose in life

    τέλος (telos):

    • the end purpose or goal of something
    • the telos of an acorn is an oak tree.
    Cease not to seek day and night and remit not yourselves until ye find the purifying mysteries which will purify you and make you into a refined light, so that ye will go on high and inherit the light of my kingdom. Jesus (Aberamentho),  Pistis Sophia, ch. 100

    This lecture discusses:

    What is goal of the universe? What is our spiritual purpose? What are the forms of knowledge and how to do we know what is true?

    Glorian Podcast
    enAugust 05, 2021

    Anthropogenesis Part 3

    Anthropogenesis Part 3

    Part three of a history of all the root races of the Earth, including the Polar, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, and Aryan races.

    Evolution is a law of nature that applies to the development of the soul (consciousness), but not in the way most people realize. Furthermore, the Bible explains the previous races and ages (Atlantean, Lemurian, and more), and about fallen angels and the existence of demons, but one has to know Hebrew and Kabbalah to understand.

    This course reveals the essential clues to understand how we got to where we are now. Learn about the reality of the development of the soul as it is hidden in the Kabbalah, the Bible, the Hebrew letters, and the Zohar.

    Glorian Podcast
    enJune 16, 2021

    Anthropogenesis Part 2

    Anthropogenesis Part 2

    Part two of a history of all the root races of the Earth, including the Polar, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, and Aryan races.

    Evolution is a law of nature that applies to the development of the soul (consciousness), but not in the way most people realize. Furthermore, the Bible explains the previous races and ages (Atlantean, Lemurian, and more), and about fallen angels and the existence of demons, but one has to know Hebrew and Kabbalah to understand.

    This course reveals the essential clues to understand how we got to where we are now. Learn about the reality of the development of the soul as it is hidden in the Kabbalah, the Bible, the Hebrew letters, and the Zohar.

    Read the transcription here.

    Glorian Podcast
    enApril 09, 2021

    Ego Death

    Ego Death

    Ego Death is an essential aspect of spiritual work. Explains various ways the term ‘ego’ is used and how it must be understood in terms of the spiritual and psychological work. Provides practical method and advice on how to eliminate the ego.

    Concludes with a brief meditation on the ego.

    Topics include:

    • The ego in terms of: Freudian, popular psychology, and religion.
    • Ego Dystonic and Ego Syntonic states.
    • “Our Personal Algorithm”
    • How the ego relates to the Spirit, Soul, and Body
    • Afflictions and Cognitive Obscurations
    • Ego vs Consciousness
    • Temporary Liberation and Final Liberation
    • Steps of Ego Death: Observation, Comprehension, Elimination
    • Ego Death and Psychedelics
    Glorian Podcast
    enMarch 13, 2021

    Melchizedec Practice

    Melchizedec Practice

    This lecture describes how to perform the meditation practice related to Melchizedec, which is performed at the 13th hour on any Saturday the 13th.

    "Malkhi-tzedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine. He was a priest to God, the Most High." - Genesis / Bereshit 14

    Glorian Podcast
    enFebruary 15, 2021

    Awakening Consciousness in Practical Life

    Awakening Consciousness in Practical Life

    A broad lecture about the state of our consciousness, and how to awaken it.

    Consciousness is the basis of our experience. Consciousness provides both perception and understanding from moment to moment.

    Our consciousness is conditioned, by what we typically call "the ego". The correct application of consciousness can remove the negative elements which presently condition it.


    Glorian Podcast
    enJanuary 17, 2021

    The Microprosopus

    The Microprosopus

    “The Gnostic Pentagram is the human (אדם Adam) figure with four limbs, and one single apex which is the head. The sign of the Pentagram is also called the sign of the Microcosm. It represents what the Kabbalist Rabbis of the book Zohar call the Microprosopus.” - The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled by Samael Aun Weor

    Glorian Podcast
    enSeptember 29, 2020

    Experience and the Three Minds

    Experience and the Three Minds

    Why do some have spiritual experiences while others do not? Learn how to have reliable spiritual experiences. 

    The Three Minds

    1. Sensual Mind
    2. Intermediate Mind
    3. Inner Mind

    “(Jesus)… taught them (Pharisees and Sadducees) in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this Sophia (σοφία), and these mighty works? …And they were offended in him... And he did not many mighty works there because of their Apistis.” —Matthew 13

    “…your Pistis should not depend on the Sophia of men, but on the power (Binah) of Theos (God)… as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard (sensual mind), neither have entered into the heart of man (intermediate mind), the things which Theos hath prepared for them that love him. But Theos hath revealed them unto us (inner mind) by his Pneuma (spirit): for the Pneuma searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of Theos. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the pnuema of man which is in him? even so the things of Theos knoweth no man, but the Pneuma of Theos… But the psychikos (sensual) man receiveth not the things of the Pneuma of Theos: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are pneumatikos (spiritually) discerned.” —1 Corinthians 2

    Glorian Podcast
    enAugust 04, 2020

    Sexual Transmutation, Alchemy, & Tantra

    Sexual Transmutation, Alchemy, & Tantra

    An introduction to the universal teachings on sexual transmutation, also known as alchemy or tantra.

    Explains the following (and more):

    • The Golden Bowl of Buddha.
    • The Ark of the Covenant Crossing the Jordan River.
    • Jesus Turing Water into Wine at the Wedding.
    • The Mystery of Dionysus and Bacchus.
    • The Hermetic Seal, and why it is the necessary basis of Alchemy.
    • Tantric Bodhichitta.
    • How to Practice Sexual Transmutation as a couple or a single person.
    • Many practical questions answered.

    Slides (PDF): https://gnosticteachings.org/download/beginning-here-and-now-introductory-lectures/869-sexual-transmutation-alchemy-tantra-pdf.html

    “The philosophy of Sexual Alchemy has its principles in the school of the Essenes, in the school of Alexandria, in the teachings of Pythagoras, in the mysteries of Egypt, Troy, Rome, Carthage, Eleusis, as well as in the wisdom of the Aztecs and Mayas, etc. The procedures of the science of Sexual Alchemy must be studied in the books of Paracelsus, Nicholas Flamel, Raymond Lully. We also find these procedures hidden within the veil of all symbols, in all the hieratic figures of ancient hieroglyphics of many ancient temples, as well as in the Greek and Egyptian myths.” - Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message

    Additional reading:

    Glorian Podcast
    enMay 11, 2020

    Mindfulness, Spaciousness, Emptiness

    Mindfulness, Spaciousness, Emptiness

    Mindfulness is paying attention to our experience. Mindfulness has a quality of openness, being open to the experience of the moment without avoidance or distortion.

    Spaciousness is what is directly experienced when mental content (thoughts and emotions) cease. We experience the space of our awareness through meditation.

    Emptiness, as an experience, is a radical annihilation of self-identity in which one perceives universal consciousness.

    Download PDF slides: https://gnosticteachings.org/download/beginning-here-and-now-introductory-lectures/863-mindfulness-spaciousness-emptiness-pdf.html

    Glorian Podcast
    enMarch 22, 2020

    Gnostic Psychology

    Gnostic Psychology

    Gnostic Psychology is a method of awakening consciousness. It can also be called Spiritual Psychology or Revolutionary Psychology.

    Get slides (PDF) here: https://gnosticteachings.org/download/beginning-here-and-now-introductory-lectures/859-beginning-here-and-now-gnostic-psychology-pdf.html

    Psychology is the combination of two Greek words, meaning ‘study of the soul’:

    1. ψυχή psyche: “breath, spirit, soul”
    2. λόγος logos: “explanation”

    This lecture discusses how all major religions have the elements of psychology, especially in their mystical aspect. It also discusses the differences between Gnostic Psychology, and modern materialistic psychology.

    It also teaches about the difference between the spirit and the soul, and four main states of consciousness:

    1. Eikasia
    2. Pistis
    3. Dianoia
    4. Nous

    The following quote from the Gospel of Philip is explained in detail:

    As for ourselves, let each one of us dig down after the root of evil which is within one, and let one pluck it out of one's heart from the root. It will be plucked out if we recognize it. But if we are ignorant of it, it takes root in us and produces its fruit in our heart. It masters us. We are its slaves. It takes us captive, to make us do what we do not want; and what we do want, we do not do. It is powerful because we have not recognized it. While it exists it is active. Ignorance is the mother of all evil. Ignorance will result in death, because those who come from ignorance neither were, nor are, nor shall be. - Gospel of Philip

    Glorian Podcast
    enFebruary 17, 2020

    Esoteric Christianity 07 Well & Ladder of Jacob

    Esoteric Christianity 07 Well & Ladder of Jacob

    Explains the secrets behind the story of the woman and Jesus at the Well of Jacob, Jacob’s Ladder, the Jacob’s Stone Pillar, and Jacob’s Struggle with God.

    Slides (with quotes and references) found at the course home: https://gnosticteachings.org/download/esoteric-christianity-course.html

    Reviews the three primary souls of kabbalah:

    1. נפש Nephesh – Animal Soul
    2. רוח Ruach – Thinking-Emotional Soul
    3. נשמה Neshamah – Spiritual Soul

    All three souls can be translated literally as ‘breath’ or ‘wind.’

    Explains the esoteric meaning of the Hebrew letters ו Vav, ז Zayin, and ט Teth.

    In the second half, the lecture explains the importance of breathing and meditation, quoting from the Philokalia.

    Since the intellect of those recently embarked on the spiritual path continually darts away again as soon as it has been concentrated, they must continually bring it back once more; […] some teachers recommend them to pay attention to the exhalation and inhalation of their breath, and to restrain it a little, so that while they are watching it, the mind, too, may be held in check. – Philokalia, St Gregory Palamas, In Defense of Those who Devoutly Practice a Life of Stillness

    Restrain the drawing-in of breath through your nostrils, so as not to breathe easily, and search inside yourself with your nous so as to find the place of the heart, where all the powers of the soul reside. – Philokalia, St Symeon the New Theologian, The Three Methods of Prayer

    Single people must transmute the seminal liquor with deep breathing, keeping the lungs full thirty seconds or more. – Samael Aun Weor

    And by the רוח ruach of your noses your [sexual] waters were gathered together, your flowing waters were lifted up like a pillar, and the depths [of Yesod] coagulated in the sea of your heart. – Exodus 15:8

    Glorian Podcast
    enDecember 22, 2019

    And The Truth Shall Set You Free

    And The Truth Shall Set You Free

    This lecture looks at the factors that keep us trapped in cyclic existence through the lens of Hindu, Buddhist, and Gnostic scriptures, and how we can free ourselves from suffering through in-depth comprehension of our own Being and the reality that surrounds us.

    Glorian Podcast
    enNovember 10, 2019

    Compassion 04 Transform Suffering into Wisdom

    Compassion 04 Transform Suffering into Wisdom

    Suffering has a cause. When we perceive the cause, we can then apply the remedy. How do we know that suffering can be cured? Because of this simple law of nature:

    “A superior law overpowers an inferior law.”

    To cure suffering, we start by studying it. Classically, there are three basic forms of suffering:

    1. Suffering of suffering: pain, birth, illness, growing old, and dying
    2. Suffering of change: the anxiety or stress of trying to hold on to things that are constantly changing
    3. Suffering of conditioned existence: unsatisfactoriness, caused by mistaken perception of “self”

    Then, we go deeper: to see the specific qualities of that suffering and its roots. In Western religions, those roots are organized as seven vices:

    1. Avarice
    2. Laziness
    3. Lust
    4. Anger
    5. Pride
    6. Envy
    7. Gluttony

    Curing the vices has three steps:

    1. Discovery: observation of facts
    2. Judgment: meditation to perceive the defect in the subconsciousness
    3. Execution: use of divine power to destroy the defect

    The purpose of meditation is to acquire information inaccessible to the senses or the intellect. Only by acquiring that knowledge can the roots of suffering be seend and understood, and only then can they be destroyed. You cannot destroy what you cannot see.

    When a vice is destroyed, its corresponding virtue is liberated:

    1. Generosity
    2. Diligence
    3. Chastity
    4. Love
    5. Humility
    6. Happiness for Others
    7. Temperance

    To understand the suffering of others, we must first understand our own. That is why all genuine spiritual pursuits begin with knowledge of oneself. 

    “All the joy the world contains has come through wishing happiness for others. All the misery the world contains has come through wanting pleasure for oneself.” —Bodhisattvacharyavatara

    Glorian Podcast
    enOctober 15, 2019