
    God Stories with Michelle Moore

    Are you feeling a little down? The God Stories podcast delivers a good dose of encouragement, inspiration, motivation, and education through sharing incredible stories about how God keeps showing up BIG time.
    enMichelle Moore21 Episodes

    Episodes (21)

    Episode 20: Walk in Your Authority with Ron Hill

    Episode 20: Walk in Your Authority with Ron Hill

    Ron Hill reminds us that in Luke’s Gospel Jesus gave his disciples authority, especially over the works of the enemy. We can take our authority in Christ, in the Spirit over the things that are happening in our families, our cities, our states, our country, and the world. Ron argues that this is a return to the authority originally enjoyed by Adam. Michelle adds that Christians need to believe as they act on their authority.

    Episode 19: God Directs Your Steps with Ron Hill

    Episode 19: God Directs Your Steps with Ron Hill

    Ron Hill relates a story that took place during his time at Bible college. Ron notes that while God will act supernaturally, God will often lead and guide us toward the solutions we need. He has learned that sometimes the provision is in the doing. Ron reminds us if we are believing God for something, what is it that we need to do? This is faith coupled with works.

    Episode 18: The Importance of Obedience

    Episode 18: The Importance of Obedience

    “Obedience is better than sacrifice.” Michelle Moore shares a story from her life about a situation where God called her to be obedient to God’s call. Ron Hill stresses that our obedience to God must be linked to the fact that we are in a loving relationship with God. We do what God calls us to do because we love God. It must be a team effort. That’s what being in a covenant means.

    Episode 17: Experiencing Signs and Wonders

    Episode 17: Experiencing Signs and Wonders

    Michelle Moore shares a faith story with Ron Hill in which she experienced God’s intervention in her life. Michelle suggests that sometimes when God wants us to do something, God continues to reinforce that directive over and over and over—until we act. Ron reminds Michelle that God is always present in our lives and God’s work in our lives is confirmed with signs and wonders.

    Episode 16: Protect Your Gates

    Episode 16: Protect Your Gates

    Our ears and eyes are the windows to our souls. So shouldn’t we protect these gateways? Michelle Moore and Ron Hill discuss the importance of giving due consideration to the things we see and hear. As parents, we also need to use good Christian judgment in protecting the eyes and ears of our children. We are called to be in this world but not of it.

    Episode 15: You Are Who I Say You Are

    Episode 15: You Are Who I Say You Are

    Michelle Moore discusses the DISC personality and behavioral assessment and what it reveals about our personalities…and our greatest fears. Sometimes these fears can relate to our preoccupation with the opinions of others. Rather, we should focus on what God has told us about ourselves. Ron notes that we can attack these fears by countering them with the Word of God.

    Episode 14: God's Protection

    Episode 14: God's Protection

    Michelle Moore and Ron Hill discuss the topic of God’s protection, which can sometimes take on a sense of physical protection but can also mean doors being shut against what could happen do the road. Ron notes the role of angels in God’s divine protection, but also stresses that God is able to take all of what happens to us (good and bad) and turn it into a testimony.

    Episode 13: Pray Specifically

    Episode 13: Pray Specifically

    Michelle Moore shares a story with Ron Hill about praying specifically, recounting a situation in which she felt deeply about something and poured out her heart to God about it. Ron notes that God has a detailed knowledge of our hearts’ desires. That said, Ron stresses that when we come to God, we need to make sure that we forgive others. He states that any lack of forgiveness on our part hinders our prayers.

    Episode 12: How Murderers and Rapists Go to Heaven

    Episode 12: How Murderers and Rapists Go to Heaven

    Michelle Moore and Ron Hill grapple with the topic of God’s ability to forgive even the most egregious sins. Ultimately, Michelle believes that it has to do with the incredible nature of God the Father’s love for all of us. Ron ties this love to God’s profound knowledge of each of us as our Creator. He also emphasizes God’s mercy.

    Episode 11: I Needed Some Examples

    Episode 11: I Needed Some Examples

    Michelle Moore and Ron Hill, who spent seven years in church ministry, discuss the importance of Christians modeling Christian behavior for those who are new in the faith (i.e., “baby Christians”). Oftentimes, God brings these people into our life. These Christian mentors serve as spiritual mothers and fathers and have the ability to help us grow in the Christian journey.

    Episode 10: Your Steps are Ordered Part 2 with Ron Hill

    Episode 10: Your Steps are Ordered Part 2 with Ron Hill

    Ron Hill, who spent seven years in church ministry, shares one of his own “God stories” with Michelle Moore. In this second part of the story of how Ron met Michelle and how their mutual friendship led to amazing career developments for both of them. Ron notes how Psalms 37:23 states that “the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord” and stresses that God does have a plan for us and brings people into our lives to help make that plan happen. 

    Episode 9: Your Steps are Ordered Part 1 with Ron Hill

    Episode 9: Your Steps are Ordered Part 1 with Ron Hill

    Ron Hill, who spent seven years in church ministry, shares one of his own “God stories” with Michelle Moore. In this case, the story involves how Ron first met Michelle—in a leadership class she was teaching at church. At the time, Ron was laid off. Michelle and the class prayed for him, but Michelle felt impressed to call her friend at the local Christian radio station. Unknown to Michelle, Ron had a background in Christian radio and had told himself that he had no desire to do more…or so he thought. Interestingly enough, Michelle’s intervention helped Ron but also ended up leading to good things for her too.  

    Episode 8: Christian Music Changed My Life

    Episode 8: Christian Music Changed My Life

    Music was always a big part of Michelle Moore’s life, and her tastes were very eclectic. She explains to Ron Hill, who spent seven years in church ministry, how when she first became a Christian she had a hard time getting into Christian music. However, as she began to listen to Christian music in her private life, she noticed a difference. Beginning with the song, “I Can Only Imagine,” she was moved to tears, feeling greatly uplifted. She also realized that she was being educated in her faith by simply listening to the songs. Ron agrees that music has a remarkable ability to educate us, feeding us spiritually.

    Episode 7: The Hardest Part of Becoming a Christian

    Episode 7: The Hardest Part of Becoming a Christian

    Michelle Moore discusses how the hardest part of her transition into Christianity was accepting the idea of God as “father.” Of course, this reticence on her part was directly related to the brokenness caused by her own father’s abandonment of her as a child. She goes on to relate that when she got to the point where she could forgive her birth father, her ability to see God as father finally began to blossom. Ron Hill, who spent seven years in church ministry, talks about how people relate to God through the “lens” of their own pain and assures Michelle that it was indeed her forgiveness that allowed God to be more to her.

    Episode 6: I Saw an Angel

    Episode 6: I Saw an Angel

    Christians believe in God’s supernatural intervention in the lives of people.  The Scriptures and Christian history are full of such stories. Author, speaker, and purpose coach Michelle Moore discusses a personal experience she had of this divine intervention, an angelic visitation involving her son Carson.  Ron Hill, who spent seven years in church ministry, relates this to Psalms 91 and God’s promise to “give his angels charge” over us.

    Episode 5: God Heals

    Episode 5: God Heals

    Author, speaker, and purpose coach Michelle Moore is joined by personal friend Ron Hill, who spent seven years in church ministry, to discuss the ways that God intervenes to heal us. Michelle relates an early experience of learning to pray for healing. The incident, involved her son Carson who was born prematurely and who had a heart murmur. Michelle and her friend prayed for her son while he was resting in a hospital incubator shortly after his birth. Shortly thereafter, the nurse told her that, much to the medical staff’s surprise, the heart murmur was gone. Michelle only connected this healing event to her prayer much later. Ron explains to Michelle that this is exactly what should happen in the life of the Christian (see Mark 16:17-18).

    Episode 4: God Answers Your Questions

    Episode 4: God Answers Your Questions

    Author, speaker, and purpose coach Michelle Moore is joined by personal friend Ron Hill, who spent seven years in church ministry. Michelle relates her first attempt to purchase a Bible at a local Christian bookstore. Being a complete neophyte, she had no idea that there were many different translations from which to choose. Overwhelmed and confused, she didn’t buy a Bible. Later, she experienced a very peculiar and unique dream that directed her to buy a New King James Version. Michelle and Ron feel that this illustrates one way that God acts to direct us, answering our questions.

    Episode 3: Experiencing the Presence of the Holy Spirit

    Episode 3: Experiencing the Presence of the Holy Spirit

    Author, speaker, and purpose coach Michelle Moore discusses her first experience of the Holy Spirit and how it was directly connected with praise and worship. Michelle’s friend, Ron Hill, who spent seven years in professional ministry, suggests that Michelle’s experience is directly related to Psalms 22:3. This text states that God “inhabits the praises of Israel.” Ron explains that Michelle’s experience is directly related to the presence of the Holy Spirit. He goes on to discuss the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which happens when you come to believe, as well as the baptism in the Holy Spirit, which is a special manifestation of power (see Acts 2). 

    Episode 2: Peace Beyond Understanding

    Episode 2: Peace Beyond Understanding

    Author, speaker, and purpose coach Michelle Moore discusses her first experience of the supernatural peace described by Paul in Philippians 4:7 (“the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding”). Entering high school, Michelle’s life had been marred by a broken home, absentee parents, and caregivers who were unable to offer a loving and stable home life. However, at the beginning of her sophomore year, Michelle met a friend who invited her to attend church with her and her family. It was at that time that Michelle first experienced real peace. This family’s witness led to Michelle becoming a Christian.