
    Godless Prophets Podcast

    Godless Prophets Podcast: WARNING- If you are easily offended or overly sensitive to foul language and the making fun of religious ideologies, then this podcast is not for you! We are a North Carolina based podcast dedicated to spreading truth and reason in society. We are in no way professionals or experts in philosophy or science. We are just two guys talking, sharing ideas with occasional guests. Both of us have different backgrounds when it comes to religion and philosophy, but we both stand for science, reason and the promotion of atheism in the public square. We may not always agree on every issue, however, we both have one common goal- to find ultimate truth or withhold judgement until otherwise proven. Over the span of several months or hopefully years, we are going to cover many of the topics dealing with religion, science, skepticism, apologetics, debate strategies and tactics, as well as current events in the news relating to these topics. Please like, comment, and join our cause for reason and the rise of intellectual honesty.
    en-usGodless Prophets10 Episodes

    Episodes (10)

    She came, she saw, she conquered very little

    She came, she saw, she conquered very little
    She came, she saw, she conquered very little. The person unnamed who somewhat appears in this episode is the "woman" Bradley has referred to a few times before as the "woman" he has been talking to. Now that she knows Bradley is an atheist, how did she handle the news? He finally persuaded her to come on the show! She requested to remain anonymous, but now that she has a connection with the Godless Prophets, hilarity ensues and atheism prevails! Enjoy