
    Good Faith

    Join host Curtis Chang and his friends as they follow Jesus and make sense of the world. With expertise, thoughtfulness, and humor, they discuss how Christian faith intersects with culture, politics, work, entertainment, and other aspects of life. Good Faith is produced by Redeeming Babel. Good Faith is ranked in the top .5 percent of all podcasts.
    enCurtis Chang115 Episodes

    Episodes (115)

    How to Relate to Those Who Still Support Trump (with Pete Wehner)

    How to Relate to Those Who Still Support Trump (with Pete Wehner)

    It sure looks like Trump isn’t going away. Many of us around the Good Faith campfire oppose him deeply. But we have people in our lives – sometimes in fractured relationships – who are going to support Trump once again. How do we relate to those people – those who are also parents, relatives, friends, co-workers, and neighbors? To wrestle with this complicated question, Curtis is joined by Pete Wehner, Senior Fellow at the Trinity Forum and contributor to the New York Times and the Atlantic. 


    We want to hear your stories of living out your “good faith!” Share your stories with us today


    Pete Wehner’s  Atlantic article on the psychology of the Trump voter


    Check out resources to equip depolarizing conversations at Braver Angels



    Good Faith
    enOctober 07, 2023

    Good Faith CLASSIC: College, God, and the Good Life (with Meghan Sullivan and David French)

    Good Faith CLASSIC: College, God, and the Good Life (with Meghan Sullivan and David French)

    In this Good Faith Classic episode, Curtis and David talk with Meghan Sullivan, philosopher, teacher, and creator of the most popular class at the University of Notre Dame, “God and the Good Life.” As many of us send our kids off to college (or head off to college ourselves), Meghan helps us appreciate the role of education–and of philosophy in particular–in helping students take on the big questions of life.

    Show Notes:

    The Good Life Method by Meghan Sullivan and Paul Blaschko

    God and the Good Life (Notre Dame course)

    What is Philosophy?: Crash Course Philosophy #1

    -We want to hear your stories of living out your “good faith!” Share with us at: https://redeemingbabel.org/campfire-stories/


    Good Faith
    enOctober 02, 2023

    The Uses and Misuses of the Book of Revelation (with Tremper Longman III)

    The Uses and Misuses of the Book of Revelation (with Tremper Longman III)

    Many Christians are tempted to just avoid the Book of Revelation. It can seem confusing and hard to read. Yet this avoidance can leave us vulnerable to the misuses of this part of Scripture, especially in making sense of our world. Here to help us is distinguished Biblical scholar, Tremper Longman III. Join us as we dive into the helpful - and unhelpful  - ways to read the final culminating book of the Bible.


    We want to hear your stories of living out your “good faith!” Share with us at: https://redeemingbabel.org/campfire-stories/

    Revelation Through Old Testament Eyes by Tremper Longman III


    Is the COVID vaccine the “mark of the beast?” by Curtis Chang 


    Bright Hope for Tomorrow: How Anticipating Jesus’ Return Gives Strength for Today by Chris Davis


    Revelation for Everyone (The New Testament for Everyone) by N.T. Wright


    Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church by N.T. Wright


    Revelation (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture) by Peter S. Williamson


    All Things New: Revelation as Canonical Capstone by Brian J. Tabb


    B2THEWORLD: Join the Christian effort to rebuild high quality schools in war torn parts of the world.


    Matthew 5:9 Fellowship: Join with other pastors and Christian leaders seeking a way out of our political division.


    Good Faith
    enSeptember 23, 2023

    Investing Rooted in a Biblical Worldview (with Robin John and Finny Kuruvilla)

    Investing Rooted in a Biblical Worldview (with Robin John and Finny Kuruvilla)

    Should your investment portfolio as a follower of Jesus look any different from everyone else’s? Do our Biblical values have implications for our 401K? Robin John and Finny Kuruvilla founded Eventide Investments because they believe the answer is a resounding, “Yes!” They join Curtis to explore how we as Christians can pursue a kind of financial investing that “makes the world rejoice.”


    Redeeming Babel is hiring! Check out our openings here for a Director of Development and a Manager of Partnerships and Projects. https://redeemingbabel.org/we-are-hiring/


    The article the guests cited on the connections between pornography and the sex slave trade can be found here. Their article on how common mutual funds are complicit in fostering childhood smoking can be found here.


    Also, read about the work of the Justice Defense Fund in exposing how publicly traded companies - and investors in those companies - profit from pornography and sex abuse.


    B2THEWORLD: Join the Christian effort to rebuild high quality schools in war torn parts of the world.


    George Fox University: Check out the offerings of one of the premier Christian universities in the country.


    Good Faith
    enSeptember 16, 2023

    Responding to Suffering (with Dr. Curt Thompson)

    Responding to Suffering (with Dr. Curt Thompson)

    What is happening inside us when we ourselves suffer or those around us are suffering? What is happening in our brain? In our soul? Curtis is joined by “the other Curt” - Dr. Curt Thompson - to talk about his new book, The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope. Their conversation explores questions such as: What is the connection between our desire for beauty and our vulnerability to suffering? Why do we avoid others when we ourselves are suffering? Why do the sufferings of others make us so uncomfortable? Most of all, the they probe for the invitation of God amidst suffering.


    Redeeming Babel is hiring! Check out our openings here for a Director of Development and a Manager of Partnerships and Projects. https://redeemingbabel.org/we-are-hiring/


    The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope by Dr. Curt Thompson


    Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World by Tom Holland


    B2THEWORLD: Join the Christian effort to rebuild high quality schools in war torn parts of the world.


    George Fox University: Check out the offerings of one of the premier Christian universities in the country.


    Good Faith
    enSeptember 09, 2023

    When Will Things Return to Normal? (with David French)

    When Will Things Return to Normal? (with David French)

    “Founding friend” David French returns to address with Curtis the visceral question in many hearts and minds, “When will things return to normal?” They explore all the questions behind the question, such as “What exactly is ‘normal?” Does it differ for different people? What picture of the past undergirds my longing?” They compare this political and social moment with past eras in American history and church history. Most importantly, they ask, “Is this the right question that God would have us ask - or is there a better question to pose in this particular moment?”


    Redeeming Babel is hiring! Check out our openings here for a Director of Development and a Manager of Partnerships and Projects. https://redeemingbabel.org/we-are-hiring/


    The Right: The Hundred-Year War for American Conservatism by Matthew Continetti


    “Three Generations Under One Roof” by David French in NYT


    Good Faith
    enSeptember 02, 2023

    Making Sense of the Housing Crisis (with Jimmy Wright and Michael Hall)

    Making Sense of the Housing Crisis (with Jimmy Wright and Michael Hall)

    Why do we as a society keep building more and more housing for people who already have the most options, all the while we are forcing people who most need housing to scramble amidst shortage? How do we not just understand what is happening, but also make something better? Jimmy Wright and Michael Hall were motivated by their Christian faith to do just that via their business Launch Capital. Listen in to get inspired by their creative and hopeful work.

    RSVP here for the Washington DC live Good Faith recording on 9/5/23: Curtis will talk with AEI’s Yuval Levin on Institutions and Anxiety. The event will be held in the AEI Auditorium at 1789 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036


    Matthew 5:9 Fellowship: Join with other pastors and Christian leaders seeking a way out of our political division.


    George Fox University: Check out the offerings of one of the premier Christian universities in the country.


    Learn more about Launch Capital and ways to invest in their model


    Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City and Poverty, by America (both by Matthew Desmond)


    Learn about the YIMBY (Yes, In My BackYard) movement

    Good Faith
    enAugust 26, 2023

    The Persecuted Church in China (with Bob Fu)

    The Persecuted Church in China (with Bob Fu)

    Bob Fu was a student leader during the Tiananmen Square demonstrations in 1989. He later became a “double agent,” meaning he taught Communist Party officials during the day and operated illegal house churches at night.


    After he and his wife were imprisoned for “illegal evangelism,” they eventually fled to the United States as religious refugees.  Since then, Bob has helped rescue persecuted Christians around the world and has earned the moniker of “the operator of the Chinese Underground Railroad.”


    On this week’s Good Faith podcast, guest host Nancy French interviews Bob who explains China’s human rights violations, the importance of religious freedom and rule of law, and how the Western church can pray for their persecuted brothers and sisters in China.




    RSVP here for the Washington DC live Good Faith recording on 9/5/23: Curtis will talk with AEI’s Yuval Levin on Institutions and Anxiety. The event will be held in the AEI Auditorium at 1789 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036


    B2THEWORLD: Join the Christian effort to rebuild high quality schools in war torn parts of the world.


    George Fox University: Check out the offerings of one of the premier Christian universities in the country.


    Notes on the ministry of Bob Fu


    The Chinese Communist Party is rewriting the Bible: Gospel according to Chairman Xi has Jesus turn killer instead of forgiving sin,” by Mike Gallagher, FoxNews.


    Donald Trump praises Xi to Tucker Carlson


    God's Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian's Fight for Freedom by Bob Fu, collaborator Nancy French


    The Politics of Inclusive Pluralism: A Proposed Foundation for Religious Freedom in a Post-Communist, Democratic China by Bob Fu 


    Freedom to Pray – How Good Faith listeners can pray more effectively for their brothers and sisters in China.


    ChinaAid.org – ChinaAid exposes human rights abuses and promotes truth, justice and freedom by advocating for religious freedom and the rule of law in China. ChinaAid continues to endeavor for the immediate release of prisoners of conscience, equip human rights defenders and religious and community leaders with religious freedom and rule of law training, rescue and resettle persecuted leaders and their families, encourage families of prisoners of conscience by providing financial assistance, and exposing abuse by featuring unique stories of persecution and injustice on ChinaAid’s website and through social media.


    Good Faith
    enAugust 19, 2023

    Losing our Religion (with Russell Moore)

    Losing our Religion (with Russell Moore)

    Our good friend and partner in The After Party project, Russell Moore, joins us to talk about his new book, “Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America.” Curtis and Russell talk about why “mapping” our loss is critical for those who currently feel culturally, politically, or spiritually homeless. We explore two kinds of maps - the “treasure map” and the “minefield map” - and why Christians need both.


    “Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America” by Russell Moore

    Check out the opportunities at George Fox University
    Check out the opportunities with the Matthew 5:9 Network.
    Good Faith
    enAugust 12, 2023

    Anxiety and Immigration

    Anxiety and Immigration

    One cannot make sense of the deformation of the current conservative movement without understanding immigration. And one cannot grasp the nature of immigration without understanding anxiety. Like most political issues today, the topic of immigration is bathed in anxiety - for everyone on all sides. Curtis draws these connections, with the ultimate aim to show that Christians can uniquely contribute to the conversation about immigration because we have uniquely good news about anxiety. This episode draws from Curtis’ talk at a convening of the National Immigration Forum in Ohio that included local pastors and civic leaders.


    January 6 Was Practice, The Atlantic, January 2022 by Barton Gellman


    Pew Research Center on Immigration and Politics


    Immigration and far-right voting : New evidence (from Europe) from the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

    Good Faith
    enAugust 05, 2023

    Good Faith Classic: What the heck is a Christian nationalist? (with David French)

    Good Faith Classic: What the heck is a Christian nationalist? (with David French)

    For this episode, we rerun David and Curtis tackling the topic of Christian nationalism. What is it exactly? How does it relate to a genuine Christian understanding of how faith should relate to a nation? And how does it relate to our Founders’ intentions? Curtis and David also explore the nature of healthy patriotism and how to love your national home, warts and all.

    • The After Party Informational Pastors' Lunch. Wednesday, July 26 from 12:00pm-1:30pm in Independence, OH. Email pilot@redeemingbabel.org for further details and the link to register.

    -Thomas Kidd: “Christian Nationalism vs. Christian Patriotism”

    -Deseret News: “What the latest data tells us about Christian nationalism”

    -French Press: “Discerning the Difference Between Christian Nationalism and Christian Patriotism”

    -French Press: “The Seeds of Political Violence Are Being Sown in Church”

    Good Faith
    enJuly 22, 2023

    Shiny, Not-So-Happy People (with David and Nancy French)

    Shiny, Not-So-Happy People (with David and Nancy French)

    Shiny Happy People, a new docuseries documenting the effects of the teachings of Bill Gothard on the Duggars, had the biggest debut of any documentary series ever produced by Amazon.  In this episode of the Good Faith podcast, guest host Nancy French and “founding friend” David French discuss this popular series, the legacy of Bill Gothard, purity culture, and the true hope for those affected by this anti-Biblical ideology.



    Shiny Happy People on Amazon Prime


    ‘Shiny Happy People,’ Fundamentalism and the Toxic Quest for Certainty by David French, New York Times; June 13, 2023.


     ‘They Aren’t Who You Think They Are:’ The inside story of how Kanakuk—one of America’s largest Christian camps—enabled horrific abuse by David French and Nancy French, The Dispatch; Mar 28, 2021

    ‘It was just a thing at Kanakuk’: Campers and staff say nudity was part of camp cultureBy Nancy French, Springfield News Leader, May 26, 2022

    Survivors, ex-employees say Kanakuk Christian camp 'ministered' to its sexual predators, by Nancy French, USA Today, May 26, 2022

    Nancy French’s Tweet Thread on Kanakuk Ties to Bill Gothard

    Joe White Says Pete Newman’s Wife Should’ve Been His First Layer of Accountability [Deposition Video]

    Check out the opportunities at George Fox University

    Check out the opportunities with the Matthew 5:9 Network.

    Good Faith
    enJuly 15, 2023

    When Faith and Power Mix (with Cherie Harder)

    When Faith and Power Mix (with Cherie Harder)

    We’ve witnessed story after story about the abuse of power practiced by Christians and Christian institutions. Does that mean that, to quote Lord Acton, that “power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely?” How should followers of Jesus relate to the possibility of wielding power? Cherie Harder, the President of The Trinity Forum, is ideally suited to address these questions. She’s spent a lifetime in the corridors of power and shares a wealth of theological and practical wisdom on this important topic.

    The Trinity Forum

    For a helpful theological examination about power, check out Andy Crouch’s Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power.

    Check out the opportunities at George Fox University

    Check out the opportunities with the Matthew 5:9 Network.


    Good Faith
    enJuly 08, 2023

    Guns Part 2: A Christian Response to Gun Violence (with Michael Allen and David Dillon)

    Guns Part 2: A Christian Response to Gun Violence (with Michael Allen and David Dillon)

    How can Christian respond to the epidemic of gun violence sweeping our country? Michael Allen and David Dillon join us to share about their inspiring work with Together Chicago. They are an unlikely pair in a racially divided city torn by violence: Michael is a former black pastor and David is a white business executive. Starting with their own friendship, Michael and David have led an innovative and inspiring campaign to counter the evil of gun violence with collaboration and hope.



    Good Faith
    enJuly 01, 2023

    Guns Part 1: Good Faith Classic on Gun Culture and Control

    Guns Part 1: Good Faith Classic on Gun Culture and Control

    This week, Curtis kicks off a two parter on the tough subject of guns in America. Part 1 is a Good Faith Classic where Curtis and David explored the tensions between gun culture and gun control in our hyper-polarized environment. They help us take a step back to think through the “how” of approaching such a complex issue versus just the “what” of our preferred policy outcome. Stay tuned for next week’s Part 2 episode where Good Faith explores what a Christian response to gun violence could look like.


    Show Notes:


    Good Faith
    enJune 24, 2023

    How do revivals achieve lasting influence? (with Kevin Brown and David French)

    How do revivals achieve lasting influence? (with Kevin Brown and David French)

    The Asbury revival of early 2023 garnered a great deal of interest from Christians hungering for signs of hope. What’s happening there now? In the first part, Curtis talks with the President of Asbury University, Kevin Brown, to learn more about the experience itself and how the institution has sought to steward this outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In the second part, “founding friend” David French joins Curtis to reflect more deeply on how God works through revivals, drawing on Asbury, US history, and especially their shared experience of revival at Harvard in the 1990’s.

    Good Faith
    enJune 17, 2023

    Facing Spiritual Abuse (with Dan Koch)

    Facing Spiritual Abuse (with Dan Koch)

    We examine the phenomena of spiritual abuse with the help of Dan Koch, researcher, therapist, and host of the podcast, You Have Permission. Both Curtis and Dan share how their own lives have been affected by spiritual abuse, and then together address questions such as, “Why can it be difficult to spot? What kind of impact does it leave? What makes spiritual abuse distinct from other kinds of abuse?” The conversation connects important theological insights - including the nature of institutional sin and redemption - with practical advice for victims, their loved ones, and current leaders of Christian organizations.


    Dan Koch’s Spiritual Harm and Abuse Scale Clinical Screener


    Dan’s You Have Permission Podcast


    Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse: Creating Healthy Christian Cultures by Dr. Lisa Oakley


    Further resources on spiritual abuse from The Allender Center at the Seattle School


    Good Faith
    enJune 10, 2023

    Finding Rest in a Restless World (with Andy Crouch)

    Finding Rest in a Restless World (with Andy Crouch)

    Longtime friend Andy Crouch joins Curtis to talk about what it means to truly rest the way God intended us to do so. Why is rest so important to creativity? What is the difference between rest and leisure? Is binge watching Netflix actually restful? What are other key mistakes we make in approaching this vital topic? The conversation is Good Faith at its best, combining Biblical theology, cultural analysis, and practical living.

    Wheaton College Graduate School offers 20 excellent master’s, doctoral, and certificate programs, including flexible learning opportunities. Check out these offerings at: wheaton.edu/goodfaith.


    Learn more about how our Christian faith makes sense of life and health in the MedTech world at “The Christian Stake in Bioethics Revisited” - a conference by the Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity. The conference runs from June 22-24 at the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in suburban Chicago. You can attend via in person, online live, or on-demand recording.


    Interested in financially sponsoring the Good Faith podcast as an institution or an individual? Read more about how to support Good Faith here at Redeeming Babel.


    Good Faith
    enJune 03, 2023

    Report from Ukraine (with David French)

    Report from Ukraine (with David French)

    David returns from his recent trip to Kyiv to provide an eyewitness account of the war, including what it is like to survive the terror of a hypersonic missile attack by the Russians. He and Curtis discuss the physical, emotional, and spiritual toll of the war on the Ukrainian people. They explore what lessons we all should take from this ongoing, world changing event.


    Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War by Drew Gilpin Faust


    Human Rights Watch report on Russian war crimes 


    Learn more about how our Christian faith makes sense of life and health in the MedTech world at “The Christian Stake in Bioethics Revisited” - a conference by the Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity. The conference runs from June 22-24 at the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in suburban Chicago. You can attend via in person, online live, or on-demand recording.

    Good Faith
    enMay 27, 2023

    The Anxiety Opportunity and Loss (with Curtis Chang)

    The Anxiety Opportunity and Loss (with Curtis Chang)

    Curtis Chang, the regular host of the Good Faith podcast, takes a turn in the “guest seat” in this special episode in which Nancy French interviews him about his new book, The Anxiety Opportunity: How Worry Is the Doorway to Your Best Self. Curtis, who has suffered from anxiety to the point of losing his job as a senior pastor, offers up hard-earned wisdom that could transform one’s view on parenting, relationships, and even politics. Curtis also talks about the way the church gets anxiety wrong, how Jesus dealt with anxious people, and how grieving is a necessary component of effectively walking through loss.  


    Good Faith
    enMay 20, 2023