
    Good Girls Get Rich Podcast

    Welcome to the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your host Karen Yankovich, LinkedIn expert and CEO of UpLevel Media. This podcast is all about embracing how good you are. Stop being the best kept secret in town and learn how to use simple LinkedIn and social media strategies to make the big bucks.
    enKaren Yankovich100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    273 – She’s LinkedUp Behind the Scenes: How We Evergreen Cohorts

    273 – She’s LinkedUp Behind the Scenes: How We Evergreen Cohorts

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich shares what’s going on behind the scenes with the She’s LinkedUp Program.


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Let me take you on a ride through the incredible evolution of our coaching program. From early struggles to finding success on LinkedIn, we've faced challenges, made pivotal shifts, and grown tremendously. 

    Transitioning from an evergreen model to cohorts was a game-changer, fostering a sense of community among our clients. Recognizing the need for more personalized support, we introduced a pilot program with more done-for-you services, significantly impacting our clients' success.

    The recent addition of the Self-Mastery Program addresses the need for a self-paced option. It's nerve-wracking, but we're excited to provide a stepping stone for those not ready for the full program. 

    Ownership of intellectual property became a focal point – our clients should own their success. We clarified this, emphasizing empowerment.

    Being a CEO means balancing client service and profitability. It's a juggling act, and I embrace the role as we continue to grow. 

    Explore our programs, share your thoughts on social media, and leave us audio messages. This is a community, and your voice matters.

    It's not just about coaching; it's about creating more wealthy women, empowering them for more choices, impact, and success. Thanks for being part of this incredible journey. Can't wait to see what comes next!


    Show Notes and Video:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "I really believe that more and more people are looking for more personalized support. And I'm always looking for ways to do that." – Karen Yankovich
    2. "Our goal for everyone that joins the program is that they have an immediate hit by the end of their 12 weeks." – Karen Yankovich
    3. "I want the women in our program to be wealthy, to be building generational wealth. And you can't do that if you're spending half your time doing all the busy work." – Karen Yankovich
    4. "My heart, my goal, my mission in this world is I want there to be more wealthy women in the world. Women with money can have more choices." – Karen Yankovich


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    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    272 – Mastering Industry Recognition: The Good Girls Get Rich Guide

    272 – Mastering Industry Recognition: The Good Girls Get Rich Guide

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich discusses the strategies you need to adopt to gain industry recognition.


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Hello, lovely listeners! I'm thrilled to share some valuable insights with you today.

    Our topic? Well, it's something that resonates deeply with me – the strategies you need to adopt to gain recognition in your industry. As each year passes and we embrace our roles as thought leaders, the importance of being noticed becomes increasingly evident.

    I've always emphasized the power of LinkedIn on this show, and today, we're delving into how it plays a pivotal role in creating a magnetic thought leader brand. It's not just about pitching; it's about positioning yourself as a force to be reckoned with, ensuring opportunities come knocking at your door. 

    Industry recognition is a game-changer, especially for women in business. It's a key element in elevating your career and business while manifesting influence, impact, and income – the trifecta we often discuss.

    We'll explore the significance of awards, publications, speaking engagements, and networking in cultivating the industry recognition you deserve. Of course, I won't shy away from acknowledging the challenges – the notorious imposter syndrome and dealing with criticism. But fear not, because I'm also here to provide actionable steps to kickstart your journey as a recognized industry expert.

    So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's embark on this exciting journey together!


    Show Notes and Video:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "Creating thought-leader brand and doing outreach from that position of power is where this process becomes magnetic." – Karen Yankovich
    2. "Big missions take big money, and industry recognition is a crucial puzzle piece for elevating your career and business." – Karen Yankovich
    3. "It's not what you know, it's who knows you. Your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room." – Karen Yankovich
    4. "As your visibility increases, criticism will increase. It's essential to navigate negative feedback and stay focused on your mission." – Karen Yankovich
    5. "Get clear on your unique value proposition. Identify what sets you apart from others in your industry and build your visibility plan accordingly." – Karen Yankovich


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    It would be awesome if you shared the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your fellow entrepreneurs on Twitter. Click here to tweet some love!

    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    271 – Behind the Scenes: Dee Taylor's Insights into She's LinkedUp and Working with Karen Yankovich

    271 – Behind the Scenes: Dee Taylor's Insights into She's LinkedUp and Working with Karen Yankovich

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Dee Taylor shares about the success she’s had working with Karen Yankovich and the She’s LinkedUp Program.

    Are you feeling overwhelmed by the relentless demands of running your business? Do you long for expert assistance to manage your membership program, or a tech-savvy partner to streamline your operations? You’re not alone. Running a business can often feel like a solo, exhausting journey. But imagine having someone wholly dedicated to your success, someone who shares your entrepreneurial vision and is committed to making it a reality. That’s where Deirdré Taylor steps in as your online business manager.


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    In this insightful episode, we're diving deep into Dee Taylor's incredible journey! Dee opens up about her initial reservations and how that first call with me set the stage for a transformative 12 weeks, bringing unparalleled clarity and direction.

    We'll explore the vital role of commitment and the remarkable success stories of those fully immersed in the program. Dee sheds light on the magnetic approach that reshaped her client interactions, leaving a lasting impact. Get ready to discover a unique perspective on the program, emphasizing the genuine care and support embedded in its essence.

    As we gaze into 2024, Dee unveils her plans to scale impact and empower women in South Africa. Join us as we unravel the layers of Dee's journey and tap into the transformative magic of my program.

    Let's make 2024 a year of profound business growth and impactful change!


    Show Notes and Video:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "You create a kind of clarity. It's like you help unveil what's behind the curtain." - Dee Taylor
    2. "Your success is going to be dependent on how much you do the work and the outreach that you do." - Karen Yankovich
    3. "I want to know that in every fiber of my body... I want more women to have more money." - Karen Yankovich
    4. "At the heart of everything, Karen truly cares about the women in her program. She wants to see that you have the results and feel valued and supported." - Dee Taylor


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    It would be awesome if you shared the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your fellow entrepreneurs on Twitter. Click here to tweet some love!

    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    270 – How to Use Your Comfort Zone to Catapult Your Wealth

    270 – How to Use Your Comfort Zone to Catapult Your Wealth

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich talks about not stepping out of your comfort zone but rather embracing it!


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Today, let's flip the script on the comfort zone narrative. It's not the enemy – it's your foundation for success. I get it, we're often told to step out, but let's embrace, understand, and leverage our comfort zones.

    Remember, success isn't exclusive to discomfort. I'm all about pushing for growth, but you don't have to abandon what you're great at. Your comfort zone is the sweet spot for abundance. In our Accelerator Program, we focus on mindset work to reshape beliefs about what we excel at.

    Picture this: building a business around your passions and comfort zone – that's the path to financial growth. It's about balance, stepping out when needed, and always returning to your strengths. If 2024 has you itching to level up, let's chat. The She's Linked Up Accelerator Program supports ambitious women on this journey.

    So, if you're ready to embrace your comfort zone and become a wealthy woman of influence, let's connect. Book a call at karenyankovich.com/call. If you enjoyed this, share on social media, leave a review, and keep shining in your comfort zone. Here's to your success!


    Show Notes and Video:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "I want to normalize your comfort zone... It's not a bad thing to know what your comfort zone is." - Karen Yankovich
    2. "Your comfort zone, when properly understood, should be the bedrock for wealth building, and we know this because we do things like taking strengths-based tests." - Karen Yankovich
    3. "Success doesn't only come from stepping outside of your comfort zone... It's a misconception that your comfort zone is not where success can happen." - Karen Yankovich
    4. "I don't want you to abandon your comfort zone... We need to just understand it, have the clarity of it, and then balance it with a little bit of discomfort." - Karen Yankovich


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    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    268 – The Joint Venture Advantage: Karen Yankovich Unleashes Strategies for Growth

    268 – The Joint Venture Advantage: Karen Yankovich Unleashes Strategies for Growth

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich talks about the joint venture strategies you can use to grow.


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Welcome to Episode 268 of the Good Girls Get Rich podcast. I'm your host, Karen Yankovich, and today, we're diving deep into the world of joint ventures. Get ready for some game-changing insights on turning your connections into profitable collaborations.

    First things first, let's talk about the power of strategic planning and commitment. I'll walk you through the process of finding the perfect partners for your ventures. It's all about being crystal clear on your audience and goals. And guess what? I've got a gem for you – the concept of a joint venture media kit. Imagine having the perfect assets to make your collaborations seamless and successful.

    But that's not all! We're unlocking the potential of LinkedIn for your joint ventures. Clear communication and conflict resolution are the keys, my friends. I'll share some actionable tips on outreach, and you know what magic word I love? "Collaborate." It's a game-changer.

    Ready to take your joint venture game to the next level? Explore the She's Linked Up programs at karenyankovich.com/call. Let's make the next 12 months your most successful yet. Tune in, take notes, and let's get ready to rock those joint ventures!


    Show Notes and Video:


     Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "I'm finding, the more that I do it, the more I see people doing it wrong. And you know, I don’t often say that someone is doing it wrong." – Karen Yankovich
    2. "I am so committed to creating processes with my clients that build ease into their client getting stuff right, using LinkedIn to get a few people a week on your calendar." – Karen Yankovich
    3. "How do we create a process where we're putting people on our calendar for potential joint ventures that lead to contracts, not just new friends?" – Karen Yankovich


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    It would be awesome if you shared the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your fellow entrepreneurs on Twitter. Click here to tweet some love!

    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    269 – Legal Safeguards for Entrepreneurs: In-Depth with Sarah Waldbuesser

    269 – Legal Safeguards for Entrepreneurs: In-Depth with Sarah Waldbuesser

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Sarah Waldbuesser shares how entrepreneurs can legally safeguard themselves.

    Sarah Waldbuesser, Esq., is an attorney for coaches and online business owners. After several years at a law firm and a few career jumps, she ended up falling in love with online business and loves helping entrepreneurs achieve their dreams in a smart and protected way. She is also an adventurer, traveler, and food and wine lover. When not at her computer, she loves hanging with her 2 little kiddos, having wine with friends, flying around the globe and connecting with other online business owners.


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Hey there, fabulous listeners! Today's episode is a game-changer. I had the pleasure of chatting with the amazing Sarah Waldbuesser, the brain behind Destination Legal. We dove deep into the legal side of entrepreneurship, and trust me, you don't want to miss this!

    Highlights You Can't Afford to Miss:

    1. Lock it Down with Contracts: Sarah spills the tea on why contracts are your secret weapon. Get those iron-clad agreements in place before you dive into any business venture to save yourself from legal headaches.
    2. Guard Your Online Space: If you're rocking an online business, you need to know about privacy policies and terms of service. Neglecting these could land you in hot water, so pay attention!
    3. LLCs and Incorporation Unraveled: Feeling overwhelmed by the whole LLC thing? Sarah breaks it down and explains why incorporating is a smart move. It's not as scary as it sounds, promise!
    4. Refund Policies 101: We tackle the nitty-gritty of refund policies. Sarah's advice? Don't spend a dime until that contract is signed, sealed, and delivered.
    5. Trademark Tricks: Ever wondered about trademarking? Sarah spills the beans on why it's a superhero move for protecting your brand and intellectual property. But watch out for trademark bullies!
    6. AI and Legal Talk: The conversation gets futuristic as we talk about AI and its legal implications. Sarah warns against copying AI-generated content and stresses the importance of transparency.
    7. Free Legal Lightning Calls: Drumroll, please! Destination Legal is offering free legal lightning calls. Yup, you heard that right. Get on the line and sort out your legal concerns – no strings attached.

    I'm urging you to share this episode, connect with Sarah for your legal needs, and dive into the resources Destination Legal has to offer. Your business will thank you later!


    Show Notes and Video:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "Contracts are the backbone of any successful business. Ensure clarity and protection with every agreement." - Sarah Waldbuesser
    2. "Trademarking is not just about protection; it's an investment in your brand's future success." - Sarah Waldbuesser
    3. "Navigating the legal landscape can be daunting, but knowledge is your best defense against potential issues." - Sarah Waldbuesser
    4. "Artificial Intelligence introduces new legal considerations. Stay informed to stay ahead in the business world." - Sarah Waldbuesser
    5. "Your brand is your most valuable asset. Safeguard it through strategic legal measures and proactive thinking." - Sarah Waldbuesser


    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:


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    It would be awesome if you shared the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your fellow entrepreneurs on Twitter. Click here to tweet some love!

    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    267 – Test Anxiety in Adults with Tina Wiles

    267 – Test Anxiety in Adults with Tina Wiles

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Tina Wiles shares how adults can combat test anxiety.

    Meet Tina Wiles, a passionate educational strategist and the heart behind My2tor, a woman-owned venture revolutionizing test preparation. With over 17 years of expertise, Tina specializes in conquering test anxiety, transforming it into confidence and success. At My2tor, Tina empowers students, professionals, and educators alike, turning the daunting task of test-taking into an opportunity for triumph. Using her experiences as a mother of four sons, an Industrial Engineer, and a certified high-school math teacher, Tina has created an innovative approach combining knowledge of test content with effective anxiety-management techniques. Her goal? To guide test-takers of all ages towards peak performance with unwavering confidence.


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Join me in an inspiring chat with Tina Wiles, a remarkable entrepreneur who's walked a unique path from engineering to teaching to running a successful tutoring business. Tina's story is a testament to resilience and adaptability, showcasing her journey through different professional landscapes.

    We explore Tina's transition from engineering at Motorola to her passion for teaching and tutoring. Her dedication to empowering students and her eventual leap into entrepreneurship paints a picture of determination and commitment.

    We delve deep into the critical importance of teaching test-taking skills and combatting test anxiety, especially within K-12 education. Tina shares groundbreaking programs designed to equip teachers with tools to support their students, offering strategies to manage anxiety and excel in exams.

    Takeaways from our conversation:

    • Tina's diverse journey, reflecting resilience and adaptability.
    • The significance of teaching test-taking skills and addressing test anxiety.
    • Strategies for empowering students by training educators.
    • The power of collaboration and mutual support in entrepreneurship.

    We also discuss upcoming changes in programs, emphasizing the need to reach wider audiences and empower entrepreneurs, especially women, in their business endeavors.


    Show Notes and Video:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "Test taking is a skill, which means that you can learn how to take exams."
    2. "If I could teach teachers how to provide tools to students, that changes millions of lives instead of thousands of lives."
    3. "Being able to help more people, I love being able to help individuals. But if I could teach teachers to give tools to students, that changes millions of lives instead of thousands."
    4. "Entrepreneurial wisdom meets education transformation!"
    5. "From engineer to educator to entrepreneur, it's been quite the journey."

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:


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    It would be awesome if you shared the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your fellow entrepreneurs on Twitter. Click here to tweet some love!

    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    266 – Unwrap the Best Gift: Investing in Your Brand for a Prosperous 2024

    266 – Unwrap the Best Gift: Investing in Your Brand for a Prosperous 2024

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich shares why investing in yourself is the best gift you can give yourself in the New Year.


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Welcome to an episode all about celebrating YOU and the incredible gift that awaits: investing in yourself. As we approach the threshold of 2024, it's the perfect time to talk about stepping into your brilliance and unlocking your success.

     Throughout this empowering discussion, we delve into the profound significance of investing in yourself. It's more than a gift; it's a transformational journey, empowering you to conquer doubts, fears, and uncertainties. Embracing your brilliance means owning your unique journey and leveraging it for success.

    We'll tackle those persistent challenges that hold you back, from imposter syndrome to navigating through doubts. Discover actionable insights and advice to overcome these obstacles, empowering you to step confidently into your brilliance.

    In 2024, it's all about embracing opportunities and transforming uncertainties into triumphs. This episode is brimming with actionable strategies, providing you the tools to make 2024 YOUR year of entrepreneurial success.

    Join us on this journey of empowerment, where we unveil the incredible gift of investing in yourself. It's the ultimate holiday present you can give yourself—a chance to embrace your brilliance and conquer 2024!

    Tune in and let's make 2024 the year where your brilliance shines through!


    Show Notes and Video:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "Invest in your brilliance so that the world gets your brilliance, not you checking out at the food store."
    2. "Not all debt is bad debt. Sometimes investing in yourself is how you grow your business."
    3. "Understand your brilliance and step into it. Invest in yourself, don't let time pass, and let the Gremlins out the door."
    4. "I want to empower more wealthy women of influence in the world. I know it's there for you."
    5. "Reflect on what you want to bring from 2023 into 2024 and blow the roof off. Make it the year we've been waiting for."


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    It would be awesome if you shared the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your fellow entrepreneurs on Twitter. Click here to tweet some love!

    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    265 – Elevating Women's Priorities: Insights from Jillian Lambert

    265 – Elevating Women's Priorities: Insights from Jillian Lambert

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Jillain Lambert shares her insights regarding elevating women’s priorities.

    Jillian Lambert is a seasoned facilitator with a unique blend of hard-earned wisdom and refined skills accumulated over 36 years. With a distinguished 16-year corporate career in various Human Resources Executive roles and an inspiring 22-year spiritual journey, she skillfully integrates masculine and feminine energies in all that she offers. Jillian holds formal HR qualifications and is a certified Enneagram assessor, Nia Brown Belt teacher, and global facilitator. Her lifelong passion for cultivating a centered life resonates in all her endeavors, from corporate boardrooms to intimate kitchen table gatherings. Jillian's depth of expertise and insights lay the foundation for transformative experiences, guiding individuals toward personal growth in a sustainable and centered space.


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Hey there, amazing listeners! In this episode, I got into this incredible conversation with Jillian Lambert, diving deep into women's empowerment, self-discovery, and the importance of putting ourselves first.

    We kicked things off exploring Jillian's powerful retreats in Greece and South Africa. She's all about helping women find their true selves. You know that scene in "Runaway Bride"? Jillian draws inspiration from that, urging us to discover how we like our eggs in the morning—metaphorically speaking, of course!

    We delved into the challenges women face in prioritizing themselves. Jillian shared her experiences, highlighting how societal norms have historically put women second. It's a narrative we're both passionate about changing.

    I couldn't help but bring up my She's Linked Up Accelerator Program. It's all about supportive communities and empowering women to embrace new chapters in life. We know the struggle, and that's why these programs are so crucial.

    Jillian's virtual offerings are a game-changer. From New Moon sessions to healthy habits journeys, she's made self-care accessible to women worldwide. And get this—she's offering a whopping 30% off her online sessions! That's a huge step toward prioritizing yourself, and you don't want to miss out.

    It's all about the power of connection and support. Jillian and I share this commitment to empower women and create spaces where growth and authenticity thrive.

    Catch the episode for all these insights and more—it's a game-changer for anyone wanting to step into their power!


    Show Notes and Video:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "Can you disappoint others to be true to yourself?"
    2. "We've got to get ourselves to the top of the list."
    3. "Women haven't had the luxury of being on top of the list to make their choice first."
    4. "Books changed my life, I wouldn't need another one."
    5. "I've got this product, and this is who I am, and this is what I'm doing. If there's not complete alignment to her authenticity, the success rate will be different."


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    It would be awesome if you shared the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your fellow entrepreneurs on Twitter. Click here to tweet some love!

    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    264 – The Power of Women Supporting Women: Amplifying Success and Changing the World

    264 – The Power of Women Supporting Women: Amplifying Success and Changing the World

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich discusses how women will change the world when they support other women.


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    I’m your host, Karen Yankovich, and today we have a very special episode dedicated to the rise of women supporting women. It's been amazing to see how this movement has gained momentum, especially on platforms like Threads, where women are following and supporting one another.

    I truly believe that when women have more money, we have the power to change the world. That's why I wanted to dedicate an entire episode to this topic. I want to encourage all of you to support each other in your personal and professional growth because together we can achieve amazing things.

    I'd like to start by sharing my own experience of supporting women through collaborations. It's been such a rewarding journey for me, and it has helped me grow my business in ways I couldn't have imagined. It's important to note that genuine collaboration is not about spamming or pitching. It's about finding like-minded individuals with aligned audiences and creating valuable collaborations that benefit everyone involved.

    I also want to emphasize the importance of seeking out mentors and being mentors ourselves. Mentorship plays a crucial role in personal and professional development. I encourage all of you to reach out to women you admire and explore opportunities for mentorship. You'd be surprised how willing people are to share their knowledge and help others succeed.

    Leadership and advocacy are also vital components of this movement. When women advocate for each other, we ensure that policies are passed to support our growth and well-being. It's important to share our stories, advice, and learnings to create a supportive community that helps each other excel.

    In conclusion, I want to remind all of you of the power we hold as women supporting each other. Take a moment to reflect on your own strengths and lift each other up. By bringing others along on your journey, sharing knowledge, and giving back, we can make a difference and change the world.

    If you're looking for more support and guidance, I invite you to schedule a call with me on my website, karenyankovich.com/call. I'd love to help you on your journey. And don't forget to share this episode and tag me on social media using the hashtag #goodgirlsgetrich to keep the conversation going and to support other women.

    Tune in next week for another exciting episode of the Good Girls Get Rich podcast. Until then, keep shining, striving, and supporting each other!


    Show Notes and Video:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "I truly believe that when women have more money, we have the power to change the world."
    2. "Genuine collaboration is not about spamming or pitching. It's about finding like-minded individuals with aligned audiences and creating valuable collaborations that benefit everyone involved."
    3. "Mentorship plays a crucial role in personal and professional development. I encourage all of you to reach out to women you admire and explore opportunities for mentorship."
    4. "When women advocate for each other, we ensure that policies are passed to support our growth and well-being."
    5. "By bringing others along on your journey, sharing knowledge, and giving back, we can make a difference and change the world."


    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:


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    It would be awesome if you shared the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your fellow entrepreneurs on Twitter. Click here to tweet some love!

     If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    263 – Your Business, Your Body: Unlocking Self-Healing Power with Dr. Tanya English

    263 – Your Business, Your Body: Unlocking Self-Healing Power with Dr. Tanya English

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Tanya English discusses the power of self-healing. 

    Dr. Tanya English is a woman with a thriving journey of over three decades in the healing world. Starting as a massage therapist, evolving into a chiropractor, and now shining as an energy healer, Tanya is a force to reckon with. She's passionate about unearthing this inbuilt power we all have to heal ourselves, and I'm equally thrilled to help bring this knowledge to you.


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Are you buckled up and ready to dive in? Because this is episode 263 of the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast, and I'm your host, Karen Yankovich. And let me tell you, we have a fresh twist for you, folks! This is our first official video version, providing a thrilling segment of engagement lined up for all our rich girls out there.

    Our special guest today is none other than my good friend and esteemed colleague, Dr. Tanya English, a woman with a thriving journey of over three decades in the healing world. Starting as a massage therapist, evolving into a chiropractor and now shining as an energy healer, Tanya is a force to reckon with. She's passionate about unearthing this inbuilt power we all have to heal ourselves, and I'm equally thrilled to help bring this knowledge to you.

    Dr. English employs the unique Blue Note Healing toolkit to unlock this self-healing power and educates people about ways to leverage this potential for their overall wellbeing. Her finesse lies in the Bioenergetic Synchronization Technique, meticulously pinpointing and nullifying negative physiological patterns that hinder the body's inherent healing ability. As a versatile energy healer, analyzing individual energy patterns is her sweet spot, identifying and clearing energy blockages that interrupt your full vibrance of life.

    I've had my fair share of twists and turns, juggling the complexities of health challenges, sudden shifts, and work obligations. And that's where Tanya's role in my life has been instrumental. But guess what? She doesn't just address bodily discomforts, but pulls apart the underlying emotional textures that define women's health.

    Speaking about her work, Tanya underscores that each emotional state carries a unique physiology, and getting ensnared in the negative ones impacts our overall health. Circle back to our conversation, it's a wrap with a gentle nudge for all you women out there about self-care. It's pivotal, and it often slips through our checklist.

    Check out the show notes for links and, hey, drop your feedback on the new video format via Speakpipe. I'd love to hear from you. We're in this together, ladies! I acknowledge the valuable time you've invested here. Stay tuned because this podcast is just as committed to you as you are to us.


    Don’t just be rich, be Good Girls Rich! Talk to you soon!


    Show Notes and Video:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "Dr. English has been inspired by the idea that we've been born with the power to heal. Her mission is to show people that they have tremendous power healing power within and that they can use that power for the highest good." – Karen
    2. "Taking care of ourselves. There's nothing more important than that. And as women, that's not always our first instinct, right?" - Karen
    3. "Telling the universe what you really want, and writing it in present tense, writing it down, not typing it, writing, it makes a difference. You're transmuting that energy of what you're thinking about that brings you joy, hope, love, excitement, anticipation, expectancy, those are all the things that will bring stuff into your life." – Tanya


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    262 – Do Your Clients Even Know if You’re a Real Person? with Karen Yankovich

    262 – Do Your Clients Even Know if You’re a Real Person? with Karen Yankovich

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich shares how to leverage AI while maintaining the human touch.

    People are starting to wonder if they’re even interacting with real people. Here’s how to maintain that human touch!


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Wow have my views on artificial intelligence (AI) and digital marketing have transformed! If you would've asked me a year ago, I would've told you AI isn't my thing. But now? I'm all about it, and how it can make my She's LinkedUp training programs even smoother!

    But let's make one thing clear: The human touch in what I do, especially steering clear from LinkedIn spamming, is irreplaceable. Yes, I'm intrigued by AI's level up in content creation, customer service, and personalizing user experiences, but injecting authentic-you in your content? That's how you make noise in a sea of AI-crafted content.

    I’m hearing people concerned that the interactions they’re having are even with real people! Can you believe we’re in a world where we have to assure that?

     In every bit of content you put out there, weave in your stories, your perspectives, your feelings. Making your audience feel a connection with you is the mark of successful content. With authenticity comes trust, and with the AI wave getting stronger, it's essential to portray a genuine persona in all your marketing endeavors. I always emphasize the power of emotional intelligence in creating rapport in your marketing game.

    There's a dark side to relying too much on AI. I see AI as a starter tool, a handy assistant, but never a crutch. Content comes alive in the human dance of words and feelings, and AI can't do that dance for you. Relationships built on human interactions are genuine, and AI simply can't emulate that essence.

    Throughout this podcast episode, I reassure you that even while playing with various AI tools, I'm committed to authenticity, maintaining that Karen touch that you know and love.


     Episode Spotlights:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "A year ago, I wasn't all about AI, but now - I see its potential, especially in streamlining tasks and improving my training programs." – Karen Yankovich
    2. "The human touch, especially steering clear of LinkedIn spamming, is something AI can't replace." – Karen Yankovich
    3. "Your authenticity is what stands out amidst an ocean of AI-generated content. Infuse your stories and perspectives into your content." – Karen Yankovich
    4. "AI is a handy starter tool, but shouldn't become a crutch. Content thrives in the dance of human words and feelings." – Karen Yankovich
    5. "Even while incorporating AI, I'm committed to authenticity, maintaining that genuine touch that makes us uniquely human." – Karen Yankovich


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    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    261 – Insights from Bridget Brady on Why Social Media Strategies Matter

    261 – Insights from Bridget Brady on Why Social Media Strategies Matter

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Bridget Brady shares insights on why social media strategies matter.

    Bridget Brady, Founder & CEO of Amp Up My Biz, is an enlightened entrepreneur, speaker, social media authority, and #1 International Bestselling author. Bridget is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and business owners get the toMichols they need to catapult their business success! Her company, Amp Up My Biz, is a leader in the world of online marketing. Bridget and her team provide full-service, soup-to-nuts marketing solutions including: Social Media Marketing & Training, Website Design & Development, Graphic Design, Email Marketing and more! Her latest book, “Jobs to Jammies! Get out of your J.O.B. & Be a Work-in-Your-PJs Entrepreneur” is a #1 International Bestseller. The Amp Up My Biz mission is simple: Help businesses grow quickly, easily, and with greater joy, through the awesome power of online marketing.


     We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    In episode 261 of the Good Girls Get Rich podcast, I had the fantastic pleasure of talking shop with Bridget Brady – the dynamic founder and CEO of Amp Up My Biz.

    It was fascinating delving into Bridget’s diverse background. This powerhouse has travelled the world and worked across many industries, but it was in the field of Information Technology where she truly excelled. She genuinely did win bright lights and the big city, going from the corporate world to launching her own digital marketing firm. It has been quite a ride!

    Despite the sparkle of success now, Bridget and I dug deep and talked candidly about her "Phoenix" moment – the flaring fires of losing her job, home and relationship which forced her to rise from the ashes and pave her own path. She fondly reflected on the year of entrepreneurial exploration that followed as she hunted for what truly thrilled her. And to everyone's delight (not least her own!), she found her passion in a place she hadn't expected - the vast and transformative world of social media strategies.

    Our conversation roved over our shared digital communication expertise, exploring the beautiful harmony of our seemingly varied work. While I LOVE showing the world how to leverage LinkedIn to generate crazy profits, Bridget and her team at Amp Up My Biz have got your back on all things marketing - from stunning website design and development to effective email marketing.

    In the tail end of the chat, Bridget imparted sage advice on how you should handle Twitter's chameleon-like transition phase. Her golden tip? Stay the course with your current strategies till we get a sense of where the platform is headed.

    Bridget will be hosting a 90-minute webinar enlightening us on advanced social media strategies. It's sure to be a resource-packed treasure trove, and needless to say, you don't want to miss this boat!

    In a nutshell, our conversation was a deep dive into the exhilarating journey of entrepreneurship and, of course, the behemoth that is social media marketing. Remember, lovelies, if you want to make your fortune, you've got to get social!


    Episode Spotlights:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "Embracing my Phoenix moment, I found success in the unexpected world of social media strategies." - Bridget Brady
    2. "Transitioning from the corporate world to launching my own digital marketing firm, was full of trials but ultimately led to triumph." - Bridget Brady
    3. "Identifying where I found my joy - helping others grow their businesses using online tools, was my key to success." - Bridget Brady
    4. "The world of digital communication doesn't have to be as daunting as it seems; our work is proof of that." - Karen Yankovich
    5. "The ongoing transition phase on Twitter? Ride the wave with your existing strategies till we better understand where it's headed." - Bridget Brady


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    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    260 – Crafting the Perfect Digital First Impression with Karen Yankovich

    260 – Crafting the Perfect Digital First Impression with Karen Yankovich

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich shares how to craft the perfect digital first impression!

    First impressions matter. So make your digital first impression count!


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Welcome to Episode 260 of Good Girls Get Rich, where I delve into the heart of digital first impressions and the strategic art of online personal branding. From using LinkedIn as a cornerstone of your personal brand story to the potential of leveraging PR for borrowed credibility – this episode is packed with effective strategies to make your mark in the digital world. 

    Digital First Impression ­– Making Your Mark: The shift towards online networking, while inevitable, offers an unparalleled chance to project an impactful persona to a global audience. It’s key to remember that while physical traits can't be altered, the digital world allows us to masterfully craft our first impression, setting the tone of our online presence.

    LinkedIn – More Than Just a Resume: Your LinkedIn profile needs to be treated as a narrative of your professional journey. It's not just a residency of past experiences but an active platform to share stories, accomplishments, and demonstrate your unique brand value to potential connections. 

    PR and Brand Credibility: Regular media mentions and press appearances add robust credibility, offering a unique edge, especially to those still finding their footing in their industry. These interactions add a personal touch, enriching your digital impression.

    Strategic Networking – More Than Just a Number Game: An active, strategic network of professionally aligned contacts is crucial in amplifying your reach and anchoring your professional identity. Engage with your network competently and consistently, both increasing your brand’s visibility and lending credibility to your digital presence.

    In summary, your digital first impression is your opportunity to unravel your professional narrative, validating your brand story with PR, and strategically networking to reinforce your online reputation.

    LinkedIn management, media appearances, and networking with care and authenticity, all sit at the helm of mastering your digital persona. This is where my She’s Linked Up accelerator program can fill the gaps, offering you an expansive roadmap to personal brand mastery.

    Tune into the full episode on Good Girls Get Rich. As always, I’m here to help empower women entrepreneurs to gather their courage and digitally "put themselves in the room," charging forward with wisdom and tenacity.

    We’re in this together. Rise and shine!


    Episode Spotlights:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "The shift towards online networking, while inevitable, offers an unparalleled chance to project an impactful persona to a global audience."
    2. "Your LinkedIn profile needs to be treated as a narrative of your professional journey. It's not just a residency of past experiences but an active platform to share stories, accomplishments, and demonstrate your unique brand value to potential connections."
    3. "Regular media mentions and press appearances add robust credibility, offering a unique edge, especially to those still finding their footing in their industry."
    4. "An active, strategic network of professionally aligned contacts is crucial in amplifying your reach and anchoring your professional identity."
    5. "LinkedIn management, media appearances, and networking with care and authenticity, all sit at the helm of mastering your digital persona. This is where my She’s Linked Up accelerator program can fill the gaps, offering you an expansive roadmap to personal brand mastery."


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    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    259 – Dr. Cynthia Hawver Shares Strategies to Overcome Burnout and Prioritize Self-Care

    259 – Dr. Cynthia Hawver Shares Strategies to Overcome Burnout and Prioritize Self-Care

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Dr. Cynthia Hawver shares how to overcome burnout and prioritize self-care.

    Dr. Cynthia Hawver is a licensed psychologist, certified coach, host of The Mama Shrink Podcast, writer, and speaker. Her specialty area is working with moms at midlife in the midst of parenting, with a speciality focus on burnout. She developed a three staged model of burnout and dives deep into what is underneath the burnout to get at the roots.


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    In this inspiring episode of the Good Girls Get Rich podcast, I had the pleasure of chatting with Dr. Cynthia Hawver, a highly respected psychologist and therapist, about her incredible mission to empower women and tackle burnout head-on. Dr. Hawver shared invaluable insights and strategies aimed at helping women overcome challenges, embrace self-care, and achieve their goals.

     Introduction to Dr. Cynthia Hawver:

    I introduced my listeners to Dr. Cynthia Hawver, a compassionate psychologist, therapist, and the host of the Mama Shrink Podcast. Driven by her passion to assist women in overcoming burnout and leading fulfilling lives, she's become a beacon of support for many. 

    Recognizing and Addressing Burnout:

    Dr. Hawver and I delved into the subtle signs of burnout, emphasizing the critical importance of early recognition. Drawing from her personal experiences, she shared practical tips and powerful insights, enabling our listeners to proactively prioritize their well-being.

    Importance of Boundaries and Self-Care:

    Our conversation underscored the significance of establishing boundaries and practicing self-care rituals. Dr. Hawver emphasized the transformative impact of surrounding oneself with supportive individuals. We discussed the essential need for investing in personal growth and development, which ultimately leads to a happier, more fulfilled life.

    Empowering Women through Coaching:

    Dr. Hawver revealed her transition from therapy to coaching, focusing on empowering women who are prepared to elevate their lives. She highlighted the profound importance of investing in oneself, shedding light on how this investment not only transforms the individual but also positively influences everyone in their sphere.

    Taking the Mama Burnout Quiz:

    Dr. Hawver introduced the Mama Burnout Quiz, a valuable tool tailored to help women assess their burnout levels. By acknowledging their situations, women can take proactive steps toward self-improvement, fostering a nurturing environment for personal growth.

    Final Thoughts and Future Endeavors:

    We explored Dr. Hawver's exciting future plans, including writing a book and creating supportive groups for women. She passionately emphasized the need for women to invest in becoming the best version of themselves. Dr. Hawver reminded us that children thrive when they have a happy and fulfilled mother, underscoring the significance of this self-investment.

    Join me and Dr. Cynthia Hawver in this empowering episode. Together, we explore strategies to combat burnout, embrace self-care, and empower ourselves to lead lives filled with purpose and fulfillment. Remember, when women support one another, incredible transformations occur!


    Episode Spotlights:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "We need to balance our lives so we don't give ourselves up and lose who we are as a person while being a mother."
    2. "Invest in yourself. Your children need a better, happier mom more than they need material possessions."
    3. "If I'm not in a good place, how am I going to help all these other people be in a good place?"
    4. "It's not about doing everything; it's about crafting a business around the life you want."
    5. "Knowledge is power. We can't change what we don't acknowledge."


    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:


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    It would be awesome if you shared the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your fellow entrepreneurs on Twitter. Click here to tweet some love!

    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    258 – Women on LinkedIn: Building Confidence, Networks, and Successful Futures

    258 – Women on LinkedIn: Building Confidence, Networks, and Successful Futures

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich talks to the women on LinkedIn!

    Want to build confidence, networks, and successful futures? Then this episode is for you!


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    In this episode, we dove deep into the challenges women face on LinkedIn and unpacked the reasons behind the gender gap on this powerful platform. We explored various factors, from incomplete profiles to societal expectations, that might be holding women back on LinkedIn. But fear not, because I'm here to shed light on these challenges and guide you on how to conquer them.

    Key Points:

    1. Incomplete Profiles: So many LinkedIn users, regardless of gender, have profiles that are just gathering dust. And guess what? Incomplete profiles mean missed opportunities! Let's spruce up those profiles and make them shine.
    2. Time Constraints: We get it; life gets crazy busy. But here's the deal: your professional network matters, and investing time in platforms like LinkedIn can open doors you never imagined. It's worth carving out some time for your career growth.
    3. Societal Expectations: Ah, societal expectations, the silent confidence killer. Don't let these norms hold you back. You are powerful, and your voice deserves to be heard. It's time to break free from these constraints and own your space.
    4. Imposter Syndrome: That sneaky imposter syndrome can haunt even the best of us. But let me tell you, you are not alone. We've all been there. It's about embracing your worth and acknowledging your expertise. You belong here!
    5. Privacy Concerns: Privacy is crucial, but it shouldn't hide your brilliance. Yes, be cautious, but don't let it dim your light. LinkedIn is your stage; showcase your talents proudly and authentically.
    6. LinkedIn's Perception: There's a misconception that LinkedIn is just for B2B connections. Let's bust that myth! LinkedIn is a powerhouse for all businesses. Whether you're B2B or B2C, there's a place for you to shine and thrive.
    7. Empowerment and Visibility: Ladies, it's time to take control of your online brand. Network with purpose, refine your LinkedIn profile, and communicate assertively, all while staying true to yourself. Empowerment and visibility go hand in hand.
    8. Networking Strategies: Building connections with influencers, perfecting your LinkedIn profile, and embracing authentic communication strategies can transform your LinkedIn experience. Remember, authenticity and assertiveness are your superpowers!


    So, there you have it! Overcoming challenges, embracing confidence, and leveraging LinkedIn strategically can transform your professional journey. Let's rewrite the rules, break free from limitations, and create a vibrant LinkedIn presence together. Your dreams are within reach – let's make them a reality!


    Episode Spotlights:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "LinkedIn is a tool where you can create your brand, your story, your presence in a way that's just not possible anywhere else."
    2. "Success is not about spamming people, it's about creating magnetic profiles that draw people to you."
    3. "Confidence is magnetic. When you show up as your confident self on LinkedIn, it attracts the right opportunities and connections."
    4. "LinkedIn is not just a platform; it's a community where you can surround yourself with amazing people who believe in you."
    5. "Visibility leads to influence. The more visible you are on LinkedIn, the more impact and influence you can have in your industry."


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    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    257 – Positive Energy and Intention: Shaping Your Reality with Dr. Karen Vizer

    257 – Positive Energy and Intention: Shaping Your Reality with Dr. Karen Vizer

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Dr. Karen Vizer talks about shaping your reality.

    Dr. Karen is recognized for her groundbreaking work in the field of mental conditioning and how habitual patterns, programming, conditioning, fears and upper limit beliefs can keep us from realizing our dreams and being the best version of us that we can be. Karen has helped thousands of clients remove the beliefs, coding, and programming that separate them from living the lives they desire. She has also worked with clients who have been impacted by trauma to clear the cellular memory of that trauma so that they can experience the freedom to create their best life. The losses of the past 3 years are real and Karen is passionate about leading women who have experienced losses in life rediscover, reinvent and reclaim their power though her Identity Makeover experience. She has a vast knowledge of alternative energy healing modalities. Her mantra is one of her favorite mentors (Raymon Grace) quotes: “Everything is energy and all energy can be transformed.” Prior to embracing the coaching profession, Karen spent 20 years as an executive in the healthcare industry. She has earned degrees in nursing, biology, and chiropractic.


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    I am beyond excited to dive deep into the transformative world of self-discovery and personal growth with the incredible Dr. Karen Vizer. Get ready for some serious wisdom bombs, because this conversation is a game-changer!

    Dr. Vizer and I explore the beautiful concept that personal growth isn't a destination; it's a lifelong journey. She emphasizes the power of positive energy and intention, reminding us all that we have the ability to shape our reality through conscious choices and self-awareness. Gratitude is a big theme here, but not in the typical sense. Dr. Vizer teaches us that gratitude isn't just a daily task; it's about infusing ourselves with gratitude, making it a state of being. Can you imagine how that could transform your life?

    We talk about the importance of seeking support and guidance on this journey. Dr. Vizer encourages us to embrace the power of asking for help and the value of supportive communities. Remember, you don't have to go through this alone! There are people out there ready and willing to support you.

    Throughout our chat, Dr. Vizer emphasizes the significance of mindfulness. It's all about being intentional with our choices and actions, aligning them with our true desires and values. When we do that, we create a life that's not just fulfilling but also incredibly authentic.

    And hey, speaking of support, Dr. Vizer invites you to connect with her through her website, Karen Vizer's Stamp Store. There, you'll find a treasure trove of resources and insights on personal growth. Plus, if you're feeling inspired and ready to take action, I encourage you to book a call with me. Let's chat about your journey, your dreams, and how we can turn those dreams into your reality.

    Thank you for joining us on this transformative ride today. I can't wait to see how you embrace these lessons and start living your best, most authentic life!


    Episode Spotlights:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "Your identity is not static; it's constantly evolving. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and recognize that there's no end to the identity work that you need to do." - Dr. Karen Vizer
    2. "Gratitude and appreciation are states of being. Infuse your life with these positive energies and watch how your vibration can impact the world around you." - Dr. Karen Vizer
    3. "Recognize the power of choice in your life. Be intentional about your decisions, ensuring they align with the person you want to become and the life you want to lead." - Karen Yankovich
    4. "Nothing wants to die; everything wants to be acknowledged. Acknowledging and embracing your past experiences can lead to profound self-discovery and personal growth." - Dr. Karen Vizer
    5. "Your job is to be the best version of you in this moment. Make choices that are loving and kind to yourself, and ensure they move you closer to the person you want to be on this planet." - Dr. Karen Vizer


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    It would be awesome if you shared the Good Girls Get Rich Podcast with your fellow entrepreneurs on Twitter. Click here to tweet some love!

    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    256 – Attract High-Quality Clients: A Deep Dive into LinkedIn and PR Techniques

    256 – Attract High-Quality Clients: A Deep Dive into LinkedIn and PR Techniques

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich discusses how to attract high-quality clients. 

    Take a deep dive into LinkedIn and PR techniques that will help you attract high-quality clients!


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Hey there, fabulous listeners! I am beyond thrilled to dive into the transformative world of client acquisition with you in this episode. We're unpacking the secrets of attracting high-quality clients to your business, making your journey to success smoother and more abundant.

    Here's what you need to know:

    1. Be Choosy for Success: Let's kick things off by talking about the importance of being discerning in your choice of clients. When you focus on high-quality clients, your business blossoms into something truly remarkable and abundant.
    2. LinkedIn: Your Secret Weapon: I can't stress this enough – LinkedIn is a goldmine for finding those top-tier clients. Its professional atmosphere, high-income user base, and networking potential make it the ultimate platform to connect with the clients you dream of.
    3. Building Genuine Connections: Authentic relationships are the cornerstone of successful client acquisition. Engaging with potential clients, industry leaders, and even journalists can pave the way for meaningful connections, establishing trust and credibility.
    4. The Power of Integration: When you blend LinkedIn and PR strategies, magic happens. By connecting with journalists and actively participating in discussions, you position yourself as a thought leader. This not only enhances your reputation but also magnetically draws high-quality clients your way.
    5. Cultivate a Haven of Amazing Clients: Imagine having a business filled with clients you genuinely love working with. By implementing these strategies, you can create a space where meaningful relationships flourish, benefiting both you and your clients. 

    How to Take Action:

    If these strategies resonate with you, I encourage you to take the next step. Reach out to me! Head over to karenyankovich.com/call to schedule a call. Let's kick-start your journey toward attracting those high-quality clients you've always dreamed of.

    Thank you for joining me on another empowering episode of Good Girls Get Rich! Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations, all designed to help you achieve your business goals and welcome high-quality clients into your world. Until next time!


    Episode Spotlights:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "Quality clients want to work with high-quality coaches and consultants. You have to show up first and foremost, like you are the best in the business."
    2. "Engage with their posts and content from these potential clients. Dive deeper into these relationships with these people that you think can be your high-quality network, your high-quality client."
    3. "This building relationship stuff, it's timeless marketing, and it can build your business. And this is the people that are successful in business right now, this is what they're doing."
    4. "Imagine having a business filled with clients you genuinely love working with. By implementing these strategies, you can create a space where meaningful relationships flourish, benefiting both you and your clients."
    5. "Quality over quantity is the game-changer. Let's magnetize those dream clients!"


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    255 – Power in an Identity Shift: Amy Thurman's Lessons in Personal Growth

    255 – Power in an Identity Shift: Amy Thurman's Lessons in Personal Growth

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Amy Thurman shares lesson’s in personal growth. 

    Amy Thurman, a Disabled Entrepreneur and Story Development Coach, specializes in empowering you to tap into your inner power to rewrite your life’s story. She helps you discover the narrative you’re telling yourself and equips you with the tools to transform that story into the one you desire to live; empowering you to confront and overcome whatever is incapacitating you. Although Amy was incapacitated by a life-altering neck injury, her resilience knows no bounds. Her journey of fighting back from despair to determination serves as an inspiring testament to the power of self-discovery and transformation. Based in Oklahoma, USA, Amy also offers clean, anti-aging, long-lasting, smudge-proof SeneGence cosmetics and skincare.


     We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Hey there, lovely listeners! I'm thrilled to bring you a truly inspiring episode. I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with the incredible Amy Thurman, a phenomenal entrepreneur, speaker, and advocate for disabled entrepreneurs. Amy's story is nothing short of remarkable, illustrating the power of resilience, self-belief, and taking that crucial first step towards your dreams.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Embracing Identity Shift: Amy passionately talks about the transformative journey of stepping into new roles and identities. She highlights the vital role of supportive communities and the profound impact they have on our personal growth.
    2. Overcoming Desperation with Confidence: Amy's journey began from a place of desperation, but it was her unwavering confidence and willingness to invest in herself that set her on her extraordinary path. Despite physical limitations due to a neck injury, Amy fearlessly embraced outreach, authentically connecting with people on LinkedIn and forming meaningful relationships.
    3. The Power of Vulnerability: Amy's authenticity resonated deeply with others, leading to numerous podcast interviews. By sharing her genuine story, she attracted clients and collaborators from around the world, proving that vulnerability can be a powerful tool in building authentic connections.
    4. Breaking Barriers Through Storytelling: Amy's focus now lies in empowering others through her story development coaching program. She guides individuals in overcoming personal challenges, helping them rewrite their narratives and empowering them to live the life they desire.
    5. Taking Action: Amy's journey serves as a shining example that consistent action, even within limited hours, can yield significant results. Her story is a testament to the power of determination, self-belief, and the unwavering support of a caring community.


    Amy Thurman's journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Her story reminds us that regardless of the challenges we face, we have the power within us to overcome obstacles, achieve our dreams, and create the life we envision. As you listen to her inspiring tale, I encourage you to reflect on how you can tap into your inner strength, overcome hurdles, and manifest your deepest desires.

    Thank you for joining us today. Remember, your journey is unique, but you are never alone. Stay inspired, keep believing in yourself, and take those courageous steps toward your dreams. Until next time, keep shining bright!


    Episode Spotlights:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "There's a power inside you; you just have to be willing to open yourself up to access it and do what it takes." – Amy Thurman
    2. "Taking that next step and investing in yourself, having the confidence to invest in yourself and taking the step, and saying, 'I can do that,' that... That takes guts." – Karen Yankovich
    3. "When you're willing to open yourself up, it's gonna take effort and it's gonna take work, but it's worth it. It's worth it to just start, start somewhere, do the hard things, take the step that's uncomfortable." – Amy Thurman
    4. "I had to really, really think, and I had to decide, 'I'm worth this. I am worth this. I'm going to do this.' Because when I invested in myself like that, I'm like, 'Okay, we're doing this, we're jumping in with both feet, and we're making something happen.' And that's pretty much exactly what happened." – Amy Thurman


    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:


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    If this episode has taught you just one thing, I would love if you could head on over to Apple Podcasts and SUBSCRIBE TO THE SHOW! And if you’re moved to, kindly leave us a rating and review. Maybe you’ll get a shout out on the show!


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    254 – LinkedIn’s Hidden Gems: Nurturing Genuine Connections for Joint Ventures

    254 – LinkedIn’s Hidden Gems: Nurturing Genuine Connections for Joint Ventures

    This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich discusses how to nurture genuine connections for join ventures.

    What are LinkedIn’s hidden gems? Find out in this episode!


    We want to hear your thoughts on this episode! Leave us a message on Speakpipe or email us at info@karenyankovich.com.


    About the Episode:

    Hey there, lovely listeners! It's Karen Yankovich, and I'm thrilled to dive into the heart of successful business strategies with you today on the Good Girls Get Rich podcast. We're going to talk about something incredibly vital: how to forge those game-changing joint venture partnerships right here on LinkedIn.

    Key Takeaways:

    Introduction to Joint Ventures on LinkedIn:

    I want to start by stressing the importance of authentic connections over traditional sales tactics. We're in an era where intimate marketing reigns supreme. Let's move away from the pushy approaches and embrace genuine relationships.

    Identifying Potential Partners:

    So, how do you find those perfect joint venture partners? Look into Facebook groups, connect with influential book authors, or explore mutual connections. Seek genuine alignment and shared interests when considering these partnerships.

    Effective Outreach Strategies:

    Crafting your outreach message is an art. Combine the warmth of personal connection with the curiosity of exploring new collaborations. Don't just send out requests en masse; be selective and authentic in your outreach efforts.

    Building Relationships and Transitioning to Calls:

    Engage with their content, participate in discussions, and share relevant articles to deepen these connections. Then, make your move—propose a short, 15-minute call. It's a low-commitment, high-impact way to explore collaboration opportunities genuinely.

    The Power of Intimate Marketing:

    Remember, it's all about intimacy in your marketing efforts. Let's transform our interactions from mere networking to proposing genuine collaboration calls. Authenticity, respect, and real connections are the keys to opening doors. 


    Together, let's embrace the power of genuine connections and elevate our businesses through meaningful relationships. Stay tuned for more insightful episodes, and don't forget to share your thoughts with me on social media. Until next time, let's build those impactful joint ventures on LinkedIn!


    Episode Spotlights:


    Magical Quotes from the Episode:

    1. "Nobody wants that outreach that says, 'Here's what I do, give me your credit card.' What I want you to do is have conversations that are 'Here's what I do, who do you know?' This is probably the most powerful strategy to quickly build revenue in your business, change your career, change your life, update your identity."
    2. "LinkedIn is the exact right place to do this, because this is where the professionals are hanging out. This is where you can see into their networks, you can see the kind of content they have, you can see the kinds of people engaging on their posts, and their videos."
    3. "Make sure that it's coming from a place where you're clear, you're concise, it's engaging, you're establishing some rapport, you're not just cold messaging these people."
    4. "This is not a sale. There's no objection handling or negotiating. This is just, 'Let's see if there's an opportunity to collaborate.'"
    5. "Use LinkedIn messaging feature effectively. I am not a fan of using Sales Navigator messaging for this. Because Sales Navigator messaging is very clearly identified differently... Just send them a connection request, tell them why you want to connect, tell them why you think they're amazing."


    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:


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