
    Grieving Overdose Death

    This podcast was created to give a voice to those who have lost someone close to them from an accidental overdose. Parents, spouses, sisters, brothers and others will be interviewed to celebrate the life of their loved one who died from an overdose and to remember this person as more than their addiction. We will explore how others cope and pass on this information to those who are grieving and feel they have nowhere to turn. Unfortunately, there are many out there and the numbers are growing every day. If you would like to tell your story about the life of your loved one who died from an accidental overdose, the struggles you both faced, and how you are coping, please email your request to Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grieving-overdose-death/id1462181055
    enSusan Claire50 Episodes

    Episodes (50)

    Mary Kate

    Mary Kate

    Mary Kate loved the ‘60s: the colorful clothes, the message of peace & love, and the rock music like Pink Floyd. Her mom, Carol, said her daughter was born in the wrong decade. Everything changed when Mary Kate started losing weight and her parents found out that she had been using drugs. They were able to check Mary Kate into rehab, where she was sober for 15 months before she was found passed away in her sober-living residence when she was 22. It has been a tragic journey for Carol who has coped by reaching out and helping others.

    Carol shares this message with others who have lost someone close to them called The Departure Date, Your life is like a mist. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away (James 4:14): “You, as all of God’s children, live one final breathe from your own funeral. Which, from God’s perspective, is nothing to grieve. He responds to these grave facts with this great news: “The day you die is better than the day you were born” (Eccles. 7:1 NLT). Now there is a twist. Heaven enjoys a maternity-ward reaction to funerals. Angels watch body burials the same way grandparents monitor delivery-room doors. “He’ll be coming through any minute!” They can’t wait to see the new arrival. While we’re driving hearses and wearing black, they’re hanging pink and blue streamers and passing out cigars. We don’t grieve when babies enter the world. The hosts of heaven don’t weep when we leave it.”

    By speaking out for her daughter and the stigma of addiction, Carol and her husband, John, have been featured in several publications and videos (Use CTRL + link):

    It can happen to anyone

    Families mission to fight opioid addiction

    Family honors daughter


    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    When Melody was born, she was named for peace, love and harmony. She lit up a room with her smile and was hilarious without ever knowing she was funny. All that changed after she tried heroin and addiction took over her life. Her mom, Toni, remembers how super close they were through her teenage years and beyond. Tragically, this vibrant, beautiful young woman died at 31 in November 2019, six months after her son was born. Toni struggles with the tug of war between the joys of caring for her grandson, without having her daughter. She also struggles with grieving for her daughter, while not missing the addict that possessed her.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida

    Johnny (A sister's perspective)

    Johnny (A sister's perspective)

    Joanne remembers everyone liking her brother Johnny. He had the happiest and loudest laugh, and the biggest and best hugs. He was great at soccer, and track & field, and won many awards. They hung out together since they were close in age and were referred to as the favorite brother/sister combination. But all that changed when Johnny succumbed to mental illness and addiction for most of his adult life, and he died from an accidental overdose in 2018. Joanne advises others in her situation to keep moving forward and try to reach out to help others.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida

    Johnny (A mother's perspective)

    Johnny (A mother's perspective)

    Suzanne’s son, Johnny, suffered from addiction until she got the knock on her door she was dreading and was told the news she never wanted to hear. Her son had died from an overdose at the age of 46. Johnny’s younger years were hopeful when he was studying to be a medical doctor, but he succumbed to mental illness and addiction for most of his adult life. When Suzanne thinks of her son no longer on Earth, it is hard for her to breathe. She wants others dealing with someone in addiction to hug them and let them know they are loved deeply.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Elaine was a world traveler who had a passion for cooking, and loved all types of music from rock ‘n roll to reggae. She had her daughter, Stephanie, later in life at age 38, and they shared a very close relationship. However, Elaine was addicted to alcohol as far back as Stephanie can remember. A few months ago, the day came that Stephanie dreaded for so long when her mom passed away from her addiction. Stephanie is dealing with never hearing her mom’s voice and laugh again, never being able to hug her again, and accepting that she will never be able to tell her that she loves her one last time. Stephanie wants others to know that addiction is something that so many people struggle with behind closed doors and never to feel ashamed of your loved one who is more than their addiction.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Quincie loved hunting and riding his motorcycle; loved his children, family and friends; and was a really good cook. But he also put his family through 10 years of heartache and pain as his addiction grew from marijuana to heroin. He passed away at the age of 31 from an accidental overdose while living in a halfway house. His mother, Jennifer, is coping with her son’s death through activism. She posts regularly about addiction on Facebook and her Twitter account (@_jennystarfish_) and was recently featured in an article on MEDPAGE TODAY entitled “Many Residential addiction Tx Centers Don’t Offer MAT, at a Deadly Cost” https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/88870?trw=no. She speaks about addiction to help others and as reparations to her son since she did not fully understand the disease of addiction.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Maddy was a young woman of extremes—a soft, kind and gentle heart with a powerful, fierce and stubborn mind. She never quite understood the word, “No”, subsequently she could always open your mind to try and see things her way. She excelled at school, winning a partial scholarship to a university where she planned on being a lawyer. However, from an early age she fought against a smothering internal cloud of depression which led her to substance abuse. At the tender age of 20 in July 2020, she was found by police from an apparent overdose. Her father, JB, talks about his deep love for his daughter and how he is trying to find his way without Maddy in his life.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Mayson was a free spirit who was passionate about music and cooking. He was a self-taught guitar player at nine-years-old, and also learned the piano, trumpet and French horn. Even though he had a close relationship with his mother, Amanda, and his family, he had a troubled youth and was expelled from multiple schools mainly for drug use. At 22, he was living on his own, working and appeared to be doing well. However, in August 2020, Amanda received a message from a Chaplain who broke the news that her son was found deceased at his residence. She found out later that this was his sixth overdose. Amanda said she had this knowing that Mayson’s life on this earth would be brief and the realization shakes her to her core. She is doing her best to move forward with a grief recovery program called The Grief Recovery Method: https://www.griefrecoverymethod.com/our-programs/1-on-1-support#search-block

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Kevin tried for years to free himself from his addiction but lost the battle at 41 years old in January 2019. His sister, Sherry, talks about how they stuck together like glue after suffering from abuse during their childhood. Sherry says that Kevin protected her even though he was only five years old. When Kevin felt they were finally safe, he numbed his pain from the abuse with marijuana which escalated into other drugs. Sherry tells others to be kind and show love to those in their life suffering from addiction, and help break the stigma.

    Jackson S

    Jackson S

    Jackie was expecting to celebrate her son Jackson’s 20th birthday on January 11th but instead she was called to the hospital where Jackson passed away from an accidental overdose. Jackson was an amazing kid and a gifted athlete at 6’4” and 220 lbs. He wrestled and played football throughout high school. He also loved video games, cooking, crafting, fishing and hunting. Jackie cherishes her relationship with her son and would always tell him, “I will love you forever.” Jackie says to others on this journey to “just breathe” and know there are others who are a phone call away.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Carol knew her son, Penn, had issues with alcohol but never imagined he had started using other substances until he passed away from an overdose in 2017. Penn grew up in a typical household in which he was an active member of the scouts, went camping with his family, and attended church. However, he was prone to panic attack and anxiety while in high school, and felt he had depression. He attended college and eventually worked as a Certified Nursing Assistant when Carol received a visit from the police that no parent ever wants to receive. Carol finds help with her grief by sharing her story through Compassionate Friends Non-Profit Organization for Grief on Facebook.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Annie feels like she is aimlessly just making it from one day to another after her son Josh died in January 2019 when he was 33.  Ten years ago after a car accident, Josh left the emergency room with a 30 day supply of Vicodin with refills. Annie says it took only a few pills for Josh to become addicted.  She describes how she went through hell during Josh’s active addiction, the ups the downs, the rehabs, the lies, and the pain. She says her families’ lives have changed forever. She plans to walk part of the Spain Pilgrimage: Camino de Santiago in the near future in Josh’s name.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Joseph’s ambitions of working as an airplane mechanic were cut short after a car accident landed him in surgery where he was given pain medication. When his pain medicine prescription ran out, he searched out relief illegally. His mother, Jean, never suspected that her son had become addicted until he confessed and asked for help. It was a journey that ended when he passed away a few years later at the age of 23. Jean now helps manage a drug prevention grant for two counties to warn children about the dangers of using illegal drugs and how they can lead to addiction. She also finds help from her grief by attending meetings sponsored by GRASP (www.grasphelp.org) and Helping Parents Heal (www.helpingparentsheal.org).

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Caitlin, 22, tried to brace herself for her dad’s (Sean) death since she knew of his addiction, but when her mom told her that her dad had died from an accidental overdose, her heart broke. Sean, 57, will never walk her down the aisle or hold his grandchildren. Caitlin has found solace by attending GRASP meetings http://grasphelp.org/m/ and talking about her dad with others to keep his memory alive.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    In her mom Stephanie’s words, Jade was born defying convention. She lived life as an unapologetic original; and was a fiercely loyal friend and champion of her fellow woman. She loved books and detested anything that was ordinary. She was a devotee of glamour and glitter but her thousand watt smile was never outshone. Jade was 26 when she was found by her roommate after an accidental overdose leaving behind two children and a mom who is trying to find meaning in her death.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Allison told her mom, Leah, that she started using meth to help her keep up with three children, a job and everything else in her life. But then it got out of control and her mom, Leah, feels that Allison was high when she got into an accident that ended her life while driving a four-wheeler. Leah says she is in the “anger” stage and going through trauma counseling to deal with the death of her daughter and her son, Dustin, who died at four months in 1989. She recommends others use www.griefshare.com as a grief recovery support group to help in the healing of losing a loved one.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Throughout her addiction, Jillian wrote extensively about how she just wanted to be herself again. In a letter written in the last month of her life entitled “Who Am I”, she wanted to use her skills as a cosmetologist to help people like themselves—a feeling that eluded her. Annmarie talks about the struggles her daughter faced during the 15 years in her addiction before she died of an accidently overdose at 31. During the last year of her life, Annmarie said she knew in her heart that her daughter wasn’t going to make it. Annmarie now spends time helping others in her daughter’s name and recently donated 40 blankets to the homeless in Kensington, PA.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Catherine graduated high school at the top of her class in 2011 and, only six years later in 2017, her life was taken by an accidental overdose. She was a beautiful, intelligent, absolutely brilliant, complex human, according to her mother, Rose. Rose said she wants to share Catherine’s story and spread awareness on what can be done to prevent death in case of overdose so her daughter’s death is not in vain. She will fight for “The Good Samaritan Law”, already passed in many states, to be passed in her home state of Texas to protect individuals from prosecution at the time they call 911 or help someone who is overdosing. She has forgiven the person who dumped Catherine’s body in a remote alley without knowing for sure if she was dead or alive. But Rose says forgiving is not forgetting; it is remembering without anger. Rose has also started a Facebook page for her daughter called “For the Love of Catherine.”

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    Steven relapsed after 18 years of sobriety after he was prescribed pain medication for lymphoma. He traveled from Oregon to Arizona for help, and to eventually move his family. He got the help he needed and was sober for 63 days. Unfortunately, he decided to use one last time and was found by police passed away sitting underneath a tree. Melissa who was married to Steven for 19 years says she is carrying out Steven’s mission to help others and to never give up hope.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida



    At a very young age, Jackson found a love of music which propelled him into a career as a musician and actor. He appeared in the 2011 film “Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer”, and the ABC sitcom “The Goldbergs” as Ari Caldwell. He also performed in episodes of “Modern Family” and “Arrested Development”. His music was featured in “Forever My Girl”. Jodi talks about how drugs became part of her son’s life, how he struggled to break free, and how he met his tragic end. A few days after recording Lord Lift Me Higher, Jackson, 20, was found unresponsive at a sober living facility from an accidental overdose.

    If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at grievingoverdosedeath@gmail.com


    Music provided by La Atlántida