
    Group Practice Tech

    Group Practice Tech by Person Centered Tech: a podcast where we help mental health group practice owners ethically and effectively leverage tech to improve their practices.
    enPerson Centered Tech100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Episode 312: [Teletherapy News] Updates on Inter-State Compacts, Parity Laws, and the PHE Ending

    Episode 312: [Teletherapy News] Updates on Inter-State Compacts, Parity Laws, and the PHE Ending

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech.

    In our latest episode, we share a potpourri of updates on inter-state compacts, parity laws, the end of the PHE, and positive developments in the fight against VC backed mental healthcare companies.

    We discuss:

    • where the current Social Work Compact legislation stands
    • the status of additional inter-state compacts
    • implications for multi-state practices
    • advocacy for additional compacts
    • updated data on teletherapy
    • how the end of the federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) will impact teletherapy
    • temporary practice provisions in states
    • practice permission due diligence and documentation
    • coverage parity and payment parity after the PHE ends
    • how to advocate for parity
    • FTC fines for BetterHelp

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    For more, visit our website.


    PCT Resources

    • PCT's HIPAA Risk Analysis & Risk Mitigation Planning service for mental health group practices 

      • Care for your practice using our supportive, shame-free risk analysis and mitigation planning service. 

      • You’ll have your Risk Analysis done within 2 hours, performed by a PCT consultant, using a tool built specifically for mental health group practice, and a mitigation checklist to help you reduce your risks. 

      • **Spring Clean Your Practice sale on our RAMP service now through 3/31/23, save $50**

    Episode 311: [Compliance] HIPAA Training for your Team - Requirements and Best Practices

    Episode 311: [Compliance] HIPAA Training for your Team - Requirements and Best Practices

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech.

    In our latest episode, we’re busting myths about HIPAA training requirements for group practices.

    We discuss training requirements in terms of the Privacy Rule and Security Rule (and the distinctions between them); when training is required; suggestions to keep training uniform; what resources are available for you and your teams; utilizing tools that are already in your tech stack; compliance documentation; preventing burnout; and having a strong security culture in your practice.

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    For more, visit our website.


    • PCT’s HIPAA Security Reminder Memes
    • Step Two of the PCT Way: Training -- role-based, foundational and needs-based topical trainings on HIPAA, mental health ethics, and teletherapy designed specifically for mental health group practices
    • PCT’s Group Practice Care: Assign, remind, and track staff training completion with a few clicks in your PCT Dashboard. Set it and forget it. *GPC basic is FREE! **GPC Premium includes HIPAA Security Awareness: Bring Your Own Device + HIPAA Security Awareness: Remote Workspaces training for ALL staff at no per-person cost
    • Additional Security Reminder sources: HealthITSecurity newsletter (select

    Episode 310: [Practice Management] Helpful and Important Tips for Good Faith Estimates

    Episode 310: [Practice Management] Helpful and Important Tips for Good Faith Estimates

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech.

    In our latest episode, we offer some helpful tips for Good Faith Estimates, or GFEs. 

    We discuss the No Surprises Act; where to provide a Good Faith Estimate; who gets a GFE; when to provide a GFE to clients; notices vs. contracts; how to list your rates and estimated costs; GFE dispute processes; documenting GFEs; how often to update GFEs; client education; what to do about listing a diagnosis; and getting your GFE reviewed. 

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    For more, visit our website.



    Episode 309: [Compliance & Practice Management] PHE Ending, What You Need To Know And Do For Your Practice To Be Ready

    Episode 309: [Compliance & Practice Management] PHE Ending, What You Need To Know And Do For Your Practice To Be Ready

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech.

    In our latest episode, we’re talking about the end of the public health emergency in the US as well as what you need to know and do for your practice to be ready. 

    We discuss when the public health emergency will end (May 11th); which video conferencing platforms can be used going forward; getting clients comfortable with new software; updated considerations for phone service; communicating the importance of these changes to your team; how to select HIPAA appropriate services; prescribing controlled substances through telehealth; securing and hardening remote workspaces; audio only telehealth coverage; and telehealth payment parity and reimbursement rates.

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    For more, visit our website.

    PCT Resources

    • PCT's Group Practice Care Premium 

      • service with assignable staff HIPAA Security Awareness: Remote Workspaces training for all team members + 

      • access to Remote Workspace Center with step-by-step tutorials & registration forms for securing documenting Remote Workspaces + 

      • assignable staff HIPAA Security Awareness: Bring Your Own Device training + 

      • access to Device Security Center with step-by-step device-specific tutorials & registration forms for securing documenting personal & practice-provided devices + 

      • direct support & consultation service, Group Practice Office Hours

    • PCT's HIPAA Risk Analysis & Risk Mitigation Planning 

      • service for mental health group practices -- care for your practice using our supportive, shame-free risk analysis and mitigation planning service. 

      • You’ll have your Risk Analysis done within 2 hours, performed by a PCT consultant, using a tool built specifically for mental health group practice, and a mitigation checklist to help you reduce your risks. 

      • **Spring Clean Your Practice sale on our RAMP service now through 3/17/23, save $50**

    Further Resources & References

    Episode 308: [Risk Management] Unlocking the Mysteries and Benefits of a Risk Analysis with PCT

    Episode 308: [Risk Management] Unlocking the Mysteries and Benefits of a Risk Analysis with PCT

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech.

    In our latest episode, we dive deep on the process of HIPAA security risk analysis in a group practice context.

    We discuss why risk analysis is overwhelming; reframing the way you consider risk analysis; remembering what you are doing right; the recent annual report to Congress from HHS and the Office of Civil Rights (OCR); general requirements for a risk analysis; how PCT approaches risk analysis (in 2 hours!); categories of risk; the tangible benefits of risk analysis in group practice; risk mitigation plans; and approaching risk analysis without burning out.

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    For more, visit our website.


    PCT's HIPAA Risk Analysis & Risk Mitigation Service for mental health group practices -- have us perform your risk analysis and do all the heavy lifting of this foundational HIPAA requirement


    HHS' Guidance on Risk Analysis


    HHS Office of Civil Rights emphasized the need for increased compliance with the Risk Analysis requirement in the recently (2/17/2023) released Annual Report to Congress on Breaches of Unsecured Protected Health Information:

    "Risk Analysis. The Security Rule requires regulated entities to conduct an accurate and thorough assessment of the potential risks and vulnerabilities to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of ePHI held by the covered entity or business associate. Failures to conduct a risk analysis leave regulated entities vulnerable to breaches of unsecured ePHI as cybersecurity attacks are increasing."

    Episode 307: [Practice Management] Burnout Management for Leadership & Teams -- How to be Sustainable & Secure, with Gabrielle Juliano-Villani

    Episode 307: [Practice Management] Burnout Management for Leadership & Teams -- How to be Sustainable & Secure, with Gabrielle Juliano-Villani

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech.

    In our latest episode, Liath chats with group practice consultant Gabrielle Juliano-Villani about burnout prevention for group practice leaders.

    We discuss Gabrielle’s background in group practice; the importance of a holistic approach; whether burnout is inevitable; building a balanced life; managing burnout for group practice leaders; getting clear on boundaries and expectations; aligning values; nervous system mapping; delegating; slowing down and being mindful as leaders; doing your own work; believing in yourself as the antidote to imposter syndrome; and the tech resources Gabrielle uses in her work. 

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    For more, visit our website.


    Gabrielle's next training for PCT:  Teletherapy with Older Adults: Clinical Effectiveness, Legal-Ethical Considerations, and Strategies of Support  (2 legal-ethical CE)

    All the ways to connect with Gabrielle, her resources and support:

    Gabrielle’s Website  

    Gabrielle’s Create An Abundant Group Practice FB Group 

    Medicare Consulting for Therapists Website  

    Medicare Consulting for Therapists FB Group

    Gabrielle’s Instagram

    Gabrielle’s TikTok

    Gabrielle’s LinkedIn

    The PCT Way System for optimizing and fortifying your mental health group practice

    PCT's Group Practice Care Premium: one of the key resource, support and team management systems to manage device security, remote workspace security, HIPAA and ethics trainings for group practices

    Episode 306: [Tech Tips & Security Awareness] LastPass Data Breach, What You Need to Know and Do

    Episode 306: [Tech Tips & Security Awareness] LastPass Data Breach, What You Need to Know and Do

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech.

    In our latest episode, we discuss the recent LastPass password manager data breach and what impacted users can do. 

    We discuss the extent of the breach; options for LastPass users (changing all of your passwords, switching to a different service); being wary of phishing attacks after data breaches; security reminders; spotting social engineering attacks; creating strong passwords; changing default security settings; how to approach changing years’ worth of passwords; our recommendations for password managers; whether BAAs are necessary with password managers; and contingency planning.  

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    For more, visit our website.


    Change password strength requirement rules on Last Pass, to 310,000, how-to article [recommended for ALL Last Pass users]

    Article on the LastPass breach 

    Security Awareness assignable staff training: HIPAA Security Topical Trainings Grab-Bag 

    PCT'S HIPAA-Security Awareness Meme-Minders (free!)

    PCT's Group Practice Care Premium service with Group Practice Office Hours direct support and consultation service

    Episode 305: [Tech Tips] What's the Deal with Google's new "Client Side Encryption" for Gmail?

    Episode 305: [Tech Tips] What's the Deal with Google's new "Client Side Encryption" for Gmail?

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech.

    In our latest episode, we dig into Google’s new email feature, client side encryption within Google Workspace. 

    We discuss what client side encryption really is; who will have access to this new feature; whether it meets the application needs for mental health group practices; TLS, or transport layer security; what to have in place with clients before sending email; and email best practices to keep everything HIPAA hunky dory. 

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    For more, visit our website.


    Google brings client-side encryption to Gmail for Workspace

    Google's "about client side encryption"

    Google's Transparency Report on Email Encryption in Transit

    PCT's Request for Non-Secure Communications Form (free!)

    PCT's free Service Selection Workbook for Group Practices

    PCT's Group Practice Care Premium service with Group Practice Office Hours direct support and consultation service

    CE training: Smooth and Secure Use of Phone, Text, Email, and Video to Meet Modern Clients Where They Are: Legal-Ethical and Real-World Considerations

    Episode 304: [Regulatory Changes] 2023 Practice Primer on Regulatory Changes & What Your Practice Needs to do for Compliance

    Episode 304: [Regulatory Changes] 2023 Practice Primer on Regulatory Changes & What Your Practice Needs to do for Compliance

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech.

    In our latest episode, we chat with Eric Ström, JD PhD LMHC to give you a preview on what regulatory changes to expect in 2023 and how to confidently navigate your practice through them. 

    We discuss shocking HHS guidance on remote communication technologies and BAAs; phone companies that offer BAAs; traditional phone services vs. VOIP services; enforcement policies; providing Good Faith Estimates to 3rd party payers; providing GFEs for all clients; proposed HIPAA privacy rule changes; new timeframes for releasing records; telehealth reimbursement and provider location; cross jurisdictional practice examples from Alaska and Maryland; requesting temporary permission to practice in another state; and how to do jurisdictional due diligence; and our upcoming training with Eric on 1/13/23. 

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    For more, visit our website.


    PCT CE legal-ethical training (2 CE, live and recorded) for your 2023 practice primer: Regulatory Changes & Their Implications: What You Need to Know to be in Compliance for a Legal-Ethical Mental Health Practice

    HHS Guidance on How the HIPAA Rules Permit Covered Health Care Providers and Health Plans to Use Remote Communication Technologies for Audio-Only Telehealth

    PCT's free Service Selection Workbook for Group Practices

    The PCT Way System for optimizing and fortifying your mental health group practice

    Group Practice Care Premium with PCT's direct support and consultation service for mental health group practice owners, Group Practice Office Hours with the PCT consulting team and Eric Ström, JD PhD LMHC

    Episode 303: [Tech Tips] Remote & Mobile Workspace Considerations for You and Your Team

    Episode 303: [Tech Tips] Remote & Mobile Workspace Considerations for You and Your Team

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech.

    In our latest episode, Liath and Evan offer both security and practical considerations for remote workspaces.

    We discuss working remotely during holidays; work life balance; network security considerations; untrusted networks as a public health issue; how to beef up network security; guest networks; VPN pros and cons; mobile hotspots; balancing security and connectivity for clinical effectiveness; and our Remote Workspace Center through Group Practice Care Premium.

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    Stay tuned for our next episode with guest Eric Ström, JD, PhD, LMHC, who gives us a legal-ethical practice primer for 2023. 

    For more, visit our website.


    JD Supra article on HIPAA Compliance Guidelines for Remote Workers

    PCT's Group Practice Care Premium service with assignable staff HIPAA Security Awareness: Remote Workspaces training for all team members + access to Remote Workspace Center with step-by-step tutorials & registration forms for documenting Remote Workspaces

    PCT's HIPAA Risk Analysis & Risk Mitigation service for mental health group practices

    PCT's HIPAA Manual for Group Practices 

    Group Practice Tech
    enDecember 03, 2022

    Episode 302: [Recruiting & Growth] How Incorporating Interns & Supervisees into Your Group Practice can be the Solution to the Recruitment & Hiring Challenge, with Dr. Tara Sanderson

    Episode 302: [Recruiting & Growth] How Incorporating Interns & Supervisees into Your Group Practice can be the Solution to the Recruitment & Hiring Challenge, with Dr. Tara Sanderson

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech.

    In our latest episode, Liath chats with Dr. Tara Sanderson about overcoming hiring challenges by bringing on interns and supervisees (legally and ethically) to your group practice. 

    We discuss training the next generation of practitioners; meeting the present demand for care; cohort style group practice model vs longer term models; getting paid by insurance for supervisees and interns; differences between trainees in the medical field and the mental health field; keeping track of supervisory billing for each insurance company; negotiating insurance contracts and how rates are impacted; how to structure compensation; pros of this model vs hiring fully licensed clinicians; the software and systems to use to keep things running efficiently; considerations for keeping clinicians around post-licensure; and how you can work with Tara to bring interns and supervisees to your group practice. 

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    Stay tuned for future episodes!

    For more, visit our website.


    Dr. Sanderson's website for her full training on How to Have Interns in Your Practice, which includes an Intern Manual + forms; plus additional resources, and consultation with Dr. Sanderson.

    Dr. Sanderson's CE training series at PCT: Incorporation of Interns and Supervisees in Mental Health Private Practice: Legal-Ethical, Training, and System Resource Management Considerations

    The PCT Way System for optimizing and fortifying your mental health group practice

    PCT's Group Practice Care Premium: one of the key resource, support and team management systems Dr. Sanderson utilizes to manage device security, remote workspace security, HIPAA and ethics trainings for her team of interns and supervisees

    Group Practice Tech
    enNovember 26, 2022

    Episode 301: Remembering & Celebrating the Great Roy Huggins

    Episode 301: Remembering & Celebrating the Great Roy Huggins

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Evan Dumas, your co-hosts of Group Practice Tech.

    In our latest episode, we share memories of our beloved Roy Huggins, founder of PCT, whom we unexpectedly lost in November 2021. 

    The Person Centered Tech team wanted to take the time to share our fond remembrance of him, and to hear from folks in our community, as Roy enriched so many of our lives. Please join us as we remember and celebrate Roy. 

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    Stay tuned for future episodes!

    For more, visit our website.


    See more memories of Roy, and to add your own if you wish.

    Learn more about the offerings Roy and his team at PCT created specifically for you as a mental health group practice owner. 

    Listen to Roy talk about the PCT Way system in his last Group Practice Tech podcast episode: Episode 223 [Practice Management] The PCT Way, What It Is and Why It Works.

    Group Practice Tech
    enNovember 19, 2022

    Episode 223 [Practice Management] The PCT Way, What It Is and Why It Works

    Episode 223 [Practice Management] The PCT Way, What It Is and Why It Works

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Roy Huggins, your co-hosts of Person Centered Tech.

    In our latest episode, we’re talking about The PCT Way. 

    We discuss how we developed The PCT Way; simplifying HIPAA compliance needs; minimizing financial cost as well as time, energy, anxiety, and cognitive overhead; meeting your practice needs and client needs in a way that’s efficient and reliably HIPAA compliant; systems vs. frameworks; solo vs. group practice needs; system bloat; the five primary steps of The PCT Way (service selection, HIPAA training, device security, risk analysis, and building your HIPAA security compliance manual); new features on the Person Centered Tech website; why HIPAA compliance is optional; and being proactive with the PCT Way. 

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    Stay tuned for future episodes!

    For more, visit our website.


    The PCT Way for Group Practices - a system for making your *whole* practice work. Learn more, and start for free.

    Group Practice Care: PCT Way is the system. Practice care is the service that supports you through it.

    Celebratory Launch + Black Friday + Cyber Monday Sale. Save up to 25% on Group Practice Care (annual) *and* role-based staff HIPAA, ethics, and teletherapy trainings (CE for clinical staff trainings).

    Build Your Team -- add your team and assign and track their HIPAA Security Tasks, including:

    • Our nationally respected, role-based HIPAA and privacy ethics training built for mental health staff (CE for clinical staff)
    • Vital, relevant security awareness training
    • Personal device securing (BYOD) and registration
    • Automate kind reminders when needed
    • Track your team’s progress and completion status
    • Manage your team with separate, revocable logins, assigned content, and detailed training logs so you can stay on top of your team’s HIPAA compliance tasks — without the drama.

    Episode 222 [Practice Management] Best Tips to Find Professional Services to Grow Your Practice with guest Uriah Guilford

    Episode 222 [Practice Management] Best Tips to Find Professional Services to Grow Your Practice with guest Uriah Guilford

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Roy Huggins, your co-hosts of Person Centered Tech.

    In our latest episode, we’re talking with Uriah Guilford of The Productive Therapist about helping therapists find the tools they need to be successful. 

    We discuss Uriah’s business directory for therapists and its origins, how to pick the right service for your needs, common mistakes therapists make when choosing service providers, how good support is life-changing, focusing on what we’re good at, tips on how and when to delegate, how to afford help when you’re starting out, the toll of holding onto all the hats as a leader, spending your energy on your vision, intake coordinator as a sales position, learning from negative experiences with delegating, trusting people to fulfill their roles, and some of Uriah’s personal favorite services for group practice. 

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    Stay tuned for future episodes!

    For more, visit our website.


    The Productive Therapist

    The Productive Therapist Business Directory for Therapists

    PCT's Free Service Selection for Mental Health Group Practices Workbook

    Group Practice Office Hours (direct support and consultation service from PCT team and Eric Strom, JD PhD LMHC)

    *Free* Distress Less Series (Therapy for Therapists)

    PCT's Group Practice HIPAA Security Programs (that also help you leverage your practice tech tools to optimize functionality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness!)

    Group Practice Tech
    enOctober 29, 2021

    Episode 221: [Payment Methods] Zelle, Paypal, and Venmo; Are They "HIPAA Compliant?"

    Episode 221: [Payment Methods] Zelle, Paypal, and Venmo; Are They "HIPAA Compliant?"

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Roy Huggins, your co-hosts of Person Centered Tech.

    In our latest episode, we’re talking about payment processors like Zelle, Paypal, and Venmo. 

    We discuss the term “HIPAA compliant”; compliance as a process; using “compliant” products in a noncompliant way; our favorite example, Google Workspace; unencrypted email; special HIPAA exceptions, like the conduit exception; the exception for payment processing; making informed choices from a risk management perspective; apps selling user information; collecting payments through your practice management system and Stripe; Square for solo practice; and payment processing fees.

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    Stay tuned for future episodes!

    For more, visit our website.


    CE Training: Teletherapy and Remote Payment Methods, Legal-Ethical and Practical Considerations

    Article: Banks and HIPAA: Checks & Credit Cards vs. Receipts & Invoices 

    More details on the HIPAA exemption for financial institutions

    Article: Clients Have the Right to Receive Unencrypted Emails (and Texts) Under HIPAA

    PCT's Free, Editable Electronic Communication Consent Form

    PCT's Free Service Selection for Mental Health Group Practices Workbook

    *Free* Distress Less Series (Therapy for Therapists)

    PCT's Group Practice HIPAA Security Programs (that also help you leverage your practice tech tools to optimize functionality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness!)

    Group Practice Office Hours (direct support and consultation service from PCT team and Eric Strom, JD PhD LMHC) 

    Group Practice Tech
    enOctober 22, 2021

    Episode 220: [Advocacy] Fighting the Amazons of Mental Health Practice

    Episode 220: [Advocacy] Fighting the Amazons of Mental Health Practice

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Roy Huggins, your co-hosts of Person Centered Tech.

    In our latest episode, we discuss the fight for the future of mental health private practice. 

    We chat about the Amazons of mental health, qualitative differences in care for group practices and mental health platforms, whether group practice is less viable right now, minute mental health, the therapeutic relationship, consumer choice, differentiating your practice from what these services can offer, payment parity for teletherapy, coverage parity, meeting the current demand for therapy, getting paid as a legislative issue, bipartisan support for telehealth coverage and payment parity, and ways to advocate for payment parity.

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    Stay tuned for future episodes!

    For more, visit our website.


    Parity Laws by State

    Will Telehealth Payment Parity Be Permanent or a Passing Fancy?

    Previous Episode of Group Practice Tech - Episode 126: [The Teletherapy Lawyer] How Are We Going to Get Teletherapy Payment Parity After COVID?

    *Free* Distress Less Series (Therapy for Therapists)  

    Group Practice Office Hours (direct support and consultation service from PCT team and Eric Strom, JD PhD LMHC)     

    PCT's Group Practice Teletherapy Programs, including PCT's Teletherapy Certified Practice Program   

    Group Practice Tech
    enOctober 15, 2021

    Episode 219 [Distress Less] There's No Such Thing as the HIPAA Police

    Episode 219 [Distress Less] There's No Such Thing as the HIPAA Police

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Roy Huggins, your co-hosts of Person Centered Tech.

    In our latest episode, we’re talking about fear-mongering around HIPAA compliance. 

    We discuss the HIPAA police and why people think they’re real, the consequences of noncompliance, the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), approaching security from a fear-based perspective vs a practical perspective, what to do when there’s a breach of information, how disclosures frequently happen, notifying the OCR and clients, managing client trust, taking remedial action, not letting stress escalate, that notification doesn’t equal punishment, reducing the likelihood of a breach, real risk scenarios for group practice, not acting out of fear, and our upcoming Distress Less series. 

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    Stay tuned for future episodes!

    For more, visit our website.


    *Free* Distress Less Series (Therapy for Therapists) 

    Article: What is HIPAA Breach Notification?

    PCT's Risk Analysis and Risk Mitigation Planning HIPAA Security Module (done *for* you)

    PCT's Group Practice HIPAA Security Programs (that also help you leverage your practice tech tools to optimize functionality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness!) 

    Group Practice Office Hours (direct support and consultation service from PCT team and Eric Strom, JD PhD LMHC)   

    Episode 218 [Workforce Management] Sanity Tips for the "Great Resignation"

    Episode 218 [Workforce Management] Sanity Tips for the "Great Resignation"

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Roy Huggins, your co-hosts of Person Centered Tech.

    In our latest episode, we’re talking about ways to manage the onboarding and offboarding processes in group practice.  

    We discuss why therapists + practice leaders in particular are burned out right now, why so many folks are going out on their own, how HIPAA is involved in onboarding and offboarding, the HIPAA Security Rule, access to PHI, background checks, due diligence, identifying roles within your practice, ways to optimize onboarding for efficiency and user friendliness, checklists, revoking access to PHI, documentation, access to records, dealing with contentious offboarding, and our upcoming free seminar on onboarding and offboarding with compliance and ease in mind. 

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    Stay tuned for future episodes!

    For more, visit our website.


    Onboarding and Offboarding with Compliance and Ease in Mind -- Live Seminar on growth management and onboarding/offboarding clinicians for group practice leadership

    *Free* Distress Less Series (Therapy for Therapists)

    PCT's Free Service Selection for Mental Health Group Practices Workbook   

    Group Practice Office Hours (direct support and consultation service from PCT team and Eric Strom, JD PhD LMHC)

    Episode 217 [Practice Profitability] Tips to Grow and Manage Stress with Julie Herres from GreenOak Accounting

    Episode 217 [Practice Profitability] Tips to Grow and Manage Stress with Julie Herres from GreenOak Accounting

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Roy Huggins, your co-hosts of Person Centered Tech.

    In our latest episode, we’re talking about stress management and money with Julie Herres from GreenOak Accounting. 

    We discuss overwhelm, stress cycles, why things are so stressful for group practice owners right now, private practice trends, time vs. money, ways to manage increased stresses, business health and money from a holistic perspective, hiring challenges, managing fear and scarcity, investing in support, delegating tips, practical steps to manage finances effectively, service selection and setting up systems, and HIPAA considerations with accounting software.

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    Stay tuned for future episodes!

    For more, visit our website.


    Green Oak Accounting, specialized accounting for mental health professionals and group practices

    Julie and Green Oak Accounting’s podcast, Therapy for Your Money

    Julie's EHRs and QuickBooks articl

    PCT's Free Service Selection for Mental Health Group Practices Workbook  

    Group Practice Office Hours (direct support and consultation service from PCT team and Eric Strom, JD PhD LMHC)

    Episode 216: [Tech Tips] Internet Security at Home, in The Office, and On The Go

    Episode 216: [Tech Tips] Internet Security at Home, in The Office, and On The Go

    Welcome solo and group practice owners! We are Liath Dalton and Roy Huggins, your co-hosts of Person Centered Tech.

    In our latest episode, we’re talking about using the internet securely wherever you are. 

    We discuss what an internet connection actually is, vulnerabilities in network connections, network security, guest networks, physical security of network hardware, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), avoiding lag time with a VPN, using personal devices, cellular hotspots, and our course on security and home offices. 

    Listen here: https://personcenteredtech.com/group/podcast/

    Stay tuned for future episodes!

    For more, visit our website.


    Remote Workplace HIPAA Security Module (document pack + training) 

    On-demand training: Teletherapy From the Home or Mobile Office: HIPAA, Ethical, and Standard of Care Issues (1 CE credit hour, legal-ethical)  

    Article: With a VPN, Your Staff Can Work Just About Anywhere

    Article: The Traveling Telemental Health Therapist’s Best Friend: VPNs 

    Free Service Selection PCT Workbook 

    Group Practice Office Hours (direct support and consultation service from PCT consulting team and teletherapy & HIPAA attorney Eric Strom, JD PhD LMHC)