
    GSM Revolution Podcast

    The Revolution Podcast is a podcast dedicated to the NBC TV show Revolution. Each episode discusses the mystery and story lines of Revolution, character development, theories and fan feedback. Send in your feedback at 304-837-2278 or feedback@goldenspiralmedia.com.
    enGolden Spiral Media105 Episodes

    Episodes (105)

    TRP 244-The Revolution Podcast Episode 244-Exclusive David Rambo Interview

    TRP 244-The Revolution Podcast Episode 244-Exclusive David Rambo Interview

    In episode 244 of The Revolution Podcast we are excited to bring you our exclusive interview with co-executive producer and writer of NBC's Revolution, David Rambo. We spoke with David the day after the Revolution series finale aired on NBC.

    David shared his story about how he got into writing and what the writing process is like for him. He also shares some fun moments from the Revolution writers room, and how other works from Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, and The Twilight Zone influenced Revolution.

    We also asked David the question that fans have been asking since the early episodes of Revolution season 1, "Is Miles the true father of Charlie?" His answer will probably surprise you! Additionally, we spoke with David about what fans would have seen in season 3, if Aaron's pendant would have played a part, and was there really a light in the middle of the ocean shown in an early Revolution promotion video? Of course, Jeremy had to find out if time travel would have played a part in the series! Read More...

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    TRP 243-The Revolution Podcast Episode 243-Feedback For Declaration of Independence

    TRP 243-The Revolution Podcast Episode 243-Feedback For Declaration of Independence

    In episode 243 of The Revolution Podcast we share the awesome feedback about the Revolution series finale that we received from our listening audience. Most of the listeners agreed that "Declaration of Independence" would have made a fantastic season finale, but leaves us wanting a whole lot more and a bit dissatisfied because it turned out to be the series finale.

    We hear some thoughts on why the show was not renewed, and what could have been done differently, but most feedbackers share their thoughts on the characters and stories of this season. We hear thoughts about the community of Revolution fans that have contributed to The Revolution Podcast, differing opinions on what Connor would have done next, and what Monroe's position might have been in the Texas government.

    We also hear opinions on what the nano would have done next and how the band of heroes might have successfully defeated them. Most listeners express relief that the story with the Patriots was resolved at the end of the episode so they got some closure there. We also share what listeners said they will miss most about Revolution in our Twitter segment. Read More...

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    TRP 242-The Revolution Podcast Episode 242-Declaration of Independence Review

    TRP 242-The Revolution Podcast Episode 242-Declaration of Independence Review

    In episode 242 of The Revolution Podcast we review the series finale of NBC's Revolution entitled, "Declaration of Independence." Since this episode was written as a season finale and not as a series finale, we look at it from both perspectives, giving it latitude for not being a proper series finale. We discuss the points of the story that had a sense of resolution such as the relationships with Miles, Charlie, and Rachel. We also talk about the seeming end to the Patriot storyline and whether or not Monroe joined their ranks as a leader of Texas. We talk about the nanites plan to draw people to Bradbury, Idaho and what that might have looked like in season 3 and we talk about the way that our band of heroes was finally able to out smart and out maneuver the Patriots.

    We also talk about the conflict between Connor and Monroe and how Monroe ultimately chose to side with Miles. We discuss whether or not this served as redemption for Monroe, and whether or not Connor would have ended up back with Monroe, or followed Tom to Idaho.

    We also tease several details that we learned during our interview with Revolution co-executive producer and writer, David Rambo. That episode will be number 244 and we'll be releasing it in a few days. Read More...

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    Revolution 2×22 Declaration of Independence First Impressions

    Revolution 2×22 Declaration of Independence First Impressions

    The Revolution series finale entitled, "Declaration of Independence" aired on May 21, 2014 and here are my initial thoughts on "Declaration of Independence."

    It was a good episode and would have made a fantastic season finale. The episode looked like it would give us some resolution, but then the development in the last few minutes changed all of that and left us with almost no resolution.

    Bass has been a very interesting character all season just when we thought we couldn't trust him and he's back to his old ways, he goes and does some noble things in this episode.

    Season 3 would have featured the fictional town Bradbury, Idaho and I can't help but wonder if many of the stories would have been based on some of the fantastic literary works of Ray Bradbury. Read More...

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    47- You Want Change With That?

    47- You Want Change With That?

    Tomorrow will be the end of an era. On Wednesday, May 21, 2014, the final episode of Revolution will air on NBC. Once it ends and we record our podcasts on Thursday night, it will mark the first time since we started podcasting in 2008 that Golden Spiral Media will not have a podcast about a currently airing TV show. Yes, we’ll still have our LOST podcast, and Triplecast is coming back in the next couple of weeks, but it’s a distinction that’s worth noting.

    It’s worth noting because we have tried very hard to avoid this situation. When we weren’t sure if Fringe would get a fifth season, we made the decision early to find a show that we could get excited about and start covering it. We didn’t want there to be a lapse in our shows and take the risk of losing the audience we’d spent four years (at that point) building.
    It turned out that Fringe did get a fifth season, albeit a shortened one, so for several months, we had two shows that we were covering. When the show runner for Fringe announced he had a new show called Almost Human, we immediately got on board with that too. That meant that this TV season we covered Revolution and Almost Human.

    While we get to choose the shows that we will podcast about, we certainly have no influence on deciding when or if those shows will be canceled. Despite doubling down our efforts and doing all we could to make sure we always had a show to look forward to, FOX cancelled Almost Human and NBC cancelled Revolution, and both of our podcasts got cancelled right along with them.

    A year ago I would have been in a quiet panic. I’m the type of person who has to have everything planned out with as much advance as possible. I’m also a bit of a control freak, although I’d like to think I’ve come a long way in that area. Read More...

    The post 47- You Want Change With That? appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    TRP 241-The Revolution Podcast Episode 241-Feedback For Memorial Day

    TRP 241-The Revolution Podcast Episode 241-Feedback For Memorial Day

    In episode 241 of The Revolution Podcast we share the listener feedback we received for the penultimate episode of NBC's Revolution entitled, "Memorial Day" which aired on May 14, 2014. We hear some great thoughts and theories about how the show might end and which portions of the story will have some sort of closure. We also hear thoughts about the necklace that Truman gave Marion, the relationship growth between Charlie and Miles, the flawed plans of the Patriots, and Miles' new attitude.

    We also hear thoughts about the use of the word evolution in the opening title sequence of the show and how that makes more sense now than ever before. We hear listener thoughts on how the book "American Gods" ties in to the show and a cool theory about Truman and the nanites. Read More...

    The post TRP 241-The Revolution Podcast Episode 241-Feedback For Memorial Day appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    TRP 240-The Revolution Podcast Episode 240-Memorial Day Review

    TRP 240-The Revolution Podcast Episode 240-Memorial Day Review

    In episode 240 of The Revolution Podcast we review the penultimate episode of NBC's Revolution called "Memorial Day" which aired on May 14, 2014. In our review of the episode we discuss Rachel's discovery of the nano's limitations and whether or not they are true limitations that could be exploited. We also talk about the train heist and the new alliance between Connor and Tom.

    We also discuss the shock at seeing President Davis and General Carver together, the death of Marion, and whether or not President Davis will die in the Revolution series finale. We also talk about a few possible ways that we think the nanites could be defeated in next week's series finale. Read More...

    The post TRP 240-The Revolution Podcast Episode 240-Memorial Day Review appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    TRP 239-The Revolution Podcast Episode 239-Feedback For Tomorrowland

    TRP 239-The Revolution Podcast Episode 239-Feedback For Tomorrowland

    In episode 239 of The Revolution Podcast we share listener feedback and theories that we received about season 2 episode 20 of NBC's Revolution, "Tomorrowland."

    Most listeners felt like this episode was really good as it positioned several characters and plot pieces to what looks to be a very exciting final two episodes of the season. We hear insight on the yellow cross mustard gas, Tom's desperation and killing of Shaw, and whether or not Tom and Bass are redeemable at this point.

    We also hear some interesting thoughts on Tom and Bass working together again, Miles and Bass parting ways, and whether or not Julia is dead. Additionally we hear some thoughts about Truman, whether or not Monroe has truly learned from his past, and much more! Read More...

    The post TRP 239-The Revolution Podcast Episode 239-Feedback For Tomorrowland appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    TRP 238-The Revolution Podcast Episode 238-Tomorrowland Review

    TRP 238-The Revolution Podcast Episode 238-Tomorrowland Review

    In episode 238 of The Revolution Podcast we review season 2 episode 20 of NBC's Revolution entitled, "Tomorrowland." We discuss nano-Priscilla's continued manipulation of humans and misunderstanding of humanity. We also discuss the Patriot's use of mustard gas and the division it has caused between Miles and Monroe. We talk about what the ramifications might be of having Miles and Monroe split up, the use of the mercenaries, and how Tom Neville might also change the plans of Miles and Monroe.

    We also talk about the events that happened in Washington DC between Director Truman and President Davis, whether or not Julia might still be alive, the death of Shaw, and whether or not we agree more with Miles' strategy or Monroe's strategy. Read More...

    The post TRP 238-The Revolution Podcast Episode 238-Tomorrowland Review appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    Revolution 2×20 Tomorrowland First Impressions

    Revolution 2×20 Tomorrowland First Impressions

    Revolution season 2 episode 20 entitled, “Tomorrowland” aired on May 7, 2014 and here are my initial thoughts on "Tomorrowland.”

    We saw a definite change in attitude with Miles this week as he clearly aligned himself with Rachel and told her that he wants to be like her and create a better future with her and Charlie.

    Just when nanoPriscilla couldn't get any creepier, she tells Aaron that she plans on modifying the limbic system so that people will feel like they're happy.

    Tom and Monroe have once again found themselves fighting side by side. I don't like this new alliance but don't think it will be long lived.

    My question this week is, “Do you think Miles or Monroe has the best strategy and why?”
    Respond on Twitter by using the hashtag #REVTwit.

    The post Revolution 2×20 Tomorrowland First Impressions appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    TRP 237-The Revolution Podcast Episode 237-Feedback For $#!& Happens

    TRP 237-The Revolution Podcast Episode 237-Feedback For $#!& Happens

    In episode 237 of The Revolution Podcast we share some of the listener feedback we received for season 2 episode 19 of NBC's Revolution entitled, "$#!& Happens." Most of the listeners felt like the episode delivered excellent writing and incredible acting, but fell a little short on the action. Some listeners wanted more action, while others were fine with the lack of action since it was made up for by character development.

    We hear some varying opinions on Rachel and Bass, thoughts on what will happen with Charlie and Miles now that they each seem to have a new perspective, the behavior of the nanites, and the revelation of what was in the shack that Miles burned in the season 2 premiere. Read More...

    The post TRP 237-The Revolution Podcast Episode 237-Feedback For $#!& Happens appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    TRP 236-The Revolution Podcast Episode 236-$#!& Happens Review

    TRP 236-The Revolution Podcast Episode 236-$#!& Happens Review

    In episode 236 of The Revolution Podcast we review season 2 episode 19 of NBC's Revolution entitled, "$#!& Happens." During out discussion of the episode we share our thoughts on the revelation of what was in the shack that Miles burned down in the season 2 premiere episode and if was a good pay off. We also talk about the development of the nanites and how they are treating Aaron.

    Most of this episode had Miles by himself trapped in a basement and we discuss how this experience might have changed him and discuss some of the thing we liked and didn't like about how he handled that situation. Of course, we also talk about the interaction between Bass and Rachel, and the powerful scenes that Charlie and Tom shared. Read More...

    The post TRP 236-The Revolution Podcast Episode 236-$#!& Happens Review appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    Revolution 2×19 $#!& Happens First Impressions

    Revolution 2×19 $#!& Happens First Impressions

    Revolution season 2 episode 19 entitled, "$#!& Happens" aired on April 30, 2014 and here are my initial thoughts on "$#!& Happens."

    I loved the scenes with Charlie and Tom. Tracy Spiridakos and Giancarlo Esposito both did a fantastic job and I was surprised at moving it was.

    We finally got the mystery solved of what was in the box, the shack, that Miles burned at the beginning of the season. It was a better reveal that I imagined and I wonder if Aaron and Miles will ever know that each holds a piece to that puzzle.

    It seems to me that Charlie and Miles both will have a new perspective now. Armed with this new perspective, they will finally have what is needed to defeat the Patriots and the nanites.

    My question this week is, "What was your favorite moment of this episode?"

    The post Revolution 2×19 $#!& Happens First Impressions appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    TRP 235-The Revolution Podcast Episode 235-Feedback For Austin City Limits

    TRP 235-The Revolution Podcast Episode 235-Feedback For Austin City Limits

    In episode 235 of The Revolution Podcast we share the fan feedback we received for season 2, episode 18 of Revolution entitled, "Austin City Limits." We hear a lot of great thoughts and insights about the death of Jason and how it was a death that was earned by the great character arc that the writers gave Jason Neville. We also hear some theories on what will happen now that Jason is dead.

    Most listeners are more intrigued by the nanites than ever before as each episode paints the nanites as being more formidable than previously thought. We also hear thoughts about Texas and if they will join the fight against the Patriots, whether or not California will enter the picture, and which character is the least likely to be redeemed. We also hear some great feedback about how bleak the world of Revolution has become, whether or not Aaron will step up to be the moral guide or if he'll be more of a cowardly lion. Read More...

    The post TRP 235-The Revolution Podcast Episode 235-Feedback For Austin City Limits appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    TRP 234-The Revolution Podcast Episode 234-Austin City Limits Review

    TRP 234-The Revolution Podcast Episode 234-Austin City Limits Review

    In episode 234 of The Revolution Podcast we review season 2 episode 18 NBC's Revolution entitled, "Austin City Limits." SPOILER WARNING if you have not yet seen this episode. In our review we discuss this very powerful and emotional episode and the various developments with the characters. We discuss the death of Jason and great acting done by JD Pardo and Tracy Spiridakos, the directing and musical score of the episode, and the impact that Jason's death will have on Tom, Charlie, and the other characters. We also discuss the nanites revelation that they are in control of Priscilla and trying to feel what it's like to be human. Read More...

    The post TRP 234-The Revolution Podcast Episode 234-Austin City Limits Review appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    Revolution 2×18 Austin City Limits First Impressions

    Revolution 2×18 Austin City Limits First Impressions

    Revolution season 2 episode 18 entitled, "Austin City Limits" aired on April 2, 2014 and here are my initial thoughts on "Austin City Limits."

    This episode had a lot of hype due to the promotions that NBC ran about it after the previous episode aired and during the days leading up to this episode. It would have been easy to be disappointed if this episode didn't live up to the hype, but that was not the case. "Austin City Limits" was great!

    I am even more intrigued about Priscilla and what the nanites are doing with her. I'm sure Aaron will find a way to free her from the nanites but I have no idea how he'll do it.

    Jason's death was very well done. Both actors involved with the scene did great, the music and editing were very moving, and it really did bring the episode to a very impactful ending. Read More...

    The post Revolution 2×18 Austin City Limits First Impressions appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    TRP 233-The Revolution Podcast Episode 233-Feedback For Why We Fight

    TRP 233-The Revolution Podcast Episode 233-Feedback For Why We Fight

    In episode 233 of The Revolution Podcast we share the listener feedback we received for the 17th episode of Revolution season 2 entitled, "Why We Fight."  The episode was generally considered one of the darkest of the series so far and most Revolution fans liked it.  We received an interesting theory from Jenn about the Patriots and the possible role that the nanites have in their actions. Read More...

    The post TRP 233-The Revolution Podcast Episode 233-Feedback For Why We Fight appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    TRP 232-The Revolution Podcast Episode 232-Why We Fight Review

    TRP 232-The Revolution Podcast Episode 232-Why We Fight Review

    In episode 232 of The Revolution Podcast we review 17th episode of Revolution season 2 entitled, "Why We Fight." We talk about all of the character development in this episode, the changing moral stance of Rachel, Gene's philosophical approach to Miles, Monroe's dark path, Charlie's lack of hope, and the possibility that Connor will choose a different path than his dad.

    We also talk about the developments with Tom, Jason, Doyle, and Truman. We speculate on what Tom will do with Jason, what Truman's next move might be, and the death of Doyle. We also discuss the townspeople of Willoughby and how they will react now that their children have been killed. Will they see that Patriots are really to blame or will they hold team Miles responsible? Read More...

    The post TRP 232-The Revolution Podcast Episode 232-Why We Fight Review appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.

    Revolution 2×17 Why We Fight First Impressions

    Revolution 2×17 Why We Fight First Impressions

    Revolution season 2 episode 17 entitled, "Why We Fight" aired on March 19, 2014 and here are my initial thoughts on "Why We Fight."  The theme of the characters discussing and deciding why they fight began in "Exposition Boulevard" and carried over in a major way in "Why We Fight."

    I liked that Rachel apologized to Charlie.  She does not like the woman that Charlie has become and she realizes that she must take a lot of the responsibility for it.  She abandoned Charlie and wasn't around to help Ben with parenting responsibilities and since she's been back in Charlie's life she demonstrated a lot of bad behavior herself and been a bad influence on Charlie.  Rachel's apology doesn't change any of that and won't make Charlie better over night, but it is a step in the right direction.  Read More...

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    TRP 231-The Revolution Podcast Episode 231-Feedback For Exposition Boulevard

    TRP 231-The Revolution Podcast Episode 231-Feedback For Exposition Boulevard

    In episode 231 of The Revolution Podcast we share the listener feedback and theories we received for "Exposition Boulevard." We hear some very interesting and thought provoking theories about Aaron and Priscilla and the symbolism of them eating apples. We also hear some good insight about President Davis' son and how he might be a clue about the nanites intentions. Once again, stunt coordinator, Jeff Wolfe, received high praise for his work in this episode, specifically with the battle between team Neville/Truman and team Miles/Monroe. Read More...

    The post TRP 231-The Revolution Podcast Episode 231-Feedback For Exposition Boulevard appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.