
    管好你的英文!Mind Your English—6分鐘多益TOEIC、美式生活英文

    🎧頻道兩單元 【英道中出】 一起品味美國版PTT「Reddit」的趣味留言🧐 解讀母語人士的幽默🤫 掌握英語巧思和幽默技巧 【多益TOEIC】 將多益單字融會有趣時事及新知 TOEIC詞彙内容主要圍繞商務主題、 工作場景和日常溝通情境👩‍💻 最為適合非英語母語人士學習💯 ✧創作契機 四年外文系及英語教學經歷 認識到台灣英語教育弱點與不平等 致力於讓每個人都能有優良的英語學習管道 用有趣的主題和精簡的內容教學 讓學英文這件事不這麼痛苦困難 英語或許不是一切 但能帶你通往更大的世界 ✦每集僅6-8分鐘 在忙碌的生活中隨時隨地學習英語 每次和我們進步一點點✨ .IG: @mindyourenglish.tw (也可以追蹤我們的IG 獲得更多有用知識哦!) .Host: Harvey & Ariel .Bilingual: English & Mandarin .Updates: Every Wednesday & Sunday .Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com .支持我們繼續創作: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
    zh-HantHarvey & Ariel60 Episodes

    Episodes (60)


    🧎 Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw 🕺本集核心單字: Dorm (n) 宿舍 Furious (a) 超生氣! Damped (a) 淋濕 Vr for a pity play (ph) 假裝自己很可憐,想求關注 Boxer (n) 鬆鬆垮垮的四角內褲嘿嘿 🕺本集核心資訊: 主題: “AITA not coming home early to let my roommate back into the dorm?" 審判文件: The main character of this story is a 22 year old female. The pronoun would be I in the story.  I share a dorm with Quinn, my roommate.  I noticed that Quinn can be a bit forgetful about her key. I often remind her to bring a key, but also will usually swing back to the dorm if I got a phone call from Quinn. Obviously, save Quinn from being locked out. **However, one time I was on a movie date, before the movie started, Quin texted again if she could come home to let her back in. ** Poor me still replied to her, saying i would be back to let her in after the date, and turned off my phone. It rained heavily that afternoon, so on my way back to the dorm, I kept calling Quin where the hell is she. Surprisingly, Quinn had just been standing outside since the movie started. Well, she’s damped and furious. Quinn blamed me for getting damped and unsafe(cuz unable to get inside.) She even wanna report it to the dorm assistant.  So reddit, am i the asshole for not coming home early to let my roommate back into the dorm? ✦快留言讓我們知道你們想聽什麼!或讚美讚美我們,缺愛! ✧ Every Wednesday and Saturday ✦ Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw ✧ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✦ Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de

    【S2E3|Toeic/News】養一名立委一年要花一千萬! 幫選民喬事情/關在立院修法不理民意? 西方代議民主理論證明這些行為合理!?

    【S2E3|Toeic/News】養一名立委一年要花一千萬! 幫選民喬事情/關在立院修法不理民意? 西方代議民主理論證明這些行為合理!?
    Instagram: @mindyourenglish.tw |本集討論| 養一名立委將一年花掉國庫一千萬 因此更應重視、嚴格監督 你支持為選民服務、跑地方的立委 還是著重於修法的立委呢? 本集將介紹兩種立委的原型學說及緣由: 西方民主理論的Delegate Model委任說及Trustee Model全權委任說 |本集單字| • 全權委任模式 Trustee Model ; trustee (n.) 受託人 • 委任模式 Delegate Model ; delegate (n.) 代表 • legislator (n.) 立法委員 • representative (n.) 代表(者)、代表人 • mouthpiece (n.) 傳聲筒; 喉舌; 發言人 • constituent (n.) 選民 • on behalf of (ph.) 代表 (作動詞用) • contrast (v.) (n.) 相反 ; In contrast, … 反之,… • multidimensional (adj.) 多方位的、多層面的 ; multi-多個 dimension 層面、面向、維度 小額贊助:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de

    【S2E2|Reddit/Gossip】就是要忙到懷疑人生!忙碌才會備受尊重? Ariel骨子裡其實是idler呵呵

    【S2E2|Reddit/Gossip】就是要忙到懷疑人生!忙碌才會備受尊重? Ariel骨子裡其實是idler呵呵
    Instagram: @mindyourenglish.tw |本集討論| 忙碌、耍廢,該怎麼選擇? Harvey忙到不可思議,但酒不可少! 亞洲文化是怎麼包容、尊重忙碌的? 大學生掃校園,是向心力的表現? |本集單字| • busy person (n.) 大忙人 • idler (n.) 無所事事的人 • energetic (a.) 有活力的 • veg out (v.) 耍廢 • couch potato (n.) 只會呼吸的肉 • workaholic (n.) 工作狂 小額贊助:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de


    Instagram: @mindyourenglish.tw |本集討論| 原來立法院竟然要負責國會外交 包含先前造成話題旋風的裴洛西訪台 立法院為什麼要外交? 跟我們外交上的限制是否有關係? |本集單字| • speaker (n.) (議會等立法機構的)議長、院長 • sitting (n.) (國會、法庭)開會、開庭 • diplomacy (n.) 外交 • parliament (n.) 國會 • congress (n.) 代表大會 Congress (n.) 美國國會 • legislature (n.) 立法機構 • legislative (adj.) 立法 • pro- (prefix) 親;支持 pro-China (adj.) 親中 • political party consultation 黨團協商 • buckle up 繫好安全帶 • folks (n.) 夥伴們、人們 • get shaken up 被鬆動 *更錯:國民議會非立法院前身,謝謝戴淯琮教授指正 小額贊助:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de

    【Ep55|道英two説16】 快來看看奇葩慶生故事!Harvey怎麼逃過廚餘慶生?又為什麼慶生,母親大人要報警?

    【Ep55|道英two説16】 快來看看奇葩慶生故事!Harvey怎麼逃過廚餘慶生?又為什麼慶生,母親大人要報警?
    🧎 Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw 🧎廢話太多,大家可以挑有興趣的聽! 0:00~1:20 聖誕節要幹嘛!Harvey只想入贅,不想努力 1:20~4:00 老婆忘記丈夫生日,竟然還被罵?豈有天理? 4:00~5:22 別怕丈夫!我跟Ariel都挺爆你! 5:22~7:00 同學準備廚餘幫Harvey慶生,那Harvey怎麼逃過一劫? 7:00~7:30 Ariel高中是小太妹,只能被.. 7:30~9:30 校草被綁在樹上慶生,怎麼會有人報警? 🕺本集核心資訊: 主題: “AITA for crying when my wife forgot my birthday?” 審判文件: When I (36M) was a kid my parents never celebrated my birthday the only reason I even knew what day my birthday was was because of family members wishing me a happy birthday. I try really hard to make everyone I'm close to have a really good birthday. I guess my logic is so they feel wanted and appreciated and not how I felt as a kid. It was my birthday yesterday and my wife (35F) didn't mention it at all she didn't say happy birthday to me or anything. I don't really care too much about presents or doing anything special. It just would've been nice for her to at least acknowledge that it was my birthday. I did wait until midnight in case she was doing that thing that they do in movies where the person pretends they have forgotten someone's birthday when they actually haven't. After it turned 12 it's really embarrassing but I just kinda broke down crying. I know it's stupidly crying over something that isn't a big deal but it just made me feel how I felt as a kid and it just brought back a lot of feelings and memories from my childhood. My wife walked in on me crying she asked me what was wrong and once I told her she got really angry and accused me of trying to make her feel bad for something that's not important. She was shouting at me a lot and she was quite loud which woke my daughter up so I left the room to put her back to sleep. So, AITA for crying when my wife forgot my birthday? ✦快留言讓我們知道你們想聽什麼!或讚美讚美我們,缺愛! ✧ Every Wednesday and Saturday ✦ Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw ✧ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✦ Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de


    ✧本集討論: 本集從媒體操縱、經濟、與文化角度切入 探討本次政府先斬後奏的引進印度勞工決策 為何引起台灣人民如此強烈的反對!? ✦ 本集核心單字: indifferent(adj.) 不感興趣的、冷漠的 rhetoric(n.) 很有說服力、煽動性的言論、作品 no shit(ph.) “難道不明顯嗎?”(口語用法) objective(adj.) 客觀的 the dog in the manger(ph.) 佔著茅坑不拉屎 ✧ Every Wednesday ✦ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✧Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de

    【Ep53|道英two説15】 吃素還要幫朋友付牛排錢?你和朋友有過什麼金錢上的糾紛嗎?跟各位偷偷說Ariel的薪水9000拉!

    【Ep53|道英two説15】 吃素還要幫朋友付牛排錢?你和朋友有過什麼金錢上的糾紛嗎?跟各位偷偷說Ariel的薪水9000拉!
    🧎 Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw 🧎廢話太多,大家可以挑有興趣的聽! 0:00~1:35 解答NAH, ESH溪蝦咪!Harvey的活動沒人報名嗚嗚 1:35~4:38 Ariel良心被狗啃,竟然要我一起分攤食材費!? 4:38~7:00 Ariel都怎麼荷包失血的? Harvey聽了只能搖搖頭 🕺本集核心資訊: 主題: “AITA for not reimbursing my friend for an ingredient I used for dinner?” 審判文件: I have a friend called Ariel, who I meet up with around once a week for dinner. Usually, I prepare dinner with a mix of pantry staples and a few things in my place. We both really enjoy it. The issue arose when Ariel took friends visiting from abroad on the day we were set to have dinner. On the day of, I asked my friend if they had any requests. She asked for Japanese curry rice with steak, and I said that would be fine. I myself am vegetarian, but I don’t mind cooking meat for guests. I also give her some suggestions for what she can ask for in Japanese to get a good, mid-priced cut of steak. When they arrive, I’m already doing my prep. My friend hands me the steak, and I notice it’s a very high quality one - practically coated in marbling. We ended up having a great dinner, everyone was very complimentary about the food and I opened some wine I’d bought for the dinner too. We ended up chatting until quite late before everyone left. Things got a little awkward after they left. I received a text from my friend saying they’d all enjoyed the dinner, and asking me to transfer her around 64 for the steaks. I refused, pointing out that I hadn’t eaten any, and that I’d paid for everything else. She then said that I should have told her I wouldn’t be willing to include the steaks in the dinner and prepared something else, and she wouldn’t have bought them as her finances were tight at the moment. To me, this doesn’t really hold water. Firstly because she’s aware I’m a vegetarian and wouldn’t include steaks unless asked, but more so because she specifically bought a more expensive cut of steak than my recommendation, which feels very presumptive if she truly believed I was paying for it. So, AITA for not paying this back? ✦快留言讓我們知道你們想聽什麼!或讚美讚美我們,缺愛! ✧ Every Wednesday and Saturday ✦ Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw ✧ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✦ Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de


    ✧本集討論: 政府即將與印度簽署合作備忘錄 引進十萬名印度籍勞工? 怎麼突然有這麼大量的缺工潮? 還有8萬名外籍勞工非法逃逸在台,還想要下個月就簽署! 台灣民眾除了婦女安全疑慮,為何又這麼反彈? ✦ 本集核心單字: controversial (adj.)有爭議的;引起爭議的 estimate (v.)估計、估算;估價 labor(美) / labour(英) (n.)工人;勞工;人力 workforce (n.)勞動力;勞動人口 revive (v.)甦醒;復原;復興 cooperation (n.)合作,協作;配合 cooperate (v.)合作,協作;配合 |其他提及單字| prompt discontent 引起不滿 fuel debates 引起爭執 stir a strong backlash 引起強烈反彈 ✧ Every Wednesday ✦ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✧Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de

    【Ep51|道英two説14 】看看誰吃大麻嗨到請病假,而且還公審到Reddit AITA! Harvey跨年吃magic mushroom竟然以為自己會飛?

    【Ep51|道英two説14 】看看誰吃大麻嗨到請病假,而且還公審到Reddit AITA! Harvey跨年吃magic mushroom竟然以為自己會飛?
    🧎 Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw 🧎廢話太多,大家可以挑有興趣的聽! 0:00~1:21 AITA是在供蝦咪!甚至還有NTA, NAH, ESH 1:21~4:55 大麻竟然可以讓Danny不用上班?其實是一種幸福Karma 4:55~5:19 原來coffeeshop沒有在賣咖啡誒!在賣.. 5:19~7:00 Paris, Harvey, Magic Mushroom make the world great again 🕺本集核心資訊: 主題: “AITA for leaving “unlabeled” weed brownies in the communal fridge?” 審判文件: So I live in a shared apartment with five other people, one of whom is my girlfriend Anna. Anna and I made a batch of weed brownies this weekend, but we only ate two of them. The rest have been in the fridge for a couple of days under plastic wrap, with a sticky note saying “Anna and Jeff’s – Please ask! :)” Our one roommate Danny took one of our brownies with him to work today, apparently without realizing that they were weed brownies. He accidentally ended up really high at his job and had to take a sick day and come home early. Danny is furious with me and Anna for not labeling the brownies as containing drugs. I pointed out that they weren’t labeled as anything except “not his” so I don’t see that me or Anna did anything wrong here. So, Reddit, AITA? I think I might be if there’s indeed some kind of known social rule about labeling “special brownies” as such, but I’m not sure if I buy that. 某某某: “NTA, That’s his karma for stealing.” ✦快留言讓我們知道你們想聽什麼!或讚美讚美我們,缺愛! ✧ Every Wednesday and Saturday ✦ Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw ✧ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✦ Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de


    ✧本集討論: 為什麼大麻這麼令人上癮 即便冒著違法風險都要吸上一口? 吸大麻會產生什麼感覺?科學解釋是什麼! 你的身體裡原本就有內源(生)生性大麻? ✦ 本集核心單字: 大麻的英文:Marijuana/ Cannabis/ Weed/ create a buzz (ph.) 引起轟動=make a buzz (ph.)=there is quite a buzz (ph.) appealing (adj.) 有吸引力的; 有感染力的; 有魅力的; 令人感興趣的 bring home the bacon (ph.) 賺錢養家餬口 the munchies (n.) 食慾、飢餓感。munchies(n.) 小零食(餅乾) overdose (v.) (n.) (用藥;吃)過量 perception (n.) 感覺、知覺; 感知 |其他提及單字| hot issue (ph.) 熱門話題 celebrities (n.)名人 Green out (ph.) 形容呼完大麻後暈眩、眼前一片黑的狀態 Fucked up (ph.) 形容呼完大麻以後很暈很ㄎㄧㄤ的狀態 ✧ Every Wednesday and Sunday ✦ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✧Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de

    【Ep49|道英two説13 】人生在世一定要有過哪些體驗呢!Harvey都對蟑螂做些什麼事?原來喜歡做一件事情,會很吵!

    【Ep49|道英two説13 】人生在世一定要有過哪些體驗呢!Harvey都對蟑螂做些什麼事?原來喜歡做一件事情,會很吵!
    🧎廢話太多,大家可以挑有興趣的聽! 0:00~2:20 今年只要穿上smart ass face,就是the king of Halloween 2:20~5:03 蝦咪是Wax and wane? 一定要試著對自己有信心!快來聽聽Harvey怎麼變成自信怪! 5:03~6:30 請記住,不用賴在一個人身上,日子也能過很好喔! 6:30~8:00 驚天動地懶人包,讓你再三思考! 🕺Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw 🕺本集核心資訊: 主題: “What is one experience you think every single human should have?” Harvey: “On Halloween, everyone should wear the weirdest costume and walk confidently on the street. Here I recommend smart ass face!" Sunbearimon: “Feeling comfortable with themselves.” Just: “My self-confidence waxes and wanes, but when it’s there, damn it’s freeing” Likely not your mom: “To be passionate about something. Doesn’t have to be a person.” 我忘了: “Having something that you cannot shut up about when the topic is brought up.” ✦快留言讓我們知道你們想聽什麼!或讚美讚美我們,缺愛! ✧ Every Wednesday and Saturday ✦ Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw ✧ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✦ Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de

    【Ep48|TOEIC25】全球猶太人人口僅0.3% 卻掌握了美國70%的財富?

    【Ep48|TOEIC25】全球猶太人人口僅0.3% 卻掌握了美國70%的財富?
    ✧本集討論: 僅佔全球總人口0.3%得猶太人,卻掌握了全球30%的財富。 這些商業強腦們掌控著美國70%的財富,每年的福布斯排行榜中,有名的富豪大都出自猶太人。 他們是如何在金融界、學術界、百貨業、媒體業、科技業、娛樂業、時尚業,甚至,在美國政壇,都有不容小覷的影響力? 除了重視教育以外,竟然跟特別的「猶太教義」有關? ✦ 本集核心單字: prosperity (n.)(尤指經濟上的)成功;繁榮、昌盛 prosper (v.)(人或企業)成功; 繁榮、昌盛 grasp (v.) 抓住(機會等);握緊;理解、領悟 concept (n.) 概念;想法;原則 with crisis comes opportunity (idiom) 危機就是轉機 emphasis (n.) 重視;強調 emphasize (v.) 重視; 強調 ✧ Every Wednesday and Sunday ✦ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✧Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de


    ✧本集討論: 美國對以色列的強力支持來自什麼? 原來猶太人的政治勢力如此龐大 為什呢? ✦ 本集核心單字: puzzled (adj.) 迷惑的,感到不解的 hesitation (n.)(由指因緊張或不確定而產生的)猶豫,躊躇/ second thought (n.)重新考慮; 改變主意; 開始懷疑 straightforward(adj.)(事)容易理解的,簡單的 (人)坦誠的,直率的 check and balance 阻礙;制止;抑制 contributions (n.) 貢獻,奉獻;捐款;捐助(物);投稿 ✧ Every Wednesday and Sunday ✦ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✧Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de

    【Ep46|道英Two說12 】你就長得像茶碗蒸啊!台灣人到底多會罵人?原來只要absolute + random object,就可以英式羞辱別人!

    【Ep46|道英Two說12 】你就長得像茶碗蒸啊!台灣人到底多會罵人?原來只要absolute + random object,就可以英式羞辱別人!
    🧎Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw 🧎廢話太多,大家可以挑有興趣的聽! 0:00~1:52 Harvey上班最討厭的事,竟然跟大便有關?! 1:52~4:30 各位請透過英文將台式罵人發揚光大!你很龜毛不是叫做 you have turtle’s fur!!! 4:30~6:58 英式羞辱好簡單!根本就有一個公式,學起來,你就在英國暢行無阻…嗎? 6:58~7:58 罵人雞精!聽了包準你不會被欺負! 🕺本集核心資訊: 腳踏台灣,放眼國際: 你長得像茶碗蒸: “You look like Japanese steamed egg custard/Chawan mushi.” 你很沒用: “You’re good for nothing.” 你很龜毛: “You’re so anal.” 英式羞辱: 主題:“What is an insult that feels 100% British?” Ploppy: “Most words can be meant as an insult in Britain. For instance, you carpet. You complete and utter shagpile. You absolute teabag.” My colleague was talking about someone else we work with and said, “She’s a fucking slice of ham.” Jimmy: “Absolute + any random object.” Absolute knob 門把 Absolute turnip 大頭菜 Absolute flying donkey 飛天驢子 ✦快留言讓我們知道你們想聽什麼!或讚美讚美我們,缺愛! ✧ Every Wednesday and Saturday ✦ Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw ✧ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✦ Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de


    ✧本集討論: 近日巴勒斯坦的激進組織哈瑪斯向以色列發動攻擊 本集透過歷史故事,暸解雙方百年未解的身綢究竟為何? 英國發表的貝爾福宣言又是如何成為以巴衝突的開端? 從此種下近百年禍源的種子 ✦ 本集核心單字: heavy-hearted (adj.) (內心/心情)沉重的;悲傷的 light-hearted (adj.) (內心/心情)輕鬆的,愉快的 grudge (n.) 怨恨,嫌隙,積怨 race (n.) 人種,種族 decade (n.) 十年(單位) occupy (v.) 佔有,佔用,佔據(空間或時間) domain (n.)領域、領地 initiator (n.) 引發劑;發起;創始人 ✧ Every Wednesday and Sunday ✦ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✧Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de


    ✧本集討論: 曾紅極一時的浪漫禮物—星星命名權, 國際天文學聯合會IAU終於發出聲明表示, 星星的所有權和命名權其實歸____! ✦ 本集核心單字: fact-check (v.) 事實查核 scam (v.)(n.)欺詐,詐騙 authority (n.) 官方、當局、經過認證的權威 commercial (adj.) 商業的;商務的;貿易的、營利的 burst the bubble (ph.) 打破某人的幻想;某人幻滅 celestial (adj.) 天的、天空中的、或天外的 ✧ Every Wednesday and Sunday ✦ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✧Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de

    【Ep43|道英Two說11】有哪些deal breaker會讓約會對象分數大打折扣? 快來看看讓人意想不到的噁男、噁女行為!不要亂學喔

    【Ep43|道英Two說11】有哪些deal breaker會讓約會對象分數大打折扣? 快來看看讓人意想不到的噁男、噁女行為!不要亂學喔
    🧎廢話太多,大家可以挑有興趣的聽! 0:00~1:21 Ariel有多矛盾呢?愛社交又社恐!而且怎麼會不相信Harvey是社恐? 1:21~2:38 就算一個人再怎麼帥、美,只要有deal breaker,就掰掰! 2:38~4:28 怎麼辦!噁男想要我穿他的衣服,而且還希望有個寶寶在胃裡… 4:28~5:35 有著restraining orders,還到處炫耀,這人在想什麼? 5:35~8:16 戀哥癖不是罪!但在rubbing crotch時講,就有點怪喔! 8:16~9:34 本集大回顧,濃縮再濃縮,提煉再提煉 🕺本集核心資訊: 主題: “What did you find out after a first date that was a deal breaker?” Stargazered: “Had a guy seen completely normal, met up for a breakfast date, and before our order came he casually mentioned that I was beautiful but would look even better with his collar on and his baby in my stomach. I just said I’m gonna pass on the meal and left before he said anything else, and blocked him as soon as I was home.” Lalalabeee: “That he had restraining orders against him from not one, but two exes. Also asked if he could move in with me on the first date.” Weew87: “Met up for drinks and she started telling me about how she thought I’d get along with her brother. The more she drank, the more she said it. We ended up making out, and she started repeating the shit about her brother while** rubbing my crotch. **I made sure she got home safe but that shit creeped me out so much that I never spoke to her again.” ✦快留言讓我們知道你們想聽什麼!或讚美讚美我們,缺愛! ✧ Every Wednesday and Saturday ✦ Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw ✧ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✦ Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de


    ✧本集討論: 本集介紹各國不同的中秋節過法 並教兩個日常生活片語 學會怎麼用英文說笑死 ✦ 本集核心單字: currently (adv.)現在、當前 current (adj.)現在、當前 current (n.)潮流、趨勢;電流、水流、氣流 cliché(n.) 了無新意、陳腔濫調、老梗 custom(n.) 習俗、傳統 a fan of sth. (ph.)指熱衷於某事 die laughing (ph.) 笑的很厲害、簡直快笑到死掉了 ✧ Every Wednesday and Sunday ✦ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✧Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de

    【Ep41|道英Two說10】為什麼每當你痛苦時,總有人在旁邊說我更痛苦?啊怎麼會有人smug about not understanding something?

    【Ep41|道英Two說10】為什麼每當你痛苦時,總有人在旁邊說我更痛苦?啊怎麼會有人smug about not understanding something?
    🧎廢話太多,大家可以挑有興趣的聽! 0:00~2:11 Harvey在中秋party到底做出了什麼蠢事? 2:11~4:53 不要再跟我說別人比我還苦了!我不是耳聾好嗎! 4:53~8:20 怎麼會有人smug about not understanding something? Ariel也無知的很快樂耶 🕺本集核心資訊: 主題: “What’s a stance you have no empathy or understanding for?” neffable_plan: “I think my suffering is worse than your suffering, so your suffering doesn’t matter.” Wafran: “I can’t deal with people who** are smug about **not understanding something.” weedful_things: “A coworker bragged at me just today that he has never read a book that he didn’t have to.” ✦快留言讓我們知道你們想聽什麼!或讚美讚美我們,缺愛! ✧ Every Wednesday and Saturday ✦ Instagram: mindyourenglish.tw ✧ Email: mindyourenglish2023@gmail.com ✦ Donation Link: https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/fa18f9bb-f253-4361-b60a-8bf4a8fa66de