
    H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred

    What if you could heal your life?—What if you could heal the past, and not just learn from it but actually change it? What if you could heal old wounds so that those things won't hold you back anymore? What if you could heal your body, mind, and soul? What if you find the purpose for your existence? Welcome to H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred, a podcast about tapping into your innate divinity, clearing your paths, and hearing your intuition to find and live your soul purpose. Dr. Fred DiDomenico found his purpose as a chiropractor. Being able to relieve his patients’ pains brought tremendous joy. But he knew he could do more. So, he raised his desire to help others in the spiritual and emotional aspects as well. As a result, he came up with the H.E.A.L.E.D. system, a spiritually-based life coaching system created to consciously move beyond the perceived pain of humanity and live a purposeful life.Dr. Fred dissects all six aspects of the H.E.A.L.E.D. system and how it can help us clear out any blocks that may be preventing us from tapping into our innate guidance system—so that when it's time to make a decision or take action, it will feel natural and easy. Caution! — This podcast is wisdom-packed, so get ready to feel empowered! This is only the beginning and expect more life-changing surprises waiting along the way. Tune in and walk the HEALED path!
    en-usDr. Fred DiDomenico19 Episodes

    Episodes (19)

    019: Unlikely Heroes: Ordinary Passengers in Extraordinary Circumstances with Dave Sanderson

    019: Unlikely Heroes: Ordinary Passengers in Extraordinary Circumstances with Dave Sanderson

    “Just change one dynamic in your life and watch how your life multiply so quickly.” —Dave Sanderson

    Dave Sanderson was just another passenger on US Airways Flight 1549 until everything changed in an instant. As the engines sputtered out after striking a flock of birds, the pilots attempted an unthinkable water landing in the icy Hudson River.

    In those terrifying final moments, Dave found himself plunged into a fight for survival. Trapped inside the sinking fuselage, frigid water rapidly rising, escape seemed impossible. Above the chaos, rescuers screamed for him to get out— but how? With hypothermia setting in, Dave's endurance would be tested to the extreme.

    Listen in as Dave shares how he survived the Hudson plane crash in 2009. He also details his life leading up to the crash, the profound life lessons he learned about being less judgmental of others and focusing less on always needing to be right, how teamwork controls the chaos, rediscovering his life's purpose, how letting go of ego is key to making a positive difference in the world.

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 






    Episode Highlights:

    02:04 Life Before and After the Plane Crash

    10:42 The Importance of Teamwork During Emergency 

    15:05 Parenting, Values, and Decision-Making

    17:23 Rescue in the Freezing Waters 

    21:44 The Significance of Small Moments in Life

    26:21 Life Lessons from Near-Death Experiences

    31:12 Miracle on the Hudson and Personal Growth

    H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred
    en-usJanuary 15, 2024

    010: How to Get Rich in All Five Spheres of Wealth with Daniel Gomez

    010: How to Get Rich in All Five Spheres of Wealth with Daniel Gomez

    "You're worthy and deserving of all spheres of wealth. It doesn't matter where you are right now, your life can change." -Daniel Gomez

    Money is a powerful tool. It can be used for good or for bad, and it can make us feel either loved or lonely. But we often forget that our relationship with it reflects how we relate to ourselves.

    Many people have an unhealthy relationship with money because they don't know what wealth means. They think that wealth is measured in material possessions like cars and houses, but being wealthy goes beyond that. 

    In this episode, Award-Winning Keynote Speaker, Business Coach, and The Makings of a Millionaire Mind author, Daniel Gomez helps us understand wealth as to what it truly means. Listen in as Dr. Fred and Daniel talk about the 5 spheres of wealth, how we can improve our relationship with money, how our relationship with others influence our wealth, how we can transform our scar of regret to a scar of grace, how we can get rid of excuses, and why we should learn to surrender to God's will for us.

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 






    Episode Highlights:

    02:45 When Trust is Broken

    06:23 The Reality: Relationships Are Messy

    11:07 Scar of Regret To Scar of Grace

    18:13 Be God-Reliant 

    24:52 One Step at a Time

    29:24 How's Your Relationship with Money?

    32:45 The Five Spheres of Wealth

    018: Get Past the Survival Mode— Embrace Your Greatness with Julie Ann Mercouris

    018: Get Past the Survival Mode— Embrace Your Greatness with Julie Ann Mercouris

    “There are no guarantees. I never want to be that person who's going to wait until retirement to do the things that I want to do.” —Julie Ann Mercouris

    In the vulnerable years of childhood, traumas can sneak in like unwelcome guests, leaving indelible imprints on a child's psyche. Tragically, these experiences can cause children to feel responsible for their parents' struggles, and they may alter their behavior in a desperate attempt to feel loved. They unwittingly step into the shoes of a caregiver, shouldering far more responsibility than they should at such an age.

    Healing these childhood traumas is a transformative process. It allows the victims to break free from the chains of their past, transitioning from merely surviving to living with purpose. Ultimately, with proper intervention and emotional healing, children can reclaim their lost innocence. 

    In this episode, we hear from Transformational Coach, Julie Ann Mercouris how healing childhood trauma looked like for her. Dr. Fred and Julie also discuss how childhood dramas cause children to engage in emotional outsourcing, why we should look beyond what the eyes can see, why preparedness is an important step in the healing process, how to find your purpose in uncomfortable situations, and how to awaken the part of you that you think has died.

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 






    Episode Highlights:

    02:13 Not a Great Childhood

    08:47 Navigating the Drama and Trauma

    13:38 Things Beyond What the Eyes Can See 

    19:18 Do Not Be Afraid of Your Greatness 

    23:16 Thriving Not Surviving

    28:56 Challenge Accepted 

    34:33 The Best Place 

    H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred
    en-usAugust 28, 2023

    017: Be the Gardener of Your Own Purpose with Dr. Sukhi Muker

    017: Be the Gardener of Your Own Purpose with Dr. Sukhi Muker

    "Life is unfolding for us. We just need to listen to the signposts on the journey.” —Dr. Sukhi Muke

    Sometimes, we reach a point where we get beyond exhausted. That lowest of lows that others talk about leads us to a dark corner where the only exit we see is a dead end. We crave a sense of direction and purpose, but we see no way out. 

    But, whether you are looking for that spark to help you start your own healing journey or guidance to help you in realigning with your life’s mission, this episode is for you! 

    This week, Dr. Sukhi Muker joins us in a heartwarming conversation about finding purpose in our pain. Listen in as Dr. Fred and Dr. Sukhi talk about how being parented vs being peerented impacts the development of an individual, the importance of removing yourself from an environment that is not serving you anymore, and how to build yourself up to be of service to others. They also discuss the power of unconditional love in transforming another person, how to be a fuller human, and what it means to be the gardener of your own purpose. 

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 






    Episode Highlights:

    03:07 Discover Stop Covering

    11:07 The Start of a New Journey

    17:05 Into an Entirely New World  

    23:18 Why Chiropractic

    26:33 The Power of Unconditional Love

    30:23 Be the Gardener

    H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred
    en-usJune 21, 2023

    016: How to Unlock Your Consciousness with Molly Rose Holmes (Part 3)

    016: How to Unlock Your Consciousness with Molly Rose Holmes (Part 3)

    “Whatever comes to you, that's coming for a reason. So that means you have what you need inside… Healing is always possible.” —Molly Rose Holmes

    We all want to be the best we can be. We want to embrace our unique talents and use them to make the world a better place. But sometimes, when we're trying to do this in the face of trauma, grief, and loss, it can feel like we're standing still— or even going backward.

    Therefore, we have to break these generational patterns. When we do, we will find healing so we can move forward with confidence, rather than being stuck in old ways of thinking and behaviors that aren't serving us anymore.

    In this episode, Fred and Molly continue the conversation about breaking these generational curses while unlocking our consciousness along the way. They also talk about how gifts can be inherited, why heed our intuition, how love heals grief and loss, how discernment affects our level of awareness, and how our children benefit when we break these curses now. 

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 






    Episode Highlights:

    03:02 The Truth About Energy 

    07:55 Gifts Are Inherited

    16:34 Love is Never Gone

    20:37 Discernment is Key

    25:47 Spiritual Deliverance

    015: 6 Truths to Free You From Addiction

    015: 6 Truths to Free You From Addiction

    "In our greatest pain comes our greatest gift." —Dr. Fred DiDomenico

    Addiction is a serious problem all over the world today. It takes many forms— from substance abuse such as alcohol, drugs, and nicotine, to behavioral addictions like gambling and compulsive behavior. It is a long term and progressive illness, and the right kind of help and support is crucial in beating it.

    Therefore, this week's episode is focused on how we should view addiction in relation to our identity, and what understanding this really means for our present and future. 

    Listen in as Dr. Fred shares 6 truths to triumph over addiction and the 12 steps of the HEALED System. He also talks about how addiction is misrepresented and misunderstood, how generational patterns affect our belief systems, how we can free ourselves from false identity, the root cause of addiction, and how much power we really have to change our lives at any given moment.

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 






    Episode Highlights:

    01:10 The Problem with Addiction

    04:38 Truth 1: The Truth About You

    09:56 Truth 2: The Truth About Your Beliefs 

    12:03 Truth 3: The Truth About What We Truly Seek

    14:43 Truth 4: The Truth About Alcohol and Drugs

    20:45 Truth 5: The Truth About Your Power

    21:19 Truth 6: The Truth About Addiction

    21:52 12 Steps of the Healed System

    014: Are You Ready To Be Well? with Dr. Doug DiSiena

    014: Are You Ready To Be Well? with Dr. Doug DiSiena

     “There's no bigger panic than not knowing if you can take the next breath.” 

    Sometimes, medications can make us think we're getting healthier. But is it possible to overmedicate ourselves into sickness? 

    Overmedication or taking medication that is not necessary can lead to adverse side effects and even worsen the condition being treated. Overmedication can also suppress the body's natural defense mechanisms, which can cause our immunity to be weakened and put us at risk of infection, heart attack, stroke, and addiction.

    This week, Dr. Doug Disiena joins us to share the other aspects of chiropractic healthcare that we may have overlooked in the past. Fred and Doug also discuss how trauma and emotional factors can influence our health choices, the root of every disease, the foundation of every organ in our body. how practitioners can set their patients up for a great healing experience, how our beliefs can affect our health journey, and finally, how we can be advocates for our health and that of our family. 

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 






    Episode Highlights:

    02:11 A Big Health Problem 

    08:02 The Struggle for Breath

    14:25 The Foundation of Every Organ in the Body

    18:28 The Spiritual Side of Chiropractic

    25:38 Setting Up the Healing Experience

    34:57 How We Acquire Disease 

    41:23 You Are Your Own Health Advocate

    H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred
    en-usJanuary 24, 2023

    013: Breaking Generational Curses with Molly Rose Holmes (Part 2)

    013: Breaking Generational Curses with Molly Rose Holmes (Part 2)

    "We can heal this stuff and our children don't have to suffer from the same things. Our inner children can be healed, and we can be free." —Molly Rose Holmes

    Generational trauma is the transmission of unresolved intergenerational experiences of adversity from one generation to the next. It is an inherited form of trauma, and its symptoms can manifest both mentally and physically, such as anxiety, depression, impaired emotional regulation and difficulty in forming deep, healthy relationships. It's essential to acknowledge that even if we didn't directly experience these traumas, we may still be affected by them, and it's important to find ways to heal this trauma. 

    Every family and generation is affected by trauma to some degree. But by taking steps to heal trauma and build resilience, we can break the cycle, helping to create healthier and more positive environments for the generations yet to come.

    In this episode, we are joined by Molly Rose Holmes for the second time to talk about how we can identify and break generational patterns. Dr. Fred and Molly also discuss how we become conditioned by limiting beliefs, why we need to look deep into our family roles, how to turn triggers into opportunities for healing, how we can access our purpose, and how we can help others find healing too.

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 






    Episode Highlights:

    03:39 From Trauma to Triumph

    09:01 Healing Generational Patterns

    14:02 How We Become Conditioned 

    20:01 Healed People Heal People

    24:33 Family Rules and Family Roles

    30:26 The Path of Self-Forgiveness

    012: The Redeeming Power of God Saves a Broken Kid with Peter Cropsey

    012: The Redeeming Power of God Saves a Broken Kid with Peter Cropsey

    “We're all on death row without the saving grace of God and His Son, Jesus Christ.-Peter Cropsey

    Abuse breaks a kid in ways that are hard to undo. It distorts his view of himself and the world, and it can make him feel like he's worth less than everyone else. They may grow up thinking that they'll never be able to do anything right or feel good enough on their own. 

    Peter Cropsey was led by people he trusted into doors that no child should ever have to see. Rather than enjoying a fun play at the park, he was introduced to a nudist camp. Rather than eating a piece of candy, he was given drugs. Rather than drinking milk before bed, he had his first taste of alcohol. Rather than going to school, he was making deals with addicts and criminals. And the saddest part was when he finally realized how broken he was. But his life is not unrepairable. 

    In this episode, Peter leads us back into his childhood and the dark truths he and others like him had to go through at a very young age. He shares how he has overcome a lack of self-worth, abuse, violence, broken relationships, and loss. Fred and Peter also talked about finding grace and love in God, cultivating faith, the benefits of treating people with kindness and dignity, and rebuilding a broken self-image after the pain and trauma. 

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 






    Episode Highlights:

    02:57 In The Nudist Camp to a Need to Compromise

    10:35 First Taste of Vodka to First Encounter with God

    17:06 Broken Kids 

    24:39 Getting Into a Biker Gang

    30:20 Treating Others with Kindness and Dignity 

    35:48 Redeemed by God

    011: “Do The World a Favor” with M. Curtis McCoy

    011: “Do The World a Favor” with M. Curtis McCoy

    “You were created in the image of God, the God that created the entire universe. And so by default, you are incredible.” -M. Curtis McCoy

    If you're like many people who have experienced abuse, you may have lost faith in yourself and in the world around you. Abuse can leave victims feeling broken, lost, and alone. It can be hard to imagine a life beyond the abuse, but it is possible to heal and rebuild your life. It will take time, patience, and courage, but it is possible to regain your faith, self-love, and self-esteem.

    M. Curtis McCoy still remembers his father’s words while handing him a gun: “Do the world a favor”. Those words hurt more than the physical abuse he suffered throughout his childhood. He couldn’t understand why his own father would want him dead. But instead of giving up, he decided to be different— to be a good person. Today, Curtis is “doing the world a favor” by serving others as an entrepreneur, influencer, keynote speaker, best-selling author, & TV show host. 

    Listen in as Dr. Fred and Curtis share how we can turn our painful past into a testimony of victory. They also discuss how we can find strength when we feel like we’re only hanging by a thread, why we should not give up easily when other people tell us that there is no hope left for us, how we can recognize God’s hand when we are in the dark, and the greatest evidence that we have inherent worth and value.

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 






    Episode Highlights:

    02:39 A Childhood Pain

    08:46 “Do the World a Favor”

    13:54 Hanging by a Thread

    22:31 Healed from the Incurable 

    29:51 God’s Always Been There

    32:53 90 Days of Planning Life

    41:23 You Are Created in the Image of God

    009: Step Into Your Promise with Dr. Daniel Pompa

    009: Step Into Your Promise with Dr. Daniel Pompa

    "In our pain, we have purpose. But more important than purpose is the promise that God gives us." -Dr. Daniel Pompa

    We were all born innocent and full of possibility. But, what happened along the way can change how we think about ourselves.

    The childhood experiences we had, the messages that were around us, the words that were spoken over our life affected how we formed an identity for ourselves and how we regard ourselves today.

    Therefore, it's important that we learn to understand our relationship with ourselves and the people around us. In order to break free from the false identity we were taught from childhood, we need to begin shifting our beliefs from the core.

    Listen in as Dr. Fred and Dr. Daniel Pompa talk about how false beliefs are formed and how we can discover our true identity. They also discuss how we can turn our weaknesses into strengths, what's greater that a purpose, what emotional healing means, and how we can build faith. 

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 






    Episode Highlights:

    02:53 Our Stories Affect Our Identity

    08:49 Dumbass Graduates Second of His Class

    16:00 What's Greater Than Purpose?

    24:05 God's Ways Not Man's

    31:39 What Emotional Healing Means

    36:03 Where Real Identity is Found

    39:09 Choose to Believe

    008: A Warrior for Crimes Against Children with Leigh Taylor Dundas

    008: A Warrior for Crimes Against Children with Leigh Taylor Dundas

    "We're in a very long war right now. The timeline is going to be dictated by how quickly the population wakes up." -Leigh Taylor Dundas

    When people work together, they can do amazing things. In fact, if we think about it, we'll realize that most of our best moments have come from working with other people. We don’t need superheroes or superpowers. We just need each other. 

    However, we often find that abuse, betrayal, and injustice are becoming even more common in our society— the people we love being the foremost to break our trust.

    Leigh Taylor Dunbas is a powerful advocate for change. She founded Freedom Fighter Nation with the goal to protect human rights. She believes that we all have something unique in us that can create change. And if we don’t speak up, we’re betraying not only the world but ourselves. That’s why she calls, “Rise Up!”. 

    Join Fred and Leigh as they discuss how our upbringing affects our ability to perceive the realities of our society, what she learned as she enters dangerous territories, the ugly realities of communism, what breaks a man, what motivated her to stand up against tyranny, why we should be careful about what we believe, and what we can do to create change.

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 






    Episode Highlights:

    02:34 Good Parents, Bad Parents

    08:10 Into Dangerous Territories

    16:33 The Ugly Reality of Communism

    23:53 No to Tyranny

    28:02 Do Your Homework

    35:25 What Does Your Resume Say?

    41:41 Don't Stop

    45:53 Be Careful What You Believe

    48:36 Rise Up! 

    007: What Inspires Life? with Douglas Converse

    007: What Inspires Life? with Douglas Converse

    “Trust God with your whole heart because God is real. Rejoice in what's delivered, because He will deliver.”  -Douglas Converse 

    Douglas Converse was born and raised in Seattle. He grew up in a religious household and even attended a Catholic school. Gradually, Douglas lost faith in religion when his Track Coach sexually abused him and the school did nothing about it. After high school, Douglas drifted away from religion and started to explore different paths. Today, Douglas helps his community find the healing that he found for himself. 

    What helped Douglas find healing? How did he transform from a lost young man to a positive man? What did he learn about God’s generosity and love? How was he able to achieve the impossible? And what can we learn from his story about trusting in God and serving others? Tune in as Dr. Fred and Douglas answer these questions and more!

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    Episode Highlights:

    02:26 Faith in Religion Lost

    06:00 Not a Coach But a Positive Man

    11:37 Ask for Big Signs

    19:45 Making It Happen

    23:27 What Inspires Life?

    29:11 Trust God with Your All

    006: There’s Magic in Your Choice with Molly Rose Holmes

    006: There’s Magic in Your Choice with Molly Rose Holmes

    “It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through because God can heal anything.” -Molly Rose Holmes

    Trauma is a serious word— It's the kind of word that makes you want to curl up in a ball and not come out for a while. And sadly, it is the reality for many of us. 

    Whether caused by an event or by living with abuse, trauma can be deeply destructive. It has a way of finding us and wreaking havoc on our everyday lives. Putting ourselves back out there and making new connections will be hard. Feeling safe and trusting again will be a challenge. And often, we are left with guilt, anger, and shame.

    But trauma shouldn’t have to be lived with for long periods of time. We can change all that with the power of our choice. It’s amazing how much we can heal and grow through the power of our choices. At times, we may feel that we have no control over our lives, but we really do. 

    In this episode, we are joined by none other than Molly Rose Holmes LMFT, the amazing woman who made Dr. Fred’s heart beat again. Molly is a former child abuse victim, a trauma survivor, and a powerful advocate for holistic healing. Listen in as Molly shares her near-death experiences and how she has found healing and peace. Dr. Fred and Molly also talk about how generational trauma is transferred from parents to infants, how to move out of depression and thrive, the power of forgiveness, and how remembering who we truly are can help us attain a higher level of consciousness.  

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 

    Episode Highlights:

    • 01:57 Meeting the Most Amazing Woman 
    • 07:32 Surviving Near-Death Experiences
    • 11:26 There’s Magic in the Choice
    • 15:12 Frequencies Can’t Be Faked
    • 21:17 Remember Who You Are
    • 27:02 How Trauma is Passed Down to Generations 
    • 31:57 A Sacred Union 
    • 36:37 There’s Always Hope




    • 05:32 “It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through because God can heal anything.” -Molly Rose Holmes
    • 10:48 “Honor God within yourself. We are all children of God.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico
    • 12:57 “There’s magic in the choice.” -Molly Rose Holmes
    • 13:18 “That’s the rescue— stepping into who you are and stepping out of who you’re not.” -Molly Rose Holmes
    • 14:54 “When you choose, your mind doesn’t see anything else. It eliminates all other options.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico
    • 18:30 “We’re not here to hold grudges and to hold on to pain, but to forgive.” -Molly Rose Holmes
    • 21:44 “All sin comes from forgetting who we are as children of God.”  -Molly Rose Holmes
    • 30:24 “We’ve had the same vision our whole life indi
    H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred
    en-usAugust 22, 2022

    005: Find a Purpose Bigger Than Yourself with Dr. Chris Mosier

    005: Find a Purpose Bigger Than Yourself with Dr. Chris Mosier

     “There’s someone out there that needs to hear your story. Continue to share that story and find that fulfillment— that God-given purpose in our lives.”  -Dr. Chris Mosier

    We're all good enough.

    It's a truth that we fail to believe so many times. We've been told that our ideas are too small or our goals are too lofty. We're afraid of being judged by others or that we might fail.

    But the truth is, the only thing not good enough are these reasons we tell ourselves why we can't. No one else has been given the same opportunity as each of us has.

    It can be really hard to know where to go and what to do next, but it's not impossible. We just need to keep looking for that purpose, even if it seems elusive sometimes.

    This week, Dr. Fred sits with fellow Chiropractor, Dr. Chris Mosier to talk about how finding a purpose greater than ourselves can bring happiness and comfort to us and to others. They also talk about how the habit of comparing ourselves leads to feelings of unworthiness, how to build faith and courage, how to find our grit, and why we should never stop sharing our stories. 

    Connect with Dr. Fred: 

    Episode Highlights:

    • 02:46 Chiropractic Treatment Saves The Day!
    • 07:51 Unhealthy Comparison
    • 11:14 Miracle Moments 
    • 17:06 “Why Me?” 
    • 21:05 Building Faith 
    • 26:49 Find Your Purpose 
    • 33:10 Your Story Matters





    Do you ever think that you're not good enough? Or do you feel like there's something missing in your life? Join @drfred100m and Dr. Chris Mosier of @mosierfamchiro as they discuss how finding a purpose greater than ourselves can bring more happiness to us and to others.

    #HEALED #newpodcast #chiropractic #selfworth #notgoodenough #internaldialogue #negativeselftalk #purpose #courage #faith


    • 01:19 “We go through life. We have challenges. And if you can still breath and fog the mirror, then you made it through the other side.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico
    • 11:27 “I need to not focus on myself because God has a purpose for me— to serve people. Then, everything in my practice changed.” -Dr. Chris Mosier
    • 16:01 “Sometimes, we want [our spouses] to be like us, but it’s the differences that are the gift. When you learn to appreciate the differences, marriages heal. We heal each other.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico
    • 16:58 “People get so focused on what they do that they forget who they are.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico
    • 18:57 “The question I always ask is ‘God, why me?’. And the answer I always get is ‘You’ve seen nothing yet… just wait.” -Dr. Chris Mosier     
    • 22:52 “Faith is your belief before the substance shows. Once you see the substance, then there’s evidence.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico
    • 27:07 “Find a purpose that’s so big that you need God’s help because there’s no way you can do it yourself.” -Dr. Fre
    H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred
    en-usAugust 15, 2022

    004: How to Be Limitless with Mas Sajady

    004: How to Be Limitless with Mas Sajady

    “There’s a potential in you that exists. All you have to do is find it within you.” -Mas Sajady

    You’re not your job. You’re not your family name. You’re not the last thing your parents wanted you to be. You have one of the most powerful qualities in the world— the ability to be limitless. 

    When you’re limitless, you have the capacity to do anything. You’re unstoppable. You enjoy and experience life at a higher level. You operate with purpose and direction. Ultimately, your consciousness goes beyond your thoughts. However, to be limitless, we need to dig deeper than our surface-level conditioning. 

    In this episode, Dr. Fred sits with Xponential Intelligence (XI) founder, Mas Sajady. Tune in as Dr. Fred and Mas discuss how to go beyond our conditioning and unleash our true potential. They also discuss what can help us bypass habits and belief systems that limit our potential, the essence of real forgiveness, what it feels to be limitless, how to rewrite the meaning of our lives, how to remove the filters that are holding us back, and how we can move out from the reality zero space. 

    Episode Highlights:

    • 03:31 Beyond Science
    • 10:37 What it Feels to be Limitless
    • 16:12 Rewrite the Meaning of Your Life 
    • 21:08 Beyond the Limitations of the Physical Form
    • 25:54 Reality Zero 
    • 29:07 Remove Your Physical Filter
    • 34:49 Harness the Power of Your Frequency
    • 40:21 There’s a Potential in You!   





    You are limitless. You have the ability to be, do, and become anything you want. Join @drfred100m and Xponential Intelligence (XI) founder, Mas Sajady as they reveal the secret to unleashing your true potential.

    #HEALED #newpodcast #XponentialIntelligence #limitingbeliefs #limitless #higherconsciousness #potentialunleashed #frequency 


    • 06:32 “Every moment in life is a magnifier for you to either go up and awaken or go down. You never stay even.” -Mas Sajady
    • 12:20 “It’s not a life review. It’s a life relive… If you have trauma— You can’t change these experiences because that’s written in time. But you can change the meaning of how it affected you.” -Mas Sajady 
    • 13:28 “Forgiveness is a way of redemption. When you let go, you can change the emotion, and that’s how you attain that powerful feeling— you change your identity, you change your whole genetic pattern.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico  
    • 14:46 “True forgiveness is where you delete, not the experience, but what you’ve attached to that experience.” -Mas Sajady  
    • 25:24 “When you get close to your potential, nothing else really matters.” -Mas Sajady 
    • 26:50 “Most people think that this reality is all there is that’s why they’re limited.” -Mas Sajady
    • 28:59 “We are the consciousness before the thought. This is the second creation of higher consciousness.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico 
    • 31:24 “You are the latest software version of your family… So your coding is really old.” -Mas Sajady
    • 33:52 “All these identities that you think are malleable are hard-coded for you in your DNA. You can change all that.” -Mas Sajady
    • 40:23 “There’s a potential in you that exi
    H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred
    en-usAugust 13, 2022

    003: How to Change Your Life with Questions with Roberto Monaco

    003: How to Change Your Life with Questions with Roberto Monaco

    “Fear costs people’s lives.” -Roberto Monaco 

    Fear can cost people their lives. It can lead us to do things that we might not otherwise do, and it can cause us to make decisions that go against our better judgment. And before we know it, we have already wasted so much of our lives doing what we don’t want to do.

    But sometimes, fear isn't just something that happens —it's something we choose to embrace or resist. But what if all it takes to overcome fear was asking questions?

    Influenceology’s co-founder, Robert Monaco joins us this week to help us unlock the power of questions in changing our lives. Dr. Fred and Roberto also discuss the real cost of fear, how to find new depth in our relationships, and how to attain a higher level of self-development. 

    Episode Highlights:

    02:47 Change Your Life with Questions

    07:47 “One Day I Will Be Speaking!” 

    12:45 Stop Pushing Your Own Will

    17:26 Push the Boulder

    22:41 Recognize Your Guide

    27:22 You Owe Yourself to Explore





    “If you could do anything in your life and you know you could not fail, what would you be doing today?” Join @drfred100m and @speakercoach Roberto Monaco as they share the secret to a higher level self-development.  

    #HEALED #newpodcast #ask #fear #limitingbeliefes #selfdevelopment #DivineConnection ivine #spirituality #success #authenticity 


    • 01:24 “Some stories are seemingly more horrific than others, but it’s only as horrific as the meaning we assign and how we make it through.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico 
    • 03:29 “We can change our lives by asking different questions.” -Roberto Monaco
    • 04:18 “We live two lives: the life that we s=think we should do and then there’s the life of our calling.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico
    • 07:20 “Fear costs people’s lives.” -Roberto Monaco
    • 22:57 “I was never alone. I was being guided.” -Roberto Monaco
    • 24:31 “Christ didn’t come to teach us religion. He came to teach us relationships.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico
    • 28:32 “It’s really hard to have a relationship with someone you don’t know. How are you going to have a relationship with God if you don’t spend the time to know Him?” -Roberto Monaco
    •  29:08 “You owe yourself to explore— Be open minded to explore a conversation. And then, you go from there.” -Roberto Monaco 

    Meet Roberto: 

    Roberto Monaco has been a full-time speaker, coach and trainer since 2002, and has conducted more than 4,200 presentations in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and Puerto Rico.

    He worked for the Anthony Robbins Companies for 6 years and in 2004, 2005, 2006 and in 2007 he was the top producer and revenue generator in the country. In 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 Roberto also coached and trained all the other Peak Performance Strategists (speakers) at The Anthony Robbins Companies.

    Many call Roberto the honorary DC (doctor of conversions) because he has helped so many chiropractors to convert thousands of patients into care. He has served chiropractors for the last 6 years, showing them how to convert more clients at Dr Report’s, ROF, “dinner with doc” talks, patient orientation classes and health lectures. H

    H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred
    en-usAugust 13, 2022

    002: How to Transform Your Life in 3 Simple Ways with Rob Wergin

    002: How to Transform Your Life in 3 Simple Ways with Rob Wergin

     “You think you know what's wrong with you and you don't. So just stop thinking about what you don't want, be in surrender, and let God take care of you. -Rob Wergin 

    We often think that changing our current situation is hard and complicated. We believe that we need to have a lot of knowledge and skills to make a change. We also think that it will take a lot of time and effort to see any results.

    However, the reality is that changing our current situation is actually simple. We don't need to know everything, and we don't need to do it all by ourselves. The truth is that we can create the life we want if we just keep it simple, because it is. 

    In this episode, Dr. Fred interviews Healer and Divine Conduit for Divine Energies, Rob Wergin. Rob didn’t know it at the time, but when he was a kid, he had a unique ability— an ability that his family didn’t accept. As a result, Rob forgot who he was and tried to conform to what others wanted for him. He became a very successful businessman, but behind the curtains, he was depressed and in pain— until he found himself again.

    Listen in as Dr. Fred and Rob shares Rob shares 3 simple ways we can transform our life and build a much better future. They also talk about how we can rediscover our true selves, heal the broken parts of our life, start anew, and give our 1000% in that moment of surrender— when we are ready to let go of the control and let the Divine take care of us. 

    Episode Highlights:

    04:31 Finding Out It Wasn’t Normal!

    12:13 Fixing What Was Broken 

    19:14 Rediscovering Who You Are! 

    28:22 Starting Out Anew

    35:45 Give It Your 1000%

    40:28 3 Steps to Transform Your Life

    44:19 The Moment of Surrender




    We think it’s complicated and hard— but it’s not. Listen in as @drfred100m and Divine Conduit for Divine Energies Rob Wergin talk about how we can heal and transform our life in 3 simple ways.

    #HEALED #newpodcast  #lifetransformation #health #hope #hope #faith #believe 


    03:15 “Today, you need stamina. Hope gives you stamina.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

    03:47 “Let all this energy that's going on right now help us let go of the past so we can create a different future.” -Rob Wergin 

    05:16 “Let God let God do what God does.” -Rob Wergin 

    11:39 “When we were young, we come in with these gifts. We know who we are. But then we listen to other people who don't understand who God created us to be. And then we make a decision.”  -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

    15:31 “I have absolute faith and trust and belief that when I asked God for help, the help would occur.” -Rob Wergin 

    16:31 “God wants to hire you.” -Rob Wergin 

    17:44 “The hardest thing for driven people is that surrender is the number one lesson we're supposed to learn.”  -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

    34:06 “I have to learn to get completely out of the way and completely trust and have faith.” -Rob Wergin

    38:07 “Keep it simple because it is. You can't explain it so don't try. Just trust it. -Rob Wergin 

    39:12 “When you have faith, God works through you.” -Dr. Fred DiDomenico

    44:54 “You think you know what's wrong with you and you don't. So just stop thinking about what you don't want, be in surrender, and le

    H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred
    en-usAugust 12, 2022

    001: Introducing the H.E.A.L.E.D. with Dr. Fred Podcast

    001: Introducing the H.E.A.L.E.D. with Dr. Fred Podcast

    “What a powerful feeling to have moments when you love yourself like God loves you.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico

     What if you could heal your life?—

    What if you could heal the past, and not just learn from it but actually change it? What if you could heal old wounds so that those things won't hold you back anymore? What if you could heal your body, mind, and soul? What if you find the purpose for your existence? 

    Welcome to the first episode of H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred, a podcast about tapping into your innate divinity, clearing your paths, and hearing your intuition to find and live your soul purpose. 

    Dr. Fred DiDomenico found his purpose as a chiropractor. Being able to relieve his patients’ pains brought tremendous joy. But he knew he could do more. So, he raised his desire to help others in the spiritual and emotional aspects as well. As a result, he came up with the H.E.A.L.E.D. system, a spiritually-based life coaching system created to consciously move beyond the perceived pain of humanity and live a purposeful life. 

    In this episode, Dr. Fred dissects all six aspects of the H.E.A.L.E.D. system and how it can help us clear out any blocks that may be preventing us from tapping into our innate guidance system—so that when it's time to make a decision or take action, it will feel natural and easy. 

    Caution! — This episode is wisdom-packed, so get ready to feel empowered! 

    This is only the beginning and expect more life-changing surprises waiting along the way. Tune in and walk the HEALED path! 

    Episode Highlights:

    01:09 The Core of H.E.A.L.E.D. with Dr. Fred Podcast

    06:00 Humans’ Deepest Desire

    11:37 Beliefs Matter

    18:12 H-Honor God Within Yourself

    23:40 E-Excercise Loving Yourself and Others

    29:50 A-Accept and Forgive Yourself and Others

    34:32 L- Live in the Now

    40:42 E-Establish Your Purpose and Mission

    43:39 D-Deliver It to the World

    45:00 Walk the H.E.A.L.E.D. Path




    04:26 “There's only one problem we ever have in our life—And that's your level of consciousness.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico

    06:02 “Our deepest desire is we want our life to mean something.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico

    12:01 “To be able to fulfill our purpose, we do have the opportunity to change our beliefs.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico

    19:25 H.E.A.L.E.D. was a spiritually-based system to help people tap into their innate divinity, clear their paths come into presence, hear their innate intuition that God is guiding them to find and live their soul purpose.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico  

    25:21 “Your brain doesn't know what's inside of you or outside of you. It only knows what you experience.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico  

    30:40 “What a powerful feeling to have moments when you love yourself like God loves you.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico

    40:41 “If you want a purpose, find out what are passionate about then get paid for it.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico

    45:43 “With each progressive step, you raise your consciousness to any level that you want.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico

    46:44 “The higher we can raise our consciousness, the more we contribute to the consciousness of all humanity.” -Dr. Fred Didomenico

    H.E.A.L.E.D with Dr. Fred
    en-usAugust 12, 2022