
    Habits That Heal

    "Little by Little Becomes a Lot"-Tanzanian ProverbYour habits are either moving you towards health and vitality or towards illness and an early death. With 15 years in the preventative health field Dr. Jami Rassmussen has witnessed thousands of his patients struggle to balance the demands of their lives with trying to stay healthy. Using neuroscience, psychology, and the science of habit formation he has developed a program that gets to the root cause of America's chronic illness epidemic. In this podcast you'll discover why most of the healthy choice you've started throughout your life were unsustainable and why you "fell off the wagon". You'll discover the concept of "habit hacking" and how you can make dramatic improvements to your health with tiny habits that anyone can pull off. Until you build a solid foundation of healthy habits sticking with your new healthy lifestyle will be an uphill battle. "Habits that Heal" is committed to giving you the tools and insights to get healthy and stay healthy. To continue this conversation go to www.pathoutofpain.com or follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/HealthPath
    en-usDr. Jami Rassmussen44 Episodes

    Episodes (44)

    Your Brain Is Plastic...

    Your Brain Is Plastic...

    In this episode you will discover how to do what was once thought impossible, change how your brain is wired. 

    Point #1.  Your brain is plastic.  It's form and function can be changed.

    Point #2.  It is the input into the brain that causes change (adaptation).

    Point #3.  The best way to send more calm and to ignite more healing in the brain is through meditation and proper breathing.

    Point #4.  Do it every day.  Over and over and over until it becomes an unconscious action.  This takes time so be patient. 

    Norman Droige Books

    Breathing Exercise

    More Breathing 



    In this episode you will discover why you need to take care of yourself FIRST.

    Point #1: The difference between being selfish and selfull 

    Point #2:  My journey into the world of personal development started with a leap of faith (and $3500 I didn't have.)

    Point #3:  Your loved ones need you to take care of you first.

    Point #4:  Start small and be patient.  You're used to being last on the list and it will take time to get comfortable taking care of you first.  

    5 Scientifically Proven Ways to SLOW DOWN AGING

    5 Scientifically Proven Ways to SLOW DOWN AGING

    In this episode you will discover 5 (actually 6) strategies to slow down aging.

    Point #1:  Your telomere length plays a major role in aging.  The faster your telomere shortens the faster you age.

    Point #2:  You CAN slow down telomere breakdown and even lengthen your telomeres.

    Point #3:  Chiropractic, diet, meditation, mindset, supplements, and fitness can all slow down agin.

    Point #4:  You control your aging destiny.

    5 Tools to Get Rid of Headaches and Migraines F-O-R-E-V-E-R.

    5 Tools to Get Rid of Headaches and Migraines F-O-R-E-V-E-R.

    In this episode you will discover 5 drug free solutions to get rid of headaches for ever.

    Point #1 . Headaches and Migraines suck the life out of you.

    Point #2.  They are almost always an alarm indicating a deeper issue.

    Point #3.  The 5 tools are: Chiropractic, Water with Himalaya salt, magnesium, remove gluten and glyphosate, and blue light glasses.

    Point #4.  Do them all.