

    A show about more than videogames.
    enHatchetJob118 Episodes

    Episodes (118)

    HJ111 - The 2014 HatchetJob Awards

    HJ111 - The 2014 HatchetJob Awards

    In our yearly HatchetJob awards AKA Insert Category, we invent awards for the videogames we played in 2014 - yes 2014 - from the serious to the stupid, from sex robots to sociopathy. 

    Can you guess which titles won the ‘Ubiest Ubiboo’ and 'Decrease in real-life stalking' awards?  

    This show was recorded in February 2016.

    Music Velveteen Skies by Carosone


    HJ110 - The 2013 HatchetJob Awards

    HJ110 - The 2013 HatchetJob Awards

    In our yearly HatchetJob awards AKA Insert Category, we invent awards for the videogames we played in 2013 - yes 2013 - from the serious to the stupid. 

    Can you guess which title won 'It's a condition!' ?  

    This show was recorded in February 2015.

    Music is 80/90 Pieces by destinazione_altrove



    enMarch 23, 2015

    HJ108 - What do bomb disposal experts feel about their robots?

    HJ108 - What do bomb disposal experts feel about their robots?

    Roboticist and educator Dr. Julie Carpenter tells us about her research with bomb disposal experts, how society might have to change as robots become more advanced and even what happens when a robot powers down in front of a small child.  Recorded late August 2014.


    Julie's website

    Festo seagull drone: http://youtu.be/9YGLZXEwRVc

    Festo kangaroo: http://youtu.be/_4luJ0ZSqy8

    Music is Open by Com Truise



    HJ106 - Why how you practice affects how good you'll get

    HJ106 - Why how you practice affects how good you'll get

    Dr.Tom Stafford is a lecturer in psychology and cognitive science at the University of Sheffield.  He explains why the way you practice affects how good you get at something - and he's got 850,000 people to back him up.

    Axon game:  http://axon.wellcomeapps.com/

    Github: https://github.com/tomstafford/axongame

    Tom's blog: http://www.tomstafford.staff.shef.ac.uk/?p=221

    Tom on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tomstafford

    enJanuary 15, 2014

    The 2011 UnCategory game awards. Your winners are?

    The 2011 UnCategory game awards. Your winners are?

    It's time for our third-annual awards show!

    Tell us about a game you played in 2011. Create an award for it to win. This is not a GOTY show.

    the two years we’ve run an awards show that is a year late and doesn't have any categories.

    By doing 2011 games you've had more time to play Xmas AAA titles. We don’t have categories because we dis/like games for different reasons.

    Pick a 2011 game & create an award for it. The award can be anything you want. It doesn’t have to be ‘the best’. It just has to be about your experience, good or bad, silly or serious. You can include board, web and mobile games too.

    Example awards:

    LA Noire: ‘Most accurate portrayal of mental illness in the police force’

    I really connected and understood Cole’s outbursts. Isn’t he the everyman for the id and super ego battle within ourselves? *smokes pipe*

    Comment here or email us: hatchetjobshow [AT] gmail [DOT] com

    Here’s a list of 2011 releases to jog your memory.


    Have at it!

    enAugust 01, 2012

    HJ95 - Predator 2, Saints Row 3, X-Com:UFO

    HJ95 - Predator 2, Saints Row 3, X-Com:UFO

    Is Predator 2 a cultural artifact?  Are the Saints really needed in Saints Row 3? Is X-Com still good? Does nostalgia drive game purchases? What's it like gaming on a projector?

    Kara Leung interview 

    Box Shot AKA Smuggler's Cramp

    E.S. Posthumus

    [Post-show, a transgender listener sent the following links]

    Gender & presentation in Saints Row 2

    How videogames helped me go from boy to girl