
    Heads in the Cloud

    Life in the post-internet age. We discuss technologies and services that affect our lives as well as relevant tech news and try to have fun doing it.
    en-usdvdchris8 Episodes

    Episodes (8)

    HITC 14-Pooping on Ted Stevens' Pipe

    HITC 14-Pooping on Ted Stevens' Pipe
    dvdchris is on the run from the MPAA; Ted 'series of tubes' Stevens dies in plane crash; ipjunkie and ameron32 get geeky about security; more Android app craziness; Netflix adds more films to streaming, but will you be able to watch them if net neutrality opponents have their way? And somehow, ipjunkie poops on Ted Steven's pipe... My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-fa9067e65c55f8c85952639f76e442d7}