
    Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

    Podcast by Wendy K Laidlaw, Author & Founder of HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and EndoBoss.com Wendy K Laidlaw is the world's #1 expert on mentoring CEO's, executives, and entrepreneurs on how to heal their endometriosis naturally. As a visionary, her mission is to revolutionise and modernise the gynaecological field worldwide and she aspires to inspire and empower women on how to take back power and control of their bodies. She is a multi-best-selling author, online entrepreneur, podcaster, online summit host and founder & CEO of Heal Endometriosis Naturally. Wendy achieved all this after putting her stage IV endometriosis into remission after suffering for over 33 years. She had multiple surgeries, countless drugs and painkillers but continued to get worse. The conventional medical system failed her and Wendy ended up bedridden for many years. She also developed multiple conditions including adhesions, ovarian cysts, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and mitochondria dysfunction. After retraining (from her bed) in Nutritional Therapy, Psychotherapy, Psychology and becoming a certified coach, Wendy set out on a mission to heal herself and succeeded! Seven years on Wendy has put all her previous conditions into remission naturally and still remains pain-free! Using a multi-model, holistic and science-based approach, called the ‘Laidlaw Protocols’, Wendy addressed the 5 Ps (Poisons) prohibiting the body’s natural ability to heal. This enabled her to put ALL of the medical conditions and diseases into remission naturally. To this day, over six years on, Wendy remains free from all the conditions, symptoms and pain she had. Wendy now helps women all around the world achieve the same results through her three best selling books, online Challenge and online specialist Programs, so they can go back to living their life free from symptoms and pain. Wendy has been featured on over 36 national radio stations including the BBC, appeared on the cover of Brainz Magazine, in Vogue Magazine and The Authority Magazine. She hosts the #1 endometriosis podcast and is the Creator & Premier Host of the Ultimate Emotional Health Summit (in its 2nd year). Wendy lives in Edinburgh, Scotland with her grown-up children, Sebastian and Maxine, plus Poppy, her chocolate Labrador. Learn more and download a FREE Report called the Top 5 'Quick Start' Tips at; Https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com
    en-gbWendy K Laidlaw158 Episodes

    Episodes (158)

    #156 - Done Being A Doormat

    #156 - Done Being A Doormat

    In this week's podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw discusses how women may suffer excessively when they prioritize others over themselves and at their own expense. 

    'Done Being a Doormat' highlights how women teach others to treat them through actions and boundaries, defining a "doormat" as someone who accepts mistreatment without objection.

    Signs of being a doormat include excessive people-pleasing, difficulty saying no, low self-esteem, and avoiding confrontation. Wendy shares her journey from chronic people-pleasing to self-care, addressing the subconscious societal expectations of women. 

    The podcast discusses the need of women with endometriosis to set new boundaries and emphasises the importance of emotional well-being for healing, encouraging self-awareness and advocating for a balance between self-care and caregiving - to become a Boss of your endometriosis.

    To start your own EndoBoss® journey go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com


    #HealEndometriosisNaturally #EndoBoss #WendyKLaidlaw

    #155 - Year of You

    #155 - Year of You

    In this podcast episode, Wendy K Laidlaw explains her absence over the past few months due to some unforeseen challenges. 

    Wendy reminds listeners that a New Year brings NEW opportunities to focus on essential self-care, pay attention to the body's signs and signals, and to take responsibility for one's full health; mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

    She also shares her plans to host more in-person events like EndoBoss® Mastermind retreats in 2024 for EndoBoss® Beginners, Advanced & Elite clients to provide more rich, niche and expert education, along with safe, female personal connections to empower women more securely emotionally for good.

    Throughout the podcast, Wendy's personal journey serves as a backdrop to convey the importance of self-awareness, empowerment, and resilience in the face of health challenges - to becoming an EndoBoss® for Life!

    To start your EndoBoss® journey join the 21 Day Unstoppable EndoBoss® Challenge at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs


    #HealEndometriosisNaturally, #EndoBoss, #WendyKLaidlaw


    #154 - Save Your Womb

    #154 - Save Your Womb

    In this week's podcast I want to address a pressing issue. I recently spoke to a woman who was told by her gynaecologist that she needed a complete hysterectomy, a procedure involving the removal of her uterus and potentially ovaries. What deeply troubles me is the misinformation women receive about hysterectomies.

    My own mother had a hysterectomy, and she was devastated by the outcome. She was led to believe it would be a cure-all, but it wasn't. She faced complications and even developed more endometriosis symptoms after the procedure. Many women reach out to us, seeking information, after they are often given frightening and misleading advice from others.

    Your uterus and ovaries are crucial organs throughout your life, beyond just reproduction. They play a major role in hormone production and preventing conditions like osteoporosis. Yet, some doctors rush to recommend their removal without considering the long-term consequences or other natural options.

    Some women are told they can keep their ovaries while removing the uterus, but this can lead to blood supply issues to the ovaries, causing them to atrophy and necessitating another surgery. Even worse, some are falsely told that not having a hysterectomy will lead to cancer, a dangerous and highly irresponsible claim.

    Historically, women have been conditioned to stay silent and not question authority figures, especially in medical settings. It's crucial to understand that you have the right to take your time and make fully informed decisions about your health. These decisions are irreversible, so make sure to gather as much information as possible.

    Dr. Stanley West, author of "The Hysterectomy Hoax," states that about 90% of hysterectomies are unnecessary. Surgery can often do more harm than good, posing needless risks. Surgeons too often rely on hysterectomies as a 'one-size-fits-all solution' to various conditions, from PMS to fibroids.

    Even Dr. Sarah Myhill, renowned in the UK, has achieved remission in terminally ill cancer patients, demonstrating that alternatives and natural protocols exist.

    I do what I do because I remember the fear and devastation I felt when pressured to have a hysterectomy (which I refused). I was scared to question doctors and felt trapped between a rock and a hard place. It's vital to empower yourself with knowledge before making any critical decisions.

    I believe that most women can achieve remission by following the guidance in my book, online programs and other resources as I have done, along with hundreds of other EndoBosses.

    Seek safe and expert support, but don't be swayed or react by fear. Reflect on how you cannot reinstate your precious organs once they have been removed. 

    Surgery is invasive and comes with risks, so take the natural route, even though it may take time, it comes with ZERO side effects and great life long gains. It's a real opportunity for those who are ready for change and self-discovery.

    Remember, you are in charge of your health and you know your body better than anyone.

    To learn more, visit our website, at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

    @WendyKLaidlaw #HealEndometriosisNaturally #WendyKLaidlaw #EndoBoss


    #153 Meet Cristine - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Success Story

    #153 Meet Cristine - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Success Story

    We are delighted to introduce you to the delightful Cristine, coming from the beautiful country of Denmark in Europe.

    Over the span of three decades, starting as young as 14, Cristine grappled with the relentless ebb and flow of menstrual agony for almost 30 years.

    In her quest for relief, Cristine found herself at the mercy of the medical field, with limited options: pills or pregnancy. However, due to the presence of two 10cm cysts, she eventually felt pressure to undergo surgery and also became a mother of two. But, to her dismay, her symptoms returned with vengeance, turning her monthly cycles into an unbearable ordeal.

    Desperation and determination led her to explore alternatives. Against the backdrop of medical pressure to embrace hormone replacement therapy, and alarming irresponsible scaremongering about the risk of cancer as she got older, Cristine found herself in a state of fear and anxiety, struggling to trust her own body.

    Cristine's healing naturally journey began when an act of online searching brought her to Wendy's transformative book called "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally Without Painkillers, Drugs, or Surgery" a few years back. This book became her guiding light, helping her navigate the turbulent waters of chronic, excruciatingly painful periods and sizeable cysts. 

    A pivotal question emerged for her: "Are you worthy of being pain-free and having a good life?" 

    The answer, of course, was YES and the answer to this question came through her daily practise of morning journalling. It paved the way for Cristine to rediscover her sense of self, an equilibrium, and a way of escaping the confines of a rule-bound existence placed upon herself.

    Over the course of several years, Cristine revisited this book for inspiration. While her journey had its share of ups, down and bumps along the way, she gradually recognized her own power to heal and her intrinsic worth in the world.

    A lifelong pattern of overextending herself and prioritising others over her own needs began to shift without shame or guilt. 

    The narrative she had internalised, which was one that demanded her to be perfect to receive love, gave way to a new perspective. Cristine now declares, "It's been like a QUEST, and I'm okay, and my body is completely capable of healing itself!"

    From fear and resentment towards her body, she has transitioned to an appreciation of its incredible capabilities for self healing, naturally. She has learned to trust herself and her intuition, transcending pain to embrace a life FREE from endometriosis’s grip.

    Cristine recognised that the ovaries symbolise creativity, the source of creation and life within oneself—an area that she embarked on improving her awareness on.

    Cristine's journey offers valuable insights into rediscovering oneself, believing in one's worth, and finding a voice in this world. 

    It's been a journey inward and heading ‘back home to oneself’—a path from living in fear, in denial and where self-neglect prevailed, to a place of self-love, acceptance and balance.

    This transformation included reading Wendy's book many times, addressing The 5 P’s (Poisons; Produce, Products, Property, People & Past), incorporating journalling every morning, a daily meditation practise, and working on her closest relationships.

    Her truly inspiring story serves as a reminder to us all about the importance of balancing what is going on inside our head and body, letting go of the need for external validation, and finding peace within.

    Cristine now has short, light, ‘non-event’, pain-FREE period every month and no resurfacing of cysts. But the biggest joy in her journey is her connectedness, compassion and acceptance of herself, as she is able to finally live her life FREE from shame, guilt and emotional and physical pain.

    Now, it's your turn to start on your own EndoBoss® journey of healing and self-discovery. 

    If you're serious about change, eager to fast-track your transformation over a 12 months timeframe with our specialist and personalised support from our EndoBoss® Team, then be sure to join our email list (and/or double check your spam folder if you are already on it), as applications for the EndoBoss® Academy open soon.

    Go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturallyCourse.com to apply.

    Please note that EndoBoss® Client Academy is not a quick-fix program but a 12 months online transformational program. There are limited number of spaces due to the high levels of personalised support through out the year.


    @WendyKLaidlaw #HealEndometriosisNaturally #EndoBoss #EndoBossAcademy

    #152 - Retreat Masterclass Replay

    #152 - Retreat Masterclass Replay

    In this week's podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw shares the three secrets about HOW deeply subconscious emotions maybe connected to the surfacing of disease (dis-ease) showing up in the body.

    "Blocked, or deeply suppressed emotions, combined with subconscious intergenerational trauma, make the perfect breeding ground for disease (dis-ease) in the body. However, once you learn HOW to embrace emotions, healing of the mind, body and spirit begins.”- Wendy K Laidlaw

    Wendy shares a recent 'How To Embrace Emotions Retreat' Masterclass replay where she explains how and why deeply blocked emotions embedded in the lower subconscious parts of the brain, maybe unprocessed and impairing the immune system.

    This transformative in-person Retreat in Southern Portugal starts in 14 days. 

    To learn more go to:- https://embracingemotions.com/retreat_portugal_2023

    #HealEndometriosisNaturally #WendyKLaidlaw #EndoBoss #EmbracingEmotionsRetreat


    #151 How To Heal A Hurt Heart

    #151 How To Heal A Hurt Heart

    In this week's podcast Wendy K Laidlaw talks about past pain, especially from close relationships, often erodes trust and makes us keep our hearts closed off. 

    Whilst balancing the need for protection and connection can be challenging, extremes of isolation or vulnerability with our hearts were unhelpful. Either, life's beauty often gets overshadowed by sadness and loneliness when we shield our hearts or we get hurt from being too open. 

    The key is a balanced middle ground. To heal and reopen your heart involves gradual steps combined with the implementation of strong, protective mechanisms.

    Creating a protective mechanism enables you to identify triggers and set boundaries, and amid the fast-paced chaos of today’s society, listening to your inner voice and having brick-like boundaries becomes vital.

    On her own journey, doing these things allowed Wendy to rebuild trust in herself. She realised not everyone is kind and stopped 'idealising those who hurt her' and learned to differentiate genuine connections from toxic ones. 

    Wendy realised it was okay to hear uncomfortable truths about people and to say no when someone’s behaviour or requests didn’t work for her.

    If you need assistance safely re-opening your heart then join her at her Retreat. You will be able to learn how to hear your voice, establish boundaries, and navigate various personalities. Even more so, you will be able to experience safe connections and fully relax in the tranquil settings of the Retreat.

    Mother Teresa said the worst disease is feeling unwanted and for so long she felt this way.

    Now, her heart now shines, is unshackled and strong and she is able to appreciate the world around her. Let her guide you to heal the hurts of your heart.

    Learn more and visit https://embracingemotions.com/retreat_portugal_2023 @quintacarvalhas."

    Learn more at https://embracingemotions.com/retreat_portugal_2023

    @quintacarvalhas @healendometriosisnaturally @WendyKLaidlaw @EndoBoss

    #150 Retreat To The Retreat

    #150 Retreat To The Retreat

    This week, Wendy is excited to share an exclusive opportunity with her audience. She invites you to join her in person and experience the live event at the inaugural 'How To Embrace Emotions Retreat,' set to take place in the picturesque landscape of Portugal, Europe.

    This event promises a remarkable occasion for those who aspire to comprehend and embrace their emotions deeply and decipher their underlying messages. Beyond understanding, participants will also gain access to a toolbox of protocols and techniques, enabling them to effectively apply this emotional insight under Wendy's personal guidance.

    The Retreat curriculum encompasses various aspects, including cultivating resilient personal boundaries for the sake of self-care, recognizing and addressing the shackles of shame that may bind individuals, and countering external projections of shame.

     Attendees will discover methods for taking gradual yet progressive strides towards empowerment and mutual respect in their relationships, shedding the role of a passive bystander.

    Mark your calendars for a transformative experience, as the 'How To Embrace Emotions Retreat' with Wendy unfolds from Monday, October 2nd, to Saturday, October 7th, 2023.

    This event is not only about mastering your emotions but also about indulging in much-needed rest and rejuvenation for your mind, emotions, and body. The retreat will be hosted in a lavish 5-star accommodation, ensuring a tranquil and luxurious setting for your growth journey.

    Limited spots are available, so act swiftly to secure your place and avoid any regrets. Retreat into this immersive experience with Wendy and pave your way toward becoming a master of your emotions while immersing yourself in the opulence of restorative relaxation.

    Learn more at https://embracingemotions.com/retreat_portugal_2023

    #healendometriosisnaturally #wendyklaidlaw #embracingemotionsretreat #endoboss


    #149 - The Wall or The Way | Join Our Emotional Healing Retreat

    #149 - The Wall or The Way | Join Our Emotional Healing Retreat

    "The Wall or The Way" is both a reflection from Wendy K Laidlaw on memories of emotional healing and personal growth and an invitation for 'Super Sensitive Souls' to join her for emotional healing in the upcoming 'Emotional Healing Retreat' led by her personally, this October in Portugal.

    The podcast starts with Wendy's reflection on a recent emotionally intense experience where she watched someone she admired succumb to the poison, negativity and manipulation of a toxic individual who newly entered her life.

    She then talks about the dangers of seeking external validation for self worth and the challenges of societal conditioning, conformity, and toxic influences that may hinder emotional well-being.

    Many individuals face pressure to conform to societal norms and appearances, often leading to emotional distress and self-doubt. She highlights the paradox of seeking happiness externally and introduces the concept of peace, joy and happiness being an "inside job" and for achieving emotional well-being and authenticity.

    Finally, Wendy invites you to the Retreat so that she can help you address and MASTER your emotional struggles. She knows that deeply sensitive, caring, and selfless individuals tend to have difficulty valuing themselves and setting essential personal boundaries, due to deep-seated abandonment and rejection issues. 

    So, the Emotional Healing Retreat promises an opportunity for these individuals to unweave societal indoctrination, listen to their inner wisdom, and mend inter-generational emotional wounds - while transitioning toward peace.

    Wendys aims to do this through uniquely tailored tools, expert support, and guidance and knows that all who attend will learn emotional mastery about their emotions which will allow for emotional healing and personal growth.

    Limited spaces are available.

    Learn more about the Retreat here: https://embracingemotions.com/retreat_portugal_2023

    EmotionalHealingRetreat #embracingEmotionsRetreat #Empowerment #EmotionalEmpowerment #EmotionalMastery #HealEndometriosisNaturally #WendyKLaidlaw endometriosisawareness #endo #theendolifestyle #endometriosisawarenessmonth #endoeducation #endosupport #endofacts #endometriosisnaturally #HealAdenomyosisNaturally #EndometriosisNaturallyCookbook #EndoBoss #EndoBossAcademy #EmbracingEmotionsAcademy #EmbracingEmotions #PodcastsOnAmazonMusic @WendyKLaidlaw @AmazonMusicUK

    @quintacarvalhas #quintacarvalhas

    #148 - Bank of Borrowed Beliefs

    #148 - Bank of Borrowed Beliefs

    Welcome to the concept of "The Bank of Borrowed Beliefs," a conceptual oasis where the currency of success is not measured in monetary value but in the intangible power of belief.

    Imagine a place where the vaults hold treasures of wisdom, determination, and self-assurance, all borrowed from the accomplished mind(s) who have walked ahead of you on the path you aspire to tread.

    In this unique establishment, borrowing takes on an entirely new dimension. Just as a financial institution lends resources to empower you in your ventures, the Bank of Borrowed Beliefs offers a collection of beliefs from those who have already reached the pinnacles of their dreams. These beliefs are the stepping stones to your aspirations, paving the way for your journey toward personal triumph - and healing your body naturally.

    As you engage with this transformative concept, you'll discover that 'borrowing beliefs' is not about copying or mimicking but about harnessing the energy and insights of those who have already achieved what you aspire (like all the other EndoBosses!). 

    Let your journey be guided by the luminous footprints of those who have gone before you, and watch as you transform your borrowed beliefs into the most valuable asset of all: your own unshakable mastery of self and accomplishment.

    Start your own endometriosis naturally journey and download the Top 5 Quick Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

    To your health!

    #healendometriosis #endometriosis #endo #healendo #endoheal #endowhat #endoeducation #endowarrior#endo #healnaturally #endometriosisawareness #womenshealth #woman #adenomyosis #cysts #wendyklaidlaw #healendometriosisnaturally.com #amazonmusic

    #147 - Meet Kalisha - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Inspiring Story

    #147 - Meet Kalisha - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Inspiring Story

    Meet the lovely Kalisha from Texas, USA, who shares her inspiring story.

    Kalisha used to have debilitating monthly cycles that were so chronically painful that she would end up having to go to the A&E department at the local hospital; every month. Then the doctors would put her on an intravenous drip with pain medication to try and manage the excruciating pain that soared through her abdomen and body.

    Fortunately, Kalisha's sister bought my book called "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally" for her (which is available on Amazon). Although it was challenging at the start, she started to make the necessary lifestyle changes and within a few months, Kalisha's pain started to diminish and her visits to the hospital stopped.

    Whilst Kalisha still has some way to go on her EndoBoss® journey to reach her destination, she kindly reached out to us on Instagram and shared her great news of progression in the right direction!

    Listen to Kalisha share her inspiring journey and what is possible with the correct information and approach. As the Tasmanian proverb says "Little by little, little becomes a lot".

    Kalisha was also offered a coveted place in our EndoBoss® Coach Training Academy, to learn how to inspire and guide women with endometriosis to embrace their emotions and to become an EndoBoss®.

    To start your own EndoBoss® journey, download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com


    #HealEndometriosisNaturally #WendyKLaidlaw endometriosisawareness #endo #theendolifestyle #endometriosisawarenessmonth #endoeducation #endosupport #endofacts #endometriosisnaturally  #HealAdenomyosisNaturally #EndometriosisNaturallyCookbook #EndoBoss #EndoBossAcademy #EmbracingEmotionsAcademy #EmbracingEmotions #PodcastsOnAmazonMusic 





    #146 - Meet Hana B - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Success Story - Heal Endometriosis Naturally with Wendy K Laidlaw

    #146 - Meet Hana B - ANOTHER EndoBoss® Success Story - Heal Endometriosis Naturally with Wendy K Laidlaw

    Welcome to an inspiring episode of our podcast, where we have the pleasure of hearing Hana's incredible EndoBoss® success story with Heal Endometriosis Naturally and Wendy K Laidlaw. 

    Hana is a remarkably strong and lovely woman, who comes all the way from Slovakia in Europe and has recently completed the transformative and life-giving 12-month EndoBoss® Client Academy Program.

    Her journey has led her to achieve remission from endometriosis, experiencing zero pain each month. We are absolutely thrilled that Hana agreed to join us today and share her remarkable journey.

    Hana started her path by joining our 21-Day Unstoppable EndoBoss® Challenge, and then she participated in the Embracing Emotions program. If you haven't taken part in these programs yet, we highly encourage you to do so.

    Healing from endometriosis is an emotional journey, and it requires conscious effort and specialist support. 

    Wendy K Laidlaw, the creator of these transformative online programs, discusses the five essential poisons that need to be addressed: produce, products, property, people, and past. 

    While the practical aspects of the programs are relatively straightforward and explained thoroughly in her book, the emotional component presents a greater challenge.

    Many women are raised to be seen rather than heard, conditioned to be "good girls" who suppress their emotions and always prioritize others. This emotional aspect forms a significant part of the journey and is a core focus of the program Wendy has developed.

    Starting with the 21-Day Challenge allows women to reconnect with themselves gradually over three weeks. During this time, women can observe how their body responds to this newfound self-listening.

    Hana's dedication and commitment led us to offer her a place in the prestigious EndoBoss® Client Academy. Please note that the Academy has limited enrollment and not everyone who applies is accepted due to the specific criteria we look for in applicants. We seek women, like Hana, who recognize the importance of hard work, commitment, and necessary changes to achieve results.

    Hana's progress has been truly amazing, and we couldn't be more proud and delighted to share some of her specific progress with you.

    When she first joined the program, she experienced daily pain ranging from one to four on the pain scale, along with three to five days of bleeding, chronic fatigue, bloating, candida, and various infections. She also carried the burden of childhood trauma, which she astutely identified as a factor affecting her nervous and immune systems.

    Unfortunately, some of the medical professionals she sought help from had created additional trauma for her. If you've ever encountered rude or dismissive medical professionals, you understand how such experiences can compound trauma within your nervous system. However, throughout her journey in the EndoBoss® Client Academy, Hana experienced a complete transformation.

    Under Wendy's, Maxine and EndoBoss® Team guidance, Hana witnessed significant improvements. She now has pain-FREE periods, her fibroid reduced from 2 cm to 1.4 cm, and she lost 13 kg in weight. 

    The most notable transformation occurred on an emotional level, as Hana developed a deeper connection with herself. Her energy levels improved, and she gained confidence in communicating her needs, setting boundaries, and advocating for herself. These changes allowed her to rediscover lost 'Parts' of herself, including her playful, professional and protective aspects.

    Throughout her journey, Hana received unwavering support from our exceptional EndoBoss® team, including our dedicated endometriosis coaches like Head Coach, Maxine.

    Wendy herself was involved, closely monitoring Hana's progress and providing guidance whenever needed. Hana specifically mentioned the tremendous impact of her Head Coach, Maxine, who supported, cheered, and guided her through challenging times. Their relationship initially faced hurdles due to Hana's childhood trauma, making it challenging for her to receive the compassion and kindness we knew she deserved. 

    However, with Maxine's expert coaching approach and a growing sense of confidence, Hana was able to trust, relax and understand the profound value of their safe connection and the expert support offered. And then the healing began!

    To download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips, learn more and start your EndoBoss® Journey go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

    #HealEndometriosisNaturally #WendyKLaidlaw #endometriosisawareness #endo #theendolifestyle #endometriosisawarenessmonth #endoeducation #endosupport #endofacts #endometriosisnaturally #HealAdenomyosisNaturally #EndometriosisNaturallyCookbook #EndoBoss #EndoBossAcademy #EmbracingEmotionsAcademy #EmbracingEmotions #PodcastsOnAmazonMusic @WendyKLaidlaw @AmazonMusicUK

    #BookClub #BookTok


    #145 - Trust Your Instincts

    #145 - Trust Your Instincts

    Have you ever found yourself in a frustrating situation where the medical field fails to acknowledge your pain, despite your extensive research and relentless suffering? You're not alone.

    In this podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the harsh reality faced by millions of women every day – the struggle to be believed after years, if not decades, of enduring excruciating pain.

     What's even more disheartening is that the very professionals who are supposed to offer guidance often exacerbate the situation by focusing on symptom suppression rather than addressing the underlying causes.

    Antidepressants are prescribed, leaving women feeling dismissed and invalidated, as their pain is written off as imaginary. Some are even misdiagnosed with eating disorders when in truth, they are simply avoiding certain foods due to a lack of digestive support.

    Many women are left feeling hopeless, desperately seeking effective treatments but met with ignorance or outdated approaches. It's crucial to trust your instincts above anyone else's opinions or advice when it comes to your health – your well-being depends on it.

    If you're ready to embark on your own journey towards healing, visit https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips. Get ready to find hope, support, and empowerment as we explore the uncharted territories of endometriosis. Start this transformative journey - to heal naturally.

    #HealEndometriosisNaturally #EndoBoss #WendyKLaidlaw

    # 145 - Trust Your Instincts

    # 145 - Trust Your Instincts

    Have you ever found yourself in a frustrating situation where the medical field fails to acknowledge your pain, despite your extensive research and relentless suffering? You're not alone.

    In this podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw discusses the harsh reality faced by millions of women every day – the struggle to be believed after years, if not decades, of enduring excruciating pain.

     What's even more disheartening is that the very professionals who are supposed to offer guidance often exacerbate the situation by focusing on symptom suppression rather than addressing the underlying causes.

    Antidepressants are prescribed, leaving women feeling dismissed and invalidated, as their pain is written off as imaginary. Some are even misdiagnosed with eating disorders when in truth, they are simply avoiding certain foods due to a lack of digestive support.

    Many women are left feeling hopeless, desperately seeking effective treatments but met with ignorance or outdated approaches. It's crucial to trust your instincts above anyone else's opinions or advice when it comes to your health – your well-being depends on it.

    If you're ready to embark on your own journey towards healing, visit https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips. Get ready to find hope, support, and empowerment as we explore the uncharted territories of endometriosis. Let's start this transformative journey - to heal naturally.

    #HealEndometriosisNaturally #EndoBoss #WendyKLaidlaw

    #144 - Meet Leonie - ANOTHER EndoBoss Success Story - Heal Endometriosis Naturally with Wendy K Laidlaw

    #144 - Meet Leonie - ANOTHER EndoBoss Success Story - Heal Endometriosis Naturally with Wendy K Laidlaw

    Meet the lovely Leonie from Switzerland, who shares another inspiring EndoBoss® story.

    Leonie is 21 years old, and when she reached out to us last year, she was suffering terribly every day with pain scores of 5-7, along with severe back pain, painful bowel movements, ovarian cysts, bloating, and ovulation pain in mid cycle, to name a few of the many symptoms that crippled her ability to live her life. 

    Over the past nine months, Leonie has seen many significant and life-changing improvements, from stronger hair and nails, softer skin, the disappearance of Candida, improved and regular bowel movements, along with an improved digestive system. 

    In addition, she has also seen her period pain scores reduce by over half, with no daily pain and only 1-2 at her periods. Her energy and sleep patterns have improved, along with her confidence and sense of self. 

    Emotionally she is stronger in recognising how to protect herself whilst developing more skills in listening and identifying her personality 'parts' that need additional self-kindness, compassion and support. Leone has also learned how to put in new appropriate boundaries with those people who are disrespectful, unkind or toxic to her.

    Leonie was surprised at how much the EndoBoss® Academy program helped her to heal emotionally and spiritually, which in turn, has helped reconnect her to her body in a new, healthy way and enabled her to understand it in a way she’s never known before. 

    Leonie felt that the program was a nurturing and loving environment that she had not experienced before. She continues to work on some more emotional aspects to strengthen her connection to her body, as she still has a little way to go to be totally pain-free each month which is now in her sights.

    It’s been inspiring to work with such a young and beautiful woman at the beginning of her life to directly inform, educate and inspire her. 

    Leonie is now onto a new, healthy pathway and can understand the true meaning and messages behind any symptoms or pain showing up in her body - and how to take affirmative and impactive action.

    Leonie felt she was surrounded by kindness, positivity, and a support system whilst she learned to recognise her value and worth in the world. She encourages any woman who has tried everything else to apply to work with the EndoBoss® Academy to help realign the relationship between their bodies and to become a boss over their endometriosis - an EndoBoss®.

    To learn more go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips.

    HealEndometriosisNaturally #EndoBoss #WendyKLaidlaw



    #143 - Persistence, Patience & Parts

    #143 - Persistence, Patience & Parts


    This week Wendy shares an extract from a group Q&A call from her Embracing Emotions program. In this extract, she discusses how the emotional component is integral to allowing for the whole body and whole person to heal.

    Any form of disease, especially endometriosis, is a complex condition and affects all elements of a woman’s life and her body.  By learning how to listen to her body and her emotions, she ultimately becomes a detective and that new art develops a new and empowering relationship.  The woman is, over time, able to identify certain triggers from the 5 P’s and then learns how to become a boss of her endometriosis - an EndoBoss®. 

    The key to success is Persistence (it may take up to 12 months to put into remission with expert support, and Patience (this process is not a quick fix but is a "long-term sustainable solution," which addresses the root causes of a problem and is designed to provide lasting and effective results) and Parts (listen to all parts of yourself - all parts make a whole).


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    Start your new EndoBoss® journey by downloading the Top 5 QuickStart Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com

    #142 - Meet Jessica - ANOTHER EndoBoss Inspiring Story - Heal Endometriosis Naturally with Wendy K Laidlaw

    #142 - Meet Jessica - ANOTHER EndoBoss Inspiring Story - Heal Endometriosis Naturally with Wendy K Laidlaw

    Meet the delightful Jessica from the USA, who, through an Essay she wrote at the end of EndoBoss® Academy, has agreed for Wendy to read out for this podcast. The Essay read by Wendy explains and shares another EndoBoss® Inspiring Story with Heal Endometriosis Naturally.

    Jessica is a 40-year-old primary school teacher who, sadly, had to resign from her work due to severe levels of endometriosis pain. 

    Fortunately, Jessica was determined to find a natural approach to healing and resisted pressure to proceed with an invasive surgical procedure that her gynaecologist promoted. She searched for solutions on Amazon and discovered Wendy's paperback book How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally and signed up for the website Top Tips.

    Feeling inspired and hopeful, she watched the educational MasterClass Wendy held and was lucky to be offered a coveted place in the life-changing EndoBoss® Academy.

    When Jessica first started working with Wendy and the EndoBoss® Team, she was in a lot of pain, with scores as high as 8-10 every day, with pain at ovulation and higher pain at menstruation. She also had other symptoms like spotting, breast pain, pain with bowel movements, adenomyosis, cysts, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, bloating, migraines, bladder sensitivity, lower back pain, etc.

    Within a few months of starting her EndoBoss® Journey, her periods got shorter in length, with lighter blood flow, better skin on her hands and face (which previously had eczema), and better digestion. 

    After 27 years of debilitating chronic abdominal pain, Wendy will share how Jessica learned the root causes of her suffering and now connects with her body, mind, emotions and spirit in a comfortable and empowering way for the betterment of her overall health.

    As you may recall from previous EndoBoss® success stories, real physical healing only starts when the emotional elements are processed and addressed gently and lovingly over a 10-12 months period.

    By paying close attention to what is going in, on and around the body and the brain (the brain/body connection), our expert team systematically help our EndoBosses process any upsetting events or elements from the people and/or the past.

    This also includes helping women to identify and embrace their emotions and hear their underlying messages whilst encouraging them to install healthy firm boundaries for any toxic or trying people in their lives. These elements may operate on a deep, subconscious level affecting one's health - even for the most successful women in the business world.

    The real secret to the whole brain/body healing is by using the 'Laidlaw Protocols' to support the challenging job of healing parts of the subconscious and emotions, which may hold 'hurts and harms' from the past, whilst also learning to embrace emotions in a new and empowering way.

    Jessica trusted the EndoBoss® Process and saw many positive improvements in her body. She also experienced gigantic shifts in her sense of self, confidence, identity and ability to listen and trust her inner wisdom and instincts. She now recognises her innate personal value, self-worth and emotional strength.

    Now, ten months on, Jessica has been to return to her work again at a local school and has a new and compassionate relationship with her body, mind and emotions. 

    Whilst Jessica still has a little way to go to achieve her full ultimate pain-free goal, she has made significant shifts and improvements that she never thought possible, physically and emotionally, at the start of her EndoBoss® journey. 

    Jessica knows that she is a BOSS over her endometriosis now and an EndoBoss® for life.

    So we hope you enjoy listening to Wendy share Jessica's Essay as she generously shares her EndoBoss® journey so far.

    Jessica is such a beautiful soul (much like many of our amazing EndoBosses), so we ask you to support her generously by sending her your love, cheers and congratulations on her courage!

    You can get a copy of Wendy's book "How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally" on Amazon https://amzn.to/3VHtraM

    (*Get your FREE Audiobook Version at Audible https://adbl.co/3mk8O7C)

    To start your own EndoBoss® Journey, go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs

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    @AmazonMusicUK @WendyKLaidlaw

    #141 - Eliminating The Shame Guilt Game with Lois Hollis

    #141 - Eliminating The Shame Guilt Game with Lois Hollis

    This week, Wendy talks with the delightful Lois Hollis from the USA, who is the author and Founder of Shame Guilt, sharing the insidious nature of toxic and often subconscious emotional states of shame guilt.

    The shame game is prevalent in many elements of society, religion and relationships and may go on below the level of conscious awareness and be highly damaging to one’s health.

    Fifty years ago, Lois was physically disabled and depressed and told she had only one or two years to live due to kidney failure and heart issues. 

    Now, she is thriving at the ripe age of 80; she will celebrate her birthday rollerblading. She is a testament to how to reclaim your health and unlock it after dispelling and dispersing long-held displaced shame and guilt passed down through the ancestral line and projected from specific segments of society.

    Lois has made it her life’s work to share with people suffering from long-term medical conditions and diseases how to easily hear and process any shame and guilt (shame guilt). This allows other feelings and pleasant emotional states to emerge, opening up the opportunity for physical, mental and emotional healing.

    To learn more about Lois go to LoisHollis.com and download her free e-book and other video content.  

    You can also go to https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com/Programs to learn more about the 21-Day Challenge ‘unblock Emotional Blocks’ to unlock trapped unpleasant emotions inhibiting your healing journey.


    #140 Stranger Danger

    #140 Stranger Danger

    In this week's Podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw talks about Stranger Danger.

    "Stranger Danger" is a term normally used to educate children and young people about the potential dangers of interacting with complete strangers. The basic message is to be cautious of strangers and people in authority positions, especially when they are alone or by themselves.

    However, this is also an important concept for women to remember when approaching any new health services professionals.

    Women need to be aware of potential risks, such as exploitation, pressure or abuse and ensure that they interact with a trustworthy and competent professional who is the right fit for them and their needs.

    Going slowly and taking time to listen to their instincts may minimise any potential risks of future physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harm.

    To start your own EndoBoss® journey to empowerment, download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com


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    #BookClub #BookTok


    #139 - Cull The Clutter To Get The Clarity

    #139 - Cull The Clutter To Get The Clarity

    This week Wendy K Laidlaw talks about the conscious act of 'culling clutter' or getting rid of unnecessary items and distractions in your mind, home and all areas of your life and how this may help improve one's physical and emotional health. 

    Studies have shown that clearing old and unused items (that may have been hoarded and built up over time) declutters the mind and gives more energy to your body, home and life. 

    Studies reveal that culling unnecessary clutter has been shown to reduce physical and emotional stress and anxiety, improve your organization and productivity, plus create a sense of calm and control in one's living or working space.

    Learn how to start to become an EndoBoss® and download your Top 5 Quick Start Tips at https://HealEndometriosisNaturally.com


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    #138 - Unblock Emotional Blocks & Boost Immune System

    #138 - Unblock Emotional Blocks & Boost Immune System

    This week, Wendy K Laidlaw shares a recent mini-masterclass that she held about how you can 'UnBlock Emotional Blocks' within an impactful 21-Day Challenge to start the New Year off with a positive boost!

    Most women do not realise that the suppression of emotions may significantly affect our overall well-being, including our physical health, energy levels and immune responses.

    Research suggests that we can positively impact our immune system by embracing and expressing emotions (in a safe, guided and considered way) rather than suppressing or denying them.

    Studies have found that individuals who suppress or deny their emotions have a weaker immune response to stressors than those who express them.

    So, this mini-MasterClass shares some of the impactful protocols, tools and secrets that Wendy has used herself and with clients to learn how to increase awareness and curiosity of both pleasant and unpleasant emotions over the years.  These science-based approaches ultimately enabled her to increase her immune system's effectiveness, lower inflammation and decrease stress and anxiety - and put all of her conditions, including stage IV endometriosis, into remission.

    Learn more about joining the powerful 21-Day 'UnBlock Emotional Blocks' Challenge at https://embracingemotions.com/unblock_your_blocks_21_day_challenge

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