
    Health & Fitness Redefined

    Health and Fitness Redefined with Anthony Amen. Take a dive into the health world as we learn how to overcome adversity, depict fact vs fiction and see health & fitness in a whole new light.Fitness Is Medicine

    en-usAnthony Amen224 Episodes

    Episodes (224)

    Revolutionizing Wellness: Building Sustainable Health Habits for Busy Fathers

    Revolutionizing Wellness: Building Sustainable Health Habits for Busy Fathers

    Have you ever felt that despite juggling fatherhood and a successful career, your own health took a backseat? Our guest, Brian, was in the same boat until he uncovered the transformative power of adaptive habit chains for sustainable health and fitness. This episode peels back the layers on how small, consistent lifestyle tweaks, rather than extreme overhaul attempts, can revolutionize your well-being. Join us as Brian walks us through his 'fast method,' a testament to the profound impact of truly understanding our brain's psychology when it comes to forming and sticking to beneficial habits.

    Life often throws us curveballs, and sometimes those curveballs are in the form of tempting unhealthy snacks or disruptive news cycles that can derail our fitness goals. This is why we dissect the triangle of self-influence – environment, reflection, and imagination – to navigate the complexities of our surroundings and how they shape our habits. I'll share personal strategies I use to maintain a sovereignty over my choices, emphasizing the critical nature of daily actions and belief systems that support long-term wellness. We'll reveal how simple shifts in your pantry setup or resisting unhealthy foods can empower you to take control of your health journey.

    As we wrap up this incredibly raw conversation with Brian, we hone in on the nuances of masculinity and the societal pressures that can sometimes keep us stagnant. We tackle the importance of setting goals and how acknowledging our efforts over results can bring about a paradigm shift in self-worth and personal development. Sharing intimate anecdotes, we underscore the art of embracing self-ownership, not just for the sake of our health and fitness, but also in nurturing our relationships, especially in marriage. This episode is a treasure trove of insights and practical advice that will bolster not just dads but anyone looking to enhance both their physical and relational vitality.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usMarch 11, 2024

    Confronting Nutrition Fads and the Seduction of Quick Fixes

    Confronting Nutrition Fads and the Seduction of Quick Fixes

    When the scales tip and our health teeters, it's time to take a hard look at our nutrition and fitness regimes. This week, join me, Anthony Amen, as I sit with the remarkable Amy, a former pharmacy aficionado turned nutrition coach who's here to dispel the myths surrounding our diets. Prepare to be enlightened on the staggering effects of your food choices as Amy recounts her transformative journey from yo-yo diets to the sustainable pursuit of health, especially through the treacherous landscape of perimenopause.

    The conversation heats up as we dissect the macronutrient trio—proteins, fats, and carbohydrates—that govern our wellbeing. Amy's expertise shines as we emphasize the underrated hero of the diet world: protein. Not just a gym buff's ally, protein is crucial for everyone, particularly as we age. We'll also navigate the complexities of plant-based diets, underscoring the importance of strategic supplementation. If you've ever been tangled in the web of nutritional hearsay, let us guide you towards the truth about the integral role of balanced macros and thoughtful eating.

    But it's not all about what's on your plate—sometimes, it's about what's in your medicine cabinet. We wrap up our chat by examining the controversial rise of GLP-1 agonist medications like Wagobi and Ozempic, dissecting the allure and hidden perils of such lifestyle drugs. As Amy and I advocate for strength-building over pill-popping and coaching over quick fixes, we remind listeners that the path to true health is through informed, conscious choices. Buckle up for an episode that might just redefine the way you look at food, fitness, and the fine line between medicine and dependency.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usMarch 04, 2024

    Is Grit Teachable?

    Is Grit Teachable?

    As I sat down with my staff member Devon, a question emerged that led us down an insightful path: Can grit, that elusive mix of passion and perseverance, truly be taught? This episode is a deep, heartfelt exploration of that very concept, where we discuss the significant role grit plays in our pursuit of fitness goals, business success, and personal growth. Our conversation uses the commitment to 216 hours in the gym each year as a case study for the persistent effort needed to achieve true transformation, illustrating just how personalized and pivotal grit is for long-term accomplishment.

    Through the lens of my own journey, battling the shadows of negativity and depression since middle school, I offer up anecdotes of how I chiseled my path with tenacity as my guide. The stories shared in this episode are not just mine but also those of athletes and entrepreneurs who illuminate the reality that success is often a product of relentless pursuit. We delve into the power of our "why"—the driving force behind our actions—and discuss how this emotional underpinning is critical in fostering the resilience needed to face and overcome adversity.

    Rounding out our discussion, we emphasize the transformative effect of ditching the victim mentality and taking personal responsibility for our goals. This episode is not just an exploration but an invitation to self-reflection and the cultivation of a growth mindset. By starting with small challenges, we can build the resilience and determination necessary for success. So, whether you're lifting weights, launching businesses, or simply seeking personal empowerment, this episode is a testament to the boundless potential that grit unlocks within us all.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usFebruary 26, 2024

    Redefining Fitness at Any Age: Allan Misner's Story of Health and Resilience

    Redefining Fitness at Any Age: Allan Misner's Story of Health and Resilience

    Picture this: you're on the volleyball court, and suddenly, your body doesn't cooperate. That's exactly what happened to Allan Misner, and it was his wake-up call to regain control of his fitness journey. Join us as we sit down with Allan, who bravely shares his story of transformation, proving that age is just a number when it comes to reclaiming your health. We delve into the mental and physical resilience it takes to prioritize fitness, illustrating that the journey towards wellness is as much about mindset as it is about muscle. 

    We've all seen it, someone we love losing their spark as they age, their independence slipping away as health takes a backseat. This episode sheds light on why maintaining strength and balance isn't just about looking good; it's about living life to its fullest, whether that’s swinging a golf club or chasing after grandkids. Through heartfelt discussions and personal anecdotes, we underscore the critical concept of 'fitness fit for task'—the idea that being in shape means being able to handle the curveballs daily life throws at us with grace and vigor.

    As we wrap up, accountability takes center stage. Learn how involving your tribe—be it family or friends—can magnify your motivation and help cement a health-first mindset that benefits everyone. We share insights into time management strategies that honor both your busy schedule and your commitment to health, such as integrating family meal prep or scheduling morning workouts. It's not just about individual transformation; it's about fostering a family culture where fitness is a shared value. So, rally your loved ones and let's take this journey together, because when one of us grows stronger, we all do.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usFebruary 19, 2024

    From Scrubs to Fitness: Championing Nurse Health and Wellbeing

    From Scrubs to Fitness: Championing Nurse Health and Wellbeing

    Every day, nurses lace up their shoes to face the relentless pace of hospital wards, often neglecting their own health for the sake of others. We're joined by two healthcare heroes who turned the tables, trading their scrubs for gym shorts to lead by example in fitness coaching. They unpack the gripping reality of their former lives in emergency nursing—where extended shifts and no breaks were the norm, and personal well-being took a backseat. Their transition to fitness coaching isn't just a career shift; it's a crusade to show that those who care for us need care too, and they're here to share how they did it.

    Underneath the superhero capes of nurses lie the stark challenges of burnout and obesity, battles that our guests are all too familiar with. Their stories resonate with many in the profession, as they candidly recount the grueling demands of 12-hour shifts coupled with family responsibilities that left little room for self-care. But despair isn't the destination. They present us with a beacon of hope, offering practical solutions like strategic planning and seizing brief moments for exercise to help overworked nurses reclaim their health and vitality.

    As we explore the prevention of workplace injuries, we're introduced to innovative strategies like a light-up water bottle for hydration and exercise regimens tailored to combat lower back pain. This episode isn't just about overcoming adversity; it's about laying the groundwork for a health revolution in the nursing field. By providing actionable advice and drawing inspiration from successful fitness initiatives for healthcare workers abroad, we're charting out a roadmap for nurses to embark on a transformative journey towards better health and fitness. Join us for an episode that's not just a call to action—it's a lifeline to a healthier future for our tireless caretakers.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usFebruary 12, 2024

    Rethinking Stretching: Dynamic Stability and the Yoga-Muscle Connection

    Rethinking Stretching: Dynamic Stability and the Yoga-Muscle Connection

    Embark on a transformative journey with us as we unravel the conventional wisdom on stretching. Joined by Aaron, the yoga guru turned wellness pioneer, we take a deep dive into Muscle Activation Technique and its unexpected connection to yoga. Experience a paradigm shift in your fitness routine as we challenge the traditional stretching dogma and open your eyes to a dynamic, stability-focused approach that puts the brain-muscle connection at the forefront of your movement practice.

    In a landscape cluttered with static stretches and misconceptions, we stand with Aaron to champion a balanced yoga methodology that marries Eastern traditions with scientific rigor. Discover the physiological wonders of diaphragmatic breathing, the neurological benefits of stress management, and the importance of hydration in muscle health. Forget the esoteric – we're peeling back the layers to reveal the tangible impacts of a mindful practice on your body and mind.

    As we close this chapter, we part with an invitation to join us on a mission to alleviate pain and foster a community grounded in wellness. Aaron's insights from Blue Osea Yoga Retreat and Spa have not only enlightened us but also promised a beacon of hope for those seeking reprieve from discomfort. We're honored to guide you through these revelations and urge you to subscribe and share your thoughts, as together we navigate the vast waters of health, one episode at a time.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usFebruary 05, 2024

    A Tale of Transformation Self-Respect in the Face of Time

    A Tale of Transformation Self-Respect in the Face of Time

    When life threw punch after punch, Neil from Australia punched back with the might of fitness and resilience. His raw account of rising above divorce, bankruptcy, and body image issues will leave you inspired to tackle your own battles with renewed vigor. Join our heartfelt dialogue as Neil unveils the transformative power of facing life's adversities head-on, offering practical tools and mindset strategies that promise to revolutionize your path to personal growth. His is a story that resonates with authenticity and hard work, a true embodiment of what it means to emerge as a 'unified man'.

    Strap in for a candid conversation about the subtle art of daily improvement, where the seemingly insignificant choices we make can either construct or crumble our foundations. I share my musings on the compound effect of our routines, a principle that has quietly fueled the ascent of this very podcast from its modest inception. This episode is a call to arms for self-respect and self-investment, to embrace a lifestyle that fosters peak vitality and shuns the all-too-common trajectory toward decline. It's a compelling case for the incremental steps that, when taken consistently, carve out a trajectory toward monumental life shifts.

    As we wrap up, we delve into the philosophy of aging with grace, challenging the preconceived notions that associate growing older with inevitable decay. I draw an analogy between our bodies and a thriving nation, underscoring the critical importance of nurturing our internal 'governance' to reflect a robust and vivacious spirit. We conclude with a nod to our natural, childlike essence and how shedding societal burdens can unlock the door to success and happiness. As Neil generously shares his insights and his book, we extend our deepest thanks to you, our listeners, for joining us on this soul-enriching fitness odyssey.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usJanuary 29, 2024

    Discovering Energy and Life Through Cleansing and Nutrition

    Discovering Energy and Life Through Cleansing and Nutrition

    Facing a health crisis can be a pivotal moment in anyone's life, and for my guest Tim James, it was the wake-up call that transformed him entirely. On today's show, Tim takes us through his riveting journey, describing the serious health scares that led him to overhaul his lifestyle and adopt a focus on whole-body wellness. Together, we unpack the powerful realizations that come with listening to our bodies and making choices that truly nourish us, from the food we consume to the way we handle stress.

    Have you ever considered the hidden world within us and its impact on our wellbeing? My own path to better health led me to discover the surprising benefits of colon hydrotherapy and the importance of internal cleansing. It's a topic shrouded in mystery for many, but as I share my transformative experiences with hydration, alkaline diets, and yes, even parasite expulsion, you'll begin to see the undeniable connection between what's happening inside our bodies and how we feel on the outside. Tim James and I explore why a clean colon might just be the key to unlocking our healthiest selves.

    But it's not just about what's happening internally; our external environment plays a massive role in our health as well. In today's conversation, we lay bare the silent enemies in our daily lives: processed foods, toxic products, and stress. With Tim's expertise, we highlight the importance of combating nutrient deficiency and the stress that burdens even the most health-conscious among us, including healthcare providers themselves. And for those seeking a revitalized existence, we discuss the exceptional benefits of high-quality, food-based nutritional and detox products that promise renewed energy and vitality. Join us as we share our stories and insights, hoping to inspire you on your own path to wellness.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usJanuary 22, 2024

    Reshaping Your Life: Beyond Diets to Mindful Health with Katie from We Shape

    Reshaping Your Life: Beyond Diets to Mindful Health with Katie from We Shape

    Discover the transformative power of tuning into your body's needs with Katie from we Shape, as she guides us through the uncharted territories of health and fitness. This episode sheds light on the profound shift from quick-fix dieting to the lasting benefits of mindful movement and sustainable lifestyle changes. Katie's expertise in setting meaningful intentions that transcend mere numbers on a scale will inspire you to uncover your inner motivations. We're not just talking about weight loss here; we're delving into the essence of undieting and how it underscores the importance of mental health and self-connection.

    Venture into the realm of F squared consulting with us, where fitness meets financial freedom, and understand why your well-being is the real wealth. Katie's approach to exercising as a natural antidepressant could very well change your life. We confront the toxic temptations of weight loss culture and discuss how personal responsibility and a supportive environment are key to a healthier self. We also scrutinize the intricacies of obesity without succumbing to shame or strict regimes, advocating for a balanced approach to nutrition that celebrates the joy of eating. This is not just another health podcast; it's a call to reshape your life, one intention at a time.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usJanuary 15, 2024

    Celebrity Coach's Secrets to Fitness Success and Nutritional Clarity

    Celebrity Coach's Secrets to Fitness Success and Nutritional Clarity

    When life threw a curveball at my dear friend and celebrity trainer Phil, he didn't just dodge; he hit a home run. Tune in as he takes us through the highs and lows of his incredible journey, from battling and beating leukemia to shaping the health of Hollywood elites. As Phil peels back the curtain on his life-changing experiences, we uncover the profound influence his father's cancer battle had on his fitness philosophy. His candid reflections on swapping the corporate ladder for the personal training path reveal how true fulfillment often lies beyond fame and recognition, nestled in the genuine desire to improve others' well-being.

    As your host, Anthony Amen, I'm excited to share our conversation that's packed with practical advice for anyone looking to revolutionize their fitness routine. Forget the daunting, complicated regimens; it's time to embrace the simplicity of starting small and the mightiness of the pen in keeping you accountable for your fitness journey. We discuss how setting non-negotiable appointments for your workouts can be a game-changer, much like a business meeting you can't afford to miss. And for those taking the first tentative steps towards wellness, you'll learn how beginning with a stroll around your neighborhood can lead to remarkable strides in your health.

    We wrap up with a hard look at the often elusive element of fitness success: nutrition. Phil and I demystify calorie counting, debunking the myths of 'healthy' food choices that are anything but, and providing you with a blueprint for a simplified diet that's both effective and maintainable. Say farewell to the confusion of fad diets and embrace a lifestyle where whole foods and consistent eating habits are your foundation for long-term health. After all, isn't it about time we all felt a little more energized and a whole lot healthier? Join us for this heart-to-heart where wisdom meets wellness, and get ready to transform your approach to fitness and nutrition.

    F2 Consulting
    Discover a healthier, wealthier you with F2 Consulting.

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usJanuary 08, 2024

    Making 2024 Your Most Successful Year: The Power of Goal Setting and Accountability

    Making 2024 Your Most Successful Year: The Power of Goal Setting and Accountability

    Want to make 2024 your most successful year yet? Brace yourself as we unpack the sheer power of goal setting and accountability. Ditch New Year's Eve parties and start the year fresh - that's my personal strategy that has always worked. We'll talk about how sharing your goals with someone else, or even with a group on social media, can keep you focused throughout the year. 

    Does a 365% change over a year sound too good to be true? Not if you commit to a 1% daily increase! We'll have a deep discussion on how small changes, when consistently implemented, can lead to notable transformations. We'll also look at the role of accountability partners and coaches in helping us reach our goals. And it's not just about you - we'll explore how you can create healthy habits for your entire family by leading by example. So, let's march into 2024 armed with solid strategies and an unwavering spirit!

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usJanuary 01, 2024

    Becoming a Personal Trainer: Insights from Fitness Veteran Rick Richey (Re-Run)

    Becoming a Personal Trainer: Insights from Fitness Veteran Rick Richey (Re-Run)

    (Originally aired 2022) Ever wondered what it takes to become a personal trainer? To help answer that, we recently sat down with fitness industry veteran, Rick Richey from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), who enlightened us with his nearly two-decade journey in the fitness world. From his early days as a martial arts enthusiast through to becoming a key figure at the renowned NASM, Rick's insights provide an engaging and revealing exploration of the fitness industry. He reveals the ins and outs of personal training certifications, comparing his own experiences with the ACSM Health Fitness Instructor exam and NSCA content.

    Nutrition and its integral role in fitness also takes center stage in our conversation with Rick. We discuss the nuanced approach NASM takes in teaching about nutrition, emphasizing that trainers should empower their clients with knowledge, rather than dictate their eating habits. Trainers, says Rick, can use a client-centric approach to help clients make their own decisions and live their own life. This empowering perspective is one that every aspiring fitness professional should take note of. 

    As we wrap up our enlightening chat, education becomes the focal point. Rick shares his views on the importance of teaching people self-efficacy and how to move on their own - a critical part of personal training. We also delve closer into NASM's accreditation process, providing a behind-the-scenes look at how fitness education certification works. As a special takeaway, Rick shares his mantra of being a lifelong learner in the fitness industry, a message that resonates throughout our conversation and indeed, throughout the fitness industry as a whole.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usDecember 31, 2023

    Reimagining Diet and Nutrition with Chuck Rose (Re-Run)

    Reimagining Diet and Nutrition with Chuck Rose (Re-Run)

    Prepare to have your assumptions about dieting and nutrition turned upside down, as we're joined by Chuck Rose, author of Customize Yourself Nutrition. Boasting an impressive track record of researching over 3,000 books, articles, and reports, Chuck takes us on a groundbreaking journey through the realms of healthy eating. You thought you knew it all about dieting? Think again!

    Chuck enlightens us on the shocking truth about our favorite diets - the Mediterranean, Keto, and Paleo - and their real impact on our health. He decodes the mystery behind the annual diet studies released by the US News and World Report, and it's not what you'd expect. He also gives us a reality check on the hidden sugars lurking in the corners of our so-called healthy diets. Brace yourself, as Chuck busts some major myths around the consumption of fruit juices and their supposed benefits.

    But that's not all. Chuck opens up about his personal dietary choices and shares his inspiring journey from being an overweight child to a fit adult. He delves into his own experience of not eating meat for a whopping 30 years, and alerts us to the dangers of factory meat consumption for our health and the planet. Wrapping it all up, he emphasizes the significance of making little dietary tweaks and how they can lead to big differences in our overall health. So, ready to customize your nutrition with Chuck and transform your life? Sit back, relax, and let's get started!

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usDecember 25, 2023

    Brewing a Healthier Future: The Story of Athletic Brewing Company (Re-Run)

    Brewing a Healthier Future: The Story of Athletic Brewing Company (Re-Run)

    (Originally aired 2021)  Ever longed for a beer that won't sabotage your fitness goals? Join me as I welcome John, the co-founder and head brewer of Athletic Brewing Company, to unveil the captivating narrative behind their ground-breaking non-alcoholic beer. This all began when Bill Shufelt, the original founder, chose to prioritize his wellness over his high-pressure hedge fund career. His bold decision led to the creation of a product that is challenging the negative perceptions around non-alcoholic beer. Get inspired by their journey from just a dream to quitting stable jobs and building the first non-alcoholic brewery in the U.S. John also candidly shares his experience of relocating from New Mexico to Connecticut to join forces with Bill on this exciting project.

    Discover the distinctive philosophy Athletic Brewing Company brings to the craft beer world. Learn about their noble initiatives such as the Two for Trails program and their future ambitions. Beyond the beer, we dive into the broader discourse of health and fitness, touching on the mental advantages of sports and its role in creating a better future for ourselves and our progeny. Regardless of if you're a fitness fanatic, beer enthusiast, or just someone yearning for motivation to make a lifestyle change, this episode is brimming with insights and stories that enlighten and inspire. Prepare to see non-alcoholic beer in a whole new light!

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usDecember 24, 2023

    Unlocking the Secret Power of Gut Health: Impact on Overall Well-being

    Unlocking the Secret Power of Gut Health: Impact on Overall Well-being

    Ready to unlock the secret to better overall health and fitness? This episode promises to do just that, revealing the incredible power of our gut health. We've got a special guest on board, Josh, who’s a specialist in gut health and has had miraculous experiences with his clients. One of his most awe-inspiring cases is of Lynn, a 59-year-old woman who shattered world records in powerlifting, thanks to her gut-health-focused nutrition and fitness efforts. Join us as we explore how our gut health is intricately linked to various health conditions and how we can harness its potential.

    Ever thought about the immense role that gut bacteria play in our health? Prepare to be amazed as we discuss the surprising fact that gut bacteria outnumber our own cells by 10 to 1. We also talk about the harmful effects of inflammatory foods like gluten, which can lead to leaky gut syndrome, and how stress impacts our gut health. We share practical tips on mindful eating and the use of digestive enzymes for improved digestion. This is your chance to gain valuable insights into how your gut health shapes your physical and mental well-being.

    Lastly, we question some common beliefs about diet and additives. We debunk the myth that high cholesterol necessarily leads to high dietary cholesterol and caution against the dangers of trans and saturated fats. We explore the worrying correlation between artificial sweeteners and diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. Want to make smarter food choices for a healthier lifestyle? Stay tuned as we discuss the importance of returning to a more natural and healthier way of eating.

    F2 Consulting
    Discover a healthier, wealthier you with F2 Consulting.

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usDecember 18, 2023

    Balancing Health, Finance, and Self-care: An Inspiring Journey with Kelly Majdan

    Balancing Health, Finance, and Self-care: An Inspiring Journey with Kelly Majdan

    Are you ready to redefine your perception of health and finance? Get ready as we unpack this intriguing intersection in our latest podcast, featuring Kelly, your guide on this journey who transitioned from a financial advisor to a health and wellness coach. Join us as we navigate the challenges midlife women often face, sandwiched between the responsibility of their children and aging parents. Together, we underline the significance of maintaining physical and financial health, stressing the importance of self-care and time management.

    As the festive season approaches, we all grapple with staying fit and financially secure amidst the celebrations. We're here with practical tips to remain healthy, manage holiday spending, and the crucial need to schedule downtime for mental and physical recovery. Our personal experiences and strategies aim to provide a roadmap for maintaining balance and self-care during this bustling time of the year. 

    Lastly, we're thrilled to bring you an enlightening chat with Kelly Majdan, the brains behind Power Through Wellness. Kelly's simple yet effective approach to achieving goals and creating efficient plans is set to inspire you. Her emphasis on consistency and finding balance in health and fitness offers valuable insights to navigate your wellness journey smoothly. So, get ready for a hefty dose of motivation and practical advice on wellness - this episode is bound to leave you feeling rejuvenated and empowered to take on the world!

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    en-usDecember 11, 2023

    Becoming a Role Model: Hugo Garcia's Fitness Journey to Self-Development

    Becoming a Role Model: Hugo Garcia's Fitness Journey to Self-Development

    Ready to reshape your perspective on health, fitness and personal growth? Today, we pull up a virtual chair with our special guest Hugo Garcia, an inspiring personal trainer whose philosophy intertwines physical strength with mental resilience. Tag along as we explore Garcia's transformation journey, from a sports enthusiast to a respected personal trainer at 24 Hour Fitness, and ultimately to a fitness entrepreneur. Discover how the mantra "you can't outrun a bad diet" rings true, and learn to strike a balance between quality nutrition and effective muscle conditioning in your fitness journey.

    But wait, there's more! We also dive into the vibrant life of an extraordinary volunteer firefighter, who's found a unique synergy between his service role, fitness knowledge and parenting approach. Understand how fitness forms the backbone of his firefighting duties, and how his children learn to value fitness through his example. We also delve into the importance of CPR, a life-saving skill this devoted father passionately imparts to his children. Our conversation culminates with his personal routine for maintaining physical and mental well-being. Learn from his sage advice on self-development to become the person you would admire and heed advice from. Ready to transform? Let's step into this enlightening episode together!

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    en-usDecember 04, 2023

    Demystifying Fitness Assessments and Corrections: A Guide to Redefining Your Health Journey (Re-Run)

    Demystifying Fitness Assessments and Corrections: A Guide to Redefining Your Health Journey (Re-Run)

    (Originally aired 2022) Ever felt stuck in your fitness journey? Today, we promise to illuminate your path to optimal health by demystifying the world of fitness assessments and corrections. We kick things off with a comprehensive discussion about the necessity of gauging your fitness level accurately and crafting an exercise regime to match your individual goals and body type. Through practical demonstrations of techniques such as overhead squat assessment, strength assessment, and muscular endurance exercises, we expose the secret power of regular assessments in achieving your personal fitness goals.

    But that's not all! We dive deeper into the art of correcting postural and muscular imbalances, a lesser-known but equally vital aspect of any successful fitness strategy. Get ready to explore the world of overactive and underactive muscles and learn game-changing exercises to fortify the right ones. Posture woes? We've got you covered with actionable advice on rectifying common posture issues. In the final segment, we share inspiring personal stories that spotlight the transformative power of fitness and how it can redefine health, boost confidence, and infuse your life with vitality. So gear up to redefine your fitness journey, because this episode is a goldmine of health wisdom waiting to be discovered!

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usNovember 27, 2023

    The Power of Protein: Unmasking its Role in Weight Loss and Muscle Growth (Re-Run)

    The Power of Protein: Unmasking its Role in Weight Loss and Muscle Growth (Re-Run)

    (Originally aired 2020)  Are you ready for an eye-opening exploration of proteins and amino acids and their impact on your health and fitness? We're getting real about protein intake and debunking prevalent myths as we question whether the recommended daily allowance is actually low. Hear us highlight the essential role protein plays in muscle growth, metabolic rate, and weight loss while addressing the controversy around potential kidney damage from excessive protein. Learn about the varying protein needs of sedentary individuals and athletes, and get ready to be challenged by the latest research and best practices.

    Dive into the intricate world of amino acids and their sources as we distinguish between essential and non-essential amino acids, and spotlight why lusine is a crucial player in muscle repair. Discover complete protein sources from both animal and plant origins, and unravel the secret of protein-rich food combinations that can revamp your diet. As a bonus, we're celebrating the two-year anniversary of our podcast, Health and Fitness Redefined, and reflecting on the transformative impact it's had on our listeners' lives. Fitness is not just about physical health; it's the fuel that ignites our mental well-being, motivation, and resilience. Embrace the redefined difference in health and fitness with us.

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    en-usNovember 23, 2023

    Transforming Fitness with Kettlebell Training with Alex Salkin

    Transforming Fitness with Kettlebell Training with Alex Salkin

    Have you ever felt the frustration of being the last one picked for team sports, or the embarrassment of failing to lift a weight in front of your peers? Our guest on today’s episode, fitness guru Alex Salkin, shares these experiences, revealing how they sparked his journey from a shy, reserved child to a respected figure in the fitness world. Alex's story is a testament to the transformative power of fitness - and the value of finding the right supportive environment.

    Ever thought about kettlebells as a fun workout tool? Maybe it’s time you did! Alex introduces us to the fascinating world of kettlebell training, explaining the history and unique qualities of these intriguing weights. With their distinctive shape and offset center of gravity, kettlebells offer a diverse range of training options - from explosive power and high rep ballistic lifts to low rep lifts like squats and rows. And as Alex reminds us, utilizing kettlebells isn’t just about hard work; it’s about having fun too!

    To round off the episode, Alex breaks down his favorite kettlebell movements, providing valuable tips for those new to this form of training. He emphasizes the importance of loaded carries, skill-based training, and focusing on the core four movements: swings, military presses, goblet squats, and rows. So step out of your comfort zone, embrace the challenge, and let Alex guide you on an inspiring journey to elevate your fitness regime with the power of kettlebells!

    F2 Consulting
    Discover a healthier, wealthier you with F2 Consulting.

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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    Health & Fitness Redefined
    en-usNovember 20, 2023