
    Health Made Easy Podcast

    The Health Made Easy podcast is hosted by Helen Watt, MD. MPH. She is a writer and speaker on medicine and public health. Followup questions can be posted in the forums at www.helenwattmd.com
    enHelen Watt MD. MPH,10 Episodes

    Episodes (10)

    Gut Microbiome Health

    Gut Microbiome Health

    Welcome to Season 2 of the Health Made Easy Podcast.  I am Dr. Helen Watt MD. MPH, and today's topic has become fairly mainstream within the last two years, which is the subject of Gut Health. 

    In today's episode, I'm going to discuss the few recent studies that focus on gut microbiomes; that is the good bacteria that help us in the gut and how to best take care of your own gut microbiome. 

    There have been huge compilations of people groups for the quoted risks per age of the exposure to antibiotics in early childhood, teen years, young adults (20-30s) and in midlife.  Studies have even broken down the antibiotic exposure numbers to what the risk percentage for kidney stones would be depending on the age.  As there are many new antibiotics that are developed and FDA approved almost daily, these values will hold for about 2 years as prescribing habits will change.

    The culprit antibiotics are broad spectrum penicillins, fluoroquinolones, nitrofurantoin, cephalosporins, and sulfas.  Most of these people were followed for 6 or more years. Kidney stones are also related to natural foods and ultraprocessed foods that are eaten which will be listed, in part, later on.  


    Kidney stones were most highly associated in young kids and in teenagers, especially girls 52% more than boys. This was found in The Journal of American Society of Nephrology.Dec. 2018.  All the above antibiotics kept the association to kidney stones  except for the Penicillins, for 5 years after the cessation of these drugs.  


    IBS (Inflammation of the bowel syndrome) and colorectal cancer (CRC)  have been studied relative to oral antibiotics.  Our gut has been pegged as our second brain due to the bacteria within that help with vitamin synthesis, protect the gut lining integrity and aid in digestion, as long as the diversity of the bacteria remains and the good bacteria do not get overwhelmed by the ”bad” bacteria. The latter often happens due to the use of oral antibiotics. There is a direct relationship of increasing numbers of courses of oral antibiotics to the increasing risk for IBS;

    1 course with increased risk of 27%  to 4 courses with 96 % increased risk for IBS.

    The colon microbiome is most likely hurt by the above listed antibiotics; however, fluoroquinolones, the broad spectrum penicillins, and metronidazole, especially, were implicated in the development of colorectal (CRC) says a study published in Dig.Dis.Sci. 2016 Jan:16 (1) 255-264. In the following year, the journal GUT. April 4, 2017; 67 (4): 672-678, reported mid-life aged females with history of oral antibiotics use for 2 or more months were found to have increased risk for colon polyps 69% vs no polyps in the similarly matched group who did not have oral antibiotics.

    Fluoroquinolones have been correlated with Achilles tendon detachment or tear for many years now.  What is almost as commonly known now is the tears in the larger blood vessels, like Aortic dissection;  collagen is the primary tissue type that is inappropriately being harmed. There is a FDA warning about when NOT to use any fluoroquinolones (common ones being Cipro and Levaquin) : patients with a family history of Aortic aneurysm, Marfan Syndrome ( poor collagen in whole body), patients over 65 years of age, those with HBP and atherosclerotic vessel disease.

    The lack of gut microbiome diversity seems to have shown up in the last 20-30 years. This is

    being caused by many things-not just the oral antibiotics that do harm to both good and bad gut bacteria.  Processed foods designed for absurdly long shelf-life are harmful enough to diminish the variety and number of gut bacteria.  It was the Cleveland Clinic who researched the effect of ‘popular’ C-section deliveries seriously diminishing colon bacteria diversity in 2017. And as it turns out, Oxalates in our foods cause many chronic disease problems that correlate with poor gut microbiome such as:

    Rash, poor wound healing, fibromyalgic and joint pain, interstitial cystitis, dental plaque, cataracts, near-sightedness, poor night vision, easy bruisability, calcium deposits, moodiness, tremors and the “dropsies”.  The gut can be helped by avoiding  high oxalate containing foods like the ultraprocessed but surprisingly oxalate is in many ‘super greens’,  (spinach is the highest, followed by almond and peanut butters, almond milk, dark chocolate, potatoes, squash-green and yellow, wheat and rice brans, fructose/high fructose corn syrup, lecithin, water with chlorine and/or fluoride, and food additives such as carrageenan, xanthan gum, food  emulsifiers, polysorbate 80).  Taking in minerals like Calcium (especially calcium citrate) and magnesium while eating fresh, organic foods with oxalates will help pull the oxalates out of the body- Basic IM and its companion capsules, Auramin, are also able to pull out oxalates, they’re easy to obtain and use daily: text to 602-919-6620 to order.  

    One way to replenish the gut flora is to consume grass-fed kefir, Kim Chi (fermented napa cabbage), other fermented foods- natto, sprouted seeds, fiber, and Jerusalem artichoke (furry skin), and oral probiotics.  With a good colon hydrotherapist, a proper amount of gut flora can be implanted after treatment. Vit B3 was verified in a study in the July ‘23 issue of Nutrients. 15 (13): 2992.  Because Vit B3 converts to NAD+ which is directly used in the Krebs cycle to produce ATP; Vit B3 could be used to treat and possibly prevent IBS since it has been shown this disease process  involves cbb mitochondrial dysfunction.    

    Curcumin to the Rescue

    Curcumin to the Rescue

    This Episode is sponsored by Nature's Wild Berry. Visit Natureswildberry.com or search Nature's Wild Berry on Amazon 

    Today’s episode is primarily about antiaging and the abilities of Curcumin to do just that.

    Aging starts at birth of both genders.  There are more boys born but there are more deaths of them as well.  Girls seem to be hardier thus better survivors outside the womb. There are so many root causes of aging that it would be too long a podcast; science is tripling its advances by the day.  The causes of aging can be modif ied not by one's genes, but by one’s epigenetic environment and one’s disciplined abilities and capabilities.  

    You  may have noticed that our parents and grandparents generations have lived well and often outlived their subsequent generations.  They usually lived in smaller towns with land to raise small crops and dairy cows, cattle or goats. Because there were no man-made fertilizers, herbicides, nor pesticides, nor GMO foods, their generation was able to establish an excellent foundation for graceful longevity.   

    In the ‘70’s, the head of Pres, Reagan’s Nutrition  Commission, Grace Goldsmith, MD instructed our class at the Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in nutrition with proper whole foods, discouraging the ‘new food supplements’.  Of course, at the time, the soil still had all the proper minerals and bacteria that the plants needed to produce ‘real’ vegetables and fruits for us.  The turning over of the plants into the soils, the natural animal waste products used as fertilizer, and waiting to not plant the seventh year allowed the soil to regain its ‘strength’ and potency. Today’s commercial farmers do none of the above; and so our soils are ruined by unnatural fertilizers and the chemicals of the herbicides (Round-Up is the most common), and Pesticides (DDT,etc.)  “Organic” usually means there is no current ‘-cides’

    being used on that produce but it doesn't mean that the soil can be eradicated of the residues and chemicals of even those that were banned many years ago.  Organic celery still has residues of DDT, but is significantly better than nonorganic celery for one’s health.


    GMO foods originally made by Monsanto (directly across the river from Tulane Medical School), were never meant to interfere with our plants meant for food.  The wind allowed for cross- fertilization of the GMO with the edible food.  Corn for furniture polish and gasoline were crossed-pollinated with our edible corn-confusing our digestive system with what is not actually food. And these accidental hybrids can sure be tasty and very unhealthy.  Many good things have come out of commercial farming such as making the US the “food basket” of the world.

    The organopesticides have preserved our foods and kept them free of bugs but make us unhealthy.  The herbicides have protected our food supply but at the cost of developing cancers in those that spray (pilots,farmers, landscapers)  and those that eat the food.  The two fruits that are to never be eaten unless labeled Organic are raspberries and peaches. The vegetables that are a must to be Organic are the root veggies-potatoes, celery, taro,etc.


    So, on to the aging causes that can be modified with discipline. The removal of the aged components of the cell's interior, the cytoplasm, is autophagy. It is easily done when young but with increasing years, it slows down so much that the cell cannot do its function well.  There are several supplements to be mentioned later, but the easiest natural way to induce autophagy is to intermittently fast-from food 10-18 hours-but to drink water regularly. This translates into eating your protein, vegs, and carbs, only within an (almost) eight hour window. The oxidation of needed food and oxygen causes free radicals that are harmful- only a bit lessened by antioxidants.  This required rest from eating requires discipline as one must transition from the traditional 3 meals a day over approximately 12-13 hours to not eating 12- 16 hours and eating 1-2 moderate meals complete with the best organic foods one can buy.  One can drink black coffee, tea, or good water.  The transition can be acute but be prepared to be very hungry and hear the belly growling. The gradual way is less likely to make one frustrated as one works toward the goal: breakfast at 8-9 am , instead of 6-7;  and stop supper at 6-7pm.  Add ½ hour more to breakfast start time, and ½ earlier for the supper time.  If one works through the traditional lunch meal time, one approaches the end of the DAILY fast ready to eat well. Sooner than one thinks, the 8 hour window is achieved, and the fasting is able to be maintained.  Remember to drink black coffee or tea if thirsty or hungry.  Walking off the ‘hungry’ time is also a good technique. It is harder to use this if one is managing a young family as meals are usually time for family togetherness.  Get settled in with iced water to get and keep the conversation going. One will soon realize feeling more energetic and actually good, on this new routine which then makes the stress of disciplining oneself so much easier.

    I am a believer in an anti-inflammatory diet specific to the blood groups A, B, AB ,O in which a quick list of what to avoid will make fasting intermittently quite a bit easier.  There will be more foods to avoid by making a list of those SPECIFIC foods that cause any problem(s).  For example, most people of the blood group A can eat legumes as anti-cancer and healthful foods.  If since infancy, peas and other legumes cause headaches, one is not going to to eat what causes problems despite what almost any other person in that blood group can eat. So unique lists of food /drink intake which causes problems must be made, so the inflammatory specific to the individual can be avoided.  It turns out that most people only eat what they enjoy eating, and that is to what they most often react badly - thus must be eliminated from their diet.  Unfortunately, it has been known for sometime that taste dominates healthy eating.  It is not always that healthy food is distasteful, it is that the foods most often enjoyed are the ones that are highly inflammatory and cause cravings, thus making staying on the intermittent fast very difficult.  As the inflammatory foods are removed from  one's intake, the cravings diminish.  Simple carbs are the ones that metabolize into sugars; pasta, rice, breads, jellies, syrup,honey and cause inflammation. A small amount is not the problem, it is the moderate intake of these that cause cravings enough to cause the fasting to be broken and glycation, that is, the attachment of the sugar to proteins occurs and the tissue malfunctions.  Cataracts are more likely the cause of sugar intake rather than the sun’s UV light damage. By minimizing the sugary food intake, the cells can recover from the glycation as manifested by decreasing facial skin wrinkles, brain fog, and pain.  Here’s where Cucumin comes into play-it blocks the methylglyoxol so glycation cannot occur and tissue can function as intended. 

    A bit about the curcumin extract from the ancient yellow colored herb, Turmeric, originating and used medicinally in Asia and India for several thousand years.

    The homeostasis of the  body is so complicated yet finely tuned automatically that all one has to do is provide it with adequate sleep, food and water, and exercise.  In previous podcasts, i have talked of aged/dying cells that accumulate secondary to inefficient clearing as the years pile on, known as senescence.  These nondividing cells release damaging enzymes and inflammatory factors that harm nearby normal cells and tissues.  Many senescent eliminators were mentioned, but more recent studies have revealed curcumin is one of the best.  It can remarkably decrease the amount  of these old crummy cells in studies on animals. In human studies, the same effect of Metformin (prescribed for type ll DM)  increasing AMPK activity is what curcumin does naturally;  That is, if the proper amount of AMPK is present, metabolic processes are modulated correctly, decreasing the chance for Insulin resistance, and adult onset diabetes.  Curcumin has been found also to lower NFKb (Nuclear Factor kappa B) to decrease inflammation. Aging causes another protein to increase, mTOR, (mammalian target of Rifampin) which Curcumin will lower.  mTOR is needed in just the right amount to help in healing and in partially regulating metabolism, but increases of age bring destruction of tissues.  IL6 and hsCRP are inflammatory markers that curcumin can lower effectively.  Cancers, Diabetes, and arthritis are among the many diseases that spike these two markers. A loss of activity of a set of proteins that would shield DNA from damage and mutations in old age is sirtuins. Curcumuin comes to the rescue to recharge the waning activity of sirtuins.  The other remarkable activity of curcumin for the sake of DNA is increasing telomerase, the enzyme that preserves and repairs the protective ends, telomeres, of our chromosomes.  Since the ends can no longer be shortened, the DNA can continue to replicate and the cells can keep dividing and live. 


    The most studied and thus, well known curcumin is BCM-95. It is in the Life Extension products of curcumin.  I have not always found that one to be “the best” for every person.  In fact, C3 from Ecological Formulas has been enhanced to be better bioavailable for at least 20+ years with ginger and other herbs.  Life Extension recently developed the combination of the fiber from the Fenugreek seed with curcumin to provide better absorption and thus get it more fully to the sources need.   Curcumin Elite has this combo.  Since curcumin can be a little tough on the lining of the stomach, it is best to take it with a small amount of food.

    Curcumin Antiaging Properties.Life Extension Magazine Collectors Edition. 2022. 22-28.


    Int J Molecular Sci.2018 Oct 9;Nutritional Modulation of AMPK-impact on metabol-inflammation


    mTORSignaling Pathway: a Potential Target od Curcumin oin the Treatment Of Spinal Cord Injury.  Biomed Res  Int. 2017; 2017:1634801

    Reduce the Risk of Prostate Cancer

    Reduce the Risk of Prostate Cancer

    Today's important subject is prostate cancer. The discussion will refer to  recommended dietary intake to diminish the risk and foods to avoid to stop its progression. Prostate cancer truly affects everyone, the patient and his friends and loved ones. The same statistic applies annually to this and breast cancer, that is, 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer , and breast cancer (BC) will be diagnosed in 1 in 8 women; though more rarely, BC can be manifest in males as well.  Although we are not yet finished with 2022, just less than 268,000 prostate cancers have been newly diagnosed. There are several stages, reflected in the Gleason scale, that help one understand what treatment(s) would be recommended and what the patient believes he could best handle.  

    Today, we are going to appreciate the low grade type of PC that has been traditionally, over many years, observed by the doctor and his team safely as it is very slowly growing and is not causing any ancillary problems, ie. urinary retention, outlet obstruction leading to hydronephrosis (swollen kidney due to urine building up within), fistulas to the GI tract, and others usually caused by the aggressive type of PC.  The good news is the fact that generally most cancers, PC included, that are diagnosed later in life are usually very slowly growing. 

    It is the age bracket of men 35 to 60 years old, when diagnosed, that prostate cancer is usually aggressive.  The two supplements that are most important in these aggressive types are 1) fish oil at 4-5 grams/day and 2) *Indolplex with BR (DIM) only when the lab reveals high amounts of 4 OHestrone (4OHest) and 16 alpha OHestrone (16aOHest), regardless of the radical life changing choices that will be recommended, (one such recommendation; castration medical or surgical.)    

    The foods that are eaten by the older men in the slowly growing Prostate Cancer category can determine whether the cancer will not be encouraged to grow and will shrink in tumor size and in the levels of the following markers (PSA, IGF1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor1) , the 4OHest, and 16aOHest),. 

    I want to list the foods known to lower the risk of rapid growth of PC cells.  There have been general diets recommended but the easiest of all to follow is the Mediterranean Diet tomatoes (better when cooked), flaxseed,  walnuts, coffee (4-6 cups/day), cruciferous vegetables (which are also recommended for the  BC patients) specifically give an overall reduced risk of prostate cancer and 40% decreased risk of invasive PC (an aggressive type), Green tea whether a supplement or as tea, grapeseed extract which has been found to decrease the risk 62% of PC if taken over many years and Pomegranate fruit extract (8 oz of juice/day) lowers the risk for PC both before medicine, surgery, and radiation AND after these 3 radical treatment types.

    Lastly, there are several ‘supplements’ to which Prostate Cancer cells respond. These are  resveratrol, curcumin, boron, and vit D.

    Resveratrol can most easily and safely be taken by pill at least 300mg/day, (meaning that red wine is a very poor source of resveratrol). Curcumin, due to its antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties, in a dose dependent manner is amazingly effective at fighting PC cells.  Boron (a liquid supplement) having been studied in animals and men had the same principle as Vitamin D trials, which is: the higher the dose taken regularly over a longer period of time resulted in reduction of PC risk ~ 50%.  Vit. D high dose (5000 to 8000 IUs) could also lower the risk for lethal PC. The liquid Boron has both preventative function (decrease PSA levels 89%) AND therapeutic benefits (shrinkage of the tumor size 25-38%).

    I would like to explain why the diet, other foods,and minerals/vitamins are recommended regardless of BMI (which can be very misleading), and comorbidities, (though not to the extent that one is on his deathbed!).

    The Mediterranean Diet is whole grains, nuts, fruits, avocados, legumes, vegetables, and fish.  Its high fiber is most connected to decreasing the aggressiveness of the PC, besides being low glycemic.

    Tomatoes’ lycopene is what makes red tomatoes red.  It is a nightshade plant, and, though very tasty, is not able to be eaten by certain blood group people (A) without it causing inflammatory-based pain, especially where joints in hands, feet, and back had been traumatized no matter how distant the incident(s).  However, lycopene is best made available when the tomato is cooked thus, better able to decrease inflammation in the PC tissue and where oxidative stress is decreased, making the prostate environment unfavorable to cancer cells. Some animal studies reveal that lycopene may lower the metabolism of androgens that many, though not all, scientists believe is important to PC growth and increase.  As with many foods and supplements, there appears to be a dose-dependent reaction to prostate cancer: the more consumption of cooked tomatoes (sauces, homemade dressings) the better the decrease of risk of death - 59%!- in the lethal prostate cancer group.

    Flaxseed, in order to be absorbed, must be adequately ground up (an old coffee bean grinder will do.  It will be next to impossible to clean up the oils produced-so just dedicate that grinder to flaxseed.)  Lignans from the ground flaxseed are changed into enterolactones in the liver.  The men with the highest levels of enterolactones are unlikely to develop prostate cancer compared to men not consuming flaxseed whether ground or not.  

    Walnuts have been studied in animals and clinically in men.  There seems to be at least 4 ways that PC is inhibited: 1) decreasing the size of the PC tumor, 2) lowering the PSA (prostate specific antigen),  3) decreasing prostate cancer cell growth,  and 4) decreasing Insulin like Growth Factor 1(IGF1) which rises as PSA and tumor size increases.  Men who regularly eat a handful of walnuts, showed improvement in blood markers for both prostate and vascular health.

    Coffee intake in higher than that usually recommended ie. 2 cups/day for the benefits of chlorogenic acid, has been correlated with decreasing the risk of the aggressive prostate cancer type, even the lethal prostate cancer.  Solely 6 cups/day in men in the Health Professionals Follow up Study,1 published in 2011, revealed decreased PC risk of 18% and decreased risk of lethal PC by 60%.

    Cruciferous vegetables are known as anti-cancer for many different cancers, and the active ingredient is the sulforaphanes that are especially working against both prostate cancer and breast cancer.  Two major supplements developed from two of the 4 types of sulforaphanes are DIM ( 3,3’ -diindolymethane) and I3C (Indole 3-carbinol).  The other two anticancer compounds are PEITC (phenylethyl isothiocyanate) and glucosinolates.  For two years, my PA and I competed to see which product would be the best against both PC and BC. I used only DIM and she only used I3C. Both were good and we could see no difference in the efficaciousness of one over the other, both protectively and therapeutically.  

    Green tea has two great anticancer compounds: Catechins and Polyphenols.  It was demonstrated in a clinical trial of 60 men with premalignant areas in the prostate between the ages of 45-75 years.  50% of these men were given 200 mg of catechins 3Xd for a year.  The other 30 men were given placebo. Both groups had biopsy of the prostate both at 6 months and 12 months.  1 man was diagnosed with prostate cancer from the green tea group while 9 of the 30 men in the control group developed prostate cancer.  The study’s conclusion was 90% chemoprevention with green tea intake on a regular basis.  The green tea polyphenol was used as an adjunct to preop chemotherapy treatment (docetaxel and prednisone) in patients with increasing PSA post castration therapy.  1300 mg of polyphenols, mostly EGCG, was given resulting in the remarkable decrease in PSA blood levels and that of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) which is related to forming the blood vessels needed by the cancer to grow.

    Grapeseed extract in mouse studies showed increased apoptosis (cell death) in prostate cancer cells while also decreasing prostate cancer growth and progression.  There was a 41% decreased risk of prostate cancer with this supplement in men, and with over ten years of regular use, this grapeseed extract was found to decrease the risk of prostate cancer 62%!

    Pomegranate fruit extract taken for 365 days showed decreased both DNA damage and prostate cancer by blood studies. The compounds that researchers have correlated with harm to prostate cancer are luteolin, ellagic acid, and punicic acid in the pomegranate fruit extract. The 3 compounds have been found to lower cell division, and prostate cancer tumor cell proliferation, to lower invasiveness which lowers metastasis as well, and to lower angiogenesis (lowering the blood vessel supply to prostate cancer.)

    Resveratrol, in 1997 (25 years ago),was shown to prevent cancer.2   Science.1997 Jan 10:275 (5297):218-20.  It is well absorbed but is quickly metabolized in the liver and the kidneys, leaving little left in the bloodstream for use as free resveratrol.   Life Extension researchers added galactomannan fibers to the resveratrol as a hydrogel to obtain a bioavailability 10 X greater.  530 mg resveratrol hydrogel will provide 80 mg of transresveratrol for use as needed.  As it is a huge antioxidant and antiinflammatory, it makes the prostate tissue a disfavorable environment for cancer cells.

    Curcumin promotes prostate cell death.  Because it is also antiinflammatory, it reduces prostate cancer cell spread and growth.  It was used as an adjunct (while PSA was increasing) in docetaxel and Prednisone treated postop castration patients of which 59% gained better numbers of the PSA, all due to curcumin.  Life Extension researchers3 have found that combining fenugreek to curcumin makes it many times more bioavailable, (similar to fisetin’s improved bioavailability).

    Boron and Vit D were given more data in the above listing of agents showing their worth to improve risk of Prostate Cancer, thus no need to repeat here again.

    Finally, the foods that must be avoided are red meat, especially if overcooked (HCAs are heterocyclic amines that are cancerogenic in overdone, grill marks or burnt meat), processed meats like luncheon meats, pepperoni, and other meats seasoned with nitrates, sugary carbohydrates, milk, especially in men older than 54, and eggs.  If any other foods cause an inflammatory response anywhere in your body (throat, sinuses, gut,etc.), these provocative foods need to be removed from your diet- these will provoke your immune system to cover that hypersensitivity when it needs to be focused on lowering your cancer risk. 


    Thank you for tuning in to this episode.  I realize there is an ample amount of information packed into this chapter, as I did spend the longest time yet on this episode! Feel free to listen repeatedly to this podcast to get the right foods and eliminate the wrong ones so that there would be less risk for developing this very common cancer in men.  If you would like any questions answered, please connect with us at helenwattmd.com 


    1 Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2011 June 8: 103 (11):876-84.

    Science.1997 Jan 10:275 (5297):218-20.

    “Foods and Nutrients that Help Prevent Prostate Cancer” Life Extension Magazine.2022 September/October: 54-61.

    Dangerous Chemicals in Everyday Products

    Dangerous Chemicals in Everyday Products

    Visit our Sponsor at Natureswildberry.com or find Nature's Wild Berry on Amazon Prime. 

    Today the discussion will be on the underappreciated dangerous chemicals to which we are exposed routinely, without a thought.  The article exposing these chemicals was published January 8, 2019 in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology  29, 206-217. 

    The title is Serum concentrations of PFASs and Exposure Behaviors in African American and non-Hispanic White Women.  The authors are Katherine E. Boronow, Julia Green Brody, Barabra A. Cohn. Though this information has been available for almost 4 years, I am willing to bet that our exposure to these toxic chemicals-found in our tap water and in products too convenient not to use- has probably increased.  These chemicals are able to be stain resistant, water resistant, and grease resistant; thus, conveniently decreasing the need to wash and clean, often saving effort and time by minimizing these mundane tasks.

    PERfluoroalkyl and POLYfluoroalkyl are 2 common types of the many PFASs which are the problematic chemicals. In today's culture, the expectation and “need” for immediate gratification results in buying prepared meals in cardboard boxes coated with PFASs which work their way into the food, cooking on nonstick surfaces, quick tooth cleaning with dental floss coated to slide through easily with measurable fluorine, (a byproduct of the aluminum industry), flame retardant children's sleepwear in a bedroom with stain- resistant  carpet that regularly outgasses-it is no wonder that these kids have large levels of PFASs in their serum upon waking-did not correlate in wake times in same room; waxes for skis and floors, fire extinguisher contents, stain resistant clothes, furniture, drapes and carpets, and city tap water contain high levels of PFASs. All of us are being exposed in all places even in the ‘safety’ of our own apartments or houses. PFASs are in the soil, in the water, and in human serum.

    Several other commonly used unknowingly are per fluoro octanoic acid (PFOA), per fluoro hexane sulfoic acid (PFHxS), poly tetra fluoroethylene (PTFE), and    per fluoro nonanoic acid (PFNA).  I mention these long tough-to-pronounce chemicals so that you are made aware as you read ‘ingredient’ lists of both food related, tooth related (floss), and material tags/labels of pillows, furniture upholstery, and carpet before you put them in your living spaces.

    PFOS and PFOA have been associated in adults with cancer of the testes and the kidney.  The quality of semen in adult males is also affected; children with these exposures will show diminished sex and growth hormones. Both of these chemicals have also been correlated in adults with ulcerative colitis (UC), often precancerous of the colon, diseases of the thyroid, and immune irregularities. 

    Various studies have been used to draw conclusions of environmental exposure behavior to the differences in the serum levels of the different PFASs in women of the 3 races studied: non-Hispanic whites, whites, and blacks. While the white women have PFOA levels  higher than the  blacks, the black women, in general, have PFNA and PFOS higher than the whites.  Even matching for socioeconomic status, the differences were maintained.  

    The study that evaluated black children between the ages of 6 to 10 in a busy northern city (lots of indoors in the cold months) found lower PFOA, PFOS, PFHxS, and one other different PFOA.  It was the white kids that had higher levels of PFNA.  These differences were definable but the authors were unable to correlate community/activity PFOA levels and behavior (work or fast food intake, both would increase the PFOA levels) to these differences between races.

    What did not surprise the authors was that the measurable PFOA and PFOS in the city drinking water raised the serum levels at 38% PFOA and 29% PFOS compared to drinking water that had no measurable levels of both PFASs thus no detectable levels in the serum of those consuming this non contaminated water. 

    In order to wrap up this podcast without too much technicality, I would like to inform the listeners that the last important information has nothing to do with the study of racial differences, but only in the differences in foods containing PFOAs.  

    While fresh (non processed) vegetables, meats, and eggs will still have PFASs in them, there is a much higher level in fresh fish and shellfish.  This is best understood because the waste that is dumped into our oceans is carried far and wide, and since all PFASs do not breakdown in any water, the fish and shellfish are constantly exposed. While we may be able to rid the body of mercury or prevent its absorption (stated in a previous podcast), at this time no one has a remedy for the PFASs that get into our bodies. We must stop trading our health for speedy [quick] conveniences, start planning time in our day to consider a little more effort in cleaning/cooking/preparing rather than living less well and for a much shorter time.

    Thank you for joining me today. I hope I have helped you to see how important it is to chose to be aware and to then make choices that will allow us to gain graceful longevity.

    If you have questions, or if you would like a certain topic discussed to understand better medically, you are welcome to contact me at helenwattmd.com.

    Excess Iron in the Body

    Excess Iron in the Body

    What is the most common cause of death in the world?  It is Hemochromatosis.  There are many causes of this disease of excess iron in the body, including heredity, and epigenetic causes such as excess blood transfusions, extreme oral intake of vitamin C (which enhances iron absorption), hematological diseases, and others less commonly known. Iron damages many organs if this condition is not treated, primarily the liver, resulting in oxidative stress, often hepatocellular carcinoma, and death.

    HCT can be measured by blood tests, serum ferritin (SF) and the ‘anemia profile’: TIBC (total iron binding capacity, TIS (total iron saturation), UIBC, ferritin, MCV, MCH, MCHC-these latter three are part of the common CBC describing the appearance of RBCs relative to iron, even in excess. Copper deficiency seen on blood work results in ferroxidases deficiency which then leads to a build up of iron as well. (Credit to an Austrian study.)

    The easiest and oldest treatment is still frequent phlebotomy (that is lowering the blood volume which will lower the amount of excess iron in the body) done over the years. There is no set parameter for the amount of iron able to be removed by phlebotomy even today. The common thought is to get the SF down to 300-1000mcg/L and if it holds then no further treatment is needed.  If greater than 1000mcg/L, then to use new (unproven) techniques such as giving exogenous sources of hepcidin which is very difficult to obtain or the frequent phlebotomy.

    Because this usual technique does not address the cause of the continuous excess iron, the main [other] successful treatment plan has been developed by Shelly Manning.  Her book has been used successfully to lower total body excess iron. She understands that the cause of the excess iron absorption is due to poor hepcidin function and availability.  Hepcidin Is a peptide hormone that regulates absorption and proper use of iron. It is mainly built by butyrate; but in the hereditary type of HCT, butyrate is not well generated by the gut bacteria. The basis of her program’s success her 5 “superstar” nutrients-she found a way to “unstifle” the gut bacteria so when rejuvenated, they would produce butyrate. She describes a “switch” in the HCT person that can then produce the hepcidin from the butyrate. So along with the less iron absorption, she then discovered 3-4 natural chelators to bind the iron that would get it released as waste.

    There is a natural production of butyrate from the beginning of the duodenum.  It is part of the protective mechanism of that part of the small intestine that is most exposed to the high gastric acid content with food exiting the stomach. Ecological Formulas has Butyrate capsules that could help in this whole process.

    Another source is in a product from Life Extension called Keto Brain and Body Boost containing R-3 hydroxybutyric acid calcium, R-3 Hydroxybutyric acid magnesium, and D-beta Hydroxybutyrate. 

    Her program has stages that she knows must be taken in the correct order. Just because a person can get butyrate from a non-gut bacterial source, does not mean that the whole HCT person will be well off, as she has discovered that iron has damaged many aspects of the organs, including the gut.  She feels nothing needs to be added or subtracted from her program.  Many independent thinkers find certain things will decrease oxidative stress (the same damage caused by excess iron), and will add that to her program.  Often the result is  regaining what had been originally lost on her exact program alone; ~2200 mg of iron, just by fasting x 48 hours.  She says, "do not mess with success" and I agree.








    How to Reduce Joint Pain

    How to Reduce Joint Pain

    This Episode is brought to you by Nature's Wild Berry. Visit NaturesWildBerry.com or search for them on Amazon Prime.

    As we all age, most people will get overuse problems in our joints. Secretaries, pianists, and guitarists will get finger and thumb pain. The MCP joints will get painful inflammation due to holding purse and grocery bag straps. Knee joints deteriorate with stair climbing and hiking.

    Hip joints ache with gardening and repeatedly bending down and getting back up. Different athletes will get arthritis in the joints of which their sport makes demands. Violinists get neck pain, and shoulder pain will occur with any music or sports activity that requires repeated use.

    In today's episode, Helen Watt, MD. MPH. covers the different ways in which one can combat joint pain. 

    How to Combat Brain Fog

    How to Combat Brain Fog

    This Episode is brought to you by Nature's Wild Berry.  https://www.natureswildberry.com/

    The more often fish is consumed , the less often blood vessel diseases of the brain occur.  MRIs of the brains of more than a 1000 men and women found very few signs of dementia, vascular disease, and stroke when correlated with the frequency of fish intake especially in the age bracket of 65 to 69.1

    I would like to mention that the larger the fish eaten (salmon, Mahi-Mahi, Tuna) the greater would be the intake of methylmercury (MeHg) which is harmful to the brain.  Liquid chlorophyll , cilantro, chlorella or spirulina taken at the same meal will decrease the ability of MeHg to be absorbed..  I personally stay away from the large fish and concentrate on sardines with bone in. Sardines do not contain methylmercury.

    Curcumin and turmeric can both be hard on the stomach but can help against amyloid in the brain. Amyloid is a conglomeration of abnormal protein abnormally deposited in areas that often lead to malfunction.  It is genetic-related sometimes but not always.  With time, the cognitive decline caused by the amyloid can improve slowly with the use of either turmeric or curcumin.

    Connect with us at HelenWattMD.com if you have questions.

    Harvard Study on the Health Benefits of Walnuts

    Harvard Study on the Health Benefits of Walnuts

    It has been shown that only ½ to 1 ounce/day for 5 days , out of the 7day week, results in 60+ years old men and women having just the right amount of plant based linolenic acid to help the endothelial layer of blood vessels: blood pressure heads toward normalization, blood sugar is controlled in type II diabetes,as measured in FBS (fasting blood sugar) and the 3 month blood sugar measure by HA1C (hemoglobin A one C), the levels of LDL and VLDL cholesterol are decreased, and walnuts actually contribute to weight loss in the obese.  Lastly, but not least, one lab study showed walnuts inhibited breast cancer growth by 63% and colon cancer cells growth was inhibited by 51%.  Many animal studies , however, have shown walnuts, compared with placebo, inhibit tumor development ; also, the growth and size of the tumor is decreased.




    Eating Walnuts may EXTEND your Life,  Michael Downey, April 2022, pp32-38,  Life Extension Publications

    Notes on Melatonin

    Notes on Melatonin

    The circadian rhythm of our bodies is managed by melatonin, a hormone that is anticancer, and regulates fatigue and restorative sleep cycles.  It is often related to the cycles of the sun: its rising and setting.  With age, there is a lowering of the levels of melatonin, which with poorer sleep, various problems often result: obesity, high blood pressure, depression, even bipolar, anxiety, adult onset diabetes (type II), even CVA (stroke), early dementia and death.  Sleep apnea can result even if one can get to sleep.  As one can figure, there are many functions of the body both physiological and emotional that need the balance of ‘normal’ levels of melatonin that in youth we all had.

    Source: Life Extension, Volume 28, Num. 7, pages 42-46

    Health Made Easy Introduction

    Health Made Easy Introduction
    Welcome to the Health Made Easy Podcast.  This podcast is intended to help bridge the gap between the scientific community and the American household listeners. 

    Hosted by Helen Watt MD. MPH. , listeners can expect the latest scientific and medical journal news with an emphasis on the impact on health. Join our community on your favorite podcast platforms and on our website at helenwattmd.com