
    Health Supplement Business Mastery

    Marketing insights for dietary supplement business growth from Bobby Hewitt, a supplement marketing expert with over 10 years of industry experience. Maximize eCommerce and direct-to-consumer sales of dietary supplements. 

    If you’re a dietary supplement entrepreneur or business owner this show will provide nutrition supplement business tips for questions like:

    - How to maximize your marketing plan
    - What are the best practices to stand Out in supplement label design?
    - What are the Latest Supplement Ingredient Trends?
    - How to use YouTube ads to grow a health supplement business?
    - What is the best way to grow a supplement brand?
    - How to grow a supplement company to $5 Million or more per year?
    - What are the best supplement marketing strategies that work?
    - Is a supplement business profitable?
    - Who buys supplements?
    - Supplement funnel hacking
    - How to start a dietary supplement business or functional food brand 
    - And much more

    en-usBobby Hewitt69 Episodes

    Episodes (69)

    Where is the Best Place to Advertise Supplements?

    Where is the Best Place to Advertise Supplements?

    Are you looking for proven strategies to amplify your supplement advertising?

    The best places to advertise supplements often include social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, partnering with influential health and wellness websites or blogs allows you to reach a niche audience actively seeking supplement information and recommendations.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Marketing Funnel Audit Followup - Luke The Lion

    Marketing Funnel Audit Followup - Luke The Lion

    The Remarkable Turnaround of Luke the Lion's Supplement Business

    Key Points Discussed:

    • Debt Reduction: Luke has managed to reduce his debt from $150K to just $23K, showing a remarkable improvement in his financial health.
    • Revenue Growth: His business's monthly revenue skyrocketed from $30K-$50K to an impressive $250K-$260K in recent months.
    • Strategic Business Moves: Luke has focused on maximizing his current product line rather than expanding too quickly into new areas like coffee and honey.
    • New Initiatives: He is planning to introduce an information product called the Mental Clarity Club, leveraging his expertise in biohacking to provide value to his customers and create a recurring revenue stream.
    • Future Plans: Luke is considering building out funnels for his other products and potentially tackling manufacturing challenges to avoid stock issues.

    Insights from the Host, Bobby Hewitt:

    • Bobby advised Luke to focus on building cash reserves and optimizing his current product offerings before expanding into new ventures like Amazon or launching a coffee brand.
    • He suggested that Luke could pre-sell his upcoming info product during Black Friday to create urgency and secure early adopters.
    • Bobby also recommended that Luke consider hiring a media buyer to improve his Facebook ad performance, allowing him to focus on his strengths in creative strategy and funnel building.


    Luke's story is a testament to the power of strategic thinking and the importance of focusing on core strengths to grow a business. By the end of the episode, Luke had gained clarity on his next steps, including improving his ad strategy and developing his info product, setting the stage for continued growth and success.

    [00:00:13] Luke's debt and business growth.

    [00:02:07] Introducing the Mental Clarity Club.

    [00:07:06] Black Friday promotion.

    [00:11:02] Going on Amazon and Entrepreneurial ADD.

    [00:19:21] Facebook ad performance.

    [00:19:30] Executive assistant and team growth.

    [00:26:18] Media buying is a game changer.

    If you're interested in coming on the show and doing a Free coaching session like this one send me an email at: bobby@creativethirst.com

    In this episode, I do a marketing funnel audit of a supplement funnel that was not making any profit to an overnight success with a few tweaks.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com 

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Go From Losing Money To Making Money With Your Dietary Supplement Funnel (Marketing Funnel Audit)

    Go From Losing Money To Making Money With Your Dietary Supplement Funnel (Marketing Funnel Audit)

    Behind Closed Doors: A Coaching Call with a Lion's Mane Supplement Company

    If you're interested in coming on the show and doing a Free coaching session like this one send me an email at: bobby@creativethirst.com

    In this episode, I do a marketing funnel audit of a supplement funnel that was not making any profit to an overnight success with a few tweaks.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com 

    00:01:44 - "Profit could mean that your margins are just too low or profit could mean that you're not able to acquire a buyer at a low enough cost."

    [00:02:47] Losing split testing and low budget.

    [00:04:48] Split testing strategies.

    [00:08:05] Navigating debt and profitability.

    [00:13:57] The back end.

    [00:16:56] Adding affiliate emails.

    [00:19:12] Increasing lifetime value and ROAS.

    [00:23:38] Six-bottle upsell strategy.

    [00:27:43] Funnel sophistication and upsells.

    [00:31:00] BOGO deal and terms.

    [00:36:30] Upsell positioning strategy.

    [00:39:27] Design and copy complement each other.

    [00:44:30] Conversion rates and upsells.

    [00:48:45] Low cost membership and community.

    [00:51:32] Adding upsells to acquisition funnel.

    [00:54:30] Bump offer conversion rates.

    [00:59:43] Motivation and success stories.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Is SEO Worth it for a Supplement Business?

    Is SEO Worth it for a Supplement Business?

    Is search engine optimization REALLY worth it for supplement companies?

    Here's a link to the SEO checklist mentioned in the show

    Jane Phelpsjane@knowagency.com

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Simple and Powerful Alternative to a Clinical Trial to Build Trust And Sell Supplements

    Simple and Powerful Alternative to a Clinical Trial to Build Trust And Sell Supplements

    Dean Lilley dean@headsuphealth.com

    Supplement Brand Validates New HRV+ Supplement Using Decentralized Digital Health Monitoring Technology.

    Mode+Method needed a device-agnostic flexible software solution that could automatically capture the health data they needed while also being able to analyze it in near real-time with ease. The goal was to produce health data that can be used to build trust by making objective claims in their sales and marketing materials. 

    In the future, Mode+Method wanted a model that could be replicated for discovering product opportunities and validating new products that they develop. 

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Is a Supplement Business Profitable?

    Is a Supplement Business Profitable?

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Supplement Marketing Plan

    Supplement Marketing Plan

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Avoiding Pitfalls in Your Supplement Business - Tips and Tricks

    Avoiding Pitfalls in Your Supplement Business - Tips and Tricks

    How to avoid pitfalls no matter where you are in your supplement business journey

    My guest today is Brian Yam from Blue Ocean Regulatory
    And the YouTube channel - Mighty Startup

    Sign up for the Supplement Startup Essential Training (SET) to Launch Your Dietary Supplement Brand RIGHT, Gain A Competitive Edge, and Keep FDA At Bay!

    Brian has 2 decades of regulatory and quality assurance executive experience in the foods, dietary supplements and natural health products space.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    A Path to Success for any Supplement Business

    A Path to Success for any Supplement Business

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Who is buying supplements?

    Who is buying supplements?

    Who is buying supplements?

    And how can you niche down to maximize sales in your supplement company? 

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Two Types of Supplement Businesses, Which One Is Best?

    Two Types of Supplement Businesses, Which One Is Best?

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com
    - - -
    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.
    But how do you get them there?
    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.
    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.
    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Supplement Label Design: Best Practices That Help You Stand Out

    Supplement Label Design: Best Practices That Help You Stand Out

    In this episode, Vin Tricarico from NutraScience Labs and I sit down and discuss supplement label design and the color yellow. :)

    Learn what your label needs to stand out in today's crowded marketplace.

    Your supplement bottle label design is crucial for sales. The right design will be visually appealing and provide perceived value to justify the price.

    Supplement Label Design Tips

    1. Keep It Simple
    2. Be Strategic with Your Color Scheme
    3. Harness the Power of White Space
    4. Make Your Text Design Memorable
    5. Use High-Quality Materials
    6. Keep Your Product Design Consistent
    7. Think Eco-friendly First
    8. Go with the Pros for Graphics

    NutraScience Labs delivers high-quality vitamin and supplement manufacturing, award-winning packaging design, and convenient fulfillment services that save brands time, money, and stress.

    You can reach Vin at vtricarico@nutrasciencelabs.com 

    - - -
    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company. 

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.

    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Using Trade Shows to Market Supplements

    Using Trade Shows to Market Supplements

    This episode is all about how to use trade shows to market supplements.

    I sat down with Jim Cermak from Trade Show University

    Jim also has a podcast of his own called The TRADE SHOW UNIVERSITY Podcast to help you get better results from your VIRTUAL & LIVE Trade Shows, Conferences and Expos!  

    Every episode is like a Master Class in improving your shows.  From powerful Tips and Insights, to amazing Industry Experts sharing their knowledge, you WILL get great value from Trade Show U!

    Jim's Contact email: jim@tradeshowu.biz
    Jim's Podcast: https://tradeshowu.biz/episodes/
    Jim's website: www.tradeshowu.biz

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://www.creativethirst.com
    - - -

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.
    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    2023 Predictions For Marketing Supplements Direct to Consumer

    2023 Predictions For Marketing Supplements Direct to Consumer

    How can supplement companies grow in all this turmoil?

    I predict there will be a shift toward other digital marketing platforms in 2023, specifically…



    and Google shopping.

    You’ll notice social ads are not on my list. 

    It’s difficult to cut out social ads altogether because they own such a large market share and eyeballs. 

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://www.creativethirst.com

    - - -

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?
    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.
    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.
    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Inside a blood sugar supplement company

    Inside a blood sugar supplement company

    If you're interested in  working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website http://www.creativethirst.com

    Reach out to Dr. Burd via email at jburd@jfburd.com

    Lysulin website https://lysulin.com
    Wonderspray website https://www.drburdwonderspray.com

    Insulin resistance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdiHqff3EY8

    Lysulin video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK3CkMty6RE

    Running A1c test: https://tinyurl.com/y379jbla

    - - -
     Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company. 

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.

    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Supplement Ingredient Trends With Gene Bruno

    Supplement Ingredient Trends With Gene Bruno

    If you're looking to add a new supplement product or start a new supplement brand this episode is for you. In this episode, Gene Bruno from NutraScience Labs and I sit down and discuss up and coming supplement ingredients in today's market.

    NutraScience Labs delivers high-quality vitamin and supplement manufacturing, award-winning packaging design, and convenient fulfillment services that save brands time, money, and stress.

    You can reach Gene at Gbruno@twinlab.com

    For the secret bonus content go to: https://creativethirst.com/vin
    - - -
    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company. 

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.

    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Growing a Supplement Brand with Vin Tricarico From NutraScience Labs

    Growing a Supplement Brand with Vin Tricarico From NutraScience Labs

    In this episode, Vin Tricarico from NutraScience Labs and I sit down and discuss some ways to grow a supplement brand.

    NutraScience Labs delivers high-quality vitamin and supplement manufacturing, award-winning packaging design, and convenient fulfillment services that save brands time, money, and stress.

    You can reach vin at vtricarico@nutrasciencelabs.com

    For the secret bonus content go to: https://creativethirst.com/vin
    - - -
    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company. 

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.

    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    The Next Blue Ocean In Dietary Supplements

    The Next Blue Ocean In Dietary Supplements

    The next big opportunity in the supplement market is already here and growing.

    The crux of selling dietary supplements online comes down to the buying forces framework we use to optimize each of our supplement clients.

    One of those forces in particular could be part of the reason why this market segment is taking more supplements than other generations.

    Namely the buying force of trust.

    I can work with you one-on-one to improve your supplement business. To learn more visit my website http://www.creativethirst.com
    - - -
    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company. 

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.

    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    The Underling Copy Structure For Maximum Revenue

    The Underling Copy Structure For Maximum Revenue

    Today I sit down with copywriter Scott Martin. In the last 10 years, Scott Martin has quietly been one of the most productive direct response copywriters. He wrote over 350 promotions for Revolution Golf, which was acquired by NBC/Universal. He also helped launch several of the top dietary supplement brands, including Nugenix and Beneflex. In total, Scott helped generate over $500 million in revenue in the last 10 years. He has worked with many of the world’s top direct marketers.

    The Ultimate Business Super Power Book: Find it on Amazon

    Scott's Resources for Copywriters and Direct Marketers:

    Scott's Website:

    42 Marketing Proof Elements With Examples:

    Brought to you by http://www.creativethirst.com The revenue optimization agency for health supplement companies. Specializing in split tests, funnels upsells, and direct response copywriting so you can maximize profitability and scale.
    - - -
    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company. 

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.

    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    Get Your Supplement Brand Off The Ground - Founder Story

    Get Your Supplement Brand Off The Ground - Founder Story

    Today my guest is Jordan Dorn, co-founder, and CEO of Zuma Nutrition. Zuma has gone from zero to scale in 3 short years. We'll dive into what it takes to get a supplement business off the ground, and some of the mistakes and successes he's made along the way.

    Brought to you by http://www.creativethirst.com The revenue optimization agency for health supplement companies. Specializing in split tests, funnels upsells, and direct response copywriting so you can maximize profitability and scale.
    - - -
    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company. 

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.

    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.

    If you're interested in working with me one-on-one to improve your supplement business. You can learn more at my website https://creativethirst.com

    Getting people to your sales page or funnel is how you grow a direct-to-consumer supplement company.

    But how do you get them there?

    The quickest way to do that is through paid advertising.

    Buying buyers with ad dollars to scale is how all the supplement businesses do it.

    Now you can discover the strategies and tactics that work in supplement advertising.
    For just $7.

    Click here to grab your copy of the Health Supplement Ad Swipe Guide.