
    Healthy, Actually

    Welcome to Second Spring Podcast. Enjoy listening to stories, inspirations and suggestions from and for midlife women who are living fully in their second spring chapter. Together, we can blossom and flourish in this sensational season of our lives. 🌸
    enKit Yoon77 Episodes

    Episodes (77)

    Episode 58: Happily Gluten-Free with Geri Peacock

    Episode 58: Happily Gluten-Free with Geri Peacock

    In today's episode, Kit chats with Geri Peacock, founder of gluten and nut free Cherbourg Bakery in Bexley, Ohio. 

    Tune in to hear about how the gluten-sensitivity diagnosis changed Geri's life for the better, how she managed to accept this lifestyle limitation and turned it into her greatest strength for herself and others.

    Learn how Geri tunes into her intuition and allows it to guide her, what makes her feel healthy, grounded and vital, what are some of her favorite items from her bakery and how you can enjoy it in the comfort of your own home! 

    For show notes, please go to: https://kityoon.com/podcast/

    Episode 57: Client Success No More Dieting with Nori Duffee

    Episode 57: Client Success No More Dieting with Nori Duffee

    In today's episode Kit chats with Nori Duffee, a client found freedom from food and weight by learning to reframe her thoughts, and trust her body.

    Listen to why Nori contacted Kit in the first place, what she was expecting from coaching, and what she really got from it.

    Learn how Kit helped Nori with her weight obsession, how she lose extra pounds with no effort, what was the root of her overeating issues, and how Nori's relationship with food has changed.

    You will learn about Kit's "Trust your Got" free mini-course on Intuitive Eating so you, too, can experience the journey that Nori has been on. 

    For show notes, please go to https://kityoon.com/noriduffee/

    Episode 56: Ice Cream, Trust and Healing with Jeni Britton Bauer

    Episode 56: Ice Cream, Trust and Healing with Jeni Britton Bauer

    In a very first episode of the Healthy, Actually Podcast, Kit chats with Jeni Britton Bauer, a Columbus native, and founder of Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams.

    Jeni is nothing less than inspiring. She may have single handedly changed the ice cream industry in America. Tune in to hear her story that started in her childhood. It did not begin with ice cream. 

    Kit and Jeni didn't just talk about ice cream. They dove deep into the gifts of our senses, how intuition is our guide, and how Jeni has been on her own healing journey this year. How does she do it all? 

    You will also learn about Kit's upcoming mini-course that will teach you how to get in touch with YOUR own intuition and  you can use it to help you find peace and freedom with food. This course will for sure permit you to enjoy Jeni's ice cream with full satisfaction and zero guilt. 

    For Show Notes, please go to: https://kityoon.com/jenibrittonbauer/

    Episode 55: Announcements Where I am Going!

    Episode 55: Announcements Where I am Going!

    In today's episode, Kit has some big announcements for us that will change the podcast moving forward!

    She introduces us to her new ideas as well as reflects on the pandemic, the changes that it brought into our lives, and the ways to embrace those changes and move forward to 2021.

    Find out what Kit has learned during 2020, how to trust your body, how to feel aligned, and how to proceed with intention.

    Also, learn about the new name for the podcast, the facelift that will happen on the website, and the new free mini course that Kit is offering in January. 

    Episode 54: 2020 Reflections Part I Where am I?

    Episode 54: 2020 Reflections Part I Where am I?

    Happy Winter Solstice! Kit reflects back on 2020 and wants you to do the same, in this episode.

    Listen to what her take aways are, how she guides herself through the exercise of being still, looking back, and welcoming what is happening now.

    Find out how the year behind us changed the meaning of the word health forever! Learn how to stay grateful, healthy, and clear even in difficult times.

    Check out what she has in store for the last episode of the year.

    For show notes, go to kityoon.com/podcast

    Episode 53: Resilience & Urban Zen with Lori Guth

    Episode 53: Resilience & Urban Zen with Lori Guth

    In today's episode, Kit talks to her friend, Lori Guth, an urban zen practitioner. This conversation between two long time acquaintances is filled with inspiration and compassion. It is exactly what everybody needs to hear in these troubling and uncertain times of pandemic.

    Tune in and hear Kit's take on 2020. Find out what resilience is and how you can practice it. Listen to Lori's inspirational story and her significant experience. Learn why fear is just a passing feeling and how to overcome it, why is it important to listen to your heart, and how to introduce yourself in 6 words.

    For show notes, please go to https://kityoon.com/podcast/loriguth/

    Episode 52: Healing Properties of CBD with Dr. LeTa Jussila

    Episode 52: Healing Properties of CBD with Dr. LeTa Jussila

    This episode can also be called “Everything You  Always Wanted to Know about Cannabis but were Afraid to Ask.”

    Tune in and listen to this short but informative lecture on Cannabis with Dr. LeTa!

    Find out how did it got the nickname - Marijuana; when it was first used as a medicine and why did this practice stop; what kinds of cannabis are there, and the wonders it can do to your body and your immune system.

    Learn how to have a healthy relationship with cannabis and have it keep you healthy!

    For show notes, please visit https://kityoon.com/podcast/cbd/

    Episode 51: Keep Moving with Maggie Smith

    Episode 51: Keep Moving with Maggie Smith

    In today's episode, Kit chats with Maggie Smith, a best selling author, poet, and an amazing storyteller.

    This sincere conversation, an unusual chapter of 88% Perfect Podcast, brings art closer to us! It reminds us that the art of story telling in all its forms is one of the basic human needs. Perhaps art can fulfill the need to self-express and self-heal.

    Find out how an artist's life is incorporated into her artwork and where the inspiration comes from.

    Specifically, listen to Maggie's story that explains what she was going through while writing her book, Keep Moving, and how this process changed her life!

    Tune in and get inspired, emotionally charged, and learn how healing words can be.

    BONUS: Mindful Eating for the Holidays with Xenia Ayiotis

    BONUS: Mindful Eating for the Holidays with Xenia Ayiotis

    In today's special episode, Kit talks to her personal mindful eating coach. This conversation between two inspirational women is full of warmth, pieces of advice, and understanding that will help you cope with any eating and food challenges during holidays. 

    Tune in to this perfectly timed podcast and hear out Xenia's personal story that led her towards mindful eating, helped her overcome peer pressure, and inspired her to become a health coach.

    You will learn how to approach food differently, especially during the holidays, how to respect your body, and how to honor the habit of emotional eating.

    For show notes, please go to Kit's podcast page: https://kityoon.com/podcast/

    Episode 50: Less Stress & More Energy with Qi Gong Master Lee Holden

    Episode 50: Less Stress & More Energy with Qi Gong Master Lee Holden

    Today, Kit chats with her friend and Qi Gong master Lee Holden. Kit and Lee went to acupuncture school together, and their conversation is full of wisdom, inspiration, and devotion to helping people with a sweet little surprise towards the end of the interview. So, listen all the way through!

    Lee drops tons of Chinese Medicine knowledge in this episode. Tune in to find out how we  can start listening to our innervoice using a simple and powerful practice of Qi Gong.

    Learn what Qi Gong is, what it means, how it affects the universe, and why it is more relevant and important today than ever.

    Episode 49: Chinese Medicine for Everyday Life with Dr. LeTa Jussila

    Episode 49: Chinese Medicine for Everyday Life with Dr. LeTa Jussila

    In today’s episode, Kit chats with Dr. LeTa Jussila, a doctor specialized in Chinese medicine.

    As Kit announced in the previous episode, the next few podcast episodes will focus on the foundation of her skills: Chinese Medicine and its concepts. LeTa makes a perfect guest!

    Plus Kit and LeTa went back a long way - since she went to the same schools and shared the same trainings, and more.

    Tune in and find out LeTa’s heartbreaking story that led her to Chinese Medicine in the first place. Get a grasp on what Qi is and how to use it in order to discover who you really are.

    Get inspired, get motivated, and learn why, as LeTa says, Chinese medicine is one of the greatest teachers!

    Episode 48: The Missing Link in My Practice

    Episode 48: The Missing Link in My Practice

    In today's episode, Kit guides us the missing link in her practice.

    As it often is in life, important answers that we are looking for are right in front of us. This was the case with Kit as she discovered the shortcut to the inner voice and intuition through Chinese Medicine, specifically, the practice of Qi Gong.

    Tune in and find out what Qigong is, how Kit rediscovered it, what was her experience with it, and how the use of this ancient Chinese technique will help her clients.

    She also announces upcoming guests that you don't want to miss!

    Episode 47: Break Free from Diet Culture with Julie Ohlemacher

    Episode 47: Break Free from Diet Culture with Julie Ohlemacher

    In today's episode, Kit chats with Julie Ohlemacher, an Intuitive Eating and Body Image coach. Discussion between these two inspirational women, who overcame their dieting challenges, will draw our attention to the diet culture and introduce us to the concept and importance of intuitive eating.

    See how peer pressure shapes women's minds and bodies in today's society. Learn from Julie's experience as she walks us through her eating disorder story. Find out how to listen to your body, how to overcome the guilt and shame cycle, and make your first steps towards a healthier and happier self.

    Episode 46: Perfectionism & Procrastination with Desi Creswell

    Episode 46: Perfectionism & Procrastination with Desi Creswell

    In today's episode, Kit chats with Desi Creswell. Desi is a former interior designer who became a life coach. In her coaching, Desi focuses on working with creative people and helps them to set achievable goals, eliminate feelings of procrastination and overwhelm so they can be successful in their work and life.

    In the episode, you will find out about Desi's concept of becoming your own CEO. She will help us determine the origins of our perfectionist tendencies and she will show us the way to tackle them. You will learn how to manage your time, how to beat perfectionism, and how to stop procrastinating for good!

    Episode 45: Ayurveda & Healthy Eating with Chan Hemintranont

    Episode 45: Ayurveda & Healthy Eating with Chan Hemintranont

    In today's episode, our host, Kit, is joined by Chan Hemintranont, a Clinical Ayurvedic Practitioner and Kit's "sister from another Thai mother."

    The conversation between two close friends, who both grew up in Thailand and now living in Columbus, will bring us all the answers about the Ayurveda. 

    Tune in and find out why the path to our health is unique, how we can find a balance for our body, and how we can use food as a medicine. Chan will teach us about doshas, healthy eating guidelines, and everything that makes Ayurveda a lifestyle, not just a diet.


    Bonus 4: Reasons Thailand Has Done So Well During the Pandemic

    Bonus 4: Reasons Thailand Has Done So Well During the Pandemic

    Today's bonus episode, Kit interviews Pisan Manawapat, former Thai ambassador to the United States and current official in the government of his country. Thailand had the first registered coronavirus case outside of China, and yet, they managed to keep their numbers of infections and deaths exceptionally low.

    Find out how they handle the situation. What were some key actions they took to stop the spread of the virus? How does the country help those in need? 

    Episode 44: How to Follow Your Inner Voice with Nicole Perkins

    Episode 44: How to Follow Your Inner Voice with Nicole Perkins

    In today's episode, Kit chats with Nicole Perkins, a fellow inner voice coach.

    One of the many things they have in common is the fact that they have found the person they were meant to be and have made it their mission to help others achieve the same goal.

    This inspirational conversation will MAKE YOU WONDER and MOTIVATE YOU to start working towards being your authentic self.

    Stay tuned as you will hear about fascinating experiences that go beyond inner voice coaching. Nicole introduces us to some of the most compelling cases she had in her career as well as shares her personal, heartwarming story that made her the person she is today.

    Episode 43: Atomic Habits & Our Identity with James Clear

    Episode 43: Atomic Habits & Our Identity with James Clear

    In today's episode, Kit checks-off one of the things from her 2020 wish list as she brings The NewYork Times bestselling writer James Clear to the podcast. Author of "Atomic Habits," James allows us to lurk into his brain and understand the importance of habits.

    Learn how the habits and personal history determine our personality. Why is every action a vote for the type of person that we want to become? How can we change who we are by merely changing our routine? How to determine our unique path to behavior change? Why is it important to remember that failure is just a part of success? Tune in and find out answers to these questions!

    Episode 42: Client Feature Julie Kim and Passion Project

    Episode 42: Client Feature Julie Kim and Passion Project

    Today’s episode is a super special one because our host,Kit, brings on one of her coaching clients, Julie Kim.

    Julie helps high schoolers get into their dream college through helping them find and create their passion projects. 

    Julie also shares how coaching with Kit has been transformative for her personal life as well as in her career.

    Episode 41: Bringing Balance and Joy Back to Food with Alexis Joseph

    Episode 41: Bringing Balance and Joy Back to Food with Alexis Joseph

    In today's episode, our host, Kit chats with Alexis Joseph, lovingly known as Hummusapien! Alexis is a local celebrity in Columbus, Ohio. She is known as the cofounder of the Alchemy restaurant brand.

    The conversation between the two of them might make you hungry, but certainly, it will help you learn to listen to your body and think about food differently. 

    Tune in and learn about Alexis' transformative journey from veganism to intuitive eating.

    She explains why it is important not to set short term goals (such as losing a couple of pounds) & how to look ahead. You will discover how to find joy in food and hear Alexis' secret to her infamous Alchemy avocado toast!