
    Healthy and Happy | Create a Body and Life You Love

    Create a body and life you love through holistic nutrition, mindset, motivation and doing the work it takes to grow.
    enHealth Nut Julie129 Episodes

    Episodes (129)

    97: TAKE YOUR POWER BACK | A Little Tough Love to Start 2021

    97: TAKE YOUR POWER BACK | A Little Tough Love to Start 2021

    Before we can even think about creating goals, we have to make the necessary shifts in our mindset first.

    Here are two critical mindset shifts I had to make heading into 2021. Hopefully a little tough love will lovingly nudge you in the right direction to make some serious progress in your life this year!

    PREORDER THE HEALTHY AND HAPPY BOOK: juliebooher.com/book

    96: Mark's Back! Adapting to Life as New Parents

    96: Mark's Back! Adapting to Life as New Parents


    In this episode, we speak candidly about our experience in the first three months as new parents. 

    We speak openly about our birth story (from Mark's perspective, too), plus we dive into the challenges and best parts of being new parents.

    NEW BOOK - juliebooher.com/book

    95: ONE WORD For a Successful 2021

    95: ONE WORD For a Successful 2021

    Have you ever thought about WHY we set goals?

    Is it because losing weight off our body or being wealthy or reaching a career milestone is really that important? Or is it the FEELING behind achieving these things that we're after?

    In the episode, I share a yearly ritual that has helped me stay focused and redefine what success looks and feels like in my life.

    PREORDER MY NEW BOOK, RELEASING MARCH 2021: juliebooher.com/book

    93: Mental Health During Pregnancy & Postpartum | REAL TALK

    93: Mental Health During Pregnancy & Postpartum | REAL TALK

    It ain't always rainbows and butterflies, especially when you're on a hormonal rollercoaster. Being pregnant in 2020 was a doozy!

    In this episode, we talk about:

    • How emotions can coexist (i.e. grief and joy)
    • The identity crisis I experienced when I found out I was going to be a mom and a HUGE mental reframe that helped me focus on all there was to gain v. lose
    • How to look for the joy even in the hardest experiences
    • Why it's actually a strength to ask for help

    juliebooher.com / @healthnutjulie


    92: My Real Thoughts About My Body Image During Pregnancy | REAL TALK

    92: My Real Thoughts About My Body Image During Pregnancy | REAL TALK

    In this episode, I discuss allll about how I felt about my body during pregnancy -- the good, the bad and the in between.

    I share:

    • a mental reframe that will help you shift from picking your body apart, to learning to love the skin you're in
    • the day I found the stretch marks that eventually took over my whole belly (and my true thoughts about it)
    • how to not tie your self worth to your body image
    • and more!

    Happy to be back and sharing more content!! Thanks for being patient while I had my babe :) 



    91: Ya Gotta FEEL It to HEAL It | Mastering Emotions 101

    91: Ya Gotta FEEL It to HEAL It | Mastering Emotions 101

    Emotions are part of the human experience. But it’s SO common to feel resistance or fear around actually FEELING your emotions.

    So what do we do instead? We numb. We distract. We avoid. We try to fix.

    In the past few months, I’ve used this practice (which I call “sitting in the sh*t”) to identify and acknowledge my feelings, sit in the discomfort of them, and not judge or label them as bad.

    When you FEEL, you can HEAL. And when you’re willing to “go there” and feel uncomfortable, you also open yourself up to contrasting emotions such as joy, bliss, love and fulfillment.

    I hope this episode and this practice helps you as much as it has for me! 

    Show notes: Juliebooher.com/podcast

    90: THIS Mindset Shift Will Change EVERYTHING For You

    90: THIS Mindset Shift Will Change EVERYTHING For You

    This is probably THE MOST IMPORTANT podcast I’ve ever recorded.

    If you've ever said: "I'm a yo-yo dieter" "I'm an all-or-nothing person" "it's hard for me to change my body" "results never seem to stick" "I always self sabotage" or anything along those lines... this episode is the one for you!

    We can have the BEST strategies in the world, but we will inevitably self-sabotage and fall off the bandwagon if we don't master the mindset shift in this episode.

    Be sure to check the show notes to this episode for some life-changing journal prompts you can do to start changing your story and beliefs!


    89: Decide to Change & See the Results | Client Chats

    89: Decide to Change & See the Results | Client Chats

    Today we're diving deep with my amazing client, Olivia. You are going to get SO MUCH VALUE out of this episode!

    I wanted to bring you a real-life example of what is REALLY possible for you when you develop a healthier relationship with food and your body. It is SO POSSIBLE for you to create a body and life you love. You do not need to feel stuck in a body and life you hate, or guilty about your food choices anymore.

    I hope you learn some amazing takeaways from Olivia!


    88: Julie, HELP! I Can't Stop Eating | Answering Your Questions

    88: Julie, HELP! I Can't Stop Eating | Answering Your Questions

    One of the members in our gym's nutrition group asked an AWESOME question:

    "HELP! I've started working out more and I can't stop eating!"

    In this podcast, I share tips from both a physiological and mindset-based perspective. Overeating usually comes as a result of restriction or unbalanced meals, and there are certain self-limiting beliefs that also hold us back through self sabotage.

    A FEW SPOTS LEFT IN MY COACHING PRACTICE! apply here: juliebooher.com/coach

    87: Weight Loss | My Honest Thoughts & A HUGE Mindset Reframe

    87: Weight Loss | My Honest Thoughts & A HUGE Mindset Reframe

    Is it wrong to want to lose weight? Can you love your body and still want to change it? Are weight loss and being confident mutually exclusive? We cover it all in this episode, along with:

    • Losing weight for health v. vanity
    • Why it's not really about the weight in most cases
    • The lie we buy into: if we finally lose weight, THEN we can be happy/confident
    • The KEY mindset shift when it comes to losing weight for good

    Last chance to work with me! 8-week food freedom mentorship is open for enrollment for a short time: juliebooher.com/coach

    86: MONEY MINDSET | Crush Limiting Beliefs & Become a Money Magnet

    86: MONEY MINDSET | Crush Limiting Beliefs & Become a Money Magnet

    SUCH a fun episode to record! One of my favorites -- I hope you enjoy it. We chat all about:

    • Why it's important to remind yourself who you are every day
    • Having an abundance v. scarcity mindset
    • The relationships we have with food, our body and money (and how they're related)
    • The ROI on investing in yourself (it goes way beyond money)
    • How I re-wired my thought patterns about money and my changed my money story from childhood 

    Last chance to work with me for the next YEAR! juliebooher.com/coach

    I’m PREGNANT! Real Talk Q&A with My Baby Daddy Mark

    I’m PREGNANT! Real Talk Q&A with My Baby Daddy Mark

    The word is out… I AM PREGNANT! I asked you to ask me questions about my pregnancy on Instagram and you guys delivered.

    It’s honestly been a crazy experience so far. I didn’t eat a vegetable for more than a month. Pregnancy, in the beginning, felt like a constant, mild hangover. I had bit of an identity crisis: does this mean my life/career/everything is over? BUT there are also many wonderful parts, and we go over all of it in the podcast!

    Here are some of the topics we cover:

    • How did you decide you were ready to get pregnant?
    • How did you find out you were pregnant/how did you tell Mark?
    • Are you nervous about being pregnant, given the strange events going on in the world?
    • How are you feeling? Were you excited to move on to the second trimester?
    • What are you most excited for about being a parent?   
    • Our experience with couples counselling (and why it should be mandatory for every couple)
    • How have your workouts changed?

    Join my Facebook group to watch the FREE “Navigating Your New Normal” webinar series every week in April: facebook.com/groups/healthyandhappypodcastsquad

    84: Working From Home | Navigating Your New Normal

    84: Working From Home | Navigating Your New Normal

    I've worked from home for a few years now, so I wanted to share all my favorite tips, tricks and things that have helped me!

    PSSST: I'm hosting a FREE webinar series to help you stay motivated and accountable during these challenging times. I'll be doing a webinar in my Facebook group every week in April. I'd love to have you join us!

    juliebooher.com | @healthnutjulie

    83: Your Worth Isn't Measured By Your To-Do List | STOP PEOPLE PLEASING

    83: Your Worth Isn't Measured By Your To-Do List | STOP PEOPLE PLEASING

    SHE'S BACK Y'ALL! In this episode, we chat about:

    • Life updates!
    • Why putting yourself first is NUMERO UNO
    • Your self worth should not be measured by how productive you are
    • Why people pleasing is holding you back from fulfilling your purpose

    Tag me on Instagram when you listen @healthnutjulie




    Looking back to when I started my health journey, I WISH someone would've guided me in the direction of sustainable, healthy change vs. quick fixes and extremes that ruined my body and my confidence.

    Don't fall victim to people preying on your insecurities this January, sister! 

    Let's apply that energy to building sustainable habits, reaching new levels of confidence, and keeping our tunnel vision on what's really important to us in 2020.

    Share this with a woman who needs to hear it!

    8-week group coaching program (2 SPOTS LEFT, STARTING END OF JANUARY 2020!) Apply here: juliebooher.com/coach

    81: The #1 Way to Become More Confident in 2020

    81: The #1 Way to Become More Confident in 2020

    Many of us go through life thinking, “If I could just have [the body, the guy, the career, the house], THEN I would finally be happy and feel more confident.”

    But your confidence actually has nothing to do with WHAT you have (or don’t have) -- it comes from following through with what you say you’re going to do.

    Nothing builds confidence more than having trust in yourself, and in this episode, we chat about how to build self trust and confidence so you have the most successful 2020 possible!


    8-week group nutrition program: juliebooher.com/coach

    Instagram: @healthnutjulie



    Have you ever set a goal for yourself and failed to follow through? (Um yes, you are human!)

    When our self-limiting beliefs are running the show, we will NEVER reach our full potential, no matter how hard we work.

    If you:

    • set goals and have great intentions, but don't follow through
    • self sabotage
    • overeat
    • pick fights with your partner when things are going great
    • put off things you say are meaningful to you

    ... this podcast is for you!

    8-week group coaching program: juliebooher.com/coach

    79: Lil Pep Talk | MAKE DECEMBER COUNT

    79: Lil Pep Talk | MAKE DECEMBER COUNT

    So many of us look at December as a write off. It's that awkward time between Thanksgiving and Christmas where all of our motivation goes out the window. BUUUT - we don't have to wait until January to get started on our goals. 

    There's still plenty of time left in 2019. How will you make the rest of this year count?!

    NEW 8-Week Group Coaching Program: juliebooher.com/coach