
    Healthy Screen Habits Podcast

    Parenting is hard. Technology can make it tricky. This podcast helps bring these areas together to help all families create healthy screen habits.
    enHillary Wilkinson100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Got FOMO? Try JOMO! //Christina Crook//JOMO

    Got FOMO? Try JOMO! //Christina Crook//JOMO

    Christina Crook is a pioneer and leading voice in digital well-being.The award-winning author of The Joy of Missing Out: Finding Balance in a Wired World, harbinger of the global #JOMO movement, and Good Burdens: How to Live Joyfully in a Digital Age, Christina shares her insights about technology and our daily lives.

    Listen and learn about living joyfully, managing tech and more!


    The Best Thing You’ll Do All Week //Hillary Wilkinson, M Ed

    The Best Thing You’ll Do All Week //Hillary Wilkinson, M Ed

    KOSA (Kids Online Safety Act) provides families with the tools, safeguards, and transparency they need to protect against threats to children’s health and well-being online. The legislation would require social media platforms put the interests of children first by requiring these platforms to make safety the default. 

    Contact your Senators to urge Senate Majority Leader Schumer to bring KOSA (The Kids Online Safety Act)  to the floor for a vote.  Do it today!


    Practicing Tech Shabbat //Tiffany Shlain

    Practicing Tech Shabbat //Tiffany Shlain

    Tiffany Shlain (@tiffanyshlain) was living life online to the fullest when a series of life-altering events led her to value being present with the people in front of you over digital distraction.  

    As her father lay dying of brain cancer while she was experiencing a high-risk pregnancy, Tiffany took to turning off all digital connections one day a week.  Calling upon the ancient observance of Shabbat helped her regain peace, creativity and connection.

    As an Emmy nominated filmmaker, founder of the Webby Awards, creator of Dendrofemonology: A Feminist History Tree Ring,  and author of the national best-selling book: 24/6: Giving Up Screens One Day a Week to Get More Time, Creativity and Connection, Tiffany Shlain provides interesting outlooks at the challenges of parenting today.

    This is an amazing encore episode from our first season.  It continues to be one of our most listened to episodes. 


    You’re Not Alone! Parenting With Tech-Aligned Others//Heed the Children

    You’re Not Alone! Parenting With Tech-Aligned Others//Heed the Children

    Heed the Children is committed to the protection of children from destructive effects of smartphones and social media and the effects that they're having on kids’ mental and physical health.

    This petite powerhouse has passion, dedication and a blueprint for you to set up your own parent group in your community!  Learn all about it in this episode.


    What’s The Matter? How Baby and Toddler Brain Development is Affected By Screen Time //Dr. John S. Hutton, MD, MS

    What’s The Matter? How Baby and Toddler Brain Development is Affected By Screen Time //Dr. John S. Hutton, MD, MS

    Dr. John S. Hutton  is a pioneer in the realm of brain development. His JAMA published MRI research showed the results of screen overuse in the brains of young children: disorganized white matter. This is concerning for a variety of reasons.

    Today we discuss the best ways to start healthy brain growth and development with babies and toddlers….hint….it’s easier than you think...and it doesn't involve screens!!


    Season 9 Kick Off - The Best Way To Use Your Phone //Hillary Wilkinson

    Season 9 Kick Off - The Best Way To Use Your Phone //Hillary Wilkinson

    As  Healthy Screen Habits continues to grow and learn with all of you we see so many great things happening.  Around the country I am wanting to hand out gold stars to parents who I see are choosing to use screens intentionally.  They are packing toys, hot wheels and coloring pages for traveling - I see parents in waiting rooms who are using their phones in the best possible way to connect with their littles. Want to know this recommended trick for when you have hit the bottom in your bag of tricks?


    Check out today’s quick episode!  Each week I bring you experts and healthy screen habits to employ in your own home.


    Embracing Mistakes and Enjoying the Bloopers

    Embracing Mistakes and Enjoying the Bloopers

    The remembrances of perfect events are lovely - but the ones that bring down the house with laughter?  I gotta say - those are the ones that involve ill timed stomach flus, ½ lit Christmas trees, and misunderstood ingredients….I’m saying this because I’m reminding you AND ME that mistakes are where the memories are made.

    Please don’t make the mistake this year of gifting fully loaded smart phones to your children.  There are many alternative, safer devices that help you maintain guardrails and steplightly into the world of tech with your kids - for a list of devices and companies we support please visit our website at healthyscreenhabits.org and look under Tools for Products we Endorse.

    And now - both in the spirit of giving a little levity to the season as well as standing by my message of embracing mistakes….some of this past seasons bloopers and blunders…. Enjoy!


    Children and Screens and Digital Media, Oh My!//Kris Perry//Children And Screens

    Children and Screens and Digital Media, Oh My!//Kris Perry//Children And Screens

    Since 2013, the Children and Screens Institute @childrenandscreens has been a leading curator of experts in the field of digital media and children's health. This week, I got  to talk to the Executive Director: Kris Perry.

    If you use technology, if you have any interaction with children, if you are interested in the effects of digital media,  you need to hear this episode!


    The KidSafe Phone That Grows With Your Child //Bill Brady//Troomi Wireless

    The KidSafe Phone That Grows With Your Child //Bill Brady//Troomi Wireless

    Since 2018, Bill Brady has focused on providing children with healthier solutions for using technology. He  is the co-founder and CEO of Troomi Wireless, @TroomiWireless, a mobile phone platform designed to improve kids’ mental health through a safe and balanced relationship with technology. As a husband and father of 5, Bill gets it!  He understands the challenges of parenting today.

    Bill and his co-founder have designed a fantastic company that provides devices that are:

    1. Hip (they use Samsung design so it looks like any other Android - important if you’re a teen.)
    2. Safe (parents control the apps via a Troomi vetted KidSafe App zone in the parent portal)
    3.  Affordable - even more so when you use the code HSHabits and get $50 off your purchase

    Listen now!


    How To Get Media Literacy Now!//Tamara Sobel, JD, CSE//Media Literacy Now

    How To Get Media Literacy Now!//Tamara Sobel, JD, CSE//Media Literacy Now

    As the current National Advisor for Health Education and Media Literacy at  Media Literacy Now, Tamara Sobel is deeply committed to helping parents and schools gain healthy screen habits.  The founder of the Girls Women and Media Project, she led one of the first organizations focused on activism and education to raise awareness and improve images of girls and women in the media. She's a certified sexuality educator and a regular columnist for Psychology Today.  Our conversation covers a variety of topics surrounding Media Literacy and a great healthy screen habit.

    Listen now!


    What Would You(r Kid) Do For A Smartphone? //Javier Aguera - Pandora's Way

    What Would You(r Kid) Do For A Smartphone? //Javier Aguera - Pandora's Way

    When you install an app on your phone -  you know the “permissions” setting?  The one that says you don’t want this app to track your movements across all platforms?  Meet the guy who brought that to you: Javier Aguera. He's currently working on something new, a method and set of highly practical tools that will create a journey toward a child's ownership of their first smartphone. It is is rooted in giving kids agency and trust paired with skill and habit built in.  It’s fascinating - and so is he….you want to hear everything this guy has to say.  Listen now!

    Can I Be Addicted to Video Games? //Alex Basche LMFT/ReSet From Tech

    Can I Be Addicted to Video Games? //Alex Basche LMFT/ReSet From Tech

    Alex Basche is a psychotherapist (LMFT) based in the SF Bay Area (ie: the heart of Silicon Valley). He works mainly with adolescents and young adults, specializing in the treatment of tech-related behavioral addictions such as gaming, social media, pornography, online gambling & shopping in addition to substance use disorders.  

    In this episode we discuss how to bridge online gaming with offline tabletop games as a way to ease kids into in person socializing, the concept of Game Transfer Phenomena (a condition in which gamers can experience auditory and visual hallucinations) and much more. Listen now!


    How Dopamine Rules The (Digital) World!! //Aniko Hill/DopaMind

    How Dopamine Rules The (Digital) World!! //Aniko Hill/DopaMind

    Aniko Hill made a career of mastering marketing and social media.  Fast forward to pandemic times when we all were living online and she recognized that the same techniques she used professionally were keeping her son hooked on tech. Aniko took a deep dive into the digital wellness pond and co-founded DopaMind, an upcoming non-profit whose mission is to educate kids about brain science and let them be their own heroes.

    Listen now to learn about the science behind the “turn it off” meltdowns and more!


    The Tri-fecta: Big Tobacco, Marketing & Screen Content//Jon-Patrick Allem, Ph.D, M.A.

    The Tri-fecta: Big Tobacco, Marketing & Screen Content//Jon-Patrick Allem, Ph.D, M.A.

    We know that what kids see on screens or the content they consume can have serious effects on offline living. Dr. Jon-Patrick Allem is an Associate Professor at the Rutgers School of Public Health and Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, he is also a core member of the Institute for Nicotine and Tobacco Studies. 

    Jon’s research shows the different ways that corporations influence adolescent health with current projects focused on identifying sources of exposure to tobacco marketing among adolescents and young adults through product placement in social media and influencers. Listen now! 

    Congratulations on Your First Phone! (Stay Safe, Be Smart & Make the World A Better Place! Learn How Here) //Jessica Speer

    Congratulations on Your First Phone! (Stay Safe, Be Smart & Make the World A Better Place! Learn How Here) //Jessica Speer

    Jessica Spear is the author of The Phone Book. Stay Safe, Be Smart, and Make the World Better With the Powerful Device in Your Hand.  It is just the latest of books she has written that help tweens and teens become their best selves. We talk about all of the fun things included in her book (think puzzles, code breaking, trivia and more!) as well as why tweens and teens make amazing teachers. If you have kids, you’re going to want to listen to this episode…and probably buy the book…you can find a link in the shownotes ;)   Listen today!


    Talking About Porn With the Best//Gail Dines, PhD//Culture Reframed

    Talking About Porn With the Best//Gail Dines, PhD//Culture Reframed

    How is pornography affecting our kids sexual development?

    Dr. Gail Dines has been researching and writing about the harms of pornography for over 30 years. Using scientific studies and data as the backbone to her organization; Culture Reframed, Gail explores behavioral and mental problems that arise with early/ongoing exposure to pornography. On this episode, Gail shares parenting tips on how to talk about pornography with children and shares resources to combat this huge public health crisis.


    Young Moms Get Help Here //Alex Fales/Mindful With Media

    Young Moms Get Help Here //Alex Fales/Mindful With Media

    Those baby days can be rough - everything we see in the media tells you “these are the moments you live for” yet…it’s so lonely.  If you have enjoyed other pursuits or had a fast paced career you might find yourself wondering what comes next?Typically - we reach to our device to reconnect with our friends and look for help with the millionth question you have that day.  This can get tricky… we can find ourselves spending way more time online than we intended and spiraling down the hole of social media. Alex Fales, found herself struggling with all of the new mom things and was unsatisfied with her relationship with tech so she founded Mindful With Media @mindfulwithmedia.  In this episode we talk about screen habit pitfalls and some relatively easy practices you can put in place to design the relationship with tech that you want to have.

    You are going to want to listen to this one!!


    The Dark Web - What You Should Know//Andy Murphy, The Secure Dad

    The Dark Web - What You Should Know//Andy Murphy, The Secure Dad

    Andy Murphy founded The Secure Dad in 2016 realizing that every parent is a protector. Andy’s passion is to help families live safer, happier lives. The information Andy provides is based on proven methods, experience, and study.

    In this episode Hillary and Andy discuss the Dark Web, what parents should know about it and a current scam that is rumored to use  AI duplication of your child’s voice.

    Andy provides actionable tips and information that every parent can employ.  Listen now!

    How To Fix Social Media…Not Kill It - Frances Haugen, AKA: the Facebook Whistleblower

    How To Fix Social Media…Not Kill It -  Frances Haugen, AKA: the Facebook Whistleblower

    As the source behind the Wall Street Journal's Facebook Files, Frances Haugen exposed Facebook's awareness, complicity, radicalization in political violence around the world, plus their disregard to users' mental health.  

    Her new book: The Power Of One: How I Found the Strength to Tell the Truth and Why I Blew the Whistle on Facebook, (available in our Amazon Marketplace) tells the backstory and more.

    I had the opportunity to speak with Frances. She was incredibly generous with her time…so generous that I did something I never have before – that is: create a 2 part episode.

    Enjoy listening to Part 2 of this fabulous conversation as Frances Haugen talks about ways we can fix social media….not kill it.

    Healthy Screen Habits Hero: Frances Haugen, AKA: the Facebook Whistleblower

    Healthy Screen Habits Hero: Frances Haugen, AKA: the Facebook Whistleblower

    The Facebook Whistleblower, Frances Haugen deserves a seat in the High Court of  Heroes in the “Do The Right Thing” Justice League ( I just made that up but it should absolutely be a thing.).  A data scientist, Harvard graduate, expert of algorithmic product management and an Iowan daughter of two professors, Frances truly moved the needle for humanity when she recognized wrongdoing and stood up for the world. 

    The source behind the Wall Street Journal's, Facebook Files, Frances exposed Facebook's awareness, complicity and radicalization in political violence around the world, plus their disregard to users' mental health.  

    When I had the opportunity to speak with Frances she was incredibly generous with her time…so generous that I am going to do something I never have before – that is: break this episode into 2 parts. Enjoy listening to Part 1 of this fabulous conversation today!