
    Hear My True Story

    Welcome to Hear My True Story, a podcast where the ordinary becomes extraordinary and the whispers of untold stories weave an enchanting tapestry of the human condition. In this mesmerising audio paradise, the raw and unfiltered power of true storytelling takes centre stage, illuminating the profound impact of sharing our deepest truths.
    Each episode of this captivating podcast reveals a symphony of stories, each note resonating with the universal chords of our shared journey. Imagine a canvas where the colours of laughter, tears and triumph merge into a breathtaking masterpiece - a masterpiece painted by you, by me and by every soul who dares to step into the spotlight of vulnerability.
    Feel the heartbeat of life pulsing through the spoken word performances that dance like fireflies in the night. Witness the alchemical fusion of comedy and tragedy, where every giggle and sigh becomes a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Immerse yourself in the melodies of interviews that unearth the gems hidden in the chapters of our lives, as shared experiences build bridges across time and space.
    But this is no ordinary podcast, it's a place where authenticity is celebrated, where our stories transcend the boundaries of our individuality and come together to form a great mosaic of human connections. As you listen, you'll find your laughter harmonising with someone else's, your tears matching theirs, and your victories echoing the victories of like-minded people.
    So put on your headphones and embark on a journey that transcends the boundaries of pure entertainment. Join us, not as passive listeners, but as active participants, as we co-write an ode to the human experience - one that celebrates our scars as much as our triumphs, one that navigates the intricate maze of emotions, and one that ultimately leaves an indelible mark on the tapestry of existence. The Hear My True Story podcast invites you to join us on this daring odyssey where the power of true storytelling is not only celebrated, but praised, embraced and honoured. Tune in and let the magic unfold as you add your voice to a chorus of stories that constantly remind us that our shared stories are the threads that bind us together.

    en-usOtako131 Episodes

    Episodes (131)

    Journey of Resilience: Migrant Stories in Germany

    Journey of Resilience: Migrant Stories in Germany

    Join us on an emotional journey as Carol Jay Smith and Otako, host of the Hear My True Story podcast, explore the complicated story of our immigrant experiences in Germany. From the warmth of shared moments to the unexpected twists and turns that redefine belonging, this episode is about the essence of home. Discover how we have woven German culture into our daily lives and learn how you can create your own sense of home in a new country. Tune in to hear my real story and be inspired by tales of resilience, laughter and connection.

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usMarch 11, 2024

    "Sprachwunder": Navigating Language and Culture in Germany.

    "Sprachwunder": Navigating Language and Culture in Germany.

    In this enlightening episode, join Otako, host of Hear My True Story, and Carol Jay Smith on their journey of language acquisition for immigrants in Germany. Through heartfelt conversations and personal anecdotes, we explore the profound impact language skills have on integration, cultural understanding and community relations. From overcoming challenges to celebrating successes, our guests share their experiences, strategies and advice for other language learners. Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned expat: Tune in to hear how the power of language can open doors and build bridges in a foreign land.

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usMarch 04, 2024

    Bridges Between Worlds: Stories of Integration

    Bridges Between Worlds: Stories of Integration

    In this episode of Hear My True Story, host Otako and guest Aldo explore the topic of integration. They share personal anecdotes and insights that highlight the challenges and triumphs of adapting to a new culture. From navigating bureaucratic systems to dealing with cultural differences, Aldo and Otako offer heartfelt accounts of their journey to integrate into German society. They reflect on key moments that marked their successful assimilation and share particular challenges they overcame along the way. Through uplifting stories that symbolise a sense of belonging to their community, they illuminate the transformative power of connection and resilience. Drawing on their experiences, Aldo and Otako offer practical advice and words of encouragement to listeners embarking on their own journey of integration, reminding them that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and understanding. Join them on this insightful exploration of cultural assimilation and the ties that bind us all.

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usFebruary 26, 2024

    Home is where the heart speaks: Understanding Germany as our country

    Home is where the heart speaks: Understanding Germany as our country

    Join us for the heartfelt continuation of Otako and Oyango's journey in the second instalment of our Black History Month series. Immerse yourself in the deep sense of belonging as they explore the factors and experiences that have made Germany their beloved home. Discover the moments that have created a strong sense of connection and community, and gain insight into the intricate web of their lives in this new environment. The duo reflect on the ways in which they have integrated aspects of German culture into their everyday lives, giving an insight into the wonderful fusion of familiarity and foreignness. Discover the surprising and unexpected elements that have helped them feel more and more at home. The result is a story that transcends borders and speaks to anyone on the complicated path of cultural integration. Look forward to a touching and insightful conversation about what it really means to find a home in the heart of a new country.

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usFebruary 19, 2024

    Lost in Translation: Navigating Language and Culture in Germany

    Lost in Translation: Navigating Language and Culture in Germany

    In this episode of Hear My True Story, join Otako and Aldo Oyango on their transformative journey of learning German in the heart of Germany. The duo open up about their unforgettable experiences and the challenges they faced as they grappled with the intricacies of the language. From overcoming language barriers to forging deeper connections within the local community, Otako and Oyango explore the profound impact of language on cultural integration. Discover the strategies and key moments that accelerated their language learning journey and hear first-hand how language skills paved the way to a better understanding of German culture. Whether you're a language enthusiast or someone facing the challenges of learning a new language in a foreign country, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice to inspire and guide you on your own language adventure. Tune in to Lost in Translation: Language and Culture in Germany" for a fascinating exploration of the power of language in the quest for true integration.

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usFebruary 12, 2024

    Journey to Belong: Navigating Integration in Germany

    Journey to Belong: Navigating Integration in Germany

    In this episode of "Hear My True Story," join our host, Otako, as he shares his personal journey of integration into German society. From the initial struggles with the language to overcoming bureaucratic challenges in obtaining the right training, Otako delves into the complexities faced by immigrants in Germany. Discover the highs and lows, the cost of learning a new language, and the pursuit of a meaningful career. As Otako nears the end of his training as an educator, the question of full integration remains. Tune in to explore the evolving concept of belonging and the continuous pursuit of integration in a new land.

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usFebruary 05, 2024

    Harmony Amidst Struggle: Stories of Resilience and Allyship in Germany's Cultural Tapestry

    Harmony Amidst Struggle: Stories of Resilience and Allyship in Germany's Cultural Tapestry

    Embark on a heartfelt journey with Onyango and Otako in the latest episode of "Hear My True Story." Titled "Harmony Amidst Struggle: Stories of Resilience and Allyship in Germany's Cultural Tapestry," the hosts dive into the complexities of their lives as Black Africans in Germany. Unveiling layers of racism and celebrating the allies who stand against prejudice, this episode explores the challenges faced by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BiPOC) communities in navigating integration within a multicultural society.

    Listeners are invited to join a candid conversation as Onyango and Otako recount a poignant encounter at a Marburg restaurant, where the sharp words, "Ich hasse den schwarzen Fahrer!" echoed, laying bare the painful reality of prejudice. With empathy and resilience, the hosts address the lingering question: Why do some white individuals harbor animosity towards Black people?

    Drawing from personal experiences, Onyango and Otako delve into the intricate dynamics of racial identity, challenging the notion that fluency in the language of the land automatically grants full acceptance as a German. Through insightful anecdotes, they unravel the intersection of culture, ethnicity, and belonging, fostering a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between integration and genuine acceptance.

    Yet, this episode is not solely about negative encounters. "Harmony Amidst Struggle" celebrates the unsung heroes within the German landscape—compassionate and aware white individuals who stand in solidarity with their BiPOC counterparts in the battle against racism. Onyango and Otako share heartwarming stories of unity that break down barriers and bridge divides.

    This poignant exploration of the nuances shaping the lives of BiPOC individuals in Germany is a call to action. Join Onyango and Otako as they inspire listeners to question societal norms, challenge biases, and champion a future where understanding and unity flourish. Whether you're an expatriate, an ally, or someone seeking to learn, this episode promises a thought-provoking journey through the realities of racism and the transformative power of solidarity. Tune in and become part of the change.

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usJanuary 29, 2024

    German Giggles: Navigating Hilarious Language Mishaps

    German Giggles: Navigating Hilarious Language Mishaps

    Join us for a sidesplitting journey in our latest episode, "German Giggles: Navigating Hilarious Language Mishaps" on the Hear My True Story podcast. Otako, our intrepid host, shares uproarious tales from his adventures in learning German as a migrant. Brace yourself for linguistic blunders, cultural quirks, and moments that will have you laughing out loud!

    Embark on a rollercoaster ride through the highs and lows of mastering the German language. From amusing misunderstandings to universal humor in overcoming language barriers, Otako reveals the absurdity of his linguistic escapades.

    But it's not just about the laughs—this episode also delves into the valuable lessons hidden within these comical stories. Uncover practical tips, strategies, and the importance of embracing the language learning journey. Whether you're a language enthusiast, aspiring polyglot, or just someone who enjoys a good chuckle, this podcast episode is a must-listen.

    Tune in as we explore the lighter side of language learning and celebrate the triumphs found in the midst of linguistic chaos. "German Giggles" promises an entertaining, informative, and memorable experience that will leave you inspired and ready to embark on your own language learning adventures.

    Laugh, learn, and revel in the absurdity of Otako's hilarious escapades in Germany. Don't miss out on this unforgettable episode that guarantees to tickle your funny bone and make you appreciate the joys and challenges of language acquisition. Join us for a podcast experience that promises to be as entertaining as it is enlightening!

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usJanuary 22, 2024

    Locken im Fokus: Schwarze Identität und Haargeschichten

    Locken im Fokus: Schwarze Identität und Haargeschichten

    In dieser vollständig deutschsprachigen Podcast-Folge haben wir Louise Brisante Mbakop Ngontchio zu Gast, die als Projektleiterin an "Schwarze Locken und ihre Geschichten dahinter" arbeitet. Louise teilt ihre persönliche Geschichte und beleuchtet, warum sie sich für dieses Projekt engagiert hat. Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Schwarze Menschen mit verschiedenen Frisuren in bestimmten Räumen wahrgenommen werden und welchen Stellenwert die Schwarze Identität einnimmt. Tauchen Sie ein in eine faszinierende Diskussion über Haarkulturen, Selbstausdruck und die einzigartige Vielfalt schwarzer Lebenserfahrungen.

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    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usJanuary 15, 2024

    Fighting for Equality: The Struggle for LGBTQ Rights in Uganda

    Fighting for Equality: The Struggle for LGBTQ Rights in Uganda

    In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the urgent and heartbreaking issue of Uganda’s LGBTQ crisis. Join us as we engage in a compelling conversation with an activist at the forefront of the fight for LGBTQ rights in Uganda. Discover the personal journey that led them to become involved in LGBTQ activism and their unwavering commitment to creating a more inclusive and accepting society.

    We explore the impact of the recently passed Anti-Homosexuality Act, which intensifies Uganda’s long-standing crackdown on sexual minorities. Through the activist’s insightful responses, we gain a deeper understanding of how this law affects the daily lives of LGBTQ individuals in Uganda. Learn about the severe consequences they face, including imprisonment, social isolation, and even threats to their lives. This eye-opening discussion sheds light on the urgency of the situation and the need for international support.

    Our guest takes us inside FEM Alliance Uganda, a pioneering organization working tirelessly to support lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals in the country. Discover their vital initiatives, aimed at increasing knowledge, advocating for human rights, and establishing strategic partnerships. Learn how you can actively contribute to their cause and support their ongoing efforts to combat discrimination and promote LGBTQ rights in Uganda.

    We address essential questions, such as how listeners can support the organization and the LGBTQ community in Uganda. Find out ways to show solidarity and make a tangible impact, including financial contributions, raising awareness, and engaging in advocacy efforts. We highlight the significance of international alliances and how listeners, regardless of their geographic location, can play a crucial role in amplifying the voices of LGBTQ individuals in Uganda.

    To support /Contact Fem Alliance Uganda.
    Bank Details:
    Name of Bank: DIAMOND TRUST BANK
    Name of account: FEM ALLIANCE UGANDA (LTD)
    Account Number: 0116172172
    Swift code or Sort code: DTKEUGKA
    Bank Address: DTB CENTRE,
    PLOT 17/19 KAMPALA ROAD. P.O BOX 7155

    Mobile Money Details:
    Mobile Money Number: +256 779 890890
    Mobile Money Name: Jay Mulucha
     Or support through : Western Union or Money gram using the names Jay Mulucha

    Gofundme: https://gofund.me/e118a3be

    jaymulucha@gmail.com or femauganda@gmail.com

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usJanuary 08, 2024

    Gratitude and Reflection: A Tribute to Our Listeners

    Gratitude and Reflection: A Tribute to Our Listeners

    As we bid farewell to the remarkable year that was 2023, the Hear My True Story team extends heartfelt gratitude to our incredible listeners who have made this journey unforgettable. In this special episode, join us as we express our appreciation for the unwavering support that has fueled our passion for storytelling.

    Get ready for an exciting announcement as we unveil our plans for January 2024 – a month dedicated to revisiting the best-performing episodes of 2023. We'll be reposting these gems, allowing you to relive the most captivating moments and stories that resonated with you.

    But that's not all! January marks a time of strategic planning for our upcoming content from February to July 2024. Discover the behind-the-scenes process as we brainstorm, ideate, and curate new stories that will captivate your hearts and minds.

     As we take a closer look at the stats from 2023, we're thrilled to announce that Deutschland tops the list of countries where Hear My True Story has left a lasting impact. Join us as we celebrate the global reach of our podcast and acknowledge the diverse communities that have embraced our tales.

    Thank you for being an integral part of our storytelling family. Together, let's embark on another year filled with captivating narratives and shared experiences. Tune in, show your support, and let the journey continue!

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usJanuary 01, 2024

    Crossing Continents with Christmas: A Migrant's Tale

    Crossing Continents with Christmas: A Migrant's Tale

    In this captivating episode of Hear My True Story, our host, Otako, takes us on a heartfelt journey back to his childhood in a quaint Ugandan village. As the festive season approaches, memories of Christmas come alive—the scent of pine, the flicker of candlelight, and the joyous laughter of children.

    But this tale isn’t just about Otako; it’s a symphony of shared experiences. Joining him are his dear friends, Philip and Edwine Matovu, fellow migrants from Uganda now residing in Europe. Together, they weave a rich tapestry of cultural contrasts, bridging the gap between their African roots and their new homes in Austria and Germany.

    As the snow blankets European streets, Otako, Philip, and Edwine reminisce about the warmth of Ugandan Christmases. They recall the rhythms of their native languages, the taste of traditional dishes, and the melodies that echoed through their childhood homes. These memories—like cherished ornaments—adorn their hearts, even as they navigate the complexities of life abroad.

    Yet, being migrants means adapting. They share stories of learning European Christmas customs—the delicate art of decorating gingerbread cookies, the thrill of Christmas markets, and the enchantment of twinkling lights. And while they create new traditions with their European families and friends, a digital bridge connects them to loved ones back in Uganda. Through video calls and heartfelt messages, they celebrate together across continents, sharing love, laughter, and longing.

    In this episode, Otako, Philip, and Edwine remind us that Christmas transcends borders. It’s a time to honor heritage, embrace change, and find solace in the familiar—even when oceans separate us. So, whether it’s the snowy streets of Vienna or the red earth of Uganda, the spirit of Christmas unites us all.

    Tune in to Hear My True Story, where the magic of storytelling weaves a global tapestry—one thread at a time. 🌟🎄

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usDecember 25, 2023

    Ink Unbound: The Black Lives Matter Impact on African Authors in Western Publishing

    Ink Unbound: The Black Lives Matter Impact on African Authors in Western Publishing

    In our final installment of the series, we are honored to welcome back the insightful Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi. In this thought-provoking episode, Jennifer delves into the profound influence of the Black Lives Matter movement on African authors navigating the Western publishing landscape.

    Key Points:

    • Shifting Dynamics: Jennifer explores how the global movement has transformed the literary world, amplifying previously marginalized voices and fostering increased representation.
    • Nuanced Perspectives: From challenges to triumphs, she provides a nuanced perspective on the evolving relationship between Black writers, African authors, and the Western publishing industry.
    • Literature as a Catalyst: We delve into the intersection of social justice and storytelling, reflecting on the power of literature to drive change.
    • Equity and Visibility: Join us as we discuss the ongoing struggle for greater visibility, authenticity, and inclusion within the literary sphere.

    Jennifer Makumbi’s insights illuminate the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary literature, paving the way for a more equitable and vibrant literary world. Tune in to explore how the Black Lives Matter movement has reshaped narratives and opened new avenues for African authors. 📚✨

    Awards and Nominations:

    • The First Woman, Winner 2021 Jhalak Prize – Book of the Year by a Writer of Colour
    • Recipient of the 2018 Windham-Campbell Prize for Fiction
    • Global Winner, 2014 Commonwealth Short Story Prize for Lets Tell This Story Properly 
    • Winner,    Kwani Manuscript Project in 2013 for Kintu


    • The First Woman shortlisted for The Diversity Book Awards
    • The First Woman shortlisted for Encore Prize 2021
    • The First woman shortlisted for James Tait Black Prize 2021
    • A Girl is a Body of Water longlisted for Aspen Words Literary Prize 2021
    • The NAIS-KNAW writer’s residence 2021
    • Kintu shortlisted for Prix Les Afriques 2020
    • Manchester Happened longlisted for Edge Hill Prize (2020)
    • The Alan Chuese Fellowship (2019)
    • Kintu Longlisted for The Prix Du Medicis 2019
    • Manchester Happened Shortlisted for Big Book Award (Harper’s Bazaar) 2019
    • Kintu Winner Prix Transfuge Du Meilluer Premier Roman Francais 2019
    • Kintu Shortlisted for Edward Stanford Awards (2019)
    • Grants of Art: The Arts council 2015
    • Kintu longlisted for the Etisalat Prize 2015

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

    Contribute to our podcast, Your Support Means a Lot to Us: DONATE
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    Hear My True Story
    en-usDecember 18, 2023

    Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi: A Literary Luminary on the Challenges and Triumphs of Translating Books

    Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi: A Literary Luminary on the Challenges and Triumphs of Translating Books

    This episode is a cooperation between Ugandan Art Speaks Out, a podcast produced by Omuti Kreativ, and Hear My True Story, a platform that showcases the stories of inspiring people from around the world. In this episode, we explore the fascinating world of literary translation with the esteemed author, Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi. Jennifer shares her invaluable insights into the challenges and triumphs of translating books for Western publishing, shedding light on the delicate process of bridging cultural gaps while ensuring the integrity of the original work.

    Jennifer recounts her own experiences, notably with her acclaimed novel “Kintu,” which successfully crossed cultural boundaries without losing its essence. She provides a compelling guide on safeguarding the authenticity of stories that originate from different worlds, protecting them from potential misinterpretations by Western editors.

    As we navigate the terrain of cultural bridges and editorial challenges, Jennifer Makumbi offers a wealth of wisdom for writers, translators, and readers alike. Discover the art of preserving the heart of a story while making it accessible to a global audience in this insightful conversation.

    Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the intricate process of translating books for Western publishing, and learn from one of Africa’s literary luminaries how to ensure your story remains true to its roots, even in a different cultural context.

    Awards and Nominations:

    • The First Woman, Winner 2021 Jhalak Prize – Book of the Year by a Writer of Colour
    • Recipient of the 2018 Windham-Campbell Prize for Fiction
    • Global Winner, 2014 Commonwealth Short Story Prize for Lets Tell This Story Properly 
    • Winner,    Kwani Manuscript Project in 2013 for Kintu


    • The First Woman shortlisted for The Diversity Book Awards
    • The First Woman shortlisted for Encore Prize 2021
    • The First woman shortlisted for James Tait Black Prize 2021
    • A Girl is a Body of Water longlisted for Aspen Words Literary Prize 2021
    • The NAIS-KNAW writer’s residence 2021
    • Kintu shortlisted for Prix Les Afriques 2020
    • Manchester Happened longlisted for Edge Hill Prize (2020)
    • The Alan Chuese Fellowship (2019)
    • Kintu Longlisted for The Prix Du Medicis 2019
    • Manchester Happened Shortlisted for Big Book Award (Harper’s Bazaar) 2019
    • Kintu Winner Prix Transfuge Du Meilluer Premier Roman Francais 2019
    • Kintu Shortlisted for Edward Stanford Awards (2019)
    • Grants of Art: The Arts council 2015
    • Kintu longlisted for the Etisalat Prize 2015

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

    Contribute to our podcast, Your Support Means a Lot to Us: DONATE
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    Hear My True Story
    en-usDecember 11, 2023

    Journey to Joy: How Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi's Ugandan Literature Saved My Life

    Journey to Joy: How Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi's Ugandan Literature Saved My Life

    In this special episode, we collaborate with Ugandan Art Speaks Out, a podcast produced by Omuti Kreativ, an organization that promotes art for social change and empowerment in Uganda. Otako, the host of Hear My True Story, who shares his hilarious and heartwarming journey as a Ugandan migrant in Germany and how he found solace and inspiration in the works of Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi, one of the most celebrated Ugandan authors.

    We also listen to Jenifer Nansubuga Makumbi, who shares her invaluable insights into the art of crafting compelling stories and her journey of navigating the world of publishing across continents. She reveals the secrets behind her literary success, from her award-winning debut novel “Kintu” to her latest works, “The First Woman” and “A Girl is a Body of Water.” She also explains how she has masterfully woven African narratives into the fabric of Western literature.

    Jennifer’s experiences, including winning prestigious prizes like the Windham-Campbell Literature Prize and the Global Commonwealth Short Story Prize, make her a true authority in the world of literature. Whether you’re an aspiring writer or a devoted reader, you won’t want to miss this insightful discussion that explores the intersection of storytelling, culture, and the global literary landscape.

    We thank Ugandan Art Speaks Out for allowing us to share this wonderful episode and we encourage you to support such podcasts and organizations like Omuti Kreativ that have invested time in amplifying Ugandan art and culture.

    To support Omuti Kreativ, here is the link to the crowdfunding:  https://betterplace.org/p129667

    To follow Ugandan Art Speaks Out, here is the link: https://www.ugandanartspeaksout.com/

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usDecember 04, 2023

    Nature, Play, and Learning: A Comparison of My Ugandan Village Childhood and the “Natur und Waldkindergarten” Concept.

    Nature, Play, and Learning: A Comparison of My Ugandan Village Childhood and the “Natur und Waldkindergarten” Concept.

    In this episode, Otako shares his personal story of growing up in a small village in Uganda, where nature and the forest were his playground and kindergarten. He recounts his daily adventures of exploring the natural world, gathering fruits, and creating his own toys from natural materials. He also reflects on the challenges and lessons he learned from his childhood experiences, such as resourcefulness, creativity, and environmental awareness.

    Otako then draws parallels between his childhood story and the “Natur und Waldkindergarten” concept, a pedagogical method that immerses children in natural environments for their education and development. He explains how both his story and the concept share similar values and principles, such as nature-based learning, sensory exploration, autonomy, and social interaction. He also highlights the benefits of allowing children to spend time in nature, such as fostering healthy development, appreciation for the environment, and well-roundedness.

    Join Otako on this laughter-filled and enlightening journey, as he reveals how his childhood adventures in Uganda inspired him to embrace the “Natur und Waldkindergarten” concept in Germany. And remember to cherish your own childhood adventures, and who knows, they might just inspire the next generation to explore the wonders of nature.

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    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    How to Talk to Black People: A Guide for White People Who Want to Have Respectful and Meaningful Conversations

    How to Talk to Black People: A Guide for White People Who Want to Have Respectful and Meaningful Conversations

    In this episode of Hear My True Story, Otako shares his personal story of going to a party organized by some white people, and the awkward conversation he had with an old man who was very curious about his background. He reveals how he felt interrogated, judged, and stereotyped by someone who did not know anything about him or his culture. He also explains why he avoids attending parties organized by his white friends in Germany.

    Otako then invites his listeners to reflect on some questions that can help them have more respectful and meaningful conversations with people of different races. He challenges his listeners to examine their assumptions, stereotypes, and biases, and to listen, learn, and empathize with the diversity and complexity of other cultures and experiences. He also encourages his listeners to use their privilege and power as white people to create positive change and promote racial justice.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to have respectful and meaningful conversations with people of different races, and to become more aware, respectful, and compassionate in their interactions with people of different races. Tune in and learn from Otako’s personal story and reflection questions. Thank you for listening to Hear My True Story, the podcast where True Stories are shared based on real life experiences. 😊

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    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
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    Hear My True Story
    en-usNovember 20, 2023

    Essays of a Revolutionary MC: Unveiling the Stories Behind the Struggle

    Essays of a Revolutionary MC: Unveiling the Stories Behind the Struggle

    In this compelling episode of "Hear My True Story," we are honored to host the passionate and fearless Luganda political rapper, Bana Mutibwa, as he takes us on a journey through the personal narratives that fuel his upcoming album, "Essays of a Revolutionary MC." Drawing inspiration from George Orwell's timeless words – "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act" – Bana Mutibwa shares how he refuses to compromise his conscience in the face of adversity.

    Join us as Bana Mutibwa delves into the heart of his music, which deviates from the conventional and fearlessly challenges political norms. His cutting-edge rhymes serve as a powerful tool against Museveni's dictatorship, echoing the sentiments of fellow activist Bobi Wine: "Thank you brother #BanaMutibwa for not selling your conscience for a few pieces of silver. Indeed, history will absolve you."

    Residing in Denmark, Bana Mutibwa continues his democracy and freedom activism professionally, using his voice to shed light on the struggles faced by his motherland, Uganda. As he prepares to release his long-awaited album, he discusses the significance of each song, providing a glimpse into the revolutionary waves his Lugaflow music has already stirred in Uganda.

    Don't miss this episode that explores the essence of Bana Mutibwa's artistry, as he proves that being a true revolutionary means using your voice to stand by the truth. #TheRealRevolutionaries are those who, like Bana Mutibwa, utilize their means to bring attention to the issues affecting democracy in Uganda. History will indeed absolve those who dare to speak truth to power.

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    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usNovember 13, 2023

    Lost Experiences and the Resilience of Immigrants: A Conversation with Bana Mutibwa

    Lost Experiences and the Resilience of Immigrants: A Conversation with Bana Mutibwa

    In the second part of our fascinating discussion with Bana Mutibwa, we explore the profound impact of immigration on the lives of individuals. Bana Mutibwa, a talented Lugaflow rapper and political activist hailing from Uganda, shares his personal journey of relocating to Denmark and the challenges he faced in adapting to a new culture. We delve into the issue of immigrants losing their valuable past experiences in the Global North and how systemic barriers in Europe contribute to this loss.

    Bana Mutibwa's own story is one of resilience and determination. He had to pause his musical and activism career for over five years to adapt to life in Denmark, but he's now making a remarkable comeback. However, his story is not the same for many other immigrants who end up losing their precious experiences along the way.

    Join us in this episode as we discuss the complexities of immigration, the importance of preserving one's cultural and personal history, and the transformative power of music and activism in the fight for justice and freedom. Bana Mutibwa's "Essays of a Revolutionary MC" project is set to shed light on the urgent issues in Uganda, using music as a medium for both expression and advocacy. We explore his unwavering commitment to making a difference through his art and activism and how his music has ignited change.

    Discover the resilient spirit of immigrants and the strength it takes to rebuild one's life in a new land. Explore the vital role of art and music in the struggle for democracy and justice. Don't miss "Lost Experiences and the Resilience of Immigrants: A Conversation with Bana Mutibwa" in our "Hear My True Story" series.

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    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Hear My True Story
    en-usNovember 06, 2023

    Rhymes of Revolution: Bana Mutibwa's Journey from Lugaflow to Activism

    Rhymes of Revolution: Bana Mutibwa's Journey from Lugaflow to Activism

    In this compelling episode of "Hear My True Story," we delve deep into the life and journey of Bana Mutibwa, a talented artist and passionate political activist. Hailing from Uganda, Bana Mutibwa is a Lugaflow rapper whose cutting-edge rhymes have served as a powerful voice against the dictatorship of President Museveni. Though currently residing in Denmark, he remains unwavering in his dedication to the cause of democracy and freedom for his homeland.

    Bana Mutibwa has gained recognition for his revolutionary music that stirred waves of change in Uganda, even though he has yet to release a full album due to the constraints of time and resources. Through his upcoming project, "Essays of a Revolutionary MC," he intends to cast a glaring spotlight on the dire situation in Uganda, using his music as a medium for both expression and activism.

    Join us in this episode as Bana Mutibwa shares the incredible story of his journey, the inspiration behind his music, and why he chose to be a political activist. Discover the power of art and music in the fight for justice, democracy, and freedom, and hear firsthand from this remarkable artist as he discusses his unwavering commitment to making a difference through his art and activism. "Rhymes of Revolution" is an episode that will inspire and enlighten, showcasing the transformative potential of music and the unyielding spirit of those who use it to ignite change.

    Bana Mutibwa's powerful and thought-provoking music can be found on all major music streaming platforms, allowing listeners from around the world to access his compelling rhymes and messages of change. Whether you prefer Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, or any other popular streaming service, you can tune in to the inspiring sounds of this Lugaflow artist and political activist. His music is readily available to anyone seeking to be moved and motivated by the rhythms of revolution.

    To get in touch with Bana Mutibwa:
    Website: https://banamutibwa.org/

    Support the show

    Contact Hear My True Story :

    1. Email: hear@hearmytruestory.com
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HearmyTrue
    3. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/HearMyTrueStory

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    Thanks for listening to Hear My True Story!

    Hear My True Story
    en-usOctober 30, 2023