
    Higher Energy

    If you want to reduce stress, boost health and vitality, elevate consciousness, and learn leading-edge approaches to health and wellness… then the Higher Energy Podcast is for you! Listen as hosts Paula Shaw and Bob Schwarz interview cutting-edge researchers, innovators, practitioners, and experts who are changing the way we heal and feel by simply shifting our energy. The Higher Energy podcast, produced by the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, offers cutting-edge strategies and information that can help you optimize the quality of your life and the lives of others. Learn energy healing and energy psychology techniques that can help reduce stress, heal negative and traumatic events, and preserve or improve optimal human performance and function. We go beyond conventional approaches and put you in touch with mind-body techniques and actual science that matters. The result? You can have more control over your health, your life, and your well-being. Ready to go Higher? Then join us for the Higher Energy Podcast!
    enRobert Schwarz14 Episodes

    Episodes (14)

    013: Going Higher, Getting Lighter with Dr. Alison J. Kay

    013: Going Higher, Getting Lighter with Dr. Alison J. Kay

    Today, on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest Dr. Alison J. Kay, an award-winning, #1 international best-selling author, the Founder of the Vibrational UPgrade™ System, and an experienced subtle energies practitioner and natural healer with a holistic approach towards helping others thrive in mind, body, and spirit.


    Dr. Alison has secrets no one else uses to upgrade, inspire, and disrupt old paradigms within her community and the collective. With 20+ years working in & teaching Yoga, Meditation, Energy Medicine, Mind-Body Fitness, Longevity, and Holistic Health with a specialized focus on the Chakra System, she brings a unique perspective that facilitates massive change.


    Dr. Alison joins us today to share how the energy medicine that she developed, Vibrational UPgrade™ Energy Medicine, helps individuals with their own spiritual awakening. She discusses how we can have stillness in this vibrational backdrop we're living in now, and open up our systems to have a more finely attuned receptivity that pulls towards us more support, guidance, and power to create what it is that we are desiring in life.


    Dr. Alison also explores how we can allow ourselves to move forward into unknown “newness,” even while our ego-mind is programmed to prefer the familiar, why it seems like we now have more intuitive messages and abilities, and how we can increase our clear receiving of these messages and know what to do with them.


    Dr. Alison shares that if we are to reach our human potential, we must release our subconscious blocks, recognize our responsibility for managing this mind, body, spirit system, and step into more empowerment.


    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    012: Heed "The Call" to Level Up Your Game with Mary Sise

    012: Heed "The Call" to Level Up Your Game with Mary Sise

    Today, on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest Mary Sise, who for over two decades has been a leading voice in advancing the field of energy psychology.


    In addition to being traditionally trained as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Mary integrates energy psychology methods into her practice and has trained hundreds of clinicians in these methods. She earned her Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology, and is past President of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, the international professional organization dedicated to training, research, and humanitarian work.


    Mary joins us today to discuss how we can break free of the bonds that hold us back from following our calling, and how we can tap into our inner wisdom and power, navigate uncertain times, and manifest the life we want. She shares how we can use basic tapping techniques, a research-proven tool, to calm our brains, go deeper, and shift our energy so that we can move from fear to freedom and create a major breakthrough in our lives.


    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    011: Bliss Brain: The Neuroscience of Remodeling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity, and Joy with Dawson Church

    011: Bliss Brain: The Neuroscience of Remodeling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity, and Joy with Dawson Church

    Today, on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest Dawson Church, an award-winning science writer and researcher with three best-selling books to his credit who has edited or authored a number of books in the fields of health, psychology, and spirituality.


    His principal works are The Genie in Your Genes, which reviews the research linking consciousness, emotion, and gene expression, Mind to Matter, which examines the science of peak mental states, and Bliss Brain, which demonstrates that “flow” states rapidly remodel the brain for happiness.


    Dawson has conducted dozens of clinical trials and founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to promote groundbreaking new treatments and research on evidence-based healing modalities. He shares how to apply the breakthroughs of energy psychology to health and personal performance through EFT Universe, one of the largest alternative medicine sites on the web.


    Dawson joins us today to discuss the neuroscience of remodeling and rewiring our brains for extreme joy by activating Bliss Brain and brain-waves that enhance happiness. “Bliss Brain” is a state in which joy is natural and consistently nurtures the personality traits of patience, resilience, compassion, creativity, productivity, and love.


    Dawson explains that when we cultivate pleasurable “flow” states on a regular basis, they become stable traits that are hard-wired into our brains. He shares the techniques we can use to produce rapid, measurable changes that will shrink stress circuits in our brains, shift us out of our default mode network that consists of past trauma and future worries, and reformat our brains for a lifetime of unshakable happiness.


    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    010: Forgiveness: A Prescription for Health and Happiness with Dr. Fred Luskin

    010: Forgiveness: A Prescription for Health and Happiness with Dr. Fred Luskin

    Today, on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest Dr. Fred Luskin, a lecturer at the Stanford University School of Medicine, Senior Consultant in Health Promotion/Wellness at the Stanford University Health Center, and one of the world’s leading researchers and teachers on the subject of forgiveness.


    He is the author of the best-selling books, Forgive for Good: A Proven Prescription for Health and Happiness, and Forgive for Love: The Missing Ingredient for a Healthy and Happy Relationship. His book Forgive for Good is the best-selling self-help book published on the topic of forgiveness.


    Dr. Luskin founded and currently serves as Director of the Stanford University Forgiveness Projects, a series of projects that have validated his forgiveness methods. At Stanford, he teaches classes on Positive Psychology, The Art and Science of Meditation, Forgiveness, Wellness, Flourishing, and The Psychology of Storytelling to undergraduate and graduate students.


    He also conducts numerous workshops and staff development trainings in relationship enhancement, stress management, and positive psychology through the Stanford Be Well program, and teaches stress management, emotional intelligence, and happiness skills to corporate clients throughout the United States.


    Dr. Luskin’s research has shown that the Forgive for Good forgiveness methodology leads participants suffering from a wide range of concerns to improved physical and mental health. His work focuses on the research-proven triad of a healthy and happy life: Enhancing interpersonal relationships, creating a positive purpose in life, and guided practice in appreciation and other positive emotions.


    Dr. Luskin joins us today to explore forgiveness, its profound impact on our health and well-being, and how we can learn to forgive others in order to make peace inside ourselves and live with less stress in our lives. He shares the biggest obstacles that prevent people from being able to forgive and explains that forgiveness is about taking the action to no longer let someone or something have power over our lives, even if we do not desire reconciliation.


    Dr. Luskin provides insight on the link between forgiveness and our emotional and physical health, and how an inability to overcome a victim mentality and self-regulate our disruptive emotions can manifest things like chronic stress and chronic pain. He shares how we can learn to develop forgiveness as a skill and regulate and calm our nervous system through the practice of meditation.


    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    009: The Magic of Music and Forgiveness with Amikaeyla Gaston

    009: The Magic of Music and Forgiveness with Amikaeyla Gaston

    Today, on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest Amikaeyla Gaston, a Cultural Arts Ambassador for the State Department and a highly sought-after performer and public speaker who travels worldwide doing expansive work with political refugees, war survivors, and jeopardized populations.


    Amikaeyla is a force for change, proclaimed as one of the “purest contemporary voices” by National Public Radio (NPR). She is also the Founder and Executive Director for The International Cultural Arts and Healing Sciences Institute (ICAHSI), a contemporary interdisciplinary cultural arts and educational institute working in collaboration and in partnership with government, health, and non-profit environmental and social justice organizations.


    Ami unlocked her self-expression and healing in an intensive care burn unit after a near-fatal hate crime. Lying in excruciating pain and anguish after being told her legs would have to be amputated and that she would never walk again, she discovered that she could not only overcome fear, but also become fearless through the healing power of music.


    Working in the Behavioral Health arena for over the past 25 years, Ami brings together artists and healers of all forms and from all specialties to promote healing and wellness through the arts & activism. She is often called by the United Nations and embassies worldwide into difficult scenarios to offer intercultural literacy and deep restorative justice work in support of transformative and peaceful solutions.


    Ami joins us today to discuss healing, forgiveness, and using the superpower of song to help individuals overcome and turn their fear and pain into power and fuel for self-exploration. She shares how we can create a healing environment to learn and grow in with those around us, have heartfelt conversations regarding health, healing, culture, and race, and cultivate a more sustainable world filled with greater tolerance and compassionate understanding.


    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    008: Your Health and 5G - Facts and Fiction with Dr. Beverly Rubik

    008: Your Health and 5G - Facts and Fiction with Dr. Beverly Rubik

    Today, on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest Dr. Beverly Rubik, a leading scientist and scholar internationally renowned for her pioneering work in frontier science that embraces the consciousness and the energy fields of living systems, and medicine that goes beyond the mainstream.


    Dr. Rubik is an esteemed biophysicist, investigating the role of consciousness in the physical world and complementary and alternative medicine, particularly the role of the human biofield, as well as the health issues of humans exposed to wireless communication radiation.


    She is also the founder of the Institute for Frontier Science, a nonprofit research laboratory established to explore novel scientific and health-related discoveries and concepts that are considered unconventional, yet hold promise for future knowledge and applications.


    Dr. Rubik joins us today to discuss the dangers of a global rollout of 5G and the detrimental health risks that humans are exposed to through wireless radiation. She explains that there are a host of problems that can come from exposure, and overexposure, to wireless radiation, and why we can expect that 5G will further exacerbate current health and environmental issues.


    Dr. Rubik also provides insight into how 5G can disrupt and diminish our immunity to external factors, and why it's possible that individuals living in regions where next-generation 5G networks have already been rolled out may be experiencing a stronger response to COVID-19.


    She shares how we can mitigate our exposure to wireless radiation in our daily lives, and why it’s critical that we accurately assess the impact and consequences that deploying 5G can have on humans and the environment before covering every square inch of the earth with wireless radiation.


    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    007: Alleviating Fear and Boosting the Immune System in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic with Dr. Bruce Lipton

    007: Alleviating Fear and Boosting the Immune System in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic with Dr. Bruce Lipton

    Today, on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest Dr. Bruce Lipton, who is a renowned cell biologist, best-selling author, and internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit.



    Dr. Lipton is a sought after keynote speaker and workshop presenter who lectures about leading-edge science and how it corresponds with mind-body medicine and spiritual practices. His research and insights have been pivotal in the epigenetic revolution that’s laying the foundation for a consciousness-based understanding of biology.



    Dr. Lipton joins us today to discuss how stress, fear, and negative thoughts inhibit the body’s immune system response and, in turn, can make individuals much more susceptible to different illnesses.



    He explains that the profound level of fear surrounding COVID-19, that’s currently being amplified by the media, not only heightens stress hormone levels but disempowers people by weakening their immune systems and further exacerbating this pandemic.



    While staying informed is important, Dr. Lipton recommends limiting exposure to the negative media and panic-inducing news reports that primarily feed into fear and spread misinformation.



    He shares practices for staying healthy, shifting our focus to positivity, and maintaining a calm state of mind in order to alleviate the stressors we’re all facing in these daunting and uncertain times while doing our part to help flatten the curve.



    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    006: Clearing Unresolved Trauma, Stress, and Anxiety with the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) with Tapas Fleming

    006: Clearing Unresolved Trauma, Stress, and Anxiety with the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) with Tapas Fleming

    Today, on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest Tapas Fleming, who is a California Licensed Acupuncturist and the founder and creator of a simple technique called TAT® that can gently and easily reduce stress, end limiting beliefs, and greatly enhance presence.


    As one of the most celebrated leaders in energy psychology, Tapas has taught TAT® to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. She loves to teach TAT®, because not only is it so empowering and liberating, but it also supports people in creating a vibrant, healthy life full of who they are and what they love.


    Tapas joins us today to discuss the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT®) and shares how to do the TAT® pose while leading us through how the technique works to clear emotional connections to trauma, negative experiences, and unpleasant thoughts that may cause stress and anxiety in our lives, including current worries regarding the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19).


    She explains how TAT® can be used to heal the emotional charge and physical reactions to trauma, abuse, stress, and adverse childhood experiences so that an individual is no longer triggered by those memories and can live from a more spiritually-connected, centered, and peaceful place.


    Through TAT®, Tapas shares that unresolved emotions and limiting beliefs that have been picked up from family members, society, and events that we’ve lived through can be dissolved in a gentle but powerful way so that individuals can live from a more natural expression of who they are.


    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    005: The Energies of the Seasons and Mindfulness Practices for Living in Peaceful Harmony with Dr. Joan Borysenko

    005: The Energies of the Seasons and Mindfulness Practices for Living in Peaceful Harmony with Dr. Joan Borysenko

    Today, on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest Dr. Joan Borysenko, who is a distinguished pioneer in integrative medicine, a world-renowned expert in the mind/body connection, and one of the most popular and sought after speakers in the field of health, healing, and spirituality.


    She is a longtime scientist, psychologist, and spiritual seeker whose work has been foundational in an international health-care revolution that recognizes the role of meaning and the spiritual dimensions of life as an integral part of health and healing.


    Dr. Joan joins us today to discuss how ancient wisdom and modern science come together in the service of healing, by not only curing our physical ills but bringing us into a state that positive psychology calls our “best self” or true nature.


    She provides insight on the special benefits of different forms of meditative practice, and how the epigenetic effects of mindfulness meditation may reduce harmful inflammation in the body, decrease anxiety, improve energy levels, and increase our overall well-being.


    Dr. Joan explains how working with the energies of the seasons through simple healing practices, quiet contemplation, and meditations can help create a deeper sense of self, spirit, and connection by implementing small daily doses of optimism day-by-day and season-by-season.


    She shares how our inner nature is deeply connected to the natural environment that surrounds us, how seasonal rhythms of nature correspond with our physical, emotional, and spiritual rhythms, and how we can use mind-body tools to maintain balance and live in harmony with each season of our lives.



    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    004: Getting Free From Societal/Political Stress and Learned Helplessness with guest Dr. David Gruder

    004: Getting Free From Societal/Political Stress and Learned Helplessness with guest Dr. David Gruder

    Today, on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest Dr. David Gruder, who is a clinical and organizational psychologist, an award-winning best-selling author, and a highly sought speaker, trainer, and trusted advisor.


    He is the founder and CEO of Integrity Revolution, which “helps ‘everyday people to world leaders’ create sustainable happiness, health, love, and success without sacrificing personal integrity or social responsibility,” through providing Essential Psychological Skills for Extraordinary Businesses, Leaders, and Wellbeing™.


    Dr. Gruder joins us today to discuss helping clients get free from societal/political stress and learned helplessness that's affecting their wellbeing, harming their relationships, & influencing them as citizens. The American Psychological Association's Stress in America™ survey has found a growing need for psychoeducational and psychotherapeutic resources to help individuals deal with stress more effectively.


    Dr. Gruder outlines the types of questions helping professionals may ask clients to understand the impact that stressors such as societal divisiveness, political polarity, and media mind jacking are having on them, along with the keys to assisting clients in nonpartisan, psychologically mature ways.


    He shares the psychological skills that helping professionals can provide to elevate a client's mindset, eliminate learned helplessness, increase self-responsibility, and replace impotent rebellious activism with solution-focused activism.


    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    003: Restoration of the Brain and Mind and the Biochemistry of Healthy Longevity with Dr. Norm Shealy

    003: Restoration of the Brain and Mind and the Biochemistry of Healthy Longevity with Dr. Norm Shealy

    Today on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest, Norman Shealy, MD, Ph.D., who is President of Shealy-Sorin Wellness and Holos Energy Medicine Education. He is one of the world’s leading experts in pain and depression management and was the first physician to specialize in the resolution of chronic pain.

    Dr. Shealy’s clinical work includes comprehensive holistic management of pain, depression, anxiety, and chronic disease. He is also the recipient of several lifetime achievement awards in the fields of Medicine, Holism, Wellness, Innovation, and Education and Advancement in Science and Humanitarian aspects.

    Dr. Norm Shealy joins us today to discuss various advances in the restoration of the brain and mind, and what has changed over the years in the world of alternative, integrative, and energy medicines. He shares how brain health can be optimized to avoid cognitive decline, reverse chronic pain, disease, and depression, and improve our health and wellness with natural, safe, and effective modalities.

    Dr. Shealy provides tools for self-regulation from the broad field of energy medicine to enhance nutrition, biochemistry, and endurance. He also shares recommendations for optimal supplements, devices, and holistic solutions that can help reduce stress, stimulate telomere regeneration, enhance gamma brain activity, and balance the frequencies of the chakras and cells in the body.


    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    002: Neurodharma: Science, Wisdom, and Highest Happiness with Dr. Rick Hanson

    002: Neurodharma: Science, Wisdom, and Highest Happiness with Dr. Rick Hanson

    Today, on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest Rick Hanson Ph.D., who is a neuropsychologist, Senior Fellow of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, and a New York Times best-selling author that has written and taught about the essential inner skills of personal well-being, psychological growth, and contemplative practice – as well as relationships, family life, and raising children.


    Dr. Hanson is Founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, and has been an invited speaker at Google, NASA, Oxford, and Harvard, and taught in meditation centers worldwide.


    He joins us today to discuss the new neuroscience of awakening and how internalizing our beneficial experiences helps us to better deal with the challenges of life. He explains how his simple, 4-step program, HEAL, blends neuroscience and practical psychology to grow greater mindfulness, emotional balance, and well-being in a way that creates powerful and lasting change in the body, particularly the brain.


    Dr. Hanson shares how we can hardwire our brain and inner resources for greater happiness, peace, and well-being, and what we can do to grow the good in our brain in order to function from our highest potential and get the most out of life. He also explores seven practices for strengthening the neural circuitry of profound contentment and inner peace to grapple with the inevitable pains and sorrows of life, help heal old pain, and increase our resources for coping.


    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    001: The Energetics of Trauma and the Healing Power of Light with Cyndi Dale

    001: The Energetics of Trauma and the Healing Power of Light with Cyndi Dale

    Today, on Higher Energy, we are joined by special guest Cyndi Dale, who is an intuitive, spiritual healer, speaker, and internationally renowned best-selling author of 27 books about energy medicine. She has been a natural intuitive since she was young, and offers these gifts to clients and groups seeking to make real and positive change.


    Cyndi's passion includes helping people open their "essential energy," the powers and perspectives unique to them, and she has provided energy consulting to over 65,000 clients and has led workshops all over the world.


    Cyndi joins us today to discuss subtle energy techniques, energetic boundaries, and the energetics of trauma along with the healing power of light. She shares the missing ingredient that's essential for healing but not acknowledged in traditional medicine, and how three different kinds of light can be used to release the subtle energies that keep individuals trapped in a vicious cycle of trauma.


    Cyndi explains the physical processes that are affected by energetic and emotional trauma and shares methods for locating hidden inner wounds in order to transform the subtle energies that are causing considerable hardships in someone's life.


    If you are looking to heal your wounds and live a more enlightened life, or you'd like to help others resolve their challenging energetic and spiritual issues, Cyndi's groundbreaking energy techniques will help you to see things in a new light!



    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!

    Welcome to the Higher Energy podcast by the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)

    Welcome to the Higher Energy podcast by the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)

    Welcome to Higher Energy, the podcast by ACEP, featuring hosts Paula Shaw and Bob Schwarz! We are going to be bringing you exciting episodes each month with interviews from some of the top names in the field of energy psychology.


    ACEP (the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology) is recognized as the largest international organization that promotes research and application of energy psychology approaches, offering an indispensable network of resources for the public and media. ACEP is a staunch advocate for members responsibly learning and applying energy psychology models, and an influential presence helping to shape mental health and healthcare practices. 


    We decided to create this show to provide you with a go-to space that takes you beyond conventional approaches and gives you the opportunity to hear from a variety of extraordinary individuals who have high-level expertise in different areas of this field. 


    Topics will range from the integration of science and energy work, energy psychology tools and resources, mind-body techniques, cutting-edge science such as epigenetics, and countless methods and processes that will help you to boost your health, raise your consciousness, and lead a more integrated and holistic life.


    Visit https://podcast.energypsych.org/ to learn more!