
    Homesteading for Beginners

    This is the Homesteading for Beginners podcast and I’m Mona Weathers, your homesteading mentor and coach. I’m here to encourage you to pursue your homesteading goals with the right mindset in a way that is healthy for you, your family and your community. If you desire to establish a solid foundation for your homesteading journey then you are in the right place. Join me as I share stories from the past 20 years of my own journey as well as practical and actionable steps you can take to START and MAINTAIN a healthy homestead.
    en-usMona Weathers93 Episodes

    Episodes (93)

    092. Homesteading Community & Natural Beekeeping with Adam & Leslie Martin of Beekept

    092. Homesteading Community & Natural Beekeeping with Adam & Leslie Martin of Beekept

    If you have listened to this podcast for more than a few episodes you know how much I encourage homesteaders and dreamers to find a local community. There as so many reasons why I believe this is a crucial step in your journey and in today's episode I chat with two of my homesteading friends from the town where we used to live in California. 

    Adam and Leslie Martin are homesteading full time now in Tennessee. They started their beekeeping education business in hopes of teaching more people about natural and sustainable beekeeping. 

    In this episode (92) we chat about homesteading in California, moving accross country, community and how it relates to bees. 

    Adam & Leslie's Links:

    Get their natural beekeeping freebie!





    Mona's Links: 

    Beginner Homesteader's Starter Kit Waitlist: 


    Azure Standard (mentioned in this episode, affiliate link): https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=EZO0slBbMt

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners

    Listen on Apple or Spotify:









    O91. A Deaf & Blind Homesteader in the Making: Coaching the Deafblind Potter, Kelvin Crosby.

    O91. A Deaf & Blind Homesteader in the Making: Coaching the Deafblind Potter, Kelvin Crosby.

    If you have ever wondered what it's like to be coached by Mona Weathers, you need to listen to this episode. In this episode I coach Kelvin Crosy, a deafblind potter living in California. His desire is to start a homestead within the next year or so. This coaching session is Mona coaching Kelvin through the first steps to starting his homesteading journey. 

    In this episode we talk about...

    • Kelvins story of how he went blind and deaf.
    • Challenges living in a busy city while blind.
    • Kelvins reasons for wanting to start a homestead.
    • Kelvins dream for his potter business and future pottery school for people with disabilites.
    • Coaching on how what's the best first steps to take to start homesteading.
    • and more!

    Episodes mentioned in this episode: 

    -Permaculture with Larry Wheeler: Episode 52

    -Quail with Jasmine Bass- Episode 38 &39

    >>> Please be sure check out the short docutmentary Kelvin mentioned in this episode:


    Find out more about Kelvin here: https://www.deafblindpotter.com/

    Find Kelvin on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deafblindpotter

    Mona's Links:

    Beginner Homesteader's Starter Kit Waitlist:


    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners

    Listen on Apple or Spotify:






    090. Five Truths To Help You As A Beginner Homesteader

    090. Five Truths To Help You As A Beginner Homesteader

    I've learned so many lessons throughout my journey but these lessons are 5 truths that have stood out the most. I hope you enjoy episode 90 of the Homesteading for Beginners podcast. 

    1. Rusing doesn't always get things don faster.
    2. Livestock sometimes have their own plans and usually it's opposite of your plans.
    3. You don't have to do ALL OF THE THINGS. You can get really good a few homesteading skills.
    4. Community dependenc y needs to be a part of your self-sufficiency plan.
    5. Slow living is not about having less to keep you busy. It's about choosing to do things that take more time. 

    Mona's Links:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners

    Listen on Apple or Spotify:





    089. Homesteading Couples: How to Get Your Spouse On Board [Rebroadcast]

    089. Homesteading Couples: How to Get Your Spouse On Board [Rebroadcast]

    What do you do when your spouse or partner is not on board with your homesteading dreams? This is something I hear people struggling with all the time. One spouse is all into the idea of homesteading and the other has big reservations or is very against the idea.

    Recently, I coach a member of my students through this very topic. I decided a podcast episode on this topic would be good for those dealing with the same thing.

    I didn't poll any of my audience but I imagine some of the objections from the spouse that is not into the idea of homesteading might be concerned with:

    • The cost of starting a homestead
    • Giving up modern convenience
    • Fitting in as a homesteader.
    • Their kids will be deprived and sheltered
    • Family and friends will judge their lifestyle.
    • Added work to their already busy life.

    If any of these objections resonate with you, I'd love to hear your thoughts. You can send me a direct message on Instagram. If I didn't list an objection send me that as well.

    Mona's Links:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners

    Listen on Apple or Spotify:





    088. Twenty-One Years of Homesteading Lessons & 5 Takeaways That Will Help Your Journey

    088. Twenty-One Years of Homesteading Lessons & 5 Takeaways That Will Help Your Journey

    If I were to have the opportunity to start my homesteading journey over again, I would do a few things differently. In this episode I share some lessons learned throughout the 21 years of my homesteading journey that I've broken down into 3 stages. Listen to this episode for inspiration and tips for you and your homesteading journey.

    Mona's info and important links:

    Mona's Links:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners

    Listen on Apple or Spotify:





    087. A LOVE/HATE Relationship with Farm Chores

    087. A LOVE/HATE Relationship with Farm Chores

    Have you ever had a love/hate relationship with something? Well, I have a love/hate relationship with some of my farm work. I don't usually use the word hate, and there are very few things I actually hate. And I don't really hate any of my farm work. But I do strongly dislike some things, and I've come to realize that it's perfectly fine and normal not to love every part of your life. It's the things that challenge us that are often the reason we love the things we love.

    Many tears have been shed throughout my homesteading journey, and a lot of those tears have been due to frustrations with farm work. My hands freezing while removing ice from water troughs and milking goats in below-zero temperatures (though the warm goat teats always warmed them up 😄) are two examples of these frustrating moments and have made me wonder why I chose to have a farm. Massive amounts of manure accumulate on every farm with farm animals. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with it. And the mud!! So much mud during rainy seasons.

    Even though I have times of strong dislike for these things that make having a farm difficult, I still love the homesteading life. I love learning where my mind is limiting me from growth and pushing through it like a seedling emerging from its seed.

    Episodes mention:

    048. Why Do YOU Want To Homestead?

    051. 3 Tips For Finding More Time & Increasing Your Capacity For Your Homesteading Responsibilities

    066. Jill Winger on Horses & Homesteading Part 1: What You Need to Know About Horse Ownership

    Mona's Links:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners

    Listen on Apple or Spotify:





    086. How to Start Homesteading in 2024: Free Checklist

    086. How to Start Homesteading in 2024: Free Checklist

    If you are listening to this you are likely a new homesteader or homestead dreamer. You are either in the beginning years or the dreaming years of your journey.

    It seems homesteading has gained in popularity these past few years. It’s no surprise. Since 2020 people have been evaluating their quality of life and their health.

    Sipping tea while sitting on your front porch overlooking the acres of land. Spending your days watching your chickens and goats enjoy the land you own and feeling very satisfied with all of the self-sufficiency skills you are learning in the process.

    Having skills that make you feel less dependent on the grocery store because you know how to grow and raise your food.

    These are the dreams many people are currently having. Well, in 2020 I realize my dream is to see more and more people live the homesteading lifestyle in the best way possible. This includes preventing bad starts and overwhelm.

    On today’s episode, I’m going to revisit the how to start a homestead topic. In the first 5 episodes of this podcast I go in more depth by following the Homesteading for Beginner checklist I create. But I’ve recently updated so I thought I’d go through the checklist again with the updated version.

    Mona's info:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners

    085. 6 Steps to Effective Homestead Goal Setting

    085. 6 Steps to Effective Homestead Goal Setting

    I get the excitement and motivation that comes with the start of a new year. It's a fresh slate and a chance to set new goals and make positive changes. However, I also understand that it can be challenging to maintain that enthusiasm as the days go by. That's why it's important to approach goal-setting with a realistic mindset and create a plan that is achievable and sustainable in the long run. Remember to break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks, and celebrate each milestone along the way to stay motivated throughout the year.

    I have a process for planning and goal setting that has served me well over the years, and I think it can help you if you struggle to plan or maintain your enthusiasm throughout the year.

    Planning and goal-setting process:

      1. Write down all goals
      2. Organize goals based on importance
        • Create separate lists for "Must-Have" and "Want-To-Have" goals
      3. Prioritize Must-Have goals
      4. Divide the year into four quarters
        • January through March (Quarter 1)
        • April through June (Quarter 2)
        • July through September (Quarter 3)
        • October through December (Quarter 4)
      5. Select 1-2 goals from the Must-Have list for each quarter
      6. Create a task list for each goal within the quarters
        • Include actionable daily, weekly, and monthly steps

    Mona's info:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners


    084. How to Stay Focused on Your Homesteading Goals in 2024

    084. How to Stay Focused on Your Homesteading Goals in 2024

    While I was planning for my homestead and business goals for 2024, the word "invest" came to mind. I've realized that I need to focus on investing my time, money, and energy into things that will propel my goals forward. This also means reducing or eliminating things that don't contribute to my goals.

    I chose the word "invest" because it carries more weight. When we invest, we are intentional and expect a return on our investment.

    So, for 2024, I choose to invest in:

    • Organizing and automating my time to create more free time.
    • Putting more energy into activities I love, such as spending time with friends and family, working with horses, and engaging in artistic pursuits.
    • Using my money to grow my business and homesteading skills.
    • Focusing on actions that make a significant impact instead of wasting time on trivial matters.

    I'm sharing this with you to encourage you to think about how you can be intentional in the new year. Even if you don't choose a word of the year, find something that symbolizes your commitment to improving your life and getting closer to your goals.

    If you're looking for a word of the year, feel free to use mine. For me, the word usually emerges as a pattern in my life. It may be something that is missing or something I know is necessary.

    I hope your year is off to a great start. Below are some ways I can help you further. 

    Mona's info:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners

    083. Taking Care of Yourself as a Homesteader - A Personal Update

    083. Taking Care of Yourself as a Homesteader - A Personal Update

    In this episode, I’m sharing some of the things that are happening in my life right now and things I’ve gone through in the past that will shape how I move forward with my homesteading goals in 2024. Perhaps it will help you as well but at the very least you will get to hear what plans I have coming and how you can get involved.

    Episodes mentioned in this episode:

    Ep. 15: Letting Go of Your Timeline

    Ep. 17 Make Thankfulness a Part of Your Journey

    Ep. 36 How to Start Homesteading in 2023

    Ep 49. & 50 the interview Melissa K. Norris on 9 Food Preservation Methods

    Ep. 66, 67: interview with Jill Winger on Homesteading with Horses and you’ll understand more about my love for horses and how they got me into homesteading.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Homesteading for Beginners Checklist

    101 Homestead Income Ideas List

    Homestead Income Plan (HIP) Facebook group

    Homestead Income Plan Shop page

    PAID Homesteader Academy Waitlist

    Waitlist for the Homestead Income Plan Weekly Accountability Meeting (HIP WAM)

    I'll be back in January!! 

    Your host,

    Mona Weathers 

    082. Organic Gardening for Beginners with Jessica Gaige

    082. Organic Gardening for Beginners with Jessica Gaige

    In this episode, we'll explore the fundamental principles of organic gardening and how they set it apart from conventional gardening methods. Jessica Gaige from the Organic Gardening for Beginners podcast shares her inspiring journey into the world of organic gardening and the reasons behind their commitment to this earth-friendly approach.

    Discover the secrets of organic gardening as we delve into topics like soil health, pest and disease management, and the art of companion planting. We'll also address the age-old debate of organic gardening's cost-effectiveness compared to non-organic methods and uncover some surprising insights.

    Gain valuable tips and insights on starting your own organic garden, even in limited spaces or urban environments.

    Jessica's Info:
    Podcast: Organic Gardening for Beginners (search Apple or Spotify) 

    Mona's info:

    Visit the Homestead Income Plan shop page: https://www.homesteadincomeplan.com/paid

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners

    081. A Healthy Relationship with Rest: Healthy Homesteading Series

    081. A Healthy Relationship with Rest: Healthy Homesteading Series

    When you think of the homesteading lifestyle is part of that picture you racing around trying to get all the stuff done on the farm? Or is it you have a pace that matches nature? A place where time is not your enemy and you have a more relaxed way about you.

    Are you envisioning rest and calm or busyness and hurrying? If you are envisioning rest and calm then you must intentionally set up your life to create that.

    Because the alternative is, you wish for rest and calm but you create busy and hurry n because you didn’t actually learn how to slow down.

    Let’s stop creating busy and then blame busy for our business. How do we do that? By learning the skill of slowing down.

    As homesteaders, we are creating a life close to nature. This is part of the appeal of this lifestyle for many people. Listen to episode 81 and hear more of my thoughts on this topic. 

    If you love discount offers I encourage you to take a listen to this episode. This bundle is for you if you looking for ways to generate income that will fund your homesteading goals. 

    During the next 10 days, the Passion to Profit Bundle is available to everyone. This bundle includes 55 digital ebooks and courses that are worth over $6000. You will also find my very own mini-course, Ideas That Pay, in this bundle as well!

    Mona's info:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners



    [BONUS] Passion to Profit: Listen before Oct. 30th

    [BONUS] Passion to Profit: Listen before Oct. 30th

    This is a very special time-sensitive episode. If you love discount offers I encourage you to take a listen to this episode. This bundle is for you if you looking for ways to generate income that will fund your homesteading goals. 

    During the next 10 days, the Passion to Profit Bundle is available to everyone. This bundle includes 55 digital ebooks and courses that are worth over $6000. You will also find my very own mini-course, Ideas That Pay, in this bundle as well!

    This bundle is only available between October 20th -30th 2023 so make sure you at least check out the website to see if it is right for you.

    The price is only $50 for all of these amazing products.

    Learn more about the bundle and purchase: https://transactions.sendowl.com/stores/15542/237776

    Get your freebie from Mona here: https://homesteading.myflodesk.com/b8v63h1zp5

    What's in the bundle:

    - Guides and courses on earning a living doing things you love and turning your passion into a lucrative venture,

    - Alternative streams of income for location independence, such as freelancing, remote working, print-on-demand, and other home-based businesses

    - Finding your true purpose and passion by looking inward, learning to create your own path, and then generating income through it

    - Organic social media growth, on-camera confidence, monetization, content creation, newsletters, and funnels

    - Passive income guides and ideas, including through platforms such as Etsy and Pinterest

    - Mindset alignment to show up in an authentic, confident, and magnetic way for your business to manifest abundance in your life

    - Establishing and maintaining boundaries as well as creating momentum energetically for a sustainable business

    - Cultivating your community and finding your niche to monetize your existence, brand, and message

    - Personal and business brand creation and development, along with business establishment and growth

    - Niche-specific advice for herbalism, motherhood, home baking, fashion, holistic practice, doula practice, etc.

    - Online income generation, including affiliate marketing, investment, ChatGPT marketing automation, and digital product sales

    - Property monetization, rental property purchase, and AirBnB income without buying properties

    -Monetary management and lessons from a successful entrepreneur with multiple businesses and so much more!

    For the full list visit this website: https://transactions.sendowl.com/stores/15542/237776

    To get the free bonus offers by Mona fill out this form: https://homesteading.myflodesk.com/b8v63h1zp5







    O79. Keto & Homesteading with Robert Sikes: Healthy Homesteading Series

    O79. Keto & Homesteading with Robert Sikes: Healthy Homesteading Series

    If you have ever wondered about the ketogenic diet then you need to listen to this episode. My guest Robert Sikes of Keto Savage shares the benefits of applying a keto diet to your life.

    In this episode we discuss:

    • what is a ketogenic diet
    • why you should consider keto
    • foods to avoid while on the keto diet
    • how homesteading and healthy eating go hand in hand
    • and more!

    This is episode 79 of the Homesteading for Beginners podcast. 

    Roberts info:




    Mona's info:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners


    078. Homesteader Unplugged

    078. Homesteader Unplugged

    This episode is a bit of an update along with a pep talk and a plan for the future of the Homesteading for Beginners podcast. I didn't know what else to call it but Homesteader Unplugged. :)

    Be sure to check out the Homestead Income Plan website. I have alot of great resources for you there.


    Here's my favorite business tools & resources list page: https://www.homesteadincomeplan.com/tools

    This is episode 78 of the Homesteading for Beginners podcast with Mona Weathers.

    Mona's Info:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners


    077. Growing Microgreens with Laura Patterson

    077. Growing Microgreens with Laura Patterson

    If you are considering growing microgreens for health reasons and/or as business you need to learn from Laura Patterson of Homegrown Microgreens. I highly recommend you listen to this episode because Laura offers some valuable information. 

    What you will learn in this episode:

    • what are microgreens
    • why micrgreens are more nutrient dense
    • how easy it is to start growing microgreens
    • how to eat micrgrogreens
    • how to start selling microgreens
    • tips for finding your ideal customer
    • and more!

    This is episode 77 of the Homesteading for Beginners podcast with Mona Weathers

    Laura's Info:
    Instagram: @handgrowngreens
    Free Mini Course- "Should You Start a Microgreens Farm?": https://handgrowngreens.com/freeminicourse/
    Comprehensive Online Program: "Make Money with Microgreens": https://handgrowngreens.com/course-sales-page/
    Microgreen Magic Mini Course. Learn how to grow microgreens at home for personal use. -https://handgrowngreens.com/course-sales-page/
    Homestead Income Plam facebook group members can save 50% on this mini course with coupon code (offer expires 12/31/23): Find code inside of the group:

    Mona's Info:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan  YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@HomesteadIncome?si=Gv8aNtH4FnopdUBp


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners

    076. A quick update.

    076. A quick update.

    This just a short podcast episdoe. I'm just sharing what's going on with the podcast and my life. The links I mentioned are below.

    Here's my favorite business tools & resources list page: https://www.homesteadincomeplan.com/tools

    This is episode 75 of the Homesteading for Beginners podcast with Mona Weathers.

    Mona's Info:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners


    075. Homestead Income: What's the next step?

    075. Homestead Income: What's the next step?



    To learn more about the academy watch the replay of the webinar I did recently:


    Be sure to listen to the previous episodes in these series, episodes 65, 68-74.

    What are you waiting for?
    Are you waiting to be less busy? Are you waiting to have the perfect land? Are you waiting for someone to give you permission?
    What is keeping you from moving forward with your homesteading dreams?
    Is it belief in yourself? Is it a lack of money? Is it not enough support from others?
    Whatever the reason is, please know this, every step you move closer to your dreams is progress. Celebrate your progress today! 🎉

    What you will learn in this episode...

    • why it's important to focus on the next steps
    • how to stay motivated and focussed 
    • tips for DIYing your business education
    • and more!

    The PAID Homesteader Academy is open for enrollment. Deadline to sign up is Sept. 10th

    Learn more and enroll here: https://www.paidhomesteader.com

    Here's my favorite business tools & resources list page: https://www.homesteadincomeplan.com/tools

    Listen to the Plan to Jump In episode 11: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/plan-to-jump-in/id1636732326?i=1000582637222

    This is episode 75 of the Homesteading for Beginners podcast with Mona Weathers.

    Mona's Info:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners

    074. Three Homestead Income Problems and The Solutions

    074. Three Homestead Income Problems and The Solutions



    The reason I created The PAID Homesteader Academy is because I recognized problems in the homesteading community that I knew I could help with. In this episode I share 2 of those 3 problems. If you'd like to listen to the entire webinar about the program follow this link > 


    Be sure to listen to the previous episodes in these series, episodes 65, 68-73.

    What you will learn in this episode...

    -why you need to learn business skills to have successful homestead income streams 

    -how you should build your business with foundation products first

    -business tips to help you get off on the right foot

    -and more! 

    The PAID Homesteader Academy is open for enrollment. Deadline to sign up is Sept. 10th

    Learn more and enroll here: https://www.paidhomesteader.com

    Here's my favorite business tools & resources list page: https://www.homesteadincomeplan.com/tools

    Note: The video version of this will be posted soon and will be found on the Homestead Income YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@HomesteadIncome

    This is episode 74 of the Homesteading for Beginners podcast with Mona Weathers.

    Mona's Info:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners

    073. Give Up On This One Thing: Homestead Income

    073. Give Up On This One Thing: Homestead Income



    You need to give up on perfectionism! It's not going to help you build your business. In fact, it's probably going to hold you back. Make it a habit of taking imperfect action every day and do the things that actually grow your business. 

    Be sure to listen to the previous episodes in these series, episodes 65, 68-72.

    What you will learn in this episode..

    • why perfectionism will not help you
    • what activities will actually grow your business
    • how starting my podcast is a perfect example of taking imperfect action
    • and more!

    Come to the free P.A.I.D Homesteader Academy webinar this Friday, Sept 1st at 2pm EST. Register to get the live link and replay link. 

    Sign up here: https://www.homesteadincomeplan.com/paid


    Note: The video version of this will be posted soon and will be found on the Homestead Income YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@HomesteadIncome

    This is episode 73 of the Homesteading for Beginners podcast with Mona Weathers.

    Mona's Info:

    Free Homesteading for Beginners Checklist:


    Homesteading for Beginners workbook:


    Workshop for Beginner Homesteaders and Dreamers (includes workbook):


    Homestead Income YouTube channel:


    101 Homestead Income Ideas List:


    Homestead Income Plan Group (FACEBOOK):


    Mona's Instagram:


    Homesteading for Beginners YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@homesteadingforbeginners