
    Hometown: Earth

    If you're like me you’ve probably searched how to live sustainably? What the heck is zero-waste? What can I do to help climate change? And you probably want convenience that doesn't put the world at harm - I get it! Join me, host Lena Samford, every Tuesday as we navigate what actions we can take, big or small, to make a positive impact in your life and the lives of your neighbors on Hometown: Earth! Together - we’ll break-down topics like composting, plant-based living, ethical beauty and fashion, and more - as well as hear from eco innovators on how we can meet our needs without sacrificing the earth!We all know change needs to happen, so let’s get started right here - at Hometown: Earth!
    enBleav Podcast Network115 Episodes

    Episodes (115)

    Better Sleep, Better Life, Better Planet

    Better Sleep, Better Life, Better Planet

    When you think of climate change and sustainability, what do you think about? Do you imagine rainforests and endangered species? Maybe the wildfires or flooding we’ve seen across the US? Or maybe your mind goes to the ocean and its vast biodiversity. All of these are important - but there's one more thing we should consider when it comes to sustainability: sleep. That's right—sleep is a critical factor in creating a sustainable world and affects us all daily. 

    In this episode, continuing our conversation about prioritizing our health, I'll talk about why getting good rest is vital for keeping us and our planet healthy. 

    Episode Shownotes: https://lenasamford.com/better-sleep-better-life-better-planet/

    Hometown: Earth
    enNovember 15, 2022

    Planetary Health: Live Long and Prosper!

    Planetary Health: Live Long and Prosper!

    We live in a fantastic time in human history. We live longer, have options to get healthier faster, and can be proactive about caring for our health like never before. But it begs the question - are we robbing peter to pay paul? Are we taking from future generations for development gains right now? A lot of people would say yes. 

    In this episode, we discuss how human health and planetary health are linked so we can live long and prosper!

    Episode Shownotes: https://lenasamford.com/planetary-health-live-long-and-prosper/

    Hometown: Earth
    enNovember 01, 2022

    7 Tips For Embracing Minimalism!

    7 Tips For Embracing Minimalism!

    Do you want to live a full, happy life? I'll give you a hint - more stuff isn't the answer. The past few weeks, we've been talking about the psychology behind what drives our consumer habits, how we can start to become green consumers, and why we should choose to use green banks - all in the name of improving our consumer habits to be more sustainable.

    Continuing with that theme, this episode offers you 7 tips for embracing minimalism! 

    Episode Shownotes: https://lenasamford.com/7-tips-for-embracing-minimalism/

    Hometown: Earth
    enOctober 25, 2022

    Green Banking: Investing In A Cleaner Future

    Green Banking: Investing In A Cleaner Future

    We’ve been discussing consumer behaviors and improving them to be more sustainable. One thing we do almost daily is spend money. While we might think about what we choose to buy as consumer behavior, the banks we use are also part of that equation.

    In this episode, we discuss green banking and why it's important for a cleaner, sustainable future.

    Episode Shownotes: https://lenasamford.com/green-banking-investing-in-a-cleaner-future/

    Hometown: Earth
    enOctober 18, 2022

    A Beginner's Guide To Green Consumerism

    A Beginner's Guide To Green Consumerism

    Last week we talked about our consumer habits and what it is that drives us to make the decisions we do. This week I give you a list of actionable ways you can start to become a green consumer. A Beginner's Guide to Green Consumerism, if you will! 


    Hometown: Earth
    enOctober 11, 2022

    Consumer Behavior: What Drives Your Decisions?

    Consumer Behavior: What Drives Your Decisions?

    We make 35,000 decisions throughout the day - many of them without even noticing. What we choose to wear, eat, buy, and more. This month, we start by acknowledging our consumer habits and then learning some tools to improve them to be more sustainable! 

    In this episode, we learn the 5 factors that influence our consumer behavior, so we can make better choices in the future! 

    Hometown: Earth
    enOctober 04, 2022

    Raw Roots Turmeric: Ayurvedic Herbs w/ Ranjana Hans

    Raw Roots Turmeric: Ayurvedic Herbs w/ Ranjana Hans

    Are you familiar with Ayurvedic herbs? In this episode, you'll hear from founder Ranjana Hans and Dr. Chetan Hans of Raw Roots Turmeric - the single source for Ayurvedic products in Missouri. We talk about how their products, which they carefully create from plant to production, have changed their lives for the better and how education and community can be just as important as the products themselves. 

    Learn More and Purchase Products: https://www.rawrootsturmeric.com/

    Episode Show Notes: https://lenasamford.com/raw-roots-turmeric-ayurvedic-herbs-w-ranjana-hans/

    Hometown: Earth
    enSeptember 27, 2022

    Local Motion: Transportation Equity w/ Lawrence Simonson

    Local Motion: Transportation Equity w/ Lawrence Simonson

    Have you put much thought into how you get around your town? Do you bike, carpool, walk, or ride the bus? How might your mode of transportation affect your life and other’s lives - for good or bad?

    In today’s episode we dive deeper into how transportation systems can affect citizens from all walks of life differently, and how we can work to make cities better for all with Lawrence Simonson, CEO of Local Motion! 

    Get connected with Local Motion: https://lomocomo.org/

    Episode Show Notes - https://lenasamford.com/local-motion-transporation-equity-w-lawrence-simonson/

    Hometown: Earth
    enSeptember 20, 2022

    What's Your Privilege?

    What's Your Privilege?

    In order to broaden our perspective, we have to begin to analyze the individual, systemic and structural systems in place in our society that give power to some groups or individuals and not others. In this episode, we discuss definitions and resources to identify, address, and use our privilege the greater good! 

    Episode Shownotes + Additional Resources: What’s Your Privilege?

    Hometown: Earth
    enSeptember 13, 2022

    Broadening Our Perspective: Empathy

    Broadening Our Perspective: Empathy

    We live in a world that's constantly changing. Our challenges are becoming more complex—and so are our solutions. It's easy to get stuck in our own perspective, and it can be hard to understand how others see the world.

    In this episode, we will talk about how you can broaden your perspective for greater self-awareness, empathy, and, ultimately, sustainability.

    Episode Shownotes: https://lenasamford.com/broadening-our-perspective-empathy/

    Hometown: Earth
    enSeptember 06, 2022

    Community Well-Being: We’re Better Together

    Community Well-Being: We’re Better Together

    When you think of personal well-being - do you think about your health, happiness, connections, education, or environment? Now consider what community well-being might look like to you. I am sure many of the things you thought of for your personal well-being translate to community well-being.

    In this episode, we explore community well-being (connectedness, livability, and equity) and why that makes us better together. 

    Sharecare Community Well-being Index

    Hometown: Earth
    enAugust 23, 2022

    100th Episode Community Collection!

    100th Episode Community Collection!

    I’m proud to say that this is the 100th episode of Hometown: Earth! 100 episodes of hope, solutions, fresh ideas, growth, and more. Throughout the last 100 episodes, you’ve heard from so many amazing voices. And since this month we are focusing on community - I wanted to bring back some of those voices from a few episodes that really have brought home what community is and reinforce the same themes we’ve talked about in the last few episodes.

    Episodes mentioned:

    Hometown: Earth
    enAugust 16, 2022

    10 Ingredients for Successful Sustainable Communities

    10 Ingredients for Successful Sustainable Communities

    This week’s episode discusses the ten ingredients for successful sustainable communities and how local organizations and governments can harness their people's passion, imagination, and resources for the greater good! 

    This episode is adapted from the Rocky Mountain Institute’s ‘Framework for Community Sustainability Ten Ingredients for Long Term Success.” If you enjoy this episode, I would like for you to consider giving a $5 donation to the organization by visiting https://rmi.org/

    Hometown: Earth
    enAugust 09, 2022

    The Importance Of Community

    The Importance Of Community

    Our communities shape our understanding of the world. These narratives contribute to our beliefs and values and how we perpetuate that to others.

    Creating this sustainable community and the sense of community, in general, helps us to improve our health and happiness, reach our goals, and most importantly, collaborate on solutions that will enhance planetary health and drive social change! 

    Episode Shownotes: https://lenasamford.com/the-importance-of-community/

    Hometown: Earth
    enAugust 02, 2022

    Naturescaping: Transforming Your Lawn Into an Eco-Friendly Oasis!

    Naturescaping: Transforming Your Lawn Into an Eco-Friendly Oasis!

    How many of us go to local box stores and buy plants and flowers to put in our yards without considering whether they should ACTUALLY be there? Or mow and water and fertilize just because we think that is what we’re supposed to do? A lot of these practices are harmful to our planet, use too many natural resources, and just take up a lot of time that we could be using to appreciate our landscape. 

    Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to create a beautiful yard on your own that won't require a lot of maintenance and will lend a hand in repairing our earth. This episode covers tips for Naturescaping so you can transform your lawn into an eco-friendly oasis! 

    Episode Show notes: https://lenasamford.com/naturescaping-transforming-your-lawn-into-an-eco-friendly-oasis/

    Hometown: Earth
    enJuly 26, 2022

    20 Small Ways To Go Green At Home!

    20 Small Ways To Go Green At Home!

    There are so many things we can do to be more sustainable that may seem minor or insignificant - but those small changes and habits can blossom into a sustainable life for yourself and your community. 

    I wanted to give you options (that don't take up a lot of time or money) that you can start putting into practice today. So this week's episode is a crash course on 20 small ways to go green at home! 

    Episode Show notes: https://lenasamford.com/20-small-ways-to-go-green-at-home/

    Hometown: Earth
    enJuly 19, 2022