
    Hooked On Startups

    I’m Matthew Sullivan, and this is Hooked on Startups, the show where I chat with some of the most talented, inspiring and successful entrepreneurs who talk about their real life stories, overcoming challenges and failures, and mastering success. Get ready for some of the best business tips, tricks and tactics and some frank, unscripted discussions.
    enHooked On Startups100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Video publishing, ICOs and cryptocurrencies. Game, meet Change.

    Video publishing, ICOs and cryptocurrencies. Game, meet Change.

    What if the users that make Snapchat worth anything at all had been given ownership in it from the beginning?


    In this episode I talk to Frank E. Banks, co-founder of ZEN for iOS, a video sharing and communications app for the video editor community and ZENCoin – the cryptocurrency that is the front door to a powerful business model innovation.


    There are literally millions of mobile app developers worldwide. And who knows how many video content creators there could be over time.


    Find out how ZENCoins will be the currency to knit them all together into a single, infinitely dynamic, market.



    1:11 - Introducing Frank E. Banks, cofounder and CEO of Zen; some background on his career and on Zen.


    3:02 - Comparing the current landscape of fanart distribution to how Zen will change that; finding this market through working with a video editing app for vine.


    3:47 - The scope of this market and some of the specific benefits.


    4:45 - How Zen specifically fits into the fanart distribution market.


    5:21 - The monetization structure for Zen and how Frank plans to evolve it over time; comparing that structure to Youtube.


    9:02 - The shadow market of influencer marketing.


    11:13 - Applying this shadow market to how brands use social media marketing.


    12:48 - Building a following quickly using these influencer techniques that stay more or less an industry secret.


    14:17 - What results could come from turning this into an efficient, structured market through Zen; reposting as the primary attention commodity and how Zen streamlines that.


    16:43 - Applying Zen’s functions to how advertisers and influencers can benefit.


    17:32 - The global scope of Zen’s market and how they’re solving the currency problem by utilizing their own cryptocurrency, Zen Coin; additional benefits of using a cryptocurrency for this marketplace.


    20:21 - What Zen’s decentralization means for users and providing incentives for using Zen Coins more widely.


    24:18 - The potential for appreciating value of the Zen Coins and how they want to foster that through creating a strong ecosystem with other complementary businesses.


    29:28 - Comparing this value proposition for content creators to using other platforms like Facebook and Instagram.


    30:23 - Looking at Zen’s potential for growth, geographically and demographically, and how using a cryptocurrency facilitates that.


    32:49 - Zen Coin as an incentive to be an early adopter for the platform and why it’s an added benefit over platforms like Instagram.


    33:36 - Why cryptocurrencies can grow in value and looking at trajectories of previous iterations.


    34:32 - What Frank is most excited about with the business right now.


    35:50 - Frank’s experience at Zynga, having seen the network effects in action, and how something like cryptocurrency could have affected Zynga’s early sustainability.


    37:34 - Comparing cryptocurrencies to other huge technology changes.


    39:05 - The questionnaire, borrowed from James Lipton.


    45:28 - Contacting Frank and learning about Zen - www.zenvideo.co.




    Resources and Links Mentioned:




    Mafia Wars






    Download Zen


    Contact Frank at frank@autozen.tv





    Hooked On Startups
    enOctober 03, 2017

    Would you go to the bar if there was a 95% chance you wouldn’t get a beer?

    Would you go to the bar if there was a 95% chance you wouldn’t get a beer?

    In the US, 95% of startups fail.


    Is the American dream just for rich boys?


    In this episode I chat with Brian Mac Mahon - founder of Expert DOJO, the largest startup high performance center for entrepreneurs in Southern California.


    With access to thousands of experts and mentors Brian and his team help entrepreneurs find out whatever they need to know to pursue their small business dream.


    Find out what raising capital for startups is really like, and what you need to focus on to make sure your business gets on the path to success.


    1:03 - Introducing Brian and his background in startups through Expert Dojo; The big disconnect Brian saw in the way businesses were being funded and how he wants to address that through his company


    3:03 - Details on Brian’s love for entrepreneurship and creativity; being a service entrepreneur.


    5:14 - How entrepreneurship hasn’t changed much over the past 100+ years.


    6:32 - His somewhat contrarian views on companies like Amazon and Uber.


    9:25 - Matthew’s counterpoint, using the airline industry as an example.


    12:35 - The journey of being an entrepreneur and how the funding landscape has affected that journey; the problem with accountants running companies as opposed to entrepreneurs.


    15:13 - Identifying the problems with funding as well as presenting options to fix them; the effects of social media and mindsets on this landscape.


    19:02 - How Expert Dojo is addressing these issues; their approach to starting out by studying startups and the conclusions they came to.


    23:26 - The community that supports startups in the US versus in other countries; an example of a logistical company that they’re working with.


    26:30 - Why he sees the Lean Startup idea as problematic; the importance of branding and business planning.


    28:23 - Distinguishing between pivoting/agility and abandoning ideas too quickly.


    29:19 - The final piece of information they found in studying startups.


    30:05 - What Brian’s days generally look like and how the Dojo operates.


    32:10 - The statement that encapsulates Brian’s philosophy on startups and how he tries to help.


    35:38 - Managing relationships between the businesses he’s helping and venture capitalists.


    37:20 - How Brian’s business also helps venture capitalists as well as the companies he works with.


    39:03 - The mission of Expert Dojo and some advice from Brian.


    39:41 - How he sees this changing, particularly thinking about crowdfunding.


    40:58 - The problems he sees in crowdfunding.


    42:21 - Creating an investor club to help educate people on investing.


    44:00 - Discussing cryptocurrencies and Brian’s interest in them.


    45:38 - Benefits to seeing so many startups in so many different industries; understanding the relevant probabilities.


    48:12 - The rapid fire questionnaire.


    52:14 - Contacting Brian and Expert Dojo.





    Resources and Links Mentioned:


    Expert Dojo


    Brian’s Tedx talk


    Lean Startup methodology


    Apple Pay


    Google Glass




    Expert Dojo Investor club




    Contact Brian at brian@expertdojo.com or info@expertdojo.com




    Hooked On Startups
    enSeptember 29, 2017

    You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, with Glenn and Kristen Hemanes

    You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, with Glenn and Kristen Hemanes

    Ever wanted to have a Creative Ninja on your team?


    Have you ever been just blown away by the graphics from a really cool presentation?


    In this episode I talk to Glenn and Kristen Hemanes – co-founders of Glenns Designs, a cutting edge design agency which focuses on developing brand identities, multi-media presentations and variety of creative projects.


    Listen to this episode to find out some of the Powerpoint horror stories Glenn has turned into powerful and effective pitch decks.


    Find out why visual storytelling is so important to get your message across effectively.


    1:02 - Introducing Glenn and Kristen and what their business does.


    3:22 - Digging into each client’s specific needs based on their brand messaging and continuing to get outside feedback themselves to hone in on their own message.


    5:57 - The importance of storytelling in Glenn and Kristen’s business.


    6:58 - Leveraging their experiences with presentations and communications in order to help their clients.


    7:28 - Conversation and storytelling as ways to facilitate effective, engaging social media marketing.


    10:02 - How that same approach of conversation and storytelling applies to presentation decks.


    11:39 - Horror stories that Glenn and Kristen have seen in presentation approaches.


    14:09 - Glenn’s 3 part approach to working with clients on presentations.


    15:26 - Some feedback they’ve gotten from clients about how much Glenn has helped them and the impact his decks have had on audiences.


    17:20 - Differing mindsets regarding having a professionally done presentation deck and tailoring the deck to the client’s preferences; focusing on a “less is more” approach to building the decks and slides.


    20:08 - Comparing an effective presentation to an effective advertisement and incorporating the concept of a story arc.


    22:06 - The outsized importance of communication, regardless of the quality of the product.


    22:58 - How Glenn and Kristen work with brand concepts.


    25:44 - The impact of details as small as fonts.


    28:30 - Understanding your audience’s concentration and how best to communicate with them via tools like Crystal Knows.


    30:32 - Their approach to relationships with clients.


    32:12 - Glenn’s early experience working with creating slides and working with it his entire career.


    33:02 - The feeling when they get to unveil presentations to clients and when they hear that it was effective.


    35:18 - Matthew’s questionnaire.


    41:52 - Contacting Glenn and Kristen.




    Resources and Links Mentioned:


    Simon Mainwaring


    John Livesay (Episode #038)


    Crystal Knows


    Ken Rutowski




    Glenn’s Designs website


    Email Glenn at glenn@glennsdesigns.com











    Hooked On Startups
    enSeptember 26, 2017

    Think you know how to pitch your business? Go from Invisible to Irresistible, with John Livesay

    Think you know how to pitch your business? Go from Invisible to Irresistible, with John Livesay

    Today’s buyers are crazy-busy and ultra-savvy, which means yesterday’s sales strategies fall flat and leave your salespeople easily forgettable. 

    How can you stand out with new competitors and new technologies disrupting the marketplace every day? 

    In this episode I chat with John Livesay – an international sales and marketing speaker known as the ‘Pitch Whisperer’

    Find out from John why the sales people who Get To YES are those who become master storytellers with magnetic pitches. 

    Discover why telling the best story gets the sale, and find out how John crafts irresistible stories for his clients.

    1:46 - Background on John, known as the Pitch Whisperer, and what he does.

    3:56 - How John started learning about effective communication with different brands.

    5:06 - Breaking from the traditional methods of approaching advertising companies by starting with stories rather than numbers.

    6:50 - Analyzing approaches that do and don’t work; storytelling addressing each aspect of neurolinguistic programming 

    8:46 - A story of John working with Gensler to become storytellers in their pitches.

    10:10 - Comparing traditional sales training to the methods that John espouses.

    13:08 - Overcoming resistance to this idea of storytelling in selling; focusing on genuine stories rather than strictly “selling. 

    16:09 - People’s willingness to listen to stories as opposed to being resistant to being sold to and how much more memorable stories are than strict pitches.

    19:16 - Showing humanity through your pitch and focusing on how you can bring value to the prospect.

    21:55 - Finding interesting stories in anyone’s experience and fighting impostor syndrome.

    24:21 - Dangers of feeling like you know everything, as it relates to startups pitching VCs.

    27:05 - Things to never say or do in a pitch as well as some things to say.

    30:16 - John’s experience working with startups looking to get funded and how he helps; training people to communicate, generally, rather than just pitching.

    32:26 - How John’s skills translate to existing and larger companies, not just startups.

    35:02 - Who John typically works with within companies and the return on investment companies have seen from hiring him.

    36:57 - These teachings coming from John’s first hand experiences.

    38:25 - Benefits of being able to connect different departments within companies and another story from his work with Gensler.

    41:33 - How John encourages potential clients to look ahead at what it might look and feel like if he comes in and has a great impact.

    44:17 - John’s thoughts on scaling his business.

    46:50 - The questionnaire.

    49:26 - Contacting John.

    Resources and Links Mentioned:


    John’s podcast, The Successful Pitch



    Hooked On Startups
    enSeptember 22, 2017

    Swipe right – do you really know who you’re dealing with?

    Swipe right – do you really know who you’re dealing with?

    Potential date? Handyman to fix your fence? A new babysitter to watch the kids?

    Just who are these people, really? And, more importantly, can you trust them?

    In this episode I meet Justin Parnell – co-founder of Legitifi, a powerful new tool for consumers that enables you to use your phone instantly to verify and validate the identities of people you interact with.

    The Legitifi platform is built on patent pending, proprietary algorithms that leverage machine learning and artificial intelligence to ensure that the person on the other end of a digital connection is who they say they are.

    Catch the full episode to find out how Justin and his team developed this remarkable service, and learn about their vision to inspire honest relationships and safe social interactions by putting a halt to catfishing scams and social identity fraud.

    1:10 - Introducing Justin, CMO of Legitify, and what he’s sacrificed to be on the show.


    2:40 - Background on Legitifi and how it works.


    4:30 - What problem Legitifi solves and when Justin got the idea for social verification.


    6:55 - Some of the advantages that Justin has found with the software and more details on how it works.


    7:55 - How Legitifi helps to sift through the tons of data available online about people as well as how it gives a way to manage your online representation in real time.


    11:17 - The ways that Legitifi could change the face of app development and social networking.


    13:06 - New opportunities Justin sees given the data that Legitifi presents to users.


    14:55 - The challenge of staying focused with all of the possibility around this technology.


    16:51 - Justin’s views on online anonymity.


    17:20 - Dealing with the people who are found to not be legit online; the role of machine learning in the app.


    19:56 - Knowing what questions to ask about people’s online identity and understanding what is important for different people.


    20:55 - More details on how machine learning is influencing Legitifi.


    22:33 - Applying the technology to different cultures and countries.


    24:14 - The role of trust in online interactions and the concept of blockchains.


    27:37 - How Legitifi can be a more foolproof identity layer since it’s drawn from so many sources.


    30:12 - Creating a fundamentally different way of protecting identities online; the universality of using social verification for identification.


    35:19 - The traction that Legitifi has now and how that helps improve the software.


    36:44 - Where Legitifi stands with their funding and their approach to finding VCs; being at TechCrunch Disrupt.


    38:40 - How this kind of company can boost portfolios for VCs through synergy.


    40:37 - What it feels like to be working in Legitifi as a company with such growth and impact potential.


    42:40 - The questionnaire.


    46:49 - Contacting Justin and finding Legitifi at TechCrunch Disrupt.


    Resources and Links Mentioned:


    Legitify website


    TechCrunch Disrupt


    Email Justin at cmo@legitifi.com












    Hooked On Startups
    enSeptember 19, 2017

    How to crush Kickstarter and get a Hollywood A-list celebrity as your business partner

    How to crush Kickstarter and get a Hollywood A-list celebrity as your business partner

    Ever had that sinking feeling when you’re out to dinner and all your friends are staring at their phones?

    Ever felt the world needs more love, more laughter, more creativity – everybody coming together to have fun?

    That’s exactly why Edwin Benton created Slang N'Friendz – a brilliantly funny, engaging, unique card game that uses Slang words to bring people together.

    Find out how Edwin came up with the idea for this game…

    How he overcame countless challenges to bring it from concept to reality..

    How he managed to land Hollywood A-lister Ludacris as his partner..

    And how you can get a unique version of Slang N'Friendz on Kickstarter…..if you’re quick!

    Guaranteed you’re friends won’t be staring at their phones when you bring out this game!

    0:56 - Edwin’s background as a creator, director, producer, and many other things including a being a game developer for a game called Slang N’ Friendz; the mission behind the game.

    2:22 - How the game development process got started when Edwin was at a dinner party and everyone was on their devices and some details on the app.

    4:18 - The compelling business aspect to this game company.

    5:35 - Describing the physical card game that’s in development now.

    8:02 - The dictionary for the game constantly being updated with new slang terms.

    9:29 - The reception and feedback that Edwin has had so far and the process for updating the dictionary with new words.

    10:21 - How he got from conceiving the idea to where he is now and some more details on the game.

    13:15 - The process for landing Chris “Ludacris” Bridges as the face of the game. 

    14:56 - More details on the scale of the market that Slang N’ Friendz is in and some of the next steps for the business. 

    18:14 - Different ways that the game can be adapted to specific niches to expand the audience. 

    19:13 - Advantages Matthew sees that Slang N’ Friendz has over other similar very successful games.

    20:58 - Looking at the breadth of slang and how that can take the game international. 

    22:34 - How the distribution would grow if they can get in with a major retailer like Target.

    24:20 - Details on the Kickstarter campaign Edwin has launched for the card game.

    26:40 - Whether or not Edwin has second guessed his idea; some of the challenges from the Kickstarter and how he has used exclusive offerings to overcome some of those challenges. 

    28:03 - The community aspect of Kickstarter and how that affects strategies for campaigns as well as what a successful campaign says about a company itself.

    32:10 - The questionnaire.

    34:54 - Contacting Edwin and the Kickstarter campaign for Slang N’ Friendz.


    Resources and Links Mentioned:


    Slang N’ Friendz website

    Slang N’ Friendz Kickstarter

    Email Edwin at edwin@edwinbenton.com





    Hooked On Startups
    enSeptember 15, 2017

    Want to know how to build reliable revenue into your business using Facebook advertising?

    Want to know how to build reliable revenue into your business using Facebook advertising?

    Want to build reliable revenue into your business using Facebook advertising?

    Do you know the difference between likes, shares, viral messages, content and advertising?

    In this episode I’m joined by Facebook advertising guru Billy Broas.

    Founder of the hugely successful Homebrew Academy, Billy uses his intimate knowledge of his successful Facebook advertising campaigns and years of experience in the trenches of a “real” business to ramp up revenue for his clients.

    Discover how good copywriting is critical for the success of your ad campaign.

    Find out how the playbook for small businesses is different to the strategy that works for big brands.

    Building an audience doesn’t pay the bills. To find out what does, listen to this episode!

    1:02 - Billy’s background, his experience within his field, and what he was doing before in a corporate role.

    2:23 - Starting a homebrewing blog on the side and how that progressed into a business.

    3:24 - Having the entrepreneurial bug from a young age and aspirations to be an inventor; a story about one of his inventions.

    6:07 - When Billy decided to start his beer blog and more details on how it developed into a pursuit of marketing.

    7:56 - Making the leap from a steady job into an entrepreneurial pursuit and what influenced the decision.

    10:03 - Billy’s advice for making the transition into self-employment: starting with a side-hustle.

    12:41 - Contextualizing Billy’s education on marketing for his site and course; his dive into copywriting and direct response marketing 

    15:42 - How copywriting fits into the sales model and why it clicked with him.

    17:21 - Finding the gaps in his existing knowledge for marketing and the aha moments he found in the Teaching Sells course.

    20:15 - The profile of customers that Billy helps and how he found that niche 

    21:47 - Applying traffic temperature to prospects and approaching marketing differently at different parts of that spectrum; consequences of marketing in the wrong ways to the wrong people.

    26:07 - Digging into the customized experience of Facebook and how to wield that more effectively as a marketer.

    29:42 - How research and testing play into marketing on Facebook; which metrics to keep an eye on.

    32:29 - Features in Facebook marketing, such as creating custom audiences and events.

    33:34 - Helping people to understand the process involved with effective Facebook marketing rather than just guessing at it.

    34:12 - Defining retargeting and how it fits into ecommerce today.

    35:59 - Fitting copywriting into the Facebook marketing landscape 

    40:00 - The importance of social proof when it comes to social media marketing; some ninja tips for Facebook ads; pursuing quality data from Facebook ads instead of money, at times.

    46:51 - The questionnaire.

    Resources and Links Mentioned:

    Teaching Sells from Copy Blogger




    Hooked On Startups
    enSeptember 13, 2017

    Your past does not have to dictate your future. With Sam Morris, founder of Zen Warrior Training

    Your past does not have to dictate your future. With Sam Morris, founder of Zen Warrior Training

    Fear makes you something that you’re not. It’s something we all suffer, but it’s also something we can get beyond so we can live our lives full of joy, freedom and vitality.

    In this powerful episode I’m joined by Sam Morris, founder of Zen Warrior Training.

    In 1999, just after leading a bicycling trip for nine teenagers across the United States, Sam was in a car accident caused by a drunk driver which left him paralyzed from the waist down

    Determined to not become the victim of his circumstances, Sam learned and created a system of mental and physical training based in Zen philosophy, meditation and somatic disciplines that healed his mind and body and brought him more vitality and clarity than he had before his injury.

    In this episode we discuss how your circumstances do not have to define you, and how you can choose a life based on your intention.

    We talk about how truly transformative Sam’s work is for his clients.

    Find out how to get outside the habitual thoughts you have about yourself and tap into a deeper truth about who you are.

    1:08 - Introducing Sam and his background, including being the founder of Zen Warrior Training and the car accident that put him in a wheelchair.

    3:09 - The fear associated with situations like Sam’s, but using the situation as a journey to a more present and mindful place; not being defined by your circumstances, but your intentions.

    7:06 - Knowing who you are rather than who you think you should be and how Sam forced himself into knowing who he is through confronting fear.

    9:35 - The feeling of discovering a rare understanding and awareness of yourself.

    11:42 - The concept of being present and training your mind to be present rather than consumed with busy thoughts; learning to observe the mental noise while being separate from it.

    14:02 - Applying these ideas to Sam’s specific situation and examining how he started training his mind.

    18:16 - The role of these techniques as they relate to limiting belief systems.

    19:25 - Comparing Sam from now to Sam before the accident, mentally and physically.

    21:59 - Different ways people go through traumas and how Sam can help unpack that through the Zen Warrior Training; the microtraumas in the unconscious mind.

    23:57 - The impact of daily actions and Sam’s analogy of an island being shaped in the way our lives are shaped over time.

    26:35 - How perspectives and expectations can shift.

    28:18 - The importance of figuring out who you are and how that shapes the trajectory of other goals and decisions; breaking away from ego through being humbled.

    30:52 - The concept of neutrality and using that as a way to listen to yourself; describing neutrality as a state of observation and the analogy of making a movie.

    35:45 - Separating yourself from the noise and how that can aid in decision making; effortlessness as a result of this process.

    38:06 - Embracing the discomfort and quiet of separating from noisy thoughts; the analogy of your mind as a still lake from The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.

    41:28 - Finding stillness as the foundation for tapping into a deep joy of being connected to the authentic self.

    43:13 - Contacting Sam.

     Resources and Links Mentioned:

     Zen Warrior Training

     The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer





    Hooked On Startups
    enSeptember 08, 2017

    Remember Tom Cruise’s computer in Minority Report? You ain’t seen nothing yet!

    Remember Tom Cruise’s computer in Minority Report? You ain’t seen nothing yet!

    Remember Tom Cruise’s computer in Minority Report? You ain’t seen nothing yet.

    In this episode I chat with Philippe Lewicki – tech visionary, founder and CEO of AfterNow – an augmented reality company and one of the pioneers of developing content for experiences in mixed and augmented reality.

    We’re all flat-screeners. Everything we do today with our computers, tablets and smartphones is based on the designs of rectangular screen. Lookout world, because this is all going to change.

    The changes that mixed reality and augmented reality will bring to our lives will be seismic. Remember how the mouse revolutionized the way we interacted with the pc? The impact of AR and MR will be like that, but a thousand fold.

    Ever dreamed of truly immersive entertainment where you can actually live the experience, rather than just being a spectator or seeing it in third person? How about truly holographic interaction with other people?

    Find out how this technology is just around the corner….

    Hooked On Startups
    enSeptember 05, 2017

    From punk rock bassist to NASA rocket scientist – the amazing story of Mike Paul Hughes

    From punk rock bassist to NASA rocket scientist – the amazing story of Mike Paul Hughes

    This is a truly amazing story of grit, inspiration and pure dogged determination.

    In this episode I chat with Mike Paul Hughes. Awarded NASA’s Exceptional Achievement Medal, Mike is a truly exceptional rocket scientist, NASA engineer, music producer, composer, writer and inspirational speaker.

    Working in a print shop by day and playing in a rock group at night, the odds were stacked against him. Following his dream of becoming an aerospace engineer was going to be no easy task.

    He didn’t have the grades and he didn’t have the money. It could have been so easy just to give up, to abandon his dream, to go back to his day job.

    But he knew nothing was going to stop him. After the Challenger disaster, Mike knew that aerospace was his calling. And so, under the dim light of a 40W bulb, reading math books rescued from the trash, Mike began his amazing journey.

    1:11 - Mike’s impressive and diverse background information. 

    3:15 - Dispelling the myth of rocket science being an inaccessible field. 

    4:04 - The story behind how Mike found his passion for science and engineering. 

    6:28 - “Advice” from someone whom he worked with about pursuing engineering. 

    8:48 - Challenges and discouragement he faced before even being able to get started.

    10:25 - Where the determination came from in dealing with everyone telling him “no.” 

    11:38 - Getting started in the program and showing the will to put in the work to learn calculus. 

    14:43 - Having no clear vision for what he was getting himself into. 

    15:35 - How Mike fared through his coursework.

    17:18 - Proving that you can outwork your competition to achieve what you want and overcome a lot.

    17:51 - How Mike differed from most of the other NASA engineers, but also shared similar paths with some.

    19:30 - Mike’s technical knowledge and troubleshooting ability being rooted in playing bass and dealing with the PA system.

    20:22 - What it was like to walk into NASA for the first time as an engineer and what the working environment was like.

    24:40 - Comparing the computing technology from the 90s to now and how that affected the work.

    25:48 - The first moment he felt like he’d really found something special.

    27:26 - How his experiences as a musician affected the way he approached working in the aerospace field 

    29:53 - Applying Newton’s laws to be able to effectively perform the math.

    31:23 - The impact of artificial intelligence on this kind of work.

    32:30 - What Mike is working on now with the Starshade project and how he views his work with exoplanets. 

    36:55 - Continuing to be in a period of testing in his work.

    38:56 - Star Wars versus Star Trek.

    40:34 - Tension between discovering life versus finding new planets; disagreements over credit.

    43:53 - Comparing the competitive aspects of medicine and science; benefits to working in hierarchical organizations.

    45:59 - Potential changes to the landscape due to things like AI; analogous to the internet or electricity.

    48:21 - The questionnaire.

    51:23 - Learning more about Mike and getting in touch.

    Resources and Links Mentioned:

    NASA Jet Propulsion Lab






    Why an entrepreneurial mindset is so critical if you want to be a successful real estate investor, with Brandon Turner

    Why an entrepreneurial mindset is so critical if you want to be a successful real estate investor, with Brandon Turner

    Want to find out some of the critical things you need to know if you want to be a successful real estate investor?

    In this episode with Brandon Turner we discuss the approaches that really work if you want to be a real estate investor.

    Is it possible to get into real estate investing with very little money? Brandon has some great suggestions about leveraging what you have for the knowledge and information that you want.

    We also talk about how having a ton of capital in the bank can actually work against you rather than in your favor.

    Brandon is an active real estate investor, author, musician, and entrepreneur. 

    He is also the co-host of the most popular real estate podcast online, The BiggerPockets Podcast, with more than 40 million downloads.

    He's written several popular real estate books, including The Book on Rental Property Investing, the #1 real estate investing book in Amazon.

    He lives (and invests) in Western Washington State, alongside his wife Heather and new baby girl Rosie.

    1:16 - Background on Brandon and his Bigger Pockets Podcast.


    2:06 - How he got into real estate investing and why he pursued active investing.


    4:14 - Being raised by a “garage sale mom” and learning to always get the best deal possible


    4:44 - What led him into real estate and entrepreneurship.


    6:06 - Finding his first real estate deal and how he decided to pursue this long term.


    8:59 - The mechanics of raising capital for his first deals.


    9:49 - Managing the different mentalities of people who want to get into real estate investing.


    12:24 - Looking at some of the times Brandon has been tripped up on deals.


    14:08 - Advice for people who are looking to get into real estate and part of the mission of Bigger Pockets.


    17:27 - Applying internship and apprenticeship ideas to learning about real estate investing.


    19:11 - Revisiting the learning stage at various times when entering new asset classes like mobile home parks.


    21:01 - Some of the general business development principles that still apply to real estate investing and how having available capital can be a liability.


    22:51 - The tradeoff of knowledge and experience for investment capital; three things Brandon identified that you need at least two of to be successful in real estate.


    24:41 - Two analogies to describe Brandon’s philosophy on creative investing.


    27:05 - Looking at real estate as a business and finding the parallels between other industries.


    30:52 - Talking about Brandon’s books and writing from his experiences.


    32:34 - The concept of dead space and how it relates to getting things done through daily consistent action.


    36:32 - Advice Brandon would give to his 21 year old self.


    37:18 - Some things Brandon and Matthew have gotten out of David Allen’s Getting Things Done.


    39:19 - The questionnaire.




    Resources and Links Mentioned:


    Bigger Pockets Podcast


    The Book on Rental Property Investing and The Book on Managing Rental Properties




    The E-Myth by Michael Gerber


    Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki


    The Lean Startup by Eric Ries


    Getting Things Done by David Allen


    Hal Elrod


    Derek Sivers


    Mike Rowe’s podcast






    How to be what others just dream with Zac Weinstein - Actor, Producer, Entrepreneur and Filmmaker.

    How to be what others just dream with Zac Weinstein - Actor, Producer, Entrepreneur and Filmmaker.

    Every aspiring entrepreneur or wantrepreneur should listed to this episode. It’s real life proof that with persistence, drive, motivation and belief in yourself you really can live your dreams.

    In this episode I talk to Zac Weinstein - actor, producer, entrepreneur and filmmaker and cofounder of Hollywood based Dynasty pictures. Zac’s story is one that every entrepreneur and wantrepreneur should listen to. It’s a story where there is no such thing as ‘no’ and ‘can’t’. In the interview he walks us through, step by step, how he went from running a contracting company in Baltimore to writing, directing, acting and producing his first short film which won the Silver Award at the Hollywood Film Competition, taking home the award for best cinematography. For Zac, this is just the beginning.

    Make sure you listen to the full episode – Zac is hugely inspiring and his enthusiasm is wonderfully infectious!

    1:11 - Zac’s background and what he’s working on now.


    3:20 - Information on the construction company Zac ran.


    4:35 - Getting involved with a champagne and spirits company


    5:42 - How Zac pursued finding what he was passionate about.


    8:30 - The common thread in successful people: taking action and taking chances, particularly when others are waiting.


    10:22 - The book Zac’s writing, Stop Thinking and Leap.


    10:50 - Background on some of Zac’s film production and directing projects.


    12:43 - The process of taking an idea and turning it into a film project; the idea of specialized knowledge and surrounding yourself with complementary people.


    17:07 - Learning the language of the movie business and adapting into a new industry; finding mutually beneficial partnerships.


    19:14 - The importance of collaboration and how Zac is working to promote that through things like his event series, IndieWood Media.


    22:08 - Applying the networking approaches from the construction industry to the film industry and getting yourself in the right room with the right people.


    23:11 - Information on Zac’s new event idea.


    25:12 - Background on Zac’s production company, Dynasty Pictures.


    26:50 - Acting as the thing that still captivates him in this industry.


    28:30 - How his past successes have influenced his acting mindset.


    31:10 - Something unexpected Zac has learned in his 7 months in LA.


    32:19 - More information on Zac’s book and how it came about.


    36:23 - Mindsets of creation versus discovery and approaching the “impossible.”


    38:24 - The rapid fire questionnaire.


    47:46 - Contacting Zac.


    Resources and Links Mentioned:


    Zac’s IMDB page


    Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill


    The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone


    Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki


    IndieWood Media events


    Dynasty Pictures





    Not your average CEO…Meet Louis Ziskin, founder and president of DropIn Inc.

    Not your average CEO…Meet Louis Ziskin, founder and president of DropIn Inc.

    Louis Ziskin is not your average CEO. He’s the founder and president of West Hollywood-based DropIn Inc., a company that is changing the way the insurance and automotive industries do business by providing on-demand remote video inspection.

    DropIn’s technology can be accessed via an app or, like a scene from a futuristic sci-fi movie, it can be paired with video-equipped drones that can remotely inspect and evaluate the damage to residences and commercial buildings. 

    Louis has had an entrepreneurial spirit his entire life. From his early beginnings when he launched a global supply chain venture, Louis cultivated an international network of suppliers delivering product to a demanding and complex market. 

    While lucrative, this business model resulted in some unanticipated consequences… a 12-year prison stay. 

    Louis, now a philanthropist who speaks nationally about causes like anti-recidivism and addiction recovery, was convicted in 2001 for the largest-ever U.S. government seizure of the drug commonly known as Ecstasy. 

    Released from the U.S. Penitentiary in Lompoc, California in 2011, as well as driving the DropIn business forwards at a relentless pace, he now devotes his time to the Backpacks for Kids Foundation and is a frequent public speaker in support of anti-recidivism.

    How Rob Kessler and his firm Million Dollar Collar are revolutionizing the global dress shirt industry

    How Rob Kessler and his firm Million Dollar Collar are revolutionizing the global dress shirt industry

    In this episode I meet Rob Kessler - founder, CEO and chief inventor at Million Dollar Collar. In the last 120 years, there have only been 2 significant, widely accepted enhancements to dress shirt design- Collar Stays & Non-Iron. According to Rob, Million Dollar Collar will be the 3rd because it cures the dreaded ‘sloppy collar’. Listen to the interview where I discuss with Rob how he got the idea and perfected the design after hundreds of different variations. Learn more about the way your shirts are made, how Rob is revolutionizing an age-old design, how he solved the distribution challenge and how he’s on the way to building a multi-million dollar, international organization.

    Hooked On Startups
    enAugust 18, 2017

    Understanding the new rules of engagement for consumers in the age of conscious consumption with Kierstin De West

    Understanding the new rules of engagement for consumers in the age of conscious consumption with Kierstin De West

    In this episode I chat with Kierstin De West - a leading authority on forecasting, tracking and understanding the monumental global cultural shift to sustainability and social impact in its broadest sense: the underlying trends that drive and characterize it, the influencers within in, the opportunities it presents and its impact on business, society, brands and culture. She is the founder and CEO of research and strategy consultancy Ci: conscientious innovation and the creator of its proprietary insights and data tool, The SHIFT Report.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Our desire for conscious consumption and how brands can respond

    What are catalyst brands?

    How do you price for ethics?

    What is Sustainable Life Paralysis?

    The rise of the empathy movement and the Mindful consumer.



    Find out why successful people, like you, will eventually burn out - with Glen Depke

    Find out why successful people, like you, will eventually burn out - with Glen Depke

    In this episode I chat with with Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath, Author and Speaker. Based in Newport Beach in Southern California, Glen's Depke Wellness clinic specialises in teaching people how to deal with all of the physical and mental challenges that are thrown at us from our diet choices, the stress we’re under, the habits we have and the environmental factors we’re subject to. If you’re running a business its important that you take the time to understand what you’re doing to your body each day - something that is so fundamental but so often overlooked.

    Hooked On Startups
    enAugust 08, 2017

    Understand pricing or pay the price, with acknowledged expert Per Sjofors

    Understand pricing or pay the price, with acknowledged expert Per Sjofors

    "Get your pricing right and set yourself up for success. Get it wrong and you're bound to fail". In this episode of Hooked On Startups I meet Per Sjöfors - acknowledged expert in pricing and pricing psychology, CEO and founder of Atenga Inc and co-founder and CEO of Sales4 profit. He has managed over 500 assignments with top tier companies and by re-engineering their consumer pricing he has helped CEOs and investors often double their companies’ growth rates. Per is frequently quoted in the press including Fortune Magazine, Inc Magazine, Industry Week and the Financial Times and he regularly speaks at conferences.

    Hooked On Startups
    enAugust 04, 2017

    Business breakthrough techniques with bestselling author and business strategist Christine Perakis

    Business breakthrough techniques with bestselling author and business strategist Christine Perakis
    In this episode I discuss business breakthrough systems with Christine Perakis - a business strategist, bestselling author and speaker with over 25 years of experience as an advisor, attorney, mentor, and team-builder. Christine, also a professional boat captain, is a strategic business partner for some of the world’s most visionary entrepreneurs, creating 360° transformations and turning creative ideas into profitable ventures.
    Hooked On Startups
    enAugust 01, 2017

    How to crush your social media campaigns with Gavin McGarry, Founder and CEO of Jumpwire Media.

    How to crush your social media campaigns with Gavin McGarry, Founder and CEO of Jumpwire Media.

    In this episode I chat with Gavin McGarry, CEO of Jumpwire Media, and we explore the important tricks, tips and tactics that you’ll need to know in order to build an effective social media presence. Gavin is a self-confessed human behavior aficionado, crowd dynamics specialist, data hound, cyclist, and percussionist. Gavin’s also the founder and CEO of Jumpwire media which is based in LA and has been recognised as one of the top ten most innovative companies in media with clients that include Coca Cola, AMC, Yahoo, and Sony Pictures. Before founding Jumpwire Media in 2009 Gavin worked for online video start up Joost and was the Head of Cross Platform Business Development at global television production company Endemol.

    1:15 - Information on Gavin’s background and Jumpwire Media.

    2:06 - Gavin’s perspective on whether social media is a form of advertising or marketing.

    3:11 - Understanding the human behaviors behind social media and some of the shifts in marketing over the years.

    6:14 - Competing with the algorithms of giants like Facebook and Google.

    7:45 - The ways Gavin approaches working with his clients and human behavior.

    10:41 - Social media as not always being honest and genuine.

    12:15 - Gavin’s view of how far we are into the life of social media 

    13:14 - What the internet “level 3” might be if Facebook is the internet “level 2.”

    14:00 - Whether or not people and brands are truly figuring out social media optimization.

    15:36 - Jumpwire Media is focusing on the opportunities in conversation and community.

    16:39 - How Gavin has gained his insights on social media.

    18:06 - Possible shifts in engagement and conversations on social media; the potential role of chat bots.

    19:03 - Jumpwire’s approach to staying ahead of the curve on social media engagement.

    20:10 - The scope of Jumpwire’s client base and how they can tailor to specific needs.

    23:37 - The necessity of any business to be on social media and how some businesses don’t understand the need.

    26:03 - Knowing where to find valuable, engaging content.

    29:30 - Getting in touch with Gavin and Jumpwire; educating people on the current landscape of their industry.

    31:07 - How big of a challenge client education is for Jumpwire and their social media system.

    33:57 - Dealing with the horror stories and charlatans promising silver bullets to social media success.

    36:02 - How clients can react to and embrace the system with Jumpwire to achieve their objectives.

    38:19 - The professionalism and knowledge behind Jumpwire and their business approach.

    40:19 - Starting with the Jumpwire Blog to get some free content and information.


    Resources and Links Mentioned:

    Jumpwire Media

    Jumpwire Blog





    Hooked On Startups
    enJuly 28, 2017