
    Hope Alliance Bethlehem

    A sermon podcast of Hope Alliance Church
    en-us505 Episodes

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    Episodes (505)

    The Good Shepherd

    The Good Shepherd

    Sheep are at their core incredible helpless and incredibly valuable. That's why they need a shepherd. As humans, we inherently know that we are sheep in need of a sheered. The question is which shepherd will we give ourselves to? As the Good Shepherd, Jesus reminds us that we already belong to him. He has named us and leads us because he loves us, even to the point of laying down his life for us. 

    Spiritual Blindness

    Spiritual Blindness

    John sets Jesus' miraculous healing of a blind man right in the midst of the continuing unbelief of the religious leaders.  Their pride left them unable to see the scope of the human problem and unable to see Jesus for who he is. This is  spiritual blindness, a far more crippling disability than that of the man. Jesus was offering healing to both, but it is only experienced through genuine faith.

    True Freedom

    True Freedom

    When Jesus tells his Jewish audience that they can experience freedom, they are quick to dismiss him. As children of Abraham, they are already free. However, Jesus tells that that they are enslaved to sin. This is the human condition. But true freedom can be found when we remain in Jesus' teaching. He shows us who we are and how we are meant to live. 

    Sent to Glorify God

    Sent to Glorify God

    Jesus' brother encourage him to go to Jerusalem during the feast and gather a crowd and further his ministry. John tells us they say this because they don't believe in him. They want Jesus to prove himself.  On the other hand, Jesus is seeking the glory of the Father, not his own. He speaks the words and follows the timing of the Father. For this reason, he is eminently trustworthy. As sent disciples, we are sent by Jesus just like he was sent by the Father. So we seek only his glory, not our own.

    The Bread Maker is Here

    The Bread Maker is Here

    Though the miracle of feeding 5,000 is a blessing to the crowds, its intent is largely for Jesus' disciples. It is an invitation to join him in the new and ultimate  exodus he is launching. In the past people ate miraculous bread in the wilderness, but now the bread maker is with the people. And he offers bread that will satisfy our true hunger and bring the full life.

    A Better Well

    A Better Well

    Jesus intentionally crosses paths with a Samaritan woman at a well and offers her living water that would quench her thirst. Is he really capable of digging a better well than Jacob? Jesus offers full access to God who no longer is restricted to a holy mountain. Jesus is the better well that meets the deeper thirsts of our soul. His offer of living water is available to all who would believe. 

    New Birth, New Life

    New Birth, New Life

    John lets us eavesdrop on a private conversation between Jesus and a religious leader named Nicodemus who wants to know if Jesus is the promised Messiah. Jesus confounds him by saying he cannot know unless he is born again. While Nicodemus, like many religious people, spent his time building a resume fr morality and external performance, his true problem was internal. Jesus shows us all that our only hope for new and full life is a  rebirth from above that brings a new heart. 

    New Covenant, New Creation

    New Covenant, New Creation

    Jesus' miraculous turning of water into wine at the wedding in Cana serves as the perfect opening to the ministry of Jesus in the gospel of John. Far more than simply meeting a temporary need for wine, this story sets forth all that Jesus intends to do. Namely, he is here to launch a new covenant that will enable new creation allowing broken, unclean people like us to be in relationship with God.

    The Compelling Word

    The Compelling Word

    The incarnation is a grand invitation to come and see Jesus for who he really is and what he intends to do. He does not fore himself on us, instead he asks us what it is that we want and invites us to come and be with him. This invitation is for those who believe and those who are skeptical. And it comes with a promise to enlighten and transform us.

    The Word Made Flesh

    The Word Made Flesh

    The incarnation is the stunning truth that God himself came to the mess of this earth in order to set it to rights. The Word became flesh and moved into our neighborhood. Inherent in this truth is the offer of forgiveness from God to humanity. Moreover, it announces his intent to dwell with his people forever. The questions John asks us are do we recognize him and will we receive him?

    The Eternal Word

    The Eternal Word

    John identities Jesus as the Word. In the Old Testament, the word of God  was the active power of God in revelation, creation and salvation. This is exactly who Jesus is - the embodiment of the revelation, creation, and salvation of God. And it is exactly who Jesus needs to be if he is going to be able to bring restoration to the problem of our world.



    One of the last things Jesus called his disciples was "witnesses." This identity has it roots all the way back into the Old Testament and God's intent for his people. Though the resurrection of Jesus, we are eyewitnesses to the  new creation in our lives. So, we reclaim this identity as God's people sharing and living our stories of transformation in our spheres of influence and in so doing bearing witness to his power and salvation. 

    A Priesthood

    A Priesthood

    Using imagery from the Old Testament, Peter tells the scattered church that we are a priesthood. As priests we are a worshiping, mediating, exemplary collective. In other words, our purpose is first and foremost to worship God. But in lives of worship, we are also bring God near to others and bring them near to him while we live differently as an example of what God's kingdom ought to look like. This is not a individual call, but a corporate one - we do it together.



    As adopted children of God, we are heirs of the full bounty of his kingdom. We have been given the Spirit of God as a guarantee of this full inheritance. This means we experience it now in part, but ultimately we will have it in its fullness. At the core, our inheritance is a vital, sustaining relationship with God himself and all the glory that comes from it. Our certainty in this full inheritance allows us to go without and even suffer in this present life. 

    Identity Apart from God

    Identity Apart from God

    How did the harmony and idealism of creation descend into chaos? Humanity rejected its God-given identity in pursuit of another one. Rather than be content as image bearers, we want to be like God. At the core of this reach is a lack of belief in the trustworthiness and goodness of God. And the result is damaging to every single relationship within creation. Our only hope of restoration is in a good and trustworthy God.

    Created for a Purpose

    Created for a Purpose

    In creating humanity, God has given us a clear purpose. We are called to fill the earth by displaying his character and glory in our lives. We are called to subdue creation by ruling and cultivating it like God intends. A major way we do this is through our vocations. And we are called to enjoy the creation along with our Creator. This is what it means to be human.

    Created by God

    Created by God

    We are created by God as his intentional, distinctive craftsmanship. This through and through reality is truly miraculous. Moreover, we are created in the image of God. Unlike any other part of creation, we mirror him to our world. This means that each person is incredibly valuable and should be treated accordingly.