
    Hope Alliance Nazareth

    A sermon podcast of Hope Alliance Church
    en-us270 Episodes

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    Episodes (270)

    Jesus and Lazarus

    Jesus and Lazarus

    In this exploration of John 11:1-27, Pastor Jim looks at the famous the narrative of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, unveiling the dual nature of Jesus as both human and divine. Motivated by love, Jesus seeks to instill belief in his disciples, Mary, Martha, and the Jewish people, using the delay in his response to allow temporary pain for ultimate glory. The overarching message centers on the transformative power of belief in and truly knowingJesus, leading to the manifestation of God's glory in the world.

    Jesus, the Good Shepherd

    Jesus, the Good Shepherd

    Pastor Jim highlights how the claims Jesus makes in John 10 were messianic in nature, dating all the way back to the prophet Ezekiel.  Emphasizing Jesus as the ultimate shepherd for souls, he contrasts him with bad shepherds such as corrupt priests, false messiahs, and the ultimate thief, Satan. Jesus emerges as the compassionate defender of his flock, illustrating true servant leadership by laying down his life to establish a new covenant and defeat sin. The passage underscores the importance of following the Good Shepherd in a world where bad shepherds abound. The speaker encourages listeners to embrace the love, security, and purpose found in following Jesus, emphasizing the significance of listening to his voice for comfort, peace, and intimacy in prayer. This message resonates with the call to reject false voices, acknowledge the need for guidance, and seek a deeper connection with God.

    The Blind Can See Jesus

    The Blind Can See Jesus

    Pastor Jim looks at the story of Jesus healing the blind man in John 9, considering the profound philosophical issue of the problem of pain and the providential will of God. Jesus clarifies that the man's blindness serves to display God's works, challenging the perception that suffering is always a consequence of sin. Jim encourages forming a foundational understanding that everything comes through the hands of God.  The discussion extends to the spiritual healing and transformation highlighted in John 9, where the blind man's journey from physical to spiritual sight symbolizes a deeper transformation towards recognizing Jesus as the Messiah. Reflecting on the beauty of the incarnation and Jesus' redemptive work on the cross, Jim underscores the call for believers to walk in faithful obedience, persevere in pain, and live as sent ones sharing the gospel.

    Jesus, The Light of the World

    Jesus, The Light of the World

    Pastor Jim explores Jesus challenging the Pharisees at the feast of tabernacles by offering living water and claiming to be the light of the world. Despite initial resistance, some individuals believe in Jesus, who emphasizes the significance of adhering to his teachings for truth and freedom. Jim delves into how Jesus, as the light, unveils the truth and leads to freedom, stressing that belief entails living out Jesus' teachings and internalizing them to shape identities. The light of Jesus reveals flaws and shortcomings in the context of God's unconditional love, allowing for honesty about oneself. The transcript underscores the importance of walking with Jesus, believing in His sacrifice, and finding genuine freedom in the light of God's love. Jim further discusses the concepts of walking in obedience, embracing grace, and breaking free from enslaving idols, delving into the sacrificial aspect of someone giving up freedom and power to become a slave for the liberation of those enslaved by sin.

    Sent to Glorify God

    Sent to Glorify God

    Jesus' brother encourage him to go to Jerusalem during the feast and gather a crowd and further his ministry. John tells us they say this because they don't believe in him. They want Jesus to prove himself.  On the other hand, Jesus is seeking the glory of the Father, not his own. He speaks the words and follows the timing of the Father. For this reason, he is eminently trustworthy. As sent disciples, we are sent by Jesus just like he was sent by the Father. So we seek only his glory, not our own.

    Jesus, the Bread of Life

    Jesus, the Bread of Life

    Pastor Jim looks into the stories of the feeding of the five thousand and Jesus walking on water from John 6, framed within the context of the Passover. These miracles showcase Jesus' abundant provision and divine nature, laying the foundation for his teachings on eternal bread. Jim cautions against expecting Jesus to be a political ruler or only performing miracles to satisfy us. Shifting to a pivotal passage where Jesus declares himself as the bread of life, Jim highlights the distinction between having bread eternally or having eternal bread. He challenges misplaced hopes for material provision and power, encouraging listeners to find true soul satisfaction and fortitude in the ongoing immersion in the gospel and community of believers.

    The Fulfillment and Sustenance of God

    The Fulfillment and Sustenance of God

    In this discussion of John 4, Pastor Jim explores the idea that fulfillment is found in the presence of God and sustenance is found in the purposes of God.  Using the Samaritan woman at the well as an example, the passage shows Jesus breaking societal barriers and addressing universal human desires for fulfillment. Jesus offers "living water" as a profound source of contentment, countering temporary worldly satisfaction. The encounter with the Samaritan woman exemplifies how even the rejected can find a place in God's kingdom through Jesus. Jim encourages listeners to live with a deeper purpose and mission alongside Jesus, finding sustenance in His presence and glorifying God through spreading the gospel.

    The Religious Need Saving, Too

    The Religious Need Saving, Too

    Pastor Jim asks  why John gives us the most famous verse in the Bible in John 3:16. Contextualizing this verse within the broader narrative, Jim provides a concise recap of preceding stories in John two, including the wedding miracle at Cana and the temple cleansing. Focusing on the encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus, a Pharisee and Jewish ruling council member, Jim explores themes of being born again and the Spirit's role in entering the kingdom of God. Emphasizing the need for genuine inward transformation over religious rituals, Jim uses Nicodemus as an example.  Jesus offers new life to all people, including the respectable religious.

    Come and See Jesus

    Come and See Jesus

    Pastor Jim challenges the congregation to contemplate the deeper meaning of Christmas and their genuine desires in life, including our individual aspirations for significance, security, and approval. He underscores Jesus's universal invitation to come and see, offering meaning and fulfillment without regard to background or beliefs. Drawing from the Book of John, Jim illustrates four individuals who choose to follow Jesus, transcending preconceptions and stereotypes. This inclusive invitation extends to all curious and open minds, as Jim explores Jesus's welcoming stance toward skeptics and doubters. Jesus, understanding each person intimately, invites all to discover where true life is found. Promising perpetual presence with followers, Jesus offers meaning, security, and a familial connection. The message encourages listeners to discover significance, security, and love in Jesus.

    John the Baptist, Jesus the Lamb

    John the Baptist, Jesus the Lamb

    Pastor Jim explores the account of Jesus's early ministry in the Gospel of John, emphasizing John the Baptist's role in pointing to Jesus as the true Messiah. John's call for repentance and baptism symbolizes entry into the promised land with the Messiah, contrasting his repentance-focused baptism with Jesus's transformative baptism through the Holy Spirit. Warning against misplaced reliance on external factors for salvation, John directs people to prepare their hearts for Jesus, stressing salvation found solely in Him. The sermon challenges listeners to shed distractions, embrace a new way of living, and recognize Jesus as the source of true fulfillment. Repentance and belief in Jesus are encouraged, emphasizing the need to remove distractions and make way for Him in our lives, with the role of Christians highlighted in pointing others to Jesus, especially during Christmas.

    Jesus, The Presence and Promise of God

    Jesus, The Presence and Promise of God

    In this sermon, Pastor Jim highlights Jesus as the tangible presence and promise of God in our lives. Describing this as a new Exodus, Jim emphasizes the transformative journey from slavery to the sonship and daughterhood of God. Encouraging believers to center their lives around the present Jesus, he explores the revealed glory of God in Christ and the promise of adoption as children of God, fostering liberation and immersion in God's grace, love, and truth in daily life. Jim underscores the call to a unified life, intertwining the relationship with God in all aspects, and reflects on the beauty of the Advent season. Exploring the idea that contemplating Jesus leads to radiating His glory, Jim encourages humility and surrender to the manger and the cross as places where Jesus' transformative power and glory are most vividly displayed.

    Jesus, The Person and Power of God

    Jesus, The Person and Power of God

    In this sermon, Pastor Jim delves into the Gospel of John, underscoring its theological depth and central themes of darkness, light, love, and life. Jim explores John's portrayal of Jesus as the incarnate Word, embodying God's self-disclosure and heralding a new creation. Emphasizing Jesus as both the person and power of God, Jim illuminates how belief in His name transforms individuals into children of God. In the Christmas season, Jim underscores Jesus as the light that dispels darkness, bringing life and identity to believers.  Jim reflects on the cosmic scope of God's power displayed through Jesus, urging listeners to find comfort in God's control over all things. The sermon concludes with a call for believers to embrace Jesus afresh during the Christmas season, recognizing His transformative power and presence in their lives.

    Disciple-Makers: Multiplying the Gospel

    Disciple-Makers: Multiplying the Gospel

    In this sermon, Pastor Jim delves into the profound role of being disciple-makers as an integral part of the Christian identity. Emphasizing that discipleship is a continuous, 24/7 calling for every Christian, Jim stresses that it transcends specific locations or occupations. He underscores the importance of making disciples of Jesus, rather than of a church, brand, or subculture, defining discipleship as the ongoing pursuit of following and teaching others to follow Jesus, focusing on love for God and others. The talk concludes with a challenge to reflect on the transformative impact of being a disciple-maker on one's life and Christian experience.  He encourages believers to share the message of Jesus, emphasizing that the Church belongs to Him, and its foundation is unshakable. Concluding with a call to ongoing discipleship and the spreading of Jesus' message, Jim prompts the congregation to consider their willingness to be disciples and participate in the mission.

    Being Witnesses Of God

    Being Witnesses Of God

    In this sermon, Pastor Jim explores the vital role of our new identity as witness to showcase God:  emphasizing the declaration of God's sovereignty and the truth of salvation through Jesus, Pastor Jim highlights Jesus as the faithful witness and stresses the need to live lives reflecting God's character. He discusses the failures of Israel in this role and urges followers of Jesus to share God's love globally, emphasizing personal transformation and testimonies. Pastor Jim encourages recognizing one's unique influence, using it to share God's truth without opposition. The sermon concludes with a call for the church to bear witness to God's grace and gospel within the community, highlighting the importance of building one another up in the faith through our commitment to one another.

    Being the Royal Priesthood

    Being the Royal Priesthood

    In this sermon, Pastor Jim explores believers' role as a royal priesthood in Jesus. From Old Testament to New, the people of God are part of God's rescue plan. Reflecting on the Israelites as God's chosen priests, Jim emphasizes representing God to the world, bringing Him near, and embodying His character. With Jesus as the ultimate high priest, the sermon underscores the new identity and distinct living that comes with being God's children. Encouraging a deep dive into 1 Peter, Jim advocates for speaking the language of the Kingdom, sacrificial living, and making Jesus known in every aspect of life. Jim dives into the profound concept of living as priests in diverse environments, fulfilling the covenant through love and kindness. The congregation is prompted to intercede for others, be ambassadors of reconciliation, and share the hope of the gospel with gentleness and respect.

    Our Inheritance in Jesus

    Our Inheritance in Jesus

    In this sermon, Pastor Jim Entwistle explores the concept of inheritance for believers in Jesus, emphasizing our status as adopted children of God and co-heirs with Christ. Jim draws from Romans 8 to illustrate the entitlement of believers to an inheritance and how it should impact their lives in the present, including navigating challenges and joys. The sermon also highlights the connection between this inheritance and promises made to Abraham and the people of Israel, fulfilled in Jesus, who gives his believers eternal life. The message includes a vision of a future inheritance in a new heaven and earth, free from suffering and death, encouraging listeners to live with an eternal perspective. It stresses the importance of prioritizing God and sharing the message of Jesus, as our adoption guarantees a future glory that transforms our path in this temporary life.

    Identity Crisis

    Identity Crisis

    We are all made in the image of God to live for God's glory.  That's our God-given identity!  But we all also have an identity crisis that causes separation between us and God.  We try and find our identity in ourselves.  We have a taste FOR God that becomes a desire to BE God.  We need salvation!  Thank God for the Gospel and the salvation it brings.