
    How Magic Works

    How does magic work? What is "real" in a world obsessed with fantasy magic, stage magic, mentalism, and far too many scams? Can anyone do magic? YES! And you can too. "How Magic Works" is a series of sessions: a free course broken down into small bite-sized lessons recorded over a four year period. Everything presented here has been tried, tested, and proven results for people throughout time. This is not a course on any one particular branch of magic, or someone's favorite techniques. We examine the ROOTS of magic. What are the core techniques behind the incense, music, chants, rituals, and magic phrases? Every aspect of magic and alchemy will be analyzed over time, but always in small bite-sized lessons you can apply immediately in your daily life ("right now") or contemplate in your own metaphysical research. Dusty White hosts each session. He is the #1 bestselling author of The Easiest Way to Learn the tarot—Ever, The Easiest Way to Learn Astrology—Ever, and Aphrodite's Book of Secrets. He is also a world-class astrology and tarot teacher, a Rosicrucian, and an adept at manifestation. We hope you will join us. Each session is targeted to last no more than 20 minutes (when possible) to cover only the most salient points without padding the clock.
    en12 Episodes

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    Episodes (12)

    Sabbath (in magic and religion) . . . but "why?!!"

    Sabbath (in magic and religion)  . . . but "why?!!"

    Session 18: "Ask Dusty Anything!" (magical techniques)

    Instant summary

    • How to make your magic stronger (right now)
    • The true nature of the sabbath is to "let go"
    • Honoring your personal sabbath allows you to reclaim your power
    • How and why you are the most important person in your life

    This session is all about the power of taking time off and telling the world to "go away" while you re-center yourself and remember who you are, why that person is important, and what they want/need. The world is full of people who are eagerly stealing your life from you (even if—especially if—you are Jeff Bezos).

    This has to end. Now! Today! You need to understand what your personal sabbath is (daily release, weekly release, monthly release?) and how it is your most important time, or you lose your autonomy. It is *not* a time to grovel to an external agency.

    Super important lesson that you need to take to heart before you lose yet another year to your personal demons.

    "Ask Dusty Anything!" (magical techniques that work)

    "Ask Dusty Anything!" (magical techniques that work)

    Session 20: "Ask Dusty Anything!" (magical techniques)

    Instant summary

    • internal vs. external magical practice
    • developing yourself OR commanding "minions" to do your bidding
    • how to "be" magical vs. how to get others to do magic for you

    Our topic for this session is all about Living a Magical Life! There is a difference between going to church on Sunday or going to Sabbats or Esbats once a month and living a magical life every day. Most practices encourage something daily. Yes, there are even those that encourage twice daily rituals! You need to find a practice that WORKS for YOU. If it works for you and it brings you results, you’re right! If not, this is the series you’ve been looking for!

    Remember, there is internal magic and external magic, and sometimes they are confused. Today, we are going to talk about those different practices and what happens if you combine them. All before tackling the question of do you even need to do this at all! We hope you enjoy this session of How Magic Works!

    Focus, determination, desire, obsession, and persistence

    Focus, determination, desire, obsession, and persistence

    Session 21: These are your most important magical tools

    Instant summary

    • powerful exercise to develop absolute focus
    • various techniques to help you keep focus no matter what
    • determination comes from obsession: how to build that
    • write things down and then focus on them like this. . . 
    • one more exercise to strengthen your focus

    Today's session is all about how to develop and strengthen your focus so that you can enhance your manifestations (in future sessions). Two exercises, easy to do, but these are essential to actually work on if you are going to develop any real skill in manifesting things on command. They also serve as the basis for making your dowsing easier and more powerful. 



    i versus I: The power of and problem with Ego in magic

    i versus I: The power of and problem with Ego in magic

    Session 16: i versus I: The power of and problem with Ego in magic

    Instant summary

    • ** LONG episode! ** one hour lesson on the power of ego in magic
    • aries vs. leo magic — both work, which one is "correct" for the moment?
    • the essentials of internal versus external magic styles

    Our topic for this session is all about the ego and its use in magical practice. This crosses over into an extremely deep and murky subject we have to flesh out in longer sessions involving internal versus external magical practices. But those are sessions for another time. For today we have to address the “I” and what it means in magic, and when and how it is useful―so that we can get the best results. 

    i = Aries - this is the part of us that realizes we are an entity

    I = Leo - this is the part of us that realizes we are an Entity in a world of entities.

    Learn to listen ― the easiest way is to remove your I from your consciousness by embracing the i; punt the yappy dog: metaphysically, not physically of course.

    But the I is important in ceremonial magic styles, as you have to command, direct, and negotiate with external agencies (angels, demons, calling “God” by his secret names). In faerie magic you are a part of nature, or the lower-case i rather than an individual spell caster calling on the forces of magic as if they are separate entities you are summoning.


    Magical lock picking: How to open any locked door — how to breach any barrier

    Magical lock picking: How to open any locked door — how to breach any barrier

    Session 14: Magical lock picking: How to open any locked door ― how to breach any barrier

    Instant summary

    • knocking, what it is, how it works, why it can be used in magic

    Our topic for this session is a brief overview on the magic of dissolving barriers rather than trying to crash through them.

    Knocking is a civilized form of magic to enter a way that has been barred, and it is so commonplace and evolved that the magic behind it has been forgotten.

    By examining the essence of a physical knock: what it establishes, what it commands, how it disrupts enemies and forces barriers aside for us without effort, we can immediatetly improve the efficiency of our magic.

    Which is more powerful? The earthquake or the virus?

    Which is more powerful? The earthquake or the virus?

    Session 8: Which is more powerful? The earthquake or the virus?

    Instant summary

    • magic lessons we can learn from a pandemic
    • so . . . Gwion vs. Ceridwen  . . .
    • small seeds of magic carefully sewn will bring the results we desire

    Our topic for this session is the unseen forces in magic that cause the greatest changes. Instead of trying to make giant changes in your life when you do magic, it is far easier, and far more powerful to make several small changes that will multiply. Let nature do the hard work for you. Don’t wish for a dashing prince to come rescue you, or for the world to see your genius. Instead, focus intently on planting a hundred tiny magical seeds that will blossom and grow into an army of minions and soldiers that will assault your obstacles and problems from a hundred different angles. 

    We provide an exercise to do RIGHT NOW to start getting you big results from tiny efforts. Don't skim over this episode or skip this step. This is how you can change your life "this week."

    How to make your magic stronger

    How to make your magic stronger

    Session 7: How to make your magic stronger

    Instant summary

    • this is a short preparatory lesson for future blocks
    • understanding What made Bruce Lee so powerful?
    • some of the tools you will be mastering soon
    • ask yourself: what small things can I do now?

    Our topic for this session is all about how to make your magic stronger. To make your magic stronger, you have to increase the power of your magic. This can be split into two main factors. Increase the force of your psychic punch or increase the efficiency of your psychic punch. 

    What are the points along the way in our spell or prayer that can make our magic work better, faster, easier, and more reliably?

    Not a huge lesson, but a preparatory one to help you learn the upcoming intense sessions faster and with greater "real-world" actuality. Too many courses and books give you valid information but the lessons do not translate into actual practice.


    How Magic Works
    enApril 11, 2021

    A seemingly silly technique to strengthen your visualizations

    A seemingly silly technique to strengthen your visualizations

    Session 6: A seemingly silly technique to strengthen your visualizations

    Instant summary

    • how to learn (real) magic that works from pop-culture
    • transmuting your visualization into a tangible magical reality
    • how to literally become the reality you envision

    Our topic for this session is all about how to make your visualizations stronger. If you can make your visualizations stronger you can make your divination more powerful–as you get more sensations, and you can make your manifestations more powerful―as you send more potent messages out to the gods. 

    This is a powerful exercise, and can instantly help make your magic stronger. But the more practice you get adding pantomime to your magical work, the quicker and more potent results you will see. You will  actually *feel* your magic get stronger. 

    Overcoming obstacles through magic

    Overcoming obstacles through magic

    Session 5: Overcoming obstacles through magic

    Instant summary

    • never let circumstance dictate your reality
    • how to break free from circumstance and bad patterns
    • "The Secret" disproven (by Nature no less!)
    • quickie introduction to the law of repulsion

    Our topic for this session is about defeating enemies, circumstances, environment, and setbacks.

    There are many rules in magic, but by “rules” I mean things that work, things you must get at least partially right in application in order for your magic to get you the results you need or desire. The one I want to talk about in this session is that you must never let circumstance dictate your reality.

    On the surface this sounds like an empowerment message shouted from a fancy stage by an overpaid self-help guru. But to everyone on the planet, our circumstance *is* our reality. After all, anything that exists must be reality; that is the basics of simple physics. Everything else is a goal, a fantasy, or wishful thinking.

    But if we refuse to accept that version of reality―if we know in our heart and deep in our mind that the circumstances we find ourselves in are nothing more than the end result of other people’s reality, we can free ourselves from the matrix. You are not your environment unless your environment resonates with your soul, your desires, or your character. At any time you find yourself estranged from your environment you are experiencing someone else’s reality. It is times like these that you must drink deeply from the circumstance you find yourself in and taste the bitterness in your mouth so that you can reject it, as being antithetical to who you are. 

    How Magic Works
    enApril 11, 2021

    How magic works (the short version)

    How magic works (the short version)

    Session 3: How magic works (the short version)

    Instant summary

    • magic is nothing more than an extension of your will
    • don't "want": * need *
    • quickie exercise you can do at the store!

    Short session today. Our topic for this session is how magic works. We touched on this in our first session, but I want to see if I can possibly simplify the entire concept of practical magic into a few minutes of essential points before we start down the process of examining *hundreds of aspects* of magical practice that separate the great masters from the average person walking around lost and unaware.

    Essentially magic is an extension of our conscious needs and desires, and our unconscious urges―if they are persistent enough or powerful enough. Magic “happens” when we successfully get our message from the confines of our tiny brains into the vastness of the universe, and get some greater power or happy helper to help us get results. 

    Whether we call this process miracles, prayer, spell work, manifestation, or by any other name, magic is what happens when things work. Or we can call it luck if someone else made it happen, or  we have no idea how we pulled all of the strings together.

    What is “magic” anyway?

    What is “magic” anyway?

    Session 1: What is “magic” anyway?

    Instant summary

    • magical formula: 50% human / 50% divine
    • twin DNA strands of magic (polarities 101)
    • a new way of understanding "intuition" (versus imagination)
    • miracles happen when your mind is desperate (here's a better way)
    • mental poisoning is subtle but powerful magic

    ( note to self: I need a new microphone! sorry!! )

    Our topic for this session is the definition of magic from a practical point of reference. What *is* magic and who does it? Can anyone do it, and how do you know when you are doing it? Is magic evil, or something only wizards and witches can do, or is it simply a natural part of life that has been overhyped by people who want to control how you think―or worse *take your money*.

    At its core, magic is a blend of human and divine energy. Like any physical process of results creation, magic requires sacrifice, effort, clear intent, focus, and determination. Otherwise it is nothing more than wishful thinking. 

    The difference between magic (that works) and fantasy is that all laws of metaphysics must conform to the laws of (mundane) physics. This is overlooked in today's world of instant magical experts, and faux gurus of magic. We look at the two DNA strands of magic: divination and manifestation and how they are a natural part of the human experience. Much of what people call "luck" or happenstance are really weak forms of magic materializing due to psychic (of the psyche) efforts aligning with unseen existing circumstances. This is not "bad." This is just common everyday magic, and common everyday magic makes life infinitely easier. The whole point of magic is to smooth your path, not to perform impossible feats that impress your friends and strangers you find attractive.

    The problem is that most people’s wishes remain trapped in their heads unless they are in a panic, or under so much stress that their conscious and subconscious minds fuse into synchronicity. Magic shouldn’t bee that hard. Magic shouldn’t be stressful. 

    There is nothing wrong with forcibly distancing yourself from a "thing." But is this done from egoic-validation, or a desire to appear more mysterious and powerful? Or is it a needed clarity that must be delineated to avoid being labeled a mentalist or other faux metaphysician. 

    In this series we separate entertainment and scams from what really works in real life every day, all over the world, and throughout history. There is so much to cover that we are taking these in small bites you can focus on masticating and mastering. Over time, all of these parts of magic will coalesce into a true working knowledge of how to recreate your life using your "God-given talents." And these lessons are free. Thanks for being here.

    In the beginning . . .

    In the beginning . . .

    Session 0: Terms we will use, and why.

    Instant summary

    • introduction (what you can expect)
    • terminology of magic (can't we all get along?)
    • quickie dispelling of magical myths
    • "the terms" (here they are!)
    • my promise to you

    This is a series on how magic works. This is not a set of lessons based on one particular path. This is a master course on the ROOT of magical techniques that have proven themselves over years, and thousands of years. We will show you WHY things work and how to do them better, so you can get better results. We will occasionally expose lies and techniques that are outright frauds, but mostly we will take a deep dive into how you can get better results right away from your magic, whether you are a beginner or an expert―an acolyte or an adept.

    There will be audio and video components to this series, depending on the need of the instruction. This proto-lesson will set the table so that you are not confused later, in coming lessons. 

    When discussing religion, philosophy, and magic, terms can get in the way as people tend to take their beliefs as gospel when it comes to how the universe is put together and who’s in charge. Even close friends can vehemently disagree on which deities or angels, demons, spirit guides, ancestors, or nature spirits to work with. The world is FILLED with monotheists, duo-theists, polytheists, nature worshippers, and even atheists. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but that does not mean that everyone is right. The ultimate test of magic is whether it consistently produces powerful results quickly, regularly, and without unnecessary cost or sacrifice. 

    You see, magic is natural. In fact magic is the very definition of “super-natural.” When we conduct successful magic, we are harnessing the powers of nature to assist us―through prayer or spell casting, meditation or divination. This course may seem "slow." It is nothing of the sort; we just break everything down so you can practice each aspect of magic "every day" and add all of these to your real-world existence. Think of how many self-help books you have read that have not really helped you create the ideal life. This course may be free, but it is worth more than most courses you pay for, if you do the work. (Please do the work—we are here for you every step of the way).


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