
    How to Thrive After 35 Talk Radio

    Tune in to How to Thrive After 35 as your host, Roslyn Franken, brings you exciting and inspiring guests to share their practical insights and personal wisdom to help you THRIVE in your life and NOT just survive. ABOUT ROSLYN FRANKEN, INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKER, AUTHOR, RADIO HOST... In her newest book and presentation titled, MEANT TO BE: A TRUE STORY OF MIGHT, MIRACLES AND TRIUMPH OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT, inspirational speaker and author Roslyn Franken reveals the unforgettable true story of her parents, John and Sonja Franken - two unlikely survivors of World War II. While John fights for his life as a POW in Japan and survives the Nagasaki atomic bomb, Sonja endures the horrors of Auschwitz. She faces death in the gas chamber three times and survives. After the war, fate brings them together to find enduring love and rebuild their lives in the most extraordinary ways despite the tragedies of their pasts. Their story is one of triumph over tragedy filled with messages of positivity and perseverance, faith and fortitude, daring and determination, and hope and humility. When diagnosed with cancer at 29, Roslyn turns to her parents’ remarkable experiences, beliefs and positive attitudes as inspiration in her own fight to beat cancer and become a long-term survivor. How did her parents survive their captivity? How did they meet to find enduring love? What profound life-changing lessons did Roslyn learn from her parents' extraordinary experiences and positive attitudes and her own difficult cancer journey that we can all learn from to live a better and more courageous life? In her first book titled, THE A LIST: 9 GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR HEALTHY EATING AND POSITIVE LIVING, Roslyn Franken takes her readers and audiences through the remarkable weight loss journey that changed her body and changed her life... Ten years after surviving cancer, age 39, at her heaviest weight and concerned for her health, Roslyn decided to fight back once again - only this time to win her battles with food, weight and lifestyle challenges, once and for all! For more information about Roslyn, go to www.roslynfranken.com. To be a guest on the show, to be a sponsor or to make comments or suggestions, send email to info@roslynfranken.com
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    Episodes (44)

    Success is a State of Mind, guest Max Bolka

    Success is a State of Mind, guest Max Bolka
    Listen to Roslyn as she interviews special guest, Max Bolka, a 30-year veteran of the financial services industry who developed and served a nationwide planning and investment clientele. Today he “Builds First-Class Financial Advisors” of all kinds through his dynamic speaking, insightful writing and comprehensive business development mentoring program.

    Standards for Success, guest Derek Mills

    Standards for Success, guest Derek Mills
    Derek, known as the Standards Guy, is a former stutterer turned international speaker about his philosophy for success. He is a featured expert in the personal development film “Keeper of the Keys” (premiered in the US in Dec 2011), starring Jack Canfield, John Gray and Marci Shimoff. Derek is also the author of "The 10 Second Philosophy".

    Be A Bounce Back Person - featuring Judy Helm Wright

    Be A Bounce Back Person - featuring Judy Helm Wright
    Listen to this inspiring episode of How to Thrive After 35 Talk Radio featuring Roslyn’s special guest, Judy Helm Wright aka Auntie Artichoke. Judy is a storytelling trainer, Author, International Speaker and Life Educator who owns and operates ArtichokePress.com. She runs a global online business from her home office marketing eBooks, tele-classes, newsletters, family coaching and a number of related products.

    Your Better Self - featuring Ken Wallace

    Your Better Self - featuring Ken Wallace
    Want to be your better self? Then don't miss this informative and insightful interview with speaker/author, Ken Wallace. Ken is a motivational and inspirational speaker and author of the new book Your Better Self: A Simple Guide to Where You Want To Be and the new companion publication Your Better Self Study Manual: A Simple Guide for Living on Purpose in Peace and Prosperity. Ken is also co-star in the new self-help film, The Keeper of the Keys, starring Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff and John Gray.

    Life Success Strategies from Success Expert, Jack Canfield

    Life Success Strategies from Success Expert, Jack Canfield
    Don't miss this powerful interview with success expert, Jack Canfield. Jack Canfield is the co-author of the #1 New York Times best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which has sold more than 500 million copies in 47 languages. He is considered America’s number one success coach and authored the bestseller “The Success Principles”. Jack is also a featured teacher in the movies The Secret and Tapping the Source; and has appeared on more than 1,000 radio and television programs. Jack is also the CEO of the Canfield Training Group and the founder of the Transformational Leadership Council.

    Inspiration for Teens and Parents: Teen Guest, Raven Magwood

    Inspiration for Teens and Parents: Teen Guest, Raven Magwood
    Don't miss this powerful interview with teen guest, Raven Magwood, published author of three books, motivational speaker, and filmmaker. At age 16, Raven graduated from high school number one in her class with a 5.1 GPA, and she will soon be starting her senior year of college at 18. The former national gymnastics champion has 3 "Raven Magwood Days" around the country, in honor of her academic, athletic, and entrepreneurial achievements. When asked about all of her success, Raven humbly states, "If you are dedicated to something you love, determined to work hard, and disciplined to plan how you will get there, you can achieve success." This interview is a MUST listen for teens and their parents.

    Happy for No Reason, guest Marci Shimoff

    Happy for No Reason, guest Marci Shimoff
    Listen to Roslyn's dynamic interview with Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times best-selling author and world-renowned transformational teacher. Her books include the international bestsellers Love for No Reason and Happy for No Reason. She is also the woman’s face of the biggest self-help book phenomenon in history, as co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul series. With book sales of more than 15 million copies worldwide in 33 languages, Marci is one of the bestselling female nonfiction authors of all time. She is also a featured teacher in the film and book sensation The Secret and stars in the newest personal development film, The Keeper of the Keys. Marci is dedicated to helping people live more empowered and joy-filled lives.

    FROM VISION TO REALITY, guest Robin Jay, producer of The Keeper of the Keys

    FROM VISION TO REALITY, guest Robin Jay, producer of The Keeper of the Keys
    When Robin Jay gets a vision in her head of something she wants to do, she just goes ahead and does it. Turning her vision into reality is non-negotiable. Listen to this amazing and inspiring interview with guest, Robin Jay. Robin Jay is an award-winning author, professional keynote speaker, president and founder of the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, and – most recently – producer of the personal development movie, “The KEEPER of the KEYS,” which stars Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marci Shimoff. The movie is produced in association with Director Scott Cervine’s company Movies from the Heart. The film will premiere in Las Vegas on December 8, 2011. Visit http://www.thekeeperofthekeys.com for full details.

    Re-Discover Self-Love with guest, Leela Francis

    Re-Discover Self-Love with guest, Leela Francis
    Listen in as Leela and I explore the meaning of Self-Love for women. Leela shares powerful insights on how women can re-discover self-love. Leela is the Creator of Vividly Woman Tools and Training. Leela's knowledge base as an Integrative Body therapist, credible and popular yoga instructor, shamanic dance and sacred circle facilitator, have empowered and guided individual transformation to the lives of thousands worldwide.

    Journey To You: How to Become Who You Were Born to Be, with guest Steve Olsher

    Journey To You: How to Become Who You Were Born to Be, with guest Steve Olsher
    Do you feel you were meant and made to do something extraordinary, but can’t quite identify what it is? Then listen in on my dynamic interview with Steve Olsher, known as America’s Reinvention Expert. Steve Olsher is a successful entrepreneur who has applied his street smarts, business acumen, and communication skills to a wide range of endeavors. He is the co-star of the ground-breaking film, The Keeper of the Keys with Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marci Shimoff, Founder of the Reinvention Workshop, Host of Reinvention Radio and Author of USA Book News’ “Self-Help Book of The Year” Journey To You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Who You Were Born to Be.

    Skills for your Biz Success Toolbox - featuring Cheryl Cook

    Skills for your Biz Success Toolbox - featuring Cheryl Cook
    What Skills do you have in Your Success Toolbox? Juggling & Running in Circles Should NOT be Included. If life is beginning to take on the atmosphere of a 3-ring circus, it’s time you learned some new skills in order to thrive. Listen as special guest, Cheryl Cook, award winning entrepreneur and author of 'Small Business BIG RESULTS' shares her secrets to how to stay focused and on what, cut your To-Do list in half and three questions to determine ‘Am I working on the right stuff?’ Don't miss Cheryl's special free gift offer.

    From the Page to the Stage - featuring Steve Lowell, Master Speaker

    From the Page to the Stage - featuring Steve Lowell, Master Speaker
    Are you an author who wants to take your story from the page to the stage? Then listen to this exciting episode of How to Thrive After 35 where I interview special guest and good friend, Steve Lowell, Master Speaker & Executive Trainer and author of From Stage Fright to Spotlight. Steve will share some great tips on how to go from the page to the stage. Don't miss it. For more information, visit Steve online at http://www.lowellworkshops.com/cmd.php?af=1368094

    Getting the Best Health Care, featuring Ken Farbstein

    Getting the Best Health Care, featuring Ken Farbstein
    If you or a loved one is facing a medical crises or in need of medical care, then this is an episode of How to Thrive After 35, not to be missed. Join me as I interview Ken Farbstein, author of Getting the Best Health Care: Real-World Stories for Patient Empowerment. Learn about staying safe and healthy while receiving medical care.

    The Secret Inside, guest Dr. Eve Agee

    The Secret Inside, guest Dr. Eve Agee
    Listen to this episode of How to Thrive After 35 Talk Radio where I bring you special guest Dr. Eve Agee, Medical Anthropologist, Life Coach and Best-Selling Author of the Uterine Health Companion. You'll learn: 1)why the uterus is critically important to women's overall, lifelong health. 2) Four Key Steps to Enhance Uterine Health (Including vital steps to take care of yourself if you have already had a hysterectomy). 3)How transforming your mindset about your body can transform your health and help you have a more vibrant life. Be sure to listen to the end to get a bonus Guided Imagery session with Dr. Agee. Not to be missed!

    Improve Productivity. Improve Your Life. Special guest Marie Sanders

    Improve Productivity. Improve Your Life. Special guest Marie Sanders
    If you want to get more organized, be more productive and improve your quality of life, then don't miss this great interview with Marie Sanders who shares some fantastic tips on how to get and stay on top of your game. Marie Sanders is a Productivity and Organizational Consultant and the President of Ready To Get Organized. Marie is passionate about helping people get organized and become more productive so they have time to do the things they truly enjoy! To get the special email that is referred to on the show, please go to http://esurveyspro.net/Survey.aspx?id=5fb3c2a0-a7a1-4620-859f-d8e1f87cfa77. Fill in the form and we will send you the special email and offers.

    Sizzle your Sex Life by Fixing your Finances, guest Judith Cane

    Sizzle your Sex Life by Fixing your Finances, guest Judith Cane
    Don't miss this wonderful episode of How to Thrive After 35 Talk Radio with my special guest, Judith Cane. Judith has been helping people with their finances for over 20 years. And she’s seen and heard it all. Including stories of how people suffer in the bedroom because they’re fighting about money. So tonight Judith is going to “bare it all” and help you Sizzle Your Sex Life by Fixing Your Finances. Be sure to listen right to the end for your chance to win a free copy of my book, The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living.

    7 Strategies to Avoid Post Holiday Financial Hangover, guest Belinda Fuchs

    7 Strategies to Avoid Post Holiday Financial Hangover, guest Belinda Fuchs
    The added expenses of the holiday season often cause financial stress, especially when those credit card bills start rolling in come January. What does this have to do with your health, you might ask? The added mental stress can weaken your immune system making it easier to catch a cold, flu or other contagious illness. It can also lead to unhealthy behaviors such as overeating, smoking, or substance abuse which can increase risk factors for obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression and other illness. This is where I step in. I want to help you minimize your stress and maximize your health and happiness so that you can enjoy greater physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. This is why I invited special guest, Belinda Fuchs, to my radio and YouTube show called "How to Thrive After 35". Belinda is a Financial Success coach and CPA. She is the founder of ownyourmoney.com. In this short 15 minute video, Belinda shares her simple yet very smart 7 Strategies to Avoid the Post-Holiday Financial Hangover. Is learning these strategies worth a few minutes of your time? Absolutely. So listen now and be sure to get Belinda's FREE Gift.

    Be the Superstar in YOUR Life - guest Cindy Ashton

    Be the Superstar in YOUR Life - guest Cindy Ashton
    Want to be the superstar in YOUR life? Then listen to Cindy Ashton on Roslyn's latest episode of How To Thrive After 35 Talk Radio. Why listen? Because Cindy Ashton is an expert in overcoming obstacles and author of Kiss Your Monsters Goodbye. She gives people real-world strategies for superstar living, leading them to beat their odds and claim their very own red carpet moment. Cindy has shared the stage with such motivational powerhouses as Barbara De Angelis, Lisa Nichols and Bob Proctor. This interview is NOT to be missed to go ahead and listen now. Keep a paper and pen handy to take notes and contact information.

    Better Parenting Advice, with expert guest Lisa Hein

    Better Parenting Advice, with expert guest Lisa Hein
    Lisa was going through life like many other mothers when all of a sudden her life did a 180 degree turn. Life as she knew it was no longer a breeze, it had become a tornado. Lisa says, "I'm not sure what happened to our child, he went from this really sweet and adorable child to someone we didn't even know." From those experiences, Lisa has taken her book, wisdom and experiences and shared them with millions of others who may be looking for sound advice. If you're looking for solid parenting advice of your young child or teen, then don't miss this powerful interview.