
    I Can't Wait To Tell You

    Your spiritual journey just got REAL (fun, legit, verified, explained). It's time to leave behind the anxiety, and along with it, all the people, places, and things that no longer light you up. You are meant to live the life you DESIRE...and YOU are also meant to CREATE it!How? Well, that's why there's so much I Can't Wait To Tell You.Let's talk meditation, manifestation, science, woo woo, sex, relationships, money, and everything in between!

    enCasey Edward183 Episodes

    Episodes (183)

    Reversing the Irreversible and Healing Yourself with Discernment with Functional Medicine Health Coach, Vanessa Bighinatti

    Reversing the Irreversible and Healing Yourself with Discernment with Functional Medicine Health Coach, Vanessa Bighinatti

    Hello everyone! Welcome back to another episode of #icwtty.

    In this episode, Casey gets to sit down with Vanessa Bighinatti. Vanessa is an ADAPT Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach, NLP & Hypnotherapy Practitioner, and Reiki II Practitioner. She helps chronic illness warriors, from around the world, reduce symptoms naturally through nutrition, mindset, nervous system regulation & holistic lifestyle to bring joy back into their life and take control of their health! Vanessa empowers and advocates for those on their healing journey. 

    In this episode, they dive into:

    • How Vanessa reversed symptoms and illnesses that doctors had deemed irreversible
    • How Vanessa learned to use her own discernment and judgment to decide what her body and soul needed for healing
    • How healing takes time, but is so worth it
    • How Vanessa went from walking with a cane at 24 to now traveling Europe as a successful entrepreneur
    • ....and so much more! 

    This episode and Vanessa's story are nothing less than inspiring, so this is definitely not an episode to miss.

    To follow along with Vanessa, you can head to her Instagram below:

    *Keith's Cacao:
    Use code "CASEY20US20" at checkout

    Thank you for tuning in! ❤️

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    Shifting Identies AND Careers, Envisioning the You You Want To Be, And Knowing Your "Why" with V Peterson

    Shifting Identies AND Careers, Envisioning the You You Want To Be, And Knowing Your "Why" with V Peterson

    In this episode of #icwtty, Casey sits down with V Peterson, Fitness Instructor, Nutrition Coach, and Founder of Bodied Denver.

    After Casey took V's SoulCycle class when V was teaching indoors, Casey was inspired by her energy and knew she wanted to have her on the show.

    In this episode, some of what they get into is:

    • Leaving a dream career like SoulCycle
    • How leaving a job often feels like losing part of our identity, and how to transition through that
    • Stepping into the role of CEO
    • Taking the bad days with the good

    ...and so much more.

    To follow along with V on Instagram, head to: 

    To follow along with Bodied Denver, go to:

    Thank you for tuning in! Until next time ♥️

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    Creating Illogical Success, Not Second-Guessing Ourselves, & Tapping Into Your Power and Prosperity with Sarah D'Angelo

    Creating Illogical Success, Not Second-Guessing Ourselves, & Tapping Into Your Power and Prosperity with Sarah D'Angelo

    Welcome back to another episode of the I Can't Wait To Tell You podcast!

    In this episode, Casey interviews Women's Empowerment Coach and Multi 6 Figure Mentor, Sarah D'Angelo. 

    In this episode, Casey and Sarah chat about: 
    -Sarah’s shift from a corporate job to stepping into her role as a leader and how that manifested into a successful business

    -How it’s totally normal to have thoughts of “is this working” even WHEN having huge financial success, and how the key is to not take yourself up on those thoughts

    -Why Sarah’s pillars of business are power, prosperity, and purpose, and how you can cultivate these for yourself

    …and so much more.

    To follow along with Sarah and find her offerings, head to her Instagram:

    Thank you for tuning in! ♥️

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    My Journey to (Accidentally) Becoming a Medium

    My Journey to (Accidentally) Becoming a Medium

    In this episode of the I Can't Wait To Tell You podcast, Casey talks about her journey to becoming a Medium.

    This episode includes:
    -The first time a passed loved one came through for her
    -Past lives and healing past life trauma
    -How passed loved ones have come through for clients
    ...and so much more.

    To find her readings services, go to:

    To get a Coaching consultation, go to:

    To check out the "Manifesting Your Dreams" course:

    To follow Casey on Instagram, head to:

    Thank you for tuning in!

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    Being An Empath, Healing Ancestral Trauma, and Leaning Into the Feminine with Dominique Isis

    Being An Empath, Healing Ancestral Trauma, and Leaning Into the Feminine with Dominique Isis

    In this episode of the I Can't Wait To Tell You Podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dominique Isis.

    Dominique is a Medium and Ancestral Healer who helps empaths heal themselves, their ancestors, and the planet.

    In this episode, we dive into:

    • What an empath is
    • Dominque's story with a powerful re-discovery of self at a young age
    • How to set boundaries as an empath
    • How being an empath is a psychic power
    • What other psychic powers we are all able to tap into
    • How we can heal ancestral trauma and why it is pertinent that we do so
    • How Dominique changed her life by leaning into her feminine and healing her nervous system 

    ...and so much more.

    For more with Dominque, head to her Instagram, where you can find all of her offerings and work in her LinkTree:

    Thank you for tuning in!

    To follow along with me/the show, head to:

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    Pivoting to Passion: Leaving Behind a 7 Figure Career to Follow The Pull, with Kristine Munro

    Pivoting to Passion: Leaving Behind a 7 Figure Career to Follow The Pull, with Kristine Munro

    In this episode of I Can't Wait To Tell You, I had the pleasure of interviewing Intuitive Community Builder, Kristine Munro. 

    In this episode, we dive into:

    • Why Kristine left behind a 7 figure real estate career 🏠
    • How transitioning out of that career felt, and how she navigated the uncertainty 📝
    • How Kristine balances being a Mom AND a business owner👩🏻‍💼
    • Why community is important🤝

    ...And so much more.

    To follow along with Kristine on Instagram, head to:

    To check out the Illume Collective website, go to:

    To check out Kristine's podcast, Pivot to Passion, follow the Instagram below:

    To check out Keith's Cacao, use code "CASEY20US20" at checkout below:

    To follow Casey on Instagram, head to:

    Thank you for tuning in!

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    The Power of Your Language with Life & Leadership Coach Taylor Sleaford

    The Power of Your Language with Life & Leadership Coach Taylor Sleaford

    In this episode of #icwtty, Casey speaks with Life & Leadership Coach, Taylor Sleaford, on the power of your language and your words.

    They also dive into the shadow side oof self-development, tricks to shift your mental narrative to support your goals, and so much more.

    To follow along with Taylor, follow him on Instagram at:

    To apply for Coaching, head to Taylor's website at:

    To grab your Keith's Cacao, use the code "CASEY20US20" at checkout below:

    To follow me on Instagram, go to:

    Thanks for tuning in!

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    Dream Big, Start Small: Riding the Waves of Entrepreneurship with Bridget Sicsko

    Dream Big, Start Small: Riding the Waves of Entrepreneurship with Bridget Sicsko

    In this episode of I Can't Wait To Tell You, Casey interviews Bridget Sicsko: 🎤 Host @shebuildsempirespodcast,  🌍Founder @visibilityonpurpose @exaltedpublishinghouse, and  Brand Architecture for Founders.

    Whether you are an entrepreneur or not, there are so many nuggets of info in this episode that Bridget shares that you won't want to miss.

    Some of what we get into include:

    • How much of what we don't see on social media is the reality of being human and running a business
    • Bridget's life philosophy of "Dream big, start small"
    • How Bridget keeps her mind, body, and energy right
    • Bridget's experience with 100 days of cold plunges
    • ...and so much more.

    Bridget's links are all above, so make sure to follow along with her for more!

    For Keith's Cacao, use code "CASEY20US20" below:

    To follow along with the show head to:

    Thanks for tuning in! ✨🤍

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    Trusting the Ebbs & Flows of Money, or of Anything In Life, Really

    Trusting the Ebbs & Flows of Money, or of Anything In Life, Really

    Do you trust the ebbs and flows of life?

    Do you trust that when you have less money than you did before that it will replenish itself?

    Do you trust that the downtime, the normalcy in a relationship is safe?

    Do you trust, or do you attach, freak out, feel uncertain, and let chaos ensue?

    This episode is to remind you that ebbs and flows are a natural part of all realms of our lives, and the more we embrace them, the easier and more enjoyable life becomes.

    For anyone interested in applying to receive sessions from me, please check out the webpage below and apply there if it feels like a fit :)

    To follow along on Instagram:

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    Connecting with Spirit Guides, Using Darkness & Fear as a Force, and Spiritual Voicemails with AlyseMarie Warren

    Connecting with Spirit Guides, Using Darkness & Fear as a Force, and Spiritual Voicemails with AlyseMarie Warren

    Let's talk: Spirit Guides.

    In today's episode, I had the pleasure and honor of interviewing my dear friend, AlyseMarie Warren. AlyseMarie, or Aly, is a Quantum Leap Healer and the ultimate channel (like when I am with her and it flows through her it is mindblowing lol).

    In this episode, we get into:
    -How to connect with your Spirit Guides
    -How to discern between your own voice and downloads from your Guides
    -How to put on your "spiritual voicemail" 
    -Why we shouldn't fear the darkness, and instead can let is be a perpetuating force
    ...and so much more.

    For more with Aly, head to her Instagram below:

    To grab your Keith's Cacao, use code "CASEY20US20" at checkout:

    To follow the show on Instagram, head to:

    Thank you for tuning in! 

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    How To Have An Uncomfortable / Tough Conversation

    How To Have An Uncomfortable / Tough Conversation

    Whether it be in a relationship or at work, tough conversations are part of life and something to be embraced, not run from.

    In this episode of the show, Casey goes over:
    -What makes a conversation "tough"
    -Tips on having tough conversations
    -And what to do AFTER a tough conversation

    If you know someone who could use this episode, please share away.

    To grab your Keith's Cacao, use code "CASEY20US20" at checkout below:

    To follow me / the show on Insta, go to:

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    Taylor Paige, Angelic-Intuitive on Easing Into + Developing Your Psychic Powers, Energetic Beings, and Connecting with Angels

    Taylor Paige, Angelic-Intuitive on Easing Into + Developing Your Psychic Powers, Energetic Beings, and Connecting with Angels

    Hello and welcome back to the I Can't Wait To Tell You Podcast, a show designed to help you thrive spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

    In today's episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Internationally recognized Angelic-Intuitive, Taylor Paige (of Angels and Amethysts).

    We dive into everything from how to ease into your powers as they start to come online, how to keep your power around other Energetic Beings, and connecting with Angels and guides. and so much more.


    Follow along with Taylor Paige on Instagram:

    Follow me + the show on Instagram:

    Learn more and grab your Keith's Cacao , use CODE: CASEY20US20


    Thanks for tuning in, and please leave a comment/review if you receive value from the show :)   

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    Some Motivation: Do You Trust Yourself? Do You Keep Your Own Promises?

    Some Motivation: Do You Trust Yourself? Do You Keep Your Own Promises?

    Welcome back to another episode of I Can't Wait To Tell You.

    In this week's episode, I ask you to get real with yourself, and start to consider:

    Can I trust myself?
    When I make a promise to myself, do I keep it?
    When I set a GOAL for myself, do I do everything in my power to achieve it?

    ...OR. Do I let minuscule obstacles get in the way?
    Or do I show up for others but not for myself?
    Or do I cancel on myself?

    We all know how important it is to trust others, but if we can't even trust ourselves, how do we expect to get anything done or make any real change? How do we expect to BELIEVE in ourselves, grow our self-confidence, and achieve things?

    Tune in now for more.

    If you're interested in grabbing some Keith's Cacao, use "CASEY20US20" at checkout below:

    Follow along with me/the show on the gram:

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    I Can't Wait To Tell You
    enApril 25, 2023

    Shifting Out of Victim Mentality and Taking Your Power Back

    Shifting Out of Victim Mentality and Taking Your Power Back

    If you find yourself playing the "woe is me" game, or allowing yourself to be surrounded by people in the victim mentality, it's time to take your power back.

    You are the creator of your life, and it's time to stop living in the past and getting caught up on the small sh*t.

    In this episode, I will share:

    • Traits of Victim Mentality 
    • Actionable tips to getting yourself out of victim mentality
    • Examples of how I shifted out of victimhood and took my power back 

    If you are interested in placing an ad on the show, please email us at:

    To follow along with the show on Insta, head to:

    Thank you for tuning in!

    As always, if this show provides you with value, please share it with others and/or leave a comment and review wherever you listen :) 

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    I Can't Wait To Tell You
    enApril 19, 2023

    Interrelate with Fear- It's Not Going Away- with Scare Your Soul Founder Scott Simon

    Interrelate with Fear- It's Not Going Away- with Scare Your Soul Founder Scott Simon

    Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of I Can't Wait To Tell You.

    In today's episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Scott Simon for a second time. Scott is the founder of the Global Movement, and now book, Scare Your Soul.

    In this episode, we get real about fear, and how as we grow, fear is going to grow too. Rather than trying to eradicate it, which is fairly impossible, how can we welcome it, interact with it, USE it?

    For more with Scott and Scare Your Soul:

    Follow Scott on Instagram:

    Follow SYS on Instagram:

    Grab your copy of Scare Your Soul:

    Join the Movement, head to the Scare Your Soul Website:

    Thank you for tuning in! 

    Please share the show with anyone who you think would benefit, and if you are enjoying listening, please leave a review on your podcast platform!

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    I Can't Wait To Tell You
    enApril 13, 2023

    How to Make Dating Enjoyable Again, and Healing Relationship Patterns That No Longer Serve You with Dating Coach Kenna Renee

    How to Make Dating Enjoyable Again, and Healing Relationship Patterns That No Longer Serve You with Dating Coach Kenna Renee

    Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another episode of #icwtty, our first episode in 2023!

    In today's episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Dating Coach Kenna Renee, who is going to help you enjoy the process of dating again. Not only that, but this episode will help you identify triggers that are coming up to be healed, as well as old patterns that are playing out.

    The ideas and lessons Kenna teach in this episode can be used for many realms of our lives, so even if you aren't dating, this episode will be beneficial to check out!

    To follow along with Kenna on Instagram, head to:

    If you find value in the show, a review is greatly appreciated :)
    Thanks for listening! 

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    I Can't Wait To Tell You
    enJanuary 24, 2023

    The Importance of Shifting From "Do They Like Me?" to "Do I like THEM?"

    The Importance of Shifting From "Do They Like Me?" to "Do I like THEM?"

    Hello, and welcome to/welcome back to the I Can't Wait To Tell You Podcast- a show designed to help you thrive spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

    In today's episode, I am talking about a lesson that I learned this year, which is why it's so important to make decisions and create relationships from a "How does this make me feel?" energy instead of a "Do they like me?" energy.   


    To find out more about and grab your Keith's Cacao, use "CASEY20US20" at the link below:

    To follow me on Instagram:

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    I Can't Wait To Tell You
    enDecember 22, 2022

    What Do I Want & Need During This Season of Life?

    What Do I Want & Need During This Season of Life?

    Hello, hello everyone!

    Welcome back or welcome to the I Can't Wait To Tell You Podcast- a show designed to help you thrive spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

    After a break from the show, we are ending the year with an episode on the different seasons of our lives, so that we can ask ourselves:
    -What do I want and need during this season of my life?
    -What is my energy like during this season?
    -Who feels like the teacher I need during this season?
    -What does my body want and need in this season?

    As always, please enjoy this episode, and pass it along to any friends that you think could use it right now!

    Links mentioned in the show:
    My Instagram:

    Business Bosses Who Brunch Instagram:

    Support the show
    I Can't Wait To Tell You
    enDecember 12, 2022

    Lessons From My 31st Trip Around the Sun

    Lessons From My 31st Trip Around the Sun

    Hey, everyone! Welcome back to I Can't Wait To Tell You.

    In today's episode, I dive into the lessons and overarching themes that came during my 31st year of life. Some of these include:

    • How people react to you saying “no” or setting a boundary has nothing to do with you.
    • A “no” is truly the Universe saying there is something better out there.
    • You get to the point where you can’t fake being who you once were anymore.

    ...and many more!

    To book the first of your three, 30-minute sessions for $99, head to the link below:

    To get your Keith's Cacao, use code "CASEY20US20" below:

    Thank you for listening, my friends! Please share the show with anyone you believe would resonate or find value from this episode :) 

    Support the show
    I Can't Wait To Tell You
    enSeptember 06, 2022