
    If I Could Change One Thing

    The health policy podcast of San Diego State University's School of Public Health
    enJames Romine45 Episodes

    Episodes (45)

    DJ Wilson

    DJ Wilson
    For over ten years, the State of Reform has brought healthcare leaders together on a regional basis to discuss pressing healthcare policy questions. Recorded at the State of Reform Southern California Conference, we talk with the founder of the organization about how its approach helps bring diverse interests together working on behavior health system improvement, planning for the new Medi-Cal Waiver and other pressing issues.

    Dr. Kameron Matthews

    Dr. Kameron Matthews
    The VA Health System is one of the largest integrated health systems in the United States. Our hosts talk about how access to care for veterans has changed both before the pandemic and now during the pandemic. The discussion also delves into the health inequities experienced by some portions of the veteran's community. And finally, the discussion touches on the Tour4Diversity program, an effort to attract more prospective healthcare professionals from underrepresented communities.

    Dr. Richard Pan

    Dr. Richard Pan
    In this episode we find out how a pediatrician uses his experiences to inform health policy in the California State Legislature. We talk about what must be done to assure that people can obtain vaccinations at public events without being subjected to harassment or being bullied. How did other previous events inform policy making around vaccines and the abuse of medical exemptions? Dr. Richard Pan has devoted his career to health and helping the community. He is a practicing pediatrician, former UC Davis educator, current State Senator for California District 6 and Chair of the Senate Committee on Health.

    Chris Van Gorder

    Chris Van Gorder
    How does a health system prepared for natural disasters make the shift towards preparing its staff for a pandemic? How can you build resiliency in a workforce? What considerations do healthcare leaders take into account when designing a vaccine super-station? We consider all of these questions and more in our latest podcast episode with Chris Van Gorder, CEO of Scripps Health.  ¿Cómo hace un sistema de salud el cambio hacia la preparación de su persona para una pandemia? ¿Cómo puede desarrollar resiliencia en una fuerza laboral? ¿Qué consideraciones tienen en cuenta los líderes de la salud al diseñar una superestación de vacunas? Consideramos todas estas preguntas y más en nuestro próximo episodio con Chris Van Gorder, CEO de Scripps Health.

    Dr. Monica Gandhi

    Dr. Monica Gandhi
    In this episode, we discuss three hot public health topics: mask mandates and when they may go away, the effect of the new variants on herd immunity, and the case of Johnson & Johnson and the spoiled batch of vaccines. We discuss these issues and more with Dr. Monica Gandhi, Professor of Medicine and Associate Division Chief of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine, at UCSF/San Francisco General Hospital.   En este episodio, discutimos tres temas de salud pública: los mandatos de máscara y cuándo pueden ser descontinuados, el efecto de las nuevas variantes sobre la inmunidad colectiva , y el caso de Johnson & Johnson. Discutimos estos temas y más con la Dra. Monica Gandhi, Profesora de Medicina y Jefa asociada de la División de VIH, Enfermedades Infecciosas y Medicina Global en el Hospital General de San Francisco/UCSF.

    Roberto Alcantar

    Roberto Alcantar
    En nuestro primer episodio en Español, entrevistamos a Roberto Alcantar de Chicano Federation de San Diego y vocero de la Coalición de Salud Latina de San Diego.  Donde discutimos el tema de la equidad en la salud y hablamos sobre la creación de la Coalición de Salud Latina de San Diego y el trabajo que están haciendo para una de las comunidades de San Diego más afectadas por COVID-19.

    Roberto Alcantar

    Roberto Alcantar
    In our first-ever dual-language episode, we interview Roberto Alcantar of the San Diego Chicano Federation and spokesperson for the San Diego Latino Health Coalition. Where we discuss the issue of health equity and talk about the creation of the San Diego Latino Health Coalition and the work they are doing for one of San Diego's communities hit hardest by COVID-19.

    Listeners' Choice Episode

    Listeners' Choice Episode
    We've had many interesting guests and stimulating discussion over the past year.  Our listeners have wanted to know more about many of the topics that we've covered.  So our team has picked out a few of your questions and consulted with our guests to answer those follow up questions.  Listen in to learn more!

    Dr. Erin Gustfason

    Dr. Erin Gustfason
    County Public Health Officers have been thrust into the public limelight during the pandemic.  Our host Gary Rotto invited one of the key Public Health Officers to discuss this important and very public role.  Dr. Erin Gustafson, the interim Public Health Officer for the County of San Bernardino virtually comes to Montezuma Mesa to discuss how public health orders are shaped as well as how the orders are enforced.  Learn about the Education and Enforcement team of San Bernardino by listening to their discussion!  What do you think is the most important recommendation that any of the Public Health Officers have made over the past 9 months? *** Los funcionarios de Salud Pública del Condado han sido empujados al centro de atención pública durante la pandemia. Nuestro anfitrión Gary Rotto, invitó a uno de los oficiales clave de Salud Pública a discutir este tema tan importante y público. La Dra. Erin Gustafson, Oficial interina de Salud Pública del Condado de San Bernardino, viene virtualmente a Montezuma Mesa para discutir cómo se configuran las órdenes de salud pública y cómo se hacen cumplir. ¡Aprenda sobre el equipo de Educación y Cumplimiento de San Bernardino escuchando su discurso! ¿Cuál cree que es la recomendación más importante que ha hecho alguno de los funcionarios de salud pública durante los últimos 9 meses?

    Dr. David "Davey" Smith

    Dr. David "Davey" Smith
    This week we on @sdsu.changeonething, we had the opportunity to speak with Dr. “Davey” Smith, head of the division of infectious diseases and global public health at UCSD. In this episode, we address the role that San Diego has assumed as a headquarters for COVID-19 response, the framework behind Operation Warp Speed, and the roles that research, funding, and advocacy have played in the global response to COVID-19. ... Esta semana en @sdsu.changeonething, hablamos con el Dr. "Davey" Smith, cabeza de la división de enfermedades infecciosas y salud pública global en UCSD. En este episodio, habalamos sobre el rol de San Diego como centro de respuesta al COVID-19, el trabajo detrás de la operación Warp Speed, y la importancia de la investigación de fondos y avogancía en la respuesta global al COVID-19.

    Dr. Corinne McDaniels-Davidson

    Dr. Corinne McDaniels-Davidson
    T3, the Test, Trace and Treat program, seeks to provide a robust response to monitoring and addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. In this episode, we talk with Dr. Corinne McDaniels-Davidson, who leads this joint County-University program about both T3 as well as the larger "Communities Fighting COVID" study. *** El Programa T3 "Test, Trace, and Treat", busca proveer una respuesta robusta al monitoreo y la conversación de la pandemia del COVID-19. En este episodio, hablamos con la Dra. Corinne McDaniels-Davidson, quien dirige este program creado en conjunto por la Universidad y el Condado, sobre T3 y el estudio sobre la lucha de las comunidades contra el COVID.

    Dr. Andrea Dooley

    Dr. Andrea Dooley
    In this episode, host Gary Rotto speaks with Dr. Andrea Dooley, Associate Vice President for student affairs and campus diversity at San Diego State University. This week, we explore SDSU’s leadership response to COVID-19 and how policies are created and communicated to the campus community. We also discuss services available to students and faculty impacted by COVID-19. *** En este episodio, nuestro moderador, Gary Rotto, habla con la Dra. Andrea Dooley, Vicepresidenta Asociada de Asuntos Estudiantiles y Diversidad del Campus en San Diego State University. Esta semana, exploramos la respuesta y liderazgo de SDSU respecto al COVID-19, cómo se han creado y comunicado las políticas sobre esto con la comunidad del campus. También discuten los servicios disponibles para el cuerpo estudiantil y facultad que se han visto afectados por el COVID-19.
    If I Could Change One Thing
    enOctober 15, 2020

    Congressman Scott Peters

    Congressman Scott Peters
    Our host, Gary Rotto, has a detailed discussion with San Diego’s congressional representative, Scott Peters. Congressman Peters discusses his role on the Energy and Commerce Committee which entails the process of creating public health policy. The episode details the congressional issues faced during the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health policies, telemedicine and more!

    Dr. Christian Ramers

    Dr. Christian Ramers
    As part of the border region, San Diegans know that heath care does not stop at artificial borders.  The situation in San Diego influences what is happening in Baja California and visa versa.  In this episode, we will talk with infectious disease physician Dr. Christian Ramers working with his colleagues in Baja on Covid-19 response.  Dr. Ramers, in his role with Family Health Centers of San Diego, is also one of the leaders in providing services those who are homeless in San Diego. He'll detail the programs provided for those previously unsheltered in San Diego as well as discuss the successes and challenges of providing services at the Convention Center for this population as part of the region's response to the pandemic.

    Dr. Brown

    Dr. Brown
    Dr. Lauren Brown is a Health Disparities an incoming Assistant Professor at SDSU and she is the guest speaker of this episode. The Black Lives Matters movement has refocused societal attention on social justice especially for the Black community. There is a growing awareness that Social Justice should impact more that just criminal justice reform. Societal changes are shining a light on Health Disparities. One area that requires more attention is the health risk for seniors in the community, especially in the Black community, due health disparities. We'll talk about these issues in this episode.

    Richard Barrera

    Richard Barrera
    The two largest districts in California announced that the school year will begin online. In this podcast, Our host, Gary Rotto, and our team member Carolina López Rivera, talked with the Vice President of the Board of Education for San Diego Unified School District about this situation and addressed how the district has handled the pandemic in a constant pace as it evolves, always putting the student's wellbeing as priority.

    Herb K. Schultz

    Herb K. Schultz
    In this episode, Gary Rotto talks with Herb Schultz! Schultz is the president of HKS Strategies, former Regional IX Director for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and Advisor to U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius.  Learn about how one engages stakeholders in Health Policy development in the field, how the secretary's office relate to travel governments in the need of American stakeholder groups, and much more in this episode!