
    Ignite Revival Ministries's Podcast

    Our mission is to awaken, train and release an end time army of powerful spirit-led, joy-filled, cross-bearing, obedient warriors, followers of Jesus, who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. To equip and train the Body of Christ to walk in authentic supernatural Christianity. To teach them to live everyday life by hearing the intimate voice of God and being led by His Spirit. Teaching them to advance the ministry of Jesus Christ by bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth with signs, wonders and miracles. Unto this end we will labor for our God: that the lost would be saved; the saved would be revived; and that they both would be filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and be set on Fire. We want to train them to multiply the kingdom of God in these last days. Our mission is to release in the natural and spiritual realms a remnant of people recklessly abandoned in their love for a Holy and Righteous God. It is only this kind of love in the life of a believer that will destroy the works of the enemy and will set the captives free. This kind of love reaches into the darkest of dark places and has the power to break every stronghold, strongman, principality, power and ruler in the heavenly realms. This love transforms the spirit and soul of the man or woman who is bound by the enemy. We see an end time army that is effective in battle and touches lives wherever they go.
    en-usIgnite Revival Ministries120 Episodes

    Episodes (120)

    Fear of the Lord

    Fear of the Lord
    If we have a view of God that is only positive, we will reject anything that feels negative, and this includes the fear of the Lord. Let's set the record straight - the fear of the Lord is not simply to be in awe of God or to respect Him. Fear of the Lord is translated over and over as terror, to be afraid, to dread. The love of God and the dread of God are not mutually exclusive.

    Unbalanced Scales - Pastor Greg Stoffel

    Unbalanced Scales - Pastor Greg Stoffel
    Where was God in all this? How many of us have thought this? It would be easier if the wicked were punished immediately. If i could see their failure and then their punishment results. The Psalmist then tells us of his observations, life isn't fair, you can do good, you can be faithful, you can still fall on hard times, maybe even more difficult times...the scales are not balanced.

    Actions Speak Louder Than Words

    Actions Speak Louder Than Words
    Don't let your freedom in Christ dilute your words. The person you most influence is closest to you. How many times do you really have the answer but because of the lack of witness in your own life your words fall to the ground. Why is no one listening?? Could it be your words not lining up with your walk?