
    Illumination Podcast™ with Nick and Kisma

    Want to align your life and business with your highest and best self? Illumination Podcast is for you. We help you use ancient wisdom to create success, abundance, prosperity and ILLUMINATION in your busy modern life.
    enIllumination Academy™100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    EP 244: What to Do About Procrastination

    EP 244: What to Do About Procrastination
    Nothing destroys productivity and self esteem quite like procrastination. I don't care who you are, when you break agreements with yourself, it puts a chink in your confidence. Enough of those chinks and things start to get really shaky really fast. It doesn't feel good. So why do we do this? And more importantly, what can we do about it?! That's what you'll learn in this episode of Illumination Podcast™, "What to do about Procrastination." Kisma and Nick help you to understand why this happens and give you some of their best strategies for breaking this frustrating habit.

    EP 243: How to Manage Your Annoying Cousin (aka "That" person)

    EP 243: How to Manage Your Annoying Cousin (aka "That" person)
    We've all got one of these... Maybe it's a cousin, or family member. Maybe it's a co-worker. Maybe a friend that gets on your nerves. Some people might tell you to just cut them out of your life. We're not those people (extreme cases aside, of course). Because these people a walking opportunities for your own personal development and insight. They can help us see parts of ourselves that we'd rather ignore. They give us a chance to develop new communication skills. Recognize our own triggers and vulnerabilities. But only if you have the right attitude toward them, and toward yourself. If you're like me, and you have trouble peopling from time to time. We'll show you what to do, and what NOT to do in these challenging situations. And who knows. That annoying cousin may just have a part of themselves they've never revealed that's more wonderful than you would have imagined. Let us know what you discover. Nick

    EP 242: How to Keep Your Cool When You're Stretched to the Limit

    EP 242: How to Keep Your Cool When You're Stretched to the Limit
    It's been a minute! And we're so happy to be back in the podcast studio. This episode is based on a question that we get all the time, because it's not always easy to keep up with the pace of our modern world. Even if your life is full of awesome people and things, the sheer volume is sometimes overwhelming. Beyond that, when you start to stretch beyond your comfort zone- mentally, emotionally, spiritually- things can start to spin out. Sometimes this happens without even realizing! Nick shares an incredibly useful shift in perspective that will help you get your feet on the ground, and something simple you can do right now to set things right side up. Kisma goes to her roots in philosophy to cut through all the noise of the mind chatter so you can take your next step and follow through on your dreams. We can't wait to catch you up on all the fun things we've been up to. Listen in because we've got more episodes on the way, so stay tuned for weekly releases.

    EP 241: Mindset for Success with Andy Simon, Principal Clarinet of Hong Kong Philharmonic

    EP 241: Mindset for Success with Andy Simon, Principal Clarinet of Hong Kong Philharmonic
    Regardless of where we are on the globe, humans come across the same type of challenges that can affect our mindset if we let it. The key is to take a difficult moment or experience and see the gift in it, pull out the good from it, and create something magical with it. This is what our special guest, Andrew Michael Simon did with his infamous Andy’s Licorice Talks— a bizarre and wonderful way he created a movement of clarinet players from all over the globe. Join Nick and Kisma for Episode 241 of Illumination Academy and their Special Celebrity Guest for a success mindset.  Here's where you can connect with Andy:

    EP 240: How to Exist Around Other Humans. Part 3

    EP 240: How to Exist Around Other Humans. Part 3
    I always love it when Kisma goes Cosmic. Today was one of those days. And you might be wondering how this is going to help you exist around other humans (part 3 of our latest series). But being about to see others from the Cosmic level changes everything. It puts everything in its right place and takes off a huge amount of pressure to be anything other than exactly who you are. Existing with other humans is part of the human experience. If you follow the simple instructions at the end of this episode, not only will you have more ease and confidence, you'll also open the door for profound healing and compassion. Atma Namaste!

    EP 239: How to Exist Around Other Humans. Part 2

    EP 239: How to Exist Around Other Humans. Part 2
    Being around other people isn't always easy.   We might be feeling insecure, or comparing ourselves to others. Or maybe feeling misunderstood, like no one will "get" you. Some of us are just very uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations.   We feel you. And I know that the episode we have to share today will hit home.    You'll learn three simple words that will give you everything you need to step in as your Authentic Self with more confidence and make wonderful connections.   P.S. Thanks to Brené Brown for putting these three words together in such an amazing way, and inspiring this conversation.

    EP 238: How to Exist Around Other Humans. Part 1

    EP 238: How to Exist Around Other Humans. Part 1
    +++++++++++++++   People are weird.   Sometimes I just look a them and think, “Wow. I just…Wow…”   And I’ll bet they think the same thing about me. And you for that matter, dear listener.   Because we all live in our own little world, but we also have to deal with all the people we encounter- who are living in their own little worlds too.   And sure, you can judge and criticize and ridicule all you want, but what if there were a better way?   In this episode of Illumination Podcast, Kisma and I want to share how you can make a simple and instant shift that would turn the whole circus on its head and make dealing with other people a thousand times easier.

    EP 237: Inspired by The Four Agreements. Part 5

    EP 237: Inspired by The Four Agreements. Part 5
    Honestly, we could talk about The Four Agreements all day. If you've never read the book, we highly recommend bumping it to the top of your list. And after that, make sure you check out the follow-up...The FIFTH agreement. Who knew there was a fifth one? Who knew we even needed one?! Spoiler alert: It's brilliant. And we definitely did need this one. In fact, it's especially relevant in the information age because it will help you separate truth from lies. It will also help you connect with others with compassion and understanding rather than frustration. This is one you don't want to miss. Listen in to the Fifth Agreement... Be Skeptical, But Learn To Listen! P.S. If you don't have a copy (I've gone through probably a dozen over the years) here's a link.

    EP 236: Inspired by The Four Agreements. Part 4

    EP 236: Inspired by The Four Agreements. Part 4
    It seems simple enough. You probably learned it in kindergarten. But somewhere along the way, things started to slip.. Just a little at first. Maybe to save some time, or just because you got distracted.   And every time you slip, it erodes a little more of your self-confidence.   The self-judgmental chatter starts to ratchet up. The power of this one simple agreement is truly profound. And while it is simple to say, "Always do your best," actually doing it is another story.   To stick to it, you'll need to understand ONE thing first... Join us as we talk about this pinnacle agreement from Don Miguel Ruiz's iconic book. Listen now.   P.S. If you don't have a copy (I've gone through probably a dozen over the years) here's a link.

    EP 235: Inspired by The Four Agreements. Part 3

    EP 235: Inspired by The Four Agreements. Part 3
    My dad had this very "Dad" saying I grew up hearing. He'd say, "Never assume. It makes and ass out of u and me." Us kids always giggled at that one, but turns out, Dad was spot on. When you take a deeper look at the assumptions we make and why we make them, it's staggering. Especially when you consider that those assumptions are one of the primary causes of "ALL the sadness and drama you've experienced in your life." I mean...just...wow. Fortunately, for us, Don Miguel Ruiz takes a deep look at assumptions in his 3rd agreement, and in this episode of Illumination Podcast we open the conversation up about how this applied in our daily lives. And honestly, it's a little mind blowing, and we can't wait to share it with you. P.S. If you don't have a copy (I've gone through probably a dozen over the years) here's a link.

    EP 234: Inspired by The Four Agreements. Part 2

    EP 234: Inspired by The Four Agreements. Part 2
    When was the last time your life turned upside down because someone said something bad to you?   We've all been there.   But with this one simple agreement, you never need to experience that again.   Ok, it might take a little practice, but it really is as simple as this lesson from The Four Agreements.   In part 2 of our series covering this self help masterpiece, we talk in depth about the 2nd agreement, Don't Take Things Personally.   Peace! Nick & Kisma   P.S. If you don't have a copy (I've gone through probably a dozen over the years) here's a link.

    EP 233: Inspired by The Four Agreements. Part 1

    EP 233: Inspired by The Four Agreements. Part 1
    The Four Agreements is on the short list of our favorite personal development books. Every time we revisit this gem, we find new insight and clarity. And the best part? It’s so incredibly simple. If you’ve read this book before, join us for a fresh conversation. If you’ve never read this book before, considering this an invitation to dive in a real treasure trove of wisdom. Peace! Nick & Kisma P.S. If you don't have a copy (I've gone through probably a dozen over the years) here's a link.

    EP 232: The Key to Happy Healthy Relationships

    EP 232: The Key to Happy Healthy Relationships
    Love songs are beautiful. And terribly dysfunctional… Look, we love a great love song (or RomCom for that matter) as much as anyone. But the truth is that the beliefs and ideas deeply embedded in our culture around love and relationships create massive stress in relationships. When it comes to having happy and healthy relationships, it’s not always so simple… One person goes through a tough time, and pulls the other into it. (We’re in this together, right?) Toxicity creeps in. Slowly our energy is drained. Managing your energy in relationships is critical to stay out of these destructive patterns, but it can seem counterintuitive because of the beliefs we’ve picked up along the way about love and relationships. There’s one technique we teach that changes the game (you can learn it here) and there is one question that we ALWAYS get… This episode sets the record straight with fresh insight and powerful tools to allow more love and create more freedom in all of your relationships. Peace! Nick & Kisma P.S. You can find Nick’s energy training at

    EP 231: Self Love and Abundance

    EP 231: Self Love and Abundance
    There is a number. This number carries profound weight because... It influences every area of your life. Especially how much abundance you have- or rather, how much Abundance you EXPERIENCE, which is what really matters. Only you know what your number really is. And if you can be honest enough with yourself to get to the truth of this number, you can make amazing changes in your life in a very short amount of time. In this episode of Illumination Podcast, Kisma and Nick take a deep look at this mysterious number and how Self Love impacts the abundance you have in life. What's your number? This concludes our 3-part series on Self Love. If you missed the previous episodes go here... We'll definitely circle back around to this topic, but in the meantime, you can look forward to a fresh conversation next week. Peace, Nick & Kisma Co-Hosts, Illumination Podcast

    EP 230: The Five Foundations of Self Love

    EP 230: The Five Foundations of Self Love
    Loving yourself- I mean REALLY loving yourself- can seem impossible. There are so many "What ifs" and "Yeah buts." If you're like most people, sometimes the conversation in your head is positive and supportive. Other times...well... There's a reason the saying "Your own worst enemy" has stuck around for so long. With a topic as big and all-encompassing as Self Love, it's helpful to break it down into pieces. That way you know where to look when things start to slide off the rails or your self-talk takes a dark turn... Listen in as Nick breaks down the Five Foundations of Self Love step-by step. Which ones need to most work for you? Stay tuned because next week we'll be taking a deeper dive into Self Love and Abundance. You know that Kisma can't wait for that one! If you missed the previous episode, "" go to get caught up.

    EP 229: Change Your Life with Self Love

    EP 229: Change Your Life with Self Love
    It's a simple thing really. Your relationship with yourself impacts literally every aspect of your life. ➡️ Your sense of peace and well being ➡️ Your mental clarity and confidence ➡️ Your relationships (ALL of them) ➡️ Your prosperity and career ➡️ Even your physical health! But it's also true that you can't read the label when you're inside the bottle... That's why conversations about Self Love are so important. Tune into this episode of Illumination Podcast as we explore just how deep your relationship with yourself goes, and what you can do to put it on a positive track. Stay tuned for next week's episode to learn the Five Foundations of Self Love.

    EP 228: The Anger Games, Part 2

    EP 228: The Anger Games, Part 2
    In part 2 of this series on Anger, we explore the hidden underbelly of anger... ...the vulnerable places anger protect ...the call for change and transformation ...the use and misuse of anger Under it all is one big fat lie that Anger tells us. And once you see it, you can make wonderful changes in your life WITHOUT all the conflict. In fact, you can recover an extraordinary amount of time and energy just by doing a few very simple things. In this episode you'll learn an incredibly powerful exercise to stop the cycles of anger and get into a flow of positive energy. Listen in now to learn how... Resources The make your own peace treaty, check out Nick's training here. This series was inspired by Nick's Mystic's Message series. You can read them here... The Anger Games, part 3 () The Anger Games, part 4 () Listen in on our website at http://www.illuminationpodcast.com/ink228

    EP 227: The Anger Games, Part 1

    EP 227: The Anger Games, Part 1
    What's making you angry these days? Family? Political stuff? Frustrated about money or your career? Kids? Anger is a powerful energy. Yes, it can be an agent for change, but at what cost to your mind, energy and relationships?  In this 2-part series we'll break down 4 common games anger plays in our lives and how to shift it instantly.  When you're awake to the games that anger plays with your mind and emotions, you can step out of it and decide for something different.  Making positive changes in your life without the wanton destruction of Anger is a new kind of freedom and ease we wish for you.  Listen in on our website at http://www.illuminationpodcast.com/ink227

    EP 226: The Summer of Cats

    EP 226: The Summer of Cats
    Today we're going to talk about our cats. Our little spirit animals. Here's why- maybe you're not a cat lover, but let's just face it guys. It's been a weird freaking time. And I think it's a time where we've turned towards our animals and our animals have turned towards us.  My heart breaks when I hear stories about people that adopted dogs during COVID and now they're giving them back because they're going to work, I don't want that. I want everyone to keep your dog and your cat, but our story is kind of funny.  Past Pets… For those of you that remember, we used to have a Lenny, the Boston terrier, who you might hear in some of the older episodes would be snoring in the background.  And then we had Sabrina who was one of two cats before Lenny passed. Before that there was Miles. Miles was the man. He was just the coolest. He was a king whenever Nick would be studying the morning, miles would lie down on his chest and just stare at him legs sort of like, claiming you and taking on the wisdom as much as he could through osmosis, I guess.  No. More. Pets... No more animals for a while. I like, ah, so a couple months go by and it's the end of February. And all of a sudden I'm like maybe a cat, maybe a cat. You know, I started hearing those voices and I start looking and I started kind of manifesting. I opened up and started looking for adoption, you know, rescue centers, obviously Hello Kitty… Kisma (): So I open up and there is , which is a great place and Rancho Santa Fe. And there's this picture of one cat. And there were a lot of dogs, one cat named Pecan, little black and white tuxedo. I'm like, that's my girl. She's my cat.  I'm like, you don't understand. That's my cat! Then Nick starts looking, all of a sudden, there's a cat named Merlin who comes out of nowhere. Kisma had her process to go through… Nick (10:30) So let's I want to back up here for just a quick second, just to be clear. I was letting you go through your process. Like, I could hear you going through your process. In my mind, there was zero doubt that we were going home with both cats. Kisma  I think he was trying to pull one over on me guys. Nick I know you just, I know you just weren't there yet. And I was okay with that and you're going, well, maybe we'll just get Merlin cause he'll be gone. And then the other one I'm like huh. Yeah, yeah. Let's start there. But in my mind there was absolutely no doubt ever that we're going home with two cats. Lesson from our cats... So I guess the whole purpose of this episode. So I'll let you know what's up with our cats. And patience, and it's sort of like Pecan is demonstrating this "when I'm ready. I'll let you pat me until now. I'm not." And I think that’s something we can all look aa like, when we're ready, we're going to do what we're going to do. But it's our ready. Right. It's not somebody else's ready. Nick (): Yeah. You can't really force it. You know, to me, it's always it's that. It's like the patience to just let her be and come to it in her own time. And that, that steadfastness of just loving all over her, you know, wherever she is, how I feel like that's a really, it's easier to do it for pets than it is for people, but it's also something that we really, really, really need to do for people.  I think now's the time, you know, some people they just aren't ready to take their step. They're not ready to, put down their woobie that's making them feel safe and comfortable.  I talk about in the self-love course all the time. It's a great quote by Mr. Rogers. And he talks about the people who loved us into being.  When I read that, I was like, that's it, you know, it's just, it's about loving one another into being and the patience that it takes to do that. And I think about that with people. And I think about it with projects and things that are important to us and like, like all those sorts of things, like they take time, nature takes time. And when we give, give it the time and the space to really like, love it into being and, everything comes along so much faster and she's making strides Let’s see some furry photos… Post in the comments. If you’re on our website@illuminationpodcast.com. And I think you can even put attachments on there, attach a photo to your fuzzy little dinky little pet site. I just want to see them all.

    EP: 225 What to do when you finally have some space

    EP: 225 What to do when you finally have some space
    In this episode we discuss what to do when you finally have some space. 00:02:35 - Empty Space Well, this is something I definitely noticed with myself is, you get that empty space and there's usually like a sigh of relief. Yeah, man. You know, maybe something got canceled or, you know, a meeting got canceled or something shifted and it's like, oh, now I don't have to do that thing. And whew, man, it's like sigh of relief for a second. But immediately the mind is like, well, what am I going to fill it with?  NICK I don't even know that the mind go. I feel like it's sort of this subconscious, you start just filling or maybe yeah, because there's a nervousness, like there's space. When am I going to do? And then at least if I'm not grounded or anchored, I'll just start all of a sudden floating around the house and walking outside and picking a plum and coming back in and just like things that don't need to happen right then and there. And before, you know, an hour's gone. KISMA 00:004:00 - What is taking space? So describe what is taking space.  KISMA Well, I mean, to, to me in the truest sense of it taking spaces, like I'm not going to, I'm just not going to do anything.  NICK I'm just going to be with myself.  KISMA I'm just going to like sit and be a maniac, you know, and be with myself. NICK Just like be with my feelings, my thoughts, my body, my energy, that can be incredibly uncomfortable for people.  KISMA  It's really, it's really a weird experience, I think, you know, and how I put it in the message, you know, is like pure perception. NICK 00:05:35 - Not that easy It's it's, it's, it's actually not that easy.  NICK No, we're so used to being distracted. Yes. And then, then there's a feeling like, well, I should be doing something, so I'm taking space, but I'll read this book or I'll devour this book or something that man just being with ourselves. And it's interesting because we're the ones, you know, between our ears, we are with ourselves 24/7, we are with ourselves more than any other human yet to just be and have that space can feel so uncomfortable. KISMA 00:07:25 - Practices, Tips & Tools So what about some practices, some tips, some tools for people to just be, where do they start?  KISMA It's a little hard to instruct because it's, you know, it's the opposite of doing anything. NICK Right.  KISMA That you have to actually like make a decision to just do nothing.  NICK What would one possibly feel, or what can they expect when they enter this decision of I'm just going to sit and be for five minutes a day.  KISMA Well, that's a really interesting question because, um, I think it could be like, really, really, I know in myself, like I have really different experiences of that. You know, sometimes it's like really relaxing and just like, you know, kind of  NICK getting cosmic. KISMA Yeah. And then other times it's, there's, you have some really deep insights from that space. You know, other times you just kinda just feels like a sigh of relief, you know? So I, I can't really say, you know, but all I can say is like, you gotta try it, just try it for yourself. NICK 00:09:27 - When one takes space Well, I think when one takes space and you're able to just be, that's when the intuition starts to come in, like there's just there's quietude and it might take, it might take some practice or it might just happen automatically for people's like, yeah, I'm just going to make that decision. I'm just going to be bit without the noise, without leaning in and having to do something, you're going to feel the connection that is there anyways, with your intuitive channel, with your spiritual channel, it's just, there is that space and depth for you to start to hear a start to know or start to receive. KISMA 00:12:35 - Anytime So before we sign off choice decision to take the space, is there a certain time of day that you recommend?  KISMA No. Anytime, anytime. Cause it doesn't have to be a lot, like five minutes will, it can seem like an eternity.  NICK  So perhaps it would be like the taking space challenge five minutes a day.  KISMA Yeah. Anytime, anywhere like you can just sit on a park bench and just be, you can be that weirdo. Who's just sitting there looking at the tree. NICK I think back in the day. That's what people did, like we're on our phones and we're eating and we're doing all sorts of crazy things.  KISMA Yeah. You see people it's like I say, I always crack up at that meme when I, whenever it floats through my feet, you know, it's like I was in a coffee shop and I saw this guy sitting there just drinking a cup of coffee, like a maniac, like, like people don't do that, you know, just go somewhere and just drink a cup of coffee, you know? NICK 00:15:43 - Do Nothing So five minutes a day. Doesn't matter what time everyone just sit and be with yourself.  KISMA Yeah. Yeah. One, try it in the middle of the day.  NICK Yeah. I bet there'll be a renewed energy for the rest of the day.  KISMA Try, you know, you can try it in the morning. Like that might be a little easier to start and don't meditate. NICK Don't meditate, you know, just, you're not meditating. Don't go to God, let God come to you.  KISMA Oh, dang Kimsa. My mic drop right there. Yeah. I like that. Um, you're not meditating. You're not reading or studying. You're not contemplating. Is it like none of it's really. I mean, what I like just do nothing. NICK