
    Imagine Paradise Podcast

    The new Imagine Paradise Podcast is a little corner of entertainment culture where the #highvibemusic scene is celebrated and elevated. Tony award winning actor, singer/songwriter and licensed spiritual practitioner Levi Kreis interviews the artists who are awakening humanity to our highest divine self and expanding the consciousness of this planet through music. In an industry where conversations about spirituality are often discouraged and devalued, we encourage artists to create from a higher intention and use their gifts to lead humanity to a greater spiritual awareness. Change through #consciousmusic

    en-usLevi Kreis90 Episodes

    Episodes (90)

    EP90 | Moving Into the Now

    EP90 | Moving Into the Now

    After weeks of evaluating various kinds of dysfunctions related to compulsive thinking and the identification with the mind, we begin exploring the one thing that will allow us to move deeply into the now moment -letting go of the concept of time.  Identification with the mind is intrinsically connected to either the past or the future.  When we can let go of the illusion of time, we discover the space between thoughts and are invited to be completely present in the now moment. 

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    EP89 | Understanding The Emotional Pain Body

    EP89 | Understanding The Emotional Pain Body

    Continuing our discussion on enlightenment, we take some time this week to understand the emotional pain body and how to free ourselves from its compulsive, controlling reactions.  Understanding your triggers and learning how to dis-identify with the pain body is essential to enlightenment and will help free you from identification with the mind.

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    EP88 | Freedom From The Identification with Emotions

    EP88 | Freedom From The Identification with Emotions

    With the last few episodes focusing on freedom from compulsive thinking and identification with the mind, I turn my gaze towards the body-mind connection.  All of us need to learn how to create more space between ourselves and the emotions that we so strongly identify with.  In this episode, you will learn how to become the observer of your emotions rather than becoming your emotions.  I also talk about how to connect with emotions that seem hard to reach.   Join me as I break down principles from the book The Power Of Now and strive to make them easily understandable and immediately applicable.  

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    EP87 | What is Identification with the Mind?

    EP87 | What is Identification with the Mind?

    Many spiritual gurus say that the identification with the mind is the greatest obstacle to our enlightenment, but what the crap does it mean?  In this episode, I help us pull this concept out of the self-help books and into a tangible understanding of when we are using the mind and when the mind is using us.  Continuing our conversation from previous episodes, we learn this nuance so that we may be free from compulsive thinking, move into the space between thought and discover what communing with our own Divine Beingness feels like.  

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    EP86 | Freedom From Compulsive Thinking

    EP86 | Freedom From Compulsive Thinking

    Most of our society suffers from an addiction to compulsive thinking.  The mind is always reevaluating the past or strategizing for the future -a constant loop of conflict/solution - but very seldom are we ever in the present moment. Identification with the mind is the single greatest obstruction to our enlightenment.  So what is identification with the mind and how do we found our way out?  I want you to know that you can be free from the enslavement of the mind.  It is not some distant, woo woo goal that only a spiritual guru can attain.  Let's start a conversation on how you can free yourself from compulsive thinking and discover the bliss of beingness.

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    EP85 | The First Step Towards Enlightenment

    EP85 | The First Step Towards Enlightenment

    There is one spiritual discipline that is often considered the gateway to lasting enlightenment.  Through this, we can be free from the enslavement of the overactive mind and cultivate a life of Oneness.  In the last episode, I started our conversation about spirituality by asking you what is it and why does it matter.  I don't think it matters if it is not tangibly and measurably improving your life.  I like talking about this first step towards enlightenment because it tangibly creates little moments of heaven throughout the day and if incorporated into your daily life, will inevitably shift your consciousness.   

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    EP84: What Is Spirituality And How Do I Start A Spiritual Journey?

    EP84: What Is Spirituality And How Do I Start A Spiritual Journey?

    What is spirituality?  Why are you interested in starting a spiritual journey?      There is a reason you are asking this question and I want to tell you the very best place to start.  If you feel a radical transformation calling you to explore something deeper, then congratulations.  I believe this desire shows up at the perfect time and comes fully equipped by the universe to guide you to a spiritual awakening.  I also think that spirituality doesn't have to be so somber and serious.  Holding lightly to the process and laughing through the learning allows us to enjoy our personal and spiritual awakening without self-criticism and perfectionism.  
    Your radical transformation is calling you and I hope you let me be a friendly guide through the process of personal rebirth.

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    EP83 | The Power Of Recovery | Lindsay P's Story

    EP83 | The Power Of Recovery | Lindsay P's Story

    Welcome Lindsay P to the podcast! Lindsay is gracious enough to share not only her journey to sobriety, but how the spiritual principles she encounters along the way have also helped her cope with cancer.  I personally love the back end of this conversation when Lindsay and I spill over into our shared love and knowledge of metaphysics and new thought.  I hope this conversation is encouraging to you this week. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and consider going to levikreis.com to become a member or simply offer a one-time donation to help support the ongoing creation of this podcast along with future music and theatre projects.  

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    Uplevel Your Friendships: With Anjie Hosley

    Uplevel Your Friendships: With Anjie Hosley

    The Spiritual Doula returns for a poignant conversation about making new friends in adulthood and how to maximize the quality of those relationships.  We are who we hang around.  When those we spend most of our time with are actively upleveling their life, it only reinforces our own spiritual and personal development.  On the other hand, if they're clowning, it will only lessen our own ambition.  Please consider supporting the podcast by making a one-time donation or becoming a member today at levikreis.com  

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    Jason Antone: Classical Crossover Artist and Advocate for LGBTQ Visibility

    Jason Antone: Classical Crossover Artist and Advocate for LGBTQ Visibility

    In this episode, you will learn about Jason Antone's experience as a gay man in the classical crossover genre, the message of Antone's song "Inside My Heart" and Antone's perspective on why he believes it is important to be authentic in his art.  Your voice matters in this world and this episode is a good reminder to stand in your authenticity, speak from your own unique perspective and know that someone is in need of hearing what you say specifically the way you say it.  Powerful stuff.  Powerful self-confidence.  Click here to watch the new video for Antone's song "Inside My Heart". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdm0cRlyTHM

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    How To Stop a Negative Mental Loop

    How To Stop a Negative Mental Loop

    All of us find ourselves in a perpetual loop of negative thinking sometimes.  Knowing how to create distance between you and a pattern of negative thinking will allow you to toss out those limiting beliefs, assert spiritual principle in their stead and start creating a different quality of life.  Today I discuss a few ways to make that happen.  Become a member of the LK Crew at levikreis.com/join - being a member helps the ongoing creation of the podcast, music and theatre projects.  

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    Sobriety and the Business of Acting with Del Shores

    Sobriety and the Business of Acting with Del Shores

    This week I am joined by one of my long time friends writer/director Del Shores who offers a unique perspective as a perpetual lover of immensely talented actors who often had their own journey towards sobriety.  A very necessary episode for those of you who love an addict or alcoholic and want to know more about how to love them without enabling them.  Watch video of this episode at yt.com/imagineparadise  

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    Sobriety and the Business of Acting with Leslie Jordan

    Sobriety and the Business of Acting with Leslie Jordan

    If you know my story of sobriety, you know that Leslie Jordan was one of the first fellow southerners I met when moving to Los Angeles and had a key influence on me getting sober.  Join Leslie and I as we reflect on our stories of sobriety and how it has elevated everything in our life including our careers.  We also spend a bit of the conversation talking about our craft and ways he's influenced my own take on acting.  Head over to youtube.com/imagineparadise to subscribe and see video of this episode.

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    The Real Homeless Issue - A Conversation with Caroline Shores Thrush

    The Real Homeless Issue - A Conversation with Caroline Shores Thrush

    Recovering addicts here in San Francisco will tell you first hand there is a direct correlation between homelessness and substance abuse.   Local ex-homeless/ex-addicts will attest that 8 out of every 10 people on the street are struggling with addiction.  Over 75% of unsheltered have a drug or alcohol addiction and a similar number have a severe mental health disorder. So why are we constantly marketed the idea that this is primarily a poverty problem and housing is the solution?  You can build all the housing in the world and get homeless off the street so you don’t have to look at us, but if we are struggling with drug addiction and mental illness, we're just housed dealing with drug addiction and mental illness.  In 2020, the death rate among San Francisco homeless doubled.  They condone this behavior and even help promote it with harm reduction policies that blur the line between harm reduction and drug promotion.  Caroline Shores Thrush is back and we’re giving you a recovering addict’s perspective on the “compassionate” policies she witnessed while working in the non-profit sector with transitional housing here in San Francisco.  

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    Living a Life That Makes You Proud

    Living a Life That Makes You Proud

    My guest, Caroline Shores Thrush, shares her dynamic story about discovering her need for sobriety at twenty years old and learning the power of self love, service to others and finding her own spiritual solution.  Don't forget to subscribe to this podcast and head over to youtube.com/imagineparadise for videos of each episode.

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    Building A High Vibe Spiritual Tribe

    Building A High Vibe Spiritual Tribe

    We become who we spend most of our time with.  It's important that those who make up our inner circle are living out the same high vibration lifestyle that we expect of ourselves.  Surrounding yourself with disciplined, positive, motivated individuals only supports your own efforts to be the same. Today's episode welcomes back the spiritual doula Anjie Hosley to discuss the important of quality friendships and how to attract them, cultivate them and be supported and empowered by them.  

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    Interview with Matt Gilhooly from The Life Shift Podcast

    Interview with Matt Gilhooly from The Life Shift Podcast

    Matt Gilhooly takes a moment away from The Life Shift Podcast to talk with me about his story, the importance of your story and how we are all on a journey to transmute pain into power.  We cover a few topics here with some great ah ha moments to enjoy. This episode will leave you inspired and hopefully make you more certain of your own ability to make good of broken things.

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    Bring The Heat! Bold Self-Expression through Deep Self-Love

    Bring The Heat!  Bold Self-Expression through Deep Self-Love

    Focused on the liberating nature of letting your guard down and just being yourself, Anyway You Wanna was a song written for our LGBTQ+ youth to inspire and encourage them to know self-love on the deepest possible level.  But the message of valuing who we are is not just for the young, for many of us still carry deep wounds that linger still from a long arduous journey of coming out.  This episode not only tells the backstory of how the song came to be, but seeks to move us from pain into power.  

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