
    Imagine Yourself Podcast

    Imagine your next chapter of life with grace, gratitude, courage & faith! Looking for something positive and uplifting? With real talk, Lanee Blaise and Sandy Kovach try to help you through life's many challenges. In each episode, we will Imagine Ourselves rising above life’s bumps and bruises, taking on a specific challenge, and strategizing our way to peace and contentment. Along with expert guests from the mental health, faith, wellness arenas and more, we give you ideas and actionable steps to help you live your best life! More info at ImagineYourselfpodcast.com
    en-usImagine Yourself Podcast155 Episodes

    Episodes (155)

    How to Stop Negative Thoughts from Holding You Back (w/Psychotherapist Blaine Lawson)

    How to Stop Negative Thoughts from Holding You Back (w/Psychotherapist Blaine Lawson)

    Do you have a constant inner-critic? Are you tired of believing the toxic nonsense it spews on a daily basis?  If you feel these thoughts are holding you back, you should know there are strategies to conquer what is often called negative self-talk. In this episode we dig into it with Blaine Lawson. She’s has spent decades dedicated to mental health and wellness as a Psychotherapist and a Behavioral Health Practice Manager.  Blaine will walk us through how to change our relationship with our thoughts and break the cycle of negative thinking.

    Listen to Saying No to Negative Self Talk 

    More Mental Health Episodes

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    Are You on the Right Path?

    Are You on the Right Path?

    If you’re not satisfied with where you are in life right now, instead of wondering how you got there, remember that it is largely the choices you make moving forward that will affect your future. These can be major decisions that send you on a certain trajectory or small daily choices that sometimes have a big impact on your life or well-being. Are you following God’s plan for the best outcomes? Is that something you can even know for sure? 

    In this episode we dig into those questions. We were inspired by the guests on our last episode: “How to Find Faith in the Small Things (w/Tecia Janes & Andra Pape of Choosing Him Ministries)”. They reminded us that  we all have unique gifts and talents that God gives us. But, it's not only those gifts that we can use to bless others, it's our personal stories that can have an enormous impact. 

    Click play and let’s examine how to understand and use what God has given you, how to follow His lead to be sure you’re on the right path… and ultimately how to be aware of your unique purpose and God’s will for your life.

    Listen to:  How to Find Faith in the Small Things (w/Tecia Janes & Andra Pape of Choosing Him Ministries)

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    How to Find Faith in the Small Things (w/Tecia Janes & Andra Pape from Choosing Him Ministries)

    How to Find Faith in the Small Things (w/Tecia Janes & Andra Pape from Choosing Him Ministries)

    There are times our faith gets shaken. Whether by personal circumstances or what’s happening in the world, we can find ourselves struggling. If you’re in that space right now or your faith could use some reinforcement, we invite you to look at the little things inside you and around you that can strengthen your resolve and your relationship with God. 

     Our guests are Tecia Janes & Andra Pape from Choosing Him Ministries. Their organization serves women with Bible studies, devotionals, and a podcast. They are here to remind us that whatever place or season we are in life, we can not only prosper and persevere in our faith walk; but also make an impact in the lives of others. Everyone has something to offer and a story to tell. It may seem insignificant to us, but small things can turn into big things when we involve God.  

     If you’d like a boost for your faith and your confidence that you are walking in God’s will for your life, click play for some awesome inspiration.

    Connect With Choosing Him Ministries




    LISTEN TO LANEE'S TESTIMONY  on Choosing Him Ministries' Act 2 Podcast

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

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    Getting What You Want Out of Life Starts on the Inside

    Getting What You Want Out of Life Starts on the Inside

    What’s the inner dialogue you have running? Does it lift your hopes and dreams, or deep down are you sabotaging yourself with negativity and doubt? There’s a famous quote by Lao Tzu that says, “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” Inspired by the guest on our last episode; “Can Your Thoughts Really Change Your Life? (w/Coach and Author Christine Meyer)”, we set out to implement some of her suggestions to see the impact thoughts had on our lives. Spoiler Alert, it was huge. 

    In this bonus episode, some of the things we dive into are: how shifting thoughts and attitudes when things don’t go our way can affect not only our mood but our outcomes; how being willing to experiment with even the smallest changes can lead to huge results and how focusing on someone else’s issues sometimes keeps us stuck in our own. 

    Circumstances and other people are not within our control, but we can certainly affect ourselves, others and our circumstances by the way we perceive and ultimately deal with things. That doesn’t mean we’re on our own. If we ask, God is there to guide us, and some situations will require professional help. Are you ready to take responsibility for your life change? Click play for some great ideas.

    Check out  “Can Your Thoughts Really Change Your Life? (w/Coach and Author Christine Meyer)

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    Can Your Thoughts Really Change Your Life? (w/ Coach & Author, Christine Meyer)

    Can Your Thoughts Really Change Your Life? (w/ Coach & Author, Christine Meyer)

    It goes without saying that our thoughts can have a powerful impact on our moods and emotions. We also know what we think can turn into words and influence actions. Thoughts can even have a direct effect on how we feel about ourselves. Is there any way to gain control of our thoughts and impact our lives in a positive way? In this podcast we look at that question.  According to our guest, it’s not only possible but a lot more simple and direct that you might think.

    Christine Meyer is an executive life coach and author of "Keep It Simple, Smartypants! Stop Overthinking. Start Aligning. Live Happy”.  She has some remarkable advice and  guides us on a journey of empowerment, so we can stop self-sabotaging and find a way to create and live out our dreams. 

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    The Power to Change Is Within You

    The Power to Change Is Within You

    Is there something whether big or small in your life you'd like to change? Something you've tried and failed over and over.  Well, it's kind of like Glinda told Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz about getting home to Kansas: you've had the power within you all along!  If you remember, though, Dorothy had to learn something to access the power of her ruby slippers. In her case it was that “there’s no place like home,”  Our goals - and the actions we need to take to achieve them - are most likely quite different, but maybe we can think of the “Yellow Brick Road” as the brain/body connection that enables us to tap into the power within. It could be power to change habits, lose weight, get organized, find time for prayer/meditation, save money or any number of things.

     We learned about tapping into this power when we interviewed Erin Tennant who lost more than 130 pounds after years of trying just about everything else. In the episode “Failing Her Way to Weight Loss Success: How Erin Tennant Did It,” she explained how she had to do some serious thinking about her prior failed efforts. After all, she had other things she was able to achieve, why not losing weight and keeping it off? Her conscious living method was born and adapted though what she called trial and correction (instead of trial and error). The brain/body connection plays a big role as does mindset and self-talk. The most important thing is that you have all that you need to succeed within. 


    In this episode, we jump in and use her methods for issues where we needed help.  Like Erin, they include health, but we also were able to move the needle on some other situations plaguing us. We’ll share what worked and what didn’t and give tips on how you can tap into your own superpower. If you’ve got a change you’d like to make, click play -- and we’ll try to help you get on your way down the Yellow Brick Road and to victory.   

    Listen to Failing Her Way to Weight Loss Success: How Erin Tennant Did It

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    6 Ways to Boost Your Love Life

    6 Ways to Boost Your Love Life

    Human beings are obsessed with love. The number of songs, movies, books you can find about it seem infinite! Of course, there are many types of love, but the one we’re focusing on in this episode is the romantic kind. A few weeks back, we featured an episode with Relationship Coach Renee Suzanne called “Finding Love at Any Age.” The episode was so popular the advice she gave was so incredible, we wanted to see if we (as married women) could apply it to long term relationships and marriage. 

    What we come out with is six tips that can be helpful for those who are those still looking for that special someone and committed couples who want to improve their relationship.  We include tips on how to talk to your partner, trying to believe the best, growing and adapting together, recharging and re-capturing the spark, limiting expectations while not reading into things and knowing your limits on how much you can change your significant other. 

    Here's to finding love that lasts and making the most of it!


    Other love related episodes, episodes we mentioned:

    Finding Love at Any Age with Relationship Coach Renee Suzanne

    Can You Really Find True Happiness (w/Life Coach, Kerry Rasenberger)

    The Power of Prayer in Marriage

    Are You Fighting Fair With Your Partner (w/Relationship Coach, Rev. Monica Humpal)

    Second Chances at Life & Love: Author Jeanne Hussin Helps Us Hit the Refresh Button

    Creating a Realistic Happily Ever After (w/ Author Mary Lewis)

    5 Ways to Make Love Last


    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    Failing Her Way to Weight Loss Success: How Erin Tennant Did It

    Failing Her Way to Weight Loss Success: How Erin Tennant Did It

    We love a good success story, especially when someone finally achieves a goal after years of defeat. For those trying to lose weight or just get healthier, Erin’s story will especially resonate. Her loss of a whopping 130 pounds was preceded by countless diet attempts with calorie or entire food-group restrictions. These would either not work for her or she would gain the weight right back. She calls herself a “recovering dieter” who finally found a path to success by figuring out what had and and hadn't worked in the past, by talking herself through things and with trial and error…or as she would say “trial and correction.”

    Erin Tennant is a Mindset Coach & Consultant for Personal and Professional Wellness. Her company is called “Grow Well Coaching.” She now works with clients not only with weight loss but also achieving other goals though her “conscious living” method.  In this podcast, though, we focused mostly on her weight loss journey and how she accomplished something she once thought to be impossible. As she put it, she was able to find success in so many other parts of her life, but weight loss had always escaped her. 

    As well as some of the specific tips and tricks that worked for Erin, we talk about understanding our relationship with food, the difference between hunger and emotional eating (Erin says both can be OK!), finding the motivation within yourself and most importantly giving yourself the grace and space to fail and try again as many times as you need to.  

    There will be no body-shaming in this episode. Erin is quick to point out that there are plenty of people who live in bigger bodies who are healthy and happy. But if you want to lose a little weight or a lot…or just want to find out how her methods could help with any anything that makes you feel stuck, click play and be inspired by Erin. 


    Contact Erin Tenant





    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    Manage Your Time So You Can Manage Your Life

    Manage Your Time So You Can Manage Your Life

    It’s been said that good time management is a key that can unlock success and happiness. There have been countless books, systems, and apps dedicated to it. Yet it remains elusive for many. Handling your time well may even be the ticket to finally achieving your dreams. As many of us set out with new goals for a new year, we thought it was a great time to re-visit this topic. We’re zooming in on three different things. 1) Practical time management tips/methods, 2) Psychological reasons why we may self-sabotaging, and 3) A real-life look into the practices of very busy people who are making it work for them.

    We all have unique personalities and different schedules. What works for one person might not be effective for another; so, we’re going to dive into a few different approaches to time management. We’ll also hear from successful professionals Mark S. Lee and Gail Perry-Mason on how they handle multiple business and personal demands and manage to keep good work/life balance and contentment. 

    So if you feel you’re constantly falling behind or just can’t get a grip on everything you have going on in your life, click play to take a few minutes to get some fresh ideas.


    Gail Perry-Mason is a financial advisor and executive, speaker, author and philanthropist. She founded of Money Matters for Youth, which helps kids with financial awareness and literacyMark S. Lee is President & CEO, The LEE Group, a strategic marketing consulting firm.  He's also an educator at three different universities and a dynamic radio host.

    Listen to Making Time for What Counts: Tips from Busy Pros with Mark S. Lee & Gail Perry-Mason

    Listen to Mastering Time Management is More Than Learning a Few Tips!

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    The Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions (and How to Tackle Them)

    The Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions (and How to Tackle Them)

    It’s true that we can make changes any time of the year. There’s nothing magical about the coming of a new year that will help good habits stick or bad habits disappear. However, it is a time that many of us commit to these “resolutions.”  Maybe there’s something about a fresh calendar year that inspires us to believe these previously illusive changes are now possible, or perhaps it’s just become a tradition. Every January we can count on lists of top resolutions popping up in our newsfeeds; and while they do vary year to year, there are three that usually land at or near the top. They are health/weight loss, organization/decluttering and saving money/getting personal finances in order. 

    In this episode, we get sound and actionable advice from experts in each of these fields. 

    Keri Lappi is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, author and owner of Energetic Wellness Coaching. She gave some tips in our last episode on making it through the holidays without overindulging in “Health Hacks for the Holidays”. This time we focus on getting a January jump-start to healthier living, especially if we gave in to those holiday temptations and need to really get it in gear. 

    Deana Yates is the founder and CEO of Wannabe Clutter Free and the host of the Wannabe Minimalist podcast. We get tips for de-cluttering AND how to maintain organization in our homes as we re-visit part of “Easy Ways to Stay Organized.”

    Kembala Evans, a Financial Coach, author and speaker has wise words on why it’s important to up your savings and how to do it no matter what your situation is. She’ll also guide us through some other priceless personal finance tips including how to deal with debt. She’s one of our favorite guests, most recently featured on “Don’t Make These Money Mistakes.”

    Always remember resolutions aren't so much about fixing flaws as tapping your potential. Whether you’re making them, or you just want to increase your knowledge, click play for some sage advice you can use any time of the year. 

     Listen to Health Hacks for the Holidays/get info on Keri Lappi

    Listen to Easy Ways to Stay Organized/get info on Deanna Yates

    Listen to Don’t Make These Money Mistakes/get info on Kembala Evans

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    Imagine Yourself Podcast
    en-usDecember 31, 2022

    Health Hacks for the Holidays (with Coach Keri Lappi)

    Health Hacks for the Holidays (with Coach Keri Lappi)

    Getting or staying healthy can certainly be challenging any time of the year, but during the holiday season the temptations come at you hard. It begins with the first bag of Halloween candy you purchase in October and probably doesn’t stop until January 2.  From holiday parties to the cookie exchanges and everything in between, how do we keep from going overboard without feeling deprived? This requires some expert advice, and we got it with coach Keri! In this episode, we focus not only on the holidays, but what to do when faced with staying healthy while attending events or parties for any special occasion, vacation eating and more. We even got some great general nutrition, fitness and weight loss advice. 

    Keri Lappi is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and holds a Certified International Health Coach Certification. She’s also a triathlete and the owner of Energetic Wellness Coaching. She wrote a book called “Just One Thing: Simplifying the Mystery of a Healthy Lifestyle.”  We invite you to listen as Keri clues us in on how to set yourself up to be successful going into tempting situations using both psychology and biology.  

     We talk about how to keep from feeling deprived, the crazy pull sugar can have on us and even how the food industry could be setting us up to fail if we don’t know what to watch for.  We’ll learn how sleep, stress and staying hydrated all have huge impact on both our health and potential weight loss. Overall, Keri wants us to not focus on the scale or the size of our jeans, but on being healthy.  She shares how if we can start with (as her book says) “just one thing,” we can begin the journey to getting there. Click play for some great health hacks for the holidays and beyond.

    Keri Lappi's  Book: Just One Thing: Simplifying the Mystery of a Healthy Lifestyle
    email Keri:  energeticwellnesscoaching@gmail.com

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

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    Six Stress Busting Tips for the Holidays

    Six Stress Busting Tips for the Holidays

    We might love to sing along with “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” but it doesn’t always feel wonderful. Maybe there’s a part of us that feels swallowed up by the stress caused by all the extras in our schedules.

     During the holiday season, it’s definitely important to make a special effort to monitor our health and wellbeing, including squeezing in some of that precious downtime. However, in this episode, when went beyond the things you might usually think of to fight stress and found six unique tips that we hope will surprise you with their simplicity and effectiveness. Some are specific to the holidays, but most are perfect for Christmas time or ANY time.   


    You may also like:  “Beating the Holiday Blues”

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    Finding Love at Any Age (w/ Relationship Coach, Renee Suzanne)

    Finding Love at Any Age (w/ Relationship Coach, Renee Suzanne)

    From fairy tales to romcoms we are enchanted by couples who despite enormous odds, find each other, fall madly in love and then live happily ever after. In real life, things can be uh…a little more complicated. Not to say that romantic dreams don’t come true, but navigating the process of meeting people, dating, getting into relationships and maybe marriage is a challenging business. Now, add in that you’re trying to do it after 40 and things can get even trickier. Whether you’re looking for advice for yourself or a single friend or family member, our guest Renee Suzanne is here to help. An author and relationship coach, she helps women over 40 who want to date to find lasting love. 

    Dating, she tells us, is a skill that can be learned. From navigating dating apps and websites to advice to use on your dates and in your relationships, Renee fills us in on what it takes to find a man you’d want to spend the rest of your life with. A widow and single mom for 20 years, she’s now happily married again. She brings wisdom from her own experiences, her clients and her research to talk you through what it takes. 

    Whether you’re single, widowed or divorced: if you’re ready to be proactive in the search for your soulmate, or you want to get some helpful advice for that friend or relative who’s always fretting about never finding the right guy, click play and let’s get real about finding romance. 

    Join the conversation  on our  FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages

    Renee Suzanne Coaching

    Renee Suzanne Instagram

    Renee Suzanne Facebook

    Renee Suzanne YouTube

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

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    It’s Never Too Late to Find Your Purpose

    It’s Never Too Late to Find Your Purpose

    You may have heard the quote, “You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” These days, we hear so much about people reassessing their lives; and in doing so re-discovering dreams, passions and purpose. Their stories inspire us but may also leave us wondering if we could do that too…and if we did, where would we even start? Life has a way of taking us down many roads, some are unplanned detours. We may get to a point when we look back and wonder if it’s too late. Spoiler alert: it’s not. 

    Inspired by our last episode “Can You Really Find True Happiness? (w/ Life Coach, Kerry Rasenberger)” and the Instagram Live we did with Kerry, “Finding Your Purpose”, we take a few moments to dive into the subject of discovering…or RE-discovering purpose. 

     Listen to episode: Can You Really Find True Happiness? (w/ Life Coach, Kerry Rasenberger)

    Check out: Finding Your Purpose with Lanee, Sandy and Kerry on Instagram Live

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    Can You Really Find True Happiness? (w/ Life Coach, Kerry Rasenberger)

    Can You Really Find True Happiness? (w/ Life Coach, Kerry Rasenberger)

    We’ve all seen those quotes that say: “Happiness Is…” They’ve been around for decades, from the old Peanuts cartoons to quotes on social media. Happiness is holding a warm puppy. Happiness is a long walk with a friend. Happiness is smelling fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. No doubt you could fill in your own with many things. They are all wonderful, but they are circumstantial. They don’t get to the root of finding true happiness.  In this episode, we wanted to know what that might look like, so we invited someone who could offer some simple techniques that will not only help us explore finding it but allow us to dive into what may be holding us back from grasping contentment. 

    Kerry Rasenberger (Kerry Life Coach) is one of our favorite people! Along with her clients, she deals out wisdom to over ninety-thousand followers on Instagram.  We’ve also had her on the podcast previously in an enlightening episode called “Great Relationships Start With the One You Have With Yourself”.  A certified life coach who reinvented herself and started her own business in her 50’s, Kerry has learned a thing or two about discovering happiness for herself and for those she coaches. In this episode, she focuses on things like self-care, relationships that have healthy boundaries, and creating an environment in which we can thrive. 

    “Self-care is health care,” she says. We need to be careful not to confuse prioritizing taking care of ourselves and our happiness with selfishness. When we show up as our best selves we are better equipped to be there for others as well. 

    Truth: this is not a magic cure-all for contentment.  Many times, things need to be dealt with on a much deeper level. It is, however, a very eye-opening look at what may be holding you back from finding your joy. Grab your headphones, hit play and take some time to reflect. The more honest you can be with yourself as you listen, the better.  

     Kerry Instagram

    Kerry Website

    Take Kerry’s Happy Life Assessment

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

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    Why “Loving Your Neighbor” Is a Win-Win

    Why “Loving Your Neighbor” Is a Win-Win

    Sometimes it feels like there is a never-ending cycle of tragedy, disaster and divisiveness in the world.  Now more than ever kindness, compassion and empathy are needed.  Instead, it seems like conflict, name-calling and resentment are the norm. Is there even hope for the centuries-old saying “Love Thy Neighbor”? For people of faith, of course, it’s not just a saying or an ideal, but something we are instructed to do. And yet, many say that it’s never seemed more difficult. 

    So, who exactly are our “neighbors”? Is it just those in close proximity or does that mean everybody everywhere? Also, do we actually have to love them or is it okay to simply tolerate them? We decided to revisit one of our very first episodes to explore what it really means to love our neighbors and why it ultimately benefits us as well.

    How to help those affected by Hurricane Ian 

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    Clearing the Clutter in Your Mind

    Clearing the Clutter in Your Mind

    Basements, garages, and closets can all become havens for clutter. But so can your mind! Influenced by the steady stream of input which can at times be unhelpful at best and toxic at worst, our brains can feel full of cobwebs. In our last episode, Easy Ways to Stay Organized, we talked with Clutter-free living expert, Deanna Yates. Our focus was on habits, routines, and processes to help organize and maintain our living space. In this bonus mini-episode, we use some of those principles and a few lessons of our own to try to clear the mental clutter. 

     Feelings of negativity, confusion and overwhelm can sometimes be caused or exacerbated by things like what we watch, who we follow on social media, the people around us and even our own self-talk. We discovered that just as we may need to change schedules and routines in different seasons of life, what we expose ourselves to may need to change too. We invite you into the conversation: click play to see if clearing the clutter in your mind may be what you need.

    Check out the episode we were talking about Easy Ways to Stay Organized w/Clutter-Free Living Expert, Deana Yates

    Saying No to Negative Self Talk (w/Psychotherapist Blaine Lawson)

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

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    Easy Ways to Stay Organized with Clutter Free Living Expert, Deanna Yates

    Easy Ways to Stay Organized with Clutter Free Living Expert, Deanna Yates

    Being more organized is something that can add both efficiency and productivity to your life. Chances are it would also make life easier. To be fair, it definitely comes more naturally to some people, but anyone can get the hang of it. It’s also true that getting organized isn’t a one-time thing. It’s all about creating systems that work for you and those in your house, so things can stay the way you want them without it being overwhelming or over-complicated. In this episode we look at simple ways not just to declutter and get more organized, but ways to get systems and routines in place that make it easier to stay on track.

    Stepping in to help is Clutter Free Living Expert Deanna Yates. She’s the founder and CEO of Wannabe Clutter Free and the host of the Wannabe Minimalist podcast. She helps us move beyond the boxes, bins and lists (although there is some of that!) to simple tactics that are effective and customizable. Deanna shows us how staying flexible is important because so much can depend on your circumstances, your schedule and season of life. We also loved that she showed us that developing habits and routines can actually be fun (true story!). Deanna’s ideas are amazing, and her enthusiasm is infectious. It may be just the motivation you need!

    So, whether you’re one step away from being on Hoarders, an organization ace that needs just a few tweaks…or like most of us, somewhere in between…we think this will be a big help. Click play to begin your trip from clutter to clarity and have some fun along the way!

    Connect With Deanna Yates

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    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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    When You Can’t See Your Way Through

    When You Can’t See Your Way Through

    When we’re in the middle of a challenging or difficult time, sometimes it seems like the worst part is all the uncertainty. We tell ourselves it would be easier to get through if we just knew how the situation would turn out or even how long we’d be going through it. Why can’t it be like finding out  what happens to our favorite character in the season finale of a Netflix binge?... at least at some point soon we’ll have our answer.  Of course, reality is much different.  We're trying to look through life's murky waters without knowing when (or if) they will clear. It is that struggle we explore in this bonus mini-episode. 

    If we are people of faith, we can simply say trusting God is the way through. However, sometimes even as we say, “God is in control; I give it to Him,” inside we’re still just as bound up with anxiety. As we reflect on our last episode, Faith Over Fear: Singer Gabbie McGee on How to Get Your Confidence Back, we recall Gabbie’s trudge through tough challenges as self-doubt tried to take away her dream. 

    We’ll use her advice as we work our way through some of our own current uncertainties and hope that sharing them will help you through your own murky waters.

    Listen to  Faith Over Fear: Singer Gabbie McGee on How to Get Your Confidence Back HERE

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF and Lanee and Sandy visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

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    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

    Thanks for being part of the Imagine Yourself Family! Follow or subscribe so you don't miss an episode!

    Faith Over Fear: Singer Gabbie McGee on How to Get Your Confidence Back

    Faith Over Fear: Singer Gabbie McGee on How to Get Your Confidence Back

    Do you ever feel like the biggest thing holding your back is…you? Whether it’s starting something new or starting something over, many times fear and self-doubt creep in and try to squash our dreams. Vocalist Gabbie McGee is an inspiration for all of us looking to overcome these confidence killers. Her story is one of leaning on faith, family, and her own determination to bring her amazing talent back out into the world. 

    Struggling with the feeling of not being good enough isn’t uncommon for anyone, but it can be multiplied when you’ve got the pressure of the public spotlight. In this episode, Gabbie talks about her break from the music business for her own mental and spiritual health, and what she faced re-entering the super-competitive world of entertainment. She says sitting at home and watching some of the people she started in the business with accepting Grammy’s and American Music Awards was not easy, but she does not regret taking a step back for one minute. She wants us to know that not only is it OK to take a break when you need to, but not to be afraid to get back in when you want to. Her coach inspired her with the words, “Don’t let your age or what you think has passed you by, stop you from doing something right now.” That’s a word for all of us!

    We think you’ll love meeting Gabbie!  Not only is she an award-winning jazz vocalist, but she’s also a songwriter and music composer for film & television. And, she’ll be the first to tell you that her favorite role is at home where she is a wife and busy mom of three.  Listen in as she fills us in on the highs and lows of her life with some amazing stories about how God has used both wonderful and difficult things: from Steve Harvey being blown away by her singing voice on Family Feud to how she turned the heartbreaking loss of her sister into a beautiful online boutique called Bloom & The Bee to honor her memory and serve others. We’ll also learn about her latest endeavors, including a way to support her in the Opening Act contest for a chance to sing at the Hollywood Bowl. Click play to meet your new favorite singer and to get some truly incredible inspiration. 

     For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF and Lanee and Sandy visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com
    Join the conversation  on our  FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages

    Connect with Gabbie McGee



    Help Gabbie get to the Hollywood Bowl

    For more info on IMAGINE YOURSELF with Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach or to contact us, visit imagineyourselfpodcast.com

    Join the conversation on our FACEBOOK, TWITTER or INSTAGRAM pages. Email at imagineyourselfpodcast@gmail.com

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