
    Impact Factory Podcasts

    Established in 1991, Impact Factory is dedicated to help all type of organisations, including FTSE 100 companies, to be more effective, collaborative and creative by empowering their teams and professionals. Our unique human-centred methodology, Professional Personal Development, is designed to support growth in individuals and across organisations, expanding capabilities and fine tuning strengths and interpersonal skills.
    enImpact Factory23 Episodes

    Episodes (23)

    Resilience At Work

    Resilience At Work

    Resilient professionals and adaptable teams are vital in this constantly evolving and changing world. Organisations with mental and emotionally strong people have higher retention and engagement rate and more empowered cultures.

    Wouldn't be great if everyone could bounce back from adversity, just like that? Reality is very different and not everyone has those inner pools of reserve. Fortunately, building resilience is a skill that everyone can learn. 

    Impact Factory

    How To Use Storytelling To Boost Sales

    How To Use Storytelling To Boost Sales

    We're hardwired to listen, remember and repeat stories: a hero, an antihero, the struggle and the final victory. It's the most basic way of communicating and remembering ideas, and businesses aren't indifferent to it.

    Aware of that, the most successful companies, the ones positioning and differentiating themselves in the market, like Apple, connect with the audience by trying to create an emotional response from us. We buy not just their products, but also their values and what they stand for.

    Here you have Impact Factory's take on storytelling. Listen to our podcast and learn a few tricks to use in your business and boost your sales. The key is to find common ground between your offering and your customers' needs.

    Assertiveness, David Mitchell & Impact Factory

    Assertiveness, David Mitchell & Impact Factory

    “Could I be that assertive?” asked David Mitchell to himself before joining an Impact Factory session for his BBC programme on Manners. Having entered Impact Factory rather cynical and sceptical, he left with some new insights and tools. In case you missed the programme, you can listen to it here.

    Assertiveness training at its best can be a life-saver for those who endlessly find themselves accommodating their behaviour to suit other people and what those other people want.

    Impact Factory