
    Imperfectly Pollyanna

    A faith-filled homeschool mom finding the good in life’s imperfections whether in faith, homeschool, or overall life.
    enCourtney55 Episodes

    Episodes (55)

    Doing the Big Things

    Doing the Big Things

    Welcome to the Imperfectly Pollyanna Podcast. I am your host, Courtney. A faith-filled homeschool mom of 2, licensed medical professional, certified health coach, AND eternal optimist. Here at the podcast, we talk about real life, always imperfect but always finding the good. I’m so glad you’re here!

    Talk about a long break, right? Having not aired a new episode in almost 2 years, I’m sure many assumed I had stepped away permanently. The truth is that I always intended to return to this space but had to focus on different priorities. Like you, many things have happened in between today and my last chat with you. I hope to not only fill you in on some of those things but also share a very exciting adventure happening in our homeschool community. The word “exciting” isn’t even the best description for it.

    Catching up on:

    • Asking to be a special speaker
    • Becoming a regional representative for our state homeschool organization
    • Homeschooling my own kids
    • Still working full-time

    Exciting news related to:

    • Family legacies
    • Moses and Joshua doing the big things
    • Homeschooling against the current that is society
    • A new step of faith in building up our homeschool community for years to come.

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    Taking Back the "Overwhelmed Mom" Life with Melissa Rohlfs

    Taking Back the "Overwhelmed Mom" Life with Melissa Rohlfs

    Today I have the honor to speak with holistic health coach, Melissa Rohlfs. She is passionate about helping busy moms identify the way they were made - how God made them -  with their own uniqueness, and then learn how to honor their body, finding what works for them. It is her desire to offer help and hope to the mama who feels overwhelmed, stuck and wants freedom to enjoy life AND motherhood Happy.  Healthy.  Free.  

    Ready to get unstuck and find freedom so you can be calm, confident and at peace? Here's how you can do that with Melissa :

    1. Check out Melissaa's free resources here.

    2. Impact Coaching with Melissa - Get the coaching and clarity you need to get unstuck and see results.  Schedule a coffee chat today.

    Links for Melissa:
    Podcast ~ https://anchor.fm/melissa-rohlfs

    Connect with Courtney:


    Email: courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com 


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    Imperfectly Pollyanna
    enMarch 07, 2022

    Do You Fail If You're Imperfect?

    Do You Fail If You're Imperfect?

    This week I had an extremely frustrating moment with one of my children while helping with the math lesson. It didn’t make sense why they couldn’t understand the concept of the question. I was even making it to the point where the answer was SO OBVIOUS that I could feel myself becoming angry when it wasn’t quickly figured out. That’s just real life, folks. 

    And as I sat there, with my blood pressure rising and biting my tongue from saying cruel things, I felt anger toward myself for even being angry. Do you know why I’m sharing this? Because at the end of the day, we can all put on a good show for social media or in front of our friends, but when no one is watching…when no one is there to impress…when you are in the harder moments of homeschooling, THAT’S when it is REAL. 

    I share this so that you can understand homeschool moms are not some angelic beings from another world. We are still human beings with experiences that have shaped who we are today and how we respond to difficult situations. When we ask God for something like guidance, wisdom, patience, discernment, HELP…whatever it may be…He’s not going to just plop it into our laps, as nice and easy as that may sound. Instead, He will hear our prayers and answer them, but it may be in a way we didn’t see coming.

     He sees you as a whole person…not part homeschool mom, part wife, part co-worker, daughter, sister, aunt, friend. He sees YOU and loves YOU, with all your imperfections and dirty cobwebs yet to be cleaned out or broken hinges to fix. And He HAS still called you for this time. When you ask God to help you, it’s not going to always be a simple fix. As we grow in Him, the challenges will come and go, but when we struggle it doesn't mean we are failing. It is much bigger than that, but in an amazing way!

    IF you can see things as a bigger picture, you may begin to see some connections. 

    Connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, or email at courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com

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    Breaking Out of the Education Mold

    Breaking Out of the Education Mold

    Imagine for a moment, if you will, having a child that looks forward to learning. Imagine being able to see what their passions are and build a learning environment around it! It is said that “education is more than checking off boxes or getting a grade on a test.” That would’ve made me a nervous wreck at the beginning of our journey but now? Now it is FREEING! It can be difficult to break out of the thinking that education needs to look a certain way or that there needs to be a specific amount of information sharing within a specific amount of time. But that’s just not true! Sure, children need to learn the basics and be able to function in life. However, education…LEARNING is about so much more. 

    Find Me on Facebook, Instagram, or email to courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com

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    You Want to Homeschool, Now What?

    You Want to Homeschool, Now What?

    Last week, I put up a poll on my Instagram stories to see what people would like to hear more about on the podcast. I had a GREAT response, and it really got my wheels to turning. The options I threw out were homeschool how-to, homeschool encouragement, faith, and current hot topics. The top voted was the homeschool encouragement and if you’ve listened to me for ANY amount of time, or if you know me in real life, you know I am a HUGE fan of cheering others on so you could say that’s my jam. 

    I’m working on a few different episodes coming up and wanted to take some time to talk a bit about homeschool how-to with some encouragement sprinkled in there. So you want to homeschool, now what?


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    Can You Be Sad and Still Trust God

    Can You Be Sad and Still Trust God

    I don’t really know where to begin today. I would say it’s kinda funny but it’s not really. Crazy, maybe? Scary? I don’t know. The irony of when you pray for certain things…like praying for the ability to trust God more…or to be more patient…have more courage…and especially with me lately…to have wisdom. Even this morning I prayed for wisdom even though I wasn’t sure exactly what I needed wisdom for. Like I couldn’t pinpoint one instance, but I just knew, and still know, I long for wisdom. Then, in true form, when you pray for something, God doesn’t just give it to you, does He? You aren’t automatically patient. It never fails, you pray for patience and suddenly your kids are fighting, your house is a mess, work is stressful, dinner isn’t planned or ready, schedules get switched, something falls apart…and so do you. My devotional today had a little takeaway that said: “Strength grows through struggles, Courage develops in challenges, and Wisdom matures from wounds.”

    Can you be sad and still trust God?

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    The REAL Pandemic

    The REAL Pandemic

    I wanted to talk to you about something I find to quickly be gaining traction and it’s becoming a pandemic…in my opinion. Now, I’m NOT talking about covid. A pandemic is usually in reference to a disease that is prevalent over a whole country OR the world. And when we think of diseases, there’s SO many, right? From something as simple as the flu to the vast variants of cancer. 

    But, the pandemic I am speaking on today is not something you can see…actually, that’s not true because I see it…and maybe you do, too. It’s the pandemic that is becoming systemic and circulating throughout our communities. It is an attack on you, me, our children, and our families as a whole. 

    We are talking about:

    • The education system
    • The world's standards
    • How we become accepting of blatant sin
    • The Church attacking within itself

    AND we are discussing what the REAL Pandemic is: The Loss of Spiritual Commonsense

    You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, or email at courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com

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    When You Fall Back

    When You Fall Back

    The last few weeks have been one hot mess between a broken wrist, covid, van issues and returning to work. Phew, what a time to be alive! Today, we are talking about what happens when you fall back? Whether in homeschooling, your health, or spiritual life. What do you fall back on?

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    A Revolution of Resolution

    A Revolution of Resolution

    Here we are at the end of the year! How are you feeling about it? Are you still trying to recover from the last couple of years? Working through holiday remnants? Are you looking forward to a new year with hope or dread? After all, we all celebrated when 2020 ended and then 2021 did the thing of “hold my beer.” 

    If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the past is that everyone deals with it differently. There are those who just live there. There are others who walk away and claim to never look back. I’m not sure how that happens but I think I’m more in between the two. 

    I looked up definitions of "resolution," "revolution," and many more only to find that really, we get a release for radical restoration and change! Doesn’t that get you excited??

    I want this next year to be a REVOLUTION OF RESOLUTION! A year where we make a conscious decision to release the past to enable us to find FREEDOM in change! 

    What is it that you want this next year to look like? Are you living in a state of just trying to survive day after day, struggling to see through the fog of society and life? 

    What if…what if there was something more? What if you could make a radical change…in your life…with your family…at your job…

    What if there was a way you could break free from the depression…the stress…the burdens that way you down, physically and mentally, and from there you found what release, peace, and purpose truly means?

    What if you understood how you are completely and utterly chosen for such a time as THIS? Does it mean an easy path? No, this is real life. Every day life is what tempts us with giving up on hope. The world and culture is what tempts us with thinking all is lost and there is nothing beyond where we are right now.

    But I am telling you, friend to friend, that is a lie! Change for the better is not always easy, but the TRUTH is that it is SO worth it!

    For the first time, I am going to be hosting an online interactive BIBLE STUDY beginning Jan 19th. It is called “What does it mean to be chosen” and last 8 weeks. We will be meeting online once a week, having in depth discussions that are around this question. 

    The book is by Amanda and Dallas Jenkins, the creator of the tv series, The Chosen. It is the most beautiful show that I have seen in a really long time and has completely changed my desire, drive, and focus for how I am living life. If you would like to join me, you can send an email to courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com or send a private message to me on Facebook or Instagram.

    All the things you tell yourself…the reasons why life is how it is…the reasons why it won’t work out…the reasons you may think keep you from living a more joyful and fulfilling life…

    Those reasons don’t measure up to the truth of who you have been called to be. They don’t change the fact that you have been chosen and you can make your own choice to sit back and ride the rollercoaster of life, not knowing what’s coming next and holding your breath for the next foot to drop.

    OR! You can decide today that enough is enough. You can decide it is time for a radical change…a release…a stretching that propels you into the person you have been called to be.

    What do you say, are you in for a REVOLUTION OF RESOLUTION?

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    Failed Parenting at Christmas

    Failed Parenting at Christmas

    Find me, Imperfectly Pollyanna, over on Facebook, Instagram, or send an email to courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com (say hi, share any prayer requests, ask questions, I would love to hear from you!)

    When I was growing up, our church choir always put on some sort of Christmas play, musical, presentation, what-have-you. There was one we did multiple times and I don’t remember the name of the whole thing but I DO remember a specific song that was in it and it inevitably runs through my mind every single time this time of the year. It says something to the affect of “there’s only 3 days left til Christmas, and while the family’s havin’ fun buying present galore at their favorite store, I’m home wrapping every one.” It talks about she’s cleaning, and shopping, and wrapping, baking, doing everything for everyone, completely stressed out, all while her husband and kids are enjoying the season. By the end, she’s screaming and losing her mind. It was always a hit performance that received belly laughs from everyone.

    Of course, I was a kid then, so I thought it was funny just because the song lyrics were silly and the lady who sang it was SO great at it. As an adult, especially a parent, I now realize that song speaks to a lot of us this time of year! Sure, there are parents out there who are relaxed, enjoying every moment with their family, follow the rules of 4 with giving gifts – you know, something to read, something to wear, something wanted, and something needed. I love that. I really do. And I applaud those who do it without hesitation. I DO sometimes think those parents are unicorns, but I probably would find them judging me and my messy house, piles of laundry, and dog hair loving the furniture. Then again, that’s me pre-judging them, isn’t it?

    I’m saying all of this because I could easily give you a typical Christmas-related episode that includes those phrases of remembering the reason for the season…and it’s not about giving your kids everything they want…or it’s not the things but the moments they’ll remember. I COULD say all of those things and I wouldn’t be wrong in doing so because they are all the truth. They all matter. 

    But honestly, I still struggle with not buying my kids all the things! Not because I think they NEED them, but because I genuinely LOVE to gift them things I know they need or want or would really enjoy. They know that when making their wish list it is simply that, a WISH list. We have emphasized it’s fun to look through catalogs, find things that look fun, even think up ideas of items that would be cool to have – not knowing if they actually exist, and then putting it all on their list, all the while knowing they may not get those things. 

    My kids make me so happy just having them in my life. There was a time when I didn’t think I would ever have that ability. The ability to be a mom and raise my children. I enjoy finding little things throughout the year that make me think of them that I think they’d like. Sometimes these are toys but other times it is crafts or something like that that we can do together for fun. 

    When it comes to Christmas, I think about the things that stick out to me that I enjoy. Either now or as a kid. Most of those things are one in the same. Driving around looking at lights, drinking hot cocoa, watching White Christmas and It’s a Wonderful Life, going to our church’s Christmas Eve Candlelight service. Then there’s the tradition of new Christmas pajamas – something I totally failed at this year because my son now has so much muscle that the size was too small for him, haha. Oh well, he still appreciated them. There’s the trimming of the tree while we play Christmas music, putting out the nativity set, hanging the stockings…so much fun. They’re still happily writing letters to Santa – even if just to entertain me. I love seeing their faces light up Christmas morning as they open up each gift with thankfulness. Their excitement over watching their sibling open a gift from them. 

    And yet, it’s always the last few days before Christmas when I begin to second guess myself. “Did I get the right things? Should I have gotten something different? Will they be disappointed? I never baked the cookies. We never watched all the hallmark shows. We haven’t done this or that yet.” All the pressure put on myself FROM myself to make sure it’s all perfect.

    Do I know that it will be perfect? Yes. Do I know my kids will be grateful and happy no matter what? Yes. Do I know that when it all comes down to it, the important thing is for my children to know WHY we celebrate? 100% yes.

    But I wanted to be transparent with you. Because I think it is EASY to tell people what they should do yet not always easy to follow those suggestions for ourselves.

    Speaking of being transparent…I wanted to share something that happened to me a few nights ago with my daughter. We were working on our lesson for Christmas Around the World and one of the projects was for the kids to create their own play. My daughter was supposed to color and cut out nativity characters to use for hers and my son had to make his up on his own. Once she got it all cut out and glued onto straws, she asked what she was supposed to do for the play. I told her it was the nativity and she looked confused. So I rephrased, knowing she doesn’t always understand words that I assume she knows, and said it’s the story of Jesus being born and Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem. She got teary and told me “but I don’t know that story.” 

    Now…let me tell you, there was some heavy internal battling going on in my head in that moment. 

    HOW did she not know the Christmas story?!

    HOW did I miss the mark after all the deliberate learning choices we had made?!

    HOW did she not remember the ONE story this all circles around?!

    Had I failed her?! Was she just never paying attention?? Here we are, less than a week before Christmas and she doesn’t know the story of Christmas????

    I have a history of fighting with old demons when it comes to feeling not good enough, not smart enough, not a good enough parent, etc etc. The thing about old demons is that you recognize them quicker each time and learn how to overcome them. You learn how to put that armor on and fight back.

    So, what did I do in that moment? Did I belittle her for not knowing or remembering? – because let me tell you, she has heard the Christmas story from her own beginning. She has heard it in Sunday School, church, at home, in lessons, at her grandparents, in movies. She just has some unique qualities when it comes to focusing and remembering. Something that isn’t just unique in this moment but something we have been struggling and working through all year.

    So no, I didn’t belittle her or get angry. Instead, I chose to take it as a blessing to have a moment with her. We got up, grabbed a bible and a bible story book, and went into her room together. Her brother ended up following us as well. We sat down together and she followed along as I read the story of Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the birth of Jesus, and the Wise Men. We laughed at the idea of a mom having to give birth around smelly animals and talked about the lack of comfort the baby must have had when placed in a stone manger. We talked about the swaddling clothes and what those were used for. It was a moment that I COULD have freaked out, got angry with myself and her, and lost the chance of helping her remember the reason we celebrate.

    Do I always do things right? Absolutely not. But when I get a chance to do the right thing and take it? I’m going to be glad about that!

    We didn’t bake cookies this year – though my son did while they stayed with grandparents last weekend. 

    Because I work this week, except for Christmas Day, we have 1 day left to do our last lesson, go see lights, watch movies, drink cocoa, grab a few last-minute gifts, and wrap everything. 

    I am sure we will get it all done and enjoy most of it…because we are doing it together. I am praying for grace for the moments when stress tries to creep in.

    Thinking about the baby that was born so long ago…I’m sure things were NOT peaceful then either. I mean, I’ve had 2 babies and delivering – even when in a hospital – is not all rainbows and unicorns. I even ended up having csections! I imagine Mary, while feeling the joy of knowing who she was carrying, may have had some stress going on as well. 

    Where would they sleep?

    Would the birth go smoothly?

    Did she bring enough blankets to keep him warm? Not to mention the smell of animals. Concern of cleanliness.

    How would she raise the SON of GOD?

    So many thoughts, worries, concerns…

    Wanting it all to be perfect, go perfectly, end up being the best day ever.

    And it WAS one of the best days ever! Even if it wasn’t what she had in her own mind of what it would look like.

    Every year there are reminders that many are hurting, depressed, missing someone…we hear of loved ones dying…arguments over political things or opinions…reminders of what could have or should have been…

    But the thing is, it doesn’t stop after Christmas. There will ALWAYS be things we do as parents that will leave us second guessing our decisions or feeling inadequate. We will make so many mistakes along the way and we pray for grace that our kids will survive them. There will also always be opportunities for us to show our kids how to not take things for granted…to offer a helping hand to someone…to learn the lessons of it is better to give than to receive.

    In the end, I think it’s ok to want to get your kids things that you know will bring them happiness. 

    I think it’s ok to want to do all the traditions and follow through with every idea.

    I think it’s ok to want to do better for them.

    With that, remember that you ARE a good parent by simply being there for your kid.

    You don’t have to do all the things. They will be ok.

    They are allowed to forget significant things just like you are able to remind them in a loving way.

    And when it comes down to it, you are in this together. This thing called life. As a family. No one really knows what they’re doing, some are just better at pretending. 

    As you enjoy this Christmas holiday, I pray you find peace…love…and true joy in your heart. 

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    Do You Have Lazy Faith?

    Do You Have Lazy Faith?

    One of my biggest pet peeves is laziness. Don’t get me wrong, I have my fair share of lazy moments. But it’s things like not throwing away trash, someone leaving trash next to the trashcan in the bathroom, my kids doing their work halfway, a coworker not taking a few extra minutes to put something away…well, these things just annoy me. Which also means I sometimes annoy myself because I can have 20 things to get done in a day and choose to sit and binge watch a show for way longer than I care to admit right now. It’s my own fault, of course, when I’m then panicking at something needing to be done at the last minute.

    This past weekend, I was a guest on a show called The C.R.O.S.S. You can watch the replay HERE.

    Part of that conversation, we brought up the point of how our kids are going to learn things, whether we want them to or not, and there are some topics that are not appropriate – no matter who tells you otherwise – that should not be learned at school. The problem is we have become a generation that has this idea that our kids are going to be exposed to and learn about things that are just a part of growing up in the world today. We have accepted the lie that it is normal for our children to figure things out on their own.

    But that, in my opinion, is lazy parenting. Are there some things we can’t control? Yes. Are there things our kids will learn from someone other than us? Also yes. But does that mean we sit back on the couch with our feet propped up, throwing our hands in the air like “well, I learned that way and I turned out just fine.” But did you really? When you look at your past, all the experiences and lessons learned, then when you look at where you are in your life right now…are there things you hope differently for your kids than what turned out to be true for you? I’m not talking about just one thing…I’m talking about your education, your job, your health, your spiritual walk, your relationships…if you turned out perfectly, then congratulations. However, for the vast majority of people, we all have things that we are reaping the consequences of based on how we were raised and the exposures we had.

    Now, hold with me. I don’t want you to get the idea that you are in a place now that was not meant for you to be. Because that goes against everything else I’ve ever said here on the podcast, right? The idea that we are here for a reason, we have been chosen for this time, and there is nothing that has been a surprise to God. This is all true. Yet at the same time, it is also true that we are not called to say “oh, well, I did the things, learned the habits, experienced the consequences, and turned out to be in a place where I was supposed to be so my kids can do the same.”

    We are not called to be passive parents. Brains are not fully developed until we are in our 20’s. For all you science lovers, that’s a scientific fact. So, why would we hold an underdeveloped brain to the same standard of making decisions and learning things as we do as adults? 

    We’ve been discussing the topic of Raising Warriors and I want to make something clear. Raising Warriors doesn’t mean raising children to learn how to fight. In Exodus 14:14, the Lord is speaking to the Israelites and says “The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” We don’t have to worry or fret over how the battle against evil will be won. See, Jesus already took care of that for us. Do we still have daily battles we have to face? Absolutely. But are we supposed to be fighting them on our own or expecting our children? Of course not. 

    When it comes to fighting the evil in this world, it is so much more than knowing right from wrong. It is more than being taught that love is love or love your neighbor by doing what you’re told. It is more than being dragged to church on Sunday and forced to say prayer at the dinner table. 

    The armor of God includes a shield of faith, to withstand the evil that is thrown at us. How will our children know how to protect themselves from evil if we don’t tell them as well as show them? Do you really want the world telling your kid how to stand up against the devil? 

    Because when we know and have faith, it doesn’t matter what is thrown at us, we can push back in confidence that the Lord is fighting for us and our faith in Him will not be in vain. 

    Teaching our children to have faith in God can sometimes feel like an impossible thing. Especially when we struggle, ourselves, to have faith in all circumstances.

    We all struggle. Our faith struggles. But you know what? We can go back to things we DO know…faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. We are told that we need only have faith the size of mustard seed. Do you know how small that is? A mustard seed is about 1 to 2 millimeters in diameter. If you aren’t sure of the comparison, look it up compared to a penny. It’s not but a blip. If our faith can move mountains and need only be the size of a mustard seed, and if faith is our shield…even when we stumble in our faith, if it is STILL THERE, no matter how small, we can stand against evil.

    We want our children to be protected, right? We want them protected against getting hurt, viruses, illness, bullies, people that want to harm them. We can do a lot of that for them when they are little. However, as they grow, it becomes more apparent that as they become more independent that they need to know how to protect themselves.

    How many times have we let our own children down? I don’t know about you, but I feel like I fail a LOT. But if I…if we…can raise a child to learn how to walk, eat, climb, ride a bike, drive a car, do laundry, mow the grass, apologize, be kind…then we can also have faith that God is working for us…He is fighting for us…He is teaching us…so that our faith can grow and we can take that shield up in confidence to protect from attacks.

    Not only that, but we are then able to lead our children to do the same. To take up their shields of faith. They may start out tiny, but IF we are active in our parenting, deliberate in our decisions, and strong in the middle of adversity…they will see what it means to be a warrior. 

    You may be saying, “this is all great, Courtney, but HOW do I do that? HOW do I teach them to have faith, to take up their shields, to trust in God?”

    And I would be lying if I said I had all the answers. I would be lying if I said I was doing it all right. But I can tell you some things we are doing that I hope and pray will have a positive impact for my children’s future.

    Every thing we do. The choices we make. The words we say. The things we allow our children to be exposed to. It all affects their faith just like it affects ours. And if you think your child is past the point of being influenced by you, I ask you, do you think the world is still influencing them? If so, then keep going. Keep fighting for them. If you think you’ve already totally screwed up on your parenting, that is NOT the Lord giving you those thoughts. I am 100% sure.

    Our children are put in our care not just to say “thanks God” before tossing them into the world to be eaten. They are put in our care to teach them, show them, guide them in raising their shields of faith to push back against the devil. To believe and know WHO is ultimately in control, no matter what doubts come their way. 

    Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. Those words are found in Joshua, chapter 1, verse 9. 

    You are raising warriors…don’t be a passive parent. Be an active parent. Be strong and have courage. Take up your shield of faith and teach your children to do the same.

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    Peace: What Does it Come Down to?

    Peace: What Does it Come Down to?

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    Before we get going today, I wanted to share a very special happening coming this Sunday, December 12th at 7pm CST. I’ll be going live on YouTube with The C.R.O.S.S., which stands for “Christian Reactions on Sociable Saints.” We will be talking about our children, taking them and their education back, as well as much more. I am really excited about this opportunity and would love if you came and said hi, participated in the discussion, and offered support. Here's the link: 

    Ok, so I feel like my head has been so busy lately. Or rather my mind. When I’m driving in the car, lying in bed, reading, watching tv, talking to my kids or husband, at work, no matter where I am or what I’m doing, there are so many thoughts constantly whirling around that I find it next to impossible to focus on the thing at hand. In fact, I have told my family that unless you make it a point to grab my attention, then I will likely not remember anything they’ve said. 

    This isn’t some new concept to me. I have become accustomed to always be moving. There’s always something that needs to be done, a child that needs to be taken to an appt or activity, worship service needs planned, all the things for all the people, and making sure everyone is cared for and happy. And yes, I could stop and drop it all. But you know what that would look like? It would look like my kids not homeschooling anymore and being put into public school. It would look like them not participating in a sport they love. It would look like appointments not being attended, absence from functions, and me just sitting on the couch with nothing to do.

    Here’s the thing, even if that were the case? I am willing to guarantee my mind would still not be silent. I am an overthinker by nature. Not only that, but I have this weird balance between thinking about worst case scenarios AND finding the good in everything. And in all actuality, it’s not really a balance at all. It just depends on the day and the moment.

    Sometimes, I feel like despite my best intentions, I fail at the little things. In the middle of juggling it all, I still snap at my kids, get annoyed with my husband, cry about my body, drop the ball on showing support for friends, and am left feeling the weight of disappointment and imperfections.

    Even for this podcast episode…I took 2 weeks between episodes in order to give myself some breathing room, and yet here I sit at the last minute with so many thoughts in my head that I can’t really formulate one cohesive thought that makes sense. It is broken sentences, broken thoughts, broken pieces of me that I’m scooping together to try my best and get a point across. Not because I don’t have anything to say, but because there is always SO much to say that I can’t get one thing out at a time. 

    Which just means it leaves me feeling frustrated with myself and my seemingly lack of capabilities. 

    I sure sound like I’m having a pity party right now, huh? 

    When we take our eyes off of Him, it becomes all about us. 

    “Who’s offending me?”

    “Who hurt me?”

    “What am I supposed to do?”

    “How are others perceiving me?”

    “Who am I letting down?”

    “How can I make myself happy?”

    We all struggle to not be selfish. Is it something to be proud of? No. But is it something we all encounter at some point in life? Yes.

    See, in the moments when we begin to take all of life’s problems, whether ours, our children’s, our friends, our country’s, our world’s…whomever, when we take those problems and make it about us, we lose sight of the end goal.

    When we focus on the “me” part more than the “Him” then we find ourselves facing a black hole of silence more than leaning into “I AM.”

    This is a season seen by many in different ways…

    There are those who view it as an opportunity for big box companies to make more than their share of money and feed off of people’s emotions.

    There are those who make it their goal to point out that Christmas was not started because that’s when Jesus was born and it was a pagan holiday.

    There are also those who find sorrow and sadness as they are reminded of the loved ones, or livelihood, they have lost.

    Then there are those who see this season as one filled with hope, faith, joy, peace…

    Peace. That’s what I long for. Peace not only in the world, but in my mind, heart, and soul. 

    But in order to achieve that, I have to realize that it’s not about me. While yes, this holiday season was not started because of the exact time of Jesus’ birth…it IS when we celebrate it. 

    It’s about a time in history when, after over 400 years of waiting, after years of destruction, pain, confusion…there was this moment that had been foretold hundreds of years before, on more than one occasion, when a King gave up His thrown of honor to come as a humble baby, lying in a feed trough. 

    He didn’t do it because everyone was behaving themselves. He didn’t do it because people were worshipping Him. Or because the world was at peace. 

    He also didn’t do it for Himself. 

    He did it for lost souls. He did it for the mom who struggles every day to keep it together for her family. He did it for the dad who worries over providing for those he loves. He did it for the woman who has been searching for love and only finding heartbreak after heartbreak, rejection after rejection. He did it for the man who drags himself to bed after a night of binging only to start the next day making decisions that leave him feeling empty.

    He grew in His mother’s womb…was born in a stable…raised by imperfect humans…knowing what the end result would be…

    Not because of anything else except He was the only answer we needed. He already loved us and we weren’t even a blip on the radar yet.

    He knew how broken the world would be today. How broken WE would be today. He saw our mistakes, our flaws, our fears.

    And came for us. Me and You.

    In my loneliest moments. In the times when I have felt at my lowest. Those nights as a young adult when I made decisions that could’ve left me in a state that is completely different from where I am now.

    Those times I have been broken, bitter, and betrayed.

    He saw past all of my faults and saw my needs.

    My need for HIM.

    And while yes, I have been saying how it’s not about me, which is true…this can all be said about you, too! And how it still circles back to HIM. It’s always HIM.

    I think about when my children were first born. As exhausted as I was during those sleepless nights, whenever they cried out, I was there. As they have grown, each time they have fallen, I’ve been there to pick them up. When they’ve woken from a bad dream or cried over disappointment, I’ve been there to comfort them.

    And as a parent, both you and I, we didn’t take any classes to learn how to have that instinct. It’s called instinct for a reason. The definition of instinct is: “a natural or intuitive way of acting or thinking.” Do you know what this says to me? It says that the instinct we have to run to our children in their time of need is something that was given to us from God, Himself. 

    We were created in His image so it seems pretty obvious that we got that instinct from our Father. He hears our cries, sees when we fall, knows when we need His comfort.

    His peace.

    Whenever I picked up my babies, even for a simple cuddle, the peace that fell over us both was unexplainable. It was more than service level. My heart was at peace, taking in the sweet moment in time when nothing else mattered or took priority.

    That same peace is how I feel when I am struck by feelings of anxiety or overwhelming stress and the Lord breathes to calm the storm. 

    It’s like the peace that covered the earth when the Christ was born. Do we know how peaceful it was? Of course not, but I can imagine that the world, that was created by His Father, felt the impact, quite literally, as a tiny baby, born to bring salvation, took His first earthly breath. 

    I recently watched a video from a speaker who had looked into scientific sounds that stars, galaxies, and even sea animals make. It was fascinating! Here's the link: 

    The bible tells us in Psalm 19:1, that “the heavens declare the glory of God.” Can you imagine joining together with all of God’s creation to declare the glory of God?? In those times when I am struck with fear, anger, paralyzing thoughts, maybe you’ve felt that way as well? If we can force ourselves to be aware of how we are feeling and take a second to step back, shut our mouths, and focus then we can find a moment to breath in the peace that passes all understanding.

    As a homeschooling mom, I sometimes feel the need to teach my kids all the things. I see fun things online that others are doing, have my own ideas, see suggestions for extension activities in our curriculum, and add that to the expectations I have for their education, and it can quickly come to a point when I shut down mentally because it is all SO much. It comes from a good place, I recognize that. I want them to enjoy learning and have a different experience than I did. However, it’s so much more than an education when we homeschool. It comes from a spiritual direction and desire to make God the focus of it all. When they were little, we dedicated them back to the Lord and made a promise to raise them to know Him. I want them to know Him in a personal way. Not this idea of a guy in the sky who judges with a heavy hand and is so out of reach that we can never do anything to make Him proud of us. That’s a heavy burden that I willingly pick up and carry. With the understanding that it is not really a burden at all but a gift. A gift to be an example to them. To draw closer to God every day, trudging through the chaos in my head, to focus on the One who brings peace, wisdom, and joy. 

    Whenever I start to spiral, I have learned over the last few years that it’s typically when I’ve taken my eyes off the One who is walking on the water of my life to take my hand. It could even be for a split second. When I am looking at Him, it doesn’t mean that my mind completely empties, and I do one thing at a time. But it DOES mean I can sit next to the manger and breathe a bit of peace. It means I can redirect my thoughts to be focused on Him. From the God who created me in my mother’s womb to the baby born in a stable, to the man who loved US enough to give His life, to the One who will come back for us. 

    Because when it comes right down to it. It’s all about HIM. I can’t change all the things going on in the world…well, maybe there are things here and there that I can do my part, of course…but I can’t stop the world from being evil. I can’t drop all my responsibilities. I can’t let down my guard of protecting my children.

    But one thing we can all do, in the chaos of the season…of this year…is worship Him. How do we do that? Talk to Him regularly. Trust Him. Love Him by loving others. Bask in His blessings. Lift up the lost and broken. 

    It is my hope that you are able to find peace this season. TRUE peace that comes in the middle of a chaotic day, that doesn’t fix problems, but gives you strength for the situations you walk through. You are loved, friend. Even when you are a hot mess express, even when you yell at the kids, whine about your husband, stress over life. You are loved, you are chosen, you have a purpose, and it is my prayer that the God who parted the Red Sea and raised the dead, brings you the biggest gift this year. The gift is HIS peace so that you can turn and share it with others.

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    You Don't Need Social Media to Tell You the Truth

    You Don't Need Social Media to Tell You the Truth

    Recently, we’ve been talking about priorities, putting on armor, and both being and raising warriors. Today is no different. However, at times it may seem questionable as to where I am going with it. As always, hang in there, I’ll connect the dots eventually.

    At the time I am recording this episode, the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case has been given and found him not guilty. No, I am not going to talk about that case specifically, but it did get me to thinking. Well, actually, my thoughts had already been going in a certain direction and this just sorta pushed it even further. 

    If you pay attention, even just a smidge, to current events and how they have impacted our society over the last several years, it seems that about the time one incident starts to simmer and people quiet their rage, something else happens and the waves of turmoil begin again. Sure, some may say that’s a bit tinfoily or conspiracy junk but I trust that if you are listening to me right now, there’s a part of you that is at least OPEN to what I have to say. 

    I’m not saying there’s some group of people who force every little thing to happen and cause descent among the people, though that wouldn’t be out of the question in some instances, but what I AM saying is that there are people who will take advantage of a situation in order to cause chaos in order to gain power. 

    Gasp. So shocking, right?

    It is a part of human nature to be selfish and throughout time we have seen people fight for power and control, from the playground to the politician. It also seems pretty obvious that the quickest way to control a certain group of people is to feed their fears, their insecurities, or do the whole conquer and divide thing. If people can be at odds with each other, then unity will never occur. If unity never occurs, then naturally people will look for someone to take the lead. 

    So many times, I am reading comments about how Christians are quick to judge and are hypocrites because they shouldn’t be judging. But have you ever paid attention to WHO is saying those things?? Have you ever given that any thought at all??

    While there are some exceptions…I would be willing to say that there are mainly 2 types of people who quickly and proudly spout those phrases.

    They. Are. Not. Serving. The. God. You. Serve.

    So…Why are you allowing people who don’t even believe or serve the Lord tell you what is and isn’t the “Christian way” or “right way” to do things? 

    Why are you permitting the world to slither into your head and tempt you to doubt what you know is right?

    Evil is on the pursuit to control. Control our children. Our families. Our community. And if we simply sit back and stay silent, that will happen. 

    We have been chosen to do more than that. Don’t allow the world to have you doubting your abilities to make a difference. Even if your children seem like they are so far away, don’t give up on them. Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t give up on God. Because He sure hasn’t given up on you.

    Find me on Facebook. Instagram, or email to courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com

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    By Whose Standards with Lyndz Marie

    By Whose Standards with Lyndz Marie

    This week, I wanted to bring back an interview I did with my friend, Lyndz Marie, as it fits perfectly into what I've been talking about in regards to raising our children. If you are someone who has a desire to homeschool, or needs some encouragement, this will be such a good episode for you to tune into! 

    When we first began homeschooling, I had this image in my head of what it should look like. It was very similar in how I experienced school in both a private and public setting. It wasn't until I let go of that expectation and realized homeschooling is NOT school at home when we could began to embrace the possibilities.

    In my chat with Lyndz, she shares her own personal journey - though very rocky at times - to homeschooling her son, including the struggles she had due to some trauma from pubic school. 

    When it comes down to it, whether you are homeschooling or simply raising your children the best way you think you can, what is it that you are comparing your family to? By whose standards have you decided to hold it up against? 

    You can find Lyndz over on Instagram at Gardening Geek (she is doing some fun stuff with her house AND her homeschool adventures these days!).

    You can connect with me, Courtney, on Facebook, Instagram, or send an email to courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com

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    Are You Raising Warriors?

    Are You Raising Warriors?

    I want to ask you something. Something that I want to truly challenge you to think about before answering…

    When you think about your kids, what is the line that you won’t allow anyone to cross in order to protect them? Do you have an obvious blanket answer like “I won’t allow anyone to physically hurt my kid.” Or maybe “I won’t allow harm to come to my child.” Those are some pretty simple and obvious answers, right? Not that you would be wrong to say them because I completely agree with you. Someone comes at my kid with a weapon or tries to attack one of them? I’m stepping in before they get a chance. I make sure they wear their seatbelts when in a car, helmets when on bikes, and yes, because of my line of work I always have worst case scenarios going on in my head so it’s a balance to not worry too much. 

    When we look at the “end results” of our parenting, how do we hope our kids turn out? We can’t guarantee they will end up being the person we dreamt for them, and we will have to accept facts that they will likely make decisions that we felt wasn’t best. Throughout history, we read about leaders, world changers, or even local heroes that were in the right place at the right time. 

    So, us being here, parenting the children we are parenting…living in the culture and world around us…this is not a surprise. It wasn’t an accident. YOU are not an accident. You were chosen for this moment in time. You were chosen to parent your children. AND your children were chosen to be here, right now. 

    This is not just a luck of the draw.

    If we look at it that way, keeping in mind that there is a reason for our family to be here, we can begin looking at the bigger picture and the end result.

    Do we throw the kids out and let them figure life out on their own? Of course not. And I’m going to share something with you that may or may not come as a surprise to you…

    No matter what anyone tells you…and I mean anyone…no one else on earth loves your children as much as you do and no one else has their best interest at heart more than you do so therefore no one else has the right to overstep a line that you feel should not be crossed. No amount of education, experience, or opinion can overrule that fact that you know your children and what is best for them more than anyone else. So you have the right, the permission, the ability to stand up, speak out, and say enough is enough. 

    Have you seen the phrase “raising arrows” before? I’ve seen it on shirts, mugs, and other items. I know that it is a great phrase to address raising our kids. The idea behind it, if I understand it correctly, is that we, as parents, are raising children that when we send them out into the world, they are prepped and ready and steadfast.

    And I agree. That being said, I am going to take it just a bit further than that.

    I believe, at least for me, I am RAISING WARRIORS. 

    I looked up a bit about warriors and found that a warrior stands against darkness. It doesn’t succumb to darkness by losing faith or love. A spiritual warrior is one who lives a life with God and stands through life’s battles with their head held high. Believes and knows God is leading them in every aspect of their lives.

    We are  discussing what that looks like in more detail today.

    Something special is coming this week over on Instagram, so make sure to go follow me and keep watching!

    If you anything in today's episode speaks to you, will you please share it? Make sure to tag me if you share on social media so I can  thank you!

    We need to be preparing ourselves and our children for the battle ahead. The battle against the evil that will go through every little space possible to worm its way into our families. With the intentional listening of instructions…putting on the full armor of God and TEACHING our CHILDREN to do the same…we can be confident that the Lord will not desert us. He will be our protector and our leader. We are called to be strong and courageous.

    We need to lead our children to stand against darkness and not succumbing. To hold tight to faith and love. To live a life with God and stand through life’s battles with their heads held high. Believing and knowing God is leading them in every aspect of their lives.

    Because WE are RAISING WARRIORS.

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    Email me: courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com


    What Do You Prioritize?

    What Do You Prioritize?

    We are officially in the holiday season and I have to just say…this is one of my favorite times of the year. Yes, I am THAT person. Christmas more specifically. And crazy enough, I now have a child who is JUST as pumped about it as I am! He was actually asking about watching Christmas movies and decorating a few weeks ago! Now, don’t judge me if you’re one of those who would rather wait until after Thanksgiving or even closer to Christmas to begin that time of the year. It’s not even the typically stuff that society now equates to the “holidays.” You know the stuff, commercials, ads, mail inserts all about what you or your child MUST HAVE this year. Or the panic buying. The cars honking as they sit in traffic. The stress of having the perfect house décor and let’s not forget the family drama of how all the time will be evenly split between families and parties and all the things.

    No. I am not here for that. And don’t you worry, this episode isn’t about Christmas. At least, not as a whole topic…for now, haha.

    The reason I brought this up is because sometimes the things we see as unimportant or insignificant are really the things we were called to do.

    Several months ago, I was talking to someone who is an influence in my children’s lives. They were telling me about an overall view of one of my kids and mentioned that homeschool kids seems to be more sensitive or tender. Now, while that person wasn’t trying to be malicious or demeaning, it was said in a way that basically came across as homeschool kids are weak. The reason being is because this individual realized my child wasn’t like your typical public school kid attitude when it came to being taught, reprimanded, or even joking around. 

    What that person didn’t realize, is that I saw it as a HUGE compliment to my child and my decision to homeschool.

    See, when I hear about middle school kids getting in daily fights in the classroom…when I hear about certain conversations that are WAY inappropriate for kids of ANY age – and that is not me being a prude…and I look at my kids interacting with people of all ages, all walks of life, and genuinely enjoying life, I am thankful. 

    PRIORITIES….What is your goal as a parent for your children? Do you want them to go to college, be kind humans, fight for injustices, own their own business, whatever that looks like.

    Remember when the lockdown first happened and life sort of froze in time for a bit? All the things we took for granted were stopped. From extracurricular activities to going and visiting with family any time we wanted. There were even more extreme things being done at some places like not even being allowed outside. 

    I’d like to think it was a wakeup call for a lot of people, because it was for me. It gave me time to stop being busy and look at what mattered the most. Not that I didn’t think my family mattered but I had allowed the NEED to “go go go” with them take over having a clear head.

    Over the years, my reasons for homeschooling have sort of ebbed and flowed as we have changed up curriculum, styles of learning, and activities we join in. The one thing that has continued to grow is what I prioritize. 

    When it comes to prioritizing in homeschool, my beliefs and reasonings are going to be different than someone else’s. Even different than friends who homeschool as well. 

    Homeschooling is all about freedom to choose. Choose how your kid’s are influenced. Who they are surrounded by. How they learn how to treat others. 

    It’s the ability to adapt to the needs of each of your children instead of pushing them to fit this molded box of expectations that an archaic system has put in place. And it really is an archaic system if you think about it. Expecting all children of a certain age to be learning the same thing, at the same pace, in the same way and if they don’t comply to that mold, they are left behind or looked at differently. 

    Yet, when children are allowed to blossom into a love of learning at the pace that works for THEM, it can be a beautiful thing for not only them but us, as parents, as well.

    It doesn’t mean that you put them in a bubble, protecting them from the reality of life.

    I heard on a recent podcast by a fellow homeschool mom, that our home is like a greenhouse. Our kids are the baby plants.

    I have a vertical garden at home. Two actually. They are aeroponic, so no dirt, and I can grow things 3 times as fast, in less space, with higher yield than conventional gardening. Not only that, but I can grow it indoors and out, so year-round.

    It really is a glorious design. If you want the details on that, you can send me an email or dm on Instagram and I’ll totally share it.

    Anywho, when I first plant my seeds or seedlings, they are tender, easily affected by every little thing. Too much light, not enough, too much water, not enough, etc etc. So I do my due diligence and see what I need to do to give them the very best care I can until they are strong enough. Am I doing them a disservice by protecting them from elements that may harm them? Am I stunting their growth by giving them what they need or don’t need to flourish?

    Of course not. This is a simple answer to a rhetorical question.

    So, why would someone think that homeschooling is doing a disservice to a child? 

    When we are raising our children, they are influenced by everything we say and do. We know that. From the time they are born, they are listening, watching, learning. They have their own personalities, likes, dislikes, but they are influenced by us.

    What we allow to permeate their little greenhouse is up to us. Yes, the world will still come in through the cracks like a wind, but it is up to us to decide how big of a draft that becomes.

    Over the course of the last 2 years, the desire to both protect my children and also prepare them for the world has grown stronger and stronger. In a time when innocence is being taken and opinions are as loud as a marching band, my priority is raising them to not only KNOW the Lord, but to be a WARRIOR for Him.

    Recently, I did a 7 days of truth challenge over on social media. If you find me on Instagram, you’ll see it in my highlights. It was all about finding out the TRUTH of who God is. Now, why did I do that? It was spurred by me discussing the armor of God. How we should put it on every day. If we don’t have a strong belt of truth, just like the belt used with the Romans, everything else – including weapons – fall away.

    It’s important to me that my children know truth. And not what culture calls “your own truth.” Because, while yes, how someone feels is how they feel. But just because someone feels the sky is purple, doesn’t make it so.

    This year, with our homeschool curriculum, we are using something called Gather Round. I absolutely LOVE it. The idea is that you sit together, as a family, read the lesson aloud and then each child, or student, has their own notebook that is made to their level and covers all the subjects necessary. My son and I are finishing up a unit called Farming and Food. We have learned about all sorts of farms. Sheep, Goat, Chickens, Fruit, Veggies, even COFFEE! We have learned about cultures, why things are grown in certain places, we’ve done experiments, grown our own mushrooms, and had the bible seamlessly woven throughout it all. We’ve had challenging topics and debated both sides of differing thoughts. I’m telling you, it is just so good.

    We will be starting a new unit called Living off the Land after this one and my daughter will be joining in. I cannot wait. It gives me Little House on the Prairie vibes, and yes, we are even going to be doing some fun activities that will be similar skills learned during those times!

    In December, we will be pausing and doing a BRAND NEW unit called Christmas Around the World. We will be making recipes, ornaments, and learning about 12 different countries as far as their traditions and cultures around Christmas. 

    I’m telling you all of this because of one word: PRIORITIES.

    I don’t care if my kids fit in to the “expected attitudes” of kids their age. I would rather my child be tender hearted and have genuine care for people than focus on what they want and what puts them first.

    My son loving Christmas has nothing to do with gifts he will receive. Though I am sure he is excited for that as well. But he is looking at the traditions, putting up lights, watching movies, making and baking food, spending time together. 

    Learning, in our house, is about love, passion, and finding the joy in life.

    Is reading, writing, math, history, all of that important? Of course. But when I think back on my own childhood, I didn’t enjoy school. Well, outside of music class and talking to the boy I was in love with at the time. I memorized things in order to pass tests and survive that year. I didn’t find it fun to learn and research and all of that. 

    Though once I was in highschool, I realized I had a huge desire to write and express my thoughts through putting words onto paper. Outside of that, I had no desire to be in school.

    Today, I am learning the JOY of learning! I am walking beside my children, guiding their paths to the best of my ability, and finding adventure in our lessons TOGETHER! Yall, I am actually enjoying MIDDLE SCHOOL, whaaaaaat??!!

    Whether you are currently homeschooling, considering it, or just listening to listen….I hope you hear me right now saying to find what your priorities are. Where do they lie? 

    It’s ok if your kids don’t fit into society. Can they function in it? Can they communicate? Can they stand up for what they believe in? Can they be kind? 

    Do they know who they are and whose they are? THAT should be a priority. And when something is a priority, it doesn’t mean only on days you feel like it. It means, every day, you get up and know what mission you are on.

    I am Raising Warriors. I hope you are too. What does that mean or look like? Well, I’m going to be sharing more about that next week. 

    As we head into the holidays. Be encouraged. It is not about doing all the things, buying all the things, BEING all the things. We are not meant to juggle it all by multi-tasking. Learn from the past….learn from the lockdown. Prioritize your life and the top 3 things are what you focus on. Everything else will work itself out. I promise you.

    You are here for a reason. You have your children for a reason. They were given to you to raise. Don’t take that lightly. No matter how young or old they are. Impact their lives for the better. God chose YOU for them and vice versa. 

    It’s never too late to get your priorities straight.

    Loving God first will bring the rest in line. He’s got you.

    I am hoping this podcast finds those needing encouragement, support, and community. If that’s you, you’ve found a friend! I’d love to hear from you and what you thought about today’s episode or where you are struggling today. Please send me a dm over on Instagram or Facebook and say hello! You can find me at Imperfectly Pollyanna. Of course, you can always send me an email to courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com

    Remember, you are loved and I am so glad you’re here. See you next time!

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    Email me: courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com


    No More Darkness with Elizabeth Verver (Part Two)

    No More Darkness with Elizabeth Verver (Part Two)

    If you were with me last week, you heard Part 1 of my interview with author and speaker, Elizabeth Verver, as she shared just the beginning of her story navigating addiction, depression, and so much more. Today is part 2! If anything that you hear in the next few minutes touches your heart, and I am positive it will, then I want to encourage you to share it with someone else. 

    Today, we are going to find out who Mama K is, the biggest struggle Elizabeth faced, and how she is now turning her mess into a message. 

    Elizabeth is a passionate pursuer of the heart and presence of God, a loving wife to Frankie Verver, and a devoted homeschool Mom of four beautiful children. Her story is one from darkness to light, depression to joy, and hopelessness to beyond hope in Him. She desires to see people from all walks of life reach their highest potential in Christ, be completely set free, and discover the God ordained dream He designed for them. Elizabeth speaks at conferences and Bible studies, preaching the word of God in power and boldness. She is the author of “No More Darkness” a memoir of her journey. You can find her blogging monthly on Spirit fuel or at ElizabethVerver.com

    Without further ado, get ready friend, part 2 will NOT disappoint!

    Connect with Elizabeth at ElizabethVerver.com

    Connect with Courtney at Facebook, Instagram, or email at courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com

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    No More Darkness with Elizabeth Verver (Part One)

    No More Darkness with Elizabeth Verver (Part One)

    I hope that this moment finds you in a good place. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. However, if by chance you are struggling. If you have had thoughts of depression, anxiety, anger, confusion, and even doubting that anyone is in your corner. If you have even found yourself questioning your purpose in life. If you are a believer and you have felt like you must be doing something wrong if you still struggle with things from your past. Today, this moment, this episode is for you. I had the absolute honor of meeting and interviewing my now new friend Elizabeth Verver a few months ago. If anything that you hear in the next few minutes touches your heart, and I am positive it will, then I want to encourage you to share it with someone else. Elizabeth and I had such a great conversation that I didn't want to edit anything out. Because of that, I decided to make this a two part episode. Today is part one and I promise not to make you wait too long for Part 2! I do want to give you a heads up that while this interview will leave you blessed, inspired, and encouraged, it does hold some heavy topics that may be – dare I say – triggering. There won’t be tons of details on that end, but I felt like it was my job to take care of you in any way I can.

    Elizabeth is a passionate pursuer of the heart and presence of God, a loving wife to Frankie Verver, and a devoted homeschool Mom of four beautiful children from ages 11-15. Her story is one from darkness to light, depression to joy, and hopelessness to beyond hope in Him. She desires to see people from all walks of life reach their highest potential in Christ, be completely set free, and discover the God ordained dream He designed for them. Elizabeth speaks at conferences and Bible studies, preaching the word of God in power and boldness. She is the author of “No More Darkness” a memoir of her journey. You can find her blogging monthly on Spirit fuel.

    Without further ado, get ready friend, you are in for some powerful talk today!

    Connect with Elizabeth at: elizabethverver.com

    Connect with Courtney on Facebook, Instagram, or email at courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com


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    Email me: courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com


    Imperfectly Pollyanna
    enOctober 13, 2021

    BREAKING NEWS!!! Government is NOT the New Parent!

    BREAKING NEWS!!! Government is NOT the New Parent!

    Find Imperfectly Pollyanna via Facebook, Instagram, or email at Courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com

    Today’s topic is NOT for the weak or closed minded. I will always, ALWAYS be open with my thoughts and do my very best to offer them in love. I will also always come back around and find the good in some way. That being said, I am flabbergasted by what I read this past week. I cannot believe anyone would say the things or think the things that I read. I happened to be on twitter and was reading about a political debate. Now, it wasn’t about my own state’s governor, but I admit the quote totally click baited me. One of the participants stated that “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” I was floored. I thought, “surely this is not the full picture of how this man thinks?” So I clicked over to read and have since seen several articles that addressed it. I’ve never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the shed, so I went ahead and started scrolling the comments. 

    I’m just going to read a few to you, ok? 

    One said “Parents aren’t in the classroom, so why should they decide what their kids learn? Why should they decide what goes into their kids’ curricula?”

    Another said “Parents are not trained educators…don’t censor education.”

    And I’ll stop with one more that said “Parents should not be in charge of the curriculum any more than they should decide how to treat their children’s illnesses.” 


    I know that we have some really wonderful teachers out there. I have even had some of those really wonderful teachers. In fact, at our home school Co-op we do not call those who lead classes teachers, we call them mentors. But they are technically teaching the class. They are absolutely fantastic at what they do. Some of them are formally educated on the topic that they are teaching and others have educated themselves in a topic and sharing with others. That being said, they do not in fact decide what my children learn. I choose to put them in the classes that I feel they should be in. Granted, they as in the kids do pick out the ones that they would like to take based on interest and then we decide from there. And yes, the mentors leading those classes decide what they're going to share as far as information. It is up to me as the parent to decide if I am comfortable with my child being in the class. When I started home schooling my oldest, I really doubted my own ability to teach him past a certain point. I oftentimes wondered if I would be able to teach him once he got to certain levels of math or science. It wasn't until I really looked into the resources that are available for homeschooling families that I realized I could do it. In fact, the spelling curriculum that I used for him at a young age was one that I tried to word it in my own way to him in order for him to learn. When he started crying and getting frustrated because he wasn't grasping what I was trying to say, I turned and read exactly, word for word, what the curriculum said to say. At that point it was like a lightbulb went off and he got it! From then on, I strictly read off the page. Our current math curriculum is in a story form, and we read it together followed by each child doing the questions at the end. Those questions are called your turn to play because math should be fun right? I always thought math was absolutely awful. There was never a time in my life in which I thought math was exciting period that is, until I started doing this specific math curriculum with my son and now my daughter. The way that the author tells the story, shares other information outside of math, and then creates fun in learning just draws us all in. I have learned how to do math alongside my kids and it makes sense!

    I tell you this because there are so many parents, whether home schooling or just simply raising their children, in which we feel incapable. We feel lost. And about the time we feel we’ve gotten a handle on raising these humans, there’s a sharp turn in the road and we have to figure out how to pivot, right?

    I get those feelings. I do. 

    But I’m gonna let you in on a little secret…just because you FEEL you are not capable doesn’t mean you actually aren’t. 

    I’d like to ask you something…

    Who was it that told you you were not capable or worth to parent your children? Who was it that make you feel you were unable to make decisions for them when it came to their health, education, social life, or what-have-you?

    Don’t you find it funny…ironic…that the same system you were educated in now tells parents they aren’t educated enough to have a say in their children’s education??

    The system…the WORLD’S system…would want you to doubt yourself and your worth. As much as society spouts off about love is love and how we need to be kind above all else…they sure don’t take kindly when parents begin to question how things are run, do they?

    I was a daycare teacher for over 10 years. I loved it. My primary class was 3-4 year olds and they were SO much fun. I enjoyed teaching them things like letters, numbers, days of the week, months of the year, shapes, how to spell their names, etc etc. 

    I always made sure the parents knew how their child did that day, what they learned about, and did my best to have a good relationship with them.

    Right now, I am mentoring 2 classes for our homeschool co-op. It is primarily about nutrition. Each parent has my contact info and I make sure to have good communication with each one because they have entrusted me with their whole world that is packed into this tiny body in my class. 

    So, when I read that parents aren’t in the classroom so why should they have a say in what their children learn…I truly felt like I was reading satire. Why WOULDN’T parents have a say?? Now, do they need to be the ones to sit down and create the curriculum we use in our classes? No, of course not. But should they be aware of what is being taught? Absolutely. 

    When someone says parents aren’t trained educators so shouldn’t have a say? Wrong. Sorry. That is INCORRECT. Just because a parent did not go through hours of sitting in a classroom, reading books, taking tests, and learning the latest learning tool for kids doesn’t mean they are not capable of educating their children NOR does it mean they are too ignorant to know what is appropriate or not for their children to be taught.

    And when someone says parents shouldn’t have a say in curriculum any more than they should have a say in how to treat their child’s illnesses??? Are you KIDDING ME?! 

    If you’re going to bring that into the conversation, then I’ll just say that just because I am not trained in how to perform cardiac surgery on my kid doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have the right to have a say so in which surgeon does the procedure, refusing to allow any type of off the wall treatment that I haven’t approved, or allow a surgeon to perform surgery if I didn’t feel he met the standards. 

    Let me tell you: A parent is a parent is a parent. Period. The End. 

    Are there parents out there who are abusive or neglectful? Yes, unfortunately. I am not talking about them today. I am talking about the fact that there are people in this world who have the audacity to think it is the right of the government, the school system, “trained educators,” and the like to make decisions as if they were the one who conceived, bore, and raised these children! And that is NOT ok!

    Just because a parent is not the trained educator doesn’t mean they don’t have a right to an opinion about what should or should not be taught to their child.

    And when systems get defensive and try to say the opposite, or try to HIDE what they are teaching, it really makes you wonder WHY, yes?

    While I’m at it, I did see a few comments on that twitter thread about how if parents want a say then they can just homeschool.

    Telling someone to “just homeschool” feels so icky. Almost as icky as when people tell infertile couples they should “just adopt.” It isn’t that easy to just snap your fingers and make it happen.

    Do I think anyone can homeschool? Yes, if given the right resources. But is everyone able to do that? No. And many do not feel the conviction to do so. For those parents, it is still 100% their right to have a say in something being taught to their children that they feel is inappropriate.

    I’m just wondering when things changed that schools went from teaching things like math, science, history to forcing agendas down young minds? Yes, children need to know how the world works and how to survive in it. They need to learn about topics that aren’t always comfortable or easy. 

    But when grown adults begin taking their own skewed beliefs, opinions, and non-trained educated thoughts and share them in a classroom setting without the knowledge or consent of parents, then they are in the wrong. You won’t change my mind on that.

    The belief that parents can’t educate their own children is sad, frankly. 

    So again, who is it that has made you feel you are not capable of leading, guiding, teaching, educating, and training your children?

    Homeschooling is not always easy. There are many days when I want to throw in the towel and send them off to regular school. But I am positive there are days in which teachers wish they could throw in the towel, too. The difference is that I am my child’s BIGGEST advocate as most parents are.

    Life isn’t made to be easy. That option was tossed out the window back in the Garden of Eden. It doesn’t mean we just lay down and take it, either. It doesn’t mean we don’t stand up and take back control of our family. 

    Did you know that the attorney general is initiating strategies to combat “violent threats against school officials and teachers”? I admit I have not seen anything reported lately by the news media in which violent threats were happening, but I do hope and pray it is not. Unless, they are including parents standing up to what is being taught to their children without consent or maybe they are including student recording teachers blatantly bashing their parents or anyone else, including THEM, if they disagree with the mainstream opinion.

    Because if THAT is considered violence…well…may the Lord have mercy on us all.

    Do you ever wonder where we all went wrong? Because, after all, this can’t be pinned on just one political party or person. This is generation upon generation of wrong decisions. Over the years I have seen, read, heard people make comments about fighting for their rights, their freedoms, and not backing down. I’ve seen, read, and heard comments about when the time comes they would stand up. 

    So…when EXACTLY is that time? And what does standing up actually mean? I believe that until someone is personally affected by something – be it a disease, a mandate, whatever – they won’t typically do anything about it. After all, it’s easier to take the easy road, isn’t it? When we face diversity, isn’t it a nicer outcome when we can all play pretend and spout about loving each other no matter what. Afterall, I hate confrontation, I really do. If I am in a situation that appears to be going down that road, then I will do everything I can to avoid it. 

    I also believe it is important to pick your battles. We’ve all been told that at one point in our lives, right? Asking ourselves if an argument is worth it in the end. Aaaand typically it isn’t. Typically, it is better to walk away. 

    But I AM wondering, what is YOUR line that you won’t cross? What is YOUR line that will bring you to your knees and say enough is enough? 

    When a baby is born…how much do you think he or she is worth? Can you put a price tag on that? I would be willing to bet that you may say a newborn baby is priceless. 

    At what point does that baby lose it’s worth? Toddlerhood? School-age? Teenage? Young adulthood? 

    At what point do we think, or rather get told, that WE are no longer priceless, and neither are our children?

    At what point do we stop loving our children enough to let someone else decide what is in their best interest?

    I’m just going to pause there for a second and let that sink in…

    No matter what you’ve been told…no matter what your own childhood was like or the decisions you have made…there is no moment in which you are not allowed to change your mind and speak up for yourself, your kids, and your family as a whole. 

    Give yourself permission to face diversity head on, knowing you ARE strong enough to do it. The path of least resistance is not the one where warriors are made. If you’ve been convicted about homeschooling, DO IT. I am telling you RIGHT NOW, you ARE in fact smart enough to do it. Your children are worth that and so is your peace of mind. Does that mean the decision to homeschool will come without consequences or frustrations or doubters and haters? Nope, I will guarantee there will be all of that.

    However, no matter how stable things seem to be by simply leaving someone else to educate your child seems…you are not beyond being affected by what is currently happening in our world. 

    If you feel your kids need to be educated on certain subjects, guess what? You don’t have to be a trained educator to find resources to make that happen. 

    If you feel you cannot tackle certain subjects or grade levels, guess what? You don’t have to be a trained educator to find resources to make that happen.

    If you are afraid to speak out and stand up for your family because of the fears that the devil has placed in your mind – because that IS where fear comes from, by the way – guess what? You are not alone.

    You. Are. Not. Alone.

    No matter the age of your child, no matter the job that you have or don’t have, if you are determined enough to fight for your family, you will find what you need. I’ve been doing this for over 7 years now, and there is so much beauty in taking the less beaten path.

    Don’t let society and the world eat away at your thoughts. Don’t let them frighten you with threats or making you feel less than.

    Yes, society is who has made you feel less than, even though they speak about love. That same society will not fight for your rights to parent as you see fit, I will tell you that right now.

    And at the end of the day, they will not be there when you need someone in your corner.

    Find your resources, find your people, find your family.

    If you are someone who still thinks there is absolutely NO way to homeschool your kids…you’ve done the research…you’ve spoken to other homeschool families that are similar to your lifestyle…you’ve done the details…please hear me when I say you can ALWAYS change your mind.

    Also? You are smart enough, worthy enough, educated enough to stand up and be your child’s advocate. Don’t let any amount of bullying knock you off your feet. And if you do get knocked down, get back up. Your family depends on you and you are so much more of a fighter than you may realize. Why is that? Because a TRUE warrior…a TRUE advocate…fights for someone or something out of LOVE. 

    Love DOES win, friend. Not in the way that society thinks. But in the TRUE way. Love has already won.

    I am hoping this podcast finds those needing support or encouragement. If you know someone who needs to hear today’s episode, or if it has spoken to you in some way, would you please share it? This world can be a dark, dark place and I truly believe we can come together and be a light in that darkness.

    I hope you’ll keep showing up as we find the good together. Remember, you are loved and I am GLAD you’re here! See you next time!

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    Email me: courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com


    Stink Bugs and Truth

    Stink Bugs and Truth

    Stink bugs. Seriously, did you happen to see my recent Instagram story about them? If you did, and you saw my reaction to one coming after me…well, you’re welcome for the free entertainment. I usually have a few pop up here and there every year but it’s no big deal. However this year? I know I’m not the only one but…WHERE ARE THEY ALL COMING FROM?! I thought we had just a few on our back door until I went outside this morning for a fun homeschool activity and the side of my house was COVERED in them! Probably several hundred. You heard me right, HUNDREDS. And while I love nature and have dreams of living on my own farmland one day…I just…I just can’t with stink bugs. They give zero craps about who you are or where you are. Who knew they enjoy flying so much?! And they give me all the feels of them having full conversations amongst themselves on which one will attempt to break rfree into the house and take over. I had no idea we were living in a modern name Egypt with the plague of stink bugs instead of locusts! But really, do you have suggestions for quick and easy ways to get rid of them? Are they attracted by something specific? Will they go away once fall sets in with cooler weather? I suppose this is something I could have my kids research for a homeschool project but if you have a suggestion, please, PLEASE send me a message on facebook or Instagram OR send me an email at courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com. I will love you forever if it works and will even send you a thank you gift. I’m not even joking. 

    But really? REALLY? It is time for us to stop turning to the world for answers, seeking their approval, trying to not rock the boat to much for fear of being cancelled. Why are we so quick to back down when conflict occurs…or there are some who refuse to back down but their feet are not planted on solid ground. We need to not only wake up but to put on the FULL armor and stand up. You cannot fight a battle without armor, it’s just plain dumb if you do and leads inevitably to death. What are we supposed to stand up to? Well, I think it’s important to address both what we stand up to as well as why the FULL armor matters. After all, my children learn best when they know the WHY behind their learning. I know I hated certain things in school as a kid because I thought “I will NEVER need to know this.” 

    So what are we told to put on? First is the belt of truth. I think about how it’s so mainstream to say “well, I’m telling my truth.” But shouldn’t the truth be the truth be the truth?? What am I missing there? I mean, I get that someone may share how they are feeling in a situation so others can understand a different view. Like riding a roller coaster. One person may feel exhilarated by the speed and someone else may feel sheer terror. Both people are not wrong because it is the truth with how they feel. BUT! There is another truth…truth that is fact. Like the fact that a roller coaster is fast, it has hills or turns, sudden stops, what color it is, that sort of thing, That’s truth and even if someone says “well, I don’t agree with you” doesn’t change that the roller coaster is all of those things.

    When we put on the belt of truth, is that our personal truth? Is that what we’ve been told all of our lives? Is that what society or the media tells us to believe? I wondered if there was a reason why the belt of truth was listed first in the description of armor. Soooo, I did a little searching. Roman soldiers stored their weapon in their belt. Without a belt, they couldn’t carry the weapon. Not only that, but the belt also helped to secure other pieces of armor. I suppose it was essential in that if you didn’t have the belt, your armor might fall off or you may not be able to protect yourself with your weapons being closely at hand. 

    In order to know that answer, we have to know what the source of truth is. WHO the source of truth is. Back in the day, the news would site their sources in order to back up what they were saying. Nowadays, it appears the news just shares what they want, based on their own viewpoints, and then expect us to just believe it and move on. Sigh, the good ol’ days. But, I happen to know of a verse that gives us the answer to what or who our source of truth is! John 14:6 says “Jesus said I am the way the TRUTH and the life.” Well, what do ya know?! We found that the SOURCE of truth…the REAL TRUTH…is Jesus. 

    We can’t put on the belt of truth if we aren’t constantly seeking the truth and that truth lies in knowing who God is. When we know who He is, the rest of our armor will hold in place because we will know who is leading this battle. When you know your commander, you can proceed into battle with confidence, knowing He will stand with you and for you.

    Just like a stink bug, the devil can creep into areas of our lives and cause discomfort, doubt, pain, conflict. The little things begin to take over every space of our lives, our thoughts, our actions…and before long we are ready to burn the house down…or run away and hide from reality. We get drawn in and focused on the confusion that’s going on and before long we are drowning in a sea of doubt.

    I’m going to challenge you to do something. We are almost in the last 90 days of the year. Can you believe it? We thought 2020 was bad and then 2021 felt like a younger sibling trying to show off and show up a big brother or sister. Can you commit doing 7 days of truth with me? No matter what day you are listening, you can start today. 7 days of truth.

    What does this mean? We are going to find out who God is by diving into the truth of His word. I am going to post a passage of scripture every day on my social media accounts for 7 days – that is Facebook and Instagram – and I would like you to read them on your own and check in to say you read it along with any type of take-away you have. I’ll be doing it alongside of you. Now if you DON’T have Facebook or Instagram, you can still participate. You can simply email me with the topic of 7 Day Truth Challenge and I will personally send you an email with the scripture of the day for 7 days. Don’t worry, I won’t bombard you with emails outside of that. If you are in, I will post the links to Facebook and Instagram in my show notes or you can search Imperfectly Pollyanna. If you want to email me instead, you can send it to courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com.

    I will start posting the scriptures on Friday, October 1st so if you are listening after that date, that’s ok! Just hop in or read and catch up. I’m not going anywhere! I’m really looking forward to this challenge and doing it with you. If you know of anyone who would like to participate with us, feel free to send them this episode or tag them in the social media posts. 

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    Email me: courtney@imperfectlypollyanna.com


    Imperfectly Pollyanna
    enSeptember 29, 2021