
    Improving Customer Experience

    ClearAction is a customer experience consulting firm specializing in mentoring executives for customer-focused innovation, business process improvement and customer relationship skill development. ClearAction emphasizes customer hassle prevention for greater results in customer retention and profitability. See www.ClearAction.biz
    en-us71 Episodes

    Episodes (71)

    Employee Engagement in Balanced Scorecards

    Employee Engagement in Balanced Scorecards
    For senior executives the traditional balanced scorecard provides insights for steering the corporation or initiative in the right direction. However, these high level metrics may appear out of reach for most employees. Hear practical methods for engaging employees in balanced scorecards. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: Delivering Your Brand Promise. (5:36) Mevio {Mevio-df44d696b0fbde8457e21482896839fa}

    Improve Customer Experience by Reaching Out to At-Risk Customers

    Improve Customer Experience by Reaching Out to At-Risk Customers
    Over-focus on customer acquisition teaches customers to switch brands. For example, the brand switching rate, called customer churn, is 40% for the mobile phone industry, compared to a 7% customer churn rate for the insurance and financial services industries. Some good advice is to quit training your customers to switch – get off the churn bandwagon. Example from Orange / France Telecom. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: at http://customerexperience.vox.com (3:06).

    Why Satisfaction Surveys Aren't Customer Centric

    Why Satisfaction Surveys Aren't Customer Centric
    Customer Centricity by Discerning Satisfaction Outcomes vs Enablers. What’s the difference between the way customers volunteer feedback versus the way they’re requested to give feedback? One revolves around outcomes in the customer’s world, whereas the other revolves around customer satisfaction enablers in the company’s world. True customer-centricity requires primary focus and decision motivations be centered on the customer’s world, rather than the company’s. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: at http://clearaction.biz/blog (7:06).

    Customer Experience is Well-Defined by Metaphors

    Customer Experience is Well-Defined by Metaphors
    Do you want to gain an in-depth understanding of customer experience? More information can be obtained from five customers than from 50 focus groups, according to Larry Huston, former Vice President of Knowledge and Innovation at Procter & Gamble: "Map a holistic experience and spend 12 hours with one consumer over a one-month period instead of running 50 focus groups where you have eight minutes with an individual consumer." From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: (2:31).

    Customer Survey Action Plans & Feedback to Customers

    Customer Survey Action Plans & Feedback to Customers
    Anytime customers share feedback — whether solicited via survey or unsolicited via complaint or casual comments to front-line employees — it’s important to acknowledge the customers’ view and thank them, with assurance you’re working on solutions. Don’t let them feel like they’re hanging on a cliff waiting for advice they offered to make a difference! Examples from Boeing & Motorola. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: (2:54).

    Customer Experience Data: Untapped Gold Mines

    Customer Experience Data: Untapped Gold Mines
    Go after the gold in your customer data, avoid fool’s gold, and refine your customer data gold to make a difference in your business growth and profitability. Untapped opportunities exist in: *Making use of unstructured data, such as customer inquiries. *Connecting data systems such as order-entry and sales. *Helping Sales, Service, Finance, and the whole company see the customer in totality. *Allowing customer-facing people easy access to combined customer/company data. *And more. Examples from Cisco Systems. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: (5:13).

    4 Customer Centric Culture Building Blocks

    4 Customer Centric Culture Building Blocks
    It’s popular to tout customer-centricity, yet it’s very difficult to consistently demonstrate. The word centric means having a specific thing as the focus of attention and efforts. Customer-centric means that concerns other than the customer’s well-being are in the background while the customer stays in the foreground. That may seem simple enough, yet reality proves the elusiveness of customer-centricity. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: (5:00).

    Customer Experience Management Using Social Media

    Customer Experience Management Using Social Media
    Social media introduces excellent tools and customer feedback data streams for companies to monitor perceptions and trends. Best practices in customer experience management: a) Use social media listening first to determine how best to interact with customers; b) Recognize the importance of making emotional connections with customers via social media; c) Blend social media with other voice of the customer sources to create a holistic view of customer priorities; and d) Leverage customer stories from social media to energize employees enterprise-wide in continual improvement of customer experience. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: (6:14).

    Building a Customer-Centric Culture

    Building a Customer-Centric Culture
    What Does it Mean to be Customer-centric? To have the customer’s best interests as the focus of your attention — not to be pre-occupied in your own interests at the customer’s expense. To do this, you need to: 1) Really know the customer in order to anticipate their best interests. 2) Differentiate between primary and secondary motives. How Marketing and Customer Reference Managers can help build customer-centricity enterprise-wide. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: at http://customer.ology.com (3:48).

    Customer Experience is Decided by You

    Customer Experience is Decided by You
    You probably want to feel great more often! How can that happen? It’s up to you as a supplier to create excellent customer experiences that result in enthusiastic positive word-of-mouth and great business results. It’s up to you in all the decisions you make. Featuring the book I Love You MORE THAN My Dog: 5 Decisions That Drive Extreme Customer Loyalty in Good Times & Bad, by Jeanne Bliss. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: at http://customer.ology.com (4:38).

    Customer Experience Improves Without TMI

    Customer Experience Improves Without TMI
    'Too much information’ (TMI) can hurt customer experiences. It can be tempting to brag or complain about things as the customer waits for something. It can be easy to get long-winded telling a story to a customer. Be careful! Not only is TMI inappropriate and unprofessional, but it turns customers off. It can negate an otherwise stellar customer experience. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: at http://customer.ology.com (3:10).

    Customer Experience Social Media Conversations

    Customer Experience Social Media Conversations
    Social media contains a wealth of information about the customer experience, and savvy managers are paying attention. the social Web is full of customer comments, and engaging customers in conversations enables opportunities for building brand reputation, customer service, competitor analysis, sales leads, employee engagement, and new product development. From this perspective customer experience is 'the new marketing'. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: at http://clearaction.biz/blog (6:44).

    Customer Data Integration for a 360-Degree View of Customer Experience

    Customer Data Integration for a 360-Degree View of Customer Experience
    You’ve probably heard of the blind men who touched part of an elephant and were adamant about their interpretations. Businesses are in the same predicament without customer data integration for a panoramic viewpoint. Examples from Hewlett-Packard. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: at http://clearaction.biz/blog (7:17).

    Energize Your Customer Experience Strategy

    Energize Your Customer Experience Strategy
    For holistic customer experience management, the challenge is horizontal alignment to deliver intentional customer experiences. Keys to horizontal alignment, and what it takes to energize your customer experience strategy as a long-term journey enterprise-wide. Examples from Symantec. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: at http://clearaction.biz/blog (8:04).

    Marketing Wins Strategic Clout by Driving Customer Experience Management

    Marketing Wins Strategic Clout by Driving Customer Experience Management
    Traditionally, Marketing takes the organization’s message to the customer base, but now equally important is Marketing’s potential to take the customer base’s message back to the organization. Marketing sets up the value proposition that the brand represents, but ultimately customers define what brand truly means to them. The way we actually deliver the value proposition is more relevant than what we tell customers. Examples from Aon Corporation. From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: (4:00).

    New Rules of the Game for Innovation

    New Rules of the Game for Innovation
    A new understanding of innovation success factors is making traditional logic obsolete. Successful innovation has less to do with the best investment, technology, research and designers, according to Booz Allen Hamilton: “Unless their R&D efforts are driven by a thorough understanding of what their customers want, their performance may well fall short — at least compared to that of their more customer-driven competitors.” From the blog Customer Experience Optimization: at http://clearaction.biz/blog (4:12).