
    In bed with Aaron & Helene Podcast

    Apparently you spend 25 years of your life in bed and some of the best conversations you'll ever have happen between the sheets. It's comfy, cosy and chilled out. So come join us in ours!
    en62 Episodes

    Episodes (62)

    IBAHpod #47: Champions, UFC paycheques and call-outs

    IBAHpod #47: Champions, UFC paycheques and call-outs

    In this episode, we review the outrageous discrepancies in UFC fight purses, including the recent Rousey vs Nunes match.

    Discover all about Helene's weekend of delicious food and pole dancing, as well as her love of gypsy callout videos on youtube.

    Also this episode, our song of the week is brought to you by the fantastic Marble Eyes from here in London.


    IBAHpod #46: 2016 - a year of change

    IBAHpod #46: 2016 - a year of change

    Happy New Year!

    Welcome back to the first episode of what should be another great year for the show. In this episode we go through our best moments from 2016 both in and out of the podcast.

    We're also starting a new feature at the end of each episode, stay tuned for music from friends of the show. This week we feature a track by Act Cool, who you can listen to on Soundcloud.

    IBAHpod #45: special guest BAIN

    IBAHpod #45: special guest BAIN

    The best thing about the IBAHpodcast is absolutely all the friendships we have created and deepened as a result of a few recording sessions. Not only do we get to meet new people, but we get to learn so much more about those closest to us.

    We originally met Bain (we say "bah-een", you probably say "bayn") through BJJ and as a result have become a small part of his journey founding bainstore.com. It's such a unique concept combining real artwork and clothing in a very special and interesting way.

    Not only that but today is a double header! We also have our other good friend and sponsor (and Bain's missus herself), Lauren Roerick, founder of The Undepression Project on the show too.

    As we're releasing this on the 25th December, we'll also wish you a Merry Christmas. Whatever you do during the holiday period and whatever it means to you, it's still just a great excuse to get together with family and friends, enjoy some great food, and hopefully avoid fighting one another, even just for a day.

    This is our last episode until 2017! It's been an amazing year for the show and we can't wait to keep it going in the new one!

    IBAHpod #44: Marcelo "Mineiro" Bonani

    IBAHpod #44: Marcelo "Mineiro" Bonani

    This week we bring you another very special guest. BJJ black belt and coach "Mineiro" is a long time friend of our club, and an inspirational character to have on the mats with us. We get a little into the philosophy of BJJ, team spirit, loyalty and the lifestyle of a martial artist in this episode.

    We've wanted to have Marcelo on for a while so we hope you enjoy the episode as much as we did!