
    In Search of Sanity

    Are you tired of the toxic nonsense of today’s ‘we’re right and anyone who disagrees with us is wrong’ conversation? ​Our conversations and observations are for you. An irreverent, ​light-hearted yet thoughtful non-partisan current affairs ​Podcast that considers some of the most challenging issues facing our society and communities.
    enClive Pinder40 Episodes

    Episodes (40)

    15 Mins iSoS: Let We The People Decide.

    15 Mins iSoS: Let We The People Decide.

    Mark and Clive dive into two local issues - redistricting (aka gerrymandering) and allowing voters to choose vacant elected positions. It seems that more and more the body politic want to adjudicate issues in the courts or in the chamber and view the idea of voting as inconvenient and unnecessary. Their commentary wont surprise you as they advocate for the supremacy of voters, but the origin of the term 'gerrymandering' might!

    Niel Young Wants To Cancel Joe Rogan! Really?

    Niel Young Wants To Cancel Joe Rogan! Really?

    Mark & Clive are scratching their heads that Neil Young, an icon of freedom and anti-establishment protests, appears to have become infected with cancel culture complex and a victim of the outrage industrial complex. This is not the behavior of sane or reasonable people. At least let's hope not because we love Neil and respect Joe even if we don't always agree with everything they sing or say.

    15 Mins iSoS: The State of Freedom in America

    15 Mins iSoS: The State of Freedom in America

    Mark & Clive take a brief look at the recent Cato Institute annual report: 'Freedom in the 50 States' and how California fares. No prizes for guessing where it ranks, although the 'most free' State might surprise you. It's hard not to be partisan when those adjudged to be 'most free' are all governed by Republicans, while those 'least free' by Democrats. Perhaps it all depends on what freedom means to you!

    15 mins iSoS. Moving on From January 6th 2021.

    15 mins iSoS. Moving on From January 6th 2021.

    While President Biden & President Trump continue their slanging match, Mark & Clive look forward and ponder what we can learn from the seismic events of 6/1/21. Whatever your political leanings there is something in this podcast for everyone. Unless you are a member of the body politic, in which case there are some questions to be asked and opportunities to be grasped. It's time to move on. Can someone tell the politicians that?

    15 mins iSoS: The Politician's Gravy Train.

    15 mins iSoS: The Politician's Gravy Train.

    When Mark & Clive applaud AOC, you know you're in for a thought provoking and entertaining 15 minutes. Today they take a closer look at the profiteering politicians who make money from buying and selling stock while privy to information not easily available to us mere mortals. As always, they have a few choice words for those on the gravy train and suggest some reasonable and pragmatic solutions to solve the problem. Don't expect any of them to be adopted anytime soon!

    In Search of Sanity
    enJanuary 05, 2022

    What Kept Mark & Clive Sane in 2021?

    What Kept Mark & Clive Sane in 2021?

    It would be a sorry state of affairs if the architects, producers and presenters of a show whose sole purpose is a search of sanity failed to find any themselves. To cap off 2021 Mark & Clive share what three things kept them sane in this most insane year. Some of them might even surprise you!

    We Just Don't Trust Media Anymore.

    We Just Don't Trust Media Anymore.

    Mark & Clive kvetch about the demise of media's reputation. Why do 58% of Americans believe that “most news organisations are more concerned with supporting an ideology or political position than with informing the public”? What can be done about it? It's hard to find a silver lining but there are signs of hope. 

    15 Minutes In Search of Sanity

    15 Minutes In Search of Sanity

    Mark and Clive explore the issues around the progressive policy of forgiving all student debt. Looking at the numbers, the implication is that the cohort who will benefit most are white graduates from the elite universities. Is that 'progressive' or just another form of 'white privilege'? On face value it does seem hypocritical. Is there a fairer way or is it unfair to future graduates and the nation as a whole to forgive debt in the first place? 

    15 Minutes In Search of Sanity

    15 Minutes In Search of Sanity

    With Roe v Wade being challenged in The SCOTUS, Mark & Clive take on the touchy subject of abortion and come up with a controversial compromise. You cant please all the people all the time. That's where democracy can make a difference. Please invest 15 minutes to hear their idea and tell us what you think.

    15 Mins In Search of Sanity

    15 Mins In Search of Sanity

    Mark & Clive consider the words of Ronald Reagan, "Trust, but verify" and Abraham Lincoln "The people when rightly and fully trusted will return the trust", question why only 32% of people trust mainstream media and discuss ideas to solve the problem.

    15 Minutes iSoS

    15 Minutes iSoS

    A light-hearted yet fact laden and considered review of the 'When Harry Kissed Santa Claus' ad from Norway's Post Office that went viral. Woke smoke or a valuable cultural contribution? It all depends. Find out where our sleigh lands on this issue........

    15 Mins In Search of Sanity (Make That 30!)

    15 Mins In Search of Sanity (Make That 30!)

    After Mark explains Thanksgiving to Clive, they take a look at the ambition and actions of the newly formed Paso Robles Diversity Panel. Clive reports back on his participation in a public workshop. They look at the elephant in the room. Think about how you celebrate a history and a culture that is both a force for good and sometimes part of the problem. Discuss some practical ideas to accelerate inclusion and help everyone feel like they belong and put the spotlight on Leadership as being both the cause but also the potential solution of the challenge we all own.

    15 Minutes In Search of Sanity

    15 Minutes In Search of Sanity

    Mark and Clive question who, if anyone, wins in the latest show trial caused by violent protests resulting from another police shooting? As usual, no person or agency involved comes out smelling of roses as once again partisan politics taints the whole tragic episode. Listen to find out who deserves the least amount of credit and sympathy and what, if any, sanity can be found in other example of a trail where it seems the only winners are unreasonable people.

    15 Mins In Search of Sanity in LaLa Land

    15 Mins In Search of Sanity in LaLa Land

    With Clive reporting from a rare visit to Los Angeles to see the last Monkees Concert, Mark wonders if bands where half the original members are dead should still be billed as The Monkees, Chicago or The Who. Clive thinks they should. They also look at Mask compliance in LaLa Land (Hint: there doesn't seem to be any), Lockdowns in Austria and dog poop on Hollywood Boulevard.

    15 Minutes iSoS - Transgenderism in High Schools.

    15 Minutes iSoS - Transgenderism in High Schools.

    Mark & Clive explain why they think nobody at their local high school comes out smelling of roses in this latest controversy. Not the teacher, not the students and certainly not The Administration. They ask the question where does equity end and politics and virtue signaling take over? Who should be taking the lead in issues relating to beliefs and culture, Teachers or Parents? Is 'safetyism' "coddling" the next generation? Whatever our perspective, if we aspire to a cohesive and vibrant community, they conclude that we should be accepting of different beliefs and lifestyles, even if we don't approve of them. 

    15 Minutes In Search of Sanity

    15 Minutes In Search of Sanity

    Mark & Clive introduce a new In Search of Sanity series. A 15 minute look at a recent news story or community issue through a non-partisan lens. Today they cover COP26, the climate change conference in Glasgow and wonder why our political and corporate leaders ask us to 'do as they say, not as they do'. Most reasonable people want to do what they can to tackle climate related issues, so why do the elites treat us like children?

    TMWS ThoughtCast Ep 21

    TMWS ThoughtCast Ep 21

    Mark scratches his head as President Biden reneges on his pre-election promise not to rely on Executive Orders to make policy and wonders what happened to his commitment to work with both parties. He takes a closer look at some of those Executive Orders and wonders what 'reasonable people' will think of them. While on the issue of what is on the mind of reasonable people, Mark looks at the demands of Teachers' Unions and their catastrophic impact on children's education. Finally, when it comes to being 'reasonable', the less said about Marjorie Taylor Green the better!

    TMWS ThoughtCast Ep 20

    TMWS ThoughtCast Ep 20

    Mark gives us his own unique view on the Inauguration and nobody is spared. Flexing his 'equal opportunity offender' muscles Mark takes aim at both sides of the body politic and then shares his ideas on how politicians and the media may start to serve us, the 'reasonable people'.  

    TMWS ThoughtCast Episode 19 Part Two

    TMWS ThoughtCast Episode 19 Part Two

    This might be Mark's best ThoughtCast so far. You decide! In Part Two, in a search for ideas and not ideology, Mark makes a Hail Mary attempt to find some suggestions on how we might navigate our way out of this "nice mess we've gotten ourselves into". He calls a Brit. Clive. They know all about revolutions! As Sun Tzu said "There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare." It's time to stop the fighting and start rebuilding the 'United' in The United States of America.

    TMWS ThoughtCast Ep 19 Part One.

    TMWS ThoughtCast Ep 19 Part One.

    This might be Mark's best ThoughtCast so far. You decide! Just as we thought we could look forward to a new year, the insanity went ballistic. In Part One Mark looks at the tragic actions of the last week through multiple lenses. Nobody comes out smelling of roses, least of all the body politic. Mark finds some more odorous than others. In Part Deux, in a search for ideas and not ideology, Mark makes a Hail Mary attempt to find some suggestions on how we might navigate our way out of this "nice mess we've gotten ourselves into". He calls a Brit. Clive. They know all about revolutions!