
    Infinity Point Podcast

    Post-Religion, Post-Education, Post-Indoctrination Are you ready to throw away the script placed in your hands at birth? Careful – a mind expanded will not shrink back to its original naïve state. Of course, if you are checking out a podcast in the Spirituality section of Podomatic that announces itself as being “Post-Religion, Post-Education, Post-Indoctrination”, then chances are you have already departed from the doctrine and dogma originally scripted for you at birth. Great. So, you are blazing the trail of self-education and tearing down the myths and fables that had blinded you from understanding your world. Did your family and friends go down that path with you? Probably not. It can be a lonely journey seeking truth – it always has been. Worse, if you are brave enough to open your mouth and engage people in conversation about your exciting new discoveries of how the world really works, they will ridicule, walk away, attack you, or just look at you dumbfounded. Just like in Plato’s “allegory of the cave” you are alone in your wisdom. How to cope? Hit Play - let’s find out together.
    en-us17 Episodes

    Episodes (17)

    I threw out my television - Psalms 3

    I threw out my television - Psalms 3
    Frank Zappa - I'm the Slime I am gross and perverted I'm obsessed 'n deranged I have existed for years But very little has changed I am the tool of the Government And industry too For I am destined to rule And regulate you I may be vile and pernicious But you can't look away I make you think I'm delicious With the stuff that I say I am the best you can get Have you guessed me yet? I am the slime oozin' out From your TV set You will obey me while I lead you And eat the garbage that I feed you Until the day that we don't need you Don't go for help...no one will heed you Your mind is totally controlled It has been stuffed into my mold And you will do as you are told Until the rights to you are sold That's right, folks.. Don't touch that dial Well, I am the slime from your video Oozin' along on your livin'room floor I am the slime from your video Can't stop the slime, people, look at me go Read more: Frank Zappa - I'm The Slime Lyrics | MetroLyrics
    Infinity Point Podcast
    en-usDecember 24, 2015

    The Case For Skipping College

    The Case For Skipping College
    I don't have to tell you that a college degree is not worth as much today as it was decades ago. The price goes up and the value goes down. It doesn't sound like a great investment, does it? Throw in a non-existant job market for college grads with no-experience and it's hard to make a case for college. If you are a model student with career aspirations that require a college degree, then keep the blinders on and don't listen to this podcast. People go to college because they want a "leg up", a boost, a head-start against the competition for higher paying J-O-B's. There are even more ways to get that head-start today then ever. University is only one narrow path. This podcast launches a live, real-time series of podcast updates on how I create a 2 year curriculum designed to put the student years beyond what a 4 year university degree could provide - and at a fraction of the cost! Tune in and stay tuned!

    Song: Coming Together

    Song:  Coming Together
    jebmusic 2003 I honestly didn't think about the second meaning to the title of this song when I named it. I was messing around in the studio and was surprise at how well everything came together without effort for this semi- accidental recording. However, calling the song "Came Together" sounded dumb. Sometimes the best things are random accidents "coming together". Enjoy. PS - Thanks for tolerating the "dump" of older instrumental music while I work on the lyrics for the next song in my upcoming Rock Opera.

    Song: My Son is Addicted to Power!

    Song:  My Son is Addicted to Power!
    Walked in my son’s room and what did I see He’s making school posters saying, “Vote for Me” Shoulda seen it comin I guess I shoulda known But I really didn’t expect it from one of my own Started last year he joined the student council Didn’t suspect a thing - I just thought he was ill There he was studying; staying after school Student Body President; definitely not cool I said “son we are hippies” let live and let live We are not the taker’s, we are the ones who give Spread peace and harmony wherever you go Tap into the universe and go with the flow He said “Awe Dad, I won’t get rich doing that” I’ll start a foundation when my wallet is fat I just couldn’t take it, I pulled out some herb Said “let’s smoke a fatty before I get perturbed” Be like your brother, he is high as a kite You don’t see him grabbing for power and might He said “Dad peace and love are overrated I wanna live in a neighborhood that is gated I want a limousine that will drive me into work Where I will get a big fat bonus” he said with a smirk. “Say it’s not true, you must be joking” I pulled out my bong and started chain smoking I couldn’t take it any longer, I started to swoon He’s addicted to power, another Wall street tycoon Like that’s what we need Another Hedge Fund Manager gettin high on greed My own DNA has become a demon seed Plundering the earth to fill his endless needs Don’t go down this path, it leads to death and destruction He said, “Not for me, that’s not my dysfunction I’m headed for Goldman Sachs where I will do God’s work I thought “you fuckin bastard”; really , what a jerk. He became class President, promised all kinds of shit And as you can image he delivered none of it Got a BS in economics and off to Harvard Law Grabbing millions of bucks with his grubby little paws Dating a super model shoving cocaine up her nose Everyday his greed just grows and grows and grows Trading in derivatives and pushing CDO’s Counting all his millions on his fingers and his toes Try to raise your kid’s right and this is how it goes They destroy all humanity, really frickin blows Now I got a new dilemma - a real peach He just bought us a home on Palm Beach Dou know I love the ocean, and it’s gotta great surf break So now I am a hypocrite; now I’m on the take It would be impolite to turn down this generous gift I don’t want to insult my son and get him pissed Now we live in luxury, although I really should hate it It’s really kinda nice living in a neighborhood that is gated There is no moral to the story, because I’ve lost them all Selling out feels great, we are having a ball. Don’t know why I ever cared about the poor and huddled masses I’ll throw some pocket change to help the lower classes

    Song: Gettin High (final cut)

    Song:  Gettin High (final cut)
    Final cut studio version of my most popular song about the evolution of getting high. Enjoy! Getting High Isaac Newton ate a mushroom, sitting under an apple tree And when an apple fell, he discovered gravity He was getting high - seeing mathematics in the sky Everyone around the world, oh me oh my they are getting high Socrates drank some herbal tea, felt a tingle in his mind And created a whole new philosophy, on just the question “why” Getting high, opening up his Mind’s Eye Everyone around the world, oh me oh my they are getting high Galileo smoked a funny plant, looked up to the stars to see That it was the Sun and not the Earth at the center of the galaxy They said you must be crazy, Galileo you must be high The Pope had him tied to the stake, so they could watch him fry Getting high, opening up his Mind’s Eye Everyone around the world, oh me oh my they are getting high Now look at Jimmy Buffet, He’s livin on Palm Beach, Writing Music, Books, and Movies – all started with a little spleef Remember in San Francisco, there was an explosion of LSD 10 years later those tripped-out geeks would make Silicon Valley Getting high, opening up the Mind’s Eye Everyone around the world, oh me oh my they are getting high John D Rockefeller saw oil shoot in the sky, He said, “With this, I’ll rule the world – I’ll be so god damn high” “There will be no competition from alcohol or hemp seed” “Prohibition, Reefer Madness, I’ll stamp out all those weeds” Getting high, a “High and Mighty” kinda high, Getting drunk on Absolute – Power, a “Rule the World” kinda high The CIA looked at cocoa leaves, and said, “This won’t do the trick” “We need something much more toxic, that’ll make the people sick” Let’s make it concentrated, we’ll get the people hooked They will never know what hit em, because their minds they will be cooked Getting high, a “High and Mighty” kinda high Getting drunk on Absolute – Power, a “Rule the World” kinda high The Ruling class had a meeting, said you know we gotta stop Those people from opening up their minds, or our bubble is gonna pop We’ll make all those plants illegal and throw the people in the clink And fill their minds with nonsense, so that they can’t even think Getting high, a “High and Mighty” kinda high, Getting drunk on Absolute – Power, a “Rule the World” kinda high Surveillance camera’s everywhere, an eye up in the sky We will rule the world with an iron fist, and show those fuckers who’s high. We will scratch each other’s backs, because, you know, we are the best We’ll punish all our enemies, and we’ll wipe out all the rest Getting high, a “High and Mighty” kinda high, Getting drunk on Absolute – Power, a “Rule the World” kinda high

    Song "Gettin High" - live version

    Song "Gettin High" - live version
    The lyrics just flew off my pen in a stream of consciousness for this song. I plan a more refined studio version plus youtube video, but wanted to release this live version just to get it out there. Getting High Isaac Newton ate a mushroom, sitting under an apple tree And when an apple fell, he discovered gravity He was getting high - seeing mathematics in the sky Everyone around the world, oh me oh my they are getting high Socrates drank some herbal tea, felt a tingle in his mind And created a whole new philosophy, on just the question “why” Getting high, opening up his Mind’s Eye Everyone around the world, oh me oh my they are getting high Galileo smoked a funny plant, looked up to the stars to see That it was the Sun and not the Earth at the center of the galaxy They said you must be crazy, Galileo you must be high The Pope had him tied to the stake, so they could watch him fry Getting high, opening up his Mind’s Eye Everyone around the world, oh me oh my they are getting high Now look at Jimmy Buffet, He’s livin on Palm Beach, Writing Music, Books, and Movies – all started with a little spleef Remember in San Francisco, there was an explosion of LSD 10 years later those tripped-out geeks would make Silicon Valley Getting high, opening up the Mind’s Eye Everyone around the world, oh me oh my they are getting high John D Rockefeller saw oil shoot in the sky, He said, “With this, I’ll rule the world – I’ll be so god damn high” “There will be no competition from alcohol or hemp seed” “Prohibition, Reefer Madness, I’ll stamp out all those weeds” Getting high, a “High and Mighty” kinda high, Getting drunk on Absolute – Power, a “Rule the World” kinda high The CIA looked at cocoa leaves, and said, “This won’t do the trick” “We need something much more toxic, that’ll make the people sick” Let’s make it concentrated, we’ll get the people hooked They will never know what hit em, because their minds they will be cooked Getting high, a “High and Mighty” kinda high Getting drunk on Absolute – Power, a “Rule the World” kinda high The Ruling class had a meeting, said you know we gotta stop Those people from opening up their minds, or our bubble is gonna pop We’ll make all those plants illegal and throw the people in the clink And fill their minds with nonsense, so that they can’t even think Getting high, a “High and Mighty” kinda high, Getting drunk on Absolute – Power, a “Rule the World” kinda high Surveillance camera’s everywhere, an eye up in the sky We will rule the world with an iron fist, and show those fuckers who’s high. We will scratch each other’s backs, because, you know, we are the best We’ll punish all our enemies, and we’ll wipe out all the rest Getting high, a “High and Mighty” kinda high, Getting drunk on Absolute – Power, a “Rule the World” kinda high Quote from comedian Bill Hicks It’s a choice right now between fear and love The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, by guns, and close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one. Here’s what we can do to change the world right now… Take all that money we spend on weapons and defense each year and, instead, spend it feeding, clothing, and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over – not one human being excluded. And we can explore space together – both inner and outer – forever in peace.

    #5 Are You Biologically, Spiritually, Psychologically & Politically Inferior?

    #5  Are You Biologically, Spiritually, Psychologically & Politically Inferior?
    Are you superior or inferior? In what way? By what standard? Do you belong to the right club, have the perfect homes, and know the right people? More importantly, do you know who to exclude? If you do, you won't want to listen to this... Resources: Gnostic Media: Podcast #68 Another Brick in the Wall, part 1 An Interview with John Taylor Gatto http://gnosticmedia.podomatic.com/

    #4 The Spiritual Awakening: Thriving in the New World Order

    #4 The Spiritual Awakening:  Thriving in the New World Order
    Has the threat of the New World Order got you down? What will you do when the Master Plan of the Illuminati Globalists becomes reality? Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl survived the Holocaust in Nazi Germany yet finds meaning despite suffering. Frankl has an idea of how to find peace of mind in the worst possible situation. From the cover of "Man's Search For Meaning" by Viktor Frankl: "Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored in four different camps, including Auschwitz, while his parents, brother, and pregnant wife perished. Based on his own experience and the experiences of those he treated in his practice, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl's theory—known as logotherapy, from the Greek word logos ("meaning")—holds that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful."

    #3 - The Spiritual Awakening: Turning Off The Thought Police

    #3 - The Spiritual Awakening:  Turning Off The Thought Police
    Have you been naughty or nice? Is someone recording your thoughts for the giant file on your life? Are you being good for goodness sake? Will the evidence of your life be used against you in some grand court of law? When faced with serious challenges, do you take charge, or do you take refuge? In this episode I challenge you to a "God-fast" - if you dare. Let's see where it takes us. Cheers! Email me at infinitypointchannel@gmail.com

    #2 - The Spiritual Awakening: Defending Against Mind Control

    #2 - The Spiritual Awakening:  Defending Against Mind Control
    Advertisers have discovered a better & quicker way to bypass your rational mind. New methods use your favorite sounds to trigger you to buy things you don't want or need. Cut them off at the source. Turn off the noise pollution and replace it with a truth so pure... that you become addicted to it. Become immune and enlightened simultaneously! Resources: http://www.everydayissaturday.com/ http://www.gnosticmedia.com/ http://www.schoolsucksproject.com/ http://peacerevolution.podomatic.com/ Peace!

    #1 - The Spiritual Awakening: Questions Stirred by 9/11 Blown Wide Open

    #1 - The Spiritual Awakening:  Questions Stirred by 9/11 Blown Wide Open
    You now ask questions anonymously. The internet does not ostracize you for asking questions about what you believe. You have gained an understanding that the world presented to you from cradle to grave by your parents, family, teachers, television, newspapers, government, etc. has not been the truth, but a story. You are learning this "mid-stride" through life and now see the world through a different lens. This may anger you. It may empower you. The script for "the story" was written long before you were born. And you have unwittingly participated in furthering this "story". What do you do now? Do you live your life differently? Who can you talk to about this? In this episode I offer the origins of my own awakening - I would love to hear yours! Email me at infinitypointchannel@gmail.com Follow me on Facebook: Infinity Point Channel Cheers!