

    en-usInformatonauts15 Episodes

    Episodes (15)

    Episode 13 - Brunch Life, Flu with a View, A Book By Any Other Name Would Smell As Old, Cockroaches are Smarter Than Ataris, Life Is Older Than The Universe, and Nick and Nikhil Browse the Web.

    Episode 13 - Brunch Life, Flu with a View, A Book By Any Other Name Would Smell As Old, Cockroaches are Smarter Than Ataris, Life Is Older Than The Universe, and Nick and Nikhil Browse the Web.
    Nick is homesick and Nikhil is living the brunch life. Is reading books still a thing? Some models are useful, and Nick has the flu. Cockroaches are smarter than computers and may be older than the Universe. If XKCD doesn’t cut it, make your own. But if you do, your an idiot. Join us as Nick and Nikhil browse the internets.

    Episode 12 - Smart Companies, Amazon Is For Lovers, Wolfram Is Smarter Than You, So Long XP, and Medical Ethics

    Episode 12 - Smart Companies, Amazon Is For Lovers, Wolfram Is Smarter Than You, So Long XP, and Medical Ethics
    Smartest company in the world? Try Illumina (and Apple is nowhere to be found). Walmart Rises! Oculus VR and Father Putin, breaking all the rules! Amazon Smile is a great idea. Reminiscing about Windows XP (Goodbye old friend, we’ll miss your bubbly blueness). Nick rants on healthcare and ethics. Nikhil recounts how a hospitals screw peoples’ credit. Kickstarter is now a pre-startup incubator. Nikhil and Nick play with Wolfram alpha (and inflation between 2008 and now is 11% suckas). Amazon is for (book) lovers.

    Episode 11 - In America, Facebook “Hack” You. Also, Workspaces and Microsoft Keynote

    Episode 11 - In America, Facebook “Hack” You. Also, Workspaces and Microsoft Keynote
    Nikhil can’t buy the XBox One. Nick and Nikhil talk workspaces. No one works from home. Microsoft might not be cool, but that’s why REAL hipsters use it. Nikhil works on D3 stuff and Nick tries to be productive. Facebook releases its own language, Hack. Vinyl records may be better than Spotify--but probably not. Oh yeah, a banana has 105 calories. And men may have menopause.

    Episode 10 - Are Watches Still a Thing? The Future is Hard, and Kids These Days….

    Episode 10 - Are Watches Still a Thing? The Future is Hard, and Kids These Days….
    Nikhil can’t wait for his very own titan. Nick laments his lack of true nerdery. Whippersnappers actually install toolbars. Indie developers are just as cool as indie bands. Nikhil’s not making money fast enough, but the city’s still paying for it. The last piece of Nick’s childhood is dead in the snow. And we both try to predict the future, but we’re not engineers.

    Episode 7 - Our Caffeine Is Conceited (now in grams!) and How Facebook Is a disease

    Episode 7 - Our Caffeine Is Conceited (now in grams!) and How Facebook Is a disease
    Nikhil is now obsessed with Neo4J and other graphing databases, Java is the bane of our existence, Stephen Few and Edward Tufte know that practice makes pretty. Update on 3D printed glasses, so hip that hipsters aren’t even doing it yet. Princeton shoehorns Facebook into a disease model, and Nikhil might be a teenager because he uses Snapchat and Instagram.

    Episode 6 - iPhone Phone Conceit, PowerPoint = Weak, and 3D-Printed Glasses

    Episode 6 - iPhone Phone Conceit, PowerPoint = Weak, and 3D-Printed Glasses
    Preparing for the apocalypse with your own 3D printed glasses, Nikhil thinks PPTs are weak sauce, Hemingway app can help make your crappy writing a little less crappy, Flappy Bird iPhones are $1000 on eBay, and Nick and Nikhil berate every company in the mobile phone space because they are conceited academics who live in a bubble and think they can do better.

    Episode 4 - Sexy Morning Dancing, More Coffeescript, And Why Your Emails Really suck.

    Episode 4 - Sexy Morning Dancing, More Coffeescript, And Why Your Emails Really suck.
    Store bought metaphors and organic CPUs. Dance to your happy place. The little app that could. Yuppy apps for Getting Things Planned (and then procrastinating). Email Fail. The Full Stallman, or how to be (marginally) safe on the internets. You have no culture, Nikhil doesn't finish books, and Nick only reads books about books. Larry Ellison is anti-Phasianidae, and your langage is in the Matrix (only if you took the Blue Pill).