
    Inner Revolutionary Radio

    You count! Your voice, compassion and dedication to doing the right thing are part and parcel of the Inner Revolution that is sweeping our world, and Inner Revolutionary Radio is your platform. We may not be perfect, but we are standing up to mindless conformity, facing our negative patterns and beliefs, working together to make this a better world. Inner Revolutionary Radio gives us a voice and a way of joining forces. We share a vision: a recognition of our Oneness with one another and the planet; an acknowledgement of our Accountability for our impact on ourselves and each other; a dedication to Mutual Support, knowing that we can’t thrive in a world that is not also thriving. And we’re developing the courage to stand up to all tyrannies, even those in our heads. Each week we offer News of the Inner Revolution and introduce you to guests who are shaking up the world. Tune in, participate, and support this vision.
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    Episodes (222)

    What comes after the Women's March on Washington? Join Beth Green as she is interviewed about what we can all do to keep the passion alive after Women's March on Washington

    What comes after the Women's March on Washington? Join Beth Green as she is interviewed about what we can all do to keep the passion alive after Women's March on Washington
    If you are fired up to make a difference but don’t know how, listen as guest Beth Green, founder of TheInnerRevolution.Org talks about how we can all make a real difference in the world, starting with ourselves. Author of the new little powerhouse book, The Handbook of the Inner Revolution, Beth will tell host Helen Hillix how we can fight for Oneness, Accountability and Mutual Support. She will address the rumors of infighting in the Women’s March on Washington and what makes this such a common occurrence in even the most well-meaning movements and what we need to do to overcome all this divisiveness in our movements, our political parties and our homes. Sound like magical thinking? Well, it’s not! Beth has down-to-earth, practical guidance for every listener. You will be inspired by her original thinking, her brilliance and her humor and you will take away the feeling that you really can do something after all besides be frightened or angry! Join us and call in with your questions.

    Is There an Antidote to Jealousy? Yes, Says Host Beth Green! Tune In and Learn More!

    Is There an Antidote to Jealousy? Yes, Says Host Beth Green! Tune In and Learn More!
    Most of us have felt jealous. We’ve wanted someone else’s looks, power, success, talent, money, influence, position – even their mate. And others have felt jealous of us. Jealousy hurts everybody, including those who are jealous. It directs negative energy toward its target, which can impact them emotionally and spiritually. And sometimes it turns into real damaging behavior – gossip, undermining or even worse. Sometimes we act out of jealousy but don’t even realize it. Sometimes we are impacted by others’ jealousy but are blind to it. Let’s overcome jealousy. Host Beth Green is going to help us see how. Let’s talk about: Why do we feel jealous? What can we do about it? How can we protect ourselves from it? Call in if you can and take advantage of Beth’s uncanny ability to help us see and free ourselves from jealousy. But even if you can’t call in live, tune in anyway and benefit from the discussion and the experiences of others. What’s the antidote to jealousy? Tune in and find out.

    Be inspired by the Volunteers of America Veterans program and how they transform people's lives

    Be inspired by the Volunteers of America Veterans program and how they transform people's lives
    If you are saddened and sickened by the way we treat our veterans, then listen on January 26th about the inspiring and transformative programs being offered by the Greater New Orleans Volunteers of America. CEO Jim LeBlanc and Program Director and Minister Melissa Haley will join our co-hosts Helen Hillix and Chris Reese for an inside look at their veteran services and how they are making a real difference in people’s lives. The Volunteers of America have developed programs that support veterans and their families on every level, including homelessness, mental health issues, substance abuse, unemployment, and just plain losing faith in themselves and life. What an Inner Revolution! Hear what they have to share and be inspired to make an Inner Revolution of your own! There is something we can all do to help the world and it starts with us! Join us for an hour that might just light your inner fire!

    Revolutionizing the Revolution: How to Bring The Inner Revolution to Life!

    Revolutionizing the Revolution: How to Bring The Inner Revolution to Life!
    The Handbook for The Inner Revolution is now here, and we just held the Inner Revolutionary Training retreat weekend called “Are We Ready to Revolutionize the Revolution?” We’re mobilizing, and we invite you to join us! Listen as co-hosts Todd Benton and Helen Hillix interview several retreat attendees to explore vital questions about the Inner Revolution, such as: What does it mean to be an Inner Revolutionary? How can we stop treating others as cardboard characters and start finding common ground? What’s it going to take to rethink everything and challenge anyone when necessary, including ourselves? How can we bring the Inner Revolution to our relationships, our work, our families, and our causes, if we have them? We’ll also share sections of the Handbook and tell you how to get a free PDF copy of this powerful guide that shows us how to co-create a revolution that will stick, that will be healing, deep and transformative on every level.

    How Many Resolutions Have We Already Broken This Year? How Can We Stop Breaking Them? Ask Beth Green

    How Many Resolutions Have We Already Broken This Year? How Can We Stop Breaking Them? Ask Beth Green
    So we figured out that life would be better if we didn’t do or say certain things. Or we think life would be better if we did or said other things. But we blew it and now we feel bad. We did what we shouldn’t have, or we didn’t do what we promised ourselves we would! If that’s you, you’re not alone. Lots of us are in the same boat. So let’s see how host Beth Green can help. First let’s look at one of your resolutions and see why or IF you should have made it in the first place! Then let’s noodle out why you broke it. The answer could be amazing. In this show, as always, Beth will use her uncanny intuition to help us see ourselves more clearly. It’s not an easy fix but it could be a big step in the direction of turning our lives around. So call in if you can and get her direct support. And if you can’t call in, tune in anyway. You’ll probably hear someone with a challenge very much like yours! So let’s have a good laugh together and see if we can’t help each other have a great year!

    Start off 2017 with a Powerful Way to Resolve Conflicts with Your Children, Students and Everyone. Listen as Dr. Ross Greene Shares About a Practice Called Collaborative Parenting!

    Start off 2017 with a Powerful Way to Resolve Conflicts with Your Children, Students and Everyone. Listen as Dr. Ross Greene Shares About a Practice Called Collaborative Parenting!
    How many of us have become exasperated and angry while trying to parent our kids? How many teachers have turned to punishment to try and control the behavior of “difficult children” in the classroom and found that it backfires? How many of us have become disillusioned in relating to each other in general, especially in this culture of divisiveness, contention, anger and meanness? Listen in next week as host Helen Hillix interviews Dr. Ross Greene, a psychologist with some seemingly radical ideas about how to shift the energy between parents and children, teachers and students and people in general. Believe it or not, his focus is collaboration! Now, that’s a word we don’t hear enough of these days! Join our guest and hear his clear and simple suggestions and his touching successes. We need this kind of inspiration in our lives right now and Dr. Greene can help us all have an Inner Revolution and spread collaboration in our world!

    What's in Store for Inner Revolutionaries in 2017? We'll Ask Madam Mazurka, the Funniest Dead Transylvanian Psychic You've Ever Met!

    What's in Store for Inner Revolutionaries in 2017? We'll Ask Madam Mazurka, the Funniest Dead Transylvanian Psychic You've Ever Met!
    If you’ve never met the hilarious Madam Mazurka, you’re in for a treat. She only comes out on special occasions when Beth Green puts on a long scarf and turns into a dead Transylvanian psychic who tells it like it is and has enough insight to make us ALL feel uncomfortable—but also in awe. Last year, Madam M predicted 2016 would be a transformative year in which “the worm would come out.” However you interpret that – you have to admit it’s pretty darn psychic. This year, we’re throwing another party featuring Madam Mazurka for our final get-together of 2016, with Madam M being interviewed by our very own Christine Benton. We’ll be taking calls too, so join us for a fun time of insight, humor and some New Year’s predictions. And Happy 2017 from Beth, James, Helen, Todd, Chris, Christine and the whole Inner Revolutionary Radio gang!

    An Inner Revolution in Education! What could it look like? How could our teachers, administrators, parents and students transform and impact all of us in the process?

    An Inner Revolution in Education! What could it look like? How could our teachers, administrators, parents and students transform and impact all of us in the process?
    Public school education for all American students is guaranteed by the constitution and is a basic need for both the student and the community. There is a lot of controversy over the “correct” education techniques and what form of discipline is necessary or allowed. We also see a heavy emphasis on testing and student achievement while students are struggling socially, emotionally and behaviorally and are being impacted by all of the traumas and stressors in their lives -- both at school and in the community. What if we approached this from the perspective of Oneness, Accountability and Mutual Support? What would that look like? How do we approach education with the whole child in mind? How do we consider the needs of the teachers and parents too? We’ll hear from Ann Brennan, a middle school teacher, and Tracey Sridharan, a school psychologist, about their trials, tribulations and successes as they work to create a more harmonious school experience guided by the highest good of all.

    Are you noticing more Inner Revolutionaries lately? Are you one? An interview with Beth Green

    Are you noticing more Inner Revolutionaries lately? Are you one? An interview with Beth Green
    The energy of coming together to fight for Oneness seems to be permeating the world news lately. There is Wes Clark, Jr. and his touching amends to the Native Americans. There are the Jewish and Muslim women in the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom working to end prejudice one woman at a time. What Inner Revolutionary stories have you heard about? Are you beginning to feel the stirrings within yourself? Could you be an Inner Revolutionary, too? Listen in to the interview with Beth and find out. She will also share the new “Inner Revolutionary Handbook” that she is writing to help train those of us who do resonate with the call. It promises to be another inspiring and energizing conversation between host Helen Hillix and Inner Revolutionary innovator Beth Green.

    The New Science of Social Change: What Is It and Can It Help Us Make the Transition to a Sustainable Future? An Interview with Joe Brewer

    The New Science of Social Change: What Is It and Can It Help Us Make the Transition to a Sustainable Future?  An Interview with Joe Brewer
    Billions of dollars are invested by corporate marketing departments, public relations firms, government agencies and nonprofit organizations in attempts to change social behavior, with outcomes that are not necessarily beneficial to society and the planet. Can a new science of social change put the same technologies, tools and strategies that have been used for centuries to influence the masses to work for the benefit of humanity, nature and a sustainable future? Todd Benton and Helen Hillix will speak with Joe Brewer, a complexity researcher and evangelist for the field of culture design. What is culture design? Can it help us to create a shift in the whole human culture toward a livable future? Though it might sound grandiose, we’ll talk with Joe about why he feels that now is the time for such a science and why it’s so urgent. We’ll also talk with him about how memes spread (or not) and we'll even pick his brain on spreading The Inner Revolution. Join us!

    Post-Election Peace? How Do We Feel Joy and Calm in Tumultuous Times?

    Post-Election Peace? How Do We Feel Joy and Calm in Tumultuous Times?
    The election is over, but the ripples continue. Millions of people are still distressed and apprehensive about the future. Getting stressed and being unhappy doesn’t help us think clearly or act decisively and appropriately. So how can we feel joy in our personal lives and move forward in our activist lives with calm, determination and the feeling of Oneness? Beth Green, long time spiritual activist and founder of TheInnerRevolution.Org, will be hosting this show. We’ll be talking about the positive and sometimes unexpected changes that we are seeing right now in our world – the new commitments, the greater caring and the deepened determination. And we’ll be releasing ourselves to feel joy in the midst. We need to be awake but calm. So tune in, call in with your comments and observations, and be at peace NOW.

    Taking Off the Masks We All Wear: Let's Support Everyone -- Especially Men and Boys -- to Get Real

    Taking Off the Masks We All Wear: Let's Support Everyone -- Especially Men and Boys -- to Get Real
    Have you ever felt outraged by the roles that men and women have been given in our world? Have you ever suppressed your nature, hidden your weakness, felt blocked from love, been afraid to ask for help or just felt just a little intimidated by other people? If you’re sick of wanting to impress, dominate or win, or to try and fit into some role that isn’t you, join us. We’ll be speaking with Ashanti Branch, founder of the Ever Forward Club. The Ever Forward Club helps at-risk young men learn to get real and find the emotional support they need to lead successful lives. We’ll talk with him about his workshop Taking Off the Mask and explore with him: Can we share our authentic selves while negotiating the often rigid pressure of cultural roles? There is surprising power in uncovering what we often hide, deny, repress or ignore. What if we showed the world what’s behind our masks? Tune in and join us!

    Did Your Candidate Win or Lose? Are You Gloating or Enraged? Where Do We Go From Here? A Discussion of How We Can Move Forward After One of the Most Contentious Election Seasons Ever.

    Did Your Candidate Win or Lose? Are You Gloating or Enraged? Where Do We Go From Here? A Discussion of How We Can Move Forward After One of the Most Contentious Election Seasons Ever.
    Join us as host Helen Hillix interviews the inimitable Beth Green about how to come together and move beyond the vitriol and downright meanness of this election. Can we overcome the hatred that has been stirred up on both sides? Can we work toward healing the issues that surfaced during this election -- the issues of racism, immigration, corporate greed, trade agreements, job losses to overseas workers, global warming, healthcare costs, education costs and more? Can whoever won the election mend the rift that erupted between Democrats and Republicans and even within each party? Or will the contentiousness and partisanship continue and take us all down with it? Beth will weave her magic as she helps us see what we are facing and what we can each do to find the commonality that is imperative if we are going to heal after election night. Join us for Beth’s perspective on all this, a perspective you may not expect to hear. And call in with your own questions too!

    Are You a Human? Do You Want to Have a Real Conversation About Our World? If So, Tune or Call in to 'Humans for a Real Conversation!'

    Are You a Human? Do You Want to Have a Real Conversation About Our World? If So, Tune or Call in to 'Humans for a Real Conversation!'
    It seems like for months we’ve been bombarded with news story about power, corruption, discrimination, racism, sexism and more. Yet because of this, there’s hope. The ugliness is rising to the surface for all to see; we’ve started talking about important issues; and many of us are taking a stand. Whoever we vote for November 8, many of us are wanting real change. Let’s use this show to talk about it. What value did Bernie, Donald and Hillary lend to the conversation? What can we bring? Humans for a Real Conversation is all about finding our commonality and moving forward. Some of us have already started talking about the pain and plans we share. Now let’s continue that conversation on Inner Revolutionary Radio. So drop the signs and the partisanship! Bring your fervor and inspirations! And, most of all, be willing to be honest. Tune in, and call in! Let’s turn this electoral season into the beginning of something better for us all.

    The New Sexual Revolution: Gender Outside the Box

    The New Sexual Revolution: Gender Outside the Box
    The old Haight Ashbury days of free love are over but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a sexual revolution happening. Just look at the news! Younger people especially are exploring gender roles and identities in more open ways. What does it mean to be pansexual, as Miley Cyrus calls it? What does it mean to be “gender fluid” as one of our guests describes herself? Is there still such a thing as bi-sexual or is that completely out? Why is the word “queer” back in the mix, after years of being a pejorative term? What is the right pronoun to use for gender neutral? Join us for a lively, frank and open conversation among a panel of honest people who live in the reality of this new sexual revolution. What does it mean to them and what could it mean for you and the people you touch? Tune in and find out!

    Men and their Egos: A Halloween Tale

    Men and their Egos: A Halloween Tale
    The ego is the ultimate hobgoblin. It knocks at the doorway to our minds and warns us: “Trick or treat!” If we don’t do what the ego wants, there will be a price to pay. But if we give into its every demand, it will give us ego candy as our reward. But is ego candy what we really need? Or, is the ego tricking us into thinking that what we need is candy for our egos instead of food for our souls? Join us for a Halloween discussion about men and their egos with a couple of Inner Revolutionary Men, James Maynard and Todd Benton. Together, we’ll explore: What does the ego want from us? What does the ego reward us with? How does that impact us? What do our souls crave? How does the ego punish us when we give ourselves what our souls crave? How are we then vulnerable to either competing with other men or giving in to those who look more powerful than we are? If you want to stop being haunted by the ego telling you who and what to be, join us!

    Men and Women Get Real About Our Sexuality: What It Is, What It Isn't and Why. And, What Could It Be?

    Men and Women Get Real About Our Sexuality: What It Is, What It Isn't and Why. And, What Could It Be?
    Isn’t it time we begin to question what we believe is healthy sexuality? Can women get real about their use of pornography or fantasy and stop blaming men and acting innocent? Can we face together the destructive impact on all of us of pornography, Madison Avenue, the media’s image of female beauty and the need to be “hot?” Join us for a lively discussion as Inner Revolutionary men and women talk openly about their experiences, old beliefs and their struggles to change and become conscious about their sexuality. Listen in as our guests discuss what they have done to themselves to try and gain power or security or love through sex. And find out TheInnerRevolution.Org’s definition of healthy sexuality. Maybe it’s time for you, too, to join this exploration! You are welcome to call in!

    Is Trump Just a Symbol of Our Desperate Need to Feel Wanted?

    Is Trump Just a Symbol of Our Desperate Need to Feel Wanted?
    Donald Trump needs to feel wanted. He changes his tune to please his audience and he lashes out when he feels rejected. He is not alone. We all feel that need and it drives us way more than we know. In an election, two people are desperate to get picked. If they win, they can feel like they are truly wanted, plus they now have the power to make people want them more. What will they do to be picked? What does the young girl do to get boys to like her? Try to make herself look sexy? Give up her self-respect? What does a man do to get his buddies to think he’s a man? Torture recruits at a Marine boot camp? Try to dominate women? What do business people do to feel wanted? Who are they willing to hurt to make their numbers and be praised? Or make enough money to please their mate? What do you do to yourself to feel wanted? How is the need to feel wanted impacting us and our society? Why do we feel so desperate to start with? Why don’t we already feel secure? What can we do about it?

    Don't Think Your Kids Are Safe from the Impact of Domestic Violence, Just Because There's None in Your Home Meet a School Counselor and a Teacher Who Will Clue Us In!

    Don't Think Your Kids Are Safe from the Impact of Domestic Violence, Just Because There's None in Your Home Meet a School Counselor and a Teacher Who Will Clue Us In!
    Often people feel that the concept of Oneness is just an abstract theory. Well it’s not. In fact, children from troubled families significantly decrease their peers’ reading and math test scores and significantly increase misbehavior by others in the classroom. That means that you could be the perfect parent, and yet your kids are being hurt by what’s happening to their peers. And that’s a lot of kids. Researchers estimate that between 10 and 20 percent of children in the US are exposed to domestic violence annually. And that could be violence toward them or parental violence toward one another. We can’t escape. Domestic violence knows no boundaries of race, class or religion and all kids are at risk. So let’s welcome Brett Welch, a school counselor, and Vickie Fahed, a teacher, who are doing something about it. Tune in and find out how you can help your school and your kids as well.

    Bill Cosby, Brock Turner, Roger Ailes, Anthony Weiner: How Many Men Must Fall Before We Start to Help Them? A Conversation Among Inner Revolutionary Men

    Bill Cosby, Brock Turner, Roger Ailes, Anthony Weiner: How Many Men Must Fall Before We Start to Help Them? A Conversation Among Inner Revolutionary Men
    The news is full of it – a man sexually victimizing someone. Good that we’re helping the victims, but what about the perpetrators? Aren’t they also victims of their own out-of-control sexuality? Aren’t we daily flooded with examples of men raping, molesting, abusing or sexually harassing others? Aren’t tons of households struggling with sons and fathers addicted to pornography? Today we ask “Why?” Why are so many men struggling with their sexuality? And why are we primarily focused on punishment? Why aren’t more of us addressing how we can help? It’s time for men to speak up and focus on healing what drives men toward sexual violence and addiction – their own and others. Todd Benton, James Maynard and Richard Di Santo are part of the Inner Revolutionary Men’s group, and they’ll be co-hosting and discussing the deep-rooted causes of men’s sexual addiction and what they are doing to help. Let’s tune in and see if we can’t help our men, instead of disowning, punishing or shaming them!

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