
    Inspired Living

    Inspired Living is a health and wellness podcast discussing topics related to personal growth, self-improvement, relationships, psychology, and living wholeheartedly. With more than 2 decades of clinical experience, Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Shawn Horn, is now bringing the wisdom of the therapy room to her listeners by sharing insights, experience, and expert knowledge; as well as hosting inspirational discussions with other experts in the field and people regarding their journey of hope, healing and how to live fully. Learn how the foundations of psychology, science and principles of wisdom can inspire, motivate, empower and equip us to live more effectively and masterfully. We inspire by living an inspired life! The show’s host, Dr. Shawn Horn, is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice, a mentor and consultant to other helping professionals, and a self-help author, educator, and speaker.
    enDr. Shawn Horn33 Episodes

    Episodes (33)

    The Up-Struggle Formula with Author Tracey Ferrin

    The Up-Struggle Formula with Author Tracey Ferrin

    For every book sold on March 20th a dollar is donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

    Book can be found on Amazon

    Link to Book:


    Links to website:


    Link for Facebook: 


    Link for Instagram: 


    Love What Matters website: (They have published 6 of my stories which all can be found in my book. Story below is my most popular story.)


    (They have published 6 of my stories which all can be found in my book. Story below is my most popular story.)

    Ep 12 Managing Self-Talk When You Make a Mistake

    Ep 12 Managing Self-Talk When You Make a Mistake

    EPISODE 12: Managing Self-Talk When You Make a Mistake

    About our Guest Dr. Zoe Shaw



    Dr. Zoe Shaw is a passionate practitioner in the field of clinical psychology. She is licensed as a psychotherapist and divides her time between her family life, clinical practice, virtual life and relationship coaching, speaking, writing and hosting her podcast (The Dr. Zoe Show). 


    Dr. Zoe holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University, a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and a Bachelor’s degree in psychology from UCLA, where she also competed as a sprinter and hurdler. 


    Her initial areas of research were in forming a racial identity for African Americans raised in non ethnic congruent environments. Her work has branched out over the years, with her current main areas of study and treatment surrounding women’s issues, specifically superwoman syndrome, the development of self in a post feminist era and women in difficult relationships. These issues are very close to her heart as she is a busy wife to actor Stan Shaw and mother of five (one with special needs and two launched), homeschooling her youngest in addition to her work life. 


    Believing as she does in a holistic approach to life, Dr. Zoe also balances her life with athleticism, competing on the USAA Master’s track and field team as a Sprinter. 


    Dr. Zoe has been sought out as an expert and published in Oprahmag.com, Prevention Magazine, Voyage LA Magazine and the Los Angeles APA magazine discussing issues relevant to women and psychology. 


    Dr. Zoe has presented at the National APA Convention regarding racial identity development and has been a keynote speaker for various engagements, including the NAACP and U.S. Navy.  She is currently writing her memoir. 


    Show title: “Managing Self-Talk when you make a mistake”



    1. INTRO OF TOPIC: Managing our self-talk when you make a mistake
    • Discussed the concept of the vulnerability experienced when we stretch our self . 
    • Taking Risks-vulnerable, triggers, how manage the negative self-talk and thoughts


    1. TRIGGERS:
    • Common triggers

    EX: Fear of being vulnerable (emotional hangovers)

    • Affirmations and encouragement
    • How to make your own affirmations


    • List of Questions
    • Ex: Do I feel like it?
    • Do I have what it takes (don’t ask this once you have already determined you going to do it.)?
    • Clients often say, “but I don’t feel that way. It feels like I’m lying to myself…”


    You can find Dr. Zoe Shaw’s work at www.drzoeshaw.com

    Find her Podcast at The Dr. Zoe Show on iTunes

    Ep 11: Boundaries

    Ep 11: Boundaries

    Episode 11: Boundaries

    • Boundaries are lines, fences, that exist between where we start and where we stop.
    • They help us clarify:

                   What part is mine, and what part is yours

    What I am responsible for, and what I am not responsible for

    What I can change and what I can’t change

    What is in my control and what is out of my control.

    • It involves giving ourselves permission to make requests and to say no.
    • It involves stopping any attempts to manage other peoples feelings, perceptions and behaviors
    • It is letting go of attempts to control the outcome.
    • We are honoring our needs.

    Unhealthy Boundaries-Boundaries that are set to influence other peoples behaviors are not boundaries

    Healthy Boundaries-Boundaries that are  set in response to peoples behaviors in effort to honor our needs, support our safety, to care for ourselves, what is in our best needs and others, is a boundary.

    • Real simple, if you can’t play nice with me, you can’t play with me
    • If you can’t be safe in my home, you can’t be in my home
    • If you don’t honor our agreement, I will no longer make contract agreements with you
    • If you don’t provide the expected service, I will no longer utilize that service
    • If you don’t return what you borrow, I will no longer lend to you.

    Healthy Boundaries are my responsibility not theirs: We release people from the job of tuning in to our needs, from anticipating our needs…

    Examples: How could you? Why would you do that? If you really loved me you would…..

    Instead, You now assign the job of tuning into your needs, anticipating your needs and caring for them.

    People Pleasing (saying ‘yes’ to your ‘no’s,’ tolerating intolerable things in effort to please others)

    Being a People Pleaser leads to resentment, relationship fatigue, ineffective interpersonal skills and ultimately conflict in the relationship that may end in a relationship breakup (with friends, family and partners).

    If you say yes to too many things, you will be fatigued and end up resenting all that you have done. For example, If you say yes, to doing 5 things in a day, you will end up being angry, resentful….

    Now, you take care of your needs, you anticipate them. So you say, “I would love to do that, but I am unable to this weekend, can we do that next weekend?”


    Resentment is a sign that your boundaries have been broken, but by you. You didn’t honor your own needs. You may have:

    • Tolerated intolerable things
    • Allowed someone to not reciprocate, 
    • Allowed yourself to do all the work and let others get away with not doing it. 

    To change this, you ask for what you need, you may hold people accountable to follow through. What that means is you give them a deadline, if they don’t honor that deadline you will go somewhere else for the service, if it’s your children you will give a consequence.


    If you would like to learn more about Boundaries and Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills please sign up for my Master Courses at 






    "Perfectly and Wonderfully Made" by Dr. Shawn Horn

    Who told you you couldn't, when they looked into your eyes...

    Who told you you wouldn't, when your dreams began to rise?

    Who told you you shouldn't and shamed you on your way.

    Who boxed you in and told you to stay.


    Whose voice, whose words, whose seeds deceived your identity? 

    The deception is not your truth or intended destiny.

    NO, in fact, you were made with intention, beyond comprehension. Your possibilities are in the Divine opportunities, The transformation awaits in God's destination. Renewed, restored, refueled, equipped, prepared, and declared... You ARE A CHILD OF GOD!

    You will rise above, you will make dreams fly like a dove. You will serve this world as intended from love. Perfectly and wonderfully made in every way...

    You will

    You can

    You are

    You're free

    It's DECLARED...


    -written by Dr. Shawn Horn

    Ep 9: Three Higher LIfe Hacks

    Ep 9: Three Higher LIfe Hacks

    I’m going to give you three #higher life hacks to transform your life!

    Before I tell you the two secrets let me first address the problem.  Did you know that the main areas people seek help is weight loss, finances and relationships! The most successful social media marketing accounts are addressing the pain points of these three areas. Want to make big money, guarantee weight loss? Provide a sure win to save that marriage or the key interventions to parenting those challenging children, offer resources, a plan or fast track to making big money! Coach folks into financial success, self-employment and more. If your plan guarantees fast results…well you’ll be walking straight to the bank, and will make deposit after deposit, because the need doesn’t stop.

    I tell my clients; my job is to put myself out of a job! For all the conspiracy theorists out there, many believe that the big pharma companies are invested into keeping people sick. If they can keep you sick, they keep you dependent on their products, thus continued flow of income.

    It’s time to break the madness. If you are buying into the diet culture, you are subscribing to the madness. It just wont stop. I can attest! After 40+ years of being on diets, I just became more and more of what I was trying to get rid of. And we really do try to convince ourselves that we HAVE to have those plans, that we can’t do it ourselves, we need people to tell us what to do…we sign up, buy the plans, restrict ourselves….again and again and again. Whether its restrictive diet or a restrictive budget, we start off strong and drop out. We chase the mysterious answer, the next best secret solution exposed! 

    I plead with you to hear this message. It doesn’t work. If your tool doesn’t fix the problem, get another tool! The problem with this mindset is…. what we resist persists! Who has said they want to get rid of, or stop…and did? And or sustained the change?

    HIGHER LIFE HACK #1) Pursue what you want, not want you don’t want

    It is in our human nature to move toward what we are focused on. Don’t look over there, so you look. Parenting classes advise that parents tell the children what to do, not what not to do. Instead of stop making a mess, say, its time to clean up. Don’t be mean, instead, we use our words for kindness.

    Parents ofen have the tendency to say, “You are messing up! Really blowing it…you will end up….” as if we expect the kid to say, wow, I have such tremendous insight now! Thank you! NO, instead they just follow suite…well if that is what you are going to think of me, then, I will do it more…

    Instead, tell the kid what you envision for them. “You are honest, so what is this lying about. You will be successful in school, so we must have your grades reflect this. We love spending time together, so let’s resolve this conflict!” Without knowing it, you are influencing your children’s attention and direction!

    Focus on your direction, what you want to create! If you want to focus on building wealth, you set up a savings plan, you want to save that money…. I guarantee you will struggle with charging on your card. However, if you say you want to get out of debt, the opportunity will come to charge and you will likely say, ok Ill start my budget tomorrow.

    If you focus on physical fitness and feeling good, you will start to notice what life patterns will interfere with the goal and likely want to discontinue those behaviors. However, if you say, I want to lose weight, the opportunity will come to eat that chocolate and you are likely to say, Ill start my diet tomorrow.


    If you want more love in your marriage and you focus on loving your partner, the principle of similarities will say, your partner is likely to match your behavior.

    Now that I went over the first life hack---Focus on what you want to create and pursue the positive.

    HIGHER LIFE HACK #2) Be patient with the process.

    One of the biggest problems I encounter in therapy is a sense of urgency. I feel awful and I want it gone now! I don’t like this problem and I want it resolved now! I want to learn new tools and I want them to work now! This often comes from low paint tolerance. Yep, just like physical pain tolerance we can have low emotional pain tolerance. Some people absolutely cannot stand or tolerate any negative emotion! When they feel negative emotions they panic, they feel a sense of urgency and they chase immediate relief. The problem is, it makes the pain worse. Primary principle here is: Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional, we suffer when we resist the pain. In other words, we suffer when we try to control that which we cannot control or change that which we can not change. The solution is to radically accept the pain. That means, we “accept” that it just is. Its not saying, its ok, or you give it permission, or approve…you are just saying it is what it is and then focusing on what you can change, what you can control. If you read a recent post of mine you heard me say, that we can create new neuro circuits in our brain if we practice fore 45 days focusing on positive things around us…That is 45 days! So basically, according to this research, it takes 45 days of daily, intentional practice of a new skill for us to adopt a new way of being, a new way of feeling, a new way of experiencing life. Therefore, we must be patient with the process. Think of the analogy of a sunburn. It hurts, its is awful, you don’t want it, you are painfully aware of the burn, and yet it is…you know it is not going to go away in the moment, that there isn’t some magic remedy that will make it go away. Sure, you can use aloe Vera gel etc. but the bottom line is it just is going to hurt for a while, and you will survive. So, we redirect our attention on something else and just give it time. That is what we need to do with our emotional pain or painful circumstances. We have set the intention to heal, to change, to learn new strategies. Trust the power of intention. It has begun, change will occur, but you are learning new things, practicing on a regular basis and it will take time.


    Finally, the third hack, take consistent action. Each day, little by little keep going. Keep getting up, dusting off, working on building that which you are creating and don’t stop! Don’t stop when you feel discouraged, don’t stop when you feel like you can’t do it, don’t stop when others say you can’t…don’t stop! Don’t follow your feelings, guide them, say to yourself, keep going, get up girlfriend, keep going! Lead with your wisdom. Over time, the small daily investments will pay off. At first a year away seems like forever, but once you are at the year mark, you will wish you hadn’t stopped. So, trust that every step matter, over time, the persistence and consistent efforts will take form. You are pursing what you want, you have set the intention, you are being patient with the process, learning along the way….and guess what….before you know it, you have done it! You have accomplished a goal. You have transformed an area of your life. It works. Don’t believe me? Then take the challenge and try it. Try for one year, to focus only on what you want, taking action to support it, resist the panic of hyper focusing on what you don’t want, be patient, and when the waves of urgency hit, just redirect your attention, essentially ignoring the urgency. Acknowledge within, I know, I know I want change and I want it now, but it is going to take time and I am making the investment. It will be good, it will be achieved, it is what works.

    Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families

    Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families

    Janine grew up thinking she wasn't good enough … strong enough, pretty enough or smart enough. Growing up in an alcoholic family system can do that to you. Janine lost her identity as she started to mother her own mother and sisters when they fled to another continent away from the rest of her family. She lost her childhood and lost her voice.


    Then she discovered that she could have fun, a lot of fun, if she just put on those masks to protect her. She travelled the world at a young age – and from there decided that she could be the driver of her own bus. Until she found her father dead … Then came the long dark spiral of guilt, blame, shame and pain.

    Janine has endured the lows and the highs, and has made her way from that masked party girl cooped up in a corporate cage of complacency … to an unapologetic woman, a wellbeing empowerment coach, speaker, writer and founder of the Soul Sister Lounge. Janine also hosts the Souled Out Series (SOS), a LIVE talk show where she shares vulnerable stories of struggles and strengths with other adult children … so others can find hope and know that it’s possible to break the debilitating cycle of dysfunction in their own lives. She believes that hope is the first step in healing. Janine, an adult child, now works with women who also grew up in a dysfunctional family system and gives them the tools that they can use to break the cycles that hold them hostage to other people’s perceived needs.


    Her core mission is to connect, inspire and empower other women to change their lives too … by unleashing their old stories and creating the new.


    Janine has found her voice …

    The Laundry List – 14 Traits of an Adult Child of an Alcoholic

    1. We became isolated and afraid of people and authority figures.
    2. We became approval seekers and lost our identity in the process.
    3. We are frightened by angry people and any personal criticism.
    4. We either become alcoholics, marry them or both, or find another compulsive personality such as a workaholic to fulfill our sick abandonment needs.
    5. We live life from the viewpoint of victims and we are attracted by that weakness in our love and friendship relationships.
    6. We have an overdeveloped sense of responsibility and it is easier for us to be concerned with others rather than ourselves; this enables us not to look too closely at our own faults, etc.
    7. We get guilt feelings when we stand up for ourselves instead of giving in to others.
    8. We became addicted to excitement.
    9. We confuse love and pity and tend to “love” people we can “pity” and “rescue.”
    10. We have “stuffed” our feelings from our traumatic childhoods and have lost the ability to feel or express our feelings because it hurts so much (Denial).
    11. We judge ourselves harshly and have a very low sense of self-esteem.
    12. We are dependent personalities who are terrified of abandonment and will do anything to hold on to a relationship in order not to experience painful abandonment feelings, which we received from living with sick people who were never there emotionally for us.
    13. Alcoholism is a family disease; and we became para-alcoholics and took on the characteristics of that disease even though we did not pick up the drink.
    14. Para-alcoholics are reactors rather than actors.

    Tony A., 1978

    Note: The Laundry List serves as the basis for The Problem statement.

    ACoAs and Relationships

    Many adult children of alcoholics lose themselves in their relationship with others, sometimes finding themselves attracted to alcoholics or other compulsive personalities, such as workaholics, who are emotionally unavailable.

    Adult children may also form relationships with others who need their help or need to be rescued, to the extent of neglecting their own needs. If they place the focus on the overwhelming needs of someone else, they don't have to look at their own difficulties and shortcomings.

    Often, adult children of alcoholics will take on the characteristics of alcoholics, even though they've never picked up a drink: exhibiting denial, poor coping skills, poor problem solving, and forming dysfunctional relationships.

    The Flip Side of The Laundry List

      1. We move out of isolation and are not unrealistically afraid of other people, even authority
      2. We do not depend on others to tell us who we are.
      3. We are not automatically frightened by angry people and no longer regard personal criticism as a threat.
      4. We do not have a compulsive need to recreate abandonment.
      5. We stop living life from the standpoint of victims and are not attracted by this trait in our important relationships.
      6. We do not use enabling as a way to avoid looking at our own shortcomings.
      7. We do not feel guilty when we stand up for ourselves.
      8. We avoid emotional intoxication and choose workable relationships instead of constant upset.
      9. We are able to distinguish love from pity, and do not think “rescuing” people we “pity” is an act of love.
      10. We come out of denial about our traumatic childhoods and regain the ability to feel and express our emotions.
      11. We stop judging and condemning ourselves and discover a sense of self-worth.
      12. We grow in independence and are no longer terrified of abandonment. We have interdependent relationships with healthy people, not dependent relationships with people who are emotionally unavailable.
      13. The characteristics of alcoholism and para-alcoholism we have internalized are identified, acknowledged, and removed.
      14. We are actors, not reactors.

    The Other Laundry List

    1. To cover our fear of people and our dread of isolation we tragically become the very authority figures who frighten others and cause them to withdraw.
    2. To avoid becoming enmeshed and entangled with other people and losing ourselves in the process, we become rigidly self-sufficient. We disdain the approval of others.
    3. We frighten people with our anger and threat of belittling criticism.
    4. We dominate others and abandon them before they can abandon us or we avoid relationships with dependent people altogether. To avoid being hurt, we isolate and dissociate and thereby abandon ourselves.
    5. We live life from the standpoint of a victimizer, and are attracted to people we can manipulate and control in our important relationships.
    6. We are irresponsible and self-centered. Our inflated sense of self-worth and self-importance prevents us from seeing our deficiencies and shortcomings.
    7. We make others feel guilty when they attempt to assert themselves.
    8. We inhibit our fear by staying deadened and numb.
    9. We hate people who “play” the victim and beg to be rescued.
    10. We deny that we’ve been hurt and are suppressing our emotions by the dramatic expression of “pseudo” feelings.
    11. To protect ourselves from self punishment for failing to “save” the family we project our self-hate onto others and punish them instead.
    12. We “manage” the massive amount of deprivation we feel, coming from abandonment within the home, by quickly letting go of relationships that threaten our “independence” (not too close).
    13. We refuse to admit we’ve been affected by family dysfunction or that there was dysfunction in the home or that we have internalized any of the family’s destructive attitudes and behaviors.
    14. We act as if we are nothing like the dependent people who raised us.

    The Flip Side of The Other Laundry List

    1. We face and resolve our fear of people and our dread of isolation and stop intimidating others with our power and position.
    2. We realize the sanctuary we have built to protect the frightened and injured child within has become a prison and we become willing to risk moving out of isolation.
    3. With our renewed sense of self-worth and self-esteem we realize it is no longer necessary to protect ourselves by intimidating others with contempt, ridicule and anger.
    4. We accept and comfort the isolated and hurt inner child we have abandoned and disavowed and thereby end the need to act out our fears of enmeshment and abandonment with other people.
    5. Because we are whole and complete we no longer try to control others through manipulation and force and bind them to us with fear in order to avoid feeling isolated and alone.
    6. Through our in-depth inventory we discover our true identity as capable, worthwhile people. By asking to have our shortcomings removed we are freed from the burden of inferiority and grandiosity.
    7. We support and encourage others in their efforts to be assertive.
    8. We uncover, acknowledge and express our childhood fears and withdraw from emotional intoxication.
    9. We have compassion for anyone who is trapped in the “drama triangle” and is desperately searching for a way out of insanity.
    10. We accept we were traumatized in childhood and lost the ability to feel. Using the 12 Steps as a program of recovery we regain the ability to feel and remember and become whole human beings who are happy, joyous and free.
    11. In accepting we were powerless as children to “save” our family we are able to release our self-hate and to stop punishing ourselves and others for not being enough.
    12. By accepting and reuniting with the inner child we are no longer threatened by intimacy, by the fear of being engulfed or made invisible.
    13. By acknowledging the reality of family dysfunction we no longer have to act as if nothing were wrong or keep denying that we are still unconsciously reacting to childhood harm and injury.
    14. We stop denying and do something about our post-traumatic dependency on substances, people, places and things to distort and avoid reality.


    If you identify with these characteristics you might find supportive services and Adult Children of Alcoholics to be helpful resources. You can learn more at:


    You can learn more about Coach Janine McJannet at:

    @janinemcjannet on Facebook and Instagram as well as @soulsisterlounge




    Inspired Living
    enOctober 06, 2019

    Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships

    Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships
    This is a Live recording from social media with Australia's Psychologist Monique Beglinger @the_mindful_psychologist The discussion addressed Domestic Violence and characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships. To learn more about Moniques work please visit her social media pages @the_mindful_psychologist

    Connecting the Dots

    Connecting the Dots

    Dr. Horn provides examples of individuals who began to have mental health struggles due to medical reasons. However, the individuals thought it was a "phenomenon" or personal/character problem. When they sought care, they were given psychotropic medication which made the problem worse. Listen to the episode to learn more. Topics addresses: Serotonin Syndrome, Low testosterone, and vitamin D deficiencies.

    Learn the Secret to Making Dreams Come True!

    Learn the Secret to Making Dreams Come True!

    Do you have a dream, goal, hope and feel stuck? You don't know what to do, you don't have enough money, you don't have the resources, etc.? Listen to this episode to learn the secret to breaking through and making dreams come true! We address three steps: Intention, "Show Up," and Bring Value. I discuss an approach to a successful Mindset. Learn this tool to up level yourself, your potential and possibilities in your life!


    Hey Wonder Woman!

    Hey Wonder Woman!

    This is for all you Wonder Women out there who are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. It's time to heal that message that you SHOULD do it all and rewrite the message of what it really means to be a "Perfect Mom" "Perfect Woman." Hint....the word Imperfect is in there! ;)

    In this Discussion we discuss some of the "Wonder Woman" tendencies we have that develop from the messages of Shame. This includes the beliefs that we "should:"
    1). Do it ourselves!2) Don't ask for help
    3). You can't rely on others, can't trust them
    4). You are responsible for peoples feelings, behavior, and consequences.
    5) Compare yourself to Martha Stewart neighbor...etc.

    We identify the definition of Codependency and how we are motivated to control the things that are out of our control so that our own anxiety is decreased.

    Solution! Adjust those expectations, accept our Human limitations, utilize division of labor, prioritize the really important things (i.e. quality of love, relationships, time together), drop the less important things.
    Let it go if you couldn't prepare the organic meal! They ate, good enough for today! Tomorrow is a new day. But guess what!?! I may not have cooked the organic meal, made the beds, or cleaned the house....but we had reading time together, cuddled up, talked about their day and had some good mommy time. That is EXCELLENT Wonder Woman!

    Do Not Fear! Non-judgement is Here!!!

    Do Not Fear! Non-judgement is Here!!!

    Judgement is seeing life/things/people is a black and white way. We impose our own personal culture on our understanding of others.
    Learn how to understand the difference between our personal culture and the culture of others.
    Quote: We suffer from a thousand tragedies which only occur in our imagination."
    Learn tools for "judging" vs. "describing," "Criticizing" vs. "Complaining," and their relationship with being "Shame-bound vs. Shame-free" mindsets.
    One of the fruits of shame is a judgmental mindset, we criticize ourselves and others. In this podcast we learn to practice "non-judgment" and instead, practice describing. We learn the approach to self-compassion.

    Perfectly Designed! Healing Shame and our Core Beliefs.

    Perfectly Designed! Healing Shame and our Core Beliefs.

    This Podcast is for educational purposes. It is not a substitute for treatment nor *Shame is a deep sense within our soul that there is something uniquely wrong with me that is not wrong with you or anyone else in the world. Because I am not perfect and problem-free, I feel hopelessly, disgustingly different and worth less than other people. I view myself as flawed, defective, and literally, worthless.
    *Shame shapes our CoreBeliefs of who we are and how to think about the world and about our future.
    *Core Beliefs-are the very esssence of how we see ourselves, other people, the world, and the future. Once we establish a Core Belief, we will "plant it in our heart like a seed," feed it and let it grow throughout our life. We do this by gathering evidence to support that believe. In Cogntive Therapy we call it "filtering." Filtering occurs when one utilizes a "mental filter" by focusing only on negative aspects of a situation and filtering out all of the positive aspects. Therefore, our Core Beliefs become self-fulfilling prophesizes.
    *Good news! We can change it! We can transform our brains, our minds, our lives! We do this by releasing the hold of shame on our self-perception and begin to relearn who we were designed to be! We change our story!*You can learn more about your design by exploring your personality. Enneagram Model of persoanlity is highlighted.
    *You can also learn more about your nature by working with a therapist, psychologist and more.
    *Finally, if you were to "show up" and allow yourself to shine you might experience incredible and amazing things in your life! What do you have to loose? Try it! One step in front of the other and get moving!Disclaimer-
    Please note, the information offered on this Podcast is not, nor is it intended to be, therapy or psychological advice, nor does it constitute a therapist/client relationship. Please consult with a mental health provider for individual advice regarding your own personal health and wellbeing or call 1-800-950-NAMI for resources and support.

    Healthy vs. Unhealthy Shame

    Healthy vs. Unhealthy Shame

    Healthy Shame-Is the message, "When you make a mistake...you just made a mistake." It is focused on behavior, circumstances, etc. This shame is healthy for us as it helps us develop our consciousness and correct areas in our lives that need correction.
    Unhealthy Shame-Is the message, "When you make a mistake....YOU are a mistake." This is a statement of identity and has been found to be at the core of most of our emotional and behavioral difficulties. Toxic Shame's message is deceptive. We need to heal from the paralysis of shame in our lives in order to fully become the person we were designed to be....Not the person we were programed to be, but designed to be! We introduce this topic and new philosophies to help us live a masterful life. It is one thing to have the knowledge, but we also need to be equipped with tools and resources so we can apply our new understanding masterfully to our daily lives. Dr. Horn brings her expertise as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist to the listeners so they too can benefit from the wisdom of the therapy room.
    Disclaimer: The information offered on this podcast is not, nor is it intended to be, therapy or psychological advice, nor does it constitute a therapist/client relationship. please consult with a mental health provider for individual advice regarding your own personal health and wellbeing or call 1-800-950-NAMI for resources and support.