

    Welcome to the I Race Like a Girl Podcast, where a professional triathlete, Angela Naeth, and an age grouper, Amy Woods, talk about all things sport and life. We are here to educate and enlighten, but most importantly, to keep it real.
    en-usAngela Naeth100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Boston Marathon RD Dave McGillivray: Marathons, Triathlons, and Lifelong Endurance

    Boston Marathon RD Dave McGillivray: Marathons, Triathlons, and Lifelong Endurance

    Most people know Dave McGillivray as the Boston Marathon Race Director (since the late 1908s), but did you know he raced the Ironman World Championships 9 times, or that he completed the World Marathon Challenge at age 63 a few years ago, running 7 marathons in 7 days on 7 continents?  He also is inducted into 7 Hall of Fames, created the Dave McGillivray Finish Strong Foundation, and yes... he famously runs the Boston Marathon every year once the marathon is over on Marathon Monday. His accomplishments and charity work are so impressive. In this episode, we talk all things Boston, but we also talk about his triathlon days as an athlete and a race director.  And there are a couple of SURPRISE announcements in here that involve Kona and the Boston Marathon, so have a listen! 



    Ask the PT #4- with Christine Saleeba, DPT

    Ask the PT #4- with Christine Saleeba, DPT

    Our very knowledgeable friend and teammate, Christine Saleeba, is back to answer more questions about injury, recovery, and everything in between!  Topics covered in this episode:

    • Bone vs soft tissue injuries- how do you know?
    • Upstream/downstream pain
    • Mobility- Do I stretch? Do I strengthen?
    • What to do when PT isn’t working?
    • What kind of discomfort can I train through?
    • 5 things that someone could do at home to test for good functional strength and mobility 
    • When do you need surgery?
    • Massage / relaxation techniques and effectiveness 
    • Rapid fire round! 

    Fact or Fiction: Pro Triathlete Edition

    Fact or Fiction: Pro Triathlete Edition

    We go a bit "lighter" in today's episode with some "mythbusting" about pro triathletes.  How much money do pros really make from sponsorships and prize money?  What's happening at their pro race briefings before races?  How many hours a week do they train, for real? Do they like sharing the course with age groupers?  Real talk, real answers... fact or fiction: pro triathlete edition! Have a listen!

    Understanding Base vs. Build vs. Peak

    Understanding Base vs. Build vs. Peak

    Ever wonder how and why training plans are structured the way they are?  What exactly happens during the base and build and peak weeks of training?  In this episode we try to demystify the different phases of a race build.  We talk specific workouts, how long each phases lasts, and make distinctions between short and long course plans.  We also talk a little bit about the taper and why it's so varied for each athlete.  Have a listen!   

    Unlock Your Hidden Potential: Book Talk

    Unlock Your Hidden Potential: Book Talk

    Adam Grant's new book "Hidden Potential" is filled with information about how to improve and succeed, so we decided to invite you, our listeners, to read the book and send us your insights and takeaways. Whether you connected with this book as an athlete, a coach, a supervisor, a parent, or anyone that helps others perform, we appreciated your input.  And if you have not read the book, we try to summarize Adam Grant's main points and relate it to sport and life.  We think you will find this discussion honest and enlightening. Have a listen! 

    Athlete Questions from Training Camp

    Athlete Questions from Training Camp

    Last week, we wrapped up another successful I Race Like A Girl training camp in Clermont, Florida.  We asked athletes at camp to write down questions for us to answer. Their questions were great. We really loved the last one! Here are a few questions that we address in this podcast!

    • Paddles- do we really need to use them?
    • Should I sign up for an xterra or gravel tri if I don't have access to run train on trails?
    • How do I incorporate strength training into tri training?
    • Mobility and pre-hab work is so boring- how do I motivate to do it?
    • How do I improve my biking in a short amount of time? 
    • How do you balance all the data and gadgets with just "doing it" ?
    • How long do you give new nutrition brands a chance before you ditch them? 
    • What brings you the most joy as an athlete and as a coach?

    Fueled is Faster- Athlete Nutrition with Laura Moretti Reece, RD

    Fueled is Faster- Athlete Nutrition with Laura Moretti Reece, RD

    Sports Dietician Laura Moretti Reece is back to continue our discussion on fueling for athletic performance. Topics covered in this episode:

    • First signs of Red-S and underfueling
    • Bone stress injuries 
    • Unintentionally underfueling
    • Orthorexia and “clean eating”
    • Social media influencers and food 
    • Dietary trends and shifts
    • Low carbohydrate availability and fat adapted 
    • Race weight 
    • What happens to your body on a “diet” 
    • How do you know you are at your “set point”
    • Nutrition myths
    • Fueling suggestions to take into 2024 

    You can find Laura at https://www.lauramorettird.com at Boston Children's Female Athlete Initiative and at @lauramorettti.rd on instagram . 

    10 New Things to Try to Make You A Better Athlete- Part 1

    10 New Things to Try to Make You A Better Athlete- Part 1

    There's something to be said for mastering the basics when training and racing- prioritize sleep, eat well, keep your easy days easy so your hard days can be hard... we could go on and on.  We LOVE the basics!  But we also love to think outside the box and find new ways to challenge ourselves.  In this 2 part episode, we present 10 things to try to make you stronger, faster, fitter, and rethink the way you approach training and racing. The first five:

    • Shorten or lengthen your races 
    • Nutrient timing
    • Embrace the suck. Prepare for the suck. 
    • Seek out your weakness
    • Stability, balance, and plyo 

    Have a listen! 

    Celebrating our 100th and 2024!

    Celebrating our 100th and 2024!

    Happy New Year and welcome to Season 3, Episode 100 of the podcast!  What a spectcular way to kick off the year!  We share listeners' favorite episodes, our favortie episodes, and then we use those themes to look forward to help get you ready for 2024. Thank you so much for listening, sharing, commenting, and emailing us over the past 2 years of this podcast.  We are grateful for your support and we cannot wait to keep talking about sport, and life, but most importantly, to keep it real! 

    Patience- A Cornerstone of Success

    Patience- A Cornerstone of Success

    Our last episode of the year comes with a timely topic for December and for the upcoming season.  There is no success without patience.  The commitment to persistence, the belief that you will succeed with time, the acceptance to give yourself over to the process, and the dedication to keep going in a methodical, unhurried way- all of these things add up to success. This conversation helps shed light on why we try to exercise patience, and what can happen when we forget that results don't happen overnight.  Have a listen! 

    en-usDecember 19, 2023

    Listener Questions- December edition

    Listener Questions- December edition

    You ask, we attempt to answer! Your December listener questions were fantastic.  Topics covered:

    • Swim snorkel and other toys - useful or not?
    • Recovery tips for people who have trouble sleeping and those on night shift?
    • Working out on crappy sleep 
    • Tips to keep heart rate low when running
    • Breathing while running 
    • When should you take ibuprofen for soreness?
    • Can you do a 5k training block if you have an early season 70.3?
    • How Angela jumps between types of races and - gravel. MTB, ironman and manages her training 

    And don't forget two things: 1) Submit your favorite episode or moment from our past 98 podcasts so we can share it on our 100th episode!  Message us or email iracelikeagirl@gmail.com and 2) We are going to be discussing Adam Grant's new book "Hidden Potential" in January, and we would love it if you read along and sent in your ideas.  Grab the book now and stay tuned! 

    Square Peg, Round Hole

    Square Peg, Round Hole

    With so much information at our fingertips, it's often hard to resist the temptation to try the "next big thing." From monitoring HRV to intermittent fasting to lactate testing- you name it, there is someone out there on social media- a brand, a magazine, an influencer, a friend-  touting its benefits. We can be left second guessing our own training, fueling, or recovery methods.  Today's episode focuses on trying not to fit a square peg in a round hole, aka, what's good for the goose might not be good for the gander...and all of the other sayings that mean, "What works for one person, might not work for you."  Have a listen!

    Ironman Cozumel Race Recap

    Ironman Cozumel Race Recap

    The race recap from Ironman Cozumel is here!  From a broken chain ring two days before the race to a cancelled swim, Angela faced some challenges in this race.  However, she ended up 4th on the day, with the fastest female bike split. We review the hectic lead up to the race,  how the day went, Angela’s unique sewing skills, and Angela's top tips for racing Cozumel.  Have a listen! 

    Top 5 Coach/Athlete Conversation Topics

    Top 5 Coach/Athlete Conversation Topics

    In this week's podcast, we focus on the top 5 topics that coaches often revisit over and over again with their athletes. And for good reason!  These themes are the backbone of good training: reducing injury risk, aerobic zone training, fueling, hydration, and short term goals vs long term goals.  We dive into each one of them and revisit the basics of training and the way we approach training.  Also, we hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!  We are so grateful for your support of this podcast! 

    Rethinking Your Swim with Karlyn Pipes

    Rethinking Your Swim with Karlyn Pipes

    Karlyn Pipes is one of the most decorated swimmers of all time. She was also inducted into the Swimming Hall of Fame in 2015 and now helps others swim faster. However, from the ages of 15 to her mid 30s, she was consumed by an addiction to alcohol, which she tried to juggle while also being a swimming prodigy and Olympic hopeful.  In this episode we talk about her story, but we also talk all things swimming.  Some topics covered:

    • Karlyn’s story
    • The Kona swim- strategy and Lucy Charles Barclay
    • Translating Lucy’s technique to age groupers 
    • Karlyn's 3 principles of swimming
    • How to up your cadence in swimming 
    • Why your elbow drops 
    • Catch up/gallop stroke 
    • Why you scissor kick
    • Training in an Endless Pool vs lap pool
    • Transfer pool swimming to open water 
    • How to breathe 
    • 3 constrast drills



    What Should Your Off-Season Look Like?

    What Should Your Off-Season Look Like?

    Off-season is a tricky time in an athlete’s calendar year.  Intellectually, we know we need the break from high volume training for mental and physical reasons.  Emotionally, we worry about doing too little or too much; and sometimes the lack of structure can make us feel a little off-kilter.  So what should your off season look like?  The answer is… it depends!  In this episode, we give you parameters for what your off season might look like, depending on when you finished you season, how your body and mind feel, and what your goals are.  What works for one athlete mgiht not work for another, so have a listen, and then figure out what will work for you! 

    en-usNovember 06, 2023

    The Meteoric Rise of Pro Triathlete Alice Alberts

    The Meteoric Rise of Pro Triathlete Alice Alberts

    We are super excited to bring you this episode with pro triathlete Alice Alberts.  If you have not heard of Alice Alberts until this year (after her wins at Ironman Lake Placid and Ironman Maryland), you might not be alone. And that's because she took her pro card just last year in 2022, AND did her first Ironman in 2021 (and won it!).  So within the span of 2.5 years, she went from training for her first Ironman (and only second triathlon ever) to winning two Ironman races in 2023.  We talking training, racing, nutrition, living in Boston, and how Alice got so good at swimming so fast! Have a listen! 

    Life Time Grand Prix Race Series Wrap Up!

    Life Time Grand Prix Race Series Wrap Up!

    7 off-road cycling events, spanning from April to October.  70 of the top cyclists in the world.  $250,000 dollar prize purse.  The Life Time Grand Prix Series just finished up its second season, and Angela was a part of this iconic event for the second year in a row. She finished 17th place out of 30 elite women, and was the only active pro triathlete in the field.  In this episode, we recap the highs and lows, talk a bit about each course, and Angela shares her tips, tactics, and mishaps from another season of off-road racing.  Have a listen!